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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.63 MB, 1289x1388, womenauthors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23205209 No.23205209 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this, /lit/

>> No.23205227

Simple. Someone cherrypicked some books to create a pro-men and anti-women narrative. I would be careful with divisive propaganda like this.

>> No.23205232 [DELETED] 

>I would be careful with divisive propaganda like this.
Can I hire you to curate all content I engage with before I engage with it so that I never encounter anything dangerous, dark, or divisive? You ugly nigger?

>> No.23205233

>Explain this, /lit/
>gets upset when I explain it
OK. You wanted validation of your biases, not proper discussion.

>> No.23205235

kek OP BTFO'd

>> No.23205237

Tons of novels written by men have pointless gossip though. The thing is men can write about anything they want while women can only write about manchasing and domestic affairs. Oh, and they can also write books that blame civilization for this.

>> No.23205241

I've read and liked all of the books listed here, some even multiple times. Does that make me a man or a woman?

>> No.23205252

A cultured gentleman.

>> No.23205256

I don't think the person who made this read Little Women, less than a drama I'd describe it as a female bildungsroman.
A book meant for 10-12 year olds.

>> No.23205270

p&p solos all the other books listed, sorry op

>> No.23205322

I hate Jane Austen. Carlyle was right about her

>> No.23205327

I bet you also consult Carlyle on how to be a faggot.

>> No.23205331

Woolff said women would write more interesting stuff once they were allowed a room/places of their own.
You tell me how that turned out.

>> No.23205334
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>> No.23205344

She was right. It gave us kino like the Earthsea series and the Balkans trilogy.

>> No.23205352

Meanwhile Cervantes wrote Don Quixote in a fucking cell.

>> No.23205372
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Many such cases

>> No.23205374

Feminism is basically an investment scam
>we will do amazing things, I swear
>but first you need to give us MORE liberation
>wtf, how can you expect us to do great things without more liberation?!

>> No.23205379

He wrote it later in life, after he had been freed and worked for years as a tax collector and all the other odd jobs he did.

>> No.23205380

whats that ivanhoe edition?

>> No.23205392

>a pro-men and anti-women narrative
It's the other way around actualy.

>> No.23205397

Damn another anon actually read the Balkans trilogy? Loved those books. Have you checked out the Levant novels at all?

>> No.23205501

Women issue pussy credits and sell them to male shareholders to raise capital, feminism is essentially Reagan-era deregulation in that it ascribes inefficiencies in public pussy market to over-regulation but it really just creates more moral hazards and price speculation.

>> No.23205511

> Have you checked out the Levant novels at all?
Not yet but I plan to read them some day. What about you?

>> No.23205535

Treasure Island is such a good read. I was not expecting much because it's the basis of pirate works, but i was stunned

>> No.23205619

I have not, but I too plan to get around to them eventually. I heard she got in trouble for 'borrowing' too much from real life for some bits of Levant, also discovered theres a made for tv adaptation of her works.

>> No.23205697

I liked Wuthering Heights, and Ivanhoe was shit

>> No.23205738
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>Everytime I read ‘Pride and Prejudice’ I want to dig [Austen] up and beat her over the skull with her own shin-bone,” Twain wrote in one letter to a friend.

>> No.23205741

Why did he keep reading a book he didn’t like?

>> No.23205802


>> No.23205804

Proto 4channer

>> No.23205820

Debunk it
While men create works of adventure, excitement, heroism and chivalry women write books about stacey pining over chad or gossiping about how chad likes somebody else
That's literally what all the most well known and respected books written by women actually are. Aside from a few exceptions this is all women can do
And for some reason writers like london, haggard, scott and stevenson are forgotten while authors like austen and eliot are remembered and widely read and referred to as classics
women ruined literature

>> No.23205843

Lmao try again when you live in reality

>> No.23205950

Men and women are different. Every civilization in the history of humanity always understood this, with the modern west being the one and only exception to it.

>> No.23206278
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i see you haven't read cather.

>> No.23206341

I thought this was an anti-male meme at first lol. Scrotes are owned FOREVER

>> No.23206613 [DELETED] 

Men write gossip and small talk too, actually. It's just not as well known.

>> No.23206625

>>23205209 (OP)
Men write gossip and small talk too, actually. It's just not as well known.

