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File: 100 KB, 750x600, isaac-asimov-on-anti-intellectualism[1]..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2318116 No.2318116 [Reply] [Original]

How do we combat rampant anti-intellectualism in the western world?

>> No.2318124


>> No.2318126

Selective franchise.

>> No.2318127

You can't. The intellectual zeitgeist (sorry other thread) is dead. The intellectual elite have become too closely associated with the state, too bourgeois, and all thought is now standardized and institutionalized. That's the real threat, nevermind the proles who dislike evolution theory or whatever they're doing this week.

>> No.2318141

By bein' intellectuals and being unashamed about it. Reading things and thinking about things and talking about the things we read and think about. That's most of it, really.

>> No.2318143

Men will strive to be intelligent once intelligence starts getting more men laid.

>> No.2318146

You can't. Intellectualism is a personal quest and personal quests are over. We are more individualistic today, because we are less personal and we are only strong in group. We are cells of a living body and the brain of this body is not intellectualism, it's politics. We are the cancer.

>> No.2318147

see, this is precisely NOT the way to combat anti-intellectualism. it's some bullshit pseudo-intellectualism. if you're not sincerely engaged in something that can be called intellectual, if you're doing it with the ulterior motive of looking cool or getting laid - what's the good of being intellectual instead of anti-intellectual, then? that's no defense of intellectualism. that's no good alternative. more or less, you're proclaiming the victory of anti-intellectualism, if that's the best hope you have for intellectualism.

>> No.2318151

bomb all of the mass media/information companies.

>> No.2318154


Second Holocaust that finishes the job.

>> No.2318155
File: 17 KB, 288x285, Fruta-Avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like saying we will eat more avocado and less bananas when avocado starts tasting like bananas.

>> No.2318160

I think the man is just expressing his sense of humor.

>> No.2318167

There's no need. The belief that the west is somehow 'anti-intellectual' is the same old little persecution complex you see in people claiming that the west is 'anti-christian' or this or that.

Intellectuals do pretty damn well for themselves.

>> No.2318176

I have to disappoint you, cancer are cells that divide and grow uncontrollably. I would not say that about intellectuals. Maybe we're just an annoying wart.

>> No.2318187
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My point was that they are doing chemo on us and winning.

>> No.2318194

We start a foundation for a new empire before the old one collapses in anarchy and barbarism.

>> No.2318203

Why would you hate on anti-intellectualism? Why not keep all the smarts for yourself?

>> No.2318207


>> No.2318209
File: 28 KB, 450x360, 173a4e08444b33dd43cd7ac80ceacd74_516160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing to combat.

It's more of a process of conformity and non-conformity.

Look for example, many years ago in film. All the men of science were depicted as insane. Now we see shows like "The Big Bang Theory" depict people that enjoy intellectual pursuits as awkward and socially inept. On one hand this is negative, on the other hand it can be looked at as a transformation by "humanizing" people that enjoy intellectual pursuits, from the perspective of the general public. In any case, knowledge is power, and the fact that many kids from 3rd world countries are begging for knowledge I don't see a decline, but a sharp increase in our overall understanding of facts that exist external to the mind. If a large proportion of our 1st world country simply degenerates, then so be it. I simply do not describe to Malthusian ideas of something along the lines of an idiocracy.

>> No.2318214

Obviously we should join Academia and insult outsiders subtly and passive-agressively, with our devastating irony and sly allusions to the likes of Derrida and Duchamp. And build a big fucking wall around the campus.

>> No.2318215

>I simply do not describe to
>describe to
Well of course YOU wouldn't be concerned by anti-intellectualism.

>> No.2318218

ban science to give it the cachet of risk and transgression that comes with illegality

imagine cargo of petri dishes smuggled across the caribbean on speedboats... imagine midnight raids on underground crews of geneticists doing punnett squares... imagine a mild mannered marine biologist as public enemy #1. sicence would be imbued at long last with coolness, and kids would seek to emulate the renegade scientists who flee the clutches of the law

end the war on drugs -- begin the war on science

>> No.2318219


Not very eesy to put into efekt tho. Dhis efekt of wot the Nazis did is perhaps eeven wurs than dhaer kiling of jues. Befor WW2, many kuntris had working ujeniks programs. I rekall reeding that Sweden steriliezed about 1% of its population. This is not eeven enuf to steriliez all <70 IQ peeple, sins they kompries sum 2-3% of dhe popuelashon.

However, liberal ujeniks wil be avaelabl for the rich suun. It wil taek alot of tiem befor ujeniks wil hav an efekt.

