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23188469 No.23188469 [Reply] [Original]

this is the most ridiculous redditor bullshit i've ever seen in my life

>> No.23188475

He didn't like Dune cause its full of sex and violence and he was an old ass man when he read it.

>> No.23188476

The only depiction of religion in Dune is a conspiracy that plants false beliefs for its own ends, I doubt Tolkien liked that.

>> No.23188479

It’s literally “Islam in Space”, Paul = Prophet Muhammad

>> No.23188483

I'm sure tolkein liked Shakespeare and his Tragedys are a lot darker and more nihilistic then dune

>> No.23188484

>oh no, guise! T-tokken dinn lyke my favert sci-fi!!!! I hates heem naow!
Dude, grow up.

>> No.23188495

Tolkien seems very Fingers in my ears not listening about religion. He was obviously too intelligent to be a true believer

>> No.23188498

I mean of course he would dislike anti-Christian elements in books, but he loved plenty of books despite that. He liked Asimov's Foundation, Conan, A Voyage of Arcturus, Dunsany, H.G. Wells, etc. not to mention the pagan stuff that he absolutely loved.

>> No.23188501

>a conspiracy that plants false beliefs for its own ends
A false belief doesn't have power over the world. The nuns were the deluded ones.

>> No.23188503


>> No.23188506

But don't they run the world? I haven't read it ages I thought Paul's mom's space cult ran everything?

>> No.23188512

Tolkein was one those pathetic I believe just because it makes me feel better people

>> No.23188535

I doubt the author meant it this way but I find it interesting.
Paul uses the stories they spread and the powers they gave him against them. They thought they were telling a lie but it came true so it was a prophecy.
To construct a believable lie you have to use elements that are already there, the delusion is thinking the story you construct using so many real elements is still a lie. It may even be the best representation of the truth available, like the Bible.

>> No.23188539

herbert was a fraud

>> No.23188592

Why the fuck should I care what Tolkien thinks about xyz topic? He isn’t god.

>> No.23188617

It was never a secret that Herbert copied other books like foundation when writing dune. He even recycled ideas from his own short stories.

>> No.23188656

Dune is vastly inferior, specialty after Herbert son raped the quality of the series. It kinda funny how one son (Christopher Tolkien) honored his father legacy and the other took dump on it by making up cheap sequels.

>> No.23188971

All this shit is terrible, both Dune and LoTR, from fathers and sons.

>> No.23189028

Just because faith can be instrumentalised for worldly gain does not make all faith illegitimate or evil. From a Christian perspective, many other world religions are literally this: modern Judaism is believed by few Jews but used to justify Jewish Power and sick shit like abortion, usury etc. for the benefit (worldly) benefit of the whole racial group. Islam is an instrumentalised faith used by Mohammed for armies, power, women etc. Things like these only further confirm my belief that Christ is the True God.

>> No.23189041

My weeb wife watched Dunc 2: Hyperdunc and said she didn't like it because Paul was a douche. I told her Paul is like Lelouch and she was like yaaaaaaaas qwueeeeeeeaaaaan

>> No.23189047

Did you figure out how to get her to read books?

>> No.23189049

Did she got to fuck Jamal later that night too?

>> No.23189060

She read fantasy smut like fourth wing and kingdom of brass dildos

>> No.23189067

She probably tells her friends you only watch soccer/football but you're a good husband because you let her watch the news when you're bored with it.

>> No.23189072

Alright I'm tired of googling. Where can I watch Dune 1&2 for free online?

>> No.23189084

Linking that on 4chan will get you banned. Learn how to google better, "best piracy site to stream movies" or something. Dune 2 is still in theaters so it's going to be cam quality.

>> No.23189088

Not really. We're american westerners so I'm more of a right wing hippie, unvaxxed, lots of guns, hate the federal reserve, despise the federal government with an undying burning hatred etc. Don't watch any sports

>> No.23189096

She tells her friends you do.

>> No.23189097

1337x/the pirate bay
You won't get the best remux files or whatever but they're easy and not invite only clubs that force you to seed.

Alternatively install stremio. You can sideload stremio on a firestick. Watch or read an install guide. It streams torrents. I prefer to keep them on a hard drive personally

>> No.23189098

>judeo-christian theology
no such thing, dumb redditors

>> No.23189122

My sister makes fun of her for reading that stuff because she is more of a literature tryhard. But my wife doesn't care because she's focused on her phd program. She derives no status from slogging through things she doesn't consider entertaining. I like to read her smut aloud and embarass her.

>> No.23189126

Did I fucking ask, by chance?

>> No.23189127

Tolkien liked Mary Renault's gay books, which were much more transgressive than Dune.

>Ms. Renault also said Tolkien encouraged and supported women students who aspired to become writers, critiquing their manuscripts and writing them reference letters to publishers and agents.

>> No.23189131

Don't mind me, I have to kill time until 7:20.

>> No.23189132

Idiot. It's like half past midnight.

>> No.23189137

>Lord of the Rings is optimistic
Uhuh okay

>> No.23189147

>sauron represents the european jews
>sarumon represents the american jews
>orcs and foreign men represent the swarthy hoardes invading europe and north america
>the ring represents keynesian economics

How was he so good at predicting

>> No.23189179

>bill ferny the treacherous moron represents anon
Breathtaking foresight

>> No.23189206

bill ferny is clearly herbert stein

>> No.23189225

Leave her in the middle of the ocean

>> No.23189229

Christianity is Judaism

>> No.23189391


>> No.23189409

He didn't like dune because he was a jealous Anglican poser that couldn't write a halfway decent fantasy.
The relationship between Frodo and Sam has a gay connotation also, so Tolkien was gay

>> No.23189411

It's right thoughever.
Tolkien is a hack who can't think beyond black and white

>> No.23189615

Well, Tolkien was in fact a Christian Conservative. But that's may not be the reason he hated Dune, because I'm neither Christian nor a Conservative and I also hate Dune.

>> No.23189636

Nah true lol - Tolkien is redditor because he’s obsessed with lore and world building but has nothing to say. At least Herbert tried to say something lol.

>> No.23189640

He hated it cos a dude fucks his sister/mom/wives and they have sex spice orgies (idk i only played the porn game)

>> No.23190384

The Bene Gesserit? Their plan to produce a messiah through eugenics and a controlled breeding program violently explodes in their faces. Paul's mother ruined their plan by not following orders and giving birth to a daughter. Paul has the head of the order killed for plotting against him and later Leto II goes out of his way to make their lives hell for the next 4000 years.

>> No.23190398

I agree it's a retarded take but you have to be equally retarded to think that that twitter retard was pro-Dune and anti-Tolkien.

Go back to your fellow retards on twitter and stay there.

>> No.23190440

Most tradcath twitter accounts are cringe, especially the writers.