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23191419 No.23191419 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this book by cuck philosophy?
Is it possible to reconcile nietzsche and marx's philosophy? The author says nietzsche's philosophy is very similar to marx that both can be very easily aligned and he even claims that nietzsche and marx share similar goals...

>> No.23191429
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No idea, but it sounds gay and retarded.

>> No.23191432
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The Wobblies became obsessed with Ragnar Redbeard's Might Is Right and pushed it as a philosophy urging workers to be more militant.


>> No.23191435


>> No.23191437

>possible to reconcile nietzsche and marx
>similar goals
anyone who has read a lick of either knows this is absolute bullshit. fucking laughable.
i was marxist for several years and have also read nietzsche.
never heard of this jonas ceika fellow but he sounds like a desperate hack. again, this is just absolute bullshit.
do NOT listen to left-nietzschians for this exact reason, anon. at best they are just retarded, at worst they are acting in bad faith and distorting nietzsche.
the core of marxism (marxism as an ideology and means of achieving socialism/communism -- not marxism as a mere economic analysis) is literally one of the best examples of slave morality we have today.

>> No.23191445

>This reading and method of interpreting Nietzsche has grown popular on today’s Left, and was set by the academic trends that emerged in French philosophy after the Second World War among philosophers Georges Bataille, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida.
that's all you need to know right there. the french philosophers were fucking retards and anyone telling you different has gone off the deep end.
do not trust these people

>> No.23191447

The author is clearly a retard who didn't study Marx.

>> No.23191448

>i was marxist for several years
What are you now?

>> No.23191459

>never heard of this jonas ceika fellow
He's a popular left nietzschean philosophy youtuber

>> No.23191466

>According to surveys and sociological studies of German workers at the turn of the 20th century, Nietzsche tended to trump Marx in terms of popularity, a trend that likely remains true today
Lol retarded cattle

>> No.23191478

BAPian vitalist

>> No.23191492

Fundamentally Marxism and Nietzsche are just not reconcilable at all, any attempt to reconcile them necessitates the mutilation of one or the other. Marxism is hegelian slave morality.

>> No.23191494

Probably an adult with a job.

>> No.23191495
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ideology and identification with -isms is for the weak.
i simply recognize what is true and disregard what is false.
go lift weights.

>> No.23191502

Theres a pathology in Liberals, where they favor all things that are "opposite" to their roots - and categorise it as sophisticated Crusades bad, colonialism bad, rationalism bad, science, racist, white people food bland, white people cant dance, white music bad.

Take the famous study where they put magnets on peoples brains - it shut off their belief in God, threat detection, and tribal loyalty

Nietzsche was much like this - castigated the Germans, Christianity, Wagner, Platonism, and Western culture in a general sense (Western culture is Germaninc)

Admired the South, the French, the Jews, the Russians, Poland, Islam, Atheism, immorality

All heresys to the German soul

It led to some brilliant original thinking, but it makes you wonder how much contrarianism got the better of him

>> No.23191555

What exactly is his argument in this book, and even if someone were to believe they can be reconciled, what is the real-world value in this synthesis

>> No.23191587

you can just write an idiot

>> No.23191596

If you memory whole and weirdly reinterpret like 90% of Nietzsche, maybe. Nietzsche resented socialism and the political aspect of his philosophical project was concerned with establishing an aristocratic slave-holding European Imperium.

>> No.23191606

post your "ideology" then, faggot. we're all dying to know what aesthetic you're LARPing as today before you change to a different "ideology" next month

>> No.23191622

many assumptions you make there westoid. I'm a communist, but no the retarded American kind

>> No.23191632

>I'm a communist
You can just write that you´re a jobless homosexual.

>> No.23191635

I'm not American though

>> No.23191639

But you are jewish, considering you are following a jewish ideology. And you are most certainly unemployed and an idiot.

>> No.23191641
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holy shit what a grand surprise, who would've guessed it?

>> No.23191645

So a brown third wordlist? likely hates Whitey? I see this type being bullish because bisexual Vaush types not having the testosterone to kick these people out.

>> No.23191652

>jewish ideology
Ye, that's why all communists globally are fundamentally against the existence of Israel, while the shitlib west pays them billions
Greek, but I'm whiter than you

>> No.23191653
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>> No.23191655
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Get a job nigger.

>> No.23191659

I don’t think you should be talking since your country just legalized Gay marriage.