[Trying out a nue orthografy system. It is very diferent from Tradishonal Orthografy, but has a prety good sound-speling relaenshonship.]

>> No.2318220

>I simply do not describe to Malthusian ideas of something along the lines of an idiocracy.
where do you live? what class are you?

>> No.2318226


Reminds me of dhis kweut [quote]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edgar_Wallace
"The intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex".

>> No.2318234

We don't have to fight it. Just take the power from their open hands.

>> No.2318238

Not trolling, but anti-intellectualism in this time and place is coming from three sources. One is the midwestern/evangelical voter base in the US, which pushes politicians to adapt anti-intellectual stances (see Bachmann, Santorum, Perry, et. al). The other is a growing view that education will not do anything for you, evidenced in anti-college rhetoric across the US. Unfortunately, that is a cost/supply demand problem, not a problem with becoming learned, but most people cannot see the difference. They demonize the ultra-liberal academia, and its hurting the publics perception of science. Finally, a great deal of damage has come from the growing acceptance of Urban and "guido" culture among the youth, which has been in progress since the early 80s. Black culture is inherently anti-intellectual, and its club-boy white iteration is equally damaging and disgusting.

I dont know what the situation is in Japan, China, India, South America, or Europe. I hope to hell they arent copying our cultural trends.

>> No.2318242


fuck off dr. paul

>> No.2318247

precocious 9th grader

>> No.2318248

By pulling liberal arts programs. That way, there is no anti-intellectualism because there is no intellectualism.

>> No.2318255

Who are these 'intellectuals'? as i see it scientists, doctors, lawyer, psychologists, artists, philosophers, mathematicians, all bicker and take pot shots at one another. What is this anti-intellectualism that you claim runs rampant? I just don't see a coherent group of 'intellectuals' that could be reasonably considered persecuted.

>> No.2318262

Do you people really think anti-intellectualism is a problem right now?

That's so funny. Don't you people know? BEING SMART IS COOL!

Just look at /mu/, /lit/, /sci/, /pol/...

Hipster culture and our unanimous hatred of it?

Policing ourselves with the word pseudo?

None of this is ringing a bell?

>> No.2318265
File: 59 KB, 450x360, 0f557a30433b39992536f2e902703733_113672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In between doing things, didn't proof read. The symbols should be arranged in such a way that get across what I'm trying to describe.


Deal with it, nerd.

>> No.2318268



Go outside and talk to some people for awhile. You'll find out soon enough this isn't the case.

>Just look at /mu/, /lit/, /sci/, /pol/...

Extremely small percentage of the world my friend.

>Hipster culture and our unanimous hatred of it?

A word driven too far into obscurity to be used and get across what you're trying to describe.

I understand what you're trying to say, but you have to realize the world is a much larger place.

>> No.2318267


Clearly you dont go grocery shopping every couple of days. Best example of the current cross section of people, and for fucks sake, those people have never discussed a book ever. Except for the cashiers, they are all lit majors.

>> No.2318285
File: 111 KB, 500x376, everyone is stupid except me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so damned retarded just gtfo and never come back.

more retards itt:

[/spoiler]point that finger to a mirror, children with everyone ____ except me syndrome. [/spoiler]

>> No.2318288

But, I disagreed with the rest of them.

How can I still be grouped with them?

>> No.2318289

Though it's a bit dated, Hofstader's "Anti-Intellectualism in American Life" offers a lot of interesting ideas about this subject. Also, Roze thread.

>> No.2318292

Hey tripfag, Im willing to assume that everyone on Lit (except people cheating on homework) is either fairly intelligent or trying to at least better themselves through literature. Also, you are a piece of shit.

>> No.2318293
File: 44 KB, 250x250, 10974v3-max-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Free iPads for underprivileged kids.

>> No.2318296

I hate to be a fucking nerd, but why iPads?

Why not $900.00 PCs running Archlinux or some bleeding tier OS.

Seems like it would be fun.

>> No.2318298
File: 128 KB, 330x1000, ipodipadipid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2318299

Who dat?

>> No.2318300


I need this tripfag to come back or I'll never know what I did wrong...

>> No.2318302
File: 60 KB, 400x600, 1325012293551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you were >>2318262 then you're partly excused. not that you should care. seriously. i would argue that the youth of today has been saying the same shit for centuries. finish school and get a real job. worry about food on your plate or that your children are taken care of. and you'll know why older folks will roll their eyes when they hear people talk of intellectualism and anti intellectualism. it's some serious masterbatory bullshit.

cool story, bro. there are more ways to better oneself than a person can experience in a lifetime. i love to read too, and that's why /lit/ is my stomping grounds, but at least i don't act like it's some saving grace from idiocy.

