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/lit/ - Literature

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23198429 No.23198429 [Reply] [Original]

>/lit/ isn't dyi-ACK

>> No.23198459

the peaks of pre-2022 were likely covid-related

>> No.23198464
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Good. You deserve this

>> No.23198468

You need a graph to know this? Just look at the content and replies

>> No.23198475

Anyone know any alternatives? I feel like the state of the modern internet has cored out most actually functional communities, and it's a nightmare to dig for a Discord that has an actual healthy ecology.

>> No.23198489

This is actually a good thing. We're returning back to pre-Covid engagements levels, which means we can go back to gatekeeping and actually having taste as a board.
Another good thing is there is less troll, /pol/, and chud spam. Content is going back to actually being about discussing books and authors. Effortposting is making a comeback.
You're just seething that you can't content farm on /lit/ as easily as you used to. Honestly, if you just want to post off-topic troll shit, go to /tv/.

>> No.23198520

This. /lit/ is finally healing from 2016. As it gets slower and discussion gets less sidetracked by /pol/ shitposting the idiots will gradually leave for greener pastures like /tv/ or /mu/. I can remember a time when threads used to stay up for weeks here

>> No.23198531

As a chuddy as I am, I actually enjoy reading. Have most of my life.

>> No.23198537

/pol/chuds are one cancer. Zoomies are another.

>> No.23198543

Something to this. Been posting here for like a decade (what the fuck am I doing with my life) and somewhere during 2022 we hit absolute peak-levels of retardation, with the same bait-threads and /pol/ spam absolutely congesting the front page and every conversation. The single saving grace is that it put paid to tripfags.

Hoping this board returns to its roots: like eight people all not shutting the fuck up about Catholicism and Don Delillo, forever.

>> No.23198545

this and election migrants

>> No.23198567

Everyone left though

>> No.23198583
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Unsurprisingly, tourists are starting to leave. This is a good thing. Fuck off to reddit.

>> No.23198586

>actually having taste as a board.
That never happened

>> No.23198682

I do not miss the amateur philosophers and political theorists that were frequenting this board during that period.

>> No.23198706

There are no alternatives. This is the world now, everything, and I mean everything, is gay and cringe. There is no escaping it, there is no defeating it. This is the end.

>> No.23198711
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Let it go.

>> No.23198712

Get your bachelor's you talk up into a higher degree and be the change you want to see.

>> No.23198713

Suit yourself.

>> No.23198718

Pessimists deserve each other.

>> No.23198740

>the board being dead is actually a good thing
I'm pretty sure 4chan is dying, every board that isn't about watching tv/anime, video games, or politics is getting less traffic compared to 2019

>> No.23199337

Now we will to back to retarded millenials wanna-be philosophers writing their walls of text threads and it staying up for a week

>> No.23199353

/lit/ already died back in 2017 when the board was nothing but constant fucking jordan peterson threads. I only come here to read the writing general and shitpost in philosophy thread.

>> No.23200645

Anon, judging by other boards and their activity. It seems like 4chan is dying as a whole. Which could or could not be a good thing for this website. We might hit 2008 era activity in less then 3 years if this keeps up. But I think the 2024 election might bring in new tourists.

>> No.23200651
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what happened here?

>> No.23200662

>writing general
What's good about that one? I never go there.

>> No.23200665

>April 18
>2019 – A redacted version of the Mueller report is released to the United States Congress and the public.[16]

>> No.23200670

That was ten years ago you faggot, you're still blaming election traffic?

>> No.23200675

/lit/ is healing. I remember years ago threads about how the increase of numbers meant the death of /lit/, since it meant a never ceasing influx of normies attracted by memes. But it seems literature and the Greeks inevitably filters normies.

This is news for celebration.

>> No.23200760

Proper and properly literate moderation would be pruning dogshit to a level that quality threads can stay up for more than a week as in days of old.

>> No.23200931

This. Way too much shill-spamming. One asshole, all by himself, could explain that burst of "activity". Wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people left as a result.

>> No.23201139
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I've been on 4chan since 2011 and recently started using Twitter.

Something I realized immediately was that 4chan is just ... dead. Everything on the front page of every board are reposts from reddit or twitter. Go to /pol/, it's literally just Twitter screenshots.

I really like twitter because it's basically anonymous Facebook for the world and it's WAY more fun to fuck with genuinely insane crazy people than it is to read stale memes here.

I'll always love 4chan, but it's more or less antiquated to the point of uselessness now. For example, you can have a discussion about 4chan on Twitter but you can't discuss Twitter on 4chan. You'll just get accused of being a bot or a troll.

>> No.23201147

This is happening to all of 4chan

>> No.23201149

These. It’s clear that the people from 5-10 years ago aren’t the same people here now. /lit/ has a demographic or user base problem. I don’t know if it’s zoomers or the target audience of 4channel anymore but it’s pretty bad now. The flip side is you do outgrow /lit/ though. With that said there were more interesting and knowledgeable anons in the past. The focus on a whole has changed. Fiction, poetry, and creative writing aren’t popular anymore

>> No.23201151

How do you find conversations on Twitter? It's easier to troll there because everyone's mentally ill (same as here, but at least people here admit it, mostly), but it's next to impossible to have a conversation about an actual topic with a diversity of takes. If you search "literature" in the Communities section the top-rated community is Doki Doki fucking Literature Club with like 300 members.

>> No.23201160
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You promote your writing, man. Or just draw attention to yourself by demonstrating expertise. It's actually quite a challenge to condense a complex thought down into a paragraph. Takes serious creativity.

Make a blog/medium/substack and attach it to your twitter. Just be funny, have a good time, make fun of crazy people, be witty, and people will start reading your stuff.

4chan is notable for being the first website to function the way that the rest of the web now does. Moot literally taught Google how to produce algorithms that replicate the consensus mechanism that the collective user base on 4chan creates. 4chan isn't some special unique website anymore, it's basically the bonzi buddy to chat GPT. I mean, check this guy out ... >>23198489

I remember reading exactly this sentiment on Tumblr and reddit back in their golden eras. Social media isn't what you think it is anymore.

You're either trying to build an audience with it or you're wasting your time.

>> No.23201163

I'll also point out that you're thinking in old internet terms.

People don't gravitate around specific "groups" or website anymore. Twitter is the central hub through which individuals represent their work. In a very strange way, the internet has become highly individualistic. Collectivist websites, like reddit, Tumblr, 4chan, etc. Are all but irrelevant.

>> No.23201166

I don't want to shill my work, I want to have a conversation.

>> No.23201174

Then stay irrelevant and poor, less competition for me lmao.

Also, no you don't. People are retarded and you know it. If you want to engage in the confluence of ideas constituting the substance of a subject, say phillsophy or literature, then you'd consume those ideas and engage with them in your daily life. You'd let those ideas influence how you see the world.

I can have a better conversation about the metaphysics of object-relations with a book on that subject or even chat gpt4 than I can with 99.99% of people on this website or any other. You just want people to appreciate your insight and intelligence on your personally appointed terms.

Provide a service to the average person and opportunities you didn't realize were possible will open up to you. Or don't, and again, stay here and talk with schizophrenic narcissistic brown people until you go crazy.

>> No.23201182

Anonymity is wonderful, anon, but it has one major downside ... you can't show people what you've created or what you think. You can't take responsibility for your ideas.

>> No.23201202

Tate-brain, many such cases.

There's a freedom in that. I've written and published, and I've had very good conversations with people who've read my work, but that those conversations are always constrained by a sense of responsibility to my real identity in those conversations can actually militate against certain forms of honesty. Things can be said while wearing a mask that can't be said otherwise, and for a time 4chan was a space for those conversations. But maybe the Tate-poster is right, and these spaces are simply dying. As short a period as five years ago these spaces existed, but they aren't the commons and never were, but only existed at the mercy of commercial forces. I will never not feel there's a value in choiceful anonymity.

>> No.23201213

Anonymity definitely has its bad side, especially on a slow less popular board like /lit/. We’ve seen a poster or a handful run amok and try to change the board to suit their own image. Anonymity can make the few seem like many

>> No.23201222

>Things can be said while wearing a mask that can't be said otherwise, and for a time 4chan was a space for those conversations. But maybe the Tate-poster is right, and these spaces are simply dying.
Only if you're unwilling to do so.

I mean, you're labeling me with a pretty retarded accusation. I've never so much as seen an Andrew Tate video. I barely know who he is. That was an incredibly counter productive and stupid thing to use as an opening to a "conversation." The only reason you did so is because this is 4chan and you have no respect for either of our reputations.

It's pure psychopathic posturing so as to unsettle me and thus gain a psychological advantage. It's a defense mechanism.

The world is now splitting down the middle and you're either willing to take yourself seriously and provide a service through social media, thus attaching at least some of your personal identity to a persona or your real ego, or you're one of the masses of consumers who criticize and psychotically, enviously snarl at anyone who pokes holes in your self-aggrandizing sense of self-satisfactory delusion at identifying with the idea that because you're free of the responsibility of having your thoughts and creations attached to your online activity somehow makes you more brave and less cowardly than those who actually do.

There's nothing brave about anonymity.

>> No.23201339

>you're labeling me with a pretty retarded accusation
>pure psychopathic posturing
It's becoming clearer and clearer to me why you prefer an audience to a conversation. A fundamental mistake you're making is that I don't have the kinds of discursive relationships and personal success you feel are important. I do. I make good money, I'm published, I'm married, I have close friends. What I'm interested in are the online spaces we used to have available to sound-out personal identity outside the capture of personal brand-creation, which seems to have seeped into your sleeping ear and completely poisoned your brain.

