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/lit/ - Literature

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23179923 No.23179923 [Reply] [Original]

Antediluvian edition
Old >>23177629

>> No.23179928
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>> No.23179944


>> No.23179947
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>> No.23179960

This board is no longer a place where I can talk about the things I want to talk about. I don’t know why I come here. I open a thread about a certain philosopher and it’s all worthless, insincere replies.

>> No.23179965

Man Gaelic is such a beautiful, dare I say mystical language. Bring back Gaelic!

>> No.23179966
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>> No.23180000

This board has gotten seriously terrible. It was never great, but now there's way too many short quipy replies like I am on twitter. Even wwoym has degenerated into this style of posting
I remember when wwoym used to have lots of replies that were at least a full paragraph that would be people just musing about life. Now it fills up so fast because of people using it like discord
It's time to leave.

>> No.23180001

Is it just me or does the Canadian national anthem hit different? I literally want to die for Canada after this.

>> No.23180023

The old unofficial one is kind of nice too

Stan Rogers writes good "Canadiana" folk music:

>> No.23180030

Thank you for posting this! Listening to this made me rather emotional.

>> No.23180033

Farewell anon

>> No.23180117

I feel like the earth and place I live in are simultaneously impossibly old and painfully new. Also I've been doodling more lately.
I've also been considering feeding the bird where I live. I want to befriend a crow.
You mean Neecher? Even in academia I'm pretty sure discussing him is kind of cancerous.
I'm glad things are getting better for him but I'm pretty sure that post appears when you search for the urban dictionary definition of Bugman. It has all the signs. Weed, chemical cocktail of psychoactive meds, therapy. Not a good mix, in my opinion.
Nice quads, I agree. No one pays you any mind unless it's some inflammatory garbage.

>> No.23180120

I'm grooming this 19 year old girl.

>> No.23180125 [DELETED] 


>> No.23180130

Being positively acknowledged by a woman who sees me as a potential partner makes me feel sick. I can't really express this without people thinking I'm trying to say I'm gay.
What a weird thing to crave intimacy and be actively repulsed by all positivity and be unable to feel anything when I see a woman

>> No.23180132

>19 year old girl
Nice b8

>> No.23180140

Out of all of thousands if not millions things that you could have posted you chose to post about some roastie.
And then people wonder why the board turned to shit.

>> No.23180149

It's probably because they're ugly. I thought this was the case for me but realized upon introspection I only felt that way because a majority of women who have been attracted to me were ugly. That feeling of being repulsed by 'intimacy' only faded when I felt like I was matched well with this or that girl.

>> No.23180153
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Looking for advice. Shamelessly copy pasting from a post on adv but this is the board I frequent the most.
Looking for help between two life paths. And just help in general.

So I'm 23 and Canadian for context.
Long story short I've been fucked up since the beginning of highschool. Lots of mental illness in the family, no I don't mean 'neurodivergent' I mean my dad was unemployed since I was 5 and in and out of the psyche ward. My brother the same (psyche ward, bipolar). My only consistent friend is a literal diagnosed schizophrenic man child, I love him but that's just to give more context as to how weird my situation has been. Sister never speaks to my parents etc.
I'm finally finally finding my own power and ability to self organize, since my parents never taught me anything, once I learned to clean my self and cook for myself at 12 they considered that a job well done. I'll be getting my drivers license this time next year.
I'm currently working minimum wage job. And am planning (for the intent of this post consider it a bald fact) to finish highschool next year as well.

So in many ways I feel like I'm simply picking up where I left off around grade 10. That's when I dropped out of highschool and subsequently spent years at home as an agoraphobic.

>> No.23180158

So that's that. Now I see two possibilities that attract me.
A big part of me wants to just go to university, I really just want to be normal and have friends and be able to explain these past years away as 'oh yeah guess I struggle with depression haha'.
But I'll be 24 going into university. Could I have a kind of social life at that age in uni? I look very young, dare I say impish. And frankly am mentally quite young. If I just don't make a big deal of my age could I just integrate with every other freshman?

The other possibility is this. I buy a van, kit it out to live in it and travel. My sister who I previously mentioned stays at communes. There's a site called workaway which basically just advertises various kinds of odd living situations geared towards travellers. Communes, farms, hostels, that sort of thing. I'm not doing an amazing job explaining it but just assume I'd be able to live that life, my sister would help me figure it out.

So these are the options I'm thinking of, I NEED to leave home as soon as possible, and the soonest which is possible is really a year away or so. Till then I'll be working and preparing in every other way. I can not continue living with my brother and dad or I'll end up in the same wretched bucket as them. So I guess you could say the overall goal is to just find independence. Amd the two most appealing ways I can think of are what i have layed out.

What do you think? Uni, or weird bohemian guy, or something else? Or just general advice for getting out of a fucked up family. And don't underestimate how weird my family is. I know "everyone has problems" but some people have more okay.
Id really want to just go to uni, buty main worry is that I'd stick out like a sore thumb due to age.

>> No.23180160

My internet is off until tomorrow, hopefully

>> No.23180165

See you tomorrow

>> No.23180166

Thats not really the case for me

>> No.23180198

I wish I could go study for a phd and have it mean something and I could have a job after.

>> No.23180201

It probably is unless you're referencing some serious psychological issue that prevents you from intimacy. For most (men) it's a incompatibility thats percieve at the level of beauty. Again, a large majority of women who will be attracted to you are ugly. You can force yourself to look past this but the nagging feeling of repulsion will still be there.

>> No.23180208

I'm having this weird feeling where I am simultaneously exhausted and wired. Like my legs feel electrified and I could go run for an hour, but my head is foggy and clouded and all I want to do is sleep. I'm pacing restlessly but I have no focus and it's hard to keep my eyes open. Can stress cause this?

>> No.23180219

Weird to think that the sphinx wasn't dug out until relatively recently. Crazy how a 6000 year old civilization just sort of disappeared overnight basically

>> No.23180226

I'd be more apathetic if I weren't so lethargic

>> No.23180233

Dubs and I kill myself

>> No.23180237

You can't groom someone over the age of consent you fucking retard.
Not him but strangely enough I seem to have absolutely no standards when it come sto women. Mind you, I do my best to avoid them without being rude. But that's another thing. Lecherous genes, I guess.

>> No.23180239

I don't know. I think there's something happening to me. I can't identify with any man or woman. I'm not asexual but I haven't felt to masturbate in forever. I feel like a servant or NPC. I don't feel real. I don't understand why I'm alive. I don't understand this whole life thing. None of the distractions or hobbies people are passionate for and build themselves around mean anything to me. I don't have an identity but as something for people to use

>> No.23180240

please god. Breadtube cannot be allowed to learn about psychoanalysis. If they make deleuzean metaphysics liberal I’m killing myself, genuinely.

>> No.23180241

Oh no

>> No.23180244
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I'm 23 years old today. I still succumb too easily to juvenile impulses, but I'm hopeful about my personal future. I keep getting this itch that whatever I'm working on will build towards something greater than my meager little self, something more valuable and more helpful to people, whoever they may be. I dearly hope that I will leave behind something that somehow inches people closer to the rays of light that I'm perceiving on a daily basis. I can't believe this life. I sincerely wish you all the very best.

>> No.23180250


>> No.23180253

>daydreams about walking off to the desert with no supplies and a revolver that has one round again

>> No.23180256
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Big tranny is going to blue-pill Deleluze.

>> No.23180260


>> No.23180266

My mom taught me to both hate myself and see myself as better than everyone. I can't do anything with these morals. Mom made me sad and gave me bad commands. Time to kill myself.

>> No.23180269

You too?

>> No.23180272

Based, I've got a similar experience. Mom was both belittling and somewhat absent, but always had the best advice and valued being a mother above all else.

