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23214495 No.23214495 [Reply] [Original]

>American civilization as we know it owes more, probably, to the Negro than to anybody. The colored people are the artistic leaven; out of their outcast state they have made a splendid cultural instrument. The almost solar power of their warm-heartedness has been a precious influence; their mirth, too, which explodes like a refreshing storm, often making these house-serfs the only sane thing in the white household. Yet everybody knows how they are requited by their fellow-citizens for their enormous gift to America. The colored people suffer more than it is easy to convey. Infant mortality among them is appalling. Since so many callings are barred to them, a majority live in sub-human squalor. Even Eleanor Roosevelt, in strenuous advocacy of political equality for colored people, was compelled to add that, as to social equality, she would not claim that for them. All one can do is to wonder why.

>> No.23214504

A rare redpill. You're based, OP. Too based for this board or website.

>> No.23214513 [DELETED] 
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Niggers are only good at sports and street crimes. I don't necessarily wish them bad, but their genes make them unfit for civilization. Authorities really should have shipped them back to Africa when they had the chance. Slavery and its abolition created a tumour that's killing America.

>> No.23214519

American Negroes are the extremest form of Americans and in that way, the truest Americans. /pol/ types hate them today but in reality they can’t escape their influence. Living among them for centuries means they have become like brothers.

>> No.23214527

Burgers really do worship niggers

>> No.23214530

Burgers ARE niggers. They are one and the same.

>> No.23214531

Wouldn't be a problem if they didn't try to force the rest of the world to do the same

>> No.23214536

Black people are single-handedly keeping poetry alive in an ocean of irrelevant naval gazing garbage.

>> No.23214541
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>coon tunes
the absolute state

>> No.23214567

Caring about race mixing is a jewish trait. Read Philip Roth. You sound like an old Jewish women, fretting all night that her son will date a shiksa

>> No.23214573

lol, just lol

>> No.23214575

It's an American trait. Go read Lipstick alley or the comments under a picture of black woman dating a non-black man on Shade Room.

>> No.23214579

You should let white women choose their mates. This is how you discern their discernment. If they choose dumb blacks then they are clearly retarded and you should be glad that you didn’t reproduce with them. There is no problem. Stop being a bitch

>> No.23214583

>Stop being a bitch
That's what you're doing by putting value in a woman's discernment, like a feminist bitch. I agree that you, specifically, should give up your women to the virile men of your race though however.

>> No.23214584

>Mystery meat American obsessing over twitter comments like a bog-person
If you had any genuine race-feeling in your soul you wouldn't care about this trivial bullshit

>> No.23214586

Kys well-poisoning faggot.

>> No.23214589

I'm not American. I just like observing them. And internet comments are driving American policy. Call it trivial all you, but Tumblr is the reason the biggest American universities and corporations adopted all sorts of politeness rituals.

>> No.23214596

So you don’t care if your wife is a latent whore or nigger-lover? You don’t care if she may give you daughters who will lust after blacks and marry them if only given the freedom to do so? I thank God that retards like you exist in this world.

>> No.23214600

Stop fantasizing about nigger cock for 3 seconds. Difficulty: American

>> No.23214603

You were the one who mentioned cock

>> No.23214606

>what if your wife and your daughters fucked niggers? xD
Again, stop fantasizing.

>> No.23214609

>trying to avoid coal-burners by allowing them to be coal-burners is an obsession with nigger cock
you are coping so hard right now. Just face it: even if girls like blacks, you are so bitter and desperate that you would want to be with those women anyway. I myself am searching for women with discernment, who value intelligence and other good qualities that blacks usually do not represent. But go on, keep thinking that everything will be fine if tou just force women to mate against their interests. I’m sure this will help the female psychology evolve. Aren’t you one of those that thinks women are retarded and don’t know how to choose men? Have you ever thought about WHY that is?