>> No.2318307

It reminds me how poor kids in Africa run those obsolete computer dumps for working parts only to join the scamming gangs. Would they evolve into vicious gangs of hackers if introduced with better technology and knowledge? Would be interesting to see.

>> No.2318310

Like nearly everyone ITT you have grossly oversimplified what's going on. There is often nothing wrong with being an anti-intellectual, and there is often everything wrong with being an intellectual.

>> No.2318312

"Black culture is inherently anti-intellectual"
1/10 troll harder plz
you should speak for yourself

maybe the issue with anti-intellectualism is that it's against intellectuals-- most people aren't against people that know things, but a lot of them are against "intellectuals"
my suggestion: don't act like an intellectual-- I'm not saying we should lie or be someone other than who we are, just tone down unusual mannerisms, whether they're in speech, action, or even facial expressions (e.g.: semi-reflexively rolling your eyes when someone says something blisteringly stupid) when in public or even just not around family or not around friends that understand you
captcha: lutionary dhosust

>> No.2318313

itt anti-intellectualism

as i see it, intellectualism is the belief that there's something important to thought and to knowledge of the history of culture and thought, for its own sake. worrying about the immediate practical necessities of life is necessary, that's part of human life, but i also think it is worthy to care about these things. things of the mind have value of their own, they're not masturbatory bullshit. i don't think it is "better than" and i don't think "everybody except me....". i think this intellectual heritage is a valuable thing to pay attention to and study. whether "older folks" laugh at me or not.

>> No.2318314

is this you
because i know who this is, im just wondering why havent you posted any videos recently?
also fuck that guy who keeps giving away your details...

>> No.2318316

>as i see it, intellectualism is the belief that there's something important to thought and to knowledge of the history of culture and thought
Except it's always really about prioritizing certain viewpoints. The intellectual becomes the one to know the "real" truth, unlike those other plebs (and thus it becomes a kind of power wossname).

>> No.2318323

i don't agree altho i think that can and often does happen as a result of human weakness and imperfection. insomuch as intellectuals sometimes fail at being-intellectuals. um also i don't think there's anything problematic about "intellectuals thinking they know the real truth" because, i mean, that is the nature of truth innit

>> No.2318324
File: 49 KB, 450x360, 4310d0ddad6bc8af784d288064a2dd7e_301833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, Rose saves hundreds of her own images for the sake of posting on 4chan.

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.2318325

Not possible, OP. As we know by now, intellectualism is mostly genetic. You can't force people to be smart and open-minded. Also because of genetic selfishness, almost everyone is using their individual intelligence to achieve their own ends.

>> No.2318327

Who is this girl, I need to know.

Polite sage.

>> No.2318328
File: 108 KB, 640x502, 1324882846601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. I have to get off facebook.

How many of you say memes in real life?

How many of you still make "WMD" jokes?

How many of you make fun of Twilight fans?

This fucking metamodernism thing is going to kill me.

You guys consume at a fucking stupid rate, but are still 1 step behind anything that matters.

I'm going into law...I'll find actual thinkers there.

>> No.2318329

"All truth is crooked" - Nietzsche

If you think you can find Truth with a capital T, you're going on a fool's errand imo.

>> No.2318330


>> No.2318331

i'm familiar with the viewpoint.

>> No.2318333


Read the fucking post.

>> No.2318334


>I'm going into law...I'll find actual thinkers there.

i have no mouth but i must lol

>> No.2318336

>I'm going into law...I'll find actual thinkers there.
To be young and naive.

>> No.2318332

>This fucking metamodernism thing is going to kill me. You guys consume at a fucking stupid rate, but are still 1 step behind anything that matters.


>I'm going into law...I'll find actual thinkers there.


>> No.2318339

i think somebody needs a hug.
let it all out.

>> No.2318344

The only other point that jumps out is this "professionalisation" of being an intellectual; that is there are some basic rules that one must follow to be an intellectual, and that "bad" intellectuals should not be called intellectuals. However, if you can't follow the above, I'm not in the mood to expand on it, suffice to say it's the same argument for why you can never have a bad doctor.

>> No.2318347

No it's not.

What the fuck is wrong with you.

It's the same argument as why you don't see bike shop owners inventing revolutionary products.