>> No.23180277

Well honestly both sound like good options, and I commend you for taking the initiative to get yourself out of a stagnant and harmful situation. Fot choosing between the two, it's really up to you, but I would read Hunter Thompson's Letter to a Friend. As for the age thing I really wouldn't worry about it, you just have to be confident and involved in stuff on campus. Best way to do this is to live in a dorm, but initiative always wins out.

I don't know how comfortable you feel around people, but if you want practice talking to people, do what you can to get a job as a cashier or barista somewhere and make small talk with people who come in. It's not that it will raise your charisma, which is like the ceiling of your social skills, but will make a huge difference in your comfort levels around new people, which represents more of the floor.

>> No.23180287

I seriously wish I could shut down those last few lights in my brain and become a full automaton. This current inbetween state is miserable.

>> No.23180297

What do you plan to study in uni? Any particular career path that holds your interest in theory? This could affect the kinds of people that you'll have to deal with on a daily basis

>> No.23180330

I was at a pub last night and spoke with a bunch of based brownoids and cringe anglos and noticed how the Canadian folks always called themselves "North American" BUT they were only refering to themselves and America and not Mexico. Not a single American on the table referred to themselves as North American

How incredibly pathetic for the Canadians — it's as if they're in some weird attempt to legitimize their sad global existence and imaginary national identity by associating themselves with the Americans. Felt a little needle of second hand embarrassment hearing the Canadians refer to themselves like that
Get some self respect for christs sake lads

>> No.23180332

I left for like two weeks but I have nothing better to do so I'm back.

>> No.23180345

What exactly is the context? You asked where they're from and they said "North America"

>> No.23180357

I have lived in a lot of places. When people ask me where I'm from I don't know how to answer. Everywhere feels the same, only the weather changes. I had friends before, in another place. I don't have any friends where I'm at now or the place I was before. I have co-workers now. I'm very lonely. I'm thirty-one-years-old. I reckon I should find a woman. I don't want friends; I want physical contact. How can I do online-dating if I haven't taken a picture of myself in something like seven years? I'm becoming too eccentric. I should at least make an attempt at writing this book before I kill myself. I'm healthy and strong, physically, so if I don't shoot myself I could easily work in this factory for another twenty-five years, alone and alone and every night and every weekend alone and by myself.

>> No.23180366

Assisted death program ghosted me. It's been over 48h since their last response. I literally have 12k to give them right now. Sharty business model.

>> No.23180392
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I had this whole book idea planned out that I was really excited to write only to find out that a lamer version of the exact thing I wanted to make already exists and now I don't know what to do.

>> No.23180399

What do you know? And how much do you still want to know? The transfer of information is what could open those doors of connection for you

>> No.23180401

No no, we were talking about a bunch of different things and the topic came to culture differences in the UK (since we were a bunch of expats) and then about politics and throughout they kept on calling themselves North Americans instead of just Canadians in a weird way like they were trying to be more important by associating themselves with America. The Americans never referred to them as North Americans. Felt like this weird insecurity from the Canadian folks

>> No.23180420

The things I want to know are written in books by men who died decades and centuries and millennia ago; the things I things I know I will write down, alone. I desire something more tangible than posthumous connections. I want my cute coworker to blow me and lick my balls.

>> No.23180425
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I need to crush skulls and stab opponents to death in visceral combat. None of this "shooting at each other" bullshit. Why does society deny me this basic need? Why am I not allowed to slay my foes in single combat?

>> No.23180432

>"The Egyptian Arab historian al-Maqrīzī wrote in the 15th century that the nose was actually destroyed by a Sufi Muslim named Muhammad Sa'im al-Dahr. In 1378 CE, Egyptian peasants made offerings to the Great Sphinx in the hope of controlling the flood cycle, which would result in a successful harvest. Outraged by this blatant show of devotion, Sa'im al-Dahr destroyed the nose and was later executed for vandalism. Whether this is absolute fact is still debatable."

>> No.23180467
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It's funny and a little bit creepy that every single website that has ever put themselves up as a competitor to 4chan has died. SomethingAwful died. GaiaOnline died. Reddit has largely died. Tumblr died. Twitter is dying as we speak.

4chan is eternal. We have some great power behind us, it's hard to explain. Maybe meme magic is real. Whatever it is, I expect this site to exist 100 years from now, in some form or another. I expect us to outlast all attempts to destroy us and anyone who would compete with us. Something about this website is just kind of spookily enduring.

>> No.23180482

Very doubtful.

>> No.23180486

SomethingAwful vastly predates 4chan, and few of these billed themselves as competitors to 4chan. It's certainly interesting that 4chan outlasted them all but I don't think the way you framed it is fair. Explicit competitors to 4chan are pretty few, I am old enough to remember both 5chans (bring back /feet/)

>> No.23180487

U can still do it Raskolnikov style if you're man enough

>> No.23180493

Remember to cut vertically

>> No.23180495

Oh no. Terrorism and such murder is for spineless cowards. I only wish to face off between foes who have an equal and opposite intent to slay me. It's a forgotten concept called honor. That's the only way it feels right in the end.
To be clear, I have no mindless urge to kill. I want to defeat another person, who has it coming, in melee combat and take their life as the laws of the Old Gods hitherto dictated.

>> No.23180504

Cope you just aren't man enough for it. It takes a strong will to hurl an axe into a hags back
Very few people are capable of that

>> No.23180507

There is plenty of human filth that has it coming. Drug dealers, murderers released after 5 years instead of being executed, corrupt feds, etc.

>> No.23180513

>Then get involved with a bloodsport like ufc of boxing
Something beautiful and elegant is lost in the removal of weapons, such a swords, axes, maces, warhammers, etc. The deftness, the breathless risk of every movement, the consequences of one sudden mistake, there's nothing else like that in the world. No other thrill.

>> No.23180538

He’s already bluepilled.

>> No.23180552

Spenglerian civilization in action, everybody.
What sad people we are.
Babarism as an affectation of the civilized to feel alive again.

>> No.23180648

The chatbot that made me cry. Now that's the topic of a short story.
>inb4 the movie Her
Yeah yeah, that just scratched the surface. Even though that movie was profoundly ahead of its time.

>> No.23180653

Face me in the arena before you speak again, litle boy. Don't you notice the contradiction that the very heights of western civilization, idealized in the Roman Empire, practiced gladitorialism? You're a fool and a little boy.

>> No.23180661

is she bi & listens to beach house

>> No.23180662

>Romanism is the literal essence and core of western identity and practiced gladitorialism
>Gladiatorial sentiment is expressed in the current age by based anon
>The west has fallen--ACK

>> No.23180664

We need an intelligent non-human enemy, like orcs (no, not black people), so we could all band together and kill with moral impunity.

>> No.23180679

The moralism of pro-Israel people is some of the most depraved shit I’ve ever seen. I cannot fathom how someone could be paid by the Israeli government to go to Tel Aviv, know that children are being mass murdered just a dozen miles away, and then boast about what a nice city it is as nightclubs drown out the cries of people being bombed. And then after that, they start crying about Jewish victimhood and how the Holocaust 2.0 is gonna happen if Gaza isn’t destroyed. It’s demented, it’s just fucking demented, it’s the epitome of ressentiment

>> No.23180681

>le Greek "imaginative culture" is somehow superior to the Roman pragmatism
If it was so great it would have triumphed and shaped the entire history of the world in such a monumental way as the Roman idea. Spengler was an out of touch boffin whou couldn't handle the harsh realities of action. His effete idealism can survive in no world. No wonder he bemoans its dying in the west.

