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23228624 No.23228624 [Reply] [Original]

Based edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23220688

>> No.23228633
File: 21 KB, 494x487, 304950177_407267674886946_6681812968850220046_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when your country loses its major publishing giant and it's been shit ever since
We suffer, Croat bros.

>> No.23228634

I refuse to read anything by Philip k dick because he was insane. He believed that a little time travelling girl came to his house and told him all the short stories he wrote as alternate possible futures.

>> No.23228639

>fat ugly balding piece of human shit
>can't stand to see my reflection for even 2 seconds let alone live with myself
>might be an hero when my grandmother eventually dies so she doesn't get sad about me
Fantasy for this feel?

>> No.23228641
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Read beyond apollo

>> No.23228642

I wish I was a schizo and had dreams and delusions to base my writing on. Might have to take drugs but I get hardcore anxiety even smoking pot so probably not a good idea.

>> No.23228657

Just self publish

>> No.23228659

I can't find Stepford Wives anywhere. Can anyone drop me a link?

>> No.23228669

it's on irc

>> No.23228673

Welcome to the club.

>> No.23228678

Just stop eating, you might be surprised at how big a difference it makes. And if not you'll be closer to dead like you wanted anyways lol.

>> No.23228696
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>> No.23228712
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>> No.23228725
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Cyber Mage, Djinn #3* - Saad Z. Hossain (2021)
*publication order

Cyber Mage is an interquel that takes place between Djinn City and The Gurkha and the Lord of Tuesday. As such it contains spoilers for the former and explains how the conditions of the latter came to be. Although the four books are allegedly standalone, I wouldn't advise starting with this one. None of the characters from Djinn City play a prominent role in terms of page count, though it does tell you what happened to most of them. All of this happens in and around Dhaka, Bangladesh, at the end of the 21st century. The exact dating of the series is unclear due to in-text contradictions in and between books.

As the About The Author says, "Saad Z. Hossain writes in a niche genre of fantasy, science fiction, and black comedy with an action-adventure twist". That's accurate, though for this book in particular, unlike the others, there's a lot of cringe comedy. There's too much for my preference, though his usual humor is present as well.

Marzuk Dotrozi Khan Rhaman is an infamous 15 year hacker savant known online as the Cyber Mage. He's notorious for some of the most daring and skillful hacks ever perpetuated and is a founding member of the most secretive and elite hacker collective. Less known are his ties to organized crime. His gaming identity in the VRMMORPG Final Fantasy 9000 is equally well known for griefing and innovation.

Marzuk has three severe weaknesses, his physical condition, his social skills, and attractive girls. Although he dropped out of school long ago due to having far surpassed any need for formal education, he decides to join high school to spend more time with his crush. Truly there is no other institution that is more treacherous or dangerous. If that weren't enough, a mysterious entity is contacting him in his dreams. Yes, Marzuk is as cringe as he seems, if not more so.

Akramon Djibrel is a golem forged from a corpse through dragonfire and djinn magic. At the behest of his djinn patron, he beheads any and all in pursuit of his quarry. He keeps the heads to interrogate and torture them, as he's able to keep them alive for a couple weeks. He's become something of a viral sensation to watch on livestreams, with Marzuk being especially interested.

As for the plot, a certain djinn has plans for humanity again. This time he's sure it'll work and all the humans will do what he wants and all the other djinn will respect him again. All that stands in his way are the djinn that have grievances against him and feel that they may as well oppose him with their allies.

If this were a bit worse I'd round it down. Marzuk is too much of a extremely online/hacker/gamer/edgelord caricature to read without grimacing. The VRMMORPG parts were overly much, especially when there was play-by-play commentating. It was certainly something different than the usual. Overall there's more that I enjoyed a lot than what I disliked.

Rating: 3.5/5 (4)

>> No.23228734

Doesn't this violate your Kindle Unlimited exclusivity?

>> No.23228810
File: 891 KB, 917x783, image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just an extract of the first 2 chapters, basically what's in the Amazon free sample already but in a wider/nicer format for the eyes

>> No.23228839

re: The Forgotten Beasts of Eld vs. The King of Elfland's Daughter
Eld, while clearly a conventional fairy tale, feels more plausible and grounded in real human measures of experience. Sure there are dragons that hoard gold and wizards that can summon mystical beings from across the planes, but the world feels functional, filled with human beings who experience human problems and human emotions and who constitute actual characters.
Elfland, while also a fairy-tale, puts character so far down on the list of priorities that it does not even once describe anyone's - or even anything's - appearance, because nothing in the world actually matters; it is all dross meant to fluff up the story. The events that happen in Elfland's Daughter are of utmost importance, to the detriment of all else. The characters are not real, they themselves are 1-dimensional macguffins which are necessary to move the plot along, which happens almost without input by them but merely by authorial fiat; it is almost by accident that the plot happens at all, at least that's the impression I got out of it when reading it (much less so The Charwoman's Shadow, which is strictly superior to Elfland's Daughter despite having many of the same attributes). It is infinitely more shallow than, say, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, and that's a cartoon. People back then really only liked Elfland for the flowery language, and people these days only really like it because H.P. Lovecraft said positive things about Lord Dunsany (though he hated this particular novel).

>> No.23228844

isn't that screenshot nicked from Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings?

>> No.23228846
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Really it's more of a loss because they were a massive translator group. It basically fucked over a ton of people who don't understand English. They had some dope as fuck production values because it was done in-house.

>> No.23228861

So let people learn English. Why the fuck would anyone read lotr in any other language than English?

>> No.23228866


>> No.23228874

Good post, but I disagree that people only enjoy Elfland for its prose. The atmosphere and imagery that Dunsany creates is second-to-none and the most beautiful out of any fantasy novel I have except for maybe Titus Alone/Gormemghast but that is much more sombre.
I've heard both Dunsany and Peake described as painting landscapes with words, and I agree as vague as that is. The value of Elfland is not in the characters you're correct but in the atmosphere and wistful/dreamlike mood that it can create.

>> No.23228893

That's it exactly, just one of several early mockups I did when brainstorming cover ideas. I didn't like how any of the "guy on horse" variants turned out in the end though, but I still dig that image.

>> No.23228906


>> No.23228914

nta, but he wants the one written by Peter Straub, which isn't on there.