>> No.23201343

I think that's also a very good point. The issue with anonymity is that it recreates problems people associate with the commons generally, but with the jet-engine of absent accountability built right in. Like the commons, maybe spaces like this are necessarily transient.

>> No.23201351

Well, if you're happy then continue being happy. I certainly don't have the power to dissuade you from that path.

>What I'm interested in are the online spaces we used to have available to sound-out personal identity outside the capture of personal brand-creation, which seems to have seeped into your sleeping ear and completely poisoned your brain.
You get that from academic level research, friend.

Talk with random retards all you want, I don't care.

>> No.23201417

This board is dead. Legitimate, adult-minded literary discussion is almost non-existent. 90% of the board is shit and depressed irl blog posts.

>> No.23201441

Montaigne considered literature to be company of itself, without the necessity for discussion. Maybe a return to the time when most literature was only rarely discussed but only enjoyed and, at times, responded to in written reviews or counterwritten books is at hand.

>> No.23201474

I’ve always wondered why this board frowns on reviews so much (in b4 they don’t actually read). Personally I think the tone of the board has changed to the point it is irreparably damaged. Lots of anons looking to spew venom or knock others down. Lots of using books as a segue way into other topics like politics, current events, and cultural stuff (in b4 you want a hugbox). Honestly don’t think there are many anons who read or can interact on a decent level. Demoralization has taken hold

>> No.23201525

It's always been that way, man (source: trust me bro).

I would describe 4chan as communist in its essential ethical orientation.

>> No.23201543

This. I only post on the toilet now, you fuckers aren’t worth the breath. Time is better spent doing anything else- such as READING

>> No.23201555

Yeah, like any 4chan board there's a very specific ecology that's developed here that probably reflects more the sentiments of the most frequent posters and those who originated the posting culture than any consideration of the board's subject. You see that too in memetic phrases and ideas that crop up constantly, "filtered," "sisters," bitching about "invasion" from other boards even while it's a given that there'll be significant overlap, all of which kind of serve as a bundle of shibboleths to gatekeep and regulate behavior.

It's always been idiosyncratic, but that idiosyncrasy's always been a function of prevalence, and as board demographics have changed, some of the more unpleasant shifts you describe have just become inscribed in the overall culture. That can't be easily changed, because none of these customs are formal, they're just conventional.

I say nuke it and start over. Someone start a semi-decent Discord. There's a /lit/ server that used to get a decent amount of traffic, but it's just a bunch of ESL meme-posters with the same ecological problems as 4chan, minus any pedigree of old-fags who try to keep the place going.

>> No.23201563


>> No.23201580

It’s sad it’s become a I have two minutes to kill board. I still think there are some good anons here. They are just the minority and don’t post frequently. Past a certain level it’s a shot in the dark that you connect with someone worthwhile. It doesn’t help that most threads die in hours
I’ve always thought it’s best to move on. /lit/ is past saving. The barbarians have swarmed and taken over the citadel. It wouldn’t be as bad if the barbarians weren’t cancerous and ultra active

>> No.23201626

Yeah, I can't remember the last time I learned something or got a solid rec here. I've changed through the years, sure, but this place is accelerating downhill, no brakes.

>> No.23201669

Or just go to Twitter.

As I said up the thread. What I see happening on 4chan with people talking about the "culture" and the "community" is simply people not realizing that demographic changes are irreversible because intelligent people will eventually realize they're talking to idiots and leave. And they have left. Discord is for trannies and narcissistic fat women, bro. Twitter is where normal people are.

Instagram is where hot women are as well. You're stuck in a room with autistic half Mexican retards so long as you fail to branch out to where the actual culture is formulating.

>> No.23201675

an exclusive audience is a good thing

>> No.23201692

>actual culture
What's the weather like in 2014

>> No.23201720
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The only reason I like 4chan and still come here is because it's stuck in 2015, dude.

I mean, dude, 50% of /pol/ threads (the most active board) are literally Twitter screenshots. 4chan is old now, my man.

>> No.23201864

All of the bot posts and endless shilling of trash content drove away all the sane users.

>> No.23201908

Any, any, ANY platform with likes or updoots is garbage. You're just a normalfag.

It's not incorrect to say this website is on its last legs but it will always be better than any other platform on the platonic cave that is the Internet.

>> No.23201925

>For example, you can have a discussion about 4chan on Twitter
Back to r/4chan with you

>> No.23201936

At least 4chan doesn't have a login or direct messaging system that gets profiled, sold, and sent to every administrative contractor there is.

>> No.23201944

Ayo wtf /lit/ not be bussin like Asmongold or Hasan? Niggas be dead AF tho :skull:

>> No.23201947

4chan is for partially sociopathic people who don't care about what particular individuals with a username/account have to say, unless it's to make fun of them or comment on their stupidity.

If you prefer Twitter, then good for you, it is indeed where the "normal people" are.

>> No.23201949

You 100% have a Kiedis mullet and poorly-grown peach fuzz mustache

>> No.23201951


>> No.23201953

I know that's still you, faggot.

>> No.23201955

get help quick edgelord

>> No.23201957

Individualism isn't sociopathy, consensus-shill.

>> No.23201963

That doesn't address what I said.

>> No.23201965

No it isn't

>> No.23201975

There are thousands of people who use this site who are perfectly normal, white American men who just want to have meaningful discussions without being clickfarmed, honeypotted, and data-mined out ass. Most people here couldn't give less of a fuck about your normie pop-culture garbage. Twitter is already statistically proven to be more than half-full of bots (your slave owner said so himself and showed the data to all of yoy multiple times, so don't try to deny that one), and almost nothing posted there is meaningful or unique. I used Instagram for 10 years and around 2018 it had an influx of millions of you twitter faggots making MCU bot account news pages and sardonic post-modern twitter repost accounts to flood the Explore feed which instantly ruined the site in an irreversible fashion. If you want a subculture of normies who consistently post unique ideas, use the Fediverse. Stop shilling sites where people just go to agree with each other.

>> No.23201998

Not him, but except for people who have a vast personal network in a very niche hobby, what value can you possibly get out of Fediverse? It's mostly just tech youtubers, tech journos and a few tech people that run good FOSS projects. Where are the artists, the schizos, the religious nuts, scientists.

>> No.23202006

That's just the popular accounts, the rest of it is slowly growing but it's pretty much twitter if it were modeled after a non-intrusive forum from the 2000s, and has independently hosted servers rather than dedicated. I don't actually use it often, I've maybe made one post. I was just giving a better alternative than Twitter.

>> No.23202038

Yeah, you definitely have the effeminate and desperate syntax of the average Twitter user.

>> No.23202071

Maybe I will start posting more... but no one here loves nature writing as much as me
t. occasional effortposter

>> No.23202103

/x/ recently seems to have won a war against the nobody general spam, so it's beginning to slowly heal as well

>> No.23202132

>nobody general
Don't use /x/, fill me in on why that general was a thing and so omnipresent.

>> No.23202151

Lefty-/pol/ tourists posing as oldfags will always be funny to me.

>> No.23202169

No it isn’t, perhaps if you spend all your time on /b/ or /r9k/.

>> No.23202175

A drunken fuckposting thread turned into a deathcult. Just imagine /wwoym/ on /x/.

>> No.23202194

>into a deathcult
Did they ever do anything weird? They seem like schizos, but that's everybody on /x/

>> No.23202195

people repost 4chan posts all the time on twitter

>> No.23202199

>newfag has retarded opinions
I don't believe it!

>> No.23202220

The discoverability is ass and everyone is telling me of a land far beyond the horizon where the posts are good.
Unless you have a pre-existing circle (which, you've probably met on another platform) I don't see how it's a valid alternative.
Anyways, it seems that you, like everyone else like the idea of Fediverse, but not really the implementation(s).

>> No.23202232

Nothing decisive that I know of, but it was up there with the parasite cleanse general with who was going to be in the news because a bunch of people died due to it. It doesn't take much for a bunch of unstable minds to topple, given the right push. All it amounted to on the average anon's end was a tenfold increase in schizo garbage posts that had nothing to do with a given thread.

>> No.23202236

When it comes to talented anons, 4chan has always been a revolving door so-to-speak. They will hear, get lots of attention and praise, and then slowly drift away for other sites where they can get more recognition or value for their work. I have seen this happen countless times

>> No.23202258

Essentially, yes.

>> No.23202274

Worth mentioning that 4chan is the only site on the Internet where you have a massive captive audience. You can post the most batshit things and thousands of people are forced to look at it. On Twitter or anywhere else, if something isn't part of *your feed*, then you don't see it.

>> No.23202284

Well-put. Thank you answering that guy for me. I missed his post at first

>> No.23202288

I only use twitter because I like the art community
Other than that it’s a terrible site. People don’t go on twitter to have their minds changed or their ideas challenged. They follow people who they agree with and have their own little echo chamber for their specific worldview

>> No.23202293

Is this supposed to be a negative point?

>> No.23202297

why is this bad?

>> No.23202305

Agreed, it also forces people (if only by a little) to interact with opposing beliefs instead of just hiding in their own echo chamber
While filters exist, most people don’t use them

>> No.23202311

Not at all. Why would you think that's what I meant? It's one of the reasons this is the best site and incidentally the only one I use. If I was the type of narcissist to care about updoots, I might go elsewhere, but I don't, so I come here.

>> No.23202324

I had to deal with it for too long, it's easy to write about what you're familiar with. /omg/ was one of the worst victims and was taking bets on how it was going to play out. You may have noticed tptb started cracking down on shit to prevent another /ng/ situation because they let that one go for too long.