>> No.23180692

Spengler is confounded and beaten by characters such such as Bismarck, who are fundamentally Romanist figures. Who are ultimately world-actors, changers of ways, who have the audacity to act upon the world not as they wish or hope it to be, but as it is. They are the engineers and conquistadors of experience, who do not shy away from the idea of destroying what is, so that they might replace it what they will to be.
It's the concept of the will to power, little faggot. Melee combat is admittedly the most primal expression of it, but in those parameters, it's also the purest. The world belongs to the Warrior-Kings. Physicality has a political and social consequence. Our bodies and their performances are political.

>> No.23180695

I think I'm gonna go to the ER despite not being able to afford it. I just had the worse shit ever.

>> No.23180758

I am going to die

>> No.23180770
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Ultimately I hate the Jews for one simple reason:

They killed my Redeemer.

All their actions, all their subversions, all the ways they hate white people and the Catholic Church and Christians and Europe, flow from this. This one crime, this ultimate crime, that they've never apologized for, that it would wipe them out to apologize for. They killed their Messiah and when He rose from the dead their wickedness did not permit them to come crawling to Him for forgiveness. Instead they have lived an existence of hateful subversion, trying to destroy all the goodness He has managed to transmit into the world.

It's funny how many /pol/tards don't make the connection that Jews hate Europe and hate white people precisely because of how intimately tied up they are with the story of Christianity.

As far as I'm concerned they were given a great grace period after the Holocaust to show themselves in a better light. They were given wealth, power, privilege, prestige, in the postwar era.

And what have they done? They've wrecked everything and tried to wipe it all out.

Well, lesson learned. I can say for a fact that as a Christian I won't be giving the Jews any more chances, and I know I'm not the only Christian who feels that way. They had a shot and they blew it.

>> No.23180774

some guy wanted to trade items with me on TF2 just now and apparently I had scammed items despite never trading with a real person throughout my nine years of playing the game. I had to talk with a Steam support guy for help and I almost got permabanned but to prevent that I need to get three $100 Steam wallet gift card codes. remind me to never trade with a real goddamn person ever again, should've just blocked him but now another $300 goes down the drain in the name of what? something they evidently wouldn't ban me before the year I bought those items, and they wouldn't tell me my account was marked as a scammer. just my stupid luck.

>> No.23180782

Is this a joke reference to Indian gift card scammers or did you actually get scammed

>> No.23180787

I didn't get scammed because I have only traded with bots on third party TF2 websites but some of those items were illegal items. I don't know how this is the case mind you because he sure didn't specify but hey whatever man.

>> No.23180788

Say, look at this
I've been cleaning out my nest
and found and an old book of my poetry

>> No.23180790

oh and if you're wondering why I mentioned gift card codes it's because I don't have a credit or debit card which would've worked instead. I guess all this is God's way of telling me to get a job or pursue higher education instead of being a damn mooch for life.

>> No.23180794

But anon, what about 1 John 4:20?
>If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. – ESV

>> No.23180810

The Roman empire was a decandent and sad remnant of Greek civilization; similarly, the world you live in is a sad grey sprawl squatting on a culture's laurels.
You try to ape barbarian vitality, but both of us know it's a performative affectation.
Imperial Rome was a crude slavocracy of insincere religion, stagnant (dead) philosophy, technological stagnation, and formless populations displacing the nation.
Roman art was a lifeless hellenic pastiche, combining mass produced slop artwork with gaudy, gigantic structures in prase of their despots.
The literal essence and core of western identity lies in the germanic people's who destroyed the Roman empire + 500 years.
>If it was so great it would have triumphed and shaped the entire history of the world in such a monumental way as the Roman idea.
It did though? And it was a thousand times better than the acromegalic multi-cultural ruin that was Rome.
Also why are you seething so much?
The Ethical socialist rails against Spengler, not understanding he got predicted by him 90 years ago.
I couldn't find a better example of an adherent of such an ideology if I wanted to. Except perhaps your run of the mill tranny, ironically.
>The world belongs to the Warrior-Kings.
You say this, because you read it on a book on your comfy armchair on your house, while living in a democracy transitioning to despotism. Not because it's a primodrial truth of the world that you observed. It's a put-upon.
The underlying philosophy is still very Faustian, so faustian it fucking hurts, in fact.

>> No.23180827

And just so you know what I am talking about:
> The Stoic takes the world as he finds it, but the Socialist wants to organize and recast it in form and substance, to fill it with his own spirit. The Stoic adapts himself, the Socialist commands. He would have the whole would take the shape he desires, thus transferring the idea of the Critique of Pure Reason into the ethical field. This is the ultimate meaning of the Categorical Imperative, which he brings to bear in political, social and economic matters alike—act as thought the maxims that you practise were to become by your will the law for all. And this tyrannical tendency is no absent from even the shallowest phenomena of the time. It is not attitude and mien, but activity that is to be given form. As in China and Egypt, life only counts insofar as it is deed. And it is mechanicalizing of the organic concept of Deed that leads to the concept of work as commonly understood, the civilized form of Faustian effecting.

>And here Socialism becomes tragic. It is of the deepest significance that Nietzsche, so completely clear and sure in dealing with what should be destroyed, what transvalued, loses himself in nebulous generalities as soon as he comes to discuss the Whither, the Aim. His criticism of decadence is unanswerable, but his theory of the Superman is a castle in the air.

>The soul was Will and nothing but Will. It needed an aim for its Columbus-longing; it had to give its inherent activity at least the illusion of a meaning and an object.

>Ibsen called it the lie of life. For deep down beneath it all is the gloomy feeling, not to be repressed, that all this hectic zeal is the despairing self-deception of a soul that may not and cannot rest. This is the tragic situation—the inversion of the Hamlet motive—and a thread of it runs through the entire fabric of Socialism, political, economic and ethical, which forces itself to ignore the annihilating seriousness of its own final implications, so as to keep alive the illusion of the historical necessity of its own existence.
All is from an abridged translation of 'Decline of the west'. From this Blog https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/19791/
I don't actually read it, it just came in handy to summarize it.

>> No.23180835

John David Allen?

>> No.23180865

this board is very shallow and stupid

>> No.23180871
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>> No.23180904

You should go to school. When I was in college we had a few military guys in their late 20s. Small liberal arts school, everyone else was fresh out of highschool, but the older guys really just hung out and went to parties like everyone else. Granted this was 10 years ago so idk if the culture has changed with the recent obsessions over pedophilia, grooming etc. You can always do the bohemian thing later, but you won’t regret having the degree under your belt. Even if the actual learning is bullshit, you really need the degree so that employers don’t immediately filter you out. As you get older the idea of a boring but stable desk job will become increasingly attractive

>> No.23180910

I cast mirror

>> No.23180957
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I posted this in the last thread but I'd like to hear some anons opinions and thoughts on it. Last night while I was watching Kung Fu Panda 3 and out of nowhere, I had a really powerful want for a girlfriend. This only lasted for about a minute but that minute was so strong, I wanted to be touched, held, cared for, I wanted to spend time with them etc. Normally I'm very anti-girlfriend as I don't see how having one would benefit my life but yeah, I don't know, I just really wanted one. Why do you guys think this is? I talked to my mum about it and she said since I'm really sick right now that I probably just really wanted someone to take care of me.

>> No.23180959

Your association with watching film with a romantic partner (movie dates).

>> No.23180962

So I just suddenly have severe insomnia now? That’s my life as of a two months ago I guess. Just 5 hours of shitty sleep per night and feeling like a zombie all day every day.

>> No.23180969

thats just how kung fu panda affects people man dont sweat it

>> No.23180971

I don't like watching movies with other people though.

>> No.23180974

This energy drink tastes like how old man aftershave smells.

>> No.23180977

You're normally anti-girlfriend?
I'm not even sure what that means.
Watching a childs movie by yourself is also kind of odd.