>> No.23228920

>The atmosphere and imagery that Dunsany creates is second-to-none
>painting landscapes with words
>The value of Elfland is not in the characters you're correct but in the atmosphere and wistful/dreamlike mood that it can create.
I find Dunsany to have a total contempt for physical and material description. He only describes feelings, the sensuality of a scene but not the sensation itself - he is a literary impressionist. You're right that he paints landscapes with words, in the sense that he uses vague aphorisms like "the fields we know" - which in a post-hoc poetic sense, can be beautifully rendered as "this side of the otherworld" or a nostalgic reference to home, but in its narrative sense is literally just asking the reader to overlook the lack of description, to fill in the blanks with whatever they damn well please. While there is much to admire in such poetry, I find it lacks the critical motivation and meaning that moves literary efforts like fairy tales from mere dreams into truth.

>> No.23228926


>> No.23228939

What sucks about reading books on a regular basis that are around 150 pages or so is that when you read books later that are 300+ pages you start noticing most authors use plenty of padding to reach that page count.
It's gay that people have been conditioned to believe higher page count = more worth.

>> No.23228941

It's not any different than anything else. Quantity has won out over quality for basically any form of entertainment.

>> No.23228947

No such book exists.

>> No.23228949

Thoughts on Elric and Moorcock in general, overrated, underrated, underread? I think it's one of those classics that everyone should at least read if you're into sword and sorcery or modern fantasy but I feel like it has trouble clicking and connecting to a lot of modern readers.

>> No.23228953

I find this is only ever a problem in series, particularly ones with books that range much above 400-500 pages. I've read some thick fucking books before, fat 800-page standalone paperback novels, without I think a hint of overstaying its welcome, but almost every time I encounter some fantasy series with three or four or a half dozen - or God forbid, a baker's dozen like WoT - entries, I find that you could easily chop a third or even a half off of the page count.
For example, late last year I read Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone; 4 books equalling about 2600 pages or thereabouts. That series would have lost nothing - in fact it might have GAINED - from being cut down to about 1500 pages, or a little less than 400 pages per novel.
There are exceptions as always of course, but I think this is a fairly accurate perspective.

>> No.23228956

>Elric Melanin-Boner, written by Michael Moor-Cock
it's as faggy as you'd expect

>> No.23228991

I have this word in my language too but it isn't nearly as majestic as the Slavic meaning, so it just sounds really funny.

>> No.23229020

Moorcock's like Cherryh for me where they're obviously good but I just can't get on with their writing for some reason.

>> No.23229038

Unless you speak a slavic language, this word is a linguistic barbarism.

>> No.23229044

I only read the first book precisely because I heard it's a classic etc etc but I found it underwhelming and not because of the tropes or whatever but because the writing was uneven and the characters mostly uninteresting and very little developed. The concepts were cool but I didn't find them impactful. Then again, I only read one book and have no desire to read the rest, so I might be missing something big along the way, who knows.

>> No.23229057

Who are some truly great prose writers in fantasy and sci-fi?

>> No.23229081

Gene Wolfe

>> No.23229096

Love me some Wolfe. Any others?

>> No.23229114

Idk anyone else, sci fi and fantasy is mostly about communicating ideas and concepts, people read and write them not for prose which is a shame. Most authors of the genre just write very matter-of-factly which is boring imo. Gene Wolfe is an exception.

>> No.23229131

and this is why you are a pleb and will never understand the true nature of man and its wonders.

>> No.23229134

I don't want to, it scares me

>> No.23229157

I really like Cherryh's writing style, but I always feel hugely letdown by the way she writes conclusions to her stories, they are never wholly satisfying, if at all.

>> No.23229161

John Crowley
Marvyn Peake
R A Lafferty
A A Attanasio
Poul Anderson

>> No.23229179

John Crowley
Barry Hughart
Jack Vance

>> No.23229191

Clark Ashton Smith too

>> No.23229215

I assume most ESL people read in their native language. No translations is a real obstacle.

>> No.23229217

I don't want to look through literally 1000 files for a recommendation; what are the essentials in terms of science fiction? I've read
>Ender's Game
A slog
Literally did not understand what was happening 50% of the time

>> No.23229219

Guy Gavriel Kay

>> No.23229224

Taking a break from reading certain fields of study, I am entering the field of sci-fi (space) horror. Just finished Death Troopers, and immensely enjoyed it. Any other books that fit this niche, as Dead Space is one of my favorite games of all time.

>> No.23229302

your """reviews""" are SHIT. fuck off

>> No.23229315

Which Zelazny book is the weirdest setting wise?

>> No.23229326


>> No.23229337

Is there any free source?

>> No.23229340

Never read Elric. I only read his Corum series, which constantly jumps in quality between "meh" and "nice". I can't say that they were bad, just some of those were about nothing.

>> No.23229344

Been reading Malazan the last couple of months. Halfway into book 3 and not enjoying the series at all. Just too many anime power levels and copy/paste characters.

Thinking of taking a break and starting The Prince of Nothing. Bakker fans, shill me. What can I expect?

>> No.23229349

To follow up, I loved BOTNS and didn’t care for the first law

>> No.23229360
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You can expect Waco meets the Crusade. If you like philosophy, cults, and deconstruction of the fantasy genre then go for it.

>> No.23229363

Only to retards who have no idea what philosophy actually is and who are easily impressed by ideas slightly more abstract for the average middle schooler

>> No.23229381

There's too many books to read, bros.
I'm not gonna make it.

>> No.23229383

sure. this is a fantasy book though not Camus or Nietzsche. Why would it ever go nearly as deep as the average actual philosophy text? The fact it doesn't go extremely hard into it is a plus.

>> No.23229387
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Sorry lads but i'm going to have to drop Discworld.
I'm sure the story is great for those into the style of these novels but they are not to my taste at all.

>> No.23229392

reminder: malazan is dog shit, dont read it.

>> No.23229396


>> No.23229403


>> No.23229408

What's your favorite sci fi book?

>> No.23229429

Why are you saying this in such tone like this is a bad thing?

>> No.23229497

Contrary to popular belief, Dick didn't go crazy from psychedelics or anything like that, it was actually from overdosing vitamin A. Gives you crazy dreams I tried it once and was rambling and praying to St. Stephan in Latin in my sleep, woke up with night sweats and a headache, don't really recommend it.

>> No.23229511

I'm not a Bakker fan, so

- Really great pseudo-realistic worldbuilding, on pair with George Martin.

- Bakker is a weak storyteller with watered down narration.

>> No.23229534

That is free. Yes, it has a paid option, but just ignore that

>> No.23229535

It is free, select one of the slow downloads

>> No.23229558

There are Dead Space novel (Dead Space: Martyr is even condidered good).

Greg Bear - Hull Zero Three

Richard Paul Russo - Ship of Fools

David Wellington - The Last Astronaut

S.A. Barnes - Dead Silence

>> No.23229626

Big worm cool.