>> No.23191664

I have not read this, I am not sure if I would even say they shared similar goals per se. I have seen several Nietzsche/Marx fusions but almost all of the worthwhile ones usually involve very specific concepts. Of all the ones I have seen Beaudrillard was probably the highest in quality and applicability.

>> No.23191666

"my country" doesn't do shit. out politicians are employees of the EU and the IMF, and sign what they're told to sign.
I'm a published molecular biologist. You're a high school graduate

>> No.23191669
File: 280 KB, 498x496, 1604070809520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I'm a published molecular biologist.You're a high school graduate
You are full of shit and a larper. Get a job nigger.

>> No.23191672

I'll take the fact that my actual life sounds like a fantasy you'd larp as to you as a compliment. I'm sorry your country doesn't have free education

>> No.23191674 [DELETED] 

But Leftists just see Jews as “Doing a heckin White colonialism.” look at it objectively, this doesn’t mean they don’t have a pathology like the liberals where they favor all things that are "opposite" to their roots - and categorise it as sophisticated. Which 100% makes you a tool for Jews, why can’t you faggots just choose the better option?

>> No.23191677

>You're a high school graduate
lol let's not jump to conclusions here

>> No.23191680

>low IQ
Checks out.

>> No.23191685

>free education
That alone proves that you´re a illiterate moron who couldnt publish shit on a wall. There is no such thing as ''free education'' or ''free healthcare''. Ironic that you would call me a highschooler and you havent figured out how the real world actually works yet. I say again get a job nigger.

>> No.23191690

So you shouldn’t be shit talking about “Westoids,” since you’re just gay and occupied as they are.

>> No.23191693

takes some heavy mental gymnastics to skip what is actually happening and get into what isn't. too bad reality doesn't follow your conspiracy theories, and here's the reality
>all communist parties, ruling and not, think Israel shouldn't exist
>all your favourite alt-right snappy politicians that are totally against the system and are about to drain the swamp are, in fact, in the pocket of the AIPAC and support Israel
You can continue living in denial
Yes there is. I literally attended university, for free
Greeks are pseudowestoids, that's our entire national identity for the last 200 years

>> No.23191697

Political agendas are normative and have nothing to do with le truth. They at best use truths to undergird their arguments and make their goals more appealing.
So I assume you're okay with the status quo and don't want any political change?

>> No.23191701

>slave morality
Marxism is not making a moral claim. You must have been as retarded as a marxist as you are now.

>> No.23191700
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Link the paper, then, faggot.

>> No.23191702

>white people food bland
This is unironically true. Only meds had good food and I don't think they're considered true white. Germanic, English and Scani whites literally eat dog shit..

>> No.23191704
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>Yes there is.I literally attended university,for free
Wrong, the Greek taxpayer paid for it. I say again stop larping and get a job nigger. You should be ashamed of urself using a western capitlist invention like the computer and the internet, monkey.

>> No.23191708

ye i'll dox myself to win an argument on 4chan

>> No.23191709

What ring wing people do I follow exactly? also, don’t you think some of them are aware of that? lol.

>> No.23191716
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That’s why I specifically said “marxism as an ideology.”
Marx’s economic theories make no moral claim but his ideological work (Communist Manifesto) definitely does.

>> No.23191718

>the Greek taxpayer paid for it
Making it have 0 personal cost for me, hence being free. Are you retarded per chance?
dunno which american political celebrity you cheer for, but this for example is some cognitive dissonance you see in both trumpoids and bidenoids

>> No.23191722

>So I assume you're okay with the status quo and don't want any political change?
Yeah. Capitalism is the best system possible that rewards the hardworking and the innovative. All we need to is remove affirmative action, diversity hiring and social security nets.

>> No.23191725
File: 51 KB, 280x218, 1709776817111422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you be doxxing yourself if the information is already publicly available?

>> No.23191728

Bait used to be believable

>> No.23191729

>Making it have 0 personal cost for me
For you yes. But if someone actually paid for it that doesnt really make it free. Are the university standards in Greece this bad that they allow retards like you to attend? Now i know for sure that you are larping and are in fact a jobless nigger like most ''communist''.

>> No.23191730

Ok niglet

>> No.23191738

because any of these posts screenshotted and forwarded to my PI would probably get me fired
>Someone else paid for it
Like every single thing. If I tell you I'll give you a free shirt, it doesn't mean the shirt spawned from the netherworld without costs associated with its manufacturing. Didn't they teach you what words mean in high school or middle school or wherever it was that you stopped your education?