>> No.23202348

Reminder, that the good old days was just a longer period of time when the oldfag had a bunch of free time to focus on reading. Nothing to do with any real board quality. Mfs just outgrew it, and the type of posts they used to enjoy is now repetitive, trite nonsense, because they've seen it play out dozens of times.
You've outgrown the board. Possibly social media altogether. Will happen to me, too.

>> No.23202419

If you don’t read books and don’t care to talk about what books you’ve read you shouldn’t be here. Simple as

Board is dead now

>> No.23202561

no one reads anymore grandpa, if the info can't be summed up in a tiktok short or a podcast episode its not worth knowing about

>> No.23202560

lit as it stands is the home of people who want to talk philosophy and history but are too much of cowards to go to pol or his.
Were I a mod, I would ban such discussions, and open the gates to lowbrow fiction. Webnovels, light novels, fucking fetish lit for all I care.

>> No.23202629

Disagree about the algorithm, but everything else is spot on. Most of my better conversations come from private messages now. Which isn't ideal, but it's better than nothing I guess.

>> No.23202632

this but unironically

>> No.23202658

The issue with all these social media sites is that they rely on algorithmically sorted content, which destroys any sense of a commons or social cohesion, beyond people following the same mega-personality influences.

>> No.23202706

This. Anyone with eyes and some honesty will tell you that this site has taken a left-turn since Covid.

>> No.23202714

On a somewhat related note, I've been toying with the idea of trying to start a spin-off textboard and I wonder what the minimum amount of regular posters is necessary to hold momentum. I'd guess at least 30 to prevent it from becoming a complete circle-jerk, but it would depend on the people since twitter and reddit is perfectly capably of having circle jerks numbering in the hundreds.

>> No.23202725

I’ve wanted to start my own Imageboard too but the amount of tard-wrangling you have to do, the costs, and having to constantly watch out for CP made me weary of starting one

>> No.23202743

It’s hard to say because you could have 100 anons who are really knowledgeable and passionate about their sphere of interest but if they don’t move outside that sphere the board or site will be die because of no discussions. If you do it expectations should be low and acceptance that it will be a slow place where posts will build up in threads over the years. One of the biggest killers of /lit/ is how many new threads are made killing off others. Most threads never have a chance to get off the ground. Reality is that most don’t use this board everyday, they come after they finish a book or taking a shit. It will be random luck when multiple anons converge on a good thread

>> No.23202786

One of the best and simplest ways to improve board quality is to go to the bottom of the catalogue once per day or once per visit and bump one legitimate thread that is about to 404. Doesn't have to be complex, just bump any thread that's actually about a book or actually has a semi-effort OP, and ignore the threads that are just social media screenshots or dumb shitposts.

If even a couple dozen people did this once~/day, it would be like a natural defense mechanism against the board being a "random" soup of shit threads and effort threads. The front page would be likelier, at any given moment, to have at least several on-topic threads on it.

>> No.23202801

This is what kikes actually believe

>> No.23202833

Domain hosting is a couple hundred. Expensive, but not more so than many hobbies or even a new laptop. Having a textboard rather than imageboard solves problems of cp/gore. My idea would be to have some sort of puzzle required to access the board, like an IQ capatcha, that only needs to be solved once. Then outreach would be conducted by slipping bookmarks into rare/obscure texts from the library.

Biggest issue imo is that the format of text/imageboards has a certain culture attached to it. And while that culture didn't necessarily have such a reputation even ten years ago, now it attracts a certain kind of poster who sees it as a carte blanche for shitposting and crabbing. My personal thoughts are to design the Frontpage into something more resembling a newspaper, to create a more "serious" feel, and perhaps some added functionalities that haven't been explored by other social media, although truthfully I am not sure what that might be.

>> No.23202839

no one is going to spend money on this shit. this is why small forums died in the first place and everyone moved to various subreddits and facebooks groups and whatever

>> No.23202846

You're aware that 4chan is like 70% bots righr?

>> No.23202849

One of the things I adore about young smart people is that they have a tendency to recreate already existing paradigmatic structures.

What you've just described is a fucking college lmao.

>> No.23202854

I respectfully disagree. The medium is the message, as they say, and 4chan is no exception. Trying to combat it through constant effort posting and bumping is a thankless chore that has been tried and tested by people on this site for years. Is there no structural change that can be made to make such a thing effortless? Perhaps limitations on threads that can be made? Perhaps limitations on which posters can make threads? I don't agree with either of those proposals, but clearly the current structure isnt working either.

>> No.23202865

I will personally put my money where my mouth is once I stumble onto the right idea. I wouldn't be brainstorming this is every thread if I didn't want to see it happen.

I've been to college and it's an obsolete technology.

>> No.23202873

nta but no, there isn't.

4chan was the archetype for the modern internet. Think about it for like, two seconds ...

1. Its a mixture of text, image and was one of the first communities to utilize shit like gifs

2. The community acts as an organic consensus mechanism by employing vitriol or insults (downvotes) or praise and proliferation of an idea (updoots and reposting). Obviously algorithms have been designed which can replicate and control a synthetic "mass audience", so the organic community has become obsolete.

3. Moderation was minimal to the point of being imperceptible to most users

4. Users within 4chan were never discouraged from incorporating or disseminating ideas and images onto other websites, in fact cross usage was encouraged which led to the initial explosion of early meme culture

Etc. Etc.

The answer is, no, there's nothing that can be done to update 4chan because most other websites are simply variations on its essential structure.

>> No.23202877

Literally all you'd have to do is take the kiwi farms website and make 4chan boards out of it lmao. The farms would be the absolute best forum on the internet if only it wasn't dedicated exclusively to retards gawking at other retards.

>> No.23202879

This. The whole “be the change you want to see” is nice in theory but how many good posters are spending a ton of time here? Frankly it’s not worth spending time on. We’ve seen what the trends are. Shitposts and flamewar threads thrive. Threads about 99% of books die with less than 10 posts 99% of the time. It’s a losing battle and everyone who cares knows it. The board has bled quality anons over the last 5 years and those that still come here are more infrequent. Those who care about /lit/ are the minority. It is what it is. The demographics of /lit/ have changed to the point it’s unrecognizable

The “new imageboard/site” idea is always intriguing but tough decisions have to be made. Anonymity? It can be good but it also means no accountability. Highly focused and effort based? That’s nice but there have been great entertaining shitposts over the years. Lots of people? Sure, more chance of interaction but more cancer. Mods? A good mod is great, a bad mod devastating

4chan was structured in a unique way that was always bound to fall. Gookmoot wants clicks. He knows his target audience. At least we had a good run but it probably can’t be rebuilt again. Lots of anons won’t like to hear it but discord is probably the way. A like minded book club

>> No.23202890

Stay away from discord, friend.

There be trannies.

>> No.23202902

The issue is that people don't send their friends and family links to a 4chan thread the way they might send them a link to a thread on reddit. Not saying we should try to become like reddit, but the culture of this board has always been against word-of-mouth growth, relying more on its notoriety as "hackers on steroids".
Which was fine, but after several iterations of user influx has ruined the place. And if we want to attract a higher quality of discussion we'll need to attract academics, who are very much reliant on a level of peer consensus. If I was going to rebuild /lit/ from the ground up it would be a small and somewhat obscure board, slow moving, with a focus on attracting researchers and journalists rather than angsty teenagers and closet racists. I know several academics, grad students, etc. but I would never send them a link to this website, even if several of them probably browse here.

>> No.23202903

I respect the farms and Null for refusing to die.
Anon, I am very familiar with the Altchan space. Your purposed new IQ test captcha will NOT stop the the small albeit dedicated autists that make bots to spam imageboards. Even if it’s text only they will spam CP links

>> No.23202908

Expand on this. I'm not familiar with kiwifarms other than knowing a guy who uses it (he's a gross retard who spends most of his time being cruel to even bigger retards on the internet).

>> No.23202909

No I mean literally go and look at the website itself. It's a masterpiece of design.

>> No.23202919


I’d love to know the % of anons with or pursuing a degree in ~2015 vs 2024. Unfortunately academia is a hot button topic today that makes some anons seethe but I’m positive this was a better place with more college educated people. The English major is dying in real life, the English major left this site. I’d also love to know the % of English majors here in ~2015 vs 2024.

>> No.23202924

The forum is without question the sleekest, most functional, most well designed website of its type. It's the best parts of 4chan, reddit, and Tumblr smashed together.

All anyone would have to do is recreate it and then remake 4chan inside it. It keeps the anonymity and allows moderators to actually enforce rules. It would completely climate 90% of the problems 4chan faces.

>> No.23202925

Since we are on the topic of Altchans. I’ve wanted to create one for the Midwest of the United States. Nothing intellectual or political, just talk about fishing and corn.
Elaborate please

>> No.23202928

>The English major is dying
Good, people shouldn't go into debt for useless degrees.

>> No.23202933

>The “new imageboard/site” idea is always intriguing but tough decisions have to be made. Anonymity? It can be good but it also means no accountability. Highly focused and effort based? That’s nice but there have been great entertaining shitposts over the years. Lots of people? Sure, more chance of interaction but more cancer. Mods? A good mod is great, a bad mod devastating
This is a good point. Personally I think the shitposts are one of the main reasons people come to this site. If I wanted 100% serious discussion on a niche topic I'd just email a researcher off jstor and strike up a conversation. /lit/ is best when it's smart, knowledgeable people goofing off and shooting the breeze. The question is how to cultivate an environment where you can have that without it descending into low effort spam.

>> No.23202938

do you live under a rock?

>> No.23202940

Okay I'll check it out. Any features in particular that jump put at you?