>> No.23229744


>> No.23229790

Dune worm too big. Tremors worm good.

>> No.23229795
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>> No.23229797

Hey can anyone rec a scifi book for someone who was catfished and suched on the benis by a gay man?

I've already read the book of the new sun series.

>> No.23229804

did you enjoy it?

>> No.23229814

Lots of hot sweaty oily muscled manly gay rape if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.23229815
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That size makes Dune's sandworms an impersonal force like a tsunami. Graboids are more interesting because you can do more with something near to human sized, they can fit in more places, the characters can actually interact with them.

>> No.23229828

>tfw AA is dead

>> No.23229849
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I marked the page every time Frank Herbert was a Pervert.

>> No.23229858


>> No.23229860

Least perverted fiction writer from his generation.

>> No.23229864

Honestly he is pretty bad. GRRM is also sometimes really perverted, and I know Gene Wolfe is as well, but I haven't read his stuff yet.

I refuse to read Steven Kings, know how weird he is with the children in his books (heard about a certain scene in IT)

But I got inspired by Alt Shift X's weirdo about how weird dune is.

>> No.23229876

Malazan but with more kid fucking

>> No.23229880

I hope you're not counting the times where he was talking about Harkonnen and Feyd being gross because they're sensuous sadistic sickos and this is portrayed as a bad thing
If you ignore that there's like 3 horny scenes in Dune, at most

>> No.23229885
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No, I didn't really count those, I mostly counted the things that pulled me out of the story.

Like Leto II saying he should make / grow a huge cock, so people stop looking at him questioning.

>> No.23229904

Big anything is cool, to be honest. Big worm, yes, but what about big whale?

>> No.23229955

Big tiddies

>> No.23229964

Thanks, m8. Just downloaded all these. Excited to dive in

>> No.23229976
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Can you give me a brief review of picrel?

>> No.23229979


>> No.23229985 [DELETED] 
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>Big tiddies
They do be missing in contemporary sci-fi, not sure about fantasy.
What happened to BDOs (Big Dumb Objects) in sci-fi?
Where are Niven's rings or Clarks Monoliths?

>look at tags
It's horrible.

>> No.23229999

is there any sci fi about a far future civilization on a distant planet that once was part of a great galactic civilization that has long since perished, regressing the civilization to a dark age, where religion and ritual has turned ancient technology arcane and sacred and as they've long lost their meaning through time?

>> No.23230005

possibly one of the most trite and overused premises in SF-fantasy fiction, so it shouldn't be that difficult to trip over one on your search for reading material

>> No.23230008
File: 375 KB, 1280x2048, GJeR9qSbEAA9khH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most delayed book of all time available for October 1st preorder as of this week. Idpol whiners in the comments.


>> No.23230011

I can assure you that big tits are going strong in alternate history. I recently read "Misallocation in the 3rd 5 year plan and Stalin's huge knockers: Yezhov tit inflation / correctly pricing GuLag labour for maximal output."

We need not talk about Winston.

>> No.23230013

can you give any examples?

>> No.23230029
File: 182 KB, 1080x1350, 1640509456387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Off the top of my head:
A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter Miller (not a distant planet but Earth itself);
Elder Race by Adrian Tchaikovsky (right up your ally);
and someone mentioned a "space vikings in spaceeeee" novel with interplanetary society regressing both technologically as well as socially.
You can dig it up in archives.

Are you trying to ruse me comrade?

>> No.23230041
File: 144 KB, 817x1280, IMG_20220629_221331_412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it .
It's actually called Space Viking by H. Beam Piper.
"Civilization had collapsed, presumably due to the war; many of the planets had regressed to varying stages of semi-barbarism. Taking advantage of the situation, "Space Vikings" (reminiscent of Norse Vikings) proceeded to raid the poorly defended Federation worlds over the next three hundred years for loot."
The premise is kinda retarded, but it might be a fun read.

>> No.23230052

thanks, i'll take a look at these. dying earth and book of the new sun really closely captured what i'm looking for, but i want more of a galactic death than a global death

>> No.23230057

I'm (
currently running another "choose what I read". All you have to do for this initial one is to post four words in the A Game of Luck thread in the /sffg/ Goodreads group. Someone will win and choose something that I will read and write about in April. Assuming sufficient participation this will continue on a monthly basis for rest of the year.

>> No.23230081
File: 50 KB, 300x409, Winstona Churchill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you trying to ruse me comrade?
Well, let's use my ruse to get at the heart of why big tits are fading out of fantasy. If we imagine fantasy as the permutation of the current era's psycho-sexual symbolic issues projected onto an imaginary past, then obviously with the transformation from Conan masculinity to 2hu, tit sizes have shrunk. Obviously men are into asses now. Fantasy hasn't outgrown the limits of the majority psycho-sexual terrain because it is catering, and strong-female-hero is as badly stereotyped a power-fulfillment fantasy as Conan.

Regarding the bastard child of spec-fic: alternate history, I'm obviously attacking the reaction this thread would have to alternate history "Oh man in the high castle is cool!" by going for a hard terrain restricted economist alt-hist that fixates on the limited capacity of Stalin or Yezhov to alter wage allocation in the GuLag wage labour camp system. Alternate history seems to "clear" itself because in its soft form it is nazi handjobs, and in its hard form it requires a background in theories of historiography, causation, systems analysis, and the limits of bureaucratic control to be enjoyable.

Ivan son of Denis, today there is beans in porridge, we are not even liquidating. You will be guessing today it was a good day.

Let's go back to the tits though: why has men's fixation on women's cultural display of secondary sexual characteristics actually changed in the interior sexual world that allows Fantasy to exist? I'd argue that instead of seeking "The Mother" to shove her chest cocks down your throat and fill you with cum/love, that Men are in fact regaining the idea of an independently generated position where a woman is to be bred, thus requiring a fat ass. Men actually lack this independence, but it is now their fantasy because they lack a socially authorised position, and thus are imagining an independent one where they regenerate the world from scratch as normality. In comparison Conan likes big tits because he's actually seeking a mother to fill his belly / state machine to fill his belly with cum. You or I don't need a woman with cocks for tits: we need a near peer aware of her desire to be subordinated sexually but economically treated as if almost a real human being. New fantasy of man-woman relations, ass not tits.

Now stop thinking about sucking Winston Churchill's breast cocks.

>> No.23230107

The entire Black Library of Warhammer 40,000, for starters.