>> No.23191744

Only moralists read provocations in moral terms, you sure you're a BAPist and not just a projecting fag? There is no Marxism "as an ideology" aside from what retards make it. Communist manifesto is just as polemical as most of what Nietzsche writes. Also the basis of Marxism isn't even an economic one either so the distinction between economics and ideology is doubly misrepresentative

>> No.23191747

But someone paid for that shirt and its materials and labour to begin with. Then why do you insist on calling it free if it isnt actually true? Is it to delude urself or comfort urself with a lie? Get a job nigger.

>> No.23191751

because when we say "free product", we mean free of cost to the consumer, not free of production cost. This is fundamentally what "free product" means. Again, are you retarded?

>> No.23191757

>the communist manifesto
do you think the communist manifesto is some magnum opus of marxism? it's literally a brochure. When you say shit like this, people know you don't know what you're talking about

>> No.23191763

Marxism is apocalyptic judaism. Marx is a prophet. Vanguard/marxist intellectuals are the rabbis. Actual marxism involves waiting for apocalypse where capitalism will crumble under the weight of its own contradictions.

>> No.23191764

But then its not actually ''free''. So why insist on calling it free then retard? This is why you will remain a jobless nigger forever.

>> No.23191769

It's free for me, nigger. Can you please stfu and I'm not even that anon and I think you're an annoying tranny faggot nigger like

>> No.23191770
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>I assume you're okay with the status quo and don't want any political change?
voting on policy and representatives =/= ideology.
ideology exists only in your head. you can think yourself a marxist, you can change your discord bio, participate in marxist spaces online, talk with other marxists, read marxist literature, but at the end of the day, you're not voting in favor of marxist policy, you're not going to achieve marxist goals with the political power afforded to you by your nation, and you're definitely not going to engage in any covert activities to further the goals of marxism because that shit isn't real. it isn't possible. likewise, you can think of yourself as a fascist, but you're never going to contribute to or experience anything which could be described as fascist in a meaningful way.
it's all fairy dust. wishful thinking. its LARP in its purest form, made for impressionable teenagers like (You). ideologies, in their present form, are merely social clubs for losers to meet other losers. it is like being goth, or emo, or scene. it is an aesthetic. there is no corresponding material form.
it doesn't matter to your government what fairytale ideology you pretend to be in your head. you will never have a real opportunity to materialize said ideology. you will merely make decisions based on the choices given to you. you will vote for the provided policies and the provided political parties.
ideology is not real. also YWNBAW

>> No.23191771

Because that's what "free product means". If I give you something for free, it doesn't mean it didn't involve production costs. I'll keep repeating this until your high-school graduate brain grasps it

>> No.23191776

Where is the rightoid meme that communists are Le Jewish?

>> No.23191781

Nietzsche was literally a philosemite lmao
he liked kikes more than marx hated himself for being a kike

>> No.23191780

>you sure you're a BAPist
I don't know what the fuck that means and i never claimed to be one
>There is no Marxism "as an ideology"
holy mother of bad faith.
>the basis of Marxism isn't even an economic one
dude you're fucking retarded, there is no point in continuing this conversation

>> No.23191783

>ut at the end of the day, you're not voting in favor of marxist policy, you're not going to achieve marxist goals with the political power afforded to you by your nation, and you're definitely not going to engage in any covert activities to further the goals of marxism because that shit isn't real. it isn't possible
Anti-imperialism and revolutionary defeatism is the proper Marxist praxis for people living in the west. You are right about the majority of western twitter marxists though

>> No.23191785
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>Slavery is fine, as long as i got it for free.
Is this what you niggers are trying to say? You niggers really need to get jobs and learn how the real world works because i dont think you guys have ever actually laboured for a second of ur pathetic lives.

>> No.23191788

Nietzsche literally said kikes are the superior race. How tf can anyone even take this retard seriously kek

>> No.23191792

>Slavery is fine, as long as i got it for free
You've gone completely unhinged there, I can't even follow what little train of thought you had

>> No.23191795

N was sincere. The English and Dutch Protestants embraced Jewish finance to create their central banks, which It led to their supremacy of the world. So Nietzsche saw it as a immoral and devious path to power.

Hard to know how he’d react to the end result in modern England.

