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23182784 No.23182784 [Reply] [Original]

I am tired of the disrespect he gets here and I’m not going to take it anymore. Was he Jewish? Homosexual? A pedo? So what? He was a damn fine poet

>> No.23182794

Yeah Howl is pretty amazing. It's one of the poems I most want to commit to memory but I lost my copy years ago and everytime I've checked my local bookstore for one since they haven't had it in stock.

>> No.23182795


>> No.23182886

I got redpilled reading his biography in high school: Ivy League schools have contracts with Jewish organizations, and these organizations pick a number of young attendants at their synagogues who then get a scholarship just on the merit of being Jewish. That's how Ginsberg got into Yale.

>> No.23182901

Yale? Anyway, Ginsberg deserved an Ivy League education and represented it well

>> No.23182906

Nah I'm good

>> No.23182946

He was a worthless fool who deserves to be forgotten, and barring that, looked at as an emblem of shame. Shame on him, and shame on you and anyone who calls his perverse slop "damn fine." Damn fool.

>> No.23182947

Ha! What could be more telling of a man's idiocy than that he inculcates the mind of a dead degenerate into himself?! LAUGHABLE! You are laughable.

>> No.23182957

Probably my least favorite beat in all seriousness

>> No.23182960

I do like Jack Kerouac though. There was some quote I can't find about how he was drinking with navy guys who were like "You're a good American guy Jack[even though he was French Canadian] why do you hang out with these commie faggot Jews?"

>> No.23182963
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>He was a damn fine poet
He wasn't though. There's footage of him reading a sexually graphic poem to a room full of fellow pedophiles at a NAMBLA conference.

>> No.23182971
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Wait until you find out what the greeks were up to

>> No.23182978

His physiognomy is disgusting so I absolutely believe he's Jewish and a pedophile.

>> No.23183023


>> No.23183034
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There is nothing noble about the Jewish countenance.

>> No.23183045

Uh...yeah lol

>> No.23183056
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> Mfw

>> No.23183103

Not the same at all, you're historically illiterate and a degenerate.

>> No.23183124

Nigga you don’t have any children nor will you ever so drop the schoolmarm puritan act on 4chinz, a site famous for its degeneracy including pizza

>> No.23183228

I liked Howl...in college. It's more a testament to the efficacy of anaphora than anything else, and a strong example of what can be done with stream of consciousness in free verse.
Ginsberg manages to be boring in the midst of spitting up every goofy bit of psychedelic imagery he can muster. A lot of it is meaningless, and all of it is self-indulgent.
Could the remainder of what he wrote that is of any value fill even a chapbook?

>> No.23183296

I'm not Jewish but I am a homo and a pedo, and I have no desire to pretend he was anything more than Howl, which was important only when it was written and shortly after, and never again.

>> No.23183329

So being against paedophiles makes you a puritan lol?

>> No.23183367

Yeah. Stay away from kids.

>> No.23183565

I've got a few pages memorized but still a lot to go. First poem I ever really loved. It is degenerate and filthy and cramped and yet has a trace of purity and hope.

>> No.23183573

The greatest trick that man is ever pulled is convincing the public that Howl was the stream of consciousness ravings of a lunatic, rather than the well considered and slowly put together poem that it was.

>> No.23183578

It's stream of consciousness style. Obviously he didn't sit down and crank that out all of that particular imagery. Drugs don't work that way.

>> No.23183594

>It's stream of consciousness style.
Yeah a style that can be emulated by careful consideration and long reflection. His point was to make it look like the last will and testament of a man in a lunatic asylum.

It worked.

>> No.23183604

>memorizing the words of an open pederast
Being a midwit is: "no censorship, muh heckin' banned books!" High IQ is admitting that the censors instincts were attuned and they were onto something.

>> No.23183988

>a damn fine poet
More like a one hit wonder. Howl was his only decent poem, generation defining poem.
>Nooooo, the Greeks weren't like that.... Because they just weren't!!! Who cares if they were fucking little boys, it's just different dude I promise

>> No.23183991

Twitter and Reddit migrants have really marked this site with their moralfaggotry. 4chan was once synonomous with homosexual pedo.
Now it appears all the pedos have left, and all that's remained are the homosexuals

>> No.23184003

> Was he Jewish?
Being born to a family with a dominant or somewhat dominant jewish side is a fault, but not a reason to kill oneself; being born to a family where both parents are jewish is a crime and one should kill himself immediately.

