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/lit/ - Literature

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23184205 No.23184205 [Reply] [Original]

Haven't seen a thread for this in a while. Has this list been updated, also have any anons read any of these? If so what are your thoughts?

I remember The Consumer having a short story that stuck with me for a while. The story in question: The Coward. I don't think I've ever been so disgusted by a piece of literature before I read that story.

Anons share books/experiences with this subject in mind.

>> No.23184299
File: 1.67 MB, 1724x3246, Dark Chart 2.10 jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23184348

KEK isn't that book a shitpost?

>> No.23184466

>book a shitpost
normies have said that
but in fact it's an indie classic

>> No.23185778

E.T.A. Hoffmann has some disturbing short stories and novels, but most of the time without being over the top violent

>> No.23186036

ok mnmdr

>> No.23186436

what's the best and what's the most disturbing, lit? I presume they're probably not the same book.

Surprised between two fires isn't on here, that book is pretty disturbing, all the more so if you consider yourself Christian/Catholic

>> No.23186443

My diary desu

>> No.23187381

Great book

>> No.23187626

Dark yes, disturbing though? Eh, not really. It's probably the most pure piece of chanlit ever put to paper and if you've been on this website long enough you pretty much know what you're getting into. That said it's one of the funniest books I've ever read, even if the last third of it after the drawings kind of sucks and you just want it to end. Legitimately cracked me up at a couple points, anyone who's read it probably knows what I'm referring to.

>> No.23188908


>> No.23189457


>> No.23189462

>between two fires
Sounds pretty interesting, doesn't sound too disturbing though, just sounds like a horror. I'd like to check it out since the setting and time period is one of my favorites in fiction.

>> No.23189497

I like Richard Laymon. Dude was such a coomer.

>> No.23189745

>child of god
maybe if you read it in the 70's but even then barely "Disturbing " at all

>> No.23190191

I don't read a lot of genre-faithful splatter horror because I prefer novels like Thomas Bernhard's ”An Irritation” or de Chirico's ”Hebdomeros”, which are thought-provoking in their examination of human nature, insanity, insecurity and stupidity, and portray it with a mousy irony, but I think Sorokin is outstanding when it comes to immediate visual expression.
Especially in ”Roman”, ”Blue Lard” and the short story collection ”My First Working Saturday”, where all kinds of immoral things you could think of are done.
And I've recently read it in an anthology and I'm interested, what's your evaluation of Edward Carey and Lansdale here? Are they worth reading? If so, where do you think I should start reading?

>> No.23190330

I've seen some disturbing movies, but I've never read a disturbing book. Reading the synopses of some books recommended here leads me to believe that for you disturbing = explicit scenery of violence, degeneracy, dirty sex, fantasy monsters. I don't feel like the term is appropriate in these cases.

>> No.23190408

is Naked Lunch a good read?
The film was... confusing (I know it's not a direct adaptation)

>> No.23190428

Evil Companions should be on the chart

>> No.23192007
File: 1.48 MB, 1724x3246, Dark Chart 2.9 jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, creator of the chart here. This is the final version of the chart. It hasn't been updated since May 2019.

>> No.23192037

it's effective at times but at others it feels like a mockery, just dumb. also the prose is sometimes terrible, i'm not sure i would recommend it. but i would probably recommend it, it has some good things in it

>> No.23192042

>Haven't seen a thread for this in a while
It’s posted at minimum once a week, newfag

>> No.23192876

it's barely even horror tea be ache. I enjoyed it and there were some parts that could be described as disturbing but from the get go it's pretty obvious that the good guys are gonna win

>> No.23192979

Edward Lee, Carlton Mellick III, Kevin Sweeney

>> No.23193002

Little offtop: I tried to find book Damnation 101 by Kevin Sweeney for some time, but it doesn't seem to have electronic version. Reviews say it starts with scene of little boy raped by his own father in hell, just kind of shit i jack off too.

>> No.23194167


>> No.23194870

Not that I have read everything on the list but why is Death on Credit there?

>> No.23194881

Surprised there's no AS Byatt

>> No.23195104

Death on Credit was already present on the previous dark and disturbing chart, and a number of anons had shown their praise of the book during the creation of the new chart. (This chart is very much a collective effort, and I tried to collect as many opinions/arguments for the inclusion/removal of works on the chart.) Admittedly, one anon said that the amount of humour in the novel made him find it weird to put it alongside novels such as Hogg or Sotos' works.
Were I to make the chart again today, I might've removed it, but I'm not sure.

No one has mentioned Byatt in the discussions during the creation of the chart. Out of curiosity, which work/s do you think would be a good inclusion?

>> No.23196327

Has this list been updated?

Yes, the updated list now includes works by Peter Sotos, Dennis Cooper, and Jamie Stewart.

>> No.23196345

Is anything here known for it's prose?
Or is it simply shockslop?
Story of the Eye
Enjoyable enough but I don't remember being
too impressed with the prose?

>> No.23196460

The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang

Book was so hard to write it drove the author to suicide a short number of years after the books publication

>> No.23196703

how so?

>> No.23196705

Are things by Kevin Sweeney even worth reading? Sounds like it's just edgy, grotesque shock, value slop.

>> No.23196721

Thanks for the updated list!

>> No.23197653

I haven't read many of them, but check out Sarah Kane's plays, and Maldoror.

>> No.23197687

Thanks for the feedback and I just noticed Blood Meridian on the chart which has a reputation for its prose, I've yet to tackle it.