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23228857 No.23228857 [Reply] [Original]

>reading book
>suddenly, vivid description of love
>fuck, maybe it'll be over in a few sentences
>it just keeps going
>can't skip in case of important plot or emotional beats
>just keeps going
>fills up the entire page and the next one too and even has the balls to mention how it's the best thing in the world (the only thing to live for) and the reactions of lonely people watching the couple in love
Why the FUCK is this allowed?

>> No.23228917


If it makes you feel better, love isn't actually real; it only occurs in fiction.

>> No.23229382
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>book describes the MC's intense pining for his girlfriend after they're forced apart for worldly reasons
>mfw it makes me think about my ex and our parting
I still miss her so fucking much bros, it's been a year and a half now but it still feels like I loved her yesterday

>> No.23229418

The eros of love usually does not last very long...

>> No.23229615

It is real but yes it also doesn't last. It exists spefically from 16-23 and can't occur outside that age range. You either experienced it or you didn't and either way you need to suck it up, close that chapter, and mature gracefully into the next chapter of life. Hint: seething when you read an affirmation passage about the pinnacle of the human experience that you missed out on is not graceful acceptance. Everyone misses out on something. You can't be a world class gymnast and a world class basketball player because the physiology of the elite members of both sports are incompatible. Sour grapes is for selfish ego consumed children that haven't grown up. You should be happy that such experiences do exist for the human race and even do your part to facilitate them for others in much the same way you would plant a tree for your great grandchildren to enjoy.

>> No.23229662

> It exists spefically from 16-23 and can't occur outside that age range
Why not?

>> No.23230397

Personally, I cope by seeing myself as part of a completely different species from people who experience such things. It was never even remotely a possibility in the first place, so why should I grieve for it?

>> No.23230547

Love is a trick like nostalgia

>> No.23230594

I experienced it at 26, but she was also my first girlfriend. Real life. Sustained for over a year. I also have never felt it with another since she ended the relationship. Terrible

>> No.23230733

romance is slop that is used to sell the book to women and gays.


>> No.23231751

This. Same with concepts like youth. People are just in error in supposing that these things exist for all men. Youth is for youthful experiences; lacking these mean not that you've lacked a youth, but that you've never had one. Don't mourn for what was never even a possibility.

Of course it's still a pity to be alive, to be born. But then so what. We'll die one day, hopefully soon. I'm so tired of this bs though.

>> No.23231763

people still fall in love after this point, that's why affairs are so exciting. they feel like kids again

otherwise i know what you mean. i had lots of cute relationships that meant so much, and then "suddenly" when i was closer to 30 i was dead inside. we'd both done it all before

>> No.23231778
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This. You will likely not experience the ecstasy of erotic union that is full enraptured with passion after the age of 25. The key to levelling up your human experience is to recognise this truth and to discern the love game for the master trick that it is. It is an illusion- always was, and the spiritually and philosophically uninitiated will spend the rest of their mortal lives contriving hopelessly to recreate the dopamine and central nervous system hijacking that their 23 year old self was deceived by. Your desire for love is only an expression of your latent desire for union with the divine Absolute which we will all get to enjoy once we all awake from this dream.

>> No.23231801

Honey-moon phase "love" between two people who bounce off each other with great chemistry and happen to find each other sexually attractive is the most meaningful experience that exists in life, but beyond this phase when a couple have gotten used to each other and learned of the secret behind the initial magic that is nothing but hormonal self-delusion, love becomes a forced larp between two people who have agreed to play the part of man and wife. Id much rather have solitude and freedom to explore the first exciting part of the love relationship multiple times and have it die off as the illusion it is, than be stuck in the monogamic dreadfulness of long-term commitment. I see love as nothing but a short lived lure that our minds use to make us procreate.

>> No.23231813
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Suggest some incel books. I need to identify myself somehow.

>> No.23231822

you better get a new girlfriend ASAP unless you want a fear of intimacy for the rest of your life you stupid retard

>> No.23232005

>t. manwhore

>> No.23232049

Swann in Love

>> No.23233615

Wisdom of an enlightened sage. Our hormones play us for fools. The only way to beat the game is not to play it, or as anon suggests, continuously seek that initial ecstasy of honeymoon phase magic. The older we get though and the more times we experience the hookup-breakup cycle the more we become insensitive to it all so in all likelihood celibacy is the only path to true happiness.

>> No.23233665

For The Absolute!!!!!!