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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 483 KB, 913x731, IMG_7145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23208890 No.23208890 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23208895
File: 42 KB, 720x720, wjk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No! You can't write on an industrially produced book!

>> No.23208899

>capital A is just a huge a
i agree it's cringe

>> No.23208903

Dunno, but I find it kind of intriguing.
My book collection is mostly second-hand, so there are lots of dedications written by people I never knew. Some of them pretty old.
I think it adds character to a book. I like to know it had another life before it came to me.

>> No.23208904

>Why the fuck do people do this
Write in cursive that I have to look at for minutes to understand? Yeah it's bullshit

>> No.23208914
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1677312259633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ can't into cursive

>> No.23208929

When did they stop teaching cursive in your countries?
In mine all through elementary and secondary cursive was mandatory.
I remember in elementary the teachers would tell us off when we paused writing to cross the "t"s and dot the "i"s, telling us to finish the word before adding that.

>> No.23208933

I like it. My father found, in a random bookstore several hours away, a book which had been signed 100 years ago by a very distant relative of ours on a subject which I have a deep interest. It has now joined my collection of family heirlooms, as an interesting testament to the nature of the family blood. I even sign books to myself if their procurement involved some interesting occurrence I wish to recall and note for my progeny. I enjoy knowing the personal history of a tome. There's this one anthology I have which has the classroom notes of some struggling student in 1977 in it. I've kept the notes as they were. It is a peek into history. Before long, no one from 1977 will even walk the earth, and shortly after my generation will follow.

Work on your cursive hand.

>> No.23208945
File: 181 KB, 710x946, IMG_0973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love getting used books and this one of the reasons. I just a complete works of Shakespeare without this as you open the flap. I wonder if the names were covered before it was sent to the seller or the seller did it themselves?

>> No.23208958

I find it cute, and yet I would never do it myself, as I'm autistically particular about maintaining my own things.

>> No.23208971

this is nice
this is not

>> No.23208986

i speak as an american who graduated 10 years ago
it was only a year-long exercise when you were like 8-9 years old (3rd grade). after that you never needed to write in cursive again, writing in print was acceptable
but very recently, connecticut passed a law encouraging schools to teach cursive from grades K-8, and other states are doing something similar. we'll see how it goes

>> No.23208992
File: 29 KB, 470x470, c01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to reveal to everybody that you don't have any friends, OP

>> No.23208994

Its defacement. You are making a book personal and diminishing its value for any subsequent owner. Especially when you could easily write a note on a slip of paper and nestle it in so that it could easily be removed by the person who gets it after the original recipient (who obviously didnt care) donates it to Goodwill

>> No.23208996

You sound like a communist.

>> No.23208999

If someone gave me a book that they wrote a personalized inscription on the front page, we would no longer be friends

>> No.23209004
File: 4 KB, 292x173, Photo Nov 20, 3 52 14 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah well if I did eat those grapes, I'd bet they'd be sour!
Keep digging this hole for yourself and you might reach China

>> No.23209005

This is terribly ugly. Even without the redaction why the fuck would you chose to write an inscription on the cover pattern page

>> No.23209014

Ignoring the fact you are too stupid to realize the crux of this post concerns buying used books, you are also a faggot.

>> No.23209016
File: 85 KB, 782x836, cursive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cursive if youre not a third worlder

>> No.23209019

>the original recipient (who obviously didnt care)
>anon doesn't know about death
Who's going to tell him?

>> No.23209027


>> No.23209030

>Its defacement.
why are you guys like this now?

>> No.23209035

Lol these inscriptions are always on high quality hardcovers. No one except exceptionally colossal faggots would inscribe a trade paperback you dingus

>> No.23209036

>Marginalia is bad because... It just is OKAY!

>> No.23209037
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>replying to bait

>> No.23209038
File: 344 KB, 1024x768, 385649535_51afbc4caf_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're complaining about someone writing a heartfelt note to their loved one on the blank pages of the cover. Pic related is a much bigger issue when shopping for used books and pisses me off to absolutely no end

>> No.23209041

That sole unit of the book might lose its cleanliness but at the same time if that book is in print constantly or it was autographed by the author then its it really a big deal? I get books that aren't in print and old but I don't think people will cry a river if YA novel #9999999993 has a cutesy marker scribed on it. Hell it might even give historical value to the book when world war 3 happens and the new generation of scholars find it.