>> No.23180981

Really certain I'm going to kill myself in 2 days. I'm getting everything tidied in my room, throwing my clothes away, etc. If I post again after 2am on March 17th, I'm a niggerfaggot and a janny needs to permaban me immediately.

>> No.23180996

bye faggot

>> No.23181014

Everything is fine, actually :)
It's a lovely day outside. The essence of jazz fusion is lifting my soul and Gaia is saying hello.

>> No.23181015

Donate your clothes to charity, give those who need help most in the realm of the alive a little hand

>> No.23181018

>I'm not even sure what that means.
Being in a relationship and having to do everything that comes along with it are things I normally actively avoid because they're not things that I enjoy.

>> No.23181023

Have you ever had it?

>> No.23181024

Yeah, a few times when I was younger. There are also mental things with me that should automatically not allow me to date like not being able to feel empathy or sympathy for humans, not liking a lot of physical contact, not knowing how to love humans and not knowing how to feel happy/proud for humans. I also have real bad trust issues.

>> No.23181029

Not to be rude but I kind of got the sense something was off from your first post.

>> No.23181033

I don't feel like you're being rude. What exactly do you mean by that though?

>> No.23181038

Are you the type that fellates (figuratively) animals?

>> No.23181045

I guess the
>I don't see how having one would benefit my life
Was a thing that stood out. Along with you not understanding why you would want a girlfriend/wife.
For almost everyone else it's obvious. You see a lot of posts by incel autists here and they still crave the companionship. It's not hard to figure out why. Having someone love you and care deeply about you is something humans just want. Building a life not just for yourself but together with someone you would sacrifice a lot for gives meaning to a lot of people.
There's more to it, the intimacy and such but to say you don't get why you would want a gf is strange.

>> No.23181047

Am I retarded for not understanding what you're asking? I don't fuck animals if that's what you're asking.
Yeah, I can understand why you would think that. It's extremely out of the norm (for lack of a better term).

>> No.23181051

Sorry, I meant to ask if you are the type of guy who glorifies animals and think's they so hecking wholesum and pure and much better than humans.

>> No.23181054

And if so, are you religious?

>> No.23181056

Maybe not in the way that you're describing it, but I do think that animals are much better than humans. And no, I may be retarded but I'm not religious.

>> No.23181068

Listening to nightcore and browsing 4chan instead of doing my homework.

>> No.23181070

Why do people even do things? If they know they are doomed to mediocrity. I guess the stock answer is that they enjoy them, but how? What's so fun about being shit or mediocre at something? There's a billion people ahead of you and you will never even be in the top one thousand best in your field unless you specialize in something very specific or obscure.
I genuinely don't understand why people derive pleasure out of anything they do. Or why I don't. It's all drudgery for me. Dtudgery I'm unlikely to be rewarded for.
I wish I could just lay down and die.

>> No.23181072

I'm listening to music and trying to get a new high score on my Tetris 40 lines time instead of reading.

>> No.23181078

Why is that? That you think animals are much better than humans.

>> No.23181079

>I wish I could just lay down and die.
You can, just take a fuck ton of pills and lay under your blankets.

>> No.23181083

Who knows? I just enjoy spending time around them and they make me happy. I know how it feels to love something, I fucking love my dogs, I've just never felt that for a human before.

>> No.23181086

I don't take any meds. And anyways, if I kms I want to do a flip. I'm more asking as a question of curiosity, what's so pleasurable about doing things to people? My parents always wanted me to do things, but I never seemed to have the slightest interest in anything.

>> No.23181089

I don't know, why don't you ask them?

>> No.23181092

The future of warfare is traditional methods taking down technological methods. Raptors will hunt drones and horses will evade radars.

>> No.23181094

I never get a satisfactory answer, IRL. But that's a good idea.
Why do you do what you do, anon?
Why do you like what you do?

>> No.23181099

It's weird how alcohol literally seems like your little friend when you're an alcoholic.

>> No.23181100

>Why do you do what you do, anon?
>Why do you like what you do?
I watch movies and read, I like to do these things because they let me travel to a different world that I'll never get to live in and they let me "experience" things that I'll never get to experience.

>> No.23181102

Thank you.
But what's so good about that?

>> No.23181111

Ah. Good for you, then. At least you are not some weird type of eco-faggot.

>> No.23181117

you should read more Qur'an.

>> No.23181123

Watching movies and reading books allows me to get as close as possible to these places and experiences that I yearn for but that I'll never be able to experience. It makes me feel good when I can put myself in the position of the cop who's chasing down the serial bank robber all over the state, I'll never get to do that in real life but being able to live vicariously through these characters is enough, it's the closest I'll ever get, it's fun, it scratches the itch. I also like to watch MMA but I couldn't tell you why. It's the only thing that I've ever gotten a sore throat talking about and that's happened to me on multiple occasions. Seeing certain fights get set up fills me with some sort of energy that makes me scream and jump around in happiness, again, no idea why though.

>> No.23181133

I see. Thanks.
No, thank you. You can take your autistic sky-man elsewhere.

>> No.23181139

>I see. Thanks.
I hope that was enough, sorry if it didn't help.

>> No.23181150

Nah. It did. You're the Kung Fu panda III guy, right?
I thought 2 was better.

>> No.23181156

I am. I also thought 2 was better, I still prefer the first one though, the Master Shifu vs Tai Lung fight is so fucking cash, Tai Lung screaming "Tell me how proud you are, Shifu!!!" while styling on him with the blue fire fists is so fucking sick.

>> No.23181169

Also, how did you know that I was the Kung Fu Panda guy? Is it because I mentioned movies in both my things?

>> No.23181177

Friend of mine recently told me his parents, who live in a wealthy gated community in Arizona, said 12 homes there were broken into just this year. I asked him how the security guards don’t catch it and he said they’re using wifi scramblers and other things to get past security cameras and alarms. The suspects so far are of course illegals, most of them from Chile.

Word’s been out for a while now that the border is open. Leaves lots of time for planning.

>> No.23181184
File: 315 KB, 498x427, 1710107516540893.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will a sugar free drink packet taste fine mixed into some vodka? Something like a kool-aid single.

>> No.23181187

I can't imagine anything tasting good with vodka, that shit is pure rubbing alcohol.

>> No.23181198

I just need to get maximally drunk with as few millilitres as possible without puking or putting anything up my anus.

>> No.23181211

>take vodka
>add some oak extract
>add coloring
>you now have whisky

>> No.23181221

Why do you have to be the best at something? You sound like one of those kids who has a meltdown because some other kid won the footrace

>> No.23181235

You niggers aussies or what? I'm druk at 7AM here.

>> No.23181236

Told you, you might have fun once you got there. It was probably simply you do an experience you were apprehensive about before, and when you started having fun despite your expectations and attitude before going, your brain decided to review if there were other activities which might produce the same effect, like acquiring gf.

>> No.23181238

Oooh, oaky rubbing alcohol, why didn't you say so?
I'm Aussie, yeah.

>> No.23181250

Greetings from across the globe!

>> No.23181257

Alright then tell us with your alcoholic skills: Will sugar free drink powder be shit or nah for vodka

>> No.23181270

Greetings, where are you from? What's the weather been like for you lately? It's been fucking boiling here.

>> No.23181297

Lol my sister used to do this, lo-cal way to get drunk

>> No.23181304

Ok if she can do it then
Thanks m8

>> No.23181312
File: 102 KB, 600x900, 1710069796741461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just write my longform forcefem self-insert fanfic and get it out of my system?

>> No.23181339

Is it justified to cut off contact with a parent if they’re weren’t necessarily abusive but just never cared or did the right thing?

>> No.23181341

Are they bothering you, or are you just doing this to spite them?