>> No.23230110

>enjoying book
>random segment about how everyone is homophobic without anyone bringing it up or any gay characters in the first place
>never mentioned again
I hate virtue signaling

>> No.23230124

i want something written from the perspective of people living in that regressed society, like BotNS, i love shit like that

>> No.23230130
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Well those kind of novels are a lot harder to find, compared to your novels about localized apocalypses. While I have encountered a few titles, I really can't remember them right now.
Asimov's Foundation has the whole rebuilding civilization theme, if you are into older works.

This reads like a women wrote it.

Yeah but the WH40k is not sci-fi.

Many such cases.

>> No.23230142

By "living in" do you mean "exclusively civilian/peasant"? Because almost all warhams books are written from the perspective of the people involved in the grimdark Dark Age of Humanity of the 41st millennium without any sort of metaknowledge of what came before or could possibly come after (Eldar Harlequins excepted), it's just that they're all military.

>> No.23230146
File: 490 KB, 2491x891, dyingearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides these in pic I found some other books in similar vain recently that I want to dive into but have not read yet.
Divine Endurance
Soldiers of Paradise
Child of the River

>> No.23230150

Station Eleven by Margaret Atwood.
Not sure how pozzed it is.

>> No.23230151

So read Flashman / Aubrey/Maturin where sexual and gender non-conformance signalling is used really really well. And they don't bring up gay characters in the first place.

Well I was channeling Butler, so whether that counts as woman, I guess, is Gender Trouble. Also women wouldn't bother going out and finding a picture of someone who looks like a bad transvestite Winston Churchill in order to try to shove their cock down your throat. Learn to read coital signalling.

>> No.23230155
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>WH40k is not sci-fi.
astoundingly stupid post
>boobs are gay because men suck on them like penises
astoundingly gay and african-american post (but I repeat myself)

captcha: K00PA

>> No.23230158

*huge* boobs. Sucking on small breasts is perfectly straight, just incestuous.

>> No.23230165

It's by Emily St. John Mandel. If you use the word pozzed then the answer almost always will be that it's too much for you.

>> No.23230170
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, 372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like I said, a very gay and black post

>> No.23230182

>go to Interliber
>50% of the books are in English
And the boomers still ask why the kids use English words for anything serious. The foreigners infesting us will have no problem integrating once we switch to English by ourselves. Soon enough, the Croatian language will be facultative and English will be the primary language taught in school.

>> No.23230193

The most blessed shelf on this site. I just don't see the Book of the Short Sun there.
How's Songs of Dying Earth?

>> No.23230196

I take it that your reliance on ad hominem means you concede my points to be argumentatively and factually correct?

>> No.23230198

Is this the elder scrolls mod book?

>> No.23230223
File: 131 KB, 768x1024, fash8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not an ad hominem to call you a fag when the first thing that comes to mind when you see a pair of big luscious boobies is cumming cocks.

>> No.23230234

You really need to read more about how people work sexually. I'd suggest starting with Klaus Thewelleit's _Mannerphantasien_

>> No.23230253

I've heard good things about Gideon the Ninth. Should I give it a read folks?

>> No.23230288

Only the first book.

>> No.23230295

Post your top 5 “science fiction” novels of the century so far

For me it’s:

1. Ra by qntm
2. Blindsight by Peter Watts
3. Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
4. And Shall Machines Surrender? by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
5. Neuropath by R.S. Bakker

Honorables: There Is No Antimemetics Division by qntm, Freeze Frame Revolution by Watts, The Three Body Problem, Horus Heresy - Siege of Terra: Echoes of Eternity by Aaron Dembski-Bowden Halo: First Strike by Eric Nylund, Mechwarrior Dark Age (tm): A Call To Arms by Loren Coleman.

>> No.23230305

If I wanted gay european pedophiles to tell me I'm wrong for liking big tits, I'd read Michel Foucault.

>> No.23230317

When did read that, why did you read it, and have you read anything else from that author?

>> No.23230324

>If I wanted gay european pedophiles to tell me I'm wrong for liking big tits, I'd read Michel Foucault.
Theweleit wasn't a pedophile. Oh you mean the Nazis he was writing about. Fair enough. Foucault was at least pro-worker. But working class sexualities are less hystericised than nazi ones, so less interesting.

>> No.23230346

In no particular order
Persopolis Rising
Generation Ship
These Burning Stars

I need to reconsider my ratings in general. Questionably SF aren't included in the above

>> No.23230354

the combined version of short sun is to the far right didn't get it in pic. Song of dying earth was good, better than expected.

>> No.23230373

>Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood
I actually just finished this. Was good but I'm surprised you view it so highly. We don't get hardly any dystopian stuff until the last 3rd of the book and it's mainly just the mc whining about his boring everyday life in the past.

>> No.23230377

Why only the first?

>> No.23230403

The time traveling little girl is a better author than PKD considering all the long novels except electric sheep is ass. Short story schizo girl is goated.

>> No.23230412
File: 1.02 MB, 1701x1274, 15542711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered the first two books of Hyperion. What am i in for? I also haven't read a book in 20 years.

>> No.23230419

Because they are very different and no longer were what I prefer to read. If you want more details let me know.

>> No.23230420

Only people who have seen the Wizard of Oz will get this book

>> No.23230425

Who knows? Many think its among the best of SF and some others believe it to be extremely overrated. You'll find out what they mean for you soon enough.

>> No.23230427

Discworld is for (pre)teens. It seems reddit-tier now. The series aged very poorly... Or so did I.
If you've read the obligatory reading in primary and secondary school, you'll be fine. If you don't know who John Keats was, well...

>> No.23230441

Idk, do you like reading? Do you like scifi?

If yes, you will probably like the first and like the 2nd either a lot less or just as much.
I had an entire detailed reply typed out but I erased it because I'd rather gate keep than spoon feed if your too lazy to look through the mega.

>> No.23230446

Finished my re-read of The Eye of the World. Enjoyed it but very slow moving in parts. One thing I'm wondering does The Dark One get any depth added to him or is he just a Sauron knockoff? That's the impression I got from him on my re-read. I guess it'll be interesting if he's revealed to be a former Dragon who got corrupted and existed outside of time and space but I'm probably way off.

>> No.23230456

The last books i read were the goosebumps books by rl stine, and i did enjoy reading back then. Not sure why i took such a long break from reading, but i'm at the point in my life where i would like to pick it back up. Fantasy and Sci fi are probably the two genres i enjoy the most, since they get the most out of my imagination.

>> No.23230527

Discworld is very specifically for people from about 12-17 - about the age you start finding Monty Python funny but before you become an actual redditor who thinks Big Bang Theory is funny

>> No.23230583

Sure, I'd appreciate more details.

