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23196788 No.23196788 [Reply] [Original]

post examples of nepotism in the literary industry

>> No.23196795

Gaiman is such an odd dude.

He meets famous people just to have his picture taken with them. I remember he showed up with Weinstien in the Hayao Miyazaki documentary and the first fucking thing he does is ask for a picture. I think it's his way of networking. He thinks googling a person will bring up a picture of them with him.

>> No.23196798
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>He thinks googling a person will bring up a picture of them with him.
lmao concidentally

>> No.23196813

family moved to the Sussex town of East Grinstead in 1965 where his parents studied ‘Dianetics’ in the Scientology center of the town.

Are his folks scientologists? Is Gayman a scientologist?

>> No.23196937

First girl I ever, uh, 'dated' is from Chesapeake (Great Bridge HS); her name is rather unique; ..I could google her now, I guess

>> No.23196999 [DELETED] 

And he's a jew. It explains a lot, really

>> No.23197000

The way he sits and awkwardly stares at her from the chair is probably how he looks at her when she's enjoying their open marriage

>> No.23197009

Gaiman's parents are Scientologists. He has never publicly stated that he is too but he has donated money to them in the past.

>> No.23197043

everyone in the literary industry is there due to nepotism.

>> No.23197045


>> No.23197048

The Gaimans moved in 1965 to the West Sussex town of East Grinstead, where his parents studied Dianetics at the Scientology centre in the town; one of Gaiman's sisters works for the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. His other sister, Lizzy Calcioli, has said, "Most of our social activities were involved with Scientology or our Jewish family. It would get very confusing when people would ask my religion as a kid. I'd say, 'I'm a Jewish Scientologist.'"

>> No.23197124

Haven't seen the doc, but Gaiman was part of the translation of Princess Mononoke. He didn't translate it but had some hand in the final dialog of the English translation, so he was directly connected to the release of the movie in a very direct way. I think he's even credited on the movie poster.

>> No.23197130
File: 1.83 MB, 1920x1080, hugo awards 2020 part 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's a picture of Hugo Award nominees. But that's just the surface. Every time you find an absolute piece of dogshit and ask "how the fuck did these feces smeared on paper get published?" it only takes a quick Google search to find one of the following: daddy is a literary agent, established author, or owns a publishing house, like Christopher Paolini and Joe Hill. The author had an industry/political in, like writing propaganda for Gizmodo or Jezebel like The Nostalgia Chick and a bunch of other authors whose name I wont type because fuck those people, they are subhuman, but you can look them up on their clickbait fake news websites if you're really interested. Then there's nepotism among jews from New York, a problem so longstanding even Truman Capote wrote about it a century ago. It's impossible to find someone who writes children's picture books who isn't jewish, even today.

Pick any author published these past ten years, look up their bio, and there you'll see nepotism laid out in spades.

>> No.23197142

Often the nepotism is a sort of institutional neologism. They went to to this or that college for their MFA, they worked at this or that publishing house, that kind of thing. The easiest way to get published nowadays is to have an MFA from Brown, your pronouns in your Twitter bio, and with an anti-fascist novel in hand.

>> No.23197148

what you think is nepotism is just the outcome of genetic heredity being the number one determinant of talent and beauty

>> No.23197480 [DELETED] 

oy vey, mr. noseberg.

>> No.23197522 [DELETED] 

yes, jews are typically smarter than white people
it's why they're the ruling class

>> No.23197655

>I'm a Jewish Scientologist
This is like a powerplayer multiclassing in D&D

>> No.23197658

Find beauty in this pick>>23197130?

>> No.23197661

You just KNOW he's a sex fiend, the way he acts whenever women are involved.

>> No.23197684 [DELETED] 

I can't feel attraction for pornstars because I know for sure they fucked niggers at some point (and all the other people, too, but that's secondary). I'd rather fuck a trash can. I don't know how anyone would not feel anything but disgust.

>> No.23197703

Steer clear of white women then.

>> No.23197708

Yeah. This is what made me antisemitic.

>> No.23197712

who's the pale cutie?

>> No.23197719
File: 124 KB, 639x665, laffertyhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this faggot so much. Not only does he write the intro now to every republished fantasy/sci fi book, he has R A Laffery's estate and refuses to release his work.
Gayman, King, Martin. All of these faggots write not to be writers but to write movies. And that is why they suck cock and Gene Wolfe and Lafferty will always be kings.

>> No.23197722

A literal whore

>> No.23197724

I think nepotism plays an outsized role in everything, particularly now where every endeavour seems hyper curated and over subscribed. That said, I enjoyed Sandman. I have to imagine others enjoyed Sandman. I think that's why he was published first and foremost.

>> No.23197727

I hate him too. A lot.

>> No.23197733

>I enjoyed Sandman
I was 13 too at some point

>> No.23197750
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>> No.23197843

How did he acquire his estate? Did he buy it like the nefarious jew he is just to profit off another man's work?

