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/lit/ - Literature

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23201290 No.23201290 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23201298

based animal

>> No.23201307
File: 125 KB, 392x322, delhongi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought an epspresso machine with built in coffee grinder and steam wand
unrionically life changing, coffee Chads. Can't recommend enough.

>> No.23201371

mr. moneybags over here

>> No.23201389

I got it on sale for $380 I think. I guess that sounds expensive but that's a steal for an espresso machine. It usually retails for nearly double that.

>> No.23201415

How can you drink espresso? Is it an aquired taste? I've had it few times but never really got used to it.

>> No.23201422

I just like it. I can't really go back to drip coffee anymore, for me it's digusting in comparison

>> No.23201434

all jokes aside, i think the machines pay for themselves. each espresso is at least $1.50 where i live, but most are like $2-3
i've fantasized about selling espressos in a kiosk lol
for me, it's like a shot of alcohol. goes down all at once and i don't care about the taste as much as the effect

>> No.23201473

>ghosted AGAIN
honestly, this dating thing is so fucking stupid and sickening. It's just debasing and humiliating yourself for a crumb of female attention. Fuck this shit.

>> No.23201475

>i've fantasized about selling espressos in a kiosk lol
You should honestly save towards making it a reality. That's what I'm doing right now. Coffee and tea places are very lucrative because the margins are so high. I've done the math on matcha tea, and with wholesale pricing, even accounting for cream and sweetened condensed milk (typical matcha latte), say you sell for 5 or 6 bucks (going price for matcha latte in the states) they only cost about $1 to make at most. We're talking a net return on 5 or so dollars per drink, sell 100 throughout the day and it starts to add up. And they're easy to make on top of it. You could run the place yourself at first, maybe with one other employee, and once it begins to see regular customers you can fill out your staff after. Have a little library in the corner and nice couches and chairs. Unironic /lit/ dream. But it isn't that hard to make a reality if you can manage to save up the 20-30k to start it.

>> No.23201482

Did you meet them on a dating app? Those things really are cancer. I tried the dating app scene for a while but I just couldn't do it anymore after a certain point. And as for the few dates I went on, even if they were cute girls, it all just felt so fake and inorganic.

>> No.23201491

my condolences on being hard straight
that's because it's basically you both trying to pretend that the entire reason you're having a date is because you swiped right, it's very inorganic in the sense that matchmaking stuff is, it's like you having an arranged date with someone except you both arranged it for each other and you're supposed to act like that isn't the case
we live in silly times

>> No.23201495

>Did you meet them on a dating app?
Arguably worse: from class. I've never used dating apps, but what you're saying sounds about right.

>> No.23201509

>Arguably worse: from class
I'd say it's definitely worse. At least when it's a dating app you never really met them or only went on one date, but won't ever see eachother again. In class you have to keep crossing paths and act like nothing ever happened.

>> No.23201511
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How to write good?

>> No.23201516

If you have to ask a question like that, there is no hope. Give up the dream. Let it die. You'll be happier than to keep laboring in vain towards something that will never happen.

>> No.23201527

Thanks anon, I even put on a shirt so I look employable.

>> No.23201551

Doomposting never helped anyone. All skills are learned through practice.

>> No.23201556

Read a lot.
Write a lot.
Repeat until you're dead.

>> No.23201568
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I'm just telling him what he needs to hear, not necessarily what he wants to hear. No great author ever asked himself "how do I write well?" It was instinctual and born in their nature. The thought never even occured to them: they were guided by their natural genius, and simply did it. Do you think Homer thought to himself "gee, how do I write well?" Of course not. Guided by his passion and natural genius he composed a poem that all of humanity throughout all ages has admired. Yes, there is much to labor towards in the perfection of any art. But no one ever had to ask how to do it.

>> No.23201572

Yes, it's fucked. I'm skipping class today.

>> No.23201578

Did you two ever go on a date? or was it just texting?

>> No.23201582

This is the ultimate test.
Either OP reads this and goes "fuck this faggot" and gets to write his epic litrpg isekai cultivation webnovel, or he gives up, never to be read beyond 4chan posts.

>> No.23201591

I think doomposting should warrant a ban here.

>> No.23201594

I disagree. Writing can be taught, but only to some extent. Many great writers wrote relatively mediocre works early on, and later improved with age, experience, and practice. Many were also influenced or mentored by other writers, or received significant help from editors. However, it is true that there is an element of natural genius at play. All great writers have a certain amount of innate talent, but that talent had to be refined and honed through instruction and practice to reach its full potential. Someone who lacks all talent can improve their writing substantially through practice and learning from others, but will still never rise above mediocrity.

>> No.23201601

Improvement is still instinctual. That's what I'm getting at. Homer did not write in a vaccuum: He was brought up and surrounded by the Greek poetic and storytelling tradition, and he no doubt had mentors and those around him wherein he improved his practice. But he instinctually sought them out and put himself in a position to be inspired and improved by them. Do you understand? If you have to ask 'how do I write well?', it's already hopeless for you. Homer is just one example, but he never asked that, ever! This I do not doubt. Nor did Shakespeare, not did Milton, etc. They were never not already in that literary environment.

>> No.23201631
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>at uni
>Grasp everything
>Cant participate in discussions/reflections
Does it mean im somehow still too stupid for academia? I never know if im just too shy to say something or too low iq.

>> No.23201637

>Did you two ever go on a date?

>> No.23201644

get drunk and the filter comes off

>> No.23201647 [DELETED] 

Sure, but when someone asks
>How can I write well?
they're not asking how to become the next Homer or Shakespeare. (Also, Homer didn't technically write—his epics were passed down orally and were only written down generations after his death.) They're asking about how to become a better writer, which is a reasonable question. Even if you aren't extremely talented and will never achieve reknown as a writer, it's completely valid to want to improve your writing skills, because those skills are useful in many aspects of life. Most people can in fact become better writers through reading and extensive writing practice, even if they'll never be masters of the written word. Telling someone who wants to improve their writing to give up because they'll never be Homer is pointlessly nasty and pretentious.

>> No.23201649

This post makes me think of incels and nihilists, and of /ic/, their obsession with the cold hard facts that make up reality as they understand it.
There is no hope in a world where statistics show girls only like tall guys, or a world in which you are just chemicals that can get scrambled and made into something else, or where 12 year old kids on DeviantArt draw better hands than you.
I'm not saying that's incorrect or wrong, I too believe that the great writers were a combination of inborn talent and being brought up in the right conditions. In a world where talent exists, where there's always someone better, where everything's been done, where you will be forgotten and swallowed up by time and the sea of content that now surrounds us, what the fuck is the point of wanting to "write well"? What the fuck is the point on trying anything at all beyond being a consumer? Hell, if you have to ask "how do I do x?" past your formative childhood years, you can almost be sure you won't be one of the greats in whatever field you are aiming for.
It's like being 28 and picking up chess for the first time, aiming to beat Magnus Carlsen's records or Lazlo Polgar's kids. Isn't that absurd and hopeless? Wouldn't you be better off just getting drunk, masturbating, working to keep alive and posting on 4chan?
Dozens of people today will lose heart and will never write anything in their lives after reading through this thread. Nothing of value will be lost to the world, but something will be forever missing in the only life they had.
In a world of hopeless and brutal facts, the only sane thing we can do is to hold onto our hopes.

>> No.23201665

When someone asks
>How can I write well?
they're not asking how to become the next Homer or Shakespeare. (Also, Homer didn't technically write—his epics were passed down orally and were only written down generations after his death.) They're asking about how to become a better writer, which is a reasonable question. Even if you aren't extremely talented and will never achieve renown as a writer, it's completely valid to want to improve your writing skills, because those skills are useful in many aspects of life. Most people can in fact become better writers through reading and extensive writing practice, even if they'll never be masters of the written word. Telling someone who wants to improve their writing to give up because they'll never be Homer is pointlessly nasty and pretentious.

>> No.23201670

People who are obsessed about religion (but never read any sacred scriptures, looking at you atheists and fake preachers), with race, sex, war or anything in between are the most vapid humans in existence. The older I grow the more I want to move to the Middle East and chill away from these guys. It's my life goal now. Chilling somewhere nice surrounded by family. Eating the delicious meals my wife prepares. Not having to suffer the alcoholics, the depressed, the druggies or insane. Having genuine and fun conversations with people. It'd be real nice. I'd settle in Abu Dhabi or Malaysia, I think.

>> No.23201686

You're aware the middle east is very much obsessed with religion

>> No.23201706

People keep it to themselves. I've been there before. It's funny but people are more judgemental and entitled in the west where morals are all over the place than in actual religious countries.

>> No.23201707

Why not Japan? Probably the most secular country in the world, also the type of loud combatative atheism doesn't exist there either

>> No.23201713

>Also, Homer didn't technically write—his epics were passed down orally and were only written down generations after his death.
That's been disproven by nearly every legitimate, foremost homeric scholar.
My point still stands friend. If you have to ask on 4chan, it's never happening. He'd already be out there improving. He'd of already found a way, the hunger would have been so great that he'd be working towards the improvement of his artistry already. This isn't what he wants to hear: it's what he needs to hear.

>> No.23201719

>shits on other people's ability to write
>says *he'd of* instead of *he'd have*
Pseud detected.

>> No.23201723

Pedant detected: you know what I meant.

>> No.23201725

He's a pseud and he knows it. He's just trying to show everyone else that they are also pseuds and that no one will ever accomplish anything because that's how the world works.
Misery loves company, just look at Adachiposters on /v/.

>> No.23201734

Love doesnt exist in my life.

>> No.23201736

I'm not miderable, I'm just sick of half the posts on this board replies in threads being "how do I write better". It's like asking "how do I get better at soccer?" Um, by playing? By practicing? By studying great soccer players? The answer is so obvious to me that I'm amazed we're having a debate over it at all. I cite Homer and Milton and Shakespeare as an examples because they are the height of literature that we should be aspiring to. You don't study bad or average soccer players, you study the greats. The only miserable person is one who does not understand this.

>> No.23201752

Nobody needs another Milton

>> No.23201761

That whole mindset is so flawed and defeatist though. It's like saying: why bother trying to become a better cook, since you'll never be a world-famous chef? or why bother taking an art class if your paintings will never hang in the Louvre? or why bother practicing the guitar if you'll never get a record deal? If you enjoy writing, then there's nothing wrong with doing it for its own sake, and trying to achieve whatever modest improvements and successes you can. Sure, you'll never be Shakespeare, but you can still gain a sense of fulfilment from sharing your work with other people who may find value and enjoyment in it. Yes, it's very difficult to make a living as a writer, and 99% of people who want to be writers won't write a masterwork or be able to gain a massive audience and financially support themselves solely through their writing. But it's better to advise people who are interested in becoming better writers to practice and to pursue writing as a hobby rather than to shit on them for even wanting to try.