>> No.23230610

The first two have various issues because I didn't know how I wanted to write them or formatting I wanted to use. They're somewhat revised on Goodreads. I lowered my rating to 4 stars for the first book after reading the others. The short fiction in this setting isn't included here.

>> No.23230691
File: 201 KB, 1000x563, based ai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any novels where the protagonist is an AI?
bonus points for deconstruction of human customs as well as interesting writing style or devices
extra points for realistic portrayal of destruction of humanity by an AI
(I still cringe from watching Age of Ultron)

>> No.23230727
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Same thing is happening to every small language, and to some extent the larger European ones plus Japanese. Effective communication distance is zero with the internet, so they will all mix together eventually. Its a great loss and will only grow moreso. Ironically posted in English.
>Col. Knox4 says 1⁄8 of the world's population speaks 'English', and that is the biggest language group. If true, damn shame – say I. May the curse of Babel strike all their tongues till they can only say 'baa baa'. It would mean much the same. I think I shall have to refuse to speak anything but Old Mercian.

>> No.23230743

GRRM got worse when he found out he is known for it, the later books are much hornier and detailed though the first still is of course. Gene Wolfe sexuality never felt horny or out of place. King is an awful writer so I couldn't say, but I would rather weird horniness over uninspired slop.

>> No.23230769
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>Liking cowtits or nigger asses
Gay, flat is life

>> No.23230775

>A harem of sterile boys with cunts
You chose well.

>> No.23230776

First is great, one of the best. Its a sci-fi Canterbury Tales and its wonderful. Second is still good but not as good, worth it for the halfway ending it gives

>> No.23230785

Strawman, a woman can be flat and bear children all the same

>> No.23230787

She won't stay flat.

>> No.23230793

If you haven't read Murderbot it's worth checking out, start with All Systems Red

>> No.23230794

Relatively still

>> No.23230810

I was earlier, of course, talking about the social reality of ass over tits, not about proper moral conduct.

>> No.23230821
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What industry would Kellhus be in during modern times? Politics? Marketing? Or maybe some Illuminati-like organization that controls the world behind the curtain?

>> No.23230839

>And they don't bring up gay characters in the first place.
The very first Aubrey/Maturin book has sodomy as the inciting incident

>> No.23230841
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For you

>> No.23230847

The better question is why didnt he invent a machine gun?

>> No.23230857

>The very first Aubrey/Maturin book has sodomy as the inciting incident
Playing footsie during a recital your girlfriend (by cuckoldry with the port admiral's wife) is giving with an Irishman isn't particularly sodomistic.

>> No.23230932
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Awesome cover

>> No.23231012

I've been trying to find this story for a while. It might be lovecraft, I think it was a short story.
The main character gets some kind of cursed book from a bookstore. I think the guy who gives him the book is some kind of little humanoid alien who may have been previously cused. I think the book might displace him in time and somehow he becomes aware of the ancient gods. I know it's vague, but is any of this ringing any bells?

>> No.23231047


>> No.23231056
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Favorite Verne story?

>> No.23231058

this is a nice suggestion. thanks. I'll give the first chapter a read.
however, I want to avoid arcs where the machine becomes "more human".

>> No.23231149

I think that's Ubbo-Sathla by Clark Ashton Smith. You have some details confused, it's not a cursed book, it's a crystal, but an ancient book features prominently.

>> No.23231176
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I started reading this on the plane yesterday, what do I think about it?

>> No.23231178


>> No.23231193
File: 165 KB, 245x405, image_2024-03-28_223644214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read the Black Company

>> No.23231199
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you guys ready?

>> No.23231207
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Around the World in 80 Days and it's not even close

>> No.23231241
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i actually could not finish the city & the city. what the fuck, man? the more i read recommendations, the more i realize i am right and everyone else('s tastes are) wrong.

>> No.23231258

and i don't think i'm going to finish snow crash either. the endless satirical exposition isn't doing anything for me. if it were woven in more naturally i'd have enjoyed it

>> No.23231265

It makes more sense reading it as a close satire of Neuromancer.

>> No.23231291

>gay cover
>gay title
You thought it was gay.

>> No.23231293

FUCK he's bad

>> No.23231314
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Should I take the Bolopill?

>> No.23231353

Compare these covers to this tradpubslop cover >>23231176.

>> No.23231436

What's a fantasy and/or scifi series that would appeal to a racist misogynist that enjoys imperialism/colonialism, some mild cooming?

>> No.23231439

Is this related to the Bolo tank game for macs? I played that in middle school. There were 'keep kids off the street' nights at school and us nerds would all load up Bolo in the computer lab. Great game.

>> No.23231476

Related to Enderal, yes. I'm not sure if it's an expanded novelization, adaptation, or whatever.

>> No.23231480
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>> No.23231499
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>>50% of the books are in English
Are they still cheaper? Years and years ago when Algoritam was strong you could get the same books in English for at least half the price if not less. That's how I snagged some neat shit.

>> No.23231506

Did you like other Mieville books?

>> No.23231508
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Yes, I'm writing a novel with that exact premise, but it's Earth after a failed rebellion against AI that fucked off into space. The survivors regressed to technophobic agrarian living and regard electrical engineering as forbidden sorcery. WIP here:


>> No.23231510

would have recommended 40k until the last bit

>> No.23231512

bro... did you just reply to your own post? kinda based

>> No.23231515

haven't tried any, but my issue was his writing. his characters. my backlog is too large to consider trying him again any time soon.

>> No.23231519

black company

>> No.23231545

What kind of pervert am I if nothing in Dune or ASoIaF felt perverted for me? I think you're taking it too seriously and trying to find weird sexual ideas where there's just humor or weirdness as itself. Only Bakker felt somewhat perverted, but not out of place still, the perversion serves the theme. I'd say a scene is perverted out of place if it's not humor, has a particular fixation, fetishistic. Although as a hobby writer I'd say any fiction is "perverted", but not in particular scenes but in the entire theme since writers are weirdos and sex is important to any fiction. Weird sex thoughts to weird sex conception to weird world conception to weird fiction.

>> No.23231570

either people went all puritan or you've been spending too much time on this site

>> No.23231573

I believe it's both. People are mad about tomboys existing nowadays.

>> No.23231576

if you want to lick tomboy abs, you are a faggot

>> No.23231589

Anon, it's ok to like chubby girls, but you shouldn't be so mad at people who like them fit

>> No.23231628

should I read ringworld? or is it just a reskinned version of halo?

>> No.23231651

First one was good - started the second and never finished it.

