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23177540 No.23177540 [Reply] [Original]

>doesn't write a single word for 10 years
>finally rewrites a short story
>turns Bast, one of his most iconic characters, into a flaming faggot
>mayors wife is secretly lesbian and banging the maid
>tells us one of the villagers is trans and going through hormone therapy, for absolutely no reason at all.
>and worst of all, Bast completely forgets to get eggs and loses the carrots.
He's got twitter brain rot. Took him over a decade to write this gay shit.

>> No.23177677

Lmaoooooo no way. Post a screenshot

>> No.23177680

/lit/ never cared about him enough in the first place to give him lolcow status. Their loss, the ride only gets more cringe every year.

>> No.23177687

Name of the Wind started off so good but why did he make Kvothe start simping so hard. Like his entire personality just shifted suddenly to "I need Denna to like me hurrr"

Why why why why

>> No.23177702
File: 53 KB, 656x312, 4hy67.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earlier in the story he mentions some of the village boys are already kissing the tranny too. Within the first 20 pages Bast is sucking dick. This man has two sons.

>> No.23177714

Look at his face - The phenotype does not lie. This is a man who has no values or principles. He will take a stand for nothing, and as such, he will spread his cheeks to any dominant narrative provided he gets the breadcrumbs of spoils

>> No.23177717

It's called autism.

>> No.23177723

A few things going on that takes some re-reads to catch. Denna uses magic to attract or repel men. She's most likely been sent to spy on Kvothe. Kvothe inadvertently casts a love spell between them by using seven words to make a person fall in love with you. He's a hopeless romantic, he gets all of his ideas about love from plays and his now dead and martyred parents. He spent the last few years living as a feral animal and she's the first person his age that's not covered in sewage and soot that treats him like a normal person.

>> No.23177782

>They were Grett now
Oof. Remember when people used to talk about "muh prose" in regards to this guy. What a joke.

>> No.23177784

Is Denna using magic a theory or confirmed? Either way I think that makes a lot of sense actually; the seven words are brought up several times.

He should have just gone with Fela though, big titty librarian wtf was he thinking.

>> No.23177790

>has two books under his belt
>iconic anything
Yeah, right. Rothfuss is about as iconic as the average 15 minutes of fame.

>> No.23177803

I liked the first book but book 2 was a bit of a disaster. I'm surprised anyone's looking forward to the third.

>> No.23177804

Yes! It's a really odd addition, completely unnecessary. This rewrite isn't his best work, but it's meant to be a warm up to get him back in the saddle. I actually think Slow Regard is him at his best.
Is Denna using magic a theory or confirmed?
They never discuss it directly but she asks Kvothe, Will, and Sim about magic, specifically magic you can write down, while they're playing cards. She also makes claims of knowing things that they don't teach at the university. In Wise Man's Fear Kvothe notices her hair is braided in Yillish Knots and spells out "Lovely". When Kvothe offends her she re-braids it to spell out "leave me alone".
There's also the weird letter she sent to Kvothe that most likely had some form of written magic in it. She's a high class whore, who is also a thief and scammer, that goes by multiple names. She hasn't been caught for any of her crimes. She's the sole survivor of a complete massacre at the wedding. She's definitely using magic.

>> No.23177806

Ive dreamt about Fela multiple times.

>> No.23177819

I think you're right. Haven't read Wise Man's Fear yet but it's next on my shelf. It will be interesting reading her interactions with this in mind.

>> No.23177843

Exactly right. Rothfuss likely hasn't written a word of book three, seems to prefer streaming on Twitch. He'll die and then people will stop talking about the Kingkiller Chronicles as if they're the next Lotr

>> No.23177855

How do you think these shitty authors got big in the first place? You were just exposed to the reality with the whole P. Diddy expose. “You want people with no talent because you can control them.” It’s the same with books. These people are propagandists. I know that’s hard for you to accept, and would probably be hard for them to accept, but it’s true.

>> No.23177864

If you knew the shit this faggot posts you wouldn't be surprised by this. Its not twitter brain rot, he always was like this.
There's a reason I never bothered with his schlock

>> No.23177870

Why do you care about this fat buffoon? Apparently, he hasn’t written a book in 15 years and spends all his time streaming and on “mental health awareness”.

>> No.23177900

What in the...
His books were like those of Brandon Sanderson.
What happened to him?

>> No.23177918

Is this AI?

>> No.23177939

Fantasy was at a low when it came out and it captured the Harry Potter audience who had grown up. His book was slightly different and people read more into it than was actually there, but I do believe it did something that people wanted at the time.