>> No.23202971

I know several anonymity from /lit/ circa 2016 who are know in PhD programs. One possible idea that occurred to me is to require a university email to make an account, but I personally am not university affiliated (CC droppout) and that level of elitism is distasteful to me. Ideal would be some sort of barrier of access ensuring a minimum level of competence to get in, but not entirely excluding whole segments of the population from entry.

>> No.23202976

Exactly. For a brief period this board had an almost intellectual bar-like atmosphere that would be tough to replicate. Like getting drunk with a famous writer, critic, professor, or Dean. The gamut was run from top to bottom with interweaving and blending.

>> No.23202978

Something Awful has a paywall
It used to be that you also had to pay to view the site

>> No.23202982

Yeah, the no college education no entrance is a poor idea. If someone reads and is in good faith they should be welcome

>> No.23202984

I only use filters for christcucks, generals, and pornfags
t. not an atheist, don't assume something out of this reply

>> No.23202991

Yeah I agree. His idea would also severely limit anonymity, as mods could just instantly report some off the cuff joke to either your local sheriff or your fucking college

>> No.23203002

I personally believe the internet as a whole should require an IQ score of 123 or above to establish a connection.

>> No.23203004

Looks like a regular bbs forum to me.

>> No.23203029

Good. I probably spammed the feeback page with 50 reports in the last year solely about /ng/. It's about god damn time.

>> No.23203043

Yeah Something Awful has actually done a decent job of maintaining quality and community integrity. If something like that was implemented on /lit/ Iwouldnt be opposed. The issue is that nobody will pay $5 for access to a dead forum that isn't established.

I agree. The stereotypical /lit/ poster is that of an amature hobbyist, too neurotic or iconoclastic for academia and too weird for normal society. Excluding them entirely is antithetical to everything this board is about. In practice I wouldn't be surprised if most of the better posters here do have some form of university education.

One idea that hit me is requiring an .edu email to sign up, but also allowing a certain number of 'invitations', so you can EITHER have an .edu email OR you can impress someone already on the forum enough to send you an invite. It's still somewhat elitist, buuuut any half decent hobbyist should have the chops to be able to get SOMEBODY in academia to vouch for them.

It would certainly prevent CP being spammed. I agree that it would put a damper on certain types of posting though.

I've heard that some .tor imageboards are surprisingly decent quality, due to requiring their users to be able to navigate .tor. That they have issues with illegal content isn't even worth mentioning however.

>> No.23203054

Didn't ask?

>> No.23203062

Tor imageboards are not quality anon, I’ve visited them and it’s just a slower version of sleepychan. The most high quality discussion you will find is a thread about wanting to fuck 15 year olds

>> No.23203070

Personally I don’t much care for invite-only websites. I’ve always liked the idea that anyone could stumble upon the site

>> No.23203081

Peterson-Zizek debate, April 19th, 2019.

>> No.23203102

Fair, but when's the last time you just 'stumbled on' a decent website/community? For me, not since 2014 probably.

>> No.23203122

how do i get started on twitter? to where im interacting with people like here. or is that not how it goes

>> No.23203124

Last year actually, please don’t tell others about it but it’s called Ikouchan
It’s a very chill place, some schizos but they are nice

>> No.23203129

Not if that hobbyist was a loner. I get that you want a certain quality, we all do, but I think it’s unfair to exclude people just getting into reading. We all had to start somewhere. We all had to learn. When thinking about the problems of this board, I’ve often wished there was a way to prove someone reads. Not that a reader cant be a terrible shitposter, but there is a higher chance of them contributing positively. The problem is how do you prove someone reads? I’ve thought about, instead of a paywall, every week members have to their progress on what they read that week or whenever. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or intellectual. If a newbie is just starting, simply summing up what they read would be fine. The newbies will advance. The newbies will be the future. There would also have to be rules to eliminate off topic derailments

>> No.23203193

Looks like a whitehat version of tohno-chan. Cute

>> No.23203213

Idk, I think that there are plenty of websites for beginners. 4chan, reddit, Instagram, etc. There's something to be said for small, specialized forums. Arguably the internet started as an academic space, then niche hobbiests, and as it's grown and become more democratic the quality has dropped.

>> No.23203218

Why not just have mods delete obviously low effort dogshit made in bad faith? I don’t mean in an elitst “this guy is reading book I don’t respect” but posts just that are cynical shitposting or with a focus on stupid uneducated culture war stuff. Idk

>> No.23203225


>> No.23203264

No anon we need more redditors

>> No.23203274

No it isn't.

>> No.23203286

All you described right here is a subreddit, anon. What you described is reddit.

>> No.23203290

A good janny would be amazing. It won’t happen though. Half the board should honestly be pruned. Eventually anons will learn. Threads have gotten out of control and everyone sees that the nonsense is acceptable. Might be too late to fix anything though. I think most have already abandoned ship or are in the process of it

>> No.23203293


>> No.23203294

>Why not just have mods
Mods are niggers.

>> No.23203299

We had a really good janny for a while. We might still have him actually. You could/can tell he was actively deleting terrible stuff (when he was on at least) but I never saw him delete racism magic words like we're on f*cking Reddit. Every board should be a radical free speech zone, the only real rule should be on topic posts are the norm (with a certain tolerance threshold for banter/"board culture").

>> No.23203305

>radical free speech zone

Slippery slope as it descends into extremist politics and culture war schlock. That stuff ruins niche boards and there are already boards for it

>> No.23203310

>4chan, a place to say the nigger word
This is exactly what's wrong with this site.

>> No.23203312

At least when it became THE reason people started coming here

>> No.23203320

What does it really matter if some guy on /v/ says "I hate those little green niggers in level 5"? That's on topic, and includes the word nigger. Obviously off topic shit would be deleted. Why do we allow faggot retard tranny etc. but not nigger? Completely arbitrary. Just allow everything.

>> No.23203330

There would obviously be discretion. In a just world the example sentence you wrote would be fine. The problem is when anons are going on about how they hate niggers on a literature board and making it their identity. The second group will cry about muh free speech not understanding anything about nuance

>> No.23203336

The future of /lit/ is /latAm/. Sí.

>> No.23203340

I agree with you there. However I do think in rare cases hating niggers can be on topic too. So really we need to have a neutral balanced nigger-evaluating janny.

>> No.23203342

It matters when every single day the board has an identical "hehe... niggers cant... read hehehe" thread by some brain dead/pol/ expat who just wants a safe space to rant about culture war issues. It becomes a problem when you can't discuss any black author without the predictable responses dominating the thread.

>> No.23203343

>hispachan no longer exists
Que mal...

>> No.23203347

The funniest thing is that every single time we have this kind of thread happen, and it happens very regularly, the conclusions people reach and the problems they diagnose are always the same. This site isn't like reddit or twitter, and so we need updoots, heavy-handed modding, no anonimity, etc.

If these really are your actual problems with this site, then...why are you still here? What are you doing here? Don't you think that if you consider unorthodox opinions and radical egalitarianism of opinion distasteful, maybe you should migrate to literally any other site that functions exactly like you wish 4chan would?

>> No.23203348

Well, if a thread ends up in a tangential conversation about niggers that's still a natural conversational development. Random spam about jews and niggers that has nothing to do with conversations does get deleted. You would be seeing thousands more posts like that if they weren't. You seem like a seething leftoid yourself who just doesn't want to confront opposing worldviews.

>> No.23203351

Monstrochan is still up.

>> No.23203354

I will never understand how 4chan hasn't been overtaken by a spanish language imageboard yet. They have 100 million more first language speakers than us and the sense of humour resonates deeply with LatAm culture.

>> No.23203355


>> No.23203356
File: 197 KB, 500x500, 1679375267825452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>segue way
The absolute state of this faggot

>> No.23203358

Did you know 40-60% of mexicans are white

>> No.23203360

>4chan is a static entity that's always had the exact same posting patterns and board culture as it does now, circa 2024

>> No.23203364

Jajaja, thats a good one, Juan.

>> No.23203371

Obviously it wasn't. The old internet was far crazier in general than even the edgier side of the modern internet.

>> No.23203372

It takes like 2 seconds to check, man. I'm not even latin, as if you'd believe it.

>> No.23203374

Si señor. But all the girls in Puebla have a habsburg jaw. Chocolate coloured Chiapas chicks are where it's at.

>> No.23203375

I’m not opposed to threads that involve discussions about race, even discussions that are politically incorrect and acknowledge realities about race and culture that are often seen as taboo. However, I find it hard to respect the viewpoint of anyone who consistently refers to an entire group of people using a vile and dehumanizing racial slur. It makes you seem like an ignorant reactionary edgelord.

>> No.23203378

Jajajaja. Now having a clearer tone of brown is white? Lel. Viva la raza Áloe vera!

>> No.23203381

>how do you do, fellow 4channers?

>> No.23203391

Anon, it's a statistical fact.

>> No.23203394

You're definitely a nigger

>> No.23203395

Edgar ya buey.

>> No.23203397

I know anon. I was referring to different states in Mexico, Puebla is the whitest and Chiapas has the most indigenous influence.

>> No.23203400

I dont understand why people keep on complaining about non-whites on 4chan when they've been commonplace since like 2008. Just look at /pol/ meetups ffs.

>> No.23203401

I can post my DNA percentages if you guys need

>> No.23203403

>ITT: a discussion about improving the quality of /lit/ gets derailed by a conversation about whether mexicans are white and how free speech necessitates saying the n-word.