>> No.23197845


>> No.23197851


>> No.23197859

heard this dude was dyel. Also, why's he reading a TRANSLATION of Hegel if he's supposed to be fluent enough to translate German himself? o_0

>> No.23197865

I remember when a pornstar once said she refused to do scenes with men that acted in gay porn and all the online twitter people piled on her for being homophobic when for her it was a health issue.

>> No.23197877

She's incredibly mannish. Why do men like women like this?

>> No.23197910

Worldy wise.

>> No.23197914

Becoming part of a cult where you give massive amounts of money just to be fed a 1950s sci-fi story is not being smart, it's for retards.

>> No.23197942

Since the ole caust Judaism is no longer a religion. They're like a large royal house that inbreeds to preserve the genes and keep the money in the club.

No one with intelligence believes the bullshit in a literal sense.

>> No.23198067

Yeah, and then she killed herself

>> No.23198114

My favorite comic book and I love his literature as well. He had a bit on npr awhile back. He thinks that he’s become too infamous and can’t live up the hype. He preferred writing for a nich group of people, but because he’s dabbled in so many mediums it’s put his name out there in a way he wasn’t prepared for. Jack of all trades.

>> No.23198116

Wait did she really?

>> No.23198140
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He's displaying a typically Jewish behaviour pattern as pointed out by E. Michael Jones.

>> No.23198147

He's checking the translation.

>> No.23198162

He was talking about Scientology silly

>> No.23198183

The holocaust is also a 1950s science fiction story.

>> No.23198192

>it's a health issue!!!!
no, it really is homophobia. to act in porn, you're required to get a full STD panel every two weeks (which includes testing for HIV 1 & 2). and the majority of gay porn stars are on PrEP anyways. "muh sexual health!!!" is just an easy excuse to fool the ignorant genpop and keep fags segregated in the industry.

>> No.23198236

If you're thinking of August Ames, then yeah

>> No.23198323

>bro stop being homophobic suck the turdpusher’s cock already fucking stuck up whores trying to dictate who they can fuck
I love being progressive. Time to clean out my neovagina.

>> No.23198388

if female porn stars don't want to fuck fags, that's fine by me. but i wish they'd just say that, instead of acting like they'll come down with AIDS if a gay performer breathes in their direction.
>source: ex-whore who never understood why doing gay porn essentially blacklists male stars from ever doing straight porn

>> No.23198527

>Neil Gemansky
>Sally Runsky
>Joseph "Conrad"
>Tomas Pynchinski

>> No.23198577

yes to both

>> No.23199302

>>Tomas Pynchinski
Is he Polish?

>> No.23199328

white men are several times more likely to date interracially then white women
white women are one of the least likely groups in america to date interracial

go outside, stop basing your opinions of stuff on jewish cuckold porn

(while we're on the topic, the whole point of that racket is a degredation fetish. first its anal, then its five guys at once, then they sink to the lowest possible level: black people. this constantly increasing degradation gives coomers the illusion of change, when if threy were paying attention, they could have just downloads 10,000 or so titty pics from the internet years ago and been done with the whole thing. anyway though in real life most women dont do anal, dont fuck 5 guys at once, and most especially dont have sex with black people.)

>> No.23199330
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Stephen King's son thinks dropping "King" means he isn't a nepobaby.

>> No.23199391

oh yeah I recognize her now...

>> No.23199715

>Still won't explain how
... okay

>> No.23199721

did i sin by buying good omens

>> No.23200623

What the fuck are you talking about you retard, white women IRL will have "tried" niggers at least once and you see more interracial couples in the fucking streets every day, women caved in to nonstop propaganda long ago.
Every single woman now will have had a whore phase in her teens where she sucked 10 cocks a day. Propaganda always wins over women.

>> No.23200631
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>post examples of nepotism in the literary industry

>> No.23200633
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>Every single woman now will have had a whore phase in her teens where she sucked 10 cocks a day.
No need to project your mother on every women there is, at least not this hard.

>> No.23200711

Starting to hate how nepotism is becoming a "gotcha" word. It's just like randos calling anyone they don't like a racist, pedo, rapist, sexist, or homophobe so that they can win an argument through public virtue signaling.

There are good examples of nepotism and bad examples of it. It's a natural practice, ofc people are going to take up their parent's trades of skillsets and ofc they are going to use connections, friends, family members teachers, coworkers within the industry to reach success. Journalist, with no prior connections to publishing, using networking throughout their carrer to get their first book published is not an example of nepotism btw. Who cares about Steven King's son writing career? It's inconsequential, literally not affecting anyone else, that's a good example of nepotism, he writes a half way decent story and doesn't have to spend five years shopping it around because his dad can all in a favor, what ever. Bad nepotism is some snot nosed, spoiled, brat getting a management job at his dad's construction company and everyone else having to pick up the slack to make sure shit gets done right and on schedule and that structures don't crumble away and kill people five years down the line.