>> No.23178320

Rothfuss has no ideals and no message. So like any man lacking in direction he ended up thinking about women way too much

>> No.23178361

nah it's twitter, he spends way too much time on their, have repeatedly catered to SJW diatribe, he's probably obsessively read the backlash against JK Rowling. He's definitely changed his opinions and outlook on his work due to changes in social issues. That's probably one of a few reasons he hasn't finished book three. he's trying to rationalize or reconcile his new more lefty SJW views with what he's previously written.

>> No.23178384

>That's probably one of a few reasons he hasn't finished book three. he's trying to rationalize or reconcile his new more lefty SJW views with what he's previously written.
This new book mentions twitter in the into, and the changes to the story to be more lgbtq supportive are evidence enough that this is the issues.

>> No.23178391
File: 377 KB, 528x536, 1620744478227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have never read any of rothfuss' work previously - is this typical of his style? trannyism aside this is horribly written.

>> No.23178413

There is a disease of the soul that Leftoids have, very similar to that of the Spanish.

the Spanish went to the New World in search for the cure to that disease, which was gold.
The Leftoid version they would go even farther to find a cure for, which is strange, as lead is not a rare element.

This behavior is their pursuit of what I believe they innately understand to be their destiny: Bringing about a fascist dictatorship so that they can die in it. Just reading a sentence of Name of the Wind makes me wish the Third Reich had won WWII. Reading a chapter caused me to pause, and go read Always with Honor. By the time I had finished the first book I had also read Savitri Devi and Mishima.

Wise Man's Fear was like a right-wing learning course. I got to the gay little rhyme Bast does when choosing wine, and got a tattoo of a Sonnenrad on my neck. Every time the Woman is mentioned I donated $5 to the Daily Stormer in Monero, eventually I had to just put tic marks on a piece of paper so that I could do it all at once, it was several hundred dollars. I read Giovanni Gentile before we were out of Lethani territory, and at a loss of what to do when we got to Felurian so I just read Mein Kampf.

All of this was necessary to keep me from shooting myself, but as a result of having read Pat's work I am now--I'm not sure if there's even a word for this, I'm going to call it Deimosism, I want to isolate whatever it is that this faggot fears the most and then become and believe that. I wish that I were actually racist enough to be a Nazi, I'll have to work on that I've got Turner Diaries and The Serpent's Walk lined up for whenever the next book comes out with its florid idiotic title.

I would encourage the Kingkiller Chronicles (and my reading method) to anyone who feels they spend too much time feeling hope and brotherly love for his fellows, and instead wants to feel revulsion and hatred for every wrinkle in the hideous travertine of humanity.

>> No.23178489

The Name of the Wind. The Wise Man's Fear. The Slow Regard of Silent Things. Are all near perfect examples of intricate modern fantasy. He's right up there with GGRM. Possibly better because he's more nerdy about wordsmithing. He can write like nobody's business. If you never read those book I highly recommend them.

>> No.23178490


>> No.23178499

Don't worry, his wife ("partner," whatever) will probably be taking the kids away in the divorce. Do you think Fatrick is the kind of guy who did any care for them to begin with?

And hey, maybe the inevitable alimony payments will induce him to shit out the third book so we can all laugh at how he's done no improvement in his craft since.

>> No.23178504

his first book was blah and his second was absolute shit.

>> No.23178524

his dungeon and dragon streams were pretty shit as well and hes a lousy lovemaker to his 4/10 comic con groupies

>> No.23178583

this could be a twitter screencap

>> No.23178650

There's also the bit about names specifically. Kvothe hangs out with Doc Brown Namer guy for a while and he freaks out when he mentions her changing her name, but then calms down when he explains further. But what if his initial fear was actually right, and that Denna is actually nameless?

>> No.23180015

For a moment... for a moment. Lovely repetition. What a master of his craft. For a moment I thought I was reading the highest of art. For a moment.

>> No.23180047

>the can't differentiate between AI or autism dilemma
We gotta develop a test to identify AI, like that test in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, but only regarding text & images.

>> No.23180126
File: 779 KB, 2448x3264, name of the wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His usual style is to cuck the main character. It seems things have gotten worse and he is also in tranny shit these days.

>> No.23180170

This guy definitely got friend zoned at a formative period in his life and concocted some nuclear grade copium to deal with it

>> No.23180210

I've never read this before but this perfectly depicts the friendzoned autist mentality and I think that's based.