>> No.23203405

If it’s tangents you look for then why do you even want /lit/? It has been ruined with those tangential “books for…” threads that are really just a dog whistle for the “….”. If you can’t keep it in the content of literature your post should be deleted

>> No.23203411
File: 26 KB, 462x320, 1682656912700837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know several academics, grad students, etc. but I would never send them a link to this website
That's called hiding your fucking power level, which any sane person happily engages in if they are in the habit of visiting a morally dubious anonymous imageboard. You faggots just want a glorified forum where all people do is suck each other's dick all day and night. Who the FUCK asks for a place populated entirely by academics, have none of you retards ever been in a graduate school or an institute? That kind of sterile environment is the literal poison of creativity and fun. Just join a literature club or an academic maillist instead, for fuck's sake.

>> No.23203421

If you're the type to use catchall strawman terms like "dog whistle" and implying they're nazis when they just want to speak their minds freely, then go back to whatever safety guarded cesspool of grey slates you crawled out from to reach these parts. The three fundamental reasons this site exists are:
>Free speech
If you can't handle people who have differing worldviews to you, differing IQs, or differing styles of conversational engagement then... this just isn't the place for you. This place, in fact, is wholly and utterly against people like you. This is where people go for a kind of therapy away from heavy moderation and the tense stick-assed work environments they go to on a daily basis. This is a place to challenge yourself, not to live in a cushy unchallenging bubble where nobody can speak anything other than an accepted consensus. If you feel the need to silence these people, you either: a) can't reasonably debate your own side; or b) are self-aware that your ideals are incorrect, while unwilling to change, so you must censor all opposing viewpoints. 4chan is not *your* site. It's everyone's.

>> No.23203426

So saying nigger is more important to you than having a higher quality literary focused board? Got it

>> No.23203433
File: 28 KB, 675x697, 1699896967559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reapproach the post with honesty, and I will reply with an actual response.

>> No.23203437

Why do you come to /lit/?

>> No.23203440

I said with honesty, anon, not bait. If you want engagement, have honest discussion.

>> No.23203442


>> No.23203443

These threads always feel like a deadlock between people who propose stricter moderation and people who consider that proposal a motte and bailey for complete elimination of wrongthink. I doubt that there's a solution that could satisfy both parties due to the exclusively cynical interpretation of the other party by both sides involved in the argument.

...kind of like the federalist vs. antifederalist debate, now that I think about it? Oppression vs. Liberty, or Law vs. Anarchy, depending on who you ask.

>> No.23203447
File: 225 KB, 750x590, 1688150270127652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduate student Christmas party
>drunkenly defending 4chan in the student lounge
I can assure you I did not get cancelled, and I discuss 4chan openly with peers when it's relevant. You're also forgetting the fact that graduate studies at least in physics are an absolute sperg magnet and you're probably less out of place than you think.

That said, on the topic of specifically linking to things on 4chan, what would you even point to? It's a discussion site where posts are more or less destined to die. If there's anything interesting that comes out of here, it's a point you can re-articulate yourself or a reference to an external work or similar (unless you can point out something else). Linking to a live discussion in any context seems weird to me.

>> No.23203451

I’m saying /lit/ died because the loose rules attracted the people who killed it. If you come here because you read that’s great but I don’t see the importance of the word nigger. After two decades it’s brought more destruction than prosperity

>> No.23203452

No, it's just a website where people want to talk freely. It's not any more complicated.

>> No.23203457

Print it and put it in you're ass, José.

>> No.23203458

I would argue the movement against a word places more power on it than it actually had in the first place. Words are not actions. Words are concepts, and seeds. How you plant a seed and in what way can change how it grows into a bloom. With nigger, the actions of individuals who used it were not because the word nigger exists. It was because of a fundamental ideology that predates the word by hundreds, if not thousands, of years. Just because someone uses a word you don't like doesn't instantly invalidate their entire argument, nor the conversation surrounding it as "off-topic". If you have a problem with racism, report it and let the mods handle it. You're not in the position to decide what these people can or can not say.

>> No.23203463

I mean, look at the post above yours. His argument is basically that moderation should be stricter because someone saying the N-word is anathema, while someone on the other shore would probably interpret this as "he says he just wants people to stop flinging the N-word around, which is doable because most chuds don't care to fling it around anyways, but what he actually wants is to banish anyone with unorthodox opinions". You can't resolve an argument where both parties believe that giving an inch will make the other side take a mile. And they may not even be wrong about that.

>> No.23203464

I have an idea. /lit/ could be co-writen by Max Lawton.

>> No.23203474

It's a good thing the side in support of keeping the nigger word around already shows restraint then.

>> No.23203480
File: 83 KB, 1200x900, people-editing-joaquin-phoenixs-creepy-joker-laugh-with-other-famous-peoples-laugh-is-the-latest-joker-meme-1200x900-1570607955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mexico is white

>> No.23203488

I stopped coming here regularly after /qa/ died and they infested other boards
Just spend my time reading nowadays

>> No.23203491

>the n-word
Imagine how utterly psychologically destroyed you are that you need to use a circumlocution for children, like some kind of w*man

>> No.23203494

My interesting literature thread only has 8 replies.

>> No.23203499

Accelerationistism. What is there here to come for? Nothing. Let /lit/ lie dying. If there is no reason to come then it is easier to leave. Let us hope we are granted that freedom. For many of which I am one the tether is very loose and long. If everyone let go at once we’d all be happier. We could all be free balloons

>> No.23203501

You should have tacked on an extremely effeminate note about racists

>> No.23203502

>He doesn't know all of the elites in Mexico are white, jewish or lebanese

>> No.23203506


>> No.23203521

For me it's the lack of productive output coming out of 4chan. Even in 2020 there were a number of up-and-coming, now influential, twitter/substack/youtuber types shilling their stuff here. Now you can say those people are annoying namefags, fine, but their output gets mentioned and discussed in mainstream publications and as a result eventually filters into mainstream culture in a meaningful way. And throughout the history of /lit/ there have been many posters here who have carved a somewhat influential niche for themselves in different sections of mainstream discourse.

But they all end up leaving /lit/ for greener pastures. And this effect can be observed in 4chan as a whole, where there used to be lots of memes about this place and it used to be mentioned in the news (not necessarily in a good way, but still) whereas now the board is pretty much irrelevant, and what does end up being relevant, quickly migrates off-site.

When I see free-speech posters here complaining about "orthodox opinion" it seems misguided at best, because okay you want to challenge orthodox opinions and have a creative space for new ideas and arguments to emerge, and I agree with that and think its something desperately missing from any algorithmically-driven social media site, BUT, this place cannot continue to be an idiot-box that's completely removed from the real world and any meaningful level of discourse. Free speech is pointless if you're just shouting into the void.

When you consider the potential of /lit/, and when you consider 4chan as a whole and what it's produced over the years, the present state of things seems like a massively squandered opportunity. Original content isn't produced here anymore, and what is produced, gets torn down by anons who hate to see anyone putting effort into something. Nobody serious would want their name attached to this site. These aren't good features, since they guarantee that nothing actually revolutionary will ever come out of here.

Looking at this thread, I think:
has it right. The cutting edge is now coming out of personal projects attached to a twitter account. But it's a shame, because twitter/insta/substack/youtube/whatever doesn't offer a public forum in the way that 4chan does. Here anybody can get space on the front page, and have their opinions read and discussed by potentially thousands of people, simply by making the effort and pressing 'post'. And speaking as someone who does have a following on twitter/insta/substack/youtube/whatever I think that's a shame. It's a shame because cultivating a 'following' is a chore, and sometimes seems to have an almost negative correlation with the actual quality of material being produced. So the internet is transforming from a space for dialogue and conversation, to a microphone and a crowd. And that tends towards the creation of safe, stock content to appeal to an already existing fanbase. (cont)

>> No.23203529

If the thread dies tomorrow I'm just straight up going to stop using the board. Most other people have so why not. 4chan as a whole is slowly dying.

>> No.23203539
File: 54 KB, 463x352, 1558051814221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are completely wrong. It's the opposite. The Internet has become HOMOGENIZED, the fact that 4chan is dying shows that people are not even able to talk about their individual interests or produce anything original as this board used to. Now there is a centralized algorithmic discourse that people participate in, and this usually happens on Twitter for things like art and media. A couple of websites have devoured all others. Forums are dead on the internet and 4chan is no exception. All that's left to do is screencap a twitter post and made a thread about it.

>> No.23203547

I feel like a lot of what some people would probably call the "/pol/" problem was a problem of the mainstream's doing. The overton window on mainstream sites just kept getting tighter and tighter and the mods more and more trigger-happy by the day. So when you alienate a major part of your audience, many of whom are now being edgy for the sake of spiting the new standards, you will make it so that any place with looser laws of moderation than the new mainstream standard will unavoidably attract those alienated types, who were pushed into these identities of being bad boys by the mainstream's actions to begin with.

And the cynic in me says that there's no real problem with this board being more of a springboard than some digital agora of ideas. Kind of like the fitness board, you come here to unlearn bullshit, learn about the real basics, practice a bit, then take off once you learnt how to fly.

>> No.23203546

All imagboards are dying. I genuinely think 4chan will shut down in less than 10 years

>> No.23203549

No it isn't. It's going back to how it used to be before people like you infested it with your egos

>> No.23203560

>And that tends towards the creation of safe, stock content to appeal to an already existing fanbase
As opposed to the rapid-fire discussion of new ideas and new topics. What makes /lit/ great is that anyone can bounce ideas off of almost anyone else, and it generates new perspectives, and interesting conversations, and ideas, in a way that twitter-hugboxes don't.

But then you get bad-faith anons, like the ones in this thread, who will try to derail with low effort racist spam. And it doesn't contribute or help anything. Even if these people are the radical-right-wing-free-speech-firebrands they claim to be, they aren't helping any movement or building new ideas, they're shutting down conversation and trying to drag everything down to the lowest common denominator.