>> No.23201766

homer isn't real, but i get your point

>> No.23201767

>no decent writer has ever asked how to write well
with a take like this, you don't have the mental capacity. ngmi

>> No.23201775

We need more authors with his import and facility of language, the striking images and figures he exhibits in his writing, and the regular strain of the awesome and the sublime that regularly occurs throughout his best works.

>> No.23201777

I'm sure someone out there loves you.

>> No.23201784

This reads very differently to the stuff from before. Now you're talking of action and following in the footsteps of the greats when before you were talking about how even trying to get started is hopeless if you weren't born and raised in certain conditions.
Do you really believe what you wrote, or where you just trying to shit on yet another guy asking for magical and quick advice in vague terms? It makes you sound quite blackpilled and miserable if so tbqhwy

>> No.23201785

No, nobody needed him for any of that in the first place, thankfully. The censorship campaigns were enough, but we definitely don't need another Milton.

>> No.23201788

>We need more authors with
if we had a million writers that were doing this you'd still never hear of them. you wouldn't read them if i told you about them.
that's not how this works. you assume that the classics are classics by pure merit or something. fucking NAIVE man

>> No.23201790

>It's like saying: why bother trying to become a better cook, since you'll never be a world-famous chef? or why bother taking an art class if your paintings will never hang in the Louvre? or why bother practicing the guitar if you'll never get a record deal?
I never said anything like that. I don't think it's controversial to say we should look up to and try to emulate the qualities of the best writers.

>> No.23201797

Fuck, meant for

>> No.23201798
File: 167 KB, 900x1121, cafe-terrace-at-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm finally reading LotR after getting filtered hard by Tom Bombadil as a kid. I'm in Lorien now, and I love it. I loved The Hobbit and the movies as a kid, but this is something else entirely. I generally don't care for fantasy but these books really are something else. I think I may read the Silmarillion once I'm done.

>> No.23201800

You literally said
>If you have to ask a question like that, there is no hope. Give up the dream. Let it die. You'll be happier than to keep laboring in vain towards something that will never happen.
>If you have to ask 'how do I write well?', it's already hopeless for you.

>> No.23201804

Pessimism is a religion. It worships facts and statistics. When your god tells you that trying anything at all is pointless for the infinite reasons it is, anyone fucking dumb enough to still bother needs to be put down.

>> No.23201808

Are you being sarcastic? If not then I genuinely pity you.

>> No.23201810

I started spamming burpees and the sleep after that level of workout was pretty comfy. I am starting to turn around on Sisyphus. He figured out how to stick it to Brahman with his stupid ass samsara shit. Blow oom out your ass, cunt. Based.

>> No.23201813

That wasn't me, but I piggy backed on his sentiment, because I agree with him to an extent. There's a guy at my subway station who stands there every other dau reading hisoriginal works. Honestly? It's not half bad. He's gonna make it. He's gonna find an environment to keep improving. He isn't on 4chan asking about it, he's out there doing it. I don't have any aspirations to be a weiter but I admire that guy at my subway platforms courage and passion.

>> No.23201818

Why are you so sure?

>> No.23201826


>> No.23201827


>> No.23201828

Do you not have a family or friends? Even if you aren't in a relationship you probably experience some form of platonic love.

>> No.23201829

man in sky

>> No.23201830

I hate this little life of mine. I hate how small it is. I hate how small I am.

>> No.23201834

>You're "innocent" of a crime because you haven't done it.
In the legal sense of the word, yes—one is innocent when one is not guilty—but I'm referring to the other sense of the word: the innocence of children who have not yet seen wickedness.
>Don't you think innocence comes from action, not knowledge?
When I was around five, my mom left me to watch TV while she did something in another room. I had grown bored with my cartoons and decided to flip to a random channel. I flipped through many channels before stopping at a scene of a man looking at himself through a mirror. Suddenly, he grabbed his face by the loose skin of his cheeks and began tearing handfuls of bleeding flesh from his skull, exposing the bare bone beneath. I quickly ran out of the room in a crying flurry of abject horror. My five-year-old brain felt that every ounce of my innocence had been eviscerated.
I was a passive observer; I didn't perform any particular action, let alone commit a crime. The screen simply showed me new information, yet this alone was enough to destroy my innocence.

>> No.23201838

idk poltergeist stole none of my innocence it just made me hope the TV would abduct me

>> No.23201840

Sorry you're a manlet, but you can start lifting. You don't have to be small forever. If you can't be tall, you can at least be well muscled.

>> No.23201842

Based literalist lifter

>> No.23201843
File: 1.92 MB, 2050x1543, 1710960849898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pick up one of these

>> No.23201859

As a place to live in, I wouldn't think of Japan. First the japanese don't want foreigners in their country. Japan is pleasant for holidays of course but the work culture there is pretty special. Their language is also hard to learn and write. I wouldn't like it there, personally. I'd go mad because of the tatemae. It's a dream country for a lot of people but actually living there as a normal working person with a normal job is hell there.

>> No.23201920

What are we waiting for?

>> No.23201929

love me like (You) do
love love love me like (You) do

>> No.23201946

Family? Yes
Friends? No
It's not a love, just an admiration or even liking. Not the romantic love.

>> No.23201967

I know what you mean. Wisdom removes innocence, because it is not possible to not sin, but it is possible to be innocent of sin through ignorance. That is how I see it; so wisdom removes innocence by removing ignorance.

>> No.23201972

>$380 on coffee
just do coke man

>> No.23201977

Occasional sex having poster here again. You may remember me from such posts as "I don't want to have sex," "I just had sex and I don't care," and "I have to have sex tonight; I don't want to."

I had sex again today. On Wittgenstein's recommendation I thought of mathematics as the sex transpired. I did not enjoy the sex.

>> No.23201985

I read a writer once who had a really interesting take on the post-post-modern phenomenon of a sort of strictly ethical religiosity. Basically, people are philosophically convinced of the need for this or that religion and its ethics but they don’t actually experience the world in a fundamentally religious way and don’t really believe in it the way early people of that religion did. This idea squares with Spengler really well. If he’s to be believed religiosity for us is a faked antique and our worldviews are strictly philosophical at best.

>> No.23201991

Probably you’re two shy and don’t have a developed enough vocabulary. Reading can help with the latter.

>> No.23201996
File: 34 KB, 933x707, 1 w4DxUy0PMoqeq25UXfyL0g@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted two ads on /soc/ lets see how this goes.

>> No.23202001

You tell me.

>> No.23202003

Yeah they keep it to themselves because you’re a guest. Once you live there doing your own thing is not an option. I bet you’ve never even actually been there. It would be awfully naive to have been there and this not be very obvious. Moreover, Islam is basically not ethical. It only cares about Islamic law and Islamic households. You might like that, but to other discerners it just means it’s fraudulent.

>> No.23202007

there is something that might have caused it, man's inherent need to civilize constantly may have caused exactly that.

>> No.23202009

> what is metaphor

>> No.23202010

I fucked a bunch of girls from /soc/ over the years (and one from /b/), but it's totally dead now I'm pretty sure. It was an active board before 2015, I think mostly because opportunities for camwhoring/e-whoring/e-bf seeking were less common. Now women camwhore/e-whore everywhere and seek e-bfs on social media or Discord if they're totally broken. /soc/ no longer fills that niche.

>> No.23202011

Manlet cope.

>> No.23202024

> what is joke

>> No.23202063

there's been construction work going on simulataneously in the apartment above mine and the one next to mine. I was bearing it for the past two weeks or so. But the noise is incessant from the start of the day till 8-9pm and i just couldn't take it anymore today.

I ended up masturbating whilst watching porn after so so many days, and i had been crying for the past hour. God im so pathetic, and i hate it

>> No.23202090

>it is not possible to not sin, but it is possible to be innocent of sin through ignorance.
>so wisdom removes innocence by removing ignorance.
That's a good way of putting it, thank you. I'll use your formulation to render the thought in my notes

>> No.23202110


True. I guess the silliness comes from the fact that it's a personal, solitary craft for something that's meant to be for public consumption in a very real context. Like, I don't know, writing a training manual just for fun and keeping it in a drawer, lol. But yeah you're right.

>> No.23202115

Go read at a local coffee shop or something.

>> No.23202117

Well I put my discord username up

>> No.23202123

Get construction earphones for $50. You can get a slightly more expensive pair with bluetooth headphones in them to connect to your phone, and active noise cancelling if you want. They'll cancel like 80%+ of that low bassy through the wall type noise.

>> No.23202353

I’m really worried about my age and some of the things I want to do with my life. I can’t shake this feeling that you’re sort of just stuck being who you were in your 20s forever. I’ve never even wanted to be a sort of person terminally, so the thought is terrifying.

>> No.23202365

I’ve posted this before, but if my family died I would immediately apply for the Ukrainian foreign legion. Not because I think Ukraine is in the right or anything. But because I just want to be a dumb grunt

>> No.23202379

You could do that in America though. A few months of serious fitness and you could be in a combat zone basically anywhere as an Army Ranger.

>> No.23202390

Ukraine appeals to me more because it’s like ww2 where there is a clear front line and enemy. Plus it’s quicker.
I have no reservations about surviving longer than a year

>> No.23202449

Drugs started all of this shit. The social changes implemented by the civil rights movement were concomitant with the rise in illicit drug use. Drugs were the social lubricant that allowed for things like "free love", which weren't a thing in straight edge subculture. To visit Africa in one lifetime, and respond by pushing for desegregation back home, you would have to be under the influence of something. Boomers wouldn't have made the decisions they made had they been sober.

>> No.23202469

is it really that easy? i might give it a shot once i have enough money to play with
>Have a little library in the corner and nice couches and chairs. Unironic /lit/ dream.
yes, sounds very comfy

>> No.23202602

Dude if you think there’s not US Army on the ground in Ukraine right now you’re kidding yourself.

>> No.23202612

I desperately need to lose my belly, but I’m also always bloated and I don’t know what’s causing it. I seriously look terrible :(

>> No.23202639

True. It wasn't the fact that the 'universal manhood suffrage' of the United States was not, in fact, universal.
Please take your meds.

>> No.23202643
File: 790 KB, 1077x745, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently realised my friend group are a bunch of utter losers, they just sit on Discord all day when we live 5 minutes from each other and sing drill lyrics to one another again and again for literally 5 hours or more. None of them cares about anything cultural or historical or political, they just care about which rapper said what or did what they did, what "numbers they're pulling" and so on. Or which faggot fucking anime characters are so cool. I'm too old to get a new friend group.