>> No.23214611

>So you don’t care if your wife is a latent whore or nigger-lover?
That's your depraved cuck projection speaking, not what I actually wrote down. Retarded westerners allow women the autonomy to make their own decisions because of the false idea that a woman is an autonomous individual in the same sense a man is, and it has ruined countless civilizations because of it.
>You don’t care if she may give you daughters who will lust after blacks and marry them if only given the freedom to do so?
Raise a whore, get a whore. Nurture matters far more than nature, especially in the case of women. Your role as husband is to act as a surrogate father figure and slowly mold her after you, leading by example so to speak. If her family didn't prepare her, that's fine. As long as she hasn't fucked other men she can be redeemed.

I like how you ignore the other major hurdles and problems that come with miscegenation too. Typical demoralizing little nigger.

>> No.23214620

NTA but one does not need to be a racial purist in order to realize that having sex with niggers is disgusting and more akin to beastiality

>> No.23214622

This is your brain on Judaism. Nature isn’t important, just follow traditions. This is a recipe for dysgenics. Women are retarded because historically they were never given the choice to select their mates. Your solution is to uphold this tradition, which would only preserve that retardation into the future. Best to go ahead and gradually control this problem now. Otherwise women will always be retarded and you will never be able to guarantee that men will be in control of their sexual decisions. So it’s best to have a society of women who can make intelligent sexual strategies. You’re just a bitter loser who doesn’t want women to evaluate you. You want to force them to be with you.

>> No.23214623

The more you make something forbidden the more people will find it attractive. It’s human nature.

>> No.23214627

Pedophilia is pretty forbidden. There goes your theory.

>> No.23214631

There are more pædos now than any other era in history. But the point is, the more you tell women to hate niggers, the more they will gravitate towards them. It’s like you don’t know how desire even works.

>> No.23214632

As a species we're more dysgenic than ever AFTER female emancipation. It's almost like those patriarchal traditions were naturally selected.

>> No.23214641

>the more you tell women to hate niggers, the more they will gravitate towards them
Nope. You tell women to hate niggers and with just enough social pressure they will hate them. That's why race mixing was taboo not long ago.

>> No.23214652

>This is your brain on Judaism.
Oriental cultures agree with me, middle eastern cultures agree with me, even plenty of ancient european ones do too. What did I write that's jewish?
>Nature isn’t important, just follow traditions.
Patriarchy is the default state of nature.
>This is a recipe for dysgenics.
So you'd rather women fuck niggers than members of your race? Do you actually think women are good judges of character? lol, and to think you're the one spazzing out about "dysgenics".
>Women are retarded because historically they were never given the choice to select their mates. Your solution is to uphold this tradition, which would only preserve that retardation into the future.
That's not the issue at hand here. I don't care that women are essentially children since their purposes are still valuable to men. What I care about is about how my kin are being emasculated and turned to cucks, and that future generations will resemble their fathers far more than their mothers.
>Otherwise women will always be retarded and you will never be able to guarantee that men will be in control of their sexual decisions
So your solution to men being retarded is taking the more retarded sex and giving them greater power in society?
>So it’s best to have a society of women who can make intelligent sexual strategies.
Right, the myth of the harmonious matriarchal longhouse you stupid faggots like to constantly bring up, as if praxis doesn't betray the idyllic utopic image you have in your empty heads.
>You’re just a bitter loser who doesn’t want women to evaluate you. You want to force them to be with you.
I just don't want my race's women to fuck niggers. I don't know why this upsets you so much.

>> No.23214654

You are seeing the expression of genes that have been preserved for thousands of years. Modern society does not corrupt genes, it simply reveals them. Our society values freedom, which is a good thing. This is the best way to gauge someone’s genetic nature. If your force women to be modest, and make them wear hijab, then you will never be able to remove whore genes from the population.

>> No.23214659

America's guilt complex over darkies is literally going to destroy the entire world.
We literally can't have anything now, without someone asking "but what does this have to do with black people though?? Could we make this center more on black people?? What does this say about the black experience??".
Who cares. They're boring, and their culture is extremely base and narcissistic. They lower the tone of everything they're introduced to.