>> No.23191796

Entire point of citing the manifesto was to show that it wasn't a magnum opus dumb dumb. I was responding to someone.

>> No.23191803

I'm socdem and we are in power in my country but whatever, retarded nihilistic schlomo. If people didn't fight for their rights, for the betterment of their material conditions, the world would've been a lot worse for us common folk. Amerimutts like you won't understand it anyway since you all are slaves to jews.

>> No.23191804
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Nietzsche admired jews for maintaining a culture and achieving material success. he thought that other ethnicities should do the same. he noted what the jews did well, but to call him a philosemite is a bit dishonest.
his "philosemitism" would literally be described today as anti-semitic conspiracy.

>> No.23191806

Well you said it urself. its a ''free product'' because you didnt pay for it and got it for no cost. However someone else did. You think that this is morally right and so would be slavery. Is it really hard for you nigger brain to grasp something so simple?

>> No.23191810

Yep, niggers like you will slave for me as I enjoy my cushy bullshit job.

>> No.23191814

>However someone else did
Yes, the people most heavily taxed did, which are the richer 30% of the country. What does this have to do with slavery?

>> No.23191815

a swing and a miss.
i am far from nihilist. i merely dont believe in LARPing.
obviously, in your case, you have a political party that actually represents your ends. you are the exception.
most people in the 1st world who would describe themselves as belonging to any sort of ideology do not have this luxury.

>> No.23191819

Seething is not argument. If you think the basis of marxism is economic you are obviously not remotely familiar with 20th century western theory (Lukacs, adorno, Korsch, etc.) Get out retard.

>> No.23191821

>which are the richer 30% of the country
How do you deduce that?
>I enjoy my cushy bullshit job.
>implying you even have a job
kek, get a load of this nigger.

>> No.23191823
File: 97 KB, 231x313, really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i'm so retarded then enlighten me on how the basis of marxism is in fact not economic.

>> No.23191826
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>How do you deduce that?
by being familiar with the economic situation in my country, unlike you?

>> No.23191830

Nigger, stop with this pathetic projection. You nigger ass which doesn't even pay tax considers taxation for the benefit of public good as slavery lmao

>> No.23191839

Forcing someone to work and pay for something without profit or reward is the definition of slavery. Are you sure you whent college because it sounds like you didnt even gradute from middle school.
>public good
Why would paying for useless comunist niggers like you be considered as ''public good'' or even ''good'' to begin with?

>> No.23191850

Why are they covered in dirty worms?

>> No.23191852

Shut up slave

>> No.23191856

If you're so enlightened you would have already read the literature that any high schooler interested in marx would have read. You are the one who said you used to be a Marxist and who clearly didn't do your homework, it's likely you haven't done the same for nietzsche. I told you what to read, you can figure it out for yourself and then you won't be retarded.

>> No.23191858

>Forcing someone to work and pay for something without profit or reward is the definition of slavery
Yes, it is. What does that have to do with upper-middle class Greeks paying more for universities from their taxes than the low-wage workers they employ?

>> No.23191864
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Thats the spirit! Show your true jewish colours.

>> No.23191879
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lmfao faggot you clearly just can't actually justify your claim, no amount of "figure it out" will distract from that, quit with this autistic attempt to take attention away from your basic failure to form an actual argument

>> No.23191881
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>What does that have to do with upper-middle class Greeks paying more for universities from their taxes than the low-wage workers they employ?
Maybe you should read that line again and slowly this time ''college boy''.

>> No.23191886

you're implying upper middle class Greeks are slaves? you really are retarded

>> No.23191889

You are yet to provide an argument that isnt posting dumbass pictures so not sure how you feel any better (that you have so many of these images on hand is pathetic btw). Marx begins from a socio-ontological basis (the relationship between subject and object) rather than a socioeconomic one. That's the gist. Now you can refute that if you can find the evidence. Have a nice day

>> No.23191890
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Ok boys even I’m getting tired of this now, can y’all just go ahead and kiss?

>> No.23191893
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Don't forget. Most people here have not read Nietzsche nor Marx. GG to the /lit/ board as usual. picrel

>> No.23191896
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>> No.23191899
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Try again ''college boy''. Read it even more slowly. Perhaps you will recognize your own stupidity and contradiction in your faggy ideology.
No, messing with jobless communist faggot is fun because they always end up contradicting themselves and talk themselves into a corner. Its too fun to stop now.