>> No.23231654

What is the deal with Piers Anthony's Xanth series?
I heard some very weird takes and memes about it. How cursed is it?

>> No.23231659

aye then I shall read the first
second shall be avoided

>> No.23231660

>every request I've put into /sffg/ I have come up empty-handed because the thing doesn't exist yet
In a better world, I should have been a writer.

>> No.23231664

just start

>> No.23231666

>Horus Heresy - Siege of Terra: Echoes of Eternity
weak bait

>> No.23231667

i assume you're wrong

>> No.23231669

>no more mention of Bakker
When did the bakker/prince of nothing spam end?

>> No.23231670

Hes reading Sanderson now.

>> No.23231695

who doesn't read sanderson?

>> No.23231725
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I mean, you're not wrong, sometimes the inclusion of sexualised themes fit the dialog or the thought. I just think it's interesting to show how many times the book mentions something perverted.

/sffg/ likes to prevent they don't

>> No.23231735

Far less people have read any given author, no matter how popular, than you'd think based on your post.

>> No.23231737
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Fantasy and sci-fi Good

>The Murderbot Diaries
>Melody of Mana
>The Dragon Riders of Pern
>Warlock of The Magus World
>12 Miles Below
>There Are Superheroes In This Story
>A Neets Guide To Becoming A God
>The Reality Dysfunction
>What We Do To Survive
>A Practical Guide To Sorcery
>Healer of Monsters
>I Am Not Chaotic Evil
>Violent Solutions

Lit-RPG Good

>The Nailmaker
>Cinnamon Bun
>Book of The Dead
>The Tutorial Is Too Hard
>The Reincarnation of Alysara
>Dawn of The Void
>Hell Difficulty Tutorial
>Age of Stone
>As Good as Dead
>The Warlord
>The Mana Influx
>Red Mage

>> No.23231750

I don't know about their prices. I'm not even considering buying foreign books. I pirate all books and audiobooks in English.

>> No.23231766

I don't. Only completely read Mistborn. I didn't read more than one Abercrombie book either. There's plenty of words written by better authors to read twice or thrice.

>> No.23231795

>As a result they no longer have the desire to hope for hits and want more likely hits, such as whatever the top thing on social media is, usually TikTok.
Are you saying book-shilling is big and effective on TikTok?
>A lot of it is identity politics, that can't be helped due to the demographics of those in the publishing industry now. That may be starting to relent though based on the what I've seen and read about though. However, it's also about sales. If female authors writing for a female audience sell much more than male authors for a male audience that's what will be published. I wouldn't bet for identity politics winning against profits in the end.
If the idpol does relent it'll take a few years. To that end, traditional publishers would care if you had written a successful webnovel, right? It seems to me like a good plan for present day writer would be to try to gain momentum online, and if he finds success but not as much as he'd like, try to leverage that into a deal with a traditional publisher in a few years' time when hopefully the meddling mandates for idpol content are no longer a thing.

>> No.23231833

I read 3 his books: Mistborn 1, Stormlight Archives 1 and 2. They were OK, but I would better invest my time in Drizzt adventures than in it. Sanderson has good premises, but uninteresting development.

>> No.23231838
File: 607 KB, 1528x807, read.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23231840
File: 339 KB, 891x686, LITRPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23231913

You should also think about reading some short story collections if you don't find yourself reading fast enough through hyperion (sometimes this means it is a chore or you are uninterested in the book).

Also maybe something faster like 'The Black Company' by Glen Cook or something you already have a connection with like a movie or game series (starwars, mass effect, 40k, LOTR, Witcher, doctor who).

Just some thoughts to help you return to reading, also get a library card or a Kindle so you don't have to dump money into books.

Best of luck.

I'm reading the chronicles currently, the first book so far has a very fast or not detailed writing style. Everything is quick and then they keep it moving very rapidly. At first I didn't know if I liked it but it's I suppose starting to grow on me. It feels like you can tune it out for a couple minutes and plug back in and be fine, it feels very... Consumable.

I'm like 150 pages in.

How far are you in? By the middle or end of the book the satire is almost completely dropped and it gets better. I think it's worth pushing till the middle.
It's worth a read, it's not a reskin of halo but if you like halo read it to see what they took from it. The characters are pretty good and it's pretty quick and easy to read.
I saw the 2 last books in the trilogy at my book store but didn't pick them up because the first was missing, I went back and they are all gone, fml.

>> No.23231929

>Are you saying book-shilling is big and effective on TikTok?
You don't know about booktok? Even physical book stores have their booktok corner. It's a plague.

>> No.23232002

I don't fuck with TikTok at all, man. Enlighten me. How do they shill books? Try to sum up the book's most exciting concepts while flashing shitty AI-generated images that roughly correspond to what they're saying?

>> No.23232019

I don't go on tiktok either, so I'm not sure how it works, but I guess it's a spastic kid making cartoon faces while praising in the latest tiktok terms either some new YA book or some classical book he just "discovered" because it's got mentally ill people or something. Then similar tiktok kids praise him for his amazing taste and the video and recommendation becomes viral and it reaches the people who work for whatever book store who then make a booktok corner for tiktok kids. I may or may not be wrong.

>> No.23232054

I finished Quarantine the other day. The ending was a bit disappointing but the overall story was evocative and made me Think(TM). I am now a little over 1/4th through Permutation City.
Being funneled into this shithole thread for all of my book discussion feels like some simulated hell.

>> No.23232212

Asimov and Heinlein Are easier to read due refusing to abstract away too much.
Therese is also far more wit by 1940s authors, due academia and jouralism being closer.

>> No.23232268

Aurora by Kim Stanley Robinson. It's told from the perspective of an AI in charge of a generation ship.

>> No.23232353
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Do you guys think Bakker deals with population booms in his books?

>And death came swirling down

Attrition of populace (army or otherwise) is one of central themes in his novels. Feels like that's where our world is heading with all the niggers and shitskins breeding prodigiously and no habitable land to expand to.

>> No.23232395

>He'd still be a pimp

>> No.23232401

He does deal with starvation

>> No.23232410
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About to start with this one, what am I in for?

>> No.23232424

Hell all I want to read is 'Conan in SPAAAACE' which you'd figure would have been a thing decades ago, but you'd be wrong.

>> No.23232441


>> No.23232505 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, I mixed up the broads.
And why are you so invested in defending her?
You're not gonna fuck her bro.

WH40k is not science fiction, you poor soul. At best it's space opera, at worst it's just crap.
I like it, I read it, but I am under no illusion about the quality or genre of it.

>You really need to read more about how people work sexually
This is why hands-on experience is so, so important.
Effin shut-ins that don't leave their basements.