>> No.23214662

> So you'd rather women fuck niggers than members of your race?
I want women to fuck whoever they want. Let them choose niggers, and criminals, and retards. This is natural selection. I already explained the benefit of this. In the future, it’s not guaranteed that society will be patriarchal. It’s not guaranteed that women will be forced to mate a certain way. The more you continue to value nurture over nature, the more problems you will build up in the genetic code until one day it explodes and causes disaster. We are already experiencing a mild form of this, as recently modern society has given more freedom and potential for individual expression.

>> No.23214687

>I want women to fuck whoever they want.
And that's why you're a feminist cuck.
>Let them choose niggers, and criminals, and retards.
So your idea of women being sexual selectors... is letting them have sex with the men who will 100% force themselves on them, and not doing anything about it. I hate to be a broken record, but why are you such a fucking cuck?
>This is natural selection.
This is you going against nature, actually. You're basically telling us to ignore thousands of years of social conditioning to ensure women are the choosers instead, and for what? On the off-chance we *might* have a "genetically superior" race of eugenically crafted ubermensch that are less than 1% of the populace?
>I already explained the benefit of this.
There's no benefit besides "muh wammin rightz" and we've only witnessed the negatives. In fact, your only refutation so far is that I'm a jew according to you.
>In the future, it’s not guaranteed that society will be patriarchal. It’s not guaranteed that women will be forced to mate a certain way.
I don't dispute this, but why bring it up here? I just don't agree with whatever transhumanist garbage you're attempting to accelerate towards, period. What YOU are doing, sowing division and chaos, is ACTUALLY jewish and precisely what "they" want. You are a force of pure destruction - a nigger.
>The more you continue to value nurture over nature, the more problems you will build up in the genetic code until one day it explodes and causes disaster.
Right, "women crave dat BBC doe" is hard-coded into our DNA, right? These things are explicitly pushed by YOUR media to degrade the entire culture.
>We are already experiencing a mild form of this, as recently modern society has given more freedom and potential for individual expression.
Nothing good has come out of industrialization, nor is any of it natural.

Just stfu already you annoying pilpuling Amerimutt cunt. Your shitty mechanized worldview will be the death of the entire human species. I wouldn't even be surprised if I'm talking to a ChatGPT bot right now.

>> No.23214691

>Our society values freedom, which is a good thing.
>consumerism ran by jews is... freedom!

>> No.23214692

>You are seeing the expression of genes that have been preserved for thousands of years. Modern society does not corrupt genes, it simply reveals them.
And just now these genes decided to express themselves? Previous social arrangements had nothing to do with genetics?
>Our society values freedom
This means nothing. Our society supports freedom. It also supports the government using spyware to prosecute people for wrongthink.
>This is the best way to gauge someone’s genetic nature. If your force women to be modest, and make them wear hijab, then you will never be able to remove whore genes from the population
Yes but we don't have a society that forces women to be modest. We have a society that gives them welfare for being single moms. Whorish behavior is common because it's enforced.

>> No.23214694

>Previous social arrangements had nothing to do with genetics?
Of course not, women just craved BBC for thousands of years until the big bad patriarchy deprived them of their true yearning and passion. Maybe he's just a troll mocking the logical conclusions of feminist thought, hard to say.

>> No.23214714

Why is allowing women to choose a problem? Why do you want half of the species to operate on sexual strategies from 40,000 years ago? Don’t you think this is a recipe for unhappy marriages? Even if you force them to marry you and reproduce, they will divorce you anyway (which might explain why this is so common nowadays…). By forcing women to mate with you, you are essentially removing all responsibility of self-improvement. If a woman chooses a nigger, then it is either because the nigger is more successful and fit than you, or because she is retarded. So either you are resentful or you are trying to preserve retarded genes.

>> No.23214725

Why does BBC cause so much controversy? You guys should try it just to see what the fuzz is all about

>> No.23214733

African men would surely be attractive 40,000 years ago, when intelligence wasn’t as useful. By preventing women from choosing their mates, you are preserving their ancient preferences for a primitive man, which, at the very least, will result in unhappy marriages.