>> No.23191905

Kind of just sounds like you're angry and hurt.

>> No.23191907

taxes are slavery? because you pay a part of your income for common goods and services? what about the taxes that pay for the cops that beat the workers when they strike for higher wages? you truly are a retard

>> No.23191910

All I'm seeing is you struggling with basic concepts.

>> No.23191912

>Kind of just sounds like you're angry and hurt.
>>/r*ddit/ is that way.
Wrong again, read it even more slowly.

>> No.23191921

you are retarded, and my university education was free (of cost). have a nice day

>> No.23191923

>anyone who has read a lick of either knows this is absolute bullshit. fucking laughable.
Exactly my thoughts. I haven’t read the book but the only way he would be able to achieve a synthesis of the two would be to either see the will to power as an expression of class struggle or vice versa. There’s not really a middle ground between either of them: marxism is historical and Nietzsche is markedly a-historical in his conclusions although his analysis runs through a good bit of historicism, Marxism is dialectical while Nietzsche is openly anti-dialectical, and marxism is a materialism while Nietzsche is an idealist. Of course, there is a bit of the standard polo analysis that could take place here where Nietzsche’s methodology is examined for contradictions against what it claims to be which could be argued to be evidence of a kind of dialectical energy to Nietzsche’s thought but even then it would seem apparent to me that the proper parallel to draw between Nietzsche and a dialectical thinker would be Hegel given the way that the subject doesn’t fully integrate with Geist and as such a room for undialectical thought like the will is opened up. In Marxism the subject doesn’t have an undialectical remainder capable of being construed as a Nietzschean will to power. Likely, his synthesis of the two amounts to a shallow celebration of the (potential?) will to power of the proletariat in a kind of Marc Bloch-esque reorientation of class struggle where the proletariat is seen as the active component of the bourgeois-proletariat dichotomy where the bourgeois merely react to the proletariat instead of playing an equally active role. Obviously this is a bit of a stretch and neuters any semblance of dialectics that remains in the system and completely gets Nietzsche ass backwards given the length he went to criticize things like Christianity. Not to mention that Marxism still practically operates in the ethical which Nietzsche would disdain.

>> No.23191926

Sorry retard, someone paid for it that fact alone proves that it wasnt ''free'' also you never whent to university because someone as retarded as you would never have gotten in the first place. Get a job nigger before you start discussing politics and economics.

>> No.23191929

>yet to provide an argument that isnt posting dumbass pictures so not sure how you feel any better (that you have so many of these images on hand is pathetic btw).
holy shit, seethe? how do you not feel like a massive faggot saying this
>socio-ontological rather than a socioeconomic
literal semantics. is that what your professor told you?
i'm not interested in refuting a guy that thinks that having funny pictures saved onto your computer is somehow indicative of anything meaningful and seriously attempts to use that against his opponent as if it were some epic gotcha

>> No.23191935

The standard pomo analysis**

>> No.23191940
File: 91 KB, 575x576, aaooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, sorry, i forgot to post a dumbass picture

>> No.23191942

>still hasn't given an argument
>resorted to the semantics card

Why do you people ask for a claim and then have a tantrum when it's given to you?

>> No.23191945

>some epic gotcha
You're literally trying to make a "gotcha" saying the same thing over and over again with different pictures

>> No.23191964
File: 128 KB, 600x562, redjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretending that "the relationship between subject and object" is in any meaningful way different from economics is pure semantics of a tier only found in pseudo-intellectuals

>> No.23191973
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thanks for the (You) anon, i concur
sadly this thread as long set sail and devolved into 4 retards arguing with eachother

>> No.23192114

Problem with Left Nietzscheans is that Nietzsche was an aristocratic thinker. He despised the kind of populism that Marx represented. He believed in hierarchy. Also the name of this book sucks. Jonas can't come up with names for shit. "Cuck philosophy" WTF was he thinking? Yet another academic trying to be the cool kid online and integrate himself with meme culture and failing.

I want Jonas to post on /lit/ I want him to come here and explain himself. I want him to annunciate with eloquence the supremacy of his position and how life is a holy fiction. Since he's convinced we're all wrong and a Left Nietzscheanism is possible and better than Freudo-Marxism he can at least come here and defend it. He wants to be a super internet intellectual but doesn't even have the gumtion to come here to /lit/ I AM UPSET BY THIS.

Anyone know where I can contact him for inquiries? I want to send him this message.

