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23189779 No.23189779 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice on how to get a better quality reading session?
My adhd rotten brain make it impossible for me to get an extended session without drifting off.
Shit like having to read the same simple paragraph multiple times because my mind is in another place or taking 2 hours just to read 30 pages of fucking Harry potter is really frustrating me.

>> No.23189780

read in the morning

>> No.23190176
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I read in the morning

>> No.23190234

Easy fix zoomie
1. Read more, seriously.
2. Read things that keep your attention. Literally read what you like, if you're day dreaming about something else then it's more interesting than what you're reading.
3. Give yourself a break, if you find yourself unable to focus after reading for a time go do something else for awhile and come back when you're ready.

>> No.23190245

Have you considered using one of those speed-reading apps/websites that just flash single words in front of you at high speed? I find them useful when I'm feeling particularly understimulated but I still want to get some reading done.

It's like watching a video on 2x speed but with books

>> No.23190290

Read more, write, caffeine, read aloud if you feel like it's too hard, built a solid reading habit over years of life

>> No.23190435

Try keeping a notebook next to you and write out the random distracting thoughts you get while you're reading. I find them writing them on paper gets them out of my head and helps me focus but ymmv.

ADHD is all about methodology so keep hunting for methods that work for you.

>> No.23190755

could you give an example ?

>> No.23190760

Find a book you actually like. Im addicted to reels and doomscrolling but finished a 300+ page book in two days because I liked it so much. (Bridge of Birds)

>> No.23190876

i've seen tiktoks on here where the text is displayed like that, i think it's such an irritating thing to be subjected to
then again i'm regular zoomer, not an ADHD one

>> No.23191070

I had this problem. Time of day doesn’t really matter, its your attention span. You need to cut out a lot of your social media intake/smart phone use. After a few weeks of not blasting your neurons with instant gratification of social media algo consumption, you’ll get better at reading books and enjoying “slower paced” things like being outside, art, etc.

>> No.23191074

thank you sir. Your advice isn't the best but it is kind. Thank you.

>> No.23191477

Something like Spreeder or Outread. I think they're on both Apple and android

>> No.23191486

>thank you sir. Your advice isn't the best but it is kind. Thank you.
why are they like this

>> No.23191501

I try to avoid tiktok but COVID(or more specifically, the lockdowns) fried my brain so I occasionally have to resort to gimmicky stim-maxxing stuff like the speed reader to maintain focus. It sucks

Thankfully I'm getting better. The other day, I read a few pages of moby dick without reaching for my phone or playing any audio in the background. In time, I'll hopefully regain my ability to read

>> No.23191920

homosex type.