And if /lit/ still had some of the posters it used to have, this place would be great. Its interesting to think about what if things had gone differently, and these people had stuck around, and even drawn in more people like them. There are people, I know some of them, who used to post here and are now working on original research in academia, and publishing their writing in newspapers, and who have reach and influence in important parts of the popular culture. If things had gone differently, /lit/ could very much be a sort of website for cultivating intellectuals, public figures, etc. and as a result, have an actual influence on the world. But instead we get bots and malicious trolls, so the moment someone starts becoming even a little bit important or notable they wash their hands of the place.

That's the issue I see with nu-/lit/. And it's not a question of free-speech or not free-speech, but a question of what went wrong. Why did a place that had the posters, and had the discussions, and had the quality to influence wider culture as a whole, instead turn into an insular swamp of low quality bait. And possibly that was by design, I'm sure there's a lot of bots and trolls here who want exactly that. But how could things be done differently? What lessons can we learn? How can the things that went right be reproduced again?

>> No.23203566

You are what you consume. People don’t want to involve themselves in consuming shit

So when exactly did everyone realize lit was dead or dying?

>> No.23203570

This place was never as good as people try to claim it was, you are either being disingenuous for the sake of argument or forgetting all seven billion guenon meme threads and obnoxious namefags who thought they were on reddit in favor of that two dozen sincerely enlightening effortposts you saw back then.

>> No.23203575

...or a tourist trying to rewrite a past you never witnessed to begin with.

>> No.23203577

Apologies if I am kid-interpreting what you are saying. But the creative and talented types have never stuck around here for long. They will post their stuff on their respective boards, get praise, and then slowly branch out into other sites where they can get more value for their work. I’ve seen this happen countless times. This style of website doesn’t give much value to them in the long-run, even when the site was “good”

>> No.23203578

>And the cynic in me says that there's no real problem with this board being more of a springboard than some digital agora of ideas. Kind of like the fitness board, you come here to unlearn bullshit, learn about the real basics, practice a bit, then take off once you learnt how to fly.
I agree, but I wish it was still the springboard it was even a couple of years ago. This website used to be a jumping off point for new memes, new personalities, new ideas. Now it's really not, and any attempt at creating new projects or memes will get shut down pretty fast. And it's the same on other sites as well. With places like twitter, you pretty much have to conform to a community to get seen. Almost every subreddit has very strict rules against "self promotion". And the effect of all that is the only things being noticed are what is being promoted by already existing media platforms like legacy news outlets, or respected academic circles, or what has a lot of money behind it, so we are in a sense regressing culturally to the era of tv and radio, where most people are passive consumers who have no voice or influence in the wider culture they swim in. And I agree with you that mainstream culture as a whole tends to be trending that way, but it's a hard thing to watch, having grown up in the media ecosystem of the 2000s-2010s, and the increasing cultural stagnation is palpable.

>> No.23203583

That's exactly the problem. And how to solve the issue of building a system where creative, talented people can get value for their work, while still having an open public space that anybody can engage in equally with a similar amount of reach and influence? I don't know if there's an easy solution to that. But I hope we can agree that its necessary for a healthy cultural ecosystem.

>> No.23203584

Zoomers and the culture war

>> No.23203587

People are consuming more than ever, I think. Almost all the major websites today are consumption focused, rather than creation or discussion focused. So there's less spontaneity in the culture, and getting noticed is more of a question of conforming to already existing trends than it is of bucking them.

>> No.23203596

I mean if you find yourself surrounded with people you don’t like you leave.

I see already one we have always been at war with east asia post. /lit/ absolutely fell off a cliff about 3 years ago. It happened overnight and it’s been a desert since. The problems that /lit/ is facing now always existed to a smaller degree but it has since hit a point where the place is unusable.

>> No.23203600

The entire milieu around literature is just horrifying to think about. Writers are getting dumber, readers are getting dumber, the audience is shrinking, getting published and promoted has never been harder with no connections or nepotism, you are forced to develop a social media presence even though as someone into reading and writing literature you probably hate everything social media stands for, etc.

Culture being nonexistent and literature going the way of the opera or the passion play is really just the tip of the iceberg, the truly depressing thing is that even if you managed to create something genuinely good, there is very little chance that it will make an impact at all, or that it will get the chance to make an impact to begin with.

>> No.23203606

I feel the same way about my home board /int/
The mods will leave up race-bait faggotry, coomposts, needless generals, and delete any actual fun thread. It’s very clear that the mods don’t give a single shit and Hiroshimoot only owns this site for passive income.
/int/ has always been best when it’s sfw /b/ with slightly less degenerates. But of course the mods must have the board be about “international culture” whatever the fuck that means

>> No.23203619

Generals killed /int/. /int/ was one of the best boards until generals turned it into a tranny hangout zone. rip.

>> No.23203623

>Even in 2020 there were a number of up-and-coming, now influential, twitter/substack/youtuber types shilling their stuff here.
Name three, celebrity worshipper fag

>> No.23203633

I’ll admit I post in some generals (/cum/) but I won’t deny they are a net-negative to the board. I’d say the real issues are: race-bait, Twitter and Reddit threads, coombait, and the constant deletion of good threads. An example would be the guy who always posts “go to bed European” always gets his threads deleted, even while the board is flooded with garbage.
Worst part is that there is another site with a fast /int/ but it is full of genuine nonces

>> No.23203635

Change is a part of life, for better or worse. Times change, people change, 4chan has changed. The divide is between the oldfags and newfags I think. Part of it is growing up and moving beyond /lit/ but anyway you cut it the people who came here 15 years versus 3 years ago are a different breed with different reasons for coming here. 2016 will always be seen as the watershed moment but the site (or at least /lit/, which is the only board I use) hung on for a few more years. The transition was rough and eventually it bottomed out. I’ll have extended periods away but I always keep coming back with some misguided hope. I’m coming to terms that there is no hope. /lit/ won’t improve unless the anons improve and I don’t see that happening. It’s actually scary to think what it’ll look like in a few years. It’s already majority recycled threads, troll, and bait threads

>> No.23203648

I’m a newfag (2018 but didn’t really start till 2019) and I actaully came not because of political stuff, but because I wanted to be part of “le epic trolling” like HWNDU, pool’s closed, raids, misinformation spreading, etc. I used to just browse /b/ but thankfully I branched out.

>> No.23203651
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It sucks, it really does suck. It's worse than people may think. Because where else on the Internet can we talk about these things, realistically? Every other major website is algorithmically structured. Discord servers are trash. On 4chan I could make a thread about my favorite book or movie and it would get at least some good responses with interesting insights. But now the website is dying and is just a circlejerk of discussing things happening on other websites. Few people make an effort to post interesting things, every thread dies quickly because the catalogue is filled with garbage. At some point there will be no where else on the Internet to talk about my favorite short stories or an obscure film that I enjoy or anything of the sort. I can only hope to log on Twitter one day and comment. Everything is all comments and algorithms now.

>> No.23203656

Whatifalthist clearly gets his ideas from /lit/, /his/, and more recently /r9k/. Whatever your opinion on him, he has a reach of over half a million subscribers.

Voicesofthepast is another popular youtuber who used to post on /his/, now with a reach of almost a million subscribers.

PewDiePie is the most famous/well known, with over 100 million subscribers, and got most of his book recommendations from /lit/.

On twitter you've got Mike Mia, Logo_Daedalus, and a number of lesser known accounts.

The Junger guy has a well regarded substack. I can only imagine that Guenonfag does as well.

Obviously Jason Bryon, the famous artist, bit his teeth off on this board before he made it huge.

Minor celebrities sure, but influential within a small group of influential people. Eventually this stuff gets out to normies through various channels, and its not uncommon to be talking to someone and hearing talking points that were first sharpened in 4chan threads three or four years back. Even mainstream media is starting to regurgitate incel shit from circa 2008 /r9k/.

>> No.23203662

lol go to bed Jason

>> No.23203668

I’ve told myself that after this site implodes from Hiro’s horrid mismanagement, that I will fully quit social media and most of the internet. Only using it for keeping up with world news. I’ve recently relapsed with twitter because I really like the artwork that gets posted there, but I will probably nuke my account so that doesn’t happen again

>> No.23203669

Yeah, I honestly couldn't care less in 4chan dies or not, what I worry about is that there aren't public spaces online anymore. When all your information is cultivated by an algorithm, and revolves around a feed, and the communities all coalesce around a few big name personalities, then that's a major issue. 4chan isn't great because you can call someone a nigger or a faggot, it's great because it avoided the forum drama where internet forums were dominated by a few big personalities. Now it's 100x worse, since the only communities that exist are in the form of comments on the twitter posts of those now-larger-than-life personalities.

>> No.23203676

It was really strange to see chud discourse go from nonexistent outside of 4chan to actually existing IRL. Nobody cared about Spengler, de Maistre, Jünger, or Schmitt ten years ago outside of academics, nowadays they are more popular than ever before since the interwar period.

>> No.23203683
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>we can’t fight change anon

>> No.23203701

Like I said, celebrity worshipper fag.

First of all, zero fucking idea who the first two are. So they must only be from /his/.

I won't bother with a second of all. Stop being such a celebrity worshipper fag. "Influence" doesn't mean anything. It doesn't mean anything when the normies speak about social media "influencers". It doesn't mean anything when referring to anyone with "reach" anywhere else. All these people are literally whos and a result of the problem of atomisation in society to even be talking about them where no one wants to hear about them.