>> No.23192128

I agree with much of what you’re saying.
Left-Nietzscheans have some advanced levels of cope. It’s almost like they’ve never read him, because if they did, they’d realize he despised many of their sentiments and values. I cannot for the life of me imagine how a modern leftist might misread Nietzsche so badly as to think that he would agree with them on anything.
Also, I’m sure he probably has an email on his YouTube or something where you can correspond directly

>> No.23192416
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>Is it possible to reconcile nietzsche and marx's philosophy

>> No.23192490

Wow, great thread, faggots. I'm convinced that nietzschefags are somehow worse and more uneducated than marxoids.

>> No.23192608
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>> No.23192626

It's just people picking new religions for themselves. I've never understood how a person can pick and choose philosophers to base their lives on and then try and synthesize those beliefs with other philosophers and their beliefs. It's a silly exercise both in concept and in practice, how is this a practical way of life for anyone? At least someone like Baha'u'llah created his own religion out of this Franksteining of different parts, otherwise I don't see the point. Nietzsche actively opposed leftism. So why bother with this?

>> No.23192656

>Nietzsche was much like this - castigated the Germans, Christianity, Wagner, Platonism, and Western culture in a general sense (Western culture is Germaninc)

Yeah, he was polish; hence, he opposed Germans and their culture. He was in-group orientated.

>> No.23192666

Really? I hate foreign foods; I always have. Yes, it's weird, I know. Actually, I do quite like Caribbean food, but only at times. It's not so unequivocal; to be honest, it feels like black people are coping. How could you denounce roast dinners, really anon?

>> No.23192677

>I'm a published molecular biologist.
anyone with an academic background knows this means nothing. Perfect example of slave morality

>> No.23193081

Why do they make you rage so much? There are plenty of reasons for praising Jewish excellence, without going that far back to Spinoza, you see the vast influence of Jews in philosophy like Marx, Bergson, Freud, Husserl, AJ Ayer, Neurath, Wittgenstein, Adorno.

>> No.23193399
File: 67 KB, 986x902, 1497319538367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy his channel but I doubt he would be a good writer- is it worth a read Anon?

>> No.23193727

>Jews in philosophy like Marx, Bergson, Freud, Husserl, AJ Ayer, Neurath, Wittgenstein, Adorno.
All negative influences

>> No.23193733

The only whites with good food are Italians

>> No.23193746

This, thanks for posting so I didn't have to.

Marxists moralize all the time and the motivations for Marx's writing (and all of his teen fans) is Utopian slave morality garbage, already written about by Jesuits 100 years earlier btw. Marx sucks, his supporters are mostly retarded high schoolers and then grown-up megalosers. I just can't take an actual Marxist seriously. Obviously he has some valid critiques of capitalism (like every 16 year old working at McDonald's), but overall it's just crap.

Literally? Literally, you faggot? I really don't even care, but not being covered in spice to hide LITERAL rotting shit taste (and bad cooking) isn't the same as bland, you fucking retard. How is a steak and veggie pie bland, faggot? How is gravy and Yorkshire pudding bland, faggot? How are cakes and baking bland, you actual idiot faggot? Chinese food and Japanese food is bland too, I guess.

Take a look at how Indians make their food. Or Chinese. There are no such thing as standards of cleanliness. You like gutter oil? Hahaha. Actually, being non-White means there's a higher chance of eating literal shit.

White people's food (including Mediterranean Europeans) is superior. The only reason people don't agree is because they're used to eating the same thing for their entire life. Try eating Indian food for a week. Fucking disgusting, and you start to smell like spicies lol.

Meanwhile Africans have a "food" called swallow, which is just raw dough that they don't even chew. Or where they mix dirt and twigs in it (jerk?). Or how about raw fish on cold plain rice with seaweed? Yummy xD

In all seriousness, high quality sushi can be delicious.

>> No.23193751

>all your favourite alt-right snappy politicians that are totally against the system and are about to drain the swamp are, in fact, in the pocket of the AIPAC and support Israel
You think Donald Trump is alt-right? LMAO
>Yes there is. I literally attended university, for free
You're not doing your side of the argument any favours here unfortunately.

>> No.23193755

Wow I just realized there is some literal 3rd worlder larping as a Westerner arguing for leftism itt. It's so fucking funny how stupid you are. Your toilet degree isn't worth the paper it's printed on and you shouldn't have been allowed in uni (even in biology, which everyone knows is the easiest science), I wipe my ass with it and your shit people.

