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23206560 No.23206560 [Reply] [Original]

On Nietzsche.... I only have the Will to Power. Is this a good start?

>> No.23206582

start with the greeks

>> No.23206589

>put together without his input
Worst place to start.

>> No.23206707

>posting on the internet

seems like you have access to all of his works + many translations and secondary sources.

>> No.23206759

>food pepes have invaded /lit/

>> No.23206765

no you also need the will to read

>> No.23206767

>pale imitation of fruitjaks

>> No.23206771
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I've been waiting for this

>> No.23206802
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This text is (in)famously selectively excerpted, curated and edited by his sister Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche and longtime friend of Nietzsche Peter Gast (Heinrich Köselitz). It specifically was curated and even at times seemingly “corrected” (warped, edited) to seem to align with present-day social Darwinist, proto-fascist and proto-National-Socialist ideals. However, it’s not like it’s entirely without any merit or interest, even if at minimum has a historical and philosophical curiosity of some significance.

Nietzsche certainly 100% CANNOT be forced, warped, and molded to fit in with a modern ‘politically correct’ ideal (least of all a straightforward leftist one, a liberal one, a progressive one, or one adhering to ‘social justice’ and all it implies). On the other hand, he also can’t be taken to unironically and unabashedly fit into something like a “Nazi” or “fascist” ideal — there are sticking points in his works (like his, paradoxically, praise of Jews in some parts, while in other parts he seems very “antisemitic” and also criticizes Jews as masterfully introducing the cancer of “slave morality” into Western society, including by being the forbears of Christianity; as well as his strong criticism of the Darwinian theory of evolution and, by implication, social Darwinism, by pointing both how A.) Nature has so much needless luxurious over-the-top abundance of form and variety in it, so much as to make it seem as if It’s beyond pure utilitarianism, and B.) how “natural selection” or “the survival of the fittest” may not always create the absolute STRONGEST, the SMARTEST, or the most BEAUTIFUL specimens, but simply those adapted to survive, which could be anyone from the gorilla to the blobfish; and perhaps the actual real strongest/smartest/most-beautiful have to exist IN SPITE OF ”natural selection”, since this process could also theoretically tend towards The Last Man of Nietzsche’s Zarathustra) against a straightforward conventional fascist/Nazi/far-right reading of his works.

Despite all this, I’m not trying to 100% sanitize Nietzsche — I’d definitely admit, if he had to be fit into a political slot, especially today, he’d tend towards the so-called “far right”. “Based and redpilled”, as cancerous Zoomers would say.

There are definitely better ways to start with Nietzsche. I loved The Gay Science, for instance, and it’s probably one of the best introductions (also loved by Camus), for its aphoristic style and relatively easy readability. Others also would say The Genealogy of Morality is a good one. Hell, even “Beyond Good and Evil”. And who could miss the hilariously over-the-top “autobiographical” (according to his own claims) Ecce Homo? What about even Human, All Too Human? But despite how much I talk about Nietzsche, I’m nowhere near a “Nietzschean”, and far less a “Nietzsche scholar” (I haven’t even read him in the original German!).

>> No.23206815

However, I do think he truly IS an awesome figure in the history of Western philosophy (and even in Western culture/the arts/literature at large, due to the massive influence he’s had in these fields), really seriously worth learning from and being impacted by him.

If you want to know what NOT to start with, it’s Thus Spake Zarathustra. That’s a late or even FINAL work of his, if you want a hypothetical reading-list to read Nietzsche in the order of. (A very simple yet good one would be a chronological order — reading Nietzsche in the order he released his major works; which would mean starting with The Birth of Tragedy, itself a TREMENDOUS work of literary criticism, philosophy, and cultural commentary even if he discounted it later). That’s another good one to start with. I’m fucking drunk, and therefore rambling. Anyway, most OPs and anons on 4CHAN’S LIT are fucking retarded anyway, and I doubt you’ll ever even get to reading more than TWO of his works.

Prove me wrong, I beg you — then make at least somewhat interesting or coherent threads/posts about his works, without just relying on le epic Pepe/Wojak maymays to gain some fleeting interest. Please.

>> No.23206961


>> No.23206979
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Read Twilight of the Idols

>> No.23208161

Mr. Alamriu talks about this

>> No.23208187

You have access to the internet so you can read all of his works. Read them chronologically and find out.

>> No.23208329

You can start with the books you like, but it's up to you to follow this chart >>23206979

>> No.23208367

No. Nietzsche never even wanted that work published.

>> No.23208374

this guy gets it