>> No.23202674
File: 721 KB, 300x223, 1661261703552617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got groomed by multiple different adults (Both male and female) as a child and it's really fucked me up. I've only recently noticed that I flinch whenever people touch me, I can't look people in the eye and I have a plethora of horrible fetishes that I wish I didn't. I can't hold down a stable relationship and the only friend I ever had who I thought wasn't trying to get something off me died.

>> No.23202690

Are you a twink?

>> No.23202721

Not anymore. I got in shape thinking it would help in some way but it obviously didn't, there's not really a good option for someone like me. Is there a book for this feel?

>> No.23202747

learn to live alone.

>> No.23202779

Hmmm, yes. This book has words on the front, incomprehensible. I'm reading, correct. Hmmm... Words...

>> No.23202829

My twink bf is aging out, it's brutal, his hair is thinning. I'm going to have to trade him in

>> No.23202920

Ngl the whole concept of going head over heels for someone is pretty pathetic

>> No.23202953

pathetic in a romantic sense

>> No.23202963

More so pathetic in a flabby and overly sentimental way - a surrendering of one's faculties to the image you've built up in your head of that person

>> No.23202994

my head is over my heels, whether i stand or i sit

>> No.23203008

As I've matured further into adulthood, the historical figure I've most come to identify with is James Jesus Angleton. God I wish I were a counterintelligence spook. Maybe in the next life.

>> No.23203085

One day I will die. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe ninety years from today. How might I be judged? Is the person I am at the last moment of my life or the person I was across my entire life from moment to moment the truest reflection of myself? To what degree do I share in the responsibility for the actions of others I influenced second or third or fourth hand? At death what will I discover? I do as I do out of a belief that while time and phenomena have an unreality to them the moral character of any action or intent has a reality beyond its accidents.
Some may be saved by virtue of their great striving to climb the ladder of divine ascent, and some may be saved by long suffering for another or for that which is good, but some may be saved as a man is saved from a fire in his house, losing all that he has. Which of these am I?

>> No.23203111

i am going to change my life

>> No.23203115


>> No.23203120

>Let me ask you something. We Italians, we got our families and we got the church. The Irish, they have the homeland. The Jews, their tradition. Even the niggers. They've got their music. What about you people, Mr. Carlson? What do you have?
>The United States of America. The rest of you are just visiting.

>> No.23203154

lol I loved Angleton from the articles and books I've read about him but that movie is pretty good too, rewatched it last month. Might watch it again today now that you reminded me, haha.

>> No.23203184

Based anon.

>> No.23203308

Spent a few hours on YouTube. Think I've caught mental illness from it. Remember when people said there's only trash on TV. YouTube has become trash on steroids.

>> No.23203318

i recommend curating a short list of subscriptions and using
don't ever get caught up in the algos.

>> No.23203325

I had a lot of subscriptions to pre-excellent internet masterminds but most of their channels have gone silent years ago.

>> No.23203471

Total and complete derangement of the senses

>> No.23203475

I cannot remember 2021. What the fuck happened?

>> No.23203476

Heh, I just got a marriage proposal from a girl who needs a green card

>> No.23203495
File: 3.58 MB, 360x640, chesterton2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me feel good about living today. I'm going to read some Sherlock.

>> No.23203535

I wish I couldn’t remember 2021.

>> No.23203624

Thats the first chesterton i've read and i found it very enjoyable.

>> No.23203721

I've watched a lot of youtube. Real life was too banal. Books suck, people suck, even youtube sucks, but it's a voice that will respond when spoken to and that's the ceiling for achievement in my life. I plan to, I feign interest in changing, but the dopamine IV drip is just a little better than whatever shitty little life I could scrounge together at the feeble age of 20. I have no interest in improving my situation, every previous attempt to do so ended in utter defeat. I'd rather die a loser.

>> No.23203730

There's a machine that can produce infinite coke for $380?

>> No.23203733

Enjoy being with losers or move away. Most people I thought were friends on discord turned out to be liars and idiots. I woke up someday realizing they had nothing to offer except negativity, and that hanging out with them was a waste of time. I said 'Crap this', deleted all my messages using Undiscord and deleted my account. It freed up multiple hours a day I thought I didn't have, so now I'm learning German with the prospect of moving there. I've been thinking of doing that with IRL friends but it turns out the skimming already happened. Being on the internet prevents you from seeing reality as it is. What's the point of having friends if you can't learn anything from them or enjoy your time around them, really.

>> No.23203745

does it produce infinite espresso? or does it boil water

>> No.23203775

Kremlin isn't paying me enough for this shit.

>> No.23203777

that used to be my only way of getting girlfriends

>> No.23203810

Im so tired of trying I cant forget and it hurts so much I dont think anything can ever get better even and he wants me to do it He said I hate you I hate you I hate you kill yourself kill yourself kill your self he hates me he wants me to be dead Its never going to get better I cant it hurts so much that I feel sick all the time I can’t do it nothing is ever going to be okay again nothing is fine nothing will ever be okay and I can’t call him any times because once I do it I’ll get crazy again and I won’t be able to stop ever i ça nt text him I don’t know what to do at all Because it hurts so much I can’t stop thinking about what he said and I keep thinking about it so much that I feel dizzy and sick all the time and every time I think about it it feels like fingernails gouging into a raw wound nothing is ever going to be okay again I never used to be like this I used to read a lot and be interested in so many different things and so curious about different things and like hopeful about the future and dreaming and making plans I used to engage with the world and care a lot about a lot of different things and care about people and try to be kind and do nice things for people?? and I had all those projects I was working on like my book and different poetry and essays or even the audiodoc interviews that I put so much work into and then abandoned But the old me doesn’t exist anymore I forgot how to be her and I can’t be her ever again and nothing will get better like they broke my brain forever and everything scares me now it’s like I withdrew so far into myself that I can never go back and be normal again and be part of the world? And he already didn’t love me before back when i was mostly normal and good even back then I wasn’t good enough and he couldn’t even love me back then and then the sadness and loneliness turned me into a fucking monster I pushed away everyone who wanted to love me and wanted to help or be friends and I became someone that I hate and someone that no one can love im like a non-entity now like a black hole of sadness and emptiness that just sucks everyone’s energy and drains them of happiness abd needs so much attention and reassurance and gives nothing back? I never used to be like that I always was good about supporting people and talking through things with them anc offering reassurance if they needed it and I was pretty emotionally self-reliant and level headed before to the point that my friends would always come to me for advice and would ask my opinion about men they were interested in because they said I was a good judge of character and was good at identifying red flags but I can’t do it now and I can’t bring myself to care about anything but him anymore

>> No.23203812


>> No.23203830


>> No.23203838

and everything always reminds me I can’t listen to my favourite music really because the lyrics remind me of what happened and it hurts so much i can’t stand it i never really liked watching tv very much but now I can’t watch tv at all because any storyline about a relationship is just like viscerally painful nd all im thinking is youll never have that youlll never have that youll never have youll always be alone and youll never be good enough no matter how hard you try I used to read all the time and always go out and buy new books I haven’t bought any books in over a year that I didn’t have to buy for school and when I try to read something in the text will remind me of what happened and I have to stop because it hurts too much I can’t go for walks anymore bc I have these horrible panic responses to so many places here where upsetting things happened I used to like walking by the waterfront but now when I go there I only think about that terrible night when I sat there on a bench crying for hours in the snow and everything outside reminds me of him so all I can do is hide inside and try to numb my brain and stop myself from thinking at all by obsessively pacing around my apartment for hours and hours while counting my steps walking in circles like a caged animal or by spending hours watching wildlife documentaries or reading Wikipedia articles or scrolling through mind numbing video slop or doing sudoku or crosswords or puzzles or listening to old episodes of stupid low-brow podcasts for hours things that that will distract me and stop me from thinking but nothing feels good nothing feels real and time keeps passing the days go by so slowly that it’s agonizing but the weeks go by so quickly I can’t keep up with them and I miss deadlines and forget things and run out of time because im so tired I just want to hide in bed and sleep and I dont know how to deal with any of my responsibilities or explain my behaviour so I just avoid everything And I keep going to counselling and to the doctor and they give me new meds that I take but a lot of them make me feel worse and they keep switching themanyway They can’t fix the fundamental problem which is that I love him and he hates me and nothing can ever fix that and I have nothing left and doctors can’t help me all they can do is give me medicine to make me like a flat zombie so that I can’t think and so it doesn’t hurt as much or give me ativan sometimes for when I get so anxious and can’t even get calm but I hate taking it it helps you get calm but it makes you feel like your head is stuffed full of cotton balls and all your thoughts are muffled and that’s even worse than being sad because it’s like you’re so numb that you don’t even exist anymore and you’re not even real and nothing is? the pills just erase you and then when they wear off you get this horrible scratchy feeling where your brain is twitchy and you want to claw off all of your skin

>> No.23203876

I can't help but think the people trying to admit women in Garrick's Club are jews. This is the only explanation I can find.

>> No.23203902
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>> No.23203904

Jesus christ, learn to format your text.

>> No.23204059

>drink a beer
Feel bloated and like shitting my guts out
>eat some pasta
Same happens
It's like everything fucks up my bowels

>> No.23204081


>> No.23204099

Pretending to be smarter helps me cope about my lack of intelligence.

>> No.23204134

transgenderism is just the final and most cucked form of pussy worship. not gay but if I was a fag and trannies were lumped in with me I'd be pissed frankly.

>> No.23204137

I'm fairly certain I'm a sociopath.

>> No.23204147

>Got a job rejection within an hour of applying
Dafuq is this? It's getting faster

I don't quite understand what's going on
I have like 4 YOE at one of worlds most imp tech companies, doing hardcore enterprise level Ux work and I'm getting rejected by beta level nobody companies within an hour? i feel like it's gotta be that I'm getting rejected for reasons beyond my experience/skills/portfolio. Maybe it's a visa or they want someone local or maybe some diversity shit? I wish HR fucks would at least be straight with me

>> No.23204165

Almost certainly DEI unfortunately. My mother works for a top level fortune 500 company in management and they all received an email that said all recruiters will receive bonuses for hiring non-white males. They also gave a not-so subtle hint that there would be cuts if a recruiter failed to increase diversity.

She's a straight ticket democrat and a liberal but even she thought that was bizarrely racist. :l

>> No.23204168

Most likely your application is being filtered by an automated system due to a lack of keywords in your resume. Very unlikely an actual person is reviewing them.