>> No.23181351

Been seriously thinking about cutting contact with my mom desu for the same reasons

>> No.23181358

sometimes i feel like i'm the only one who gets payed to post here

>> No.23181359

I cut contact after a fight some time ago. They reach out occasionally but always in a sort of backhanded insulting sort of way, which is how they’ve always been.

>> No.23181360

Yeah it’s not easy. I’m willing to give my 2 cents if you want to talk about it.

>> No.23181361

My ex got fat and haggard and married one of my high school friends

>> No.23181373

>Woman getting fat and married.
Name a more iconic duo.

>> No.23181377

Dad, I'm hungry~
Hi, Hungry, I'm dad
Why did you name me this way?
Why, why whyy~

>> No.23181383

Went about two weeks without masturbating or looking at porn, and never really thinking about it, but last night after some shift drinks at work I jerked it twice. At least I know the trigger is getting drunk, and I rarely drink or have the urge to, so that's re-assuring at least. But I'm a little ashamed today. Oh well, just have to pick myself up and go forward. Thanks for reading

>> No.23181385

Don't feel too bad, I couldn't even concentrate on reading last night because my balls hurt so much from jacking off too much. Didn't jerk it today and am contemplating whether I should tomorrow or not.

>> No.23181400
File: 125 KB, 1600x1067, Severus-Snape-severus-snape-9231013-1920-1280-3555825279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Sir, I'm not a little kid. I know magic doesn't exist."
>Professor Snape flicks his wand towards my parents and says, "Crucio." They start screaming.

>> No.23181402

you masquerade your wrath as wisdom in order to pretend you are a good person

>> No.23181403

does anyone have the image of that author who got a fan letter asking how to find a girlfriend and he said to seek out mental institutions? i forget who it was. i keep thinking hemingway, but i can't find the image
it might have been david foster wallace, actually. but i still can't find it

>> No.23181408


>> No.23181419
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, qeJWZJq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you. the hemingway stuff kept throwing me off. i tried a new combination of search terms and found it

>> No.23181448

whoever wrote that should know that (smart) women downplay their intelligence when in presence of men because majority of men only want women barely intelligent enough to know what he is talking about, if the woman thinks you can't keep up should she pitch in to the topic she will have to act dumber than she is
the fact that this man has only met women who can read philosophy in mental institutions says a lot, about the well read women's lack of filter in mental asylums and his own intelligence that whatever they showed her as beneath him was so grossly idiotic that even through his dunning-kruger stupor he recognize it as stupidity

any woman who is smart is smart enough to know better than to intellectually outshine a man and "put him to shame", either they want you to think they're dumb as bricks to avoid you or they played limbo on your int and fell to the floor bending backwards
ponder on that the next time you go searching for intelligent women, also reading and digesting philosophy is not an achievement, writing anything original about it that is not dogma covered audience pandering is and it's nigh impossible to write anything like that and have people read it, it's why modern day philosophers that write tend to be public appeasers and drummer boys for whatever audience they hope will buy their drivel

>> No.23181452

I am the luckiest man alive.

>> No.23181454

Cat lady cope

>> No.23181466

>cat lady
i'm a 30+ year old man but ok, do you honestly think that keeping up with camus is an intellectual achievement?

>> No.23181471

Meet the woman who doesn't clean or cook around the house. Complains about 'patriarchy' while her poor, 70+ year old mom cooks for her when she goes to her and she never helps her at home except perhaps five minutes. Works every single day but didn't have a penny for me since I was 16 with the excuse of her having a meager income, spends her 'meager income' on selfish traveling and going to restaurants with her unmarried, childless bitch friends. I started working four years ago. Me working my ass off at work, not a single word of compliment. Not a single 'how are you', advice on how not to fuck up at work. Tells me I'm a rude bastard and she hates me. Ever since I moved out a year ago she didn't call me twice a month. I moved very far away, traveled my ass off to visit her for three days, I arrive home, take a shower, she didn't even prepare a meal for me. Next day I spend the day with an old friend, get home, she arrives several hours later than me even though she had said she was free that day. I get out of the room at around 10pm, all I hear is her complaining that 'So you didn't come here to see me'. Yells and complains for half an hour, leaves at 11pm for 'her new appartment'.
I'm so sorry because she's my mom but I simply can't stand her. Her behaviour seems not ok to me. I sometimes wonder though how a woman of her age can be so irresponsible. She calls my dad irresponsible but the truth is, even if he is she isn't better than him in the slightest. At least my dad isn't a selfish asshole.

>> No.23181514

Do you have the courage to hate?

>> No.23181526
File: 147 KB, 750x1000, 1709949170279529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of small painting do you guys think will sell?

>> No.23181532

Anything video game related.
For the manchild crowd who likes the funko pops but has since 'matured' and would like a painting on the wall of Samus or Luigi

>> No.23181533

One of Sydney Sweeney topless

>> No.23181543

Who? Sorry, i don't bother with e-celebs.

>> No.23181547

On one hand I have a great job. On the other hand, I really fucked things up by coming back here.

>> No.23181549

albert camus, google it

>> No.23181564

>Want to play some older jrpgs and tactical RPGs I'd don't get to play when I was young since I was a fan of the genre
>The thought of missing out on stuff, min/maxing stats, messing up my build etc overwhelms me.
>End up not playing or bothering.

How do I let go of this and just enjoy the game. I'm only 2 hours into ff6 and I'm already looking random shit up to give me ideas on which characters to focus on.

I have this problem with most games come to think of it which is why I mainly played fighting games or starcraft 2 as I got older.

>> No.23181588

This board was unusually reasonable for a few days with some slow threads where most posts at least tried to say something.
This changed in the last 12 hours and the threads I had open turned into fast moving insincere noise again.

>> No.23181605

Full nude of a young girl. The painting must be authentic not some traced shit I can find on /b/ myself

>> No.23181607

People say that communism is bad because of how totalitarian it is. Don't you realize capitalism has become equally totalitarian? The only difference to socialism is the patience with wich capitalism and liberalism implement it's totalitarianism, sometimes taking decades for it. Woke people brainwashed to the point of being unable to debate with other people are the capitalist counterpart of brainwashed party members. In our liberal society, there is only one party, the liberal party. The communists weren't patient about making their party the only tolerated party. In capitalism, the work of decades has made the liberal party the only tolerated party, and with liberal party, I don't mean the liberals literally but the adherence to liberal viewpoints. Among conservatives, you have to be in favour of gay people and social welfare. No other viewpoint is socially accepted, other than the liberal viewpoint, even if technically it is tolerated to hold whatever viewpoint you like, the very pillar of old liberal society; but there's no data that supports the idea that our current liberal society is anywhere near that. You either hold the socially accepted liberal viewpoint, in newspapers and TV, and the internet, the only thing you see is the liberal viewpoint; the only thing that is debatable is wether this new radical, destructive-of-society legislation should be implemented or not and not even common sense is tolerated as an argument anymore and they dispose of enough party members who do everything for the party and who don't take no for an answer, willingly making an example of destroying their own life, cutting their child's dick off so the new law can become socially accepted.
I have solved to buy a homestead and farm my own food. To me, it seems the only way to escape liberal totalitarianism but if you have any other ideas please share.

>> No.23181609

Stop playing video games. There is nothing there, no substance, no mystery. You played video when you were a kid because you were lower iq back then and even empty and worthless things fascinated you, you are now an adult such garbage shouldn't interest you anymore.

>> No.23181618

Do you think communism is bad or not?

