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23209547 No.23209547[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: no stoicism.

>> No.23209577

Ancient Greek and Latin
Dreams of becoming a warlord after America falls
Cool music

>> No.23209578

Suicide is socially unacceptable

>> No.23209592

But you won't be there anymore, so you'll be beyond social scorn and shaming. What have you got to lose? Do you have a legacy that people won't forget about anyway?

>> No.23209595

Suicide is cucked. Take (harmless video game) revenge on the people who drove you to suicide.

>> No.23209597

That’s an intellectual cope, no matter how many times I repeat that I won’t be there doesn’t change that I’m not going to kill myself because it will disappoint my parents

>> No.23209603

I lack the constitution for suicide.
Also, I'm waiting for the nukes to fall so I can either die in nuclear fire or survive and become a warlord of the wasteland (or, more realistically, die trying)

>> No.23209619

my gradual perfection

>> No.23209626

funny how everyone who is suicidal wishes for nuclear war (me included)

it's the perfect way to go

>> No.23209638


>> No.23209644

College pussy

>> No.23209646

Mom would be sad

>> No.23209648

what happens when mom dies then?
what about after that?

>> No.23209649

>What keeps you going?
I made a commitment to burn my self to death at 96 as a political act.

>> No.23209651

Same really except I'm the warlord's hammer

>> No.23209662
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>> No.23209670

I tried to kill myself once and the look on my moms face when she found me is enough to make me never even think about attempting again

>> No.23209673
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Norman heavy cavalry lead by Roger I destroying CCP tanks with their lances on the coast of Shangdong, Hautevilles the Heavenly Sovereigns of a Nordic China. White, the colour of death and mourning in the unmoving east.

>> No.23209675

I am convinced that at some point I am going to figure it (life) out.

>> No.23209682
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My dreams of making it as a scientist, of having a big loving family, of living an accomplished life and dying a well-learned, well-loved man. What else is there to keep striving for?

>> No.23209688

The good news of Jesus Christ.

>> No.23209689


>> No.23209701
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>What keeps you going?
I don't need anything to 'keep me going' because I'm not a fag

>> No.23209727

you're a proto-fag. You know exactly what homosexuals do because your lifestyle is intertwined with theirs. You're the professional fag.

>> No.23209750

The fact I'm a thorn in the sides of so many people.
Lebe Dein Leben Trotz Anderer

>> No.23209766

I take it back actually that guy sounds pretty based

>> No.23209915

Good question.
- Afraid of hell
- A mentality I would resume as :
>How big would you dream, if you knew you couldn't fail?
I have a bunch of stupid dreams I want to achieve (being the rich uncle, having as many children as possible, starting a gentlemen's club, spoiling a cute wife, investing myself in religion) along with a bucket list of promises that need to be kept before dying. I don't see the world from a present scope, I try to observe it from twenty years into the future to get as close as possible to achieving these goals.

I want to read a bunch of books, see magnificent landscapes, and talk with a bunch of interesting people. I want to breathe the cleanest air this world has to offer. I am restless. I am a greedy fuck. And I keep going because [I], past to future, will do everything to attain those goals and I don't want to deceive [myself]. Will I fail? Yes. Will [I] ever resent myself for trying? No. Nothing matters in the face of that absolute knowledge. Not even others, or what they think is right. [I] will follow myself to the end of the world.

>> No.23209916

Retarded sentiment. If someone in society can decide to kill you so can you. There's been 118 billion motherfuckers around, if you want out go out.

>> No.23209918

My body breaths by itself. I can take control of it but eventually I just pass out and my body takes over again.

>> No.23209919

Intense fear.

>> No.23209952

After that? Wdym? Im 32 and can still fuck girls in the 20-24 range. Dont plan on stopping any tjme soon

>> No.23209956

my cat and my mom :)
also the hope i'll live to see a certain people get theirs

>> No.23209965

that's too old

>> No.23209966

Suicide makes you go to hell. So I'm trapped on this earth.

>> No.23209968


>> No.23209970

Based, inspiring, nietzschepilled, huge dick energy
Anons, be more like this man

>> No.23210039

How many push-ups and pull-ups can you guys do in a row? This is important

>> No.23210044
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>> No.23210064

What if you have to kill and mutilate rats to make it as a scientist anon?

>> No.23210074
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Get those numbers up to 60 and 20 (clean form) and see how you feel then. Just stop listening to your inner voice until you've reached those numbers. Think of it this way: why would you listen to a guy who can't do 60 push-ups and 20 pull-ups? Become that guy.

>> No.23210075

My mom and brother. I despise myself but I have to carry on because offing myself would ruin their lives. Also because I'm terrified God will punish me for killing myself.
Yep. If I had a choice I would've saved my parents the trouble and never been born but here I am

>> No.23210084
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i've already decided i'm going to be a fat lazy retard the rest of my life, i still have a barely normal bmi but i just ate a frozen freschetta pizza and drank a six pack of yuengling so i'm making progress

>> No.23210092

loli anime

>> No.23210099

Inertia mostly. And a sense of duty.