>> No.23204245

Thread theme: https://youtu.be/Q29sOLG8xGE?si=vL6S1ry8m_yG6QzA

>> No.23204250

AI art has disheartened me so much I'm considering become some sort of tactilist, if I even try to do art as hobby at all.
It's so damned obscure I doubt anyone will bother to train a 3D printer to imitate them.

>> No.23204264

It's simply not the same if a computer can do it infinitely better than anyone alive ever could.
At that point you are in the same level as someone who operates barrel organs, makes pottery by hand, practices calligraphy or operates steam locomotives. Just an eccentric hobbyist playin around with a dead art.

>> No.23204389

The sadness that comes from seeing a man who never really grew up.
Yesterday I was at a house sighting and it was this older couple who is selling so he can live in a smaller house.
With them was their son, I assume he's the same age as me, late 20's. He was unkempt, wild hair and beard. Seemed polite enough, he was petting the dog. His room had a painting of Charizard on the wall. Above his gaming monitor there is an X-box themed sword. Next to his bed figurines of both Pokemon and anime.

I am in no way trying to dunk on him but I couldn't help but feel sad for him. It's not just him, there are so many people like him who seemed to have never made the move from child to man. My brother was almost like that but he managed to claw his way out of that hole, very thankful for that (and so is my mom).
No idea what will happen to this man. Does he have a job to afford an apartment for himself and his figurines? Or will he move with his parents again, to an even smaller house where he has no privacy.

The odd thing writing this is that the house has an apartment right next to it. No one is in it. It has it's own kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. Why if you're a grown man do you not go for that?

Anyway, the West will have this manchild issue like Japan has had.

>> No.23204393

Apartment was part of the property I might add.

>> No.23204413

I'm 21 and am still unemployed and living with my mum, I've still got time, right? Granted, even if I got a job I wouldn't move out, I plan on living with my mum until I can't anymore, it's financially the best move for both of us.

>> No.23204419

Yes it will produce espresso indefinitely aslong as I fill it with coffee, which is not very expensive. 2 pound bag is $11 at costco

>> No.23204421

Yes you still have time. For all intents and purposes you don't even exist yet

>> No.23204437

21 is plenty young.
If you get a job and can save for 3/4 years you're in a good spot.
Just make sure you're making money and don't fall into an anime/gaming culture too hard. I cringe when I see some people on other boards flaunting their expensive anime figurine collection and they live in a box or with mommy

>> No.23204440

Shot in the dark here, but there seems to be a lot of Christians here. Have any of you really got a handle on your vices and appetites through your faith? I am a former drug addict that got clean and now an inquiring Christian but I am really struggling with my lifestyle and guilt from satiating my vices and appetites. It’s particularly hard because when I was younger, my problems were sort of problems of failure but nowadays my problems come in some sense from success and I don’t have any really good way to get around them.

>> No.23204443

It's over if you haven't made it by 14

>> No.23204454

Im painting sonething, fucked up the composition and now its a mess

>> No.23204455

My plan is to get a job, work it for two years, quit, and use the money that I've saved (which will be a lot since I'm very good at saving money) and travel for a while. Once I've got the travel bug out of my system, I'll come back home and get another job and then maybe try to save up for a down payment on a house. However, with the way the housing market is right now, I don't have much hope that I'll be able to afford one.

>> No.23204457

Let the darkness just take your soul. Listen up child,
close your eyes.

>> No.23204463

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with living with your parents in your 20s. It’s not ideal, but it’s the practical reality for about half of young adults now. Personally, I moved in with my mom in my late 20s to save for a downpayment on a house. I’m making a lot of money now but was making very little before so I really had no choice. It’s the Pokemon and gaming paraphernalia that is a big red flag. It’s possible he just never got rid of the stuff but most likely they sort of represent how he still is.

I feel bad for these guys though not only because of the economic situation but because while I want to point rhem to this or that lifestyle which is better, I just can’t. Nothing is better. Realistically, what happens to this guy? Let’s say he moves out and gets a job. Good chance he’s living in some rat hole city or some puny old apartment where he gets fleeced by a landlord to cover his mortgage and then some, has few dating prospects, among those he has they’re high n-count whores, working women, and girls with daddy issues who don’t want kids and don’t want to get married, the economics of home ownership aren’t working out so a good chance he’ll be a perpetual renter. And as for his job, you think he’ll like it? No. He’ll be a stocker at some big box retailer or a symbol analysis office drone in some faceless bureaucracy that makes him constantly wear a mask and forces DEI shit down his throat 24/7 and pretends like if he does the song and dance he’ll make more money but he won’t because the advanced positions will go to women, ethnic, and gender minorities. And then you say, “okay, but you don’t need be some working stiff”. Alright, but what alternatives are there? The colleges are obviously fucked. He can effectively rule out becoming an academic. The military is literally the largest employer of trans people in the United States and you deal with the same problems as the corporate bureaucracy there. Hell, even the churches in America are gay and PROUD of it. Meanwhile, the whole world is going mad. He’ll never enter politics if he’s not a woke idiot because he has no money. Publishers won’t publish his book because they want Latinx voices and generally dog shit. I mean, it’s getting really hard to identify any one profession or path in life where you can say “look, if you commit to it you’ll reap the rewards” or “hey these rewards are actually worth it”. The truth is this civilization has just totally gone off the rails and from a strictly rational point of view, the probability that the outcome of any one path in life besides fucking around and dropping out will be worthwhile or in some way pay off is plummeting. So how could I look this guy in the face and promise him a dream when I know he won’t get it? I can’t. So as much as I hate this manchild shit, we don’t have anything better to offer them right now.

>> No.23204466

Living with parents is fine until 30s at least imo and even then the context matters but it’s never the ideal

>> No.23204474

Traveling is a waste of time and money imo. People never traveled in the past and they left their mark on the world more than we did. That said, your 20s are ideally spent basically building a professional base for yourself AND figuring out what you want to do with your life for the next 2-3 decades so if traveling helps you do either of those it’s worth it. The ideal scenario is that by 28/29 you know what you want to do in your 30s and maybe 40s, you know what dent you want to leave in the world, you have the appropriate base of education and experience or background or whatever that you need to do it, and you’re just starting to do it as well. Whether it’s politics, religion, scholarship, business, whatever, that’s pretty much the ideal. Now, you don’t necessarily have to be the ideal but it’s probably what you should aim for.

>> No.23204477

Childhood is running and jumping so in adulthood you can do running and jumping.
People who are like this aren't manchildren, they never even got to be boys.

>> No.23204481

I have no idea what you mean by this.

>> No.23204484

Working 2 years just to travel sounds like the worst idea ever.

>> No.23204489

>inb4 make some
I can't see the point in synthetic purpose. Its too easily discarded as cope.

>> No.23204491

With the amount of money that I'll earn, I'll be able to get all my dream places done in one burst and I'll never have to spend money on it for the rest of my life.

>> No.23204512

Most anons problems regarding purpose could be solved fairly quickly if they spent some time out in the real world and abandoned themselves to the following principles:

Loving humanity in spite of our race's inherent flaws
Putting faith and trust in God
Working diligently and with passion and purpose
Putting others before ourselves

Most anon's bemoan the fall of 'western civilization' but it was more or less these 4 principles that made western civ what it once was.

>> No.23204514

>People never traveled in the past and they left their mark on the world more than we did.
It's true, recreational travel is more of a modern invention of the last 150 years or so. Unless someone had business in another country they generally stayed where they were born and raised.

>> No.23204519

Living with your parents in your 20s isn't the issue. It was really the manchild hobbies, the unkempt appearance and the overall look of not having much going on. You could ask yourself why he isn't capable of buying the house of his parents. They looked very nice and would have given him a discount, but it's not an option for him.

And yes if you waited until your late 20s to do something with your life your options can be very bleak.
That's why just getting a job and his own place won't fix it. You'd just be a rentoid playing video games when you're done from work.
But I am an optimist. Let's say he's 28 and has some dead end wagie job at say a vape store.
You can get into a field with more potential. 2 years for an education/training while working. It'll be hard but that's the life you're doomed to live anyway.
After those 2 years you start earning much more than at your previous wagie job. You have an apartment and you end up meeting a woman. Sure she's not a looker but neither is he. Now you have dual income and can look at a small house to live in together. Get married and her pregnant in a few years and you have a life that your parents would be proud of you for.

It is within reach. And a big reason why that is is because a lot of men have just given up, like I assume he has. I'm not from the U.S but let's take that example.
You compete with mexicans that barely speak english. Black people who are a disaster to work with. Women who are all hopped up on SSRI's and have a burn out each year. White men who have just left for the gooncave en masse and then the Asians who are competent .
If that's the playing field there simply is room for you to exploit that to your advantage. Sure the high positions are out of reach, only there for the troons, women and non whites. But you can easily get a comfortable life if you're a white man who applies himself.

>> No.23204548

You do realize we are living in a housing market that is literally worse than the 2008 housing market crash, right? Literally no one can afford shit. It's very clear you aren't from the U.S. not because you said so, but because you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.23204578

The U.S housing market is better than where I've lived, you dope. Americans are stupid but do they not know the housing market is much worse in other parts of the world?
And it actually isn't impossible on 2 incomes. I saved money for about 3 years. 2 of them while paying rent. I saved enough to be able to buy a home on my own. Imagine what saving money for 2 years and getting a mortgage on 2 incomes can get you.
Sorry to burst your doomer bubble but yes you can get ahead. It'll be hard but it is possible.

>> No.23204589

i have
>dry but oily skin
>some kind of rosacea
basically worst skin in the world

all i did was
>salicylic acid pad in the morning, then a bit of moisturizer
>$2 face soap before bed
>then mix a drop of benzoyl peroxide with moisturizer
and my skin is 500x better no acne no dryness no oil, i look 5 years younger

women really know what they're doing, no wonder they all look so smooth and shit

>> No.23204590

>It'll be hard but it is possible.
It depends on where you live. I'm not the guy that you're replying to, but where I live, people aren't even being able to afford a home on dual incomes.

>> No.23204603

i want to dress in the soft skin of women

>> No.23204617

>Working diligently and with passion and purpose
Can't work with purpose without purpose.
>Putting others before ourselves
Doing it. Love that I can provide for people I care about. Feels like they would be just as good without me, maybe even better, making it feel empty.
>Putting faith and trust in God
Gonna need clarification on how this doesn't equate to more waiting for outside purpose since the same sentiment could be reformulated as "waiting for god to bring me purpose" without any loss of faith.
>Loving humanity in spite of our race's inherent flaws
I do my best. You are correct in that I don't get out much other than to the gym or some shopping or dates.
>Most anon's bemoan the fall of 'western civilization' but it was more or less these 4 principles that made western civ what it once was.
I don't really give a shit about western civilization. I'm not one of those people that thinks that purpose was easier to attain for previous generations. I think my problem is probably a work of ethic. Although many around me would consider me to be relatively accomplished and motivated towards improvement in ways that most aren't, it all never the less feels hollow, and that I am just doing things I think people should do simply in the interest of not sitting still. I don't know. I think I'm just down today man. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.23204624

Do you have a dog named Precious?