>> No.23209047

holy this

>> No.23209048

Easily detectable to be swiftly disregarded. Its much easier to miss inscriptions. So many times Ive brought home what I thought would be my beautiful new hardcover only to discover it actually is Meghans which she got from Katy in Christmas of 2002 and never read.

>> No.23209057

I dont care if YA schlop gets inscribed on. Im never going to read it anyway. As far as an author signature, thats a huge plus and exceedingly rare to find in literature.
My problem is with high quality expensive literature hardbacks that for some reason people seem to fee the need to purposely deface with a personal inscription

>> No.23209064

>if youre not a third worlder
say the guy with a picture that has 300 pixels in it and is barely readable lol

>> No.23209078

People are gay

>> No.23209080

that's not how you write capitals in cursive

>> No.23209083

Calm down and take your autism meds.
Wait until you buy a book with random underlining and highlighting that inexplicably stops after 20 pages.

>> No.23209088

Because you touch yourself at night.

>> No.23209108

He's angrier than you which means he's right.

>> No.23209216

Second and third worlders are pretty much the only people who can write cursive anymore.

>> No.23209257

a cursive A is not a large a

>> No.23209268

different countries have different cursive alphabets

>> No.23209310

you're a fag. i enjoy finding notes like these to people from decades ago. they actually imbue the book with character and make you value the book more than if it were just blank.

>> No.23209323

I love finding shit like this in books. I keep all the sticky notes, and photos, and postcards I find in the used books I purchase.

>> No.23209354
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>Be in british university
>University takes on a fuckload of American Post-Grad students
>They need to be able to mark handwritten exams
>they can't into cursive
>exam results delayed

it was a russel group university

>> No.23209377

When I moved to Europe this became my new fetish: older peoples' handwriting. Younger people don't as much.

>> No.23209378
File: 1.48 MB, 3264x1836, 20200425_010218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No qt3.14 to throw you a Ulysses themed party
Why live?

>> No.23209382

to be fair, some people have really atrocious penmanship and they don't bother to make it legible for anyone but themselves
ioncesawaguywriteasifspacesbetweenwordswerenotathing, why the fuck would you do this

>> No.23209388

for it to be fair there should be a "can i read cursive" test for markers and a "can i write" test for students if we cannot assume students and markers can read and write.

>> No.23209394

>Well worn
>He got that party in the end
Fly high, Stephen

>> No.23209403

I had an ex-girlfriend that did this in books she gave me
was cute when we were dating, now it's so goddamn annoying to see whenever I pick up a book from when we were together

>> No.23209429
File: 587 KB, 935x1265, 22752123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't do it to a book, but it's cool when you can learn something about the previous owner.

>> No.23209434

>make it legible for anyone but themselves
I can't even read my own writing unless I've literally just written it.

>> No.23209450

A few years ago i bought a beautiful hardcover copy of Leaves of Grass & collected prose of Whitman at a used store

Once I got it home I found an inscription to someones gay lover on the opening page. Not homophobic but legit couldnt read the book without thinking of two gays reading it to each other after having gay sex. Ended up selling it back to a different bookstore

>> No.23209459

I want this book

>> No.23209463

My gf made me go to Ikea a week ago. There was a random book decorating a bedroom display that was printed in the 1800s and had a "Merry Christmas" inscription to someone's mother. It was nice.

>> No.23209469

Why are you posting this?

>> No.23209482

I have a secondhand with a bunch of Chinese handwriting and notes in it.

>> No.23209492

he read that book in a day

>> No.23209599

I don't like these but I love a bookplate. I think dedications make me a little sad because a lot of the time the book, which was a gift, was given away or sold by the recipient.

>> No.23209605

Yeah generally the case. Lot of the time cleary there was a breakup

>> No.23209628

Little Simp

>> No.23209633

Why are white women like this?

>> No.23209642

I bet you also like sleeping with girls who have had sex with other men. Faggot retard

>> No.23209654

Jokes on you, I sleep with men.