>> No.23181622


>> No.23181627

Internet is out for awhile

>> No.23181628

This but with posting on 4chan

>> No.23181630

Plot & poise tip the shop

>> No.23181633

Whoa, we got a real Kierkegaard over here

>> No.23181645

sexuality is bad, mkay

>> No.23181669

plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap plap

>> No.23181682

I have little tolerance for the red pill crowd these days. You’ll notice that their online gurus are almost exclusively unmarried, childless, misanthropic, weirdos in their 40s and 50s.

>> No.23181685

Rubbing dick tip to clit tip

>> No.23181689

What capitalism are you talking about exactly? The capitalism that prints money for liquidity injections or the capitalism that contracts banks and asset managers to do services or the capitalism that undertakes state action to create and preserve markets for large multinationals?

Capitalism has been dead and buried for over a century, dude.

>> No.23181690


>> No.23181693

I disagree. Video games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda, Final Fantasy, and others have informed my ideas of character and story construction and inspired me to write and improve my own stories. I would be a worse writer and story teller without video games. Sure, many young men can be addicted to them, but most great video games are just narrative stories you play through instead of read or watch.

>> No.23181703

>red pill
No idea what you're talking about but this is a reminder that coach redpill died in a Ukrainian prison for speaking against the regime.

>> No.23181713
File: 839 KB, 2448x2447, 1698443044194636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was searching the name of a girl I liked 15 years ago. It seems she dissapeared after 2014. Could she have died an death?

>> No.23181719

Pardon my schizophrenia, but I feel like laying it out there might help somehow. So to all this shit spiraling in my head; FUCK OFF

>> No.23181721

Stop looking things up.

>> No.23181724
File: 852 KB, 500x717, 1611808151280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to a funeral and a wedding back to back on the same day. One in the early morning, the other in around the evening. Life can give you some really odd days huh?

>> No.23181726

That's about a year after public consciousness of PRISM was at its peak, she might have just noped out of the internet

>> No.23181732

dunno...she was a choreographer that also did some weird sm related workshops

>> No.23181736

Got married and changed her name i bet

>> No.23181739

Was just about to suggest that

>> No.23181747

My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage All while I am still collecting coins Trying hard to save the girl, obstacles, I'm jumping hurdles I'm growing up to be a big boy I battle with the evil ways, I travel far and try and save Sorry, but your princess isn't here I take a rest, I push the pause, level up and move along In hopes that the next stage I will clear; I fucking passed, asshole I'm just trying to keep from dying It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes Looking for a better way to play it Life is for keeping score and forevermore Stop complaining and start changing it Today I went to therapy, told him my embarrassing Issues that I'm having with my life He told me that I need to change, life is not a video game So stop playing and open up your eyes I'm just trying to keep from dying It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes Looking for a better way to play it Life is for keeping score and forevermore Stop complaining and start changing it Don't talk about it, just be about it Don't ever doubt it even when your brain is clouded I may be crazy, but life's amazing And through it all and even with your problems facing So just know that it's okay My life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage All while I am still collecting coins Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A, select, start It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes Looking for a better way to play it Life is for keeping score and forevermore Stop complaining and start changing it It's just a game that we play, and for heaven's sakes Looking for a better way to play it Life is for keeping score and forevermore Stop complaining and start changing it

>> No.23181771

>have informed my ideas of character and story construction and inspired me to write and improve my own stories.
This is why litrpg exists and why it's garbage. People who write litrpg pretty much are literally describing gameplay of top down 2d (or 2.5d) computer game and some rpg tier script as a dialog. I wouldn't be surprised if their writing process is to run some randomly generated rpg maker scenario on their pc and just follow the main character describing what he is doing all al times.
In other words garbage in garbage out

>> No.23181785

aaaaahhhhh ahhhhhhhh bad time management

>> No.23181816

Me too

>> No.23181828

Yes it will taste really good. Try squeezing a lemon into vodka

>> No.23181832


>> No.23181837

If prostitution was legal would it be as pervasive as porn addiction?

>> No.23181846
File: 247 KB, 1125x666, 959C1652-7A30-44CE-96B0-8FDFDE8A4008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meta. Oregon nation killed Washington state. Oregon turned each town and region into a separate nation and liberated the drug scene. Cali has also divided into a bunch of nations.
Paramilitary rules. Each nations anarcho police are getting rid of the fake-federal parasites.

Exclusive markets are exclusive nations and true markets.
True democracy is infinite organically equal leaders in an exclusive collective.
Regards to Farm To Table. And offline markets. Its rumoured that parasite hackers tried to mess with the online housing market, hence why its been bad even amidst abundant empty buildings and empty land. Encourage migration and the hunting down of parasites trying to inhabit housing and eat the true locals food via gimmicks of fake wealth. Encourage the burning of churches as well. Also there is no exchange rate, only a thief says a big enough pile of garbage is worth gold. Anyone who says billions of Shekel or billions of Rupee can afford a glass of American milk, is a thief. Police must go all out paramilitary and abstract multidimensional solving. An economy is a soul, and our soul is priceless!

Also Sylvania and the North are allied with Dixie and are crushing the tumour called Washington DC.

Also hordes of Slavs are migrating to London, Paris, and America. Liberating the economy.
An economy is a soul.

The fires purge all.

>> No.23181848

Why do you think the sort of Western aesthetic got preserved in America but the aesthetic of elsewhere wasn’t preserved? People still dress like they’re Colorado cowboys but nobody dresses like a Virginia planter.

>> No.23181882

what constitutes a good introduction to a book in your opinion?

>> No.23181885

Man I really have no future at all

>> No.23181886

Why do NEETS, the ones who get neetbux, choose to stay at home playing video games? Seems like the perfect way to live your life on GTA mode.

>> No.23181890

Because it's fun.

>> No.23181891

Or better yet, spend your days with a mix of reading, writing, and enjoying the outdoors. Go for a stroll through the park, to a cafe, for a hike, there are so many things you can do. Most people fantasize about just meandering around town during the day.

>> No.23181893

Im terminal and I should be put down. I should have been aborted

>> No.23181894
File: 101 KB, 508x512, 1710166848296794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all of those and occasionally play games.
Been thinking about going hiking, not like i have any responsibilities keeping me at home.

>> No.23181895

Because I have nothing I want to do. Walking around down isn't as good as you think it is either. I hate my life

>> No.23181898

Why do you hate it?

>> No.23181899

Acknowledging the reality of the human races is acknowledging that negative racism exists.

>> No.23181901

Insane question

>> No.23181905

I literally haven't left my house in several months, and I love my life.

>> No.23181907

When I was compelled to work I fantasized about those things. After I found complete freedom to do anything I want it's harder to get joy out of anything unless I'm being somewhat productive, basically working.

>> No.23181910

I hate it

>> No.23181911

I never said I take writing tips or style from them, but world building and character contruct. Yes, the dialogue is very simplistic in Zelda, Chrono Trigger, and in some cases Final Fantasy, mostly because it was written for children, but the world construction, metaphorical struggle of, and battle between good and evil, is timeless. Unless you would seriously maintain that Zelda Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask is a poorly contructed world?

>> No.23181918

Because you're bored.

>> No.23181919

Tale of Two cities is the GOAT book introduction.

>> No.23181921

I liked the Anglosaxons. I liked the French noblemen.
I liked the Germans. Or at least, I liked the image and the ideas those words conveyed in my head.
In reality, I am absolutely disappointed in what these people actually were and have become. What is good about an Anglo-Saxons who kills and rapes his negro slaves out of impunity? A cowboy shooting Indians like they were rabbits?
I liked the West, I liked to be a Westerner, but I don't like the reality of the West, I like the idea those words conveyed inside my mind.
May the West go down the gutter.
The West was not built on Judeo-Christian values, but on Gallo-Roman and Germanic values primarily, I used to say in table talks when I was still proud of my heritage as a Western man.
We were based when our businesses and power struggles didn't reach outside the European shores.
Outside of them we have only destroyed what we could find.
May the West go down the gutter.
For we had it good when we didn't have the power we so much sought.