>> No.23204625

And where is that?
If you save about 50.000 together and get a 200.000 mortgage you'd be paying about 1300 per month on a mortgage.
I can find plenty of 250.000 homes near cities like Tulsa and such.

But all that aside, the US housing market is much better than the Western European one or the Caribbean one where I have experience in.

>> No.23204628

"Yeah, you can do it! Just work 80 hours a week and never spend your money!"
Do you even read the shit you post? I guarantee I'm making over 4x what you're making, and even I'M able to see how fucked up everything is right now.

You did get me to respond, though, so good bait.

>> No.23204635

All of this screams depressed, despairing and dismay. I honestly can't relate, so I don't really know what else to say. Sorry anon. Hopefully you get out of your depressive rut eventually.

>> No.23204638

>And where is that?

>> No.23204648

No worries brother. I'll get over it. Sorry for whining. Nose to the grindstone to wait for god to bring back the purpose. I'm already on it. I appreciate your response.

>> No.23204652

I've never worked 80 hours a week in my life.
Do you ever read the shit I post? Sorry if you just have to have that katana or anime figure that costs 1000 euro's but fi you want to build up a life then yes you will have to live frugal for a few years. Sorry that makes you piss your pants but it's how the world is now.

Never said it was easy, said it was difficult and requires sacrifice. But to pretend it's impossible is just you being a baby.
Btw what happened to the
>you aren't from the U.S, you don't know shit
argument? Turns out there are places that have it much worse.
I've heard Australia is fucked, same in Canada and the UK. Lucky thing is you do have a high income comparatively so working while living at your parents does bring in money.
I don't know the situation too well in Australia to say much on it.

>> No.23204657

Maybe I am an over-analyzer but I am just one of these people that firmly believes people intuitively ask the question to themselves “why am I doing this” when they do things. For a long time, life in modern America has been basically pointless. You were nothing more than a corporate functionary, who served no higher goal than profit. But that lifestyle conferred certain rewards. You made money, enough to live a nice life outside of work usually, you got a wife, had kids, bought a home, carved out a space for you and yours. But increasingly, a lot or all of that is off the table for young men. The economics of labor aren’t working out, they aren’t enjoying their lives outside of work, if they have one at all, they aren’t getting married, they aren’t having kids, they aren’t buying homes. Even when they try really, really hard it’s not working out. So at some point, people will intuitively ask the question “what is the point?” I firmly believe that one of the major reasons rabidly left wing progressive politics is so attractive to the people it obviously does not benefit is because it offers a sort of surrogate purpose in your life, whether it’s to crush racism, or sexism, or capitalism, or whatever. Because without that, these urban masses understand that they basically have nothing but hope and a dream, which probably isn’t going to work out. And the numbers all validate this. So you say all that is within reach, and you could be right, but the numbers would show that. There are a ton of young people working their asses off right now getting basically nothing out of it, and increasingly, they believe they never will. I can’t say they’re wrong. Your optimism seems to me to be rooted in basically nothing real. I think even this narrative about two years to a high income is just a fantasy. It’s an indictable fact that in America today, a roughly $120k salary, a salary only a small percentage will ever achieve, is roughly equivalent in real terms to a $15/hr wage annualized over a year in 1980. So your math just does not add up. I don’t like being this pessimist or excusing laziness, but I’m being realistic about this. I have to be honest with young people and say “look, I get it and I don’t have an answer”. I don’t think we should lie to them and pretend like if they just put in a little effort they’ll reap the rewards because that actually doesn’t seem to me to be true, and there’s always the question of whether the rewards are truly worth it, which they don’t seem to be.

Idk. If I were a young man, yeah, I’d grow out of the video games and toys and shit, but I don’t think I’d pursue any of the conventional paths in life because I think they’ll pay off, with a few exceptions. If I thought I could get into a really good college or a really good law school or go to Wall Street or something, yeah, maybe I’d try that…

>> No.23204669

But if i couldn’t, and most young men know when they can’t, I would maybe get an undergraduate education, but most likely, I’d commit to dropping out. I’d be a vagabond. I’d keep my debts and expenses low, I’d go live as cheap labor on farms in the Midwest and ranches in the West, and I’d just kind of try to appreciate that side of life, vaccinating calves and writing poems in my off time. It’s romantic and not pragmatic, yeah, but at least it’s something. I definitely would not be chasing some middle management degree for a symbol analysis job at some big bureaucracy in a big city. I just wouldn’t do it. You’re selling yourself into a slavery bet that you just will not make good on. And in a rigged game, the only good choice is not to play. So I’d go find another game. I’d go all in on unskilled labor jobs and creative stuff. And I’d try to make that work, and if after 10 or 20 years it was hell, I’d give up and get the degree, get the corporate wagie job, all that. But I just sympathize with these guys because while I don’t approve of being the eternal Zelda Xbox manchild, I can see that they don’t really see any path forward for themselves and that’s the real problem. They’ e not just been abandoned by this civilization, they’ve had most of their escape routes out of childhood robbed of them. And that’s a tragedy, because it’s a really unique sort of young man that can rise above those odds.

>> No.23204675

It doesn’t matter if it’s worse. The housing market is effectively inaccessible either way, and since that’s the singular way that people built wealth for over a century, it means they can’t build wealth and if you can’t build wealth, you and yours are stuck in perpetual wage slavery. 2 years of savings where 90% of America lives buys you basically nothing. Most young people can’t scrounge together a $1000 emergency fund let alone $60k for a downppaymwnt on a house, which is realistically what you’re going to need for a middle class home now.

>> No.23204679

It’s just a waste of time, dude. Travel for leisure is good for nothing more than a temporary respite, a vacation. Taking whole years to travel for leisure is just dumb. If you had a career and were building a life here and you went to Italy one year and Japan the next or wherever you want to go, that would be fine, but traveling full-time is basically NEETing just more expensive.

>> No.23204680

Are there no other ways to build wealth? Maybe we need to discover more ways to build wealth.

>> No.23204698

jay inslee just passed a bill that would require all Washington schools to teach lgbt history and "perspectives". What would lgbt history even consist of?

>> No.23204704
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lastest world happiness report
young people (under 30):
62. USA
old people (over 60):
10. USA

it's so fucking over

>> No.23204710

If you're single, it's very hard to buy a home. You need combined incomes in one way or another to purchase a house or property. I will probably buy something with my sister and her husband in the next year or two since we plan to eventually fix it up some and sell it. I work as a waiter if anyone's interested, usually make around $65-$75 thousand a year, depending on the year. I only pay $1.3-.4 thousand a month in rent and bills. The rest of the year I try to save money. It's hard but even someone like me with no pedigree can eventually get a home or property. If there's a will, there's a way. it just takes patience.

>> No.23204713

Nearly all those places are racially homogenous. Wonder why everyone is happier? Is it because they share a similar culture and belief system? Who would have thought?

>> No.23204716
File: 167 KB, 1080x564, sodomgomorrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23204725

For the working class? Not really. Wealth is and has always been property for the most part. That has never changed. It will never changed. It’s almost a fact of life.

>> No.23204729

It’s a combination of real history focused on lgbt people mixed with delusional bullshit about how gay people invented x or whatever. It’s the same as the civil rights focused education. It starts with “oh blacks were emancipated in this year, aren’t civil rights activists the best people to ever live?” and then it becomes “black people built this country”. People really do not understand the degree to which we are living in a civil rights regime and just how serious civil rights law is. We quite literally live under rule of law and the law is civil rights law.

>> No.23204739

Sounds like the kind of narrow mind set that will keep you poor anon. "It's what everyone ever has done, thus it is the only way" sounds a lot like faster horses talk to me. Does that mean you are definitely wrong? No. Does your argument make a very good excuse to not try and find a new way? Yes it does. Though I understand not wanting to apply so much effort to such uncertain things.

>> No.23204742

"LGBT history" is them celebrating pederasty as an example of how homosexuality existed in the past and therefore we're obligated to support it today

>> No.23204750

>We quite literally live under rule of law and the law is civil rights law.
It's probably common law tbf

>> No.23204770

Usually attempting to normalize homosexual behaviour, indoctrinating children to believe nothing is perverse or wrong with homosexuality.

>> No.23204776

My optimism is rooted in my own experience and to a smaller degree the people around me.
If I had your attitude I would not have started an engineering job at 25. I wouldn't learn how to be a man working in a difficult field. I wouldn't have had skills people were willing to pay me for like welding. The type of people who end up killing themselves are the low income people, the vagabonds who have nothing to live for. It sounds very poetic to work on a farm but those people do not write poetry. They come home and watch television. And if you live like a vagabond do you live in your car or in some run down shitty complex with black hookers and loud central americans?

If you're a late 20's fuck up the answer is clear to me. Go into construction and specialize. If you're a late teen/early 20's, go into a field that earns a lot and doesn't rape you with debt.
Is the life boring and not worth it like you said? Then yo can always become some hobo. To say to a young person that they should consider becoming a vagabond is cruel to me. It's simply not true that those people are happier or think their life is more worthwhile than people who do go for a conventional career.

Young people have trouble planning. And I was one of them. If I didn't listen and stayed on the path I was on would I even dream about buying a home now? Absolutely not. And with the choice I made I attracted a good woman. I intend to create a family. And with that home build something beautiful. Have a paradise of a garden. Do beekeeping. In my free time take on welding jobs since I love doing that. Raise my children, become the father figure I didn't have.

These are attainable goals. But they only became attainable after I decided to stop living for the short term and invest in a career.

You say it's impossible yet I've seen multiple people doing it. And they don't have any high paying jobs either. They lived with their parents and saved for a few years. If you cannot save 30.000 in 3 years of doing this you're doing something wrong.

>> No.23204787

knew this was BS when i saw Romania rank so high kek

>> No.23204803

I'm an African white. My lineage consists of a 100% trek boer settlers. Currently sitting at the front porch of my house, watching the short grass of the savanna.

>> No.23204815

How pozzed are boers? Are they anything like euros?

>> No.23204821

Don't know, we just kind of survive down here. I don't know what Europe is like. Lots of buildings I guess? I visited Pretoria a few times to buy computer parts.

>> No.23204959

No one cares about a struggling bitch that never had shit. Go become homeless, maybe I'll feel worse.

>> No.23204963

I want to be a NEET and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. Unfortunately there's no one I can leech off from.