>> No.23209672

enjoy your sterile books, don't even crack open the spine so it can be virginal just like you, you dickless sissy

>> No.23209702


>> No.23209749


>> No.23209960

With prolapsed asses?

>> No.23210090

probably because of something that begins with an N and ends with an R.

>> No.23210103

It's "NORMAL" what's the big deal?

>> No.23210123

>why SOVL

>> No.23210173

Who are you quoting?

>> No.23210188

I'm an oldfag and some of my most treasured possessions are books I got as gifts from my highschool girlfriend, with notes in the beginning and all her favorite passages underlined and notated. If you don't like it, get a job so you can afford to buy new books.

>> No.23210227
File: 741 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_9479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t mind finding the odd note here and there in used books. It can be interesting stuff sometimes.

>> No.23210267

what like just one?

the big nigg that stops kids from learning to write?

>> No.23210276

How am I supposed to get limited prints from defunct publishers brand new bruv? Im not paying penguin shekelberg for a low quality new print

>> No.23210286

It's just a book, son. The words are the same regardless of the edition. If you really have such a hard on for having rare older editions sitting on your bookshelf to impress your nonexistent friends then, again, you'd better get a job so you can afford to buy them. You can always find relatively pristine older books; you just have to pay a premium for them because there are lots of fags like you who want them too.

>> No.23210287

never read ulysses but wtf, that prose isn't that difficult

>> No.23210312

Bro. Im in way better shape than you. I can deadlift almost 500 lbs all natty. I slam college aged pussy regularly. Im not having some young art hoe sitting naked on my bed thumbing through a penguin deluxe classic edition of Lucretius after Ive fucked her brains out. I need to see her holding a beautiful leather bound piece of art with unfaded high quality lignan paper thats at least a decade older than she is. The last thing I want is to see her reading some stupid fucking inscription some asshole wrote in it thinking they were unique. I dont expect you to understand, as you have no aesthetic sense and could never even dream of the life that I live. Enjoy your fucking slop trade paperbacks you DYEL faggot

>> No.23210337

I write in pencil in the margins of almost every page I read. It's very helpful to me, personally.

>> No.23210350

imagine being this insecure

as the kids would say

>> No.23210354

Read the inscription that's written on the book in the picture posted.

>> No.23210356

Kek more like fucking based lit chad

>> No.23210358

Guess I should've posted a Carlos with my post?

>> No.23210370

>writing candid notes to friends and loved ones is LE BAD!
>why don't I have any friends?

>> No.23210373

Fuck you anon, fuck you until you improve the aesthetic void you mistake for a life. Im not surprised youre quoting zoomerism tic toc garbage.

>> No.23210375

We all know you're samefagging but I'll play along and say that if you actually believe anything about >>23210312 then we need to invent some new words because gullible and naïve aren't going to be enough.

>> No.23210379

write a better larp next time kid

or as /fit/ would say
post body

>> No.23210380

Lol what a faggot

>> No.23210392

t. actual anon here. Not surprised you immediately cry larp. Youre likely low test and never so much as seen the inside of the gym. You cant comprehend my life and my aesthetics. Start barbell training ASAP anon and start collecting leather bound classic literature

>> No.23210394

I annotate first editions. I like to think my ownership of the book and my annotations make it more valuable than being in mint condition. Like a book annotated by Thomas Jefferson.

>> No.23210407

>it's silly to care so much about what a book's cover looks like
Lol no, don't worry, I do fully believe that you spend a lot of time in the gym because no one who had anything else going on in their life would respond like you have.

The part that's a blatant larp is the idea that after you fuck some 20 year old, she's doing anything other than talking to you or scrolling on her phone. But no, I'm sure that all of the multiple young girls you bring home every week are just desperate for the opportunity to learn about Epicurean physics via poem. Totally believable.
>thats at least a decade older than she is.
And oooh, fancy boy has an edition from the 1990s? Wow, such an ancient treasure!

>> No.23210424

Lol clearly you have not spent any time around young art girls anon. Im not surprised. My style of dress and the spaces I hang out makes it easy to attract art girls. And like a bee to a flower they cant help checking out my shelves. I keep a few Sally Rooneys and a first edition Atwood leatherbound at the forefront for that purpose. Like I said i dont expect you to understand.