You don't see bad doctors because stupid people choose safety over freedom.

>> No.2318349

i'd go less with "professionalism" and more akin to a greek argument about "being an intellectual". in the same way that a doctor who does not give good advice in curing people is failing at the task of being a doctor, an intellectual who makes it a power thing is failing at the task of being an intellectual. uummmmm but he can fail at that and still succeed at being an intellectual at other moments. rite?

>> No.2318350

Okay, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.2318351

Yeah, Rose, how the fuck will I be able to find more photos of her with just her first name?

Thanks anyway.

Again, polite sage.

>> No.2318358
File: 97 KB, 580x661, 1326135218924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I?

Is that what you're going with?

I'm retarded? Yes, that it's exactly. You sir, with the awful argument that made no sense have figured out that I'm retarded.

(I suffer from cerebal lulzy)

>> No.2318361

two five-star posts itt

see, i made the mistake of pushing it to the extreme. you're assuming that just because i think priorities change for most adults i totally disregard the value of knowledge. that's wrong. let me ask you this. are people anti-intellectual because they're genuinely unknowing or are they anti-intellectual because their perspective is different? and i think there are idiots, just not as many as some people think.

unless their truth is understanding something more empathetic. which is where good literature comes in. :)

>> No.2318364
File: 228 KB, 475x544, 1323528490194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have all the information in the world, our mental rooms are packed. The intellectuals now are those who can filter all that stuff and clear things out for everyone else.

Stop trying to take it all in, you can't. Choose your fights, choose what you read and choose what you say.

I just made a speed reading of this thread and I'm not going to miss my time educating you fags.

>> No.2318365

>see, i made the mistake of pushing it to the extreme. you're assuming that just because i think priorities change for most adults i totally disregard the value of knowledge. that's wrong. let me ask you this. are people anti-intellectual because they're genuinely unknowing or are they anti-intellectual because their perspective is different? and i think there are idiots, just not as many as some people think.

i don't think "anti-intellectual" is the same as "not an intellectual" or "idiotic", for one thing

>> No.2318368

>How do we combat rampant anti-intellectualism in the western world?

make sure smart people don't behave like /lit/

>> No.2318370
File: 10 KB, 200x236, ThisIsAPieceOfCheese1937-S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, but it doesn't change the fact that they occupy a certain space within society, and that can be exploited. Harold Shipman failed at being a doctor, but that he was not acting as a doctor at the time is no consolation for the people he took advantage of. To borrow from Magritte, it is not if we can describe something as x but if we treat it as x that gives it reality as x, otherwise we are susceptible to the treachery of images.

Pic related, a piece of cheese.

>> No.2318373

ummm i think of intellectualism less as a societal occupation and more as an activity, when defending intellectualism i don't want to defend "the intellectual caste" and i think all that stuff about how you act specifically in society is to some extent a question different from the one about the value of being intellectual and caring about the intellectual things

is that valid

>> No.2318378

>is that valid
Sure, why not? But then you have to reevaluate what the term "anti intellectualism" means exactly. I can only think it would be in terms of normative oppression.

>> No.2318380
File: 38 KB, 389x400, 2aff7__must-have.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where is that picture from!?

>> No.2318382


Adjective: Of or relating to the intellect: "intellectual stimulation".

Noun: A person possessing a highly developed intellect.


Noun: Extremely stupid behavior

>anti intellectual:

philistine: a person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits.


Preposition: Opposed to; against.


nice post. i think the analogy also applies to our sense of "anti-intellectualism."

>> No.2318385

it is not the same to be "opposed to" intellectual pursuits as it is to be "uninterested in" intellectual pursuits. i would only call someone in the first category an anti-intellectual.

>> No.2318387


I'm not joking, I might die

I have to know from which movie this picture has originated its origins

>> No.2318388


>> No.2318389

Annie Hall

>> No.2318392

So would I be mostly correct if I said politics is something that intelligent people shouldn't involve themselves in?

>> No.2318394


Thousands thanks, may rubies and diamonds fall on your heads

Carry on, gentlemen

>> No.2318397

although different, for the purposes of the argument i think the terms are interchangable, as they inevitably spell out the same thing for intellectuality. if you disagree on this point hopefully you knew what i meant anyways.

>> No.2318404

i can rewrite the post if you're worried about semantics. you're right in that the literal definitions are different. yet, when i re-read the post it still makes sense to me.

>> No.2318409

my answer varies every day. and i'm pretty sure i'll never know for sure.

