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/lit/ - Literature

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23218780 No.23218780 [Reply] [Original]

Post actually good /lit/ youtube channels.

>> No.23218805

>/lit/ - off-topic jewtube eceleb posting
You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.23218822

try reading a book, anon.

>> No.23218835

I don't know how to feel about Leonie's short hair.


>> No.23219828

basadísimo. mis compañeros en mis noches de insomnio.

>> No.23219833

I wish Porrini was my dad

>> No.23220637

i like this guy

>> No.23220640


>> No.23220643

I have a suspicion he has used this board before.

>> No.23220854

You would come spergy.

>> No.23220990

I like this pretty girl talking about Aeschylus plays, though the cutesy 'lemme translate this into modern times and make leredditface' moments are irritating.


>> No.23221738

why do you feel the need to follow these people anyway, can't you read and come to your own conclusions?

>> No.23221770

can't stop jerking off to carolyn's mouth

>> No.23221789

online friend simulator like 4 chinz

>> No.23221794

If you genuinely watch this retard’s videos, you have brain damage

>> No.23221828

Ey, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one listening to these guys.

>> No.23221907

the fat guy on 2 to ramble is barely human

>> No.23223087

I think she is cute

>> No.23223090

Why is he a retard?

>> No.23223162

I'm obsessed with Jackson Crawford
I had a dream I met him and he was impressed with my knowledge

>> No.23223189

¿Y si mejor lees un libro? Zoquete.

>> No.23223342

Love this dude, have his translations. I would not call him /lit/ though. He does actually read but that's not the point of his channel. He is just deep into old norse language since he's basically a professor, and related subjects. He does a bit about poetry sometimes though. Since he knows Norwegian so well, he's a big fan of some specific poet from Norway.

>> No.23223870

Horrible Americanised accent which all middle class British people seem to have these days.

>> No.23223874

Post actually good secondary lit here.

>> No.23224052
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>> No.23224072

is carolyn a member of the tribe?

>> No.23224633

It's more of a vestige of the transatlantic accents of the mid-20th century

>> No.23225545

bros...emmie hasnt posted in 11 days

>> No.23225638
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For me it is Emmie from "Emmie Reads" and Carolyn from "Carolyn Marie Reads"

>> No.23225679


which one is gonna cave in and start an OF first?

>> No.23225681

No one. They’re good women.

>> No.23225717

for the frogs out there. lectures and radio emissions from actual thinkers who didnt have youtube brain.
a consequence of youtube brain but will make an exception for the subject matter and natural beauty that has bestowed upon her. my queen, my princess, my life, the very air I breath.

>> No.23225747

they all have sex with Black men BTW

>> No.23225754

Nice try, Moshe. Their bfs aren’t niggers.

>> No.23225796

This one is fucking annoying but she makes me laf. I just ignore her personality (feminist femcel or something)

Jesus G. Maestro

Clásicos and shit. She read books, its comfy

>> No.23225936

Polyglot Reading
Classics in several languages (English,German, French ,Italian, Yiddish).He sometimes links the Gutenberg if it is free of copyright.He subtitles stuff so Amerimutts have little to complain about.


Prose & Petticoats


Strange Lucidity

>> No.23225944

There are none. All /lit/ youtubers are midwits.

>> No.23225951

thanks for the coomer playlist

>> No.23226229

what happened to quentin?

>> No.23226694

I like posts like this because there's no barrier of entry to making them. It's very democratic and anti-hierarchical.

>> No.23227789


i dont like the disparity in their sub counts

>> No.23228027


carolyn and emmie casually giving you a joi while they glance up from their books during a 24 he readathon