>> No.23203702

That's why I don't buy the idea that "anyone with talent leaves 4chan for bigger pastures". The discourse around those authors was cultivated here for years before it migrated into the mainstream, and the influence of /lit/ is evident from their use of memes. But since moving to twitter the entire scene has become a right wing circle jerk (with some exceptions, you guys know who you are) and more concerned with GOP politicking than any kind of interesting discourse.

>> No.23203712

It’s not that “anyone” with talent leaves 4chan, just that the ones with the most talent or create something interesting tend to leave. Prime example I would say is Notch, made some game called Minecraft.
Again, it’s a pattern I’ve seen play out dozens of times

>> No.23203716

It's not entirely clear whether it was actually 4chan planting the seeds, or whether 4chan was just far more perceptive as to where the future will lead, and outsiders just copied the 4chan memes after normies tuned in to the same wavelength this board was on years before.

>> No.23203717

>Obviously Jason Bryon, the famous artist, bit his teeth off on this board before he made it huge.

Lmao Jason nobody thinks your work is worth their time and effort. That first paragraph in the Shitkickers is enough. You should've had someone edit it.

>> No.23203724

You're missing the point. It's not that these people are good or bad, it's that when a college freshman (or government bureaucrat, or journalist) looks up "topic XYZ" that's the first thing they stumble on, it's their first introduction to those ideas, and it inevitably shapes their perceptive of the world. Then those ideas get repeated in a late-night hash session in the dorm rooms, or at a round-table policy discussion, or in a newspaper brainstorming session, then after a couple of years those ideas make their way into academic discourse, and newspaper headlines, and public policy, and when you talk to Joe Normal on the street he's giving you a fifth generation imitation talking point that was originally floated on /lit/ and repeated by some obscure blogger with 5k followers. There are countless examples of this, so if you don't "want to hear about it" I don't know what to say other than that you're an idiot.

>> No.23203726

4chan is a dead site. It feels like GameFAQs forums did back in 2009, when people insisted it wasn't dying (look how that turned out).

The good news is that literature + politics + philosophy discussion is alive. The bad news is that "discussion sites" as we know them are dead. Like >>23203521 said, the future of all websites is a dynamic between the few with a voice and the many who listen. If you have the gusto to gain a following, now's your time to act. Otherwise, be prepared to sit and read someone else's Substack, listen to his podcast, and like his tweets. Blogs are no longer discussion spaces, they're megaphones for a single guy.

I will miss the discussion-era, but the average person's ability to contribute was always mediocre. A single good blog post contains as much insight as months of 4chan posts, and the greatest blogs (like TLP) have taught me more than years of 4chan. This site has plenty of smart people, but most of them aren't trying to grow or learn. I hoped 4chan could liberate the humanities from academia, but instead of discussing the polis or paideia, you guys just ask "Were the greeks gay?" like it's groundhog's day. But that's not 4chan's fault, it's human nature. If we lived in a world where normal people cared about the Classics or philosophy, things would look very different. This whole "give every person a voice" was a neat experiment in democracy, but I'd say it failed. If maybe 1 in 1000 4chan/forum posts actually impacts you, that's not a good system -- it's a massive waste of time. I hope this new era can do better.

>> No.23203729
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I've been coming to 4chan since 2007. I've been on /lit/ since this board's founding.

Have we gone through shitty periods? Yes. But I still like 4chan and I still like /lit/. I'll probably always come here, or at least I'll come here until 4chan dies for good, and if/when that happens I'll try to find some other image board that will undoubtedly pop up in this site's aftermath.

I genuinely just like coming here to discuss things. Apart from /lit/, my main boards are /a/, /co/, /o/, and /sp/, because I happen to like talking about anime, manga, cartoons, comics, cars, and sports. I like the communities here and I like the discussions we have.

I feel like people obsessing over the "importance" of 4chan need to get over themselves, frankly. If the world is to be changed, it won't be changed here, or even if it WILL be changed here YOU won't get famous doing it. That's the point. You're just an Anon. We all are. We're here because our names mean nothing, and, as Keats' gravestone says, our names are written in water. We come here because we enjoy the content, not the personalities, of what the site offers. That's why I keep coming here, and why I'll never leave.

>> No.23203731

That's a fair point, but I've seen it play out enough times to know that the 4chan-to-New-York-Times-Frontpage pipeline is real. If nothing else, this is (or was, anyways) a fertile ground for testing out new ideas to see what grows.

>> No.23203736

Funny enough, there are still a surprising amount of originalfags who still post, they mostly come out of the woodworks on harmony day

>> No.23203739

But anon, it rubs my ego just the right way to think we're some digital latin quarter way ahead of the curve than to admit to the far more mundane truth that our advantage over normies is simply that we have no real social or material interest in pretending like we're not seeing the things we're seeing or thinking the things we're thinking. Thought that in turn perhaps overestimates the average normie's perceptiveness quite a bit.

>> No.23203748

Speak for yourself nerd. I come here because I have an unquenchable will-to-power and want to bend the world to my will. In five years you'll be regurgitating opinions you heard on some podcast and I'll be telling that podcaster what to read and what to think about it. Its like >>23203726 said, the future is an undifferentiated mass of passive consumers and a few intellectual titans who define the limits of their feeble reality. If you don't have an opinion on that I don't know what to tell you, stick to reddit maybe.

It's not about the fame, it's about the power. If your life, and your perception of life, and your perception of yourself is entirely in someone else's hands then you should be concerned about that. Or not, what do I care. But the internet is changing, and the transformation from active participation in discussion to passive consumption of the words and beliefs of a few large personalities is going to effect every aspect of your existence.

>> No.23203756

I understand what you're saying.

The thing is though that "influence" and "reach" don't mean anything and never really did.

The average person out on the street still has no idea what an incel is or any of the other enduring buzzwords from this corner of the Internet. It all comes back to the problem of atomisation and acting like the trivial issues you concern yourself with matter to anyone else. It doesn't matter if academics or journalists write about these things when they're completely out of the purview of everyone else.

>> No.23203757

I do think 4chan might bounce back one more time before it finally dies. Heres to hope this decade produces a new era of funnies.

>> No.23203765

That’s an extremely gay form of power if I do say so myself. I want to become a military general and kill millions of people I don’t like

>> No.23203776

>The average person out on the street still has no idea what an incel is
Do you live in Bulgaria or something? Ffs anon go outside and interact with people.

Some of the biggest butchers in history got their start as journalists and pencil pushers. Good luck becoming a General in today's world without having your balls clipped.

>> No.23203781

>Ffs anon go outside and interact with people.
Nah we live in a gay world where a gay word like "incel" enters the lexicon.

>> No.23203785

/lit/ needs about 1/4th as many posters as it currently has.

>> No.23203795

That pipeline is dead. Anonymity? TikTok and Twitter have that covered.
4chan helped popularize stuff like accelerationism, but consider this: Nick Land and BAP and Ted Kaczynski are no longer secrets, Twitter is 100% aware of it.
When you strip that stuff away from /lit/, what's left? Almost nothing.

Put another way: Would 2024 /lit/ be capable of discovering Land? No. The OGs of 4chan -- the people who made this place great -- scoured through a ton of obscure crap to find hidden diamonds of culture. On /v/ they found EYE and Yume Nikki. On /mu/ they found Duster and Fishmans. The modern 4chan user though is too apathetic, he doesn't care enough about his hobby to deep-dive, he lacks the passion. He's not the sort of guy to show up at a record store and dig through the bins. He'll sit on the ass-end of an algorithm and wait for it to feed him some barely passable crap. If the crate-divers exist at all now, they're on substack and twitter.

>> No.23203803

Anon, everything is a "trivial issue" that people "completely out of the purview of everyone else" concern themselves with, until it isn't. You can pretend that whatever isn't directly in front of your nose doesn't concern you, but eventually you're going to be at a family Christmas party and your aunt or uncle is going to bring up something they read in the newspaper or saw on Fox or CNN and you'll realize that everyone around you has a similarly inane opinion on that thing they read or heard somewhere, and I just want you to realize that standing above that trough of banalities is some apathetic journalist trying to make their designated quota of clickbait articles for the week, and whatever slop they're serving they bought wholesale from somebody who cared enough to write a wikipedia page about it.

>> No.23203816

I completely agree with what you are saying but Ted was never a secret

>> No.23203820

If anything killed this site, it was its discovery by the mass media apparatus. The fact that the JIDF and such have spent god knows how much money flooding this place with shills and retards to distract from the actual discourse has driven a lot of people away and filled the void with garbage posts. It makes things largely boring because no matter how good someone's posts are or how interesting a thread topic might be, there's no hope of any kind of agreement. I used to read threads (admittedly, they were rare) where everyone was almost spellbound by an idea or a development or a story an anon was sharing. Now, everything gets derailed just as it's getting good. Fuck the shills, fuck the media, and, most importantly, and forever, fuck jannies.

>> No.23203821

A secret, no, but /lit/ was very early on the "actually reading him" train.

>> No.23203826

We used to get to memes ages before they hit social media. Mewing and shit, for example, which are dominating zoomer meme culture right now, was massive on /fit/ at least four or five years ago. I'll be truly sad the day TikTok, for example, eclipses us as the source of good meme culture.

>> No.23203827

I agree with you, BUT, tiktok and twitter are driven by an algorithm. So what we have now is a few culture-creators and a mass of culture-consumers. The conversation we're having now could never happen on substack, or if it did, would be in the form of private messages. It's a dangerous consolidation of cultural power that removes the spontaneity and elan to create what? A constant feed of new trinkets of information for people to passively consume.