>> No.23214737

>Why is allowing women to choose a problem?
1) You emasculate the men and fill them with resentment towards their societies.
2) You leave your children and your children's children with a sense of uncertainty and resentment towards their perceived identity. Look at hapas to see what I mean.
3) It erodes ethnically homogenous cultures.
4) Your women are low quality anyways because you implicitly teach them it's okay to fuck niggers.

Again I fail to understand why you're talking about eugenically crafted half-nigger babies and ignoring everything else potentially at stake with your hare-brained ideas.
>Why do you want half of the species to operate on sexual strategies from 40,000 years ago?
So you can't even cogently defend your viewpoint anymore?
>Don’t you think this is a recipe for unhappy marriages?
Divorce rates coincide with the emphasis put on woman's education, rights, and propaganda aimed at them. I'm actually okay with arranged marriages btw.
>Even if you force them to marry you and reproduce, they will divorce you anyway (which might explain why this is so common nowadays…).
Correct, apart of the reason industrial society is trash and the biggest mistake in history since your oversocialized tendencies become everyone else's problems instead of just your own.
> By forcing women to mate with you, you are essentially removing all responsibility of self-improvement.
Why do you care? You're okay with them essentially being raped by the criminal underclass of society anyways. I mean if that's what you want, then whatever, but wouldn't you rather a viking (assuming you are white) rape your girlfriend instead of a nigger?
>If a woman chooses a nigger, then it is either because the nigger is more successful and fit than you, or because she is retarded.
It's the latter, every single time. You overstate the predominance of the mother's genes when it comes to bearing the father's children when it comes from HIS SPERM fyi.
>So either you are resentful or you are trying to preserve retarded genes.
I don't want to live in a society that is 80% niggers. Why are you so fucking insane that you can't grasp this?
Oh it is a bot. Nvm don't respond to me any more because I won't respond back.

>> No.23214738

>negro worship thread

>> No.23214761

No proof of this. When women are able to choose, it should motivate you to be better.
> 2)
Natural selection. If you think race mixing is bad for YOUR kids, then don’t do it. Simple.
So you’re arguing for segregation.
> Divorce rates coincide with…
a woman’s ability to choose her partner. If she actually loves the man then she won’t divorce him. Just don’t be a loser. Can you handle that?
> You're okay with them essentially being raped
lmao no, rape is a horrible crime, which is why I support abortion.
> I don't want to live in a society that is 80% niggers. Why are you so fucking insane that you can't grasp this?
You ignored my question. You seem to be admitting that you are perfectly fine with having a population of women that operates on ancient sexual strategies. And you wonder why so many men complain that women are fucked up, always wanting aggressive bad boys, etc.
> Oh it is a bot. Nvm don't respond to me any more because I won't respond back.
Is this what you say when you don’t have an argument?

>> No.23214775

I typically look to the past more than to the future, but one thing I'm sad about is that I won't live long enough to see the inevitable masterpiece about the 20th/21st century mythologising of the American Negro as a superhuman, and the way Americans have steered, to their own detriment, their society to the baying of the Negro.

>> No.23214834

Not him. But female choice is by no means eugenic. To the contrary, it is near universally dysgenic in nature. Mind you this is part of a wider discussion about the fact Eugenics is only possible when directed by something.
>Natural selection. If you think race mixing is bad for YOUR kids, then don’t do it. Simple.
Still depresses the average genepool, it affects me by decreasing the quality of people around me.
>So you’re arguing for segregation.
No he is not. But it isn't all that bad.
>a woman’s ability to choose her partner. If she actually loves the man then she won’t divorce him. Just don’t be a loser. Can you handle that?
You are definitely a weird fetishist.
Done with you.

>> No.23214935

> You are definitely a weird fetishist.
I don’t watch porn. Do you?

>> No.23214945

He’s an Englishman, retard. And he’s saying he doesn’t understand why Americans don’t like them.

Unreal how shitty this board has gotten. You actually cannot even read now…

>> No.23214950

It’s probably 5% of Americans who are concerned with blacks in anyway. It just so happens that 5% are really likely to get to Congress or run a bank.