>> No.2318595

look up rose plays games

>> No.2318602

Its only in America OP

>> No.2318617


You were saying?

>> No.2318631

Anti-intellectualism, like many other forms of bigotry, has simply become an internalized and individualized process.
Nobody thinks they're anti-intellectual. And they all hate "those intellectuals", meanwhile "these intellectuals" are good.
That's why you have all of these people saying itt there's no such thing as intellectualism or anti-intellectualism, and the people claiming that there's no solving it (the perspective is bleak when you see how it's become two-fold entrenched both in psyche and social behavior), and this also explains those who favor outrageous (possibly stupid, and possibly anti-intellectual in themselves) ideas/beliefs and yet still claim to be intellectual themselves. This also explains the in-fighting between schools of thought and individuals with clout in academic circles; however, in this instance I would be more willing to define the "anti-intellectual" as those who spread misinformation while simultaneously vilifying those with standards and practices which show an intellectual basis in reason, than I would say that intellectuals fighting each other is inherently "anti-intellectual."

Anti-intellectualism is not a cohesive something, nor is it an arbitrary abstract: it's a facet of social reality and there's very little that can be done to change it. At this point in time, it is considered deviant to be an intellectual. What can be done? Change social expectations and perceptions. How? Fucked if I know... good luck?

>> No.2318645

Anti-intellectualism is usually a sign of weariness and scepticism over elitism. If you want to overcome the stigma of being an intellectual, reinvent yourself as an expert who will protect the masses from other forms of elitism.

>> No.2318648

For an intellectual, or an admirer of them, you seem to lack any substantion in your post. The figuring of something as 'good' seems a bit unconvincing as well.
You see, to be convinced you need to have logic or arguments, and top it with credible emotion to feel the same way.

>> No.2318649

>Anti-intellectualism, like many other forms of bigotry, has simply become an internalized and individualized process.

To clarify what I mean by internalized and individualized:
I've heard throughout my life people of my generation saying things (and I've even heard it from black comedians) the distinction between black people and niggers.
But let's transpose this dichotomy for a second here. If you said, "I don't hate all people, just lazy assholes." I could ask you to define "lazy assholes." You go ahead and do, with your criteria. Now, we've discovered that your problem with niggers is that they are lazy assholes who are black, and you've chosen a word which is a racial epithet inclusive of stereotypes about black people.
Is this racist? Yes. It's a claim about black people: it differentiates between white lazy assholes and black lazy assholes. But people will usually make this point in the context of explaining how they are not racist, or that they are only somewhat racist.
It's been internalized. "I'm not racist, I just..."
And it's been individualized. "He's a good one, but that one over there..."

>> No.2318651

>For an intellectual, or an admirer of them, you seem to lack any substantion in your post. The figuring of something as 'good' seems a bit unconvincing as well.
What is "good" is relative to the person. I just said it's been internalized and individualized. To define the "good" is an exercise in futility: I'm using it in a general sense in reference to the myriad of ways in which people perceive "good."

>> No.2318653 [DELETED] 

Education is the babe of the intellectual.

>> No.2318656

Education is the bane of the intellectual.

>> No.2318657

We have to understand that typical go to college, get a degree, get a job with that degree, get married, get kids is very cliche. What about the inbetween? Plus the Left in this country has been destroyed. Where are our left-winged think tanks? All we have is right-wing think tanks? We used to public sectors of socialism and anarchism being talked about. All we have is the Corporate Fascists abusing the workers of this country and people around the world.

>> No.2318666

Being an intellectual isn't bad at all

>> No.2318669

Well, the FBI sort of stomped them all out.

Closest we have left is people like Jello Biafra and Noam Chomsky.

>> No.2318675

In American society, it's often depicted as something undesirable. From mad scientists to socially inept math lovers to "useless subjects" like philosophy and sociology, the intellectual is derided in many ways. I'm less inclined to immediately call this anti-intellectualism, but it does lead to a sort of climate in which anti-intellectualism thrives.

>> No.2318680

People can think whatever they want, but learning a lot pays off in so many ways that aren't immediately obvious. Knowing a lot can make you an excellent conversationalist, an interesting person, and for me is simply satisfying.

Of course, the more you know, the more you realize you don't know, but that's a whole different topic.

>> No.2318682
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 1325794470658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when you lit-fags who hate genre fiction quote sc-fi authors.
>mfw when I'm on a board with people more hypocritical than me.