>> No.23204973

So what would you do all day? Sit around?

>> No.23204998

>no one cares about a struggling bitch
have you read the history of the world for the past since forever? struggling bitches where what kept the workforce employed because they got one pregnant and had to be the breadwinner provider, the world literally runs on people who care about struggling bitches
bullshit, if you're a woman it's a win by default just find one guy or a butch dyke to take care of you, if you're a guy either hope that you're gay and become the house bottom or if you're straight find a cougar to be your sugar mommy
no excuse apart from being either hideously ugly or real deal screech and bite autist

>> No.23205030

Letting everything around you fuck your ass and not doing shit about it doesn't make you special it makes you society's used trashcan whore.

>> No.23205038


>> No.23205042

- Write
- Draw
- Play guitar
- Shitpost
- Jerk off
Right now I only have enough time to do two of the above on any given day.

>> No.23205043

They should've animated a cute for hiccups when your piss drunk

>> No.23205052

I feel hopeless that my life will never end. I never believed it even once.

>> No.23205054

So sit around all day, got it.

>> No.23205073

you sound like you're projecting
this is a 18+ website, keep that in your daycare

>> No.23205076


>> No.23205091
File: 223 KB, 720x719, 8E76AEA0-5EE0-488F-AA79-73E921B926D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a new job guys as a behavioral tech. :) feel like I’m gonna see a lot of r9k schizos lmao but I’m excited

>> No.23205178

my older brother does that, he says it's like babysitting with field trips, cool job
but be aware they might punch, kick or even bite you

>> No.23205206
File: 84 KB, 540x695, 4C468068-81B0-4EF2-98D0-0D6368D2DC6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It disgusts me think the life of a being goes to being food for those invaders who harm my peoples society in such a way that we arent able to get the innovation of Cloned-Meat/cultured-meat/grown-meat out fast enough.


And victory to the true whites. Yall aware that true whites are why drugs are legal and free. Biopunk bioshock and magiczz

Good racism comes with the awareness that souls/loves are like gardens and need exclusive specific environments in order to LIVE.
Yall saw the putrid shit that killed the vibes and tried to replace so much of the true world with something no different from death. And hot damn as if they dont yelp. The invaders are fighting each other now. Vultures and parasites fighting vultures and parasites. Lets just sneak away and build our gardens again elsewhere like so much of the internet has migrated to a secret internet and to offline community. A damn shame the openness of this website didnt last as intended.

Also cheers to the truest globalism. There is something weve been standing for, regardless of the temporary occlusions.

Do we really have to fight just to have THE memes and feels in an open space like 4chan? I love certain utmost neutral factions that grow a subtle growth typically best on this sort of open space, especially when it isnt being attacked.


Hardcore yawn

>> No.23205218

>beware they might…
I know, Im hoping I can avoid biting but we’ll see how it goes. I am a fairly fit/somewhat muscular 29 year old male of average height so hopefully that will help. Yeah it’s pretty much seemingly that, babysitting, but it’s gonna be a lot better than wasting my life and health at the warehouse, I do wifsh the pay was better but it’ll atleast keep me stable especially with overtime. Luckily I’m still a single male just living on his own

>> No.23205247

Anybody try AA? What's it like? I've got a better hold on my drinking nowadays but if push comes to shove I'd like to know what I am getting into should I feel the need to get support

>> No.23205251

I've been having more intense and vivid dreams than usual. Usually I don't dream at all or don't remember
Last night i dreamt that it was the cold war but in my hometown
Both sides had agreed to give up their nukes and were exchanging them in my middle school cafeteria
The Russian side had decided to get rid of their stockpile by shooting out a couple for fun
The first ICBM started to rise out of the cafeteria but suddenly the rocket failed and landed on the playground but didn't explode
So then we carried the ICBM on a little boat hoping to toss it somewhere in the ocean

>> No.23205269

>I've been having more intense and vivid dreams than usual. Usually I don't dream at all or don't remember
in my experience, it's always after drinking milk before bed

>> No.23205283

>the cows are imperialist psyop agitators
makes sense, considering their history. explains the tb and a couple other diseases too

>> No.23205435

costco coffee in my nice new espresso macchina very nice

>> No.23205443

I miss my ex a lot. It's been three years and I will never love anyone like I loved her

>> No.23205522

I got more girls when I didn't give a shit about anyone and used people for my own gains than when I tried to be a genuine, kind person. Being nice also stalled my ability to make friends, as girls (even reddit-tier repulsive ones) immediately think you're playing it nice to get under their pants. It was very funny before but it doesn't make me laugh anymore when someone says "You're so nice! I'm so lucky to have a BEST FRIEND like you!" (with the emphasis). It sounds like a fucking mantra to my ears and I bet it does to yours too. I've been friendzoned like this countless times even though I didn't show a smudge of romantic attraction to anyone. As if they wanted to sprinkle salt on my fucking face just in case I was some kind of pussy demon.

I'm for real there. Perhaps they think this is a nice gesture. Like a compliment for being a real homie. To me they're basically calling me ugly and castrating me. I've been so mad because of this. The last time a woman called me nice I said "I'm not nice. I think you are ugly" and she yellow-laughed. I guess they don't like low blows to the confidence either, but it really makes me mad when literal cumdrawers that are only good as friends think they're above you when you're just being a normal person to them. To be honest my workplace is heavily feminized and it hasn't been easy on my mind. I want to hang out with the homies. I'm tired of that game. Every time I have an occasion to hang out with a woman I make sure a man is also around as I don't want to hear another fucking friendzone confession.

>> No.23205577

normies are making fun of Waldun of TikTok.

>> No.23205616
File: 65 KB, 512x768, b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The following chapter in my life was brief and bordered on totally unremarkable. I was committed to a psychiatric facility in A———— city from which I was promptly released, homeless and on the streets. On my first day as a vagrant I wandered tired, exhausted, and sweating in the summer heat from dawn until just after twilight, before reaching a railroad bridge at an intersection. That is where I stayed for several days, sleeping in trash during the day and waking just after dark to wander the railroad praying for the courage to die.

At one point I recall passing a crowded restaurant with many happy couples outside— the sound of their laughter and scent of food stirred in me some deep-seated "otherness." It felt as though I were intruding upon a stranger's home— as if it were an alien world that I was never meant to be a part of, and that my mere presence would taint their happiness. I felt as though every glance in my direction were a condemnation of my very existence, that I had been "found out," that the "interloper" had been caught, and that I would soon be put on trial and convicted. My fear of being seen became so extreme that I made a point never to leave the cover of the bridge until after everything had closed. Whenever I was unable to fall asleep during the day, I would listen to the vehicles and their drivers stopping at the intersection less than five meters away, unaware of my troublesome existence. Even at the bridge, I felt like an alien.

After a few days of wandering, my thirst became so extreme that I resolved to kill myself or in some way find assistance. I cried, I fell to the ground, I examined discarded bottles— in the end I scribbled a small note begging for water, but when I held it in my shaking hand and practiced what I would say, my social anxiety became so severe that I decided then and there that it would be better to die. That night I slept beside the railroad tracks— unsurprisingly, I did not end my life. When I awoke in the afternoon, underneath the sweltering heat of the summer sun, I staggered my way parched, broken, and praying for death towards the bridge; As I approached, I noticed a police vehicle waiting for me.

I was returned to the asylum and sent for long-term treatment. My stay at the X——— regional hospital was short and uneventful— I experienced minor abuse once and successfully escaped for several hours— aside from this, not much else occurred.

>> No.23205625

Getting rid of the poster counter is the best think 4chan has done in the last 3 years.

So many goddamn threads derailed pointing out that the fucking counter didn't go up because there were only 10 people in it.

>> No.23205649

what happened three years ago that was so good

>> No.23205667

the locking of /qa/ was in 2021

>> No.23205688

The sharty being created was a net loss for the site, the mean age probably went up by 10 years.

>> No.23205709

Hate to break it to you dawg but the women aren't the ones being weird here

>> No.23205720


>> No.23205723

Sucks they have to be on guard all the time. Heard a recent story of two sisters who got stabbed, one to death, by a guy who got turned down at a store. Grim

>> No.23205737

Where did the movie classics go? Felt like there was thousands of them till the 2010s. Now t's like fifty years of movie history blown into the air and all that's left to see is shitty movies. What happened?

>> No.23205773

If we gave Kasachstan a loberal constitution, bought up all the land and sold it to American corporations, built a bunch of capitalist enterprises owned by English and French businessmen, the country definetly would conomically improve. It's GDP would skyrocket within a few years only. The population would become free and materially rich. Capitalism wins again. I am very smart.

>> No.23205787

For some reason most streaming services decided it was better to make their own stuff than to license old movies. I say "better" because I can't imagine it's actually cheaper. If you wanna watch classics you should either pirate them or get criterion

>> No.23205850

Universally that person's acumen is esteemed very little perceptive concerning whatsoever matters are being held as most profitably by mortals with sapience endowed to be studied who is ignorant of that which the most in doctrine erudite and certainly by reason of that in them high mind's ornament deserving of veneration constantly maintain 346when by general consent they affirm that other circumstances being equal by no exterior splendour is the prosperity of a nation more efficaciously asserted than by the measure of how far forward may have progressed the tribute of its solicitude for that proliferent continuance which of evils the original if it be absent when fortunately present constitutes the certain sign of omnipollent nature's incorrupted benefaction. For who is there who anything of some significance has apprehended but is conscious that that exterior splendour may be the surface of a downwardtending lutulent reality or on the contrary anyone so is there inilluminated as not to perceive that as no nature's boon can contend against the bounty of increase so it behoves every most just citizen to become the exhortator and admonisher of his semblables and to tremble lest what had in the past been by the nation excellently commenced might be in the future not with similar excellence accomplished if an inverecund habit shall have gradually traduced the honourable by ancestors transmitted customs to that thither of profundity that that one was audacious excessively who would have the hardihood to rise affirming that no more odious offence can for anyone be than to oblivious neglect to consign that evangel simultaneously command and promise which on all mortals with prophecy of abundance or with diminution's menace that exalted of reiteratedly procreating function ever irrevocably enjoined?

>> No.23205871

I didn't have anything weird before bed but i did take a break from 4chan and internet
When i do i always notice i become more imaginative which leads ti these strange and vivid dreams It's like normally when you are constantly stimulating your mind with content, your own mind doesn't have room and when i take a break and let my mind stimulate itself it becomes very visual and imaginative

>> No.23205875

Multiple people don’t negate aggregate statistics of millions

>> No.23205876

What do you think Spengler’s elite philosophy of the future is? He identified socialism, but socialism seems to have been refuted in the 20th century. The only socialism that’s remotely popular is communism and to say it’s popular is a giant stretch.