>> No.23184029

Are you an idiot? Have you read 20th-century books where names of places or people etc were censored? Also , why tf would someone ban Mein Kampf or other books for that matter instead of learnint from it and ensuring history doesnt repeat itself?

>> No.23184121

Do the worm on necropolis
Slamdance cosmopolis
Enlighten the populace

>> No.23184147

You guys just love to exaggerate. Ginsberg is just a man that wrote a ton of poems- some great, most average or plain boring- and one of those poems just happened to spark a literary movement.

The fact is, he is more notable for his political views and his lifestyle than he is for his writing. That's a shame, but Ginsberg's poetry is so mediocre that I struggle to care. And he was a bit of an arrogant shithead too.

>> No.23184292

don't like america

>> No.23184300

I read Howl because anons were raving and it is awful. The first line is iconic and that's it.

>> No.23184315

>He was a damn fine poet
lol no
if he hadn't been jewish he would've been forgotten decades ago

>> No.23184728

But why is he treated as "great" aside from the obvious explanation? His form was far better and sooner done by his mentor WCW or Pound, trying to be outrageous and shocking was passe since the decadents and proto-surrealists like the comte de lautreamont, and if you want homosexual poetry you have a million better choices. What does he bring to the table that others did not or could not, aside from being a spoiled jew?

>> No.23184765
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The real puzzling thing about the G.I.s (lol lmao haha) is how they were essentially the darlings of money at the time despite them only really writing expository, exhibitionist "fiction" for the plebs to learn what money was up to at the time. It's like some fucked up, life-long exercise in flashing the goods.
What pisses off the losers here, however, is that unlike them despite whoring their talents out said talent is still right there, blatantly staring back at you. The Muses sing (about boy ass) when reading these fucks.

>> No.23184769

>guy writes disgusting obscene trash
>censors catch on to him and do their job
>libtards make movies about the trial that ensues
>(they leave out the part where he joined a pedophile advocacy group)
>(they definitely don't film a scene where he reads a poem about fucking to a bunch of pedophiles at a conference)
You're a midwit.

>> No.23184774

Didn't the Lady Chatterley trial happen like years earlier, anyway? I don't think he was the first to be censored for obscenity.

>> No.23184780

Well, it didn't now that I checked but Lady Chatterley itself was written decades before Howl. And like that other anon mentioned outrageous and obscene poetry was nothing new under the sun by then.

>> No.23184794

If pedos exist, why censor them? Being low IQ is lashing out against anything you don't like or dismissing it based on your ever wavering morality.

>> No.23184820

Yeah, lots of books were. Lawrence isn't as marketable as the beats.
>defends pedophilia
Thanks for the colour show.

>> No.23184827

Yeah, you can't. Fuck off.

>> No.23184849

>ever wavering
Didn't like paedos twenty years ago. Don't like them now. Fuck off.

>> No.23184856

>You're a midwit.
Advocating for censorship is a half-wit take , sweaty.

>> No.23184874

He was a Jewish nepo-baby. Never earned a thing by merit in his entire life.

>> No.23184892
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>> No.23186180


anybody else have hte privilege of living in john jay?

>> No.23186290

I'm one of the memorization guys. Censorship definitely has its place, but Howl won its trial for artistic merit outweighing vulgarity and I agree with that assessment. If we threw out every pedophile author, well, then, there goes a solid chunk of the greats.
I don't go there lol, Ginsberg did. He was kicked out for writing swears on his dorm window. How's life at Columbia, are you suffering?

>> No.23186309

Paedophilia is different from hebephilia, and homosexuality was never an all-dominating practice among the Greeks. Even the Greeks who were attracted to men were usually also attracted to women. And when someone was homosexual, there were far greater cultural virtues implicit to the practice unlike NAMBLA or the LGBT movement.

You're a fucking moron.

>> No.23186403

Howl is great, but it's the kind of poem that you eventually outgrow. A 20-year-old who loves Howl has his head on straight, but a 30-year-old who loves Howl is a retard

>> No.23186423

I’m in my 30’s and successful in most facets of life. @ me, nigga

>> No.23186642

t. an anon facing his first midlife crisis. Time's passage is cruel.

>> No.23187302

damn straight.