>> No.2318683

>Knowing a lot can make you an excellent conversationalist, an interesting person, and for me is simply satisfying.
>thinks knowledge is just a means to an end
>doesn't realize the only knowledge is knowing nothing

>> No.2318684

Make an Intellectual Paradise.
Gather the greatest artists, scientists, engineers, architects, etc... in one independent nation, and close the door.
While the world goes to hell for a couple months, the one paradise is enjoying a high point. They'll appreciate intellectualism when the Paradise opens up and releases incredible new artwork and technology and medicine.

The two major problems with this are
1: Selecting/gathering willing and able participants for the Paradise. A minimum IQ wouldn't really work because not every artist is exactly Einstein. A test of culture wouldn't work because not every scientist or mathemetician is a huge Alain Resnais fan. Therefore one would have to select an arbitrary set of criteria, which allows for room for error, which, in a society composed entirely of intellectuals and artists, would lead to, of course, anti-intellectualism, in the form of bitching about "pretentious" people.

2: Finding an area or nation willing to cede control to the intellectual movement. It wouldn't be as simple as just taking over a small country or even retreating into the woods like the transcendentalists, as governments sure love their taxes.

Just a theory, anyways. It'd be hell all over earth and most of us would likely be excluded from the Paradise, including myself, but I think it'd be worth it for the greater good that could possibly result from it.

>> No.2318686

Addressed in the second part of my post, I guess you didn't read it.

>> No.2318690

Sounds beautiful. They'd need some nukes to protect themselves from the barbarians tho.

>> No.2318694

>the only knowledge is knowing nothing
is not the same as
>the more you know, the more you realize you don't know
The first is the Socratic paradox, the second is a corruption of a quote from the Tao Te Ching

>> No.2318696


>Atlas Thugged

>> No.2318715

Two intellectuals getting a baby that isn't smart.
Im pretty sure they would throw that away.
Oh, wait, suddenly your paradise is gone.

>> No.2318718

They can throw it away

or be excommunicated for being faggots

>> No.2318719
File: 65 KB, 790x416, atlass.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying it'd even take that long
Pic related

>> No.2318938

I'm all for it.

Active and indiscriminate eugenics.

We just need to call it something airy and light... like "Release" instead of murder.

>> No.2318942

>Atlas Hugged

>> No.2318944
File: 57 KB, 384x500, atlas krunked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atlas Krunked

>> No.2318955
File: 65 KB, 510x680, bright-lights-big-city-jay-mcinerney..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this. While I believe that the part about his mother was rather out-of-place and manipulative, the rest of the story was well-paced, with a huge cast of surprisingly fleshed-out characters. What did /lit/ think?

>> No.2318980

But the origins are the same, are you really going to say that they aren't resultant from the same reasoning?

>> No.2318983

McInerney is the worst of the brat pack.

>> No.2318986


>Atlas Chugged

>> No.2318989

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>> No.2318997
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>> No.2319005

> Atlas bugged

>> No.2319007

Anti-intellectualism is not new.

It's just like whoring or thievery.
No sense "combating" it. Just be glad you don't partake.

>> No.2319026

Since I haven't seen you make a thread about your orthography system, I'll just ask you here:
Why do you spell "even" as "eeven" but spell "countries" as "kuntris"? Isn't it the same long e sound (sorry, don't really know IPA) in both words?
Why are you writing "steriliez"? I'm asking about the "ie", in words like "believe" and I think also in German it makes a long e sound.
I think your "ae" ought to be replaced with "ay", but I'm used to the "ae" of Latin where it sounds like the i in "high".

>> No.2319237
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Try this, anon.

It's kind of a false utopia.

>> No.2319244

please don't respond to him. he's never articulated exactly why he thinks spelling reform is so important. instead he points to obscure european thinkers and has us do the work

>> No.2319281

o he's given quite lucid and informative reasons. Part if it, if I'm not mistaken, is going against the strict, classist system of grammar and spelling, something which I am all for.

>> No.2319283

The less intelligent people there are the less competition you have. Don't you want your grand-children (assuming you have any) to be able to get into their dream university with virtually no competition?

>> No.2319293


I want to kill you.

>> No.2319294

You're all for it because you are him. The other reason is because your spelling is shit.

>> No.2319633


Babe or bane?

>> No.2319649


You endorse spelling and grammar, yet you end your sentence with a preposition. Funny, that! Like my fragment?

>> No.2319650


>> No.2319651

Something for which I am all

>> No.2319682


Notice how I used the word "endorse" in my sentence to subtly give you the suggestion of how you could have constructed a grammatically correct sentence?
