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23187232 No.23187232 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, ok, I'll read it.

>Duncan Idaho

>> No.23187609


>> No.23187623


>> No.23187636


>> No.23187682

I don't get why EFL are so bothered my someone being named Idaho

>> No.23187701
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>gom jabbar
>kwisatz haderach
trying to read it too since a friend bought the books for me but this language is so cringe, it's like a college freshman's impression of arabic.
it tries so hard to force a sense of "alien" language onto the English reader but it comes off as a college freshman's poor impression of arabic.
might as well have called the fremen the "durka durka jihad allah akhbars"

>> No.23187705

just realize i typed that shit twice
i will never live down this embarrassment

>> No.23187707

He's saying it's weird for futuristic space humans to have the names of 1960's American midwesterners. Space being like a funky version of the the author's home is a common problem in sci-fi.

>> No.23187712

I don't mind it, it makes sense that a civilization that came from humans might retain some of their names. It's a lot better than naming everyone some shit like "Xenon Bleeglorf" or whatever the fuck

>> No.23187722

Yeah, I hated the names in Dune. Top-tier retarded, like most generic sci-fi pulp from that time. Dune only stood out because of a few unique ideas. Otherwise, it's really nothing special.

>> No.23187729
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on par with j.k. rowling's skill of naming, but Herbert had the excuse that our culture was a legendary time of mystical reality. rowling wrote a book in the 90s set in the 90s and she still called her Asian characters Chingchang Chong, her Irish characters Sheam-Leslie Z. Carbomb, and her African characters Imamu Islamu.

>> No.23187731

you da hoe!

>> No.23187735
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>> No.23187754

Latinized Jewish name from biblical times
same, but even more anglosized
alien name. the people are called fremen btw.
>Duncan Idaho
The US empire ceased to exist a thousand of years ago during the times of Dune, so by then it's like naming your child Homer or Leonidas Sparta today.

>> No.23187756
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>bro they are so technologically advanced they fight with sticks
>no, you don't understand, they have to do that

>> No.23187770

>defence shields, bruv

>> No.23187779

Idaho isn't a great place.

>> No.23187790

there is no way they wouldn't come up with some smart projectiles that could slow down and then explode, or any other sort of ranged weapons using fire, acid, poison, some kinds of traps, anything liquid/gas based, literally anything better than swords

>> No.23187797
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Imagine thinking this

>> No.23187802

"Jessica" is the fat chick who works at Walmart, not countess of a futuristic space empire

>> No.23187824
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>2016 was 34 years ago

>> No.23187835

Correct. 26 years after the God Emperor was elected for President the third time.

>> No.23187881

Coolidge was the last good president

>> No.23187891

>Mt. Doom

>> No.23187895


>> No.23187899


>> No.23187921


>> No.23187934

Clearly, he should have been named Duncan Ohio

>> No.23187937

I can't wait till Barron merges with Xitter to become the God Emperor of the Known Metaverse

>> No.23187967

Dunc is the key to all of this

>> No.23187994

It's fractal DUNCans all the way down

>> No.23188067

Herbert uses the word "jihad" already. He couldn't use the word "allah" in a sci-fi without expecting death threats. Canonically, I think, the fremen were once free men, but that was so long ago dune people just use the slur "fReMeN".

>> No.23188124

Isn’t it normal? We still use names from 2000 years ago.

>> No.23188618
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Paul, i don't care for it, it's an ancient name.
Jessica on the other hand i agree feels weird

>> No.23188671

I love the name Jessica for some reason it's so sexy

>> No.23188766

Shhhhhhh! Shut the fuck up you dipshits we don't want more swarthoid nonwhites

>> No.23188773

>mfw dad named my sister jessica after dune
>im matthew after the taxman apostle

>> No.23188937

facts. It is a retarded complaint. People in South America are still named Jesus, Gabriel, Joseph, etc.

>> No.23188938

its almost like the culture of dune has no conception like we do with the name jessice seeing as dune takes place 10000 years in the future. crazy how that works, huh?

>> No.23188945

Second best gospel after John. based dad

>> No.23189030

She's just a concubine

>> No.23189073

It's extremely on the nose. The "Atreides" are western, their name is famously Greek. They're also famously a cursed house whose last head of house was known as a tyrant. Many of their characters have very western names, like Paul and Jessica and Duncan Idaho. Their enemy is "Vladimir" Harkonnen, a Russian. Their allies are the arab-coded Fremen, a pretty barbaric people that are also very resistant to subjugation. They use them to defeat the Russians. It's just very on the nose stuff.

>> No.23189144
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>britishblack dude
fair 'nuff, makes sense innit

>> No.23189251

I hope Jessica doesn’t have any sons…

>> No.23189590

I was at the shops recently and one of the Chinese exchange students or tourists? genuinely said Hwa? Chingchong Lee. And the other said Chengpong. I guess they were Cantonese because I didn't even get a scrap of that. It was giga funny tho

>> No.23189827

The Fremen in the books are gigabased.

>> No.23189955

inb4 i only watched dune part one, didnt read it

they have these kind of weapons, lasers, rockets, gas, but... barely use them for some reason

>> No.23190046

All of those names are accurate though. Rowling is based.

>> No.23190049

You cant use them around the worms or they spaz out

>> No.23190067

>there is no way they wouldn't come up with some smart projectiles that could slow down and then explode
>smart projectile

They have hunter-seekers. Butlerian Jihad explains why they don't have projectiles that know when to slow down.

>> No.23190634

All sci-fi runs up against the fundamental dilemma:
a) Advanced societies wouldn't fight with swords and stuff, dude.
b) But swords are cool!