>> No.23210101

what's the corresponding leg exercise yardstick, top heavy san

>> No.23210102
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>leg exercise

>> No.23210105


>> No.23210111

me (virgin) and my gf are gonna have sex for the first time in a few days. I'm scared. how do I not fuck this up? what are some beginner mistakes? ho

>> No.23210121

basically accepting both existentialism and nihilism as an inevitability

>> No.23210127

Sure. 50 heel elevated ATG bodyweight squats (to account for the lack of ankle mobility)

>> No.23210142
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>The will to power
>Growing antisemitism and judenhaas
>Decreasing trust in Democracy and Parliaments
>Increasing intolerance towards minorities and foreigners
>Rising interest in spirituality
>Curiosity in concepts related to ethnicity
>Huge wealth inequality and resentment towards the upper classes and upper middle
>Gradual anger and willingness to commit violence in defense of children from child predators and against non-standard sex and gender expressions
>Impending hyperinflation and currency devaluation

It's all to play for lads.

>> No.23210151

great satirical post, lad

>> No.23210161
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Just wait until Tiktok discovers the AI translated speeches of Hitler and begins to simp and shill for him like they did for Osama bin Laden. It's going to be wild watching them run damage control from an increasingly radicalized zoomer youth.

>> No.23210198
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Spite, kind of.
Although I experience little intrinsic pleasure, I do get off on knowing people envy or admire me, and the intellectual twist that my success is wasted on me has it's own pungent flavor of vindication.
I also really like good art, but that's rare so it's a delicacy, not the staple. The spite is what I live on.

>> No.23210217
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This and an earnest love of Hitler

>> No.23210249

This is just lazy
Hitler himself wanted Islam for the aryans and to form alliance with the Muslims — also the real people willing to openly criticize the foulness of lgbt propaganda is again, Muslims, and Muslim majority countries. Even the poster you posted is a edit of a real poster that was posted in Qatar’s Footyball 2022 of Islam protecting people from Transexual and homosexual ideology
You can still have your opinion but at least credit where credit is due you silly Willy McBilly >:0)

>> No.23210256
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>> No.23210259
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Good books

>> No.23210264

Used to be like 60 and 19, now it’s probably like 30 and 7

>> No.23210290
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>> No.23210340

There's still a lot to experience, both good and bad. I want to see how I'll mature.

>> No.23210348

What a bunch of self defeatist, whiny, soft, and dramatic pussies you all are. Grow up and quit being a coward

>> No.23210351

Why do you think they're suddenly rushing to ban it after years of dragging their feet?

>> No.23210353

the idea of meeting my ideal self on my deathbed. all I have are my ideas. I have countless projects, some finished, many drafted, many to finish.
I just want to make myself happy with myself because I do not think anyone else will ever be happy with me.

>> No.23210359
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Indeed. It only serves to awaken people to the blight that is the jew and realize how much public opinion they are able to control. We have found ourselves in the rare position where we can not lose.

>> No.23210372

>would you listen to a guy who can't do 60 push-ups and 20 pull-ups?
You're on the literature board.

>> No.23210496

I think there's more truth in philosophy than has been realized so far and I believe that our era of history is uniquely primed to reach out and grasp this truth. I can't leave this life until I've done my utmost to reach it, whatever it might be.
I'm holding out hope that I'll meet a nice girl eventually and have a family of my own, but I'm prepared to live my whole life alone and celibate if that never happens.
I want to see how far I can take my body in terms of size, strength, and speed, and the only person who can answer that question is me. If I give up early I'll never know if I really hit my limit or not.
I did some fairly terrible things when I was younger and resigned myself to living my life out rather than trying to kill myself, reasoning that if I end up suffering every second of my remaining time then it'll be well deserved and that if I don't then maybe I can try to do something to balance out my wrongs. I don't know if that second part will really happen.
None of these are particularly strong reasons to "keep going," but they're what I have. Sometimes I wonder if any of them are as important as they seem to me.

>> No.23210516
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Navakavada Buddhism

>> No.23210575

I survive on the many frivolities that come with NEETdom, including my personal studies, and much lazing around smoking weed and fucking around on 4chan.

>> No.23210682

Lately my Japanese girlfriend
I had given up on my lab here in Japan. But since I may have a LTR with her, she is my motivation. So I endure

>> No.23210687


>> No.23210705

The fact they want us dead, me continuing to live is a big ole middle finger to them

>> No.23210726
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>What keeps you going?
Buddy are u telling me you havnt reached enlightenment yet? hahahahahaah surely u jest XD

>> No.23210791
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I don't belong in this point in spacetime. but if I die, even the memories I love so dearly will be gone.

>> No.23210807

Going with flow

>> No.23210820
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Because i'm a coward. Living is for cowards.

>> No.23210836

Nothing anymore, just pure resentment
The juvenile fantasy of someday getting back at others

>> No.23210838

My ability to invigorate myself with intellectual activity.
Dreams of the future.
Love for my parents.
Fear of Hell.

>> No.23210858

So? A man of good physicality is a representation of a sound mind too. There is such a thing as being washed away by your own fears

>> No.23210900

based except the fear of hell, Do not do good for the expectation of heaven, do not do evil because you primarily fear going to hell. Do good simply cause you love others, dont do evil simply cause you do not want to inflict suffering of others.

>> No.23210904

im still stuck in samsara bro, dont mock me

>> No.23210921
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The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.

>> No.23210929

goyslop i suppose

>> No.23210935

Jesus Christ

>> No.23210941

I’m just living, there’s nothing complex about it I live one day at a time and that’s all there is to it. I have some goals which include learning, making more money and I just try to enjoy myself every day.

>> No.23210970

>what have you got to lose?

Literally everything

>> No.23211212

>pull-ups are fairly easy
>push-ups are still a nightmare
why is this? help me /fitlit/