>> No.23205881

The statistics prove you wrong.
People with average salaries are buying homes. That's why they get sold so fast.

>> No.23205928

No they’re not. Share your statistics. The only people buying homes won modest salaries are doing it because they have a dual income household.

>> No.23205934

The scenario I painted at the start was one of dual income.

>> No.23205965

Lifelong country boy here. Where should I move?

>> No.23205980
File: 360 KB, 1914x1172, b8ccd605d1aa6673a765594956f50206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you wear this as a cishet white male?

>> No.23205983

To wear something that gay you have to be a coloured person

>> No.23205988

You can but you probably shouldn't.

>> No.23206006

I should practise suturing, that is a normal hobby

>> No.23206019

>I’d go live as cheap labor on farms in the Midwest and ranches in the West, and I’d just kind of try to appreciate that side of life, vaccinating calves and writing poems in my off time. It’s romantic and not pragmatic,
It's not at all romantic. I've worked in conservation in a small town and it was pretty shit. The people who wax poetic about these jobs tend to not work them.
Being out in nature was cool, but you are still doing the same tedious tasks every day and coming home too physically exhausted to do anything. And in these small towns there is little to do. My bunkhouse didn't even have internet. Groceries were overpriced and half or more of the workforce was on food stamps. The pay is barely enough to live on. The water had to be filtered due to arsenic in the water.
I've also been a hobo driving all around aimlessly. I've some cool experiences and memories from doing that, but it was mostly miserable.
These things sound cool or romantic in a story but irl living like this without any future, any real security, can be extremely depressing.

>> No.23206030

That said you are right about more and more men feeling like they have no future. A few may get lucky, and I continue to hope for my self that with more education I might land a better job, but I know so many young guys who've no future and are completely detached from society. Whose whole life revolves around videogames and escapism

>> No.23206034

>no future
What does this even mean at this point? What is “a future”?

>> No.23206049

I waxed poetic about it and I worked on farms and ranches for about 6 years

I just did it part-time rather than full-time. But trust me, I was close enough to know for certain it is a more romantic life than office drudgery. You fix fences and oil saddles by day and read poetry by night? Yeah, that’s a romantic lifestyle. I would give anything to have that life again.

>> No.23206061

Good job, possibility of starting a family, home ownership, etc. On the less material side ideals to live up to/aspire to and feeling like a valued member of a community
There's more to life than these conventional goals, but if things like this are increasingly out of reach, people will feel they have no stake in society or no real positive future for themself
Fair enough, for me personally I hated it but then again I've never worked in an office either

>> No.23206067

You should be allowed nuzzle qts to say thank you. Whatever point we stopped using nuzzling as the primary form of communication is where evolution went wrong. This is why the otters will win.

>> No.23206099

Never seen a tattoo that looks good. I Immediately assume you're human trash if you have one.

>> No.23206108

Thats stuff that’s still easily attainable. Sometimes I ponder if this here board gets caught up in an echochamber as it’s mainly populated by defective young men

>> No.23206109

If there is no future, then we are free. Pseudo sacrificial catastrophe.

>> No.23206158
File: 59 KB, 540x750, 1695577389839867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have asked her out this a few days ago, now I have to wait until next week to see her again

>> No.23206160

>Thats stuff that’s still easily attainable
For some people yeah. But increasingly unattainable for the average dude

>> No.23206169

And I'm not basing my view on online shit. Just about every guy my age ik irl is a borderline neet or stuck in low paying dead end work
Of course that's anecdotal and not reflective of everyone

>> No.23206179

Then those people should put in more effort or make changes

>> No.23206185
File: 13 KB, 382x440, Holme's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so smart because I'm apolitical.

>> No.23206196

Sounds like a wannabe Holden Caulfield but at least no gay rape fantasy this time

>> No.23206218

I agree I wasn't making excuses for them.
I am making efforts myself. But increasingly the middle class is squeezed, and those things are more and more out of reach.
Obviously everyone should make an effort to better themself, but it is a reality of life that many get stuck in low paying dead end work. Not to mention those who are trapped in debt
I am doing okay myself financially

>> No.23206256

you guys did your daily reading?

>> No.23206262
File: 412 KB, 585x509, xuq8e9hxlrm61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a series of personal revelations and now live with intense purpose. I spent my adolescence and early twenties essentially pursuing philosophy, I didn't always call it that but it's what I was doing. The question "what have you been doing" always felt irrelevant, it's what I was thinking about that was important.
I was actually doing things, I was in the army reserves and have worked a variety of jobs but I wasn't invested in the results of what I was doing, I was basically just trying to find the path of least resistance through life. Something I found enjoyable.
But now I really care about the world, my friends, family, community, generation, country etc. I want to make a positive impact with my life.
And I'm moving more and more towards a real plan. It's always a little embarrassing to say your dreams but I want to start a commune. Probably no sooner than in 10 years, I'll be in my thirties, which is what is consider the prime of a mans competence and the soonest he can undertake real leadership. So in the next ten years I need to learn a lot. I need many practical skills, I need people skills, I need experience with communes (my sister stays at a fringe religious farm community full time so I already have my foot in this world).
Anyway, this has been a total shift in my perception of the world. I care now. I'm invested. I want to build a community to be a refuge and place to learn away from the schizophrenia of the modern world. I also have a specific aim of nurturing masculinity, true masculinity.
Men are complete clowns these days, selfish and cowardly. And the entire sex politics feminism problem etc. has a simple solution. Masculine men. If you are an actual man who is competent in the world (more competent than her by a very significant factor) and is not a pussy, surprise surprise, women act very feminine and submissive with you. The problem will not be fixed from the other end. Women will not submit to weak men, so it's up to the men of the age to find their power and fix this world. As has always been the case.

>> No.23206272

It was rough, but it’s a better life than most office waged are subject to. For most office wagies, life is truly pointless and near never-ending psychological angst. On a farm, you go to bed tired and fulfilled everyday.

>> No.23206421

when was the last time you were happy, anon?

>> No.23206428

Every day I put two slices of pizza from Whole Foods in a single pizza box and only pay for one slice and I walk out feeling happy as a clam, even though I hate the pizza I just enjoy getting things for free

>> No.23206447

Whole Foods pizza is expensive and nasty. Just go to Costco and buy a couple of slices, it’s so much better and even cheaper than the 2 for 1 shit you’ve been doing

>> No.23206459

4 minutes ago

>> No.23206461
File: 3.74 MB, 1920x1080, cabinend_1920x1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would often go there
>To the small cabin there
>On the hill in the woods there
>To go save my love there

>The Narrator told me
>That I had to slay her
>The Princess in the basement
>In a cabin on a hill

>I went down the forest path
>Below the stars and the sky
>On my way to save my love
>And leave it all behind us

>I left with her hand in mine
>Leaving everything behind

I wanted to make a StP thread on /v/ but I got "posting from your IP has been blocked due to abuse".

>> No.23206489

I see women working in white collar wagie jobs with tattoos now. It's a scourge

>> No.23206546

So tired of the overtly feminist and anti-Christian soapbox and DEI shit in everything. Can’t even watch a documentary on Greece and Rome without being hammered with it.

>> No.23206556

I honestly don’t even remember. I remember losing happiness entirely when I was in my early 20s. I don’t know if I was generally happy before that, but I had moments of happiness before that. After, I had few or no moments.

>> No.23206579

I can’t remember?? and I don’t think that I’ll ever be happy again

>> No.23206601

Have had a bad ear infection this week. The feeling of being in pain without the comfort of someone is awful. Why did my mother have to start a new family when I was young?

>> No.23206606

Few hours ago talking to an acquaintance. I was trying to implement some ideas from Totality and Infinity in the interaction.

>> No.23206796

I've noticed that Catholicism is more than just faith in God and belief of Christ. It's also this strange political allegiance to some quasi civic institution.

>> No.23206850

Any other fans of classical music here? I started to seriously get into into it a few years ago but in the past year I've become absolutely obsessed, listening to several hours a day on average. The past couple days I've been listening to a lot of Brahms and Tchaikovsky, particularly their string quarters and piano trios -- Brahms' symphonies are absolutely divine but on the whole it might be my least favorite form, even from composers I really enjoy otherwise, and while I still enjoy a handful from certain composers, it's undoubtedly what I listen to the least (for example, I love Prokofiev but his symphonies I find to be empty husks, formal structures meandering around a void of a center idea or melody).

Anyway, I'm listening to Borodin's String Quartet No. 2 for the first time right now and it's quite good!


>> No.23206863

Do you have any public playlists to recommend? Never got into it myself

>> No.23206889

NTA but I can recommend some playlists of classical music, do you use Spotify?

>> No.23206895

>have to educate myself on royalties and book pricing and where to post my book

>> No.23206903

there are small 4chan presses that will do all of that stuff for you

>> No.23206920

So for select recordings I really like the selection and tastes of the channel that uploaded the piece I linked to: https://www.youtube.com/@incontrariomotu

His uploads seem to be from his own record collection with a preference for performers and releases from the 40s-60s, which I find very agreeable for own tastes (ie just the way ensembles and soloists and conductors of that era approached the works, like the Borodin SQ or the Amadeus SQ), as well as Russians, which again works out because they have many of the greatest musicians of that area (eg Richter and Gilels for piano).

So I'll generally search his uploads first and often find myself coming back. And beyond that channel, https://www.youtube.com/@olla-vogala4090 and https://www.youtube.com/@AshishXiangyiKumar (for more contemporary performances of piano works) both are great curators as well.

As for specifics, I pretty much started with Beethoven and found the musicians I liked through a lot of listening to many recordings of the same work (I know at first this seems daunting but believe me, over time you'll come to see this as one of the benefits of the nature of classical music, the ability to essentially endlessly 'rediscover' and 're-interpret' any given work) and then looked up their recordings of other big names until I started to get a grasp of all the names and forms, and then would just google 'essential string quartets' on classical forums, sites, and blogs as well as clicking through the recommended videos on youtube (its algorithm does a good job of recommending classical so long as you generally stick to the same channels and/or musicians).

Forgive the rambling answer, haha.

>> No.23206952

Sure do. Hit me
Hey, I love listening to people go on about their interests, no problem. Thanks for the recs, I'll give 'em a good listen later on

>> No.23206958

To give examples with Beethoven from that first channel I linked:

for any piano work, anything with Gilels or Richter is good.
for any symphony, Karajan or Kleiber
for any violin work, Oistrakh/Oborin or anything with Kogan
for any cello, Fournier or Rostropovich
for any string quartet, the Bryll or Vugh SQs

>> No.23206969

How do you distinguish between a girl who is acting friendly and a girl who is acting too friendly?