>> No.23180221

According to his Goodreads(TM) official bio:
>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women.
And earlier:
>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl.
Denna is just a combination of all the girls who rejected him in high school. Do you think he was fucking models when he went to college? No, he was hooking up with fatties and four-eyed geeks. Kvothe is everything Pat wishes he was, which is why he never fails at anything he does. It just so happens that there are a lot of geeky men who felt the same way, so they identified with Kvothe and that's why NotW became so popular.

>> No.23180236

lmfao, it's real, holy shit, I can't wait to read these books now

>> No.23180262

This is the issue with genre fiction. A series like Kingkiller was seriously labeled by many to be a "top tier fantasy series", when it is just YA self insert fiction.

>> No.23180276

>book 2 was a bit of a disaster.
Understatement of the decade.

>> No.23180293

The first book is okay fantasy but the second is a horny teenager's wet dream. I'm not joking. He loses his virginity to the goddess of sex, who's sex is so good it literally drives men insane, but not the MC ;) and then he has sex with every female with a pulse including an entire country of polyamorous amazonian warrior women, except the one girl he actually likes won't have sex with him because she's too busy having sex with men who aren't him. This takes up a full 2/3rds of the book, I'm not exaggerating.

>> No.23180319

how can people dare to say his name and grrm's in the same breath

>> No.23180328

I'll never understand why authors do this to their work.

>> No.23180337
File: 446 KB, 1458x2048, patrick rothfuss - sarah tompkins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Do you think he was fucking models when he went to college? No, he was hooking up with fatties and four-eyed geeks.
idk man, looks like he did pretty well there for a while. too bad she's divorcing him now

>> No.23180351

Who is this ogre-like creature?

>> No.23180358 [DELETED] 

both fat perverts who can't finish their stories

>> No.23180363

Not the kind of girl I would go for, but that's not to say she's bad looking. As I said, though, she's no model

>> No.23180371

>As I said, though, she's no model
That's fair. I do think she's a lot cuter than you'd expect to see with a troll like rothfuss, though, especially considering they were dating before her got published and made the big bucks. So the guy has some sort of game, i think

>> No.23180474

Not a single person is looking forward to that shit, even his most diehard fans know he’s a hack at this point. It’s a combination of sunken cost and people’s autistic need for closure in the story.

>> No.23180478

Because the first book had potential and when he sold it to the publisher he lied out his ass and told them the entire first draft of the trilogy was already complete so they thought they were getting a near finished product.

>> No.23180484

Somebody post the whole bio, it's hysterically pretentious and exactly like the sort of thing the average Redditor would write about themselves.

>> No.23180508

Don't forget, he says that Kingkiller Chronicle is supposed to be 'just the prologue'.

>> No.23180515

>It all began when Pat Rothfuss was born to a marvelous set of parents. Throughout his formative years they encouraged him to do his best, gave him good advice, and were no doubt appropriately dismayed when he failed to live up to his full potential.
>In high-school Pat was something of a class clown. His hobbies included reading a novel or two a day and giving relationship advice to all his friends despite the fact that he had never so much as kissed a girl. He also role-played and wrote terrible stories about elves. He was pretty much a geek.
>Most of Pat's adult life has been spent in the University Wisconsin Stevens Point. In 1991 he started college in order to pursue a career in chemical engineering, then he considered clinical psychology. In 1993 he quit pretending he knew what he wanted to do with his life, changed his major to "undecided," and proceeded to study whatever amused him. He also began writing a book....
>For the next seven years Pat studied anthropology, philosophy, eastern religions, history, alchemy, parapsychology, literature, and writing. He studied six different martial arts, practiced improv comedy, learned how to pick locks, and became a skilled lover of women. He also began writing a satirical advice column which he continues to this day: The College Survivial Guide. Through all of this he continued to work on his novel.
>In 2000 Pat went to grad school for English literature. Grad school sucked and Pat hated it. However, Pat learned that he loved to teach. He left in 2002 with his masters degree, shaking the dust from his feet and vowing never to return. During this period of time his novel was rejected by roughly every agent in the known universe.
>Now Pat teaches half-time at his old school as an assistant-sub-lecturer. He is underpaid but generally left alone to do as he sees fit with his classes. He is advisor for the college feminists, the fencing club, and, oddly enough, a sorority. He still roll-plays occasionally, but now he does it in an extremely sophisticated, debonair way.
>Through a series of lucky breaks, he has wound up with the best agent and editor imaginable, and the first book of his trilogy has been published under the title "The Name of the Wind."
>Though it has only been out since April 2007, it has already been sold in 26 foreign countries and won several awards.
>Pat has been described as "a rough, earthy iconoclast with a pipeline to the divine in everyone's subconscious." But honestly, that person was pretty drunk at the time, so you might want to take it with a grain of salt.