>> No.23232526

*In short story format like the original.

>> No.23232589

>WH40k is not science fiction, you poor soul. At best it's space opera, at worst it's just crap.
I never said it wasn't crap, but space opera is a form of science fiction you goddamn elitist moron. Don't give me that "SF is not Sci-Fi!" pedantic bullshit, there is no functional difference between science fiction and fantasy; it all involves counterfactual laws of reality that amount to magic. The only difference is one of aesthetics and terminology. What fantasy calls elves and monsters and dragons, science fiction calls aliens and robots and dinosaurs. What fantasy calls magic, SF calls science, and Adrian Tchaikovsky points that out with humbling succinctness.

>> No.23232605
File: 116 KB, 651x1000, darkfor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the tulpa shit

>> No.23232611

Look, the author got an idea, and just stuck with it

>> No.23232655

You aren't being funneled here.

>> No.23232698

It's a coping method, same as always.

>> No.23232730

The Silmarillion really is the greatest work of fantasy ever. Does anything you've read even come close, /sffg/?

>> No.23232731

I've read shampoo bottle labels more interesting than the Silmarillion and with equally deep lore.

>> No.23232734

They pay influencers to say how great the book is. TikTok isn't only short form content. It's not any different from other product pushing. It's not all that different from booktubers or other video reviews.

>> No.23232761

I have no interest in defending anyone. I only had interest in attacking you. That's what you'd consider anyone telling you that anything you've done wasn't perfect anyway.

>> No.23232770

The Way of Kings

>> No.23232801

Who should I read if I like Neal Stephenson but want a book that doesn't mention huff duff or enigma even one time.

>> No.23232802

The Encyclopaedic Glossary by R. Scott Bakker. The best part of his books.

>> No.23232807

/sffg/ here. I do not endorse this list.

>> No.23232813


>> No.23233030

Finished Dune Messiah earlier today and while I think I liked it I can't shake the feeling that it was far too rushed. Still though I remain relatively excited to check out CoD soon.

>> No.23233037
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just picked up some random pulp scifi/fantasy books at the store. Anyone read them know if good?

>> No.23233043
File: 85 KB, 652x1000, IMG_0156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading through Reynolds Revelation Space setting in chronological order. Just finished the first four stories in Galactic North and moving on to Aurora Rising. I have quite enjoyed his setting and approach to storytelling. Best story so far was Weather.

>> No.23233107

I never did go back and finish redemption ark when I stopped about 50% or so in. Really oughta do that one of these days if only just to see what happens to Russian space mommy Volyova

>> No.23233112

you will lose every time.
The day after tomorrow is good, beter than starship troopers but not as good as stranger in a strange land. I haven't read the rest of these.

>> No.23233150

If the No-God is there to starve the gods of their trough, don't we know for a fact it doesn't work because the gods exist? If the gods die at some point, they would be forever dead and never alive.

>> No.23233164

>shitty AI image
>subscribe to read!

>> No.23233171

>WH40k is not science fiction, you poor soul. At best it's space opera, at worst it's just crap.
>I like it, I read it, but I am under no illusion about the quality or genre of it.
Something being in a genre doesn't speak to its quality you giant retard. 40k fits the definition = you can define it as such.

>> No.23233172
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Been looking to finally pick up Dune and Book of the New Sun but want to get the books with the original cover art and print, not this new garbage. Any recommendations where to find them?

>> No.23233204
File: 270 KB, 1217x803, crowdfunding.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you back it? 5 hours left.

>> No.23233215
File: 2.32 MB, 2400x1800, 1711740854033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did back my book, right?

>> No.23233219

Keep reading. GEoD is pure fucking kino.

>> No.23233261

Speaking of Messiah I'm really curious what DV's plan for it will be considering he had Chani leave and she's crucial for the main plot of the novel

>> No.23233352

You're doing the right thing.

>> No.23233367

I'm just currently trying to decide if I want to dive straight into CoD or take a day or two and digest Messiah further.

>> No.23233556

best dark fantasy/grimdark ? last one I read was the aching god (iconoclasts), prince of nothing and the first law

>> No.23233578

i might just reread the black company

>> No.23233593

Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone is probably the closest to a "good" grimdark fantasy series I've ever read, and I might have considered keeping it in my library instead of putting it in the Goodwill box if not for the incessant obnoxious sprinklings of ill-conceived and half-baked conlang slang pestering your sanity once or twice a page for 2500 pages.

>> No.23233601

Fantasy books with good family dynamics?

>> No.23233629

BotNS is not hard to find. They're not even all that expensive.
The OG Dune cover is not something you want to try and buy unless you're serious about owning it. The cheapest one I can find with a dust jacket is 200 dollars.

>> No.23233632

the lannisters in ASOIAF is a great guide for how a functional family should look

>> No.23233845
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The Dispossessed, anyone? The first two thirds were great, but then it's like the author just got bored of writing. The last Anarres chapter, which should have been the climax of the novel, was unremarkable. The last Urras chapter was wasted on tie-ins to the larger Hainish Cycle franchise. The whole time, I was waiting for the inevitable return journey to really drive home the point about the journey being the return, but the book ended while he was still on the ship.

>> No.23233848

I don't read books by feminists

>> No.23233859

Rigante series by David Gemmell

>> No.23233895

Hugo nominees got announced, not that I think anyone here cares:

>> No.23233919

scalzi getting every book nominated is so funny when everyone outside of an incredibly narrow segment of readers hates him

>> No.23233927


>> No.23233928

ive only liked his old man's war series rest of his stuff isnt very appealing to me

>> No.23233940
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>** Zhao’s eligibility was extended at the request of Astounding Award sponsor Dell Magazines

>> No.23233968

Totally agree, last 3rd was disappointing

>> No.23234052
File: 176 KB, 556x790, 1591233561255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Gemmell reader

>> No.23234133

Penis sounding with a Gom'jabbar

>> No.23234181

BTW forgot to add: What's with them suddenly giving a lot of nominations to Chinese works?
You know, aside from the obvious reason.

>> No.23234197

Based Jerusalem Man chad.

>> No.23234216

Well, since you explicitly asked I'll post what I wrote about the anthology that some of those stories are contained in.

>> No.23234227
File: 872 KB, 1838x2775, 9781250237446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was such a sad story....

>> No.23234239

>im a gigachad chosen one ubermensch, here's my story

>> No.23234243

How much sexual content does Aethon Books allow in their books?

>> No.23234264

Probably not as much as you've written.