>> No.23206974

>Hey, I love listening to people go on about their interests, no problem. Thanks for the recs, I'll give 'em a good listen later on

Happy to help! When I was younger, I was very much into Rock and non-art music genres (I've got thousands of album/record ratings on my RYM, for example) but eventually it just became kinda stale listening trying to listen to new works and so getting into classical as been like a revelation to me, not only an entire new field/scene to explore and discover but, outside of a few Rock/Pop albums that truly transcended genre, classical music really is the literature to the genre fiction that is other kinds of music desu.

>> No.23207007

I like Chopin, Beethoven, and Erik Satie. A newer composer I really like is Susumu Yokota

>> No.23207020

Hahah, thank you. I'm at work rn but I'm excited to get at these links

>> No.23207035

Poorly. All they do is put it on Amazon.

>> No.23207064

>pass it to some dude
>they put it on amazon
>only earn a cent for my writings

>> No.23207079

to give some links with the recs i made before:

beethoven piano sonata no.23 (richter):

symphony no.3 (kleiber):

violin sonata no.9 'kreutzer sonata' (kogan/gilels):

cello sonata no.3 (fournier / schnabel):

string quartet no.14 (barylli) [imo, this is the greatest piece of music of all time, next to the 9th symphony]:

By saving yourself the guessing games and just asking her to hangout.

>> No.23207107

I love classical music and have gotten huge into it the past couple years as well, youtube really helps, even the playlists. Love Tchaikovsky too, always recognized him for a great melody maker even as a kid. Brahms I don’t know as much of but he’s got some tunes. I wouldn’t say symphonies are my least favorite though, I get that they’re a lot but some of them contain some of the greatest music I’ve ever heard, take the climax of Mahler’s second or some obvious choices from Beethoven catalog. New world by Dvorak with that obviously amazing motif melody in the first movement. I think the best things are string quartets though, and I see you appreciate them highly too. I don’t know much Borodin so I’ll have to check out more of his stuff, I absolutely love Boccherini and Beethoven there

>> No.23207113

You can't

>> No.23207125

I've started my german lessons using Assimil. It's been surprisingly pleasant so far. German is very close to english. Ist means is, hier means here... and words are pretty self explanatory to the point you only have to guess one part of the word right to understand them when they get whacky, like russischlehrerin (teacher of Russian). Fuck Hs though. These german niggers put h everywhere. How in hell am I supposed to memorize verstehen or versetehst, and why do they have an easy time learning engliish!! Pooping nazi doitch niggers really be making fun of us englishpeasants

>> No.23207141

I go through these spells were I am borderline asexual. Just zero sexual desire for a month plus.
And then I'll go a full month where I jerk off once a day or every other
I don't know why but once I do once it's like it primes me to have the same feeling at the exact same time the next day

>> No.23207163

Spengler had a very different definition of Socialism than the conventional one, anon. To him ethical socialism is at its core a sort of essentialization of will to power, to fashion the world to your image and make your own values. Ironically this correlates a lot with modern trannies and their attemped abolition of sex and gender.
And it's already pretty popular, although not universal, as Spengler said it would inevitably be. He once said that in late antiquity everyone. even the epicureans, were stoics.

>> No.23207172

For sure, I definitely love some symphonies don't get me wrong (Beethoven, Shostakovich, Brahms), it's more of an on average thing, and it's funny to me because it's the most recognizable form and there's some composers where I'll love the rest of their work but not the symphonies. I don't know, I guess there's just a 'concreteness' and tight structure and sound of melody and rhythm and harmony that you find in the majority of chamber works but in a minority of symphonies.

And yes, completely agree with string quartets and the like, definitely the pinnacle of classical if not all music haha. I'll give Mahler's Second a try later tonight, as well as some of Dvorak's string quartets. For Borodin, from what I've read I think the 2nd SQ, the one I posted, is his only highly regarded work to be honest, lol.


Outside of Mozart and Bach, my pre-Romantic era knowledge is completely lacking haha, I was actually only finally listening to Haydn's SQ's earlier today for the first time. What would you recommend from this fellow?

>> No.23207189

Sorry, I'm drunk.
But my point remains the same, wether it be a tranny trying to abolish gender, a landian accelerationist going on about capitalism, a right wing futurist who believes in eugenicist space future, a black supremacist who thinks society should bend to right the wrongs inflicted on his people, or even a milquetoast liberal who wants the whole world to be equal-opportunity/equal outcome. They all, at their core believe in ethical socialism. It's a twisted sort of will-to-power.
You might not notice, but I'm a thirdie and I've always noticed this weird universal, totalistic quality to certain western ideologies. "The whole world must be safe/happy/equal/nice/worship my god/adhere to my morals! And damn anyone who tries to oppose me!"
I actually think it's endearing, in a way. At their heart, they're just doing it for your own good. I guess I appreciate the effort more than anything.
The road to hell and all that.

>> No.23207227

big daddy bach is probably my favorite

>> No.23207249

Bach is indeed fantastic. Regarding those last two though... man, I know the St Matthew's Passion and Mass in B minor and Beethoven's Missa Solemnis are supposed to be among their greatest works but long-form sacred works like that are so daunting of a task to actually sit down and listen to all of the way through.

>> No.23207263

Over time I've gotten slowly better at thinking.

I'm not sure how to explain it. More and more, when I approach some intellectual topic I just feel powerful, my ability to understand and see clearly has magnified. I'll return to some topic from 2-3 months ago and it's easier. I'm not even doing hard intellectual work either, just daydreaming and writing

>> No.23207396

If an attractive woman took genuine interest in me I would probably cry. I have negative confidence with women. It’s over for me. Even speaking to a woman about office supplies makes me dizzy like I’m going to pass out.

>> No.23207427

My dog blushed and hid behind me after farting in front of a girl.

>> No.23207473
File: 53 KB, 768x512, d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was released to the same shelter as before. My "friend" no longer lived there— I believe he was arrested for drug possession, although I did not look further into it. Besides that, I was never treated the same. The family that ran the shelter viewed me with scrutiny, and no longer referred to me in a personal way. My bed was also relegated to a secondary building, further solidifying my position as a reject even among rejects. It was during this time that I met Mrs. M—, an ethnic lady of around fifty that assisted in church activities. For a reason that I cannot explain, she took an interest in me.

Although I intended to kill myself, I continued to live for a time by sheer inertia. It was always difficult for me to change the direction that my life was heading— if I were starving? Let me starve. If I were sick? Let me die. I did not ask for help, and I did not refuse fate in any capacity. When other people wanted something from me, I surrendered. Mrs. M— asked for little, but the little she did ask of me was, unknown to her, the most that I had to offer. The first thing she did was pick me up after church to help with after-hours cleaning. I didn't mind the activity— (although to say I wanted to interact with her would be a lie) it was easy, and she never placed any pressure on me to perform. Being around her was more comfortable than I would have expected, and because our interactions largely involved me rendering some sort of assistance, I never felt like too much of a burden.

This changed as it neared Christmas. Although I never felt comfortable around her (all of my interactions with everyone are marked by profound discomfort), she had a way of calming my nerves. This was, as I said, related to the way that she made use of my work, and the fact that I felt comfortable following someone's authority. After Church service, she drove me home and saw the state of my room— devoid of anything but a bed, a lamp, a chair, and a small pile of books on a nightstand. She commented on how depressing it seemed ("No wonder you look so down!" she exclaimed) and the next time I met her, she gave me a gift— Christmas decorations for my room. This mistake of hers— though not really a mistake— struck me with enough force to drive me from my "inertial living." I felt numb when I looked at the decoration. I felt unworthy. The innocent look of the green and red stripes beside my wretched form seemed to me a cruel joke, and I decided that I could not live any longer.

That night, I attempted suicide in the same shameful manner. The events that followed marked my only opportunity— if ever there was one— to redeem myself from my life of shame. It came in the form of the only person that I can say made me feel something like "human."

>> No.23207534

I want an artificial sentient companion.

>> No.23207583

They explode. Everything in their life led up to that moment.

>> No.23207685

We’re so back bros. It was the booze talking.

>> No.23207713

I think I'm gonna quit multiplayer games. I'm not sure why but you can't play casually anymore. Unless you take it seriously you'll just get annihilated because everyone is treating it like a tournament game, even in casual matches. And there are no servers where you can just go and chill out because there are no servers now, it's just matchmaking.

What's up with so many trends in the 2020s making us more isolated? It's not just corona, but random crap like this which pushes us away from other people for no good reason. Both right-wingers and left-wingers talk about making a homestead, etc. Other people really aren't that bad, guys. Flawed? Yeah, but no more than you. Instead I believe we're looking at some kind of organizational failure.

Specifically, the internet is locking us into being around people that we don't like, when in real life you'd just walk away from those people or force them out. If you put humans into a natural environment, we're great at organizing ourselves. Online though, when & how we meet people is determined by algorithms. Even sites like 4chan, which are much less algorithmic, are still rocky to the extent we're unable to self-segregate. So it just turns into a mess and we can't do much.

>> No.23207724

Haha, self-organization (organic formation) is antithetical to the Open Society. This is actually intentional. Read Popper and Soros' view on how liberal democracy should be formulated, and it will make Harari, Fukuyama, etc., make a lot more sense.
Evil? Yes. Does it make sense why they believe this is optimal? Also yes.

>> No.23208021

>the internet is locking us into being around people that we don't like
The opposite is true. IRL sometimes people are forced to compromise. Online you can just go on screaming at each other forever

>> No.23208145

>a few games are shit so I'll just quit instead of searching for a better one

>> No.23208286

>the internet is locking us into being around people that we don't like, when in real life you'd just walk away from those people or force them out.
Not really, though. You can't escape coworkers or family, or even bad friends sometimes.

>> No.23208491

Breakfast: egg and cheese sandwich
Breakfast number 2: burger
Pre-lunch: cake with milk
Lunch: mayo butter ham salami sandwich
After-lunch: chocolate cornflakes with milk
Snack time: egg and cheese sandwich
Pre-dinner: ham and salami sandwich
Dinner: five hot sausages in a sandwich
Dinner number two: bean soup with pork
After-dinner: cake with milk

>> No.23208524

Accidentally missed a psychiatrist appointment and they charged me 4x the cost of the appointment.

...For what? For making you do less work? So you don't have to ask me banal questions and nod for 10 minutes before writing another script for another pill that's not going to work? Swear to god I'm never setting foot in a psych's office again. Sham profession, it's not medicine.

>> No.23208547

Give me the meaning of life, right the fuck now.

>> No.23208676