Setting that aside, if all you got from Pride and Prejudice or Little Women was gossip and small talk, you need to read it again. There's much to be said for women's wisdom, and those books have it.

>> No.23206835

Her books are literally just about relationships and gossip
No bloodshed, no adventure, no violence. you could replace the frontier setting with an english country manor and there'd be no difference
They're nothing like the novels of zane grey or fenimore cooper or lamour
Men can write gossipy novels but, with a few small exceptions, all women can write is gossipy novels

>> No.23206857

Like I said, there's more to those novels than gossip.

>> No.23206859


>> No.23206873
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>male books are a bunch of low brow and genreslop

nice self-own

>> No.23206877

Where's the adventure in Houellebecq, D H Lawrence, Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Musil, Proust? lol

>> No.23206885

Extremely easy to do. Some of the most popular action-packed, bloody, heroic, selfless, mainstream titles are not only written by women, they became movies or shows: Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Twilight, True Blood, Interview with the Vampire, and many more.

>> No.23206887

If you think any of those books written by men are better than Pride and Prejudice or Middlemarch you are clinically retarded

>> No.23206901

Middlemarch is a masterpiece and OPoop is implying it's worse than King Solomon's Mines lmao

>> No.23206910

>low brow and genreslop
same is true about the books written by women in OP's pic

>> No.23206912

No there isn't
I've tried reading them
It's just women sitting in rooms talking about personal relationships
Those authors are all womanly authors
Those are all womanly novels which revolve around personal drama and conflicts and women pining over chad
Every educated man of the 19th century would have recognised scott as one of if not the greatest novelist of all time
And his novels were action packed tales of adventure and heroism (mostly)
You really show your ignorance and lack of literary knowledge when you spout bullshit like this

>> No.23206928

Middlemarch is trash
It's worse than trash
If i went up to any great figure of the past few thousand years and asked if they wanted to hear a tale of adventure and war in strange lands or a tale about the domestic disputes of people living in a town they would universally choose the former
Alexander the great, genghis khan, napoleon, george washington, all would choose king solomon's mines over middlemarch
Tales of heroism have been enjoyed for thousands of years from epic poetry to medieval romance to broadsides, nobody pre 1700 enjoyed tales of womanish shit like books jane eyre and pride and prejudice exemplify

>> No.23206938


>> No.23206947
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>women selections: high literary fiction

>male selection: glorified genrefiction


>> No.23206948
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>it’s another this book or writer is better than that book or writer
>probably didn’t even read it or understand it
>still post argumentatively with nothing to say outside of the based/cringe dichotomy
>posts low level Wikipedia tier generalizations

>> No.23206957

better yet, some of those male books are literal childrens books lol

>> No.23206966
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>Bloodshed, Heroism, Sacrifice, Adventure

>> No.23206999

Then why did they put all the good books on the bottom?

>> No.23207000

>Explain this

You are an actual man child who likes fairy tales about knights and pirates instead of literary fiction that explores mature themes

The fact that couldn't even use Melville or Dostoyevsky or Tolstoy or dickens or literally any male novelist with serious literary merit for your "male novels" is hilarious and speaks volumes

>> No.23207009

>mature themes

>> No.23207011

>le heckin adventure!

>> No.23207019

I imagine human relationships and existentialism are probably pretty alien themes to a man child like yourself. star wars novelizations are more your pace

>> No.23207021

When did everyone here become a clown?

>> No.23207028

>adventure is bad
absolutely buckbroken and soulless, just like a woman

>> No.23207029

So they're written like real life and real people? Probably why they're some of the most mainstream and popular stories. The biggest stories do.

That includes Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, which is one of the most emotional and relationship-intertwined/complex stories to ever be written...by a man.

>> No.23207031

Grow up

>> No.23207047

pseud detected
your grandfather, who was ten times more intelligent and grown up than you are rightly saw walter scott as the greatest novelist of all time

>> No.23207052

>So they're written like real life and real people? Probably why they're some of the most mainstream and popular stories. The biggest stories do.
How are the people in treasure island not written like real people of the 18th century?
>That includes Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones, which is one of the most emotional and relationship-intertwined/complex stories to ever be written...by a man.
And which include derring do nontheless

>> No.23207055
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>p-please stop mocking me, youre just a pseud
>now let me tell you about the headcanon I made up to feel better about myself

>> No.23207075

You're literally a woman
You've been brainwashed by a hundred years of womanly writers and academics into ignoring the tales of your ancestors
No educated man in the middle ages, the renaissance or the age of exploration was reading petticoat dramas
They were reading amadeus de gaul. Which you have been filtered by. You've been mentally castrated.