>> No.23214954

Blacks have been the stumbling block in American politics for almost 300 years. The only recent development is one side going complete mad with black worship, and that’s pushed by a small minority of Americans, many of whom have been American for less than a single generation. The rest of America, actual America, basically does not care about them and just wants them to be somewhere else. That’s the truth.

>> No.23214983
File: 73 KB, 677x1024, paleface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just leaving this here:


>> No.23215270

>There is no problem.
There is, even if you make a good point that allowing white women to choose their mates filters the low IQ ones out of the white gene pool, so to speak. Ultimately, I agree with you, but I take a lot of issues with your arrogance.

First of all, someone who is low IQ has other important traits that contribute to a healthy society. They may be low IQ in a mathematical, linguistic, or verbal sense, but have high spatial or kinesthetic IQ necessary for participating in physical labor, vehicular labor, sports, law enforcement, military, and the like.

Second of all, not all white women who choose to have non-white mates are going to necessarily be low IQ. Some of them will inevitably be high IQ. This is because we're social animals who are susceptible to following the herd at times, no matter how intelligent or independent we are. At other times, there may not be much of a choice, or the question of a preferable mate will be too blurred. A high IQ but highly passive white woman may look around her and see both white and non-white men on an equal footing financially and socially speaking, but the non-white man might approach her first due to his higher assertiveness trait, and that's all it'll take to attract her natural passivity to him. She may fall in love with him and then be emotionally locked into a relationship that she started when she was at a ripe and naive age and that's that.

Lastly, by allowing white women to mate with non-white men, it necessarily means that more white men will need to mate with non-white women as well. Otherwise, they will die alone, and being that we're social animals, no one wants this. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, and I think a lot of right-wing men cling too closely to their fathers because their fathers put their sons through outdated social rituals, meaning they should seek a counselor's guidance to help them grow up out of their dependency on an outdated way of life. However, this is a very difficult thing for a lot of men to accept and many of them don't find a solution. So, ultimately, it increases overall white male depression to allow women to choose. (But it also increases overall non-white female depression too, which is why these two groups should mate under these circumstances.)

>> No.23216744

This just isn't true lol youre delusional. All the music that Americans listen has roots in Africa. And for whatever people that listen to European classical tend not to be racist

>> No.23216796

>try to look up quote
>first and only result is this thread
Did OP pull this quote out of his ass?

>> No.23216822

>looks French
>makes subtle cuckold commentary
Checks out

>> No.23216827

You have never lived here, and never will

>> No.23216830

Letting women choose their mates is why we're in this predicament to begin with.

>> No.23216833

They created rock music, so they have to be of some worth

>> No.23216837

I listen to Liszt and Dvorak, scuse me?

>> No.23216847

This. OP is a dumb nigger

>> No.23216873

Quotes from Wyndham Lewis works aren't going to pop up on google. It's from American and Cosmic Man, 1946. A prophetic work.

>The "Wop" in the States, as elsewhere I have indicated, is a much lower-grade citizen than the Nordic (especially one with an English name). The Negro is naturally out of the picture altogether, from the standpoint of marriageability, as is also the "Chink". If either of these elements moves into a street, everybody else moves out. You have to be a remark ably poor white to take a colored mate, or to tolerate a colored neighbor.

>The equilibrium is, however, highly precarious. Present conditions will not survive any major shock to the political and social system such as a record slump, or a war which rocks America to its foundations, in the way the war that has just ended has shaken the British Empire. As to Negro and white, that situation at present approaches a bitter climax. If anyone believes that this huge population of Africans is going to remain as it is, an insoluble black lump, they will fairly soon be undeceived. The Negroes of the United States cannot be shipped out, as once they were shipped in, nor do even the most hostile suggest that. But they cannot remain there and continue to be treated as animals, whom you could no more marry than you could mate with a baboon.

>That dark lump will melt, spread out, and color the entire human contents of the States, until "American" will mean somebody with that dusky intermixture. As the traditional social supremacy of the "Nordic" dies out (and the instability of American family-wealth and the violence of economic change accelerate the disappearance of this social advantage) all the other race-barriers will rapidly dissolve.

