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/lit/ - Literature

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23178749 No.23178749 [Reply] [Original]

Let’s get a list of essential /homo/core going. Here’s what I have so far:
>The Iliad
>The poetry of Sappho
>Plato’s Symposium
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>Brideshead Revisited
>Confessions of a Mask
>Memoirs of Hadrian
>The novels of Mary Renault
>Call Me By Your Name
>Song of Achilles
>My diary desu

>> No.23178773

>The Iliad

>> No.23178778

If you have The Iliad might as well add titles like Iphigenia in Tauris desu

>> No.23178785

I remember someone working on a list a month or two ago

>> No.23178792
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>> No.23178824

I think might be bi. Years of being of virginal pussy loser has made me sexually confused.

>> No.23178951

Some of these books do not even contain mentions of homosexuality.

>> No.23178964

fight club

>> No.23178984

>essential /homo/
>nothing french
You're going to get bullied kid

>> No.23179082

Which ones?

>> No.23179305
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>> No.23179321

Wait, Walt Whitman was actually gay? Are you sure this isn't just the modern politically active alphabet soup people appropriating him based on weak grounds?

>> No.23179328

You're missing the Communist Manifesto

>> No.23179517
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>> No.23179519

Great Mirror of Male Love!
>My diary desu
Post gayanon, you're the best

>> No.23179531

I don't think Dorian Gray makes explicit mention

>> No.23179538

Whitman never tried to hide his homosexuality:
>Critic Rufus Wilmot Griswold reviewed Leaves of Grass in the November 10, 1855 issue of The Criterion, calling it "a mass of stupid filth," and categorized its author as a filthy free lover. Griswold also suggested, in Latin, that Whitman was guilty of "that horrible sin not to be mentioned among Christians," one of the earliest public accusations of Whitman's homosexuality. Griswold's intensely negative review almost caused the publication of the second edition to be suspended. Whitman incorporated the full review, including the innuendo, in a later edition of Leaves of Grass.

>> No.23179579

He wrote (by the standards of his era) very openly about fucking men and women, although he was definitely bisexual, not homosexual

>> No.23180321

>Sappho is gay
oh shit guys what do we do he figured it out

>> No.23180395

Samuel Delaney gets memed on a lot here for Hogg but Times Square Red, Times Square Blue is a very thoughtful and well-written account of gay life in NYC in the 70s/80s. He has a real talent for dialogue and for describing unique, memorable characters with only a few lines.

>> No.23180899

No Moby Dick? It's literally in the name of the book

>> No.23180916

Edmund White?

>> No.23181011

>217 ratings
Honestly that’s about 200 more readers than I could have guessed.

>> No.23181389

Also The Sea, The Sea by Iris Murdoch.

>> No.23181610

>I don't think Dorian Gray makes explicit mention
It is very obviously a gay novel with gay characters, written by a gay writer who tried to push how gay he could make the novel. (and he got censored to shit because of it)

>> No.23181616

Weird/shame that Hogg is on here, but not Exquisite Corpse.

>> No.23181621
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>> No.23181679

Kek have you read Leaves of Grass? That shit is gay as goddamn hell.

>> No.23182554

He got drunk with Oscar Wilde... everyone knows what happens then.

>> No.23182661
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Sometimes it genuinely terrifies me I share a planet with the person who wrote that blurb and the people who read the book in any way except to mock it.
That combination of words in the summary must activate sleeper agents. The entire thing is totally incomprehensible to anyone from 2018 or earlier

>> No.23182709

>"that horrible sin not to be mentioned among Christians,"
So he raped little boys, good to know