>> No.23200733

British Idealists sorted the terminology issues more than a century ago, it's irrelevant (not that that goon's just reviewing it after extensive annotation, which might be justifiable).

>literally not affecting anyone else,
NPC tic phrase. Authors aren't race horses and Stephen King's yarnspinning logorrhea will be predictably mid-er a generation removed (and saying so is 'anti-semitic').

>> No.23200754

>Who cares about Steven King's son writing career? It's inconsequential, literally not affecting anyone else,
You're fucking retarded, it affects a lot of people, writers competing for spots/attention, readers reading slop, the faith in the industry as a whole, etc. Etc.
God I hate libertarians, everything everyone does is connected, grow up.

>> No.23200802

That's a lofty take, there's A LOT of shit that gets published that is straight garbage from people who have no connections within the industry. As I said someone calling in a favor is inconsequential when there's a thousand tons of pulp trash being publish each year. If it's bad people will trash it in reviews and move on.

>> No.23200819

His name is Gay Man as well

>> No.23200970

Even in the U.S. there aren't enough black men available to have had sex with enough white women to even move the needle toward 5% of white women having "tried niggers" at least one.

>> No.23200982

is that stoya?

>> No.23200989


>> No.23201096

>they forgot to check his Early Life
This guy gets it

>> No.23201388

stoya thread?

>> No.23201413

Jesus he looks like a downs guy in a wig.
Weird looking fuckers.

>> No.23201425

I like gayman, he has a good way to tell stories, he's dog shit at endings though.

>> No.23201862
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>> No.23201899

who is this beautiful chaste maiden? I am in love!

>> No.23201979


>> No.23202716

>Early life
Wiki neets have gone on overdrive and have removed certain jews heritage from the early life section and sometimes even outright scrubbing it.

>> No.23202726

i had this cut as i was growing my hair out

>> No.23202748
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Wolfe liked Gaiman enough to work with him

>> No.23202826

>in real life most women dont do anal
You're very wrong about that part, but the other two still hold true.

>> No.23202832

adult film star who was raped by her jewish porn actor boyfriend

>> No.23202860

>when for her it was a health issue.
The place I sell plasma to still doesn't allow gays (or as they call them "men who have sex with men" as a catch-all because non-whites often have tons of gay sex but deny that they're gay) because such an extreme percentage of them have at least one disqualifying disease that it's a waste of time and money to even test them. That was the official federal US policy on all blood-related donations for decades, though a few years ago they removed the universal ban and instituted a "deferral period" requiring several months of abstinence instead, which of course to the gay community may as well still be a ban.

>> No.23202874
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>> No.23203527


Rose Hawthorne, founder of the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne

Pope advances sainthood causes, including daughter of US author
Nathaniel Hawthorne, who authored "The Scarlet Letter" and other classics in American literature, is also the father of a woman whose cause for sainthood has taken a big step forward. Pope Francis today signed a decree attesting to the heroic virtues of Rose Hawthorne, a convert to Catholicism, who founded the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, who have provided free care to cancer patients in need for more than a century.

>> No.23203537

I hate faggots and I hate modernity.

>> No.23203565

>Wolfe liked Gaiman enough to work with him
Wolfe liked Gaiman enough to want the money

>> No.23203597
File: 61 KB, 640x465, Neil_Gaiman_Peter_Beagle_Lisa_Snellings_Anne_Murphy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is he touching faces in every picture?

>> No.23203602

I thought it was just the cryptobro

>> No.23203604

Is this the synagogue reunion?

>> No.23204102

>Married a mentally ill bisexual whose entire persona is 'manic pixie dream girl arthoe' ("Aren't I so kooky. Teehee") 16 years his junior. All under the agreement of being in an open relationship

How did they last 11 years?

>> No.23204502

You wasted your money. Sins are a little heavier than that.

>> No.23204516

Nobody said Gayman wasn't pleasant company. His image is completely put on, but it works.

>> No.23204533

>he write the intro now to every republished fantasy/sci fi book,
I started noticing this years ago. Then I found out about him being a turbokike and it all made sense

>> No.23204845

*typical human behaviour pattern

>> No.23204861

So Brandon Sanderson, but british and a jew?

>> No.23205489

>Implying I read churnslop

>> No.23205712

I mean in terms of public image and networking with other authors. You don't have to read his books to know Sanderson has a friendly professional relationship with almost everyone.

>> No.23205736


>> No.23205746

Does fucking Gaiman, who is like one of the ten people who actually managed to successfully live as full-time fiction writers, really need to "network" anymore?

He doesn't publicly say he's a Scientologist but I genuinely think it's pretty safe to say he's probably a crypto-Scientologist. At the very least he'd have to donate huge-ass sums of money to be able to keep in contact with his family.