>> No.23207083
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You left out Frankenstein.

>> No.23207087

>become a corpse of your former self
nah, I think I will pass that

>> No.23207092
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>serialised genre stories from 1881 published in a literal children's magazine

>> No.23207093

NTA, but saying "grow up" to someone who reads adventure novels reads exactly like what a pseud would say. Teddy Roosevelt read adventure novels and he was the fucking president of the United States. You sound like a manchild.

>> No.23207100

I didn't say Treasure Island isn't written like real people. I said LotR, Game of Thrones, Twilight, The Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc., all contain emotional characters and interwoven relationships because that's written like reality. Regardless, those stories aren't heavily relationship focused except for Twilight and GoT.

>> No.23207102

Just because you are a man doesn’t mean you are better than others. Stop living vicariously through half the population, it’s embarrassing. Many of you are bottom of the barrel and aren’t better than anyone, women included

>> No.23207106

He isn't just reading adventure novels, retard. Literally made a thread to show off.

>> No.23207117

>Just because you are a man doesn’t mean you are better than others
actually it does, but we don't say this outloud out of politeness

>> No.23207119

Your ancestors read medieval romances
You read petticoat dramas
As I said, you've been mentally castrated into reading women's fiction.
Imagine telling the american pioneers and mountain men who read shakespeare and fenimore cooper and scott to read a tale about women in love with chad
If you read womanly fiction as a man you're subhuman
You're below people who don't even read
You're reading gossip and small talk. You're reading what becky said to sarah instead of the illiad

>> No.23207140
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I didnt tell anyone to "grow up", nor did I tell anyone they cant read adventure novels, illiterate shitstain, maybe try actually reading the comments you are replying to next time,

I read some low brow lit and genre fiction myself once and a while and I enjoy it, the difference is im not pretending its something it isn't while being intentionally dishonest about other literature as part of pathetic incel circle jerk thread #23876476 where I express how much I hate women because im lonely and sexually frustrated

>> No.23207150

Wait a minute. Are you the retarded schizo who hates Lolita? You sound familiar.

>> No.23207154
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>comparing Shakespeare to pulp magazine childrens stories

fucking hell, please God exercise a modicum of self awareness. you actually posted this thinking it would make you seem cool and masculine lmfao. what kind of cope is this?

>> No.23207157

Bro why are you so desperate to prove to everyone how manly you are? Youre trying WAY too hard to the point where you just come off as desperate and feminine yourself

>> No.23207162
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1476039408690[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I didnt tell anyone to "grow up", nor did I tell anyone they cant read adventure novels, illiterate shitstain, maybe try actually reading the comments you are replying to next time,

>You are an actual man child who likes fairy tales about knights and pirates instead of literary fiction that explores mature themes

If that isn't you, the shut the fuck up and quit responding to me, retard, I wasn't talking about you.

If that is you, kindly eat your post before I take a big shart on your faggot face. Thank you very kindly.

>> No.23207168

Shakespeare at the time was the equivalent of melodrama that some of his critics said were overrated and bloviating. You only revere Shakespeare because you're told to. In reality, there is very little difference between them in that comparison.

>> No.23207169

whew, and I bet you actually blame other people and society for you being alone, without a hint of self awareness about how much of a deranged autistic freak you are

>> No.23207177

>I bet you actually blame other people and society for you being alone
Nice projection, but I'm married, because I'm not a faggot-ass retarded loser like you who takes other people's shit.

> without a hint of self awareness about how much of a deranged autistic freak you are
Cope and seethe, I'll be sleeping next to my wife tonight, while you sit tight in your little race car bed as you still live with mommy and daddy, fuck-stain reject.

Oh, right, but I read "adventure novels", so that instantly negates everything, lmao, fucking gutter-whore waste of semen.

>> No.23207178

>retarded thread with pleb opinion
>it's a chud

>> No.23207179

>Shakespeare at the time was the equivalent of melodrama that some of his critics said were overrated and bloviating

wow yea you dont say, its almost like shakespeare was a pretty huge influence on authors of dramatic novels like Jane Austen that OP is bitching about, and most of his exaggerated complaints about women writing about romance and drama apply to 99% of the western canon

>> No.23207186
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>> No.23207187

>while you sit tight in your little race car bed

epic projection from the guy bragging about reading serials published in children's pulp magazines

sorry bud, but you already embarrassed yourself too much to start throwing around insults like these

>> No.23207190

>calls others plebs
>unironically uses the term "chud"

Nice self-own.

>> No.23207194
File: 151 KB, 735x999, pepe-the-frog-minneapolis-police-policeman-george-floyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sorry bud, but you already embarrassed yourself too much to start throwing around insults like these
Here's an image of me caring what a nobody like you thinks about what I read.

>> No.23207200

what's wrong, chud? don't like the word? tough shit.

>> No.23207201

Gee, sounds like you're being a hypocrite then and getting upset because the premise of your argument had no solid grounding. You could just say that, maybe, just maybe, you disagree with OP?

>> No.23207204

>don't like the word?
I laugh every time I see it.


Because it's a laughably harmless term that only someone as weak and inoffensive as a faggot could try to use as an insult. It's practically a comment. Thanks, I guess?

>> No.23207208

It's a meme word yet it upsets you somehow

>> No.23207209

>p-please dont make fun of me for arrogantly bragging about having shitty taste
>25 absolutely seething replies later
>yea well i dont care what you think! eat this!

once again anon, you've already shown us your hand...stuff like this doesn't really work once you've already shown us your hand

>> No.23207211

Don't cry bruh, keep posting it.

>> No.23207213

ok chud

>> No.23207215

>25 absolutely seething replies later
Did I, or did I not say "Not that Anon"? Quit humiliating yourself.

>shitty taste
Mhm, the absolute worst, taste so bad I would make nurgle proud, and the fact it upsets you makes me enjoy it even more.

>> No.23207225

i say again, i see you haven't read any cather. there's bloodshed in death comes for the archbishop and and every book of the frontier trilogy. her stories of the frontier wouldn't make one bit of sense in an english manor.

>> No.23207226

im not being hypocritical at all, im pointing out OPs hilarious hypocrisy in falling aback on name dropping shakespeare after making fun of female written literary fiction for the crime of having a thematic focus on human drama

OP is pretty clearly a subhuman worm trying desperately to overcompensate for is lack of masculinity to the point where his literary criticism ceases to make any semblance of sense and doesn't even pretend to be in good faith

the worst pats is he doesn't even seem to understand how insecure it makes him look when he posts stuff like "FELLAS IS IT FEMININE AND GAY TO READ ABOUT HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS???"

there's no way to recover from exposing yourself like that, no amount of insults will ever be able to take back the overt incoherence of his literary criticisms or his clear insecurity and desperation to prove to everyone how macho he is on an anonymous forum

>> No.23207238

Nigga, what the hell do you gain from making a thread like this, talking about women like they matter on 4chan on here of all places? Go vent in /adv/, /r9k/ or wherever the fuck. What do you gain from arguing with trannies and simps about what some dead guy wrote being better than women's lit? It should be self-evident by now that women are largely irrelevant to your life if you have that low an opinion of them. So, detach from the vaginal Jew then go out there and enjoy yourself without women holding you back. Stop shitting up the board with dumb takes.

>> No.23207251
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>> No.23207254

lol nice

>> No.23207257

These are the types of "people" posting on this board, it's unironically over

>> No.23207260

>That's literally what all the most well known and respected books written by women actually are.
The classics are, because that was the only lived experience available to a lot of them back then.

>> No.23207288

3 of 4 of those male authors were fags and therefore effectively women

>> No.23207290
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>And for some reason writers like london, haggard, scott and stevenson are forgotten while authors like austen and eliot are remembered and widely read and referred to as classics

probably because literary fiction like Austen explores the human experience in ways that are intimately relatable for a lot of people, while most people arent neurotically obsessed with proving their masculinity by reading adventure serials from children's pulp magazines

you see, for most people who arent deranged speglords, things like human relationships are a big part of their lives and literary fiction that explores these things can really connect to the reader. why you seem to have a big problem with that, well, one can only speculate.

pulp adventure stories and the like can be a lot of fun or very imaginative, and there's plenty I personally like, but for most people, that stuff doesn't really resonate with them on a higher level, because they dont need that content to feed into their own personal power fantasy the way you do

>> No.23207295

nice cope

>> No.23207320

but Wuthering Heights slaps tho

>> No.23207323

Being this insecure is unironically deeply feminine behavior

>> No.23207331

This. Jesus Christ…

>> No.23207849

Fucking retard

>> No.23207864

>walter scott
>the greatest novelist of all time

>> No.23207917

What did Carlyle say about Austen?

>> No.23207922

You must be 18 or over to post here

>> No.23208005

great bait in making the female books actually superior to the male ones

>> No.23208083

stop reading genreslop

>> No.23208092

This. Don't compare women writers with men because that implies competition.

>> No.23208285

There is. It just went over your head.

>> No.23208555
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I always find it ironic because most of these anons claim to see beyond the equality myth, but are still baffled when women do womanly things.

>> No.23208704

and yet, all the books on the bottom are better lol.

>> No.23208711

simone, carson, quinn, and young all bury your larping male writers. you know nothing about literature, let alone women, or anything regarding women who write.

you know nothing.

>> No.23208715

I did not care for pride and prejudice

>> No.23208729
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That's a 9/10 egg basket, there.

>> No.23208741

>why aren't women doing the same as men??? REEEEEE
>why are women doing the same as men?? REEEEEE

>> No.23210019

>While men create works of adventure, excitement, heroism and chivalry women write books about stacey pining over chad or gossiping about how chad likes somebody else
Why is that bad? You a fag?

>> No.23210181

>literary fiction like Austen explores the human experience
kek. Austen is almost exclusively gay power fantasy just like shallow adventure novels. It's just that instead of being way stronger and braver than everyone else it's having a very special man irrationally obsessed with you.

>> No.23210192

Are you a woman or a self hating faggot
I'm repulsed by the thought of knowing I browse the same threads as women

>> No.23210292

>He's scared of women
Have you not read enough male authors to ensure courage?

>> No.23210414

>repulsed by women
You’re an actual faggot lol

>> No.23210632


>> No.23210648

No one is baffled though, it's just common sense that women are oversocialized bugs.

>> No.23211070

Why even write this stuff? No one here pays it any mind anyway. Always someone writing shit that belongs on twitter.

>> No.23211090

Whats to explain? That women are bad at writing because of their infantile brains?

>> No.23211094

Other way around. Men come off as infantile here. The books written by women in the image are better than the genre fiction above them.

>> No.23211113

>Look, I can cherry pick harder

>> No.23211139

Sheesh and I thought I was insane for some of my theories

>> No.23211143

I mean you responded to it so it must have affected you in some manner

>> No.23211146

Most men dont fantasize about fucking Chad. And if they do, they're zesty.

>> No.23211296

What makes a book more male or female has nothing to with content, since Zola wrote the most feminine Ladies Paradise in a still manly way. The only point of contention would have to come from the differences in religious consciousness between genders. A lady has never founded a world religion, and religion would have to be the beginning of identity and self reference that a person uses to compare things down to an individual level to use as a symbol. Women and more female male writers don’t have religion or religious consciousness, whatever it may be, so everything is compared and organized from the outside.

>> No.23211978

>muh faggot muh coward
Fuck off
This is a male dominated space
Once white women flood such spaces they turn to shit
Go do better stuff like kneeling for some oppressed folks

>> No.23211997

As if /lit/ hasn’t turned to shit?

>> No.23213579

>simone, carson, quinn, and young
redpill me on them
and which of their books should i start with?

>> No.23213582

Take your meds

>> No.23213588

>George Eliot

>> No.23213626
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>Tons of novels written by men have pointless gossip though.
This. Tolstoy himself admitted that his """magnum opus""" was nothing but gossipy twaddle (and he was right)

>> No.23213631

Wuthering Heights is a ghost story wtf

>> No.23213744


>> No.23213807

>a book about a dog is superior to a book about a woman
inb4 touchless virgin responds

>> No.23213833

oh look another thread about muh women on /lit/

>> No.23214147

if you're a hole you don't belong here simple as that
4chan like every other thing on the internet was created by a geek male for other male outcasts
Go discuss some retarded marxist shit on a hole dominated space that no man bothers to frequent
If you can't stand muh hole threads a
you should definitely fuck off
There is a board even for animals we can discuss everything here