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File: 21 KB, 254x390, Zone_of_interest_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23219410 No.23219410 [Reply] [Original]

Why won't people let go of the nazi regime and the holocaust even after 80 years since its dissolution? You never see anybody talking about the ottoman atrocities or imperial Japan in the same way as 1940s Germany. It's like on a league of it's own.

>> No.23219415

This was written by the most philosemitic anglo writer in recent memory

>> No.23219427

>dude ....... le banality of evil
>*eats factory farmed meat*
hate these faggots so much

>> No.23219434

Israel is more evil than the “heckin Nazis”, though. Much, much worse.

>> No.23219444

Why won't anons let go of 'le' even after over 10 years of no one using it unironically?

>> No.23219451

>Martin "The Zone" Amis - Of Interest
weird name for a book innit

>> No.23219457


>> No.23219458

>Martin D'zone
>A miss of interest

>> No.23219467

Its easy award bait material. And people love being depressed about the holocaust.
Anyone actually see the movie? I saw Paul Schrader calling it a gimmick movie and that made me laugh a bit.

>> No.23219472

I can’t take Paul Schrader’s opinion seriously after he called Oppenheimer “the most important movie of our times” or something like that

>> No.23219474

Same reason people use greentext, convenient internet shorthand. I would expect someone on a literature board to see that easily.

>> No.23219484 [DELETED] 

it's not a shorthand

>> No.23219486

weird complaint

>> No.23219493

I saw it because of how hard the director made Jews seethe at the Oscars. I thought it was a refreshing take on award bait Holocaust atrocity porn. You’re never actually shown anything horrific.

>> No.23219504
File: 1.00 MB, 980x1386, IMG_3287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23219506


>> No.23219512

Schraders a mixed bag, he kotows to hollywood bullshit sometimes but he's fun when he's shit talking.
Kek, I heard the details about the movie about how the 'terror' is in the sound design and all that. Just curious, some film snobs I know loved the thing but a few of them despised it.

>> No.23219517

Yea, he was obsessed. He even married a Jewess just to “be part of Jewish history” and referred to his daughters as “the Jews” in private and also loved his boy friend Hitchens even more when he discovered his Jewish heritage. All on record.

>> No.23219519

I live in a prog college town and avoided this like the plague, it's the kind of broody arthouse slop that the decrepit liberals here go to pat themselves on the back for having a modicum of historical sense. christ you'd think the universe began in 1945 the way they fixate on this shit

>> No.23219528

"An antisemite is someone who dislikes Jews a little more than is absolutely necessary."
-Kingsley Amis

Wish he'd learned more from his father

>> No.23219540

>some film snobs I know loved the thing but a few of them despised it.

it's a technically well made film but quite on the nose. formally speaking it takes after michael haneke and yorgis lathinmos a lot.

>> No.23219543
File: 53 KB, 1200x675, the-japanese-invasion-and-occupation-of-china-during-world-war-ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried rewriting this several times. I can't really decide on why it's like this exactly. Maybe it's the first time such mass commemeration of the fact has happened? Also this might be a case of both you and I being euro/westcentric. I can imagine Ottoman atrocities are taught in the curriculum of the areas the Ottomans ruled for example. For most europeans though? Send to the "specialization corner" for if you want "a job in it or wtv". I'm totally not mad our education system is shlock haha. It helps that a lot of the nations that were in WW2 still somewhat exist. Meanwhile you can't say the same for the Ottomans...

In regards to Japan I'm not really sure how they pulled that off. I can only imagine it's a mix of thrown under the rug as well as china not being formed yet?

>> No.23219551

Do you not understand why he's using le there lol?

>> No.23219560

HAH, I know right? You'd think they cared about history with the way they obsess over 1945 and...NOPE not at all lol.

>> No.23219566
File: 919 KB, 2553x1915, heilers_roadside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how subhuman these monstrosities are irl.

>> No.23219576

Oy vey

>> No.23219578


>> No.23219587
File: 127 KB, 210x290, chrome_ApNveaTiAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn mussolini is back

>> No.23219604

eat shit, the film sucked, cry about some other of history's invisible victims for once. laruelle was so based for shitting on holocaust fetishists, if you want to really learn about the graveyards the west was built on, study the gnostics, particularly the cathars.

>> No.23219764

>Why won't people let go of the nazi regime and the holocaust even after 80 years since its dissolution?
Whenever you ask a question like that look into the historical thread of particular actions/events those present were reacting toward while keeping in mind the intellectual paradigm (how issues were being understood and framed) in the generation just prior to them.

For the Nazis you have the destruction of traditional political power, the rise of various forms of idealist socialism, and the eventual use of technological power to utterly eradicate humanity.

>> No.23219780

> laruelle was so based for shitting on holocaust fetishists
please tell me more

>> No.23219784

because they are in power. everywhere they are in power

>> No.23219792

it's some throwaway line in one of his books, since his theory also emphasizes the victim he has to take pains to distinguish his thought from the holocaust pornographers. forget if he mentions the holocaust explicitly, but he says something like: if we as a culture are so obsessed with the unseen, unmourned, etc. Victim of history, why don't we actually look at the massacres and genocides that aren't shoved down our throat in school?

>> No.23219801

It's just so funny seeing these shit-eating hypocrites patting themselves on the back for watching a film about gas chambers while they consume the flesh of animal killed in a gas chamber.