It gets even funnier when you look at the ratings he's given his own books
All of them are rated five stars. The man has a massive ego because for years he's been told that he's the best thing to happen to fantasy since Tolkien

>> No.23180614

The thing with the other planet was really cool but aside from that nothing ever happens

>> No.23180618

When I was like 12 years old I loved this biography and now is the most cringe thing haha

>> No.23180631

I hate this bing bing wahoo shit SO much.

>> No.23180632

Kvothe is a socially and emotionally stunted 14 year old. Ofc he's going to say and think cringe shit like this.
>which is why he never fails at anything he does.
80% of the books is Kvothe fucking up and failing at shit, repeatedly.
None of the sex is even described. The scenes with Felurian are some of the best fantasy ever written and follows the structure classical mythology. Kvothe finally getting a sex life and moving on from Denna is a good thing. This kid blows up and kills an entire bandit camp in one of the bloodiest fights of the series and all anyone talks about is him losing his virginity, again none of the sex is even described it's completely PG. In this same story you read about children attempting to murder and rape each other but god forbid you get few consensual flowery sex scenes. These books are dense, I guess people just like to latch on to and complain about Kvothe becoming a man whore because it's one one of the few thing that was just written out in plane English with no subtext, the exception being Felurian's scenes. Also this is fantasy, a kid becoming one of the greatest and most genius magical student, fighters, and adventure of all time is perfectly palatable but him finally being able to mature a bit, become comfortable and competent around a few women and giving up on his cringy fixation of one girl is completely out of the realm of possibility for people.

>> No.23180711

You should get back to writing Pat. Book three ain’t gonna write itself

>> No.23180775

This is the problem with modern day western audiences. The masses lack critical thinking skills and need their hands held for everything. Don't remember half of what they've just read and are only concerned about their own egos.

>> No.23180777

t. obsessed thirdie

>> No.23180784

>leftist pussy uses his platform to spread harmful ideas to benefit Jews
In any normal society his weakness would be exposed and he would never be allowed to have the sort of influence he has now. He's a weak coward, like every shitty and fake artist the system props up to degrade humanity further.

Leftists are naturally weak, scared cowards. If you are a grown man and are still an unironic leftist, it is a serious mark against your character.

>> No.23180793

Western literacy would be so much higher if we weren't forced to support all these useless, begging 3rd worlders against our will. Btw, the idea that some random Somali or Muslim donkey coming here for free shit and to prey on people is somehow my brother by virtue of also being "human" is ridiculous. These people aren't my brothers, I find that insinuation insulting. Most of them would rape and kill my family if they could get away with it. They have no loyalty to my nation either.

>> No.23180795

I'm American. 54% of adults in this country have a literacy rate below sixth-grade level. And it's getting worse with Gen Z and Gen A. People's attention spans and intelligence are shit. Don't pretend it's not an issue.

>> No.23180813

I don't know who this is, but I feel like he really wishes he were Alan Moore.

>> No.23180829

She probably has leftist rot… in her brain and between her legs

>> No.23180842

Bakker remains the champion

>> No.23180924

>80% of the books is Kvothe fucking up and failing at shit, repeatedly
Ask me how I know you're a Rothfuss fanboy. This is such a disingenuous claim. From the very beginning Kvothe never fails at anything, and looks down on everyone around him because he's "Enema Roo". The "story" amounts to nothing more than a bunch of sidequests in which nothing happen because Rothfuss has no idea how to actually write a story. He spends pages meandering on, describing pointless shit because he's in love with his own ego. The second book is even worse, because it doesn't even do anything to advance the so-called plot of the trilogy and stuffs even more bullshit into Kvothe's EPIC backstory. You say that the Felurian scenes are "some of the best fantasy ever written", but in truth it's some of the cringiest. After she seduces him, he suddenly becomes a sex god where every woman he meets instantly wants to fuck him. The tone of the story completely shifts, but there was no plot anyway so who cares. The fact of the matter is that Rothfuss spent 14 years polishing a turd until it was the shiniest turd in the universe, and people fell for it hook line and sinker.
Any aspiring fantasy author would love to have been in the position Rothfuss was in 2007. He became an instant worldwide phenomenon basically overnight. He's squandered and taken for granted what anyone else would see as a golden opportunity, and in the 13 years since Wise Man's Fear people have realised that actually these books aren't as good as everyone says they are. Sure, the prose is good, but that's because Pat is a fucking neurotic autist who spends years trying to write a perfect sentence. The story is dogshit, the characters are