>Whether America has a Big Business Fascism, or some sort of change to a Socialist economy, will not alter the out come, except that the latter would precipitate the process of miscegenation. If it were a Business-Fascist economy, with America s penetration of Asia greatly stepped up, that must result in the impoverishment of the white population. Cheap Asiatic labor which would doubtless be used in America proper, as well as on the spot in Asia, in affecting disadvantageously the home labor market, and in reducing the living standards of the masses would overcome snootiness of a racial order.

Thanks anon.

Interesting. I'd never heard of this one. Published two years before his original book on Hitler

>> No.23216894

Yeah you probably listen to Hungarian Rhapsodies and New World Symphony on occasion, when the Lord of The Rings soundtrack or Guns and Roses isn't hitting quite as hard.

It's just rare for people really into classical music (rather than treating it as a fetish object of European culture) to have any interest in racial politics. You know this is true. My point remains.

>> No.23216899

No not really. And Guns N Roses is a bit too mellow for me. I have entire albums queued up per week of classical music. Nigger.

>> No.23216901

>Yeah you probably listen to Hungarian Rhapsodies and New World Symphony on occasion, when the Lord of The Rings soundtrack or Guns and Roses isn't hitting quite as hard.

lmao that's a harsh burn ngl

>It's just rare for people really into classical music (rather than treating it as a fetish object of European culture) to have any interest in racial politics. You know this is true. My point remains.

They're just civilized enough to not go shouting their opinions on the matter in public.

>> No.23216920

I dont think who you're responding to even goes beyond 18th and 19th century composers into the realm of people like Reich, Riley, Penderecki, or Glass

>> No.23216930 [SPOILER] 

He's absolutely right but this board will never be willing to hear it.

>> No.23216939

Americans worship...

>> No.23217510

Didn't Lewis have a massive pauline turn in 1937 where he became a huge shill for all the things he stood against before then, such as anglo-american liberalism? His works and opinions after that have about the same weight to them as Rimbaud's opininions after he decided to become an adventurer in africa and completely disavowed his poetry. 1946 Lewis isn't the Lewis of Tarr or The Apes of God.

>> No.23217520

>You have never lived here
I have visited.
>and never will
I won't. Thankfully.

>> No.23217531
File: 91 KB, 997x665, flag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The United States of America just needs to fucking die. It's a blight upon the world, especially a blight upon the West. I eagerly long for America collapsing inward on itself into civil war and balkanization. The United States is a verminous shitstain on the planet. I pray for its downfall, that God wills its destruction. The entire rest of the Western world, and a good chunk of East Asia, will be better off once America has ceased to exist.

>> No.23217657 [DELETED] 

[Spoiler]rap is not music[/spoiler]

>> No.23217658 [SPOILER] 

rap is not music

>> No.23217687

This isn’t a fair description. His thought did undergo a change and you may attribute this to external pressures—or that at the very least he saw where the world was going and perceived the futility of his previous positions (or saw that he should embrace the future for what it was going to be). There is no good reason to convict him of being insincere in latter works or being a shill—rather he was only being what he always has been, a troll (you can call that insincere if you’d like, but it can be a fine art). In all his writing he was never a passionate advocate of particular ideas (like his friend Ezra Pound) so much as a versatile observer and critic, perhaps the most brilliant in the history of english writing. His latter works can be read as just as profitably as his earlier ones, and there isn’t much contradiction between them. And in terms of the quality of his insights in no wise did he ever “fall off”

>> No.23217797

>The almost solar power of their warm-heartedness has been a precious influence; their mirth, too, which explodes like a refreshing storm, often making these house-serfs the only sane thing in the white household.
this nigga was GAY. I'm a WS and I wouldn't say some shit like this about White people

>> No.23217871

it's not good music.
>dude, just talk annoyingly over a perfectly good beat
Rock was also dull and tasteless until the 60's. Let's be real.

>> No.23217884

this nigga wouldn't be sayin this bullshit if he spent a minute in baltimore