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23229504 No.23229504 [Reply] [Original]

Any literature that explains why most people give up when they're just about to be successful in their goals?

>> No.23229510

I give up after the first obstacle, not when I’m about to be successful. I don’t get that far.

>> No.23229532

thats a little more rational

>> No.23229539

>most people give up when they're just about to be successful in their goals?

Do you have a single fact to hack that up

>> No.23229550

Think and Grow Rich talks about temporary defeat.
>Some guy was mining for gold, investing in heavy machinery to mine ore.
>Ends up quitting and some other guy buys the machinery from him
>continues the mining operation and strikes paydirt around 10 feet away from where the original guy quit
The original guy used this as a lesson and he ended up becoming successful in other endeavors.
I didn't really do that chapter justice, but TAGR will touch on the subject you asked about, OP

>> No.23229592

Did that even actually happen? Statistically people cut their losses too late and close their profitable trades too quickly.

>> No.23229612

>Finally, they decided to QUIT. They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Some “junk” men are dumb, but not this one! He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not familiar with “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the vein would be found JUST THREE FEET FROM WHERE THE DARBYS HAD STOPPED DRILLING! That is exactly where it was found!

>Darby became one of a small group of fewer than fifty men at the time that sold more than a million dollars in life insurance annually. Darby owes this “stickability” to the lesson he learned from his “quitability” in the gold mining business.

>Before success comes in any man’s life, he is sure to meet with much temporary defeat, and, perhaps, some failure. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to QUIT. That is exactly what the majority of men do.

>> No.23229646

I know it's from the Napolean Hill book but so many stories are fake, I can't find any source other than the book itself.

>> No.23229670

I don't think Hill is a liar, so if the story is fake, I'd guess it's because whoever told Hill made it up.

>> No.23229897

I'm sure it's happened to someone.

>> No.23229942

The goals people set an follow through with are largely goals they keep personal and only talk about in vague ways to people who they are not close to because these goals are constantly evolving through their life, there are always retards about who will not see or understand the evolution and just see failure. The goals people make known are generally goals meant to fail, they are more about the process or the social, the real goal was not the end game and sometimes it is just to get a reminder that failure is not a big deal.

>> No.23229943

There is sunk cost fallacy, which is what you're talking about, but a counter-fallacy also exists as a cognitive bias that I don't know the name of because I'm a little drunk and haven't touched the literature in 5 years or so. It's probably just the Dunning-Kreuger effect where people who aren't experts don't know what lengths it takes to be an expert. It's like taking up bonsai and not realizing the youngest tree you're looking at anywhere is at least 10 years worth of training. Of course your efforts all look like shit after 8 years.

>> No.23230188

You will probably find a lot of discussion on this topic in literature about GAMBLING ADDICTS