>> No.23210455

That's nice but if it were true then you wouldn't be so massively insecure to the point that a simple comment about the unimportance of a book's cover would warrant a response like
You just went a little too far, that's all. Tone it down a bit next time and it might be a bit more believable. Lucretius was definitely way too far, the exact sort of name a pseud would drop if he were desperately trying to convince other people of his erudition. But I think you'll do better next time. I really do.

>> No.23210458

I wouldn't personally, myself. Their worldview would clash with mine

>> No.23210513

Anon. Maybe youre feeling emasculated. Thats natural. But youll never know. Not the way youre living. Imagine anon. A 21 yo little arts major looking up at you asking “whats this book about anon” and then sitting there with her eyes twinkling while you fucking mansplain it to her. Thats my life.
Its not too late, unless you are sub 5’10, then off to the pit. But start lifting. Barbell training. SS or stronglifts are both great. Eat clean. Collect leatherbound vintage classics.

>> No.23210567 [DELETED] 
File: 449 KB, 1080x1440, dedication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother sent me a book with a handwritten dedication in it, I was touched. He did write the book, granted...

>> No.23210578

>he still hasn't posted body
larp confirmed

>> No.23210594

What a hot house flower. Get a grip. There are entire races of people that deface the planet just by existing

>> No.23210644

Go back to your containment board, faggot

>> No.23210806

Amerifag here. I used it all the way through high school. Started using print in college, then in my late twenties made a point of it to start writing in cursive again. Glad I went back. It’s so much smoother, and normies can’t read the offensive things I write.

>> No.23210810

Ulysses belongs on the trash heap with every other intentionally dense work of modernist garbage. One of the few works I actively hate.

>> No.23210821

Books were more expensive then and so was calling cross country. And there were fewer distractions/demands on time in entertainment, so a book was less of an imposition.

Most 'cursive' doesn't pass actual calligraphy muster. Make something your own that's legible or interesting to look at.

>It has now joined my collection of family heirlooms

Families should have and retain personal libraries. They're not trivial an outlay to make in the first place, and you're not getting value on the second hand market selling them outside of antiquarian titles. That's very cool you found that piece from a forebearer.

Books worth having shouldn't leave the sphere of one's relations in the first place. But some people die and the people handling their estate don't appreciate them, or they have no next of kin. It's unavoidable. I'd be more up at arms over pen annotations in sloppy wavy underlining that's never going to be revisited in the first place.

Pen + that fag script is abominable. It's not any more legible-- bracket around the passage in a block, cleaving to the upper & lower line at most (IN PENCIL). Worst I've seen was fucking CRAYON. And of course, only 1/3rd the text was gotten through.

>> No.23210862

-> the joke

-> (you)

>> No.23210868

Snob shit, They have seen it in movies and think its cool and sophisticaded.

>> No.23211053


if I ever have a spare copy of Leaves of Grass I want to copy your post into it in perfect cursive before giving it to a thrift store

>> No.23211067

>intentionally dense
Interesting critique. I guess ill read the cliff notes instead. Perhaps a YouTube video of a PHD discussing the book.

>> No.23211224

I just think it doesn't look appealing to write about books, especially when the book is expensive

>> No.23211228

On not about my bad

>> No.23211233

NTA but what he say that was factually incorrect?

>> No.23211235
File: 66 KB, 1024x962, 1503493301884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mom used to write things like that in the books she gave me
>teenage me told her to stop doing that
>now I know one day she'll be gone and I'll cherish everything she wrote in them

>> No.23211260

you can still tell her to start doing it again

>> No.23211266

You have to be fucking autistic to not understand why someone would do this. Jesus christ it's like autists are allergic to enjoying things or something

>> No.23211268

My dad would constantly give me shit for bending the corner of the page to mark where i stopped reading and then i saw my literature professor do that shit all the time and realised how retarded it is to care so much about that kind of thing.

>> No.23211278
File: 194 KB, 638x1024, the_alchemist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23211279
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>> No.23211287
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>> No.23211305
File: 2.83 MB, 2448x3264, Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it makes the gift feel more personal to the recipient. My pet peeve is people who do pic related. Every fucking page is like that, and I hope whoever did this suffers greatly in life.