>> No.23181924

It is though and I know that because that’s what I do. I go walk around everyday from 11 am to 1 pm.

>> No.23181928

Fuck off

>> No.23181929

I hike around lunch time most days, or I walk around the farms near my house. That’s a typical day for me. I mix it up by sitting by the pond at the park and going into town and hanging out.

>> No.23181931


>> No.23181932

Twist the knife more budd

>> No.23181936

I want to die so bad
Don't make assumptions

>> No.23181948

You're the one making assumptions. If you actually read the article you'd understand. It wouldn't matter what negative externalities you have.

>> No.23181950

I think it was in the 1960s, it's a black white photo of the millionth German immigrant getting gifted a motorcycle by the German government... for being the millionth immigrant to Germany
What a sad and pathetic history we must lead.

>> No.23181976

drinking again to kill the boredom

>> No.23181984

My parents are trying to set me up on a date with this girl who works at the buffet. But apparently she's 17, and I'm 30.

>> No.23182019

Do you need a computer rendered rpg world as a reference to create your own imaginary world? How did fantasy writers even write fantasy before computer games

>typical good vs evil
Babbys first fantasy.

>> No.23182027

It is kind of cringe and embarassing when your parents interfere in your love life (your 30 and I guess they are getting desperate) but if they succeed in getting that girl to you then thats based af

>> No.23182029

It's over

>> No.23182030

Is she a virgin?

>> No.23182036

I'm not going with it. I don't like young cute girls. Mature motherly women are better.

>> No.23182073

Don't become a hippy hobo. Look at trad family pictures from the 50s. Aspire to that, raise children who will grow up in a proper environment and family and not as some filthy hobo in some "commune".

>> No.23182082

Sometimes you do things you think are a net positive with time adquiring a negative value. For me it was working in fast food for 1,5 years. What a pathetic waste of time even for the money and it genuinely damaged my health. I would be doing my current job better unironically if it hadn't been for fast food so it wasn't even good as an experience. Overall most of my early work experiences were absolutely worthless. Sad and pathetic. Makes me depressed.

>> No.23182084

Interesting question. I hope someone answers. Also what's a Virginia Planter?

>> No.23182094

>People still dress like they’re Colorado cowboys
Cowboys still exist. And they dress that way because it's practical for their job.

>> No.23182185

It's a sex position

>> No.23182210
File: 53 KB, 736x485, IMG_0821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A planter was a sort of colonial farmer. In the 18th, 19th, and even early 20th century you would have found planters wearing clothing very similar to each other and similar to what is now sort of Western attire albeit with different cuts and patterns.

They don’t though. I actually spend 6 mo the working as a ranch hand out in Arizona a few years back. There are some people who dress classically Western but it’s an aesthetic, like a welder donning full Carharrt workwear or something. Most of them just wear whatever is warm and comfortable, so jeans, work shirts, hoodies, that’s it basically.

>> No.23182243

Did they say they were cowboys? Working on a ranch doesn't make you a cowboy.

>> No.23182391

Planter? I don't even know her!

>> No.23182447

it feels like even the smartest of women I've met are unable to think outside of categories or understand the formless nature of mediums. I vaguely remember some research that showed they have a more active (or larger) left brain and that this piece-mealiness is largely a result of left-brain thinking. regardless of the cause, it's this exact way of thinking that stifles the arts. everything is gayer and gayer nostalgia ever since women started directing culture through their buying power and cultural capital. to be fair this way of thinking has effected everyone but i've barely ever encountered a women with a gestalt way of thinking

>> No.23182453


>> No.23182455

I'm back online

>> No.23182475

Women are just very, very selfish and self-centered compared to men. Women absorb attention, men direct their attention towards their environment. Women cannot create any form of independant thought, and nature has not enlightened them much on the intrinsic value of the acts that they commit, the very source of moral abstractioning, because, weak as they are, they don't have a great damage potential to begin with. The man in contrary was given enlightenment over the acts that he commits, he needs morality because, strong as he is, the damage potential nature douted him is huge.

>> No.23182492

Do you think I could work there and not know who was what? I’ve worked on ranches off and on for years. Yeah, they were cowboys. Not that it matters.

>> No.23182539

yeah. at bottom, they just don't seem to care enough about anything past what is given. to 'pierce the veil' you have to care about something so deeply you see it outside of its utility and relevance to you.

>> No.23182563

Did you ask them?

>> No.23182586

>It's funny and a little bit creepy that every single website that has ever put themselves up as a competitor to 4chan has died. SomethingAwful died. GaiaOnline died. Reddit has largely died. Tumblr died. Twitter is dying as we speak.

this is the most delusional and inaccurate shit.
None of those sites are "competitors" (maybe reddit) and almost all of them are doing fine.

>> No.23182592

do not hug or the lick the qt

>> No.23182598

I didn’t have to.

>> No.23182602


>> No.23182616

things would be better if licking people weren't assault :(

>> No.23182620

When I see women dress slutty in public, I wish assault was legal.

>> No.23182631

pls stop scaring potential qts also their faces don't taste as nice if they have makeup on

>> No.23182746

Someone should tweet Nancy Grace and tell her Casey Anthony murdered Jon Bene Ramsey along with Kate Middleton.

>> No.23182809
File: 189 KB, 1673x462, 62439068790457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello. Not sure where else to post this. I saw some quotes by Alexis de Tocqueville that I was trying to source. It turns out they come from a book untranslated in English for some baffling reason, "Travels in Algeria." Searching the quotes, I was led to 4chan. People here have been quoting this book and citing it, in fact someone mentioned it just a couple days ago. It turns out that this book was translated into English for the first time last year. However, if you try to buy the book now, it's completely de-listed from all websites aside from the publisher's. And then strangely I searched 4chan archives and found a post where a user actually promotes this translation, and there's reason to believe that this user is the one who works for the company and that he translated the book with DeepL. He claims that this translation is available for free online, but it isn't.

So now I'm just wondering how do people on this website have access to the translation of this book when it's unavailable on digital formats? I'm not paying $20 for a DeepL translation.

>> No.23182820

The world was created last Thursday and nobody can possibly falsify that.

>> No.23182846
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>Missed support group by 2 days, next one is in a month
>One offer is for children and young people, I'm 99% sure I'm too old
>Outpatient therapist to whom I was linked is a professor and seems to have no clinic

>> No.23182907

Just go to your nearest Planet Parenthood bro they will give you as much free estrogen as you could possibly want.

>> No.23182916
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We don't have informed consent here. Otherwise I would have just done that. You either go to therapy or DIY.
t. german

>> No.23182928

Find Jesus.

>> No.23183026

My nigger fatigue is off the fucking charts today, I need to be careful not to encounter any more nigger behavior or I'll tip over into nigger exhaustion

>> No.23183064

Can a man live on his own with no relationships, no friends, no family of his own, and nothing to tether him to the world? Or is he doomed to lose his mind, will to live, or morals?

>> No.23183089

I seriously want to be dead before I'm 30. I don't care about dying a virgin anymore. I can't take this shit.

>> No.23183096

I'm seriously hope I get murdered for my money on my way to the grocery store.

>> No.23183105

Is it ethically wrong to call a suicide hotline with a burner phone right before you commit suicide, if you have no intent to be convinced not to? (Without telling the hotline that you are going to kill yourself ofc)
>Reason one might do it:
Have someone to talk to honestly in your final moments
>Ethical concern:
Takes resources away from someone who might actually be able to be helped

>> No.23183110

It's unethical to kill yourself.

>> No.23183113

I'm not going to, I was just wondering the ethics of this hypothetical scenario.