>> No.23203891
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>> No.23203903

TikTok's going to fucking die. It's all going to fucking die. Social media is dying, and we'll still be here. We will outlast everybody else becaues this site is the holy grail of

A) cheap to operate
B) incapable of being monetized

Even if part of that operating cost IS the fact that /pol/ is an obvious honeypot run by the feds. Still. We don't have to meet shareholder demands, we don't have a stock price to keep an eye on. We're simply not monetized. This is the secret to 4chan's real power.

>> No.23203906

What did the /lit/ tribunal think of it?

>> No.23203932

/// Ownership of shoreline property conveys the right to build a pier or wharf /// Parker Posey wants to take a stab at another Scream movie despite her character's grisly death in Scream 3 /// If you're late to work again, you'll be out on your ear /// To what extent is a man of 68 the same person as the callow youth of 18 that he once was? /// Mozart responded with a lilting melody that enhances the regular, sing-song accents of the metre /// After a bad year, Judd's career hung in the balance /// Dan nabbed the seat next to mine /// Per the IOM white paper, about 100,000 people a year die because of medical mistakes /// The bright flavor of paprika, in combination with sour cream, is a perfect foil for the succulent meat of rabbit /// I remember my grandma using that perfume — the scent, and the preening in front of the mirror that went with it /// The old diplomat was shaken to the core to discover that in their correspondence Mozart and his family and friends were gleefully given to silliness and smut /// The negative influence of bereavement on physical and mental health often fades over time /// A wad of money in a gold clip /// How we love that word — cue the trumpets, unfurl the banners, cast a golden light upon the White House /// They welcomed the newest family member into the fold ///

>> No.23203935

The thing you're missing is that 4chan is already passive. Look at this place. The feds would never, ever have to crack down on 4chan because no one here is serious about anything -- Not our hobbies, not our politics, not anything. You talk here as a substitute -- not just for action, but for thought in general; you outsource your existence to everyone else in the room. Back in 2015, /pol/ could actually radicalize people. Go look at it now, it can't even make you racist.

If 4chan shut down tomorrow, none of our lives would change. Only the illusion of change would disappear. You're upset because you believed you were participating when this whole time you've been as passive as the podcast listener or the blog reader. What's funny is that people watched Jan 6 and thought, "Heh, look at those clueless boomers" when they would do the exact same thing in the boomers' shoes -- but instead of wandering around like slack-jawed retards they'd be better at pretending, at convincing themselves this is a real protest, to say nothing of a "riot". Modern man is so inextricably passive that fate can put him right in the driver's seat where action should be 1000% inescapable and yet he just won't fucking act, it doesn't even occur to him as an option. We're not talking about Hamlet here, because when Hamlet thought about killing the king it was linked to a real murder that he eventually commits. You guys only think in hypotheticals and what's crazy is you don't realize it. That you believe chatting on 4chan means anything is proof.

Another example: "Hate speech". Have you caught on yet? "Speech". Pronouns. You're just arguing over the ability to... say words. Right-wingers and left-wingers moved the battlefield to language because real conflict is unimaginable. Etc.

>> No.23203944

Didn't Schmitt say something about this? That politics under liberal rule would be channeled into faux-political avenues where people can feel like they are being political while actually not doing anything truly political.

>> No.23203962
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The battlefield of ideas is tenfold more important than whatever brain-dead idea of "action" you have in mind.

>> No.23203965

This post is true. And I say that as somone who believes violent acts are coming. But they won't be instigated by 4chan. We'll hear about them first on here but they won't be STARTED here.

They'll be started by an interaction between ordinary citizens and the feds, or state forces and federal forces, that goes bad. Something that probably won't seem like a big deal at first. That will be the beginning. We probably won't even notice it at first unless you happen to regularly use /pol/.

>> No.23203973
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I'm a soldier on the frontlines of fifth-generation warfare. But go ahead, define "true politics" without reference to mass media. I guess that Karl Marx, Benito Mussolini, and Malcolm X were all talk because they didn't shoot up a school or something.

>> No.23203979

>I'd guess at least 30
more like several hundreds, if not thousands

>> No.23203998

Im not sure any of those men posted on 4chan ( with the possible exception of Mussolini).

>> No.23204004

Karl Marx would have had a substack and Malcolm X would have loved the podcast circuit, gotten involved with the %5 nation, and dropped a critically panned rap album.

>> No.23204013

>the tiktok reels of Ann Frank

>> No.23204032

oh for sure.

Mussolini and X cult of personality /lit threads would have been insufferable and not that dissimilar from each other. Tariq Nasheed Vs Vox Day.

>> No.23204045

>Karl Marx would have had a substack
Marx would exclusively use free and libre software.

>> No.23204053

Marx would have seen media consolidation as a desirable inevitability, invariably leading to a rational communist state. He would have used facebook and instagram

>> No.23204248

Yeah, every internet space inevitably devolves into either a normie hugbox dominated by insane narcissistic moderators, or a sewer only full of rejects shitting where they eat. Then you gotta pick which one you can tolerate better.
It's always been that way. However with the increasing size of the internet the polarization becomes even stronger. So now 4chan the funny anime imageboard is swallowing the neverending detritus shat out by titans like Twitter, reddit, etc.

>> No.23204368

4chan was never as important as some are making it out to be. It had its moments, its personalities, but it was still downstream of sites like somethingawful. Maybe the collapse of 4chan is more important in a symbolic way. I like what a few anons have said about this being the times of the few having the ears of the many. It’s been what, 8 years since 4chan did anything of any notoriety, almost half the lifespan of the site. I get that anons want to pretend they were part of some mover and shaker but it was never really that, at least in ways that mattered. I can’t speak of other boards but it’s obvious that /lit/ is dying. It is nothing more than a blueboard /b/ and that trend will continue. If you actually read and come here for that it’s probably best to make peace with leaving

>> No.23204505

>4chan was downstream of sites like somethingawful
Total brainrot.

>> No.23204540

4chan in-between elections sits around 200,000 users. 4chan around election months sits at around 4,000,000 users. This happens twice a decade.

>> No.23204605

>what are bots for 400

>> No.23204655

There is a myth perpetrated by unironic boomers that 4chan is full of children. 4chan was founded by children but the age demographic rises with its founders. A lot of internet sites follow this real trend instead of the boomer misconception of eternal immigration. The upcoming youth are illiterate. Those that aren't sure as hell don't use forums. This form of communication is exclusively the domain of a certain age range and that will always be the case.

>> No.23204728

back to plebbit where you belong

>> No.23205012

>This form of communication is exclusively the domain of a certain age range and that will always be the case.
Surveys on boards like /fit/ found that the majority of users were Gen Z (18-27).

>> No.23205205

I like anonymity precisely because I want to discuss topics which I don't want to associate identity with. Twitter isn't good for this, no space to elaborate and people self-censor.

>> No.23205214

/lit/ is populated by losers with massive amounts of resentment

>> No.23205219

Yeah, it's the pseud board.

>> No.23205752
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What, you didn't like every special interest board turning into "/pol/bait but vaguely related to the board"? I don't mind people mixing nigger and such into their shitposts but it's been over a decade of every board needing to have multiple lazy threads about troons, jews, commies, etc. and they always have high posts/minute and immediately abandon any pretense of being about literature or whatever.
The more active the board, the worse it is. /v/, /tv/ and such have been dominated by the same boring threads over and over for so long that there are tons of zoomers who have never known anything else.
>uhhhhhh actually it's the LEFT that's taking over here, trust me I'm actually an oldfag
Who do you actually think is stupid enough to fall for this?

>> No.23205756

>Who do you actually think is stupid enough to fall for this?
I'm asking myself the same thing when i see your garbage.

>> No.23205817

I’m nta but if you don’t see how this site has become radically more right wing over the years then you are biased or blind. It’s alright to admit you aren’t the minority and victim. If 4chan had a political stance back in the day, it was anarchist. No one is saying extreme right wingers were never here, just that the status quo of the site is far right. /pol/ is the new flagship board after all

>> No.23205827

Keep kvetching, bitchboy.

>> No.23206066

>immediately responds with "no u"
I'm very convinced. Have any soijaks you want to share with the class today, Brayden?

>> No.23206081

Killer post anon, witty, clever, and high quality as usually. I don't know why the Jewish communists on /lit/ hate you so much. Must be because they're jealous. Jealous of you being such a cool guy

>> No.23206135

>only academic level research can tell you what to think on a book
retard. kill yourself.

>> No.23206142

Update: it died. Now I can't talk about my favorite author.

>> No.23206145

>incredibly counter productive and stupid thing to use as an opening to a ''conversation''
>starts by calling anon an idiot

are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.23206150

Who is it?

>> No.23206180

Yes, that's right Anon, I'll go to the lolcow farming hub to discuss literature with midwits and be part of the 'actual culture'. Thank you for this illuminating suggestion.

>> No.23206182


>> No.23206198

go back

>> No.23206231
File: 52 KB, 432x370, 1710364840809172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like /lit/

>> No.23206756

I don't know why you insist on using the popular media's controlled terminology, "far right" makes no sense, either in proportion to its popularity in most Western countries or historically. If most voters on the modern right, and indeed 99.99% of people born before 1950 can all be considered "far right" how does the term make sense to you? You really are just kvetching and using an establishment shibboleth, which makes no sense on this website, 2014 or 2024. Therefore please stop coming here

>> No.23206953

People are judged by the times they are alive in, retard

>> No.23206972

Ok. So when a far right or far left party wins a general election, it's no longer far

>> No.23207402

Your visa has expired and it's time for you to go back.

>> No.23207418

Shocking how this board got WORSE as its number of posts went down.

>> No.23207821
File: 909 KB, 1080x1081, 1700439095318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since anons want a safe-haven for discussion that isn't mainstream, I made one myself... Hope you are grateful.