>> No.23193774

>Chinese food and Japanese food is bland too, I guess.
Chinese food is pretty good. Japanese food is pretty bland. The only good stuff in Japan is food introduced by korean and chinese immigrants like ramen.

>> No.23193776

>Marx's writing (and all of his teen fans) is Utopian slave morality garbage
If you actually bothered to read you'll know that marx made a distinction between utopian socialism and scientific socialism, and criticized utopian/moralistic socialists of his time.

>> No.23193777

Western civilization originated in greece, barbarian.

>> No.23193793

fuck you
go drink vodka and beat your wife

>> No.23193794

Quite sadly. It wouldn’t be 4chan if that didn’t happen though.

>> No.23193814

>markedly a-historical

Mustache is a thoroughgoing crypto-Hegelian under the hood and cannot be synthesized with the guy who married a Rothschilde scion without a great deal of bowdlerization and willful ignorance apart from that -- and the author doesn't even take that as a point of departure it must be unearthed first

>> No.23193846

How so? From my understanding of Nietzsche the will to power just simply is and doesn’t undergo any kind of dialectical relationship with its embodiment, context, or materials. Aside from that, the more utopian aspects of Hegelianism of the time — which were emphasized over the critical concerns; how the dialectic is like a mathematical limit in that it always approaches the absolute but never quite reaches it — are completely lacking in Nietzsche. In fact — barring the modern innovations of Zizek to the ontology of dialectics — the fundamental a-rationality of the will to power destroys any effective embodiment of Geist. There’s room to say that the subject holds claim to both Hegelian rationality and Nietzschean a-rationality but to see the will to power as an expression of Geist is like saying the days get warmer because the trees are blooming. The only way it works is if they are both separate but equal in their effect on the subject. If the will to power is really a will to some form of the Hegelian absolute then Nietzsche’s entire claim of the arbitrary nature of ethics goes out the window as it would be a rational exercise. If Hegelian rationality is really some form of the will to power then the utopian aspects, and really the whole analysis leading there, is null and void as it’s a completely arbitrary grasp at power disguised as knowledge. If we want to make the claim that Nietzsche was a forerunner to the modern, ontological interpretations of Hegel — Zizek and his little circle here at the fore — then it could sort of work but a good argument would have to be put forward to show a reconciliation between the ontological gravity of the two such that they don’t end up devouring each other as they did in the previous examples. And yes, I am attributing an ontological dimension to the will to power in the way that Heidegger describes it in his essay The Word of Nietzsche.

>> No.23193902


>> No.23193916

Yes but it gives you Cercle Proudhon–Sorel-style French anarchofascism

>> No.23194059

Please give a TL;DR of the book for retards.
I'm by no means an expert on Nietzche or Marx, so take this with a grain of salt.
I don't believe it's possible to reconcile Nietzche's philosophy with Marxism without heavily distorting one or the other (usually Nietzche). Nietzche Opposes both Slave and master morality, but rails against populists and clamours for aristocracy at every turn. Not a very socialist thinker. At least as far as I understand, he seeked for something beyond master and slave.
>The author says nietzsche's philosophy is very similar to marx that both can be very easily aligned and he even claims that nietzsche and marx share similar goals...
Goals in abstract? Maybe. But everything else is different. Nietzche talks about genetics plenty.
>Greek Communist
Complete blindspot in my political map but I assume they did nothing important. Golden Dawn had more prospects.

>> No.23194073

>The author says nietzsche's philosophy is very similar to marx that both can be very easily aligned and he even claims that nietzsche and marx share similar goals.
Yes, and its called Fascism

>> No.23194490

Anything is reconcilable with each other as long as you keep portion and get rid of a large corpus of their works, in the end something monstrous comes out, that is neither like Nietzsche or Marx, les Enfants terribles (nazi germany)

>> No.23194507

- We do not live under true capitalism.
- The current system absolutely does not reward the hardworking and the innovative.
- And nepotism, corruption, legacy admissions, lobbying (glorified bribery).

>> No.23194564

it may not reward the innovative but it sure as hell rewards the innovative, the ultra nerds, AI developers, elon musk etc.
If you mean artistic innovation then yes true, but economic and technological innovation its way too rewarded.

>> No.23194795

Elon Musk got government subsidies. It's not being rewarded by capitalism if daddy government gives you money.