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23182687 No.23182687 [Reply] [Original]

I really like listening to DNB for some reason.

>> No.23182690

No, I couldn't concentrate at both at once.

>> No.23182702

Recently i've been listening to a lot of jazz while i read. Billie Holliday, Chet Baker, Coltrane, just some nice background stuff. Sometimes i can be a bit womanly and try to match the music im reading to the book, like classic spanish guitarr when reading hemingway

>> No.23182704

I like listening to music when I write. It helps improve the flow of my thinking and paints a picture of the scene I want to detail. But not while i'm reading. Seems too superfluous. The book itself should have captured my attention by then to even think about putting on a song.

>> No.23182707
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>Sometimes i can be a bit womanly and try to match the music im reading to the book, like classic spanish guitarr when reading hemingway

>> No.23182708

If there is ambient noise, would you find it preferable to listen to music instead? Or read with whatever sounds in the background, like talking

>> No.23182710

Normally this but I listen to instrumental shit like OP or >>23182702 if there's ambient noise I need to block out.

>> No.23182716

It's kino and you can pretend to be above it... but you know you love it

>> No.23182731

No, just chirping birds, humming insects,wind in the trees and the distant drone of highways

>> No.23182736

I don't mind whatever noise is around me as long as it's not too loud, I just block it out and stop hearing it once I get into the book.

>> No.23184090

I listen to DJ screw whenever I'm writing kek, most times I'm reading though I'm not listening to anything unless it's soothing, an example would be agalloch I can guarantee I've read while listening to them in the past, other black metal too shit like immortal, also should be said if I'm out in public reading I'll rather listen to anything over people and cars

>> No.23184092

I'm not him but I don't, I hate Hemingway and much prefer Brazilian tunes

>> No.23184279

I listen to the ambient music. Recommend me a book with such vibes:

>> No.23184314

Yea, and what I listen to depends on the novel and the scene. Sometimes I get lazy if I can't find a good pianist for a specific country or era. More complex classical music is too distracting.

>> No.23184336

Ambient music. anything more complex and I can't focus.


>> No.23184341

Sometimes they mention specific artists in books and I usually listen to them for a bit while reading.

>> No.23184896

I was laughing at the "I can be a bit womanly" piece

>> No.23185538

Yes. Of recent Avalon Sutra by Harold Budd. Occasionally some ambient soundtrack mixes from YouTube too.

>> No.23185590