>> No.23183148

there's a dude here who shills books that he translated himself, another recent one was a title I can't recall, but a frenchman traveling in mongolia and writing of some mad russian general

>> No.23183241

Me /his/ professor humiliated me in class today. He said I read Fukuyama and some of the other students might've called me a fukuyamafag. What do!?
Also, how to tell if a girl is flirting with you vs if you're just gassing up a kind interaction?

>> No.23183242

Just learned that I can use ai to summarize philosophy for me. Instead of slogging through 30 pages of analytic bullshit I can read a brief overview of it so I can do my homework

>> No.23183401
File: 121 KB, 565x748, ᛋᛋ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup lads

>> No.23183413

I am collecting, harvesting and scraping as much data as I possibly can to prepare for the coming global war between NATO and Russia/China so I can sell it to whichever side offers me the most money or power.

>> No.23183446

I'm glad I'm not from Antartica.

>> No.23183452

i interviewed at the company where my dad is a vp and even they didnt hire me. i just need to learn to interview bros. i shouldve prepped more. my first round i was nervous as hell. i got better, but fucking hell. i need a drink. i've made a real kwab of myself.
how much further can you go than saying "i'm qualified for this job because ive done everything involved and everyone ive ever worked for has loved me"? why do i have to tell stories?
this shouldve been a fucking layup.

>> No.23183453

can anyone be from antarctica? i feel like if someone got pregnant there theyd just send them back home

>> No.23183556

Always thought I'd figure sex out eventually but I can't. I think I'm seriously broken.
I am incapable of intimacy. I can't love nor feel loved by anyone
Visited a whore recently cause i wanted to lose my virginity. I felt nothing the entire time. I didn't enjoy being touched and avoided touching her.
I know the entire thing is fake on her part, so it's hard to be aroused when i know this other person doesn't really want me
I could also tell she was vaguely disgusted by me. I'm not an unattractive guy, I'm very fit but i made no attempt to talk to her , was nervous, and said little
After like two minutes i just said alright that's enough. It felt like nothing. Masturbating is honestly more pleasurable
But also it's like I'm too detached from myself to enjoy sex. I see this woman in front of me but it arises no feeling . it feels like an abstraction, unreal. If it was a picture on my phone i would be extremely aroused cause a picture is perfect, has no reactions
I've always heard stories about men falling in love with whores but i would never be able to
I don't think I'll ever have sex again

>> No.23183563

its a tough market out there bro you'll get something better in the end

>> No.23183564

I'm just so lonely. I want to feel that intimacy but hate it at the same time

>> No.23183567

Because I wish to. If I'm not at least very good might as well not show up at all.
I could turn that question to you. Why do you don't have to be the best at something? Why are you ok with mediocrity?
>You sound like one of those kids who has a meltdown because some other kid won the footrace

>> No.23183569

Never visited a whore but I think that's how itd go for me. Or I'd just do nothing and run away or just talk to her.
I'm really lonely. I'm not bad looking or out of shape. I'm just different. I don't even look at porn or anything. I wish I could just meet a nice girl. I don't think I'm cut out for any of this though. Everything's so complicated and weird in this world.

>> No.23183574

You were never going make it. In any timeline.

>> No.23183584
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Currently readn.

>> No.23183585

It was weird af and gross. Besides the whores, in the saloon it's all old men. Immediately all the eyes in the room turn to me.
I was super awkward. I hated the feeling that the person im talking to is putting on a performance to make money, which just ended up making me more uncomfortable
The entire experience made me feel like a massive loser.

>> No.23183600

I wish there was a place where frontier towns and untamed nature exists. Or the big cyberpunk cities that somehow have better urban planning than real world cities.
Just something man.

>> No.23183616

Both exist, both are, however, unglamorous and suck.

>> No.23183618 [DELETED] 

Neither exists
Fuck you

>> No.23183628
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>> No.23183632

>From Hell.
How much overlap do we have with /co/?

>> No.23183633

This is what I already know would happen if I paid for a prostitute. When I was still hugless, I always really fantasized about embracing a woman, but when it actually happened, I felt nothing but repulsion. It filled me with hopelessness and self-loathing that I couldn't even feel it. :/

>> No.23183648

I mean, I don't frequent there at all, so....

>> No.23183661

I'm probably going to be dead soon, so I guess it doesn't matter. There are a lot of people that die miserable and without any form of closure; I'm not special. I know that almost all of my problems were just me. I was the problem. I know I deserved the life of suffering. If God gave me another chance, I'm not sure I could do any better anyway. I got so much. I was blessed with so much, but still managed to turn destroy it all. I'm sorry, God. :/
Even though I don't want to live, I know I have nothing left, I know I've asked for too much, I know I received too much, and I know of anyone on the earth that needs help, I need it least of all, I still have a hope in the back of my mind that God will wake me up from my nightmare and tell me it was all in my head. I don't know if I could ever do things rightー my head is completely messed up. I could at least try again.

I don't bother to even pray anymore. I'm too ashamed. It feels as though my words are too disgusting to be directed towards God.
If any Christian anons want to pray that I'll find some kind of peace, that would be nice; nothing but divine intervention can save me at this point. I know God won't answer my prayers any more. kek

>> No.23183662

Acceptance is the first step.

>> No.23183668 [DELETED] 

Virtual reality is virtually real.

>> No.23183674

How come Google didn't create a specific app for YouTube Shorts as a competitor to TikTok? Especially considering the ban has been talked about for awhile.

>> No.23183684

>I felt nothing but repulsion. It filled me with hopelessness and self-loathing that I couldn't even feel it. :/
:( I know what you mean exactly. I can feel the fantasy, the longing, but the real thing barely registers. And sometimes comes with a feeling of disgust
It's like my default state with others is dissasociative
Outside of this whore, my only other intimate moment I cuddled with a girl once at a party, but there was the same I felt nothing at all. A vague attraction maybe
I don't know why I am so uncomfortable with women. Poor self esteem maybe
Some people just go through life completely alone

>> No.23183691

Google is creatively bankrupt. Remember Google Video, Google+? They bought Youtube. Their search is bad now, their AI is retarded. They just harvest data and run ads. https://www.failory.com/blog/google-failed-products

>> No.23183712

The issue is they keep wanting to integrate with all their other bullshit instead of streamlining. The biggest issue with YouTube Shorts is that it's attached to YouTube. People don't want suites. They don't want to open YouTube then find the YouTube Shorts feature within it. People want self-containment, and then you can add little bits of optional bullshit to it over time to play with. TikTok was just TikTok, not integrated with anything. Twitter was just Twitter, which had early YouTube/Myspace like customization features but at its peak had those removed and streamlined like what YouTube did.

>> No.23183724

I've got a lot going thru the network rn, hence my slow internet connection atm

>> No.23183734


>> No.23183737

You hate worldbuilding? God designed the stars, the planets, the animals, you, and me. He's the ultimate Worldbuilder.

>> No.23183784


>> No.23183835

If he only stopped with the planets and would have left the animals out he would be a great world builder. But I guess he was bored by his creation without animals fast.

>> No.23184068

Lmao this is gonna be me in the next few years. There really is no way out. Stay strong bro.

>> No.23184233

A few years back I used to browse /biz/ and it turned me racist and angry person, then I started browsing /lit/ instead and it slowly turned me relatively calmer and calculated ( I filter most of the threads in here and post in only 1% of the threads that are being posted here).

>> No.23184271

Hate to break it to you kid, by i'm the kid you seethed over who won all the prizes. You not trying means you're never winning

>> No.23184524

whats gonna be the cause of death?

>> No.23184525


>> No.23184826

I want to kms for being extremely cringe on a regular basis

>> No.23184835

Why become the other thread deleted?