>> No.23211316
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Recant that request. A few months ago right around my birthday I grabbed a book off my shelf to reference something and an old birthday card fell out that my Mom gave me maybe seven or eight years ago. In it she thanked me for everything I had done for her (She had been sick for years). It meant a lot to me because now there's nobody left who remembers my birthday, or appreciates anything I do for them for that matter.

>> No.23211317
File: 336 KB, 1280x949, 639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these, but I'm very sentimental. It makes me think of the previous owner, and how they thumbed through that same book reading it and enjoying it so long ago. If there's a name I always try to look them up online.

>> No.23211428

I don't write on the covers, but I do write on a blank page of a book I've read for my general thoughts on it, and sign. I like to think that my children might be interested in reading it after I'm gone and want to know what I thought of it and why I kept the book.
I write a dedication on a blank page or title page near the front if I'm giving away a used book from my shelf, especially if it's well-worn, sort of as a way of telling them also that I didn't just go into some used book store and got you whatever I saw there, I thought about what to give you and why. I don't do this on books I bought new from Barnes and Noble or Amazon though.

>> No.23211562

great gesture I wish someone would gift me books that way

>> No.23211609

I have an autism diagnosis that stretches back three decades and even I know it's just a nice gesture. You seem to be confusing autism with functionally retarded here.

>> No.23211763


>> No.23211796

this is based. I annotate my books too

>> No.23212284

>Families should have and retain personal libraries.
Oh, I fully agree.
>That's very cool you found that piece from a forebearer.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.23212445

Serious question, why?

>> No.23212892

It's subsequent owner will see it as a family heirloom so that's not a problem, faggot

>> No.23212923
File: 909 KB, 920x667, limonov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found Limonov's signature on a second-hand copy Memoirs of a Russian punk that I ordered off of AbeBooks lol

>> No.23212963
File: 1.16 MB, 2129x1746, used note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23212993

Neat but probably not going to make the book worth more. Limonov signed thousands of books
Gross. Would legit cut that page out of the book

>> No.23213060

I can't read cursive

>> No.23213188

Pages with large blank spaces are for notes. The actual body of the book should be left alone.

>> No.23213190

I can't read that at all. I can't read cursive. I can't read latin. I can't read any of that stuff. I can't even read philosophical english.

>> No.23213351


>> No.23214393

You guys are faggots. If someone gifted me a book and wrote a note like that to me in the cover, I'd be really flattered. The last time someone bought me a book I read it cover to cover in a day.

>> No.23214511

Britishers can't write cursive either

>> No.23214555

goddamn at least make the lines straight

>> No.23215039

I have no problem reading upside down text but it was genuinely difficult to drop down to the next line while reading that. Even after I knew I needed to drop down an extra line from where instinct told me I still couldn't do it.

>> No.23215622

Anon, you really find it "inexplicable" that someone would stop reading a book?

>> No.23215631


>> No.23215671

Do you understand what a lowest common denominator is?

>> No.23215711
File: 334 KB, 495x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, what exactly did the previous owner mean by these notes?

>> No.23215796

It's kinda funny, my first girlfriend worked in a used bookstore and would wonder about the history behind all these "To my soul mate..." inscriptions on books people threw out. As a result she thought it was just ruining the books. It took some effort to get her to do one for me. Haven't seen her in 15 years but I still have the book.

>> No.23216040

The people disagreeing with you would never date a nonvirgin woman yet they don't mind owning a spoiled book. Hypocrites.

>> No.23216287

Please do the needful and learn cursive saaaaar

>> No.23217418

you get lost looking for goodreads?

>> No.23217540
File: 1.01 MB, 975x731, goku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diminishing its value for any subsequent owner.

>adding history to an object
>diminishing its value
brainlet retard, if anything it ADDS value.

>> No.23217547
File: 118 KB, 438x504, asa mitaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought some Berserk volumes and the guy's internet bill from 2008 was in it. It was the chapter Slan is summoned form troll innards

>> No.23217672

>bookmarking the first page
Not a good start