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23189070 No.23189070 [Reply] [Original]

I haven/t read any of this author but I was looking for a fantasy saga to start after finishing Dune and I found this one in some lists and was drawn by the dark fantasy aesthetic of the artwork and a few positive reviews I read.
Berserk and Dark Souls are the only dark fantasy media I know desu but I cannot shut up about them. Is this a good place to continue exploring this sub-genre?

>> No.23189109

Think LOTR but author was tripping on psychedelics while writing it

>> No.23189175

>Berserk and Dark Souls are the only dark fantasy media I know desu but I cannot shut up about them. Is this a good place to continue exploring this sub-genre?

Book of the New Sun is literally the Dark Souls of fantasy. It's very likely you will get filtered by it.

>> No.23189181

Yes, you will probably love the books. Also consider The Fifth Head of Cerberus. This might actually be a better starting point as it is a single, relatively short book which showcases his style very well. I underestimated it because it is not as universally acclaimed as BoTNS but it is absolutely incredible. Ignore the jaded anons here that like to shit on Gene Wolfe because he is popular, just read the books.

>> No.23189221

It doesn't get much better than this. If it weren't for the titties I'd read it to my kids one day.

>> No.23189234

I got into him through Borges, and seeing the blurbs about him being "the Melville of genre." I found a personal favorite author. His style is a bit like solving a puzzle, hence the dark souls comparison.

>> No.23189313

The divine comedy but for a generation who grew up on Lovecraft’s novels

>> No.23189328

this. there hasn't been an author since, and arguably even before, wolfe who has done what he's done. he's a brilliant writer who forces you to work for it; reading subtext, which is often hilarious. there isn't an author who can bring me to a dream like world like he can. he has some gems in his short story collections too. i didn't read much of his post 2000s stuff other than wizard knight but i've heard decent things about sorcerer's house and borrowed man.

>> No.23189936

read this whole book and am still confused about him being a clone or not

>> No.23190457

Just read you dumb fuck

>> No.23190464

Being confused for the first two books before it begins to make sense

>> No.23190909

No, you should read the broken sword, elric, the dying earth and other genre classics before touching this overrated slop.

>> No.23190972

anon, those books are completely different. botns appears fantasy on the surface but is hard science fiction as you progress through it. op is also specifically asking for things that resemble a dark souls feel.

>> No.23190982

>dark fantasy media
Gormenghast is another precursor to BotNS that fits that bill.