>> No.23234294

it's just western isekai

>> No.23234299

I haven't added any yet because I'm not sure

>> No.23234318

since when has a movie adaptation cared about being faithful to the plot of the book?

>> No.23234325
File: 806 KB, 2489x1411, march books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you read this month? Did you achive your goals, if you have any? Pic related is what I read, I really try to read non 40k books but everytime I try I regret it afterwards.
I will try
>Blindsight by Peter Watts
next month.

>> No.23234347

How come Jordan never made any attempt to humanize I guess not sure if that's the right word or not the Trollocs outside of Narg? Seems like they were just cannon fodder for people to kill or mow down.

>> No.23234352

Did you realize what its content was before you start reading it?

>> No.23234360

Have you tried asking or look at their catalog and looking up the books? How about simple Google searches? I see publishing guides for Aethon and similar publishers immediately.

>> No.23234392

sword of the lictor, haven't finished yet. My experience reading botns so far has been someting like "that was cool" "not sure what to take out of this" i'm kinda bored". Might finish lictor this week or the next one and then see if i take a break or not

>> No.23234401

I've been playing way too many games since the year started cutting through my backlog so I've only actually finished Dune Messiah so far. I'm definitely going to start reading more since I still want to beat my total read last year of 35 likely with Children of Dune next.

>> No.23234403

I remembered that I read about it in a book list by someone who got me into a lot of books that I enjoy, like 10 years or so ago. But I didn't remember what he wrote about it or what the book was about.
I made it to page ~93 or so before I couldn't keep reading and I made the right decision considering the summary on wikipedia. I also visited the old blog that mentioned Hogg. Which to be fair he didn't recommended it at all. To quote
>Though I highly doubt any of you will ever read this, I thought I’d put it on your radar only because this book was so fucked up it literally took me three years to finish it.
>If nothing else, it’s worth reading just because you can say you did afterwards.

>> No.23234424

Exclusively read fantasy light novels this month so I've read 15 books plus a few unfinished ones but nothing really worth talking about.
Tearmoon Empire was actually pretty fun but it's just a genre riff on regression fantasy with the joke being that the protagonist is a selfish idiot but they keep doing the right thing out sheer terror at the thought of dying again so everyone else thinks she's the more genre typical genius schemer.

>> No.23234431

looking for a book that has a similar main character.

>> No.23234557

Was I supposed to laugh at the end of the chapter where Lan turns down Nynave and she's unaware Rand is pretending to sleep making the whole thing awkward for him?

>> No.23234564

It's actually the dreams of a dying fetus.

>> No.23234608
File: 621 KB, 589x895, 1701537457154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of you jerks recommended this book to me ages ago, I finally got around to reading it and I'll be blunt; what the fuck?
Felt like it had so much going for it, but in the end the twist comes at the last three pages? Who thought this was good?
Did I get filtered? Trolled?

>> No.23234685

Tell me the LE TWIST.

>> No.23234700 [DELETED] 

clump of cells chud

>> No.23234705

Any fantasy books with jesters or clowns as principle characters?

>> No.23234708


>> No.23234723

Your diary

>> No.23234730
File: 79 KB, 944x670, weaintnevergonnamakeit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no diary

>> No.23234738

Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.23234739

Quick name your essential Chudcore novels

>> No.23234747

What the hell is even that?
You can't just drop words in the box and pretend like I'm going to know what they are.

>> No.23234756

book of the new sun for sure

>> No.23234757
File: 54 KB, 700x1162, 6986e204621dd13200d123011bbbb2a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quick, name the best surrealistic novels
>Brian Sanderson's Stormlight Archives books

>> No.23234766
File: 44 KB, 462x484, 1709127114483004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I post this?
I have done research over the years and found a few, but I would of course like to know of more.

The Dwarf
Thirteenth Night

>> No.23234767

Severian is a gigachud

>> No.23234804

i finished the first volume and yes he does get "that" power but hes not really doing anything jester-like.

>> No.23234818

This is the most basic ass wordpress site i've seen. What the fuck. How the hell is this the official site?

>> No.23235047

because they're always topical shitty nominations. maybe a couple decent ones accidentally get nominated.

>> No.23235057
File: 162 KB, 916x1000, 61putgr07KL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real question is how in the FUCK is John Scalzi constantly nominated for his shitty novels. I still can't believe the same person wrote Old Man's War and something like Kaiju Preservation Society.

>> No.23235087

he wears a dress

>> No.23235120
File: 360 KB, 1170x1712, FNb7JT2XwAA6oR8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real question is how in the FUCK is John Scalzi constantly nominated for his shitty novels.
Pic related is how.

>> No.23235122

Because he intentionally tries to write exactly what would be nominated, the same as how some movies are Oscar bait . They're written precisely to the preferences of that audience.

>> No.23235263
File: 255 KB, 1903x338, 1700765249448105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a little bit into Howling Dark (Sun Eater #2)
a couple anons said Hadrian becomes less of a nauseating self-hating moping mopeyface with cloying levels of self-pity in book 2. so I'm giving it a go since that was my main (big) complaint about book 1. wouldn't have been annoyed with the length if the MC wasn't off-putting
it is better, so far at least

>I've been playing way too many games
me since fall last year after finally getting a new gpu for the first time in 10 years

>> No.23235352

>big fat nasty jerk you've been following the whole time?
>yeah, he's actually le war hero
There's more but that's the gist.

>> No.23235392

Hugos are voted on by world-con members, and scalzi writes for the convention audience.
See the star trek riff of redshirts, or the kaiju stuff, or the superhero riff.
Also he attends loads of cons and is generally very amiable when there. You only need worldcon membership to vote for nominees so most hugo votes come from people who haven't actually read that much from the year.

>> No.23235487

You are credit to team.

>> No.23235600

Tolkien says that an 'e' on the end of a name is pronounced as a distinct vowel and is usually written as 'ë'. Does that mean the letter is said as 'aye/eh' or 'ee'. As in, Man-wee or Man-way'?

>> No.23235715

lol sorry there, I did post this some time ago. I DNF'd it myself. I found it for like $1 at the library and as just coming off Bakker and wanted some more grimdark yet also a self-contained story. oh well

>> No.23235877

always the latter

>> No.23235878

I still think Ghost Brigades is one of my favorite scifi novels desu

>> No.23235886


>> No.23235899

"E" in Tolkien is almost always pronounced as "ay". There are very few exceptions to this rule. There is a pronunciation guide in the appendices in ROTK you know.

>> No.23236223

is the hugos any different from the oscars ?

>> No.23236237

he needs to lay off the chanv

>> No.23236335

I only spent three on it, so nothing lost really, but still.
Fuck you anon.