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/lit/ - Literature

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23203398 No.23203398 [Reply] [Original]

I wish to preserve as much of Literature and the other Arts on a medium not bigger than a 2.5L coke bottle.
Google estimates that since the invention of the printing press 130 million books have been published.
One would start such a massive project not for the preservation of the Classics but for the preservation of those works almost forgotten by time.
As the archival medium I would use M-Discs, DVDs probably last longer, but Blu Rays hold 5 times more information.
At first we must assemble a team, each member has to compile the works of one canonical author, afterwards he compiles all the translations, this is the first stage.
In the second stage we start compiling the niche authors which influenced, was mentioned or was part of the same movement as those writers, together with the translations.
By now we have most probably collected all the works worth a damn, in the third stage the project gets split into many branches.
>scanning of works of art: painting, sculpture and architecture
>more visual books like manuals and encyclopedias, which might have been overlooked
>important historical newspapers and magazines such as Le Moniteur and whatever pulp Tom Sawyer was reading
>academic journals
>archeological artifacts, biology and geography
>film, tv and videogames(these probably not)
>all the books until the end of ww2

All of these will get tied together beautifully with lots of cross references and the writing of an encyclopedia which allows you to get deeper and deeper into a subject until you are left with the books.
Perhaps I am retarded and all these works will take up a lot more space but I honestly would go much further preserving everything until Corona including all those retarded feel good psychology books you find in gas stations.
My wish is that everyman could afford these collection and I am pretty sure that we can compile everything written until the end of ww2 together with most visual arts.

>> No.23203523


>> No.23203594

Have you tried editing wikipedia? Not trying to discourage you, but you can do a lot of this with already existing websites such as wikipedia, google books, and archive.org

It's not as centralized, but you get more bang for your buck because they already have a large userbase.