The fun is watching how they try to get around it.

DUNE: Muh smart-shields.

STAR WARS: They're totally not swords. They're LIGHTSABERS.

STAR TREK: You have to go down on to some planet and fight an alien with rocks. Why rocks, you ask? It's a special duel set up by omniscient beings.

>> No.23190847

did any good writer make an abridged version of the whole dune cycle made into a single 365 page novel? or am i still waiting?!

>> No.23191320
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it's the right choice
it took me a while but now I am fairly certain
guns and other projectile weapons may be fun IRL, but when you are reading a book or playing a computer game, it transforms from being "once removed" (i.e. you use a tool to do something to another tool which then does its job) "twice removed"... because you, like, use the book/computer in addition to the whole shebang
it becomes something akin to playing pool (try to hit a hole, "the job", with a ball that you hit with another ball you poke with a stick) instead of pinball or golf (hit a ball with a stick and it does its job, end of story)
I don't know about you guys but I prefer playing pinball & golf to playing pool

>> No.23191355

i like how all the bri'ish people were named something like Dunfrey Gribblesnatch or Foddley Hornbuckle and also how the depiction of the Weasleys as poor, redheaded, and with too many kids.
is it that Rowling was always covertly rightwing, or is it just that 90s liberalism now seems rightwing in retrospect?

>> No.23191415

Reminds me of that Onion thing about "World Of World Of Warcraft" where you play a young man playing WOW in his bedroom, and you can control his every move. "It's super-lifelike!" one beta tester says happily.

>> No.23191438

>set book 20000 years into the future
>religion exists
>feudalism exists
>fremen have advanced tech, without having industry somehow
Liberaloids just can't fathom a future that's not US liberalism, so the choices for sci-fi are always
>a) the present, but in space!
>b) the past, but in space!
Dune is the latter, and a rather moronic attempt at it

>> No.23191451

I don't think guns are very fun to fight with IRL. It's probably nice to shoot billion bullets at relatively stationary targets and lay down suppressing fire while waiting for artillery/airstrike support but being pinned down by enemy fire, even technologically inferior enemies is so indescribably shitty that it regularly traumatizes even elite fighting men

>> No.23191462

I suggested on a thread a while back that Dune would be much better if told first-person, but not from Paul's perspective. You want him to be a bit more mysterious.

The question is, whose perspective? Someone suggested Jessica. The trouble is, there's so much she never sees: it would get artificial, with her hearing lots of stuff second- or third-hand.

I think the answer is to tell it first-person from a whole bunch of different perspectives (like Game of Thrones). You still avoid Paul's though. You'd get an effect a bit like The Sound and the Fury, where three brothers talk about Caddy, but you never hear her story from her own lips. She ends up being this almost mythical figure. That's just what you want with Paul.

So you do that, tone up the prose, and do the whole saga. You could probably make a pretty decent 600-page book out of it.

>> No.23191469

unironically the only good solution is in the Predator movies - he will kill you in the most primitive way because he hunts you for fun

>> No.23191482


>> No.23191488

lmao what a great name

>> No.23191499

yea but not Jessica, we don't need Jessicas in the future

>> No.23191523

Finished Children this morning and not gonna lie, it was a slog. God Emperor has made me chuckle with how absurd it is so far.

>> No.23191525

read more Evola, he describes succintly that the past is the future, unless you want to evolve towards shitting in the middle of the street (or cannibalism)... as that's exactly where we are heading right now, with all the progressive ideology being implemented
feudalism was a gift from the heavens, an enhancement of the greatest governance system that ever existed: monarchy...

I was thinking more about the act of firing the weapon... comparing to using a stick or a blade where you have to chop or poke repeatedly ~ so yes, the biggest difference between IRL and reading/playing is indeed when target shooting (or hunting)
but otherwise WW2 showed us that the WW1 style drawbacks you mention can be avoided with enough use of that ball above the neck

>> No.23191589

The latter.
I still consider myself a liberal in the "classic liberal" sense of the word (individual freedom and free markets) but I now find myself aligned with the so called right wing party, it's weird.

>> No.23191595

>read more Evola
no thanks
>he describes succintly that the past is the future
fascist fantasies. history moves like a pendulum, but it's always forward. Even at the time of Herodotus some understood what retarded liberals and fascists can't

>> No.23191602

It's literally in-universe devolved arabic you dunce

>> No.23191612

>little fag hag says that degeneracy pushed by media & government practically worldwide is not enough for xhe
this is why you all need to be put to sleep... nothing is ever enough for street shitters like you

>> No.23191615

never said anything like that. US degeneracy, like anything, is temporal and will pass and be forgotten. the retarded thing is thinking this minor period in time will somehow echo in 20000 years

>> No.23191618
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>history moves like a pendulum, bit it's always forward
you actually agree with Evola but are just playing semantics to pretend you dont -- if you'd actually read him then you'd realize that.
you should listen to people smarter than you when they're giving you advice, autismo.

>> No.23191631

I absolutely don't agree with Evola. What I'm describing to you is historical materialism, not some fascist fetishization of the past. And please don't say you're smarter than me, you aren't

>> No.23191642

>t. doesn't get my reply yet has insight into what echos (or doesn't echo) beyond thosands of years
kys midget

>> No.23191643

only an idiot would care about naming in fiction

>> No.23191657

big if true Mr. Nigger McNiggerson

>> No.23191660

>doesn't get my reply
your reply is retarded. there won't be space feudalism in 20000 years. you're a literal mentally handicapped retard if you believe this, an animal that can't see past its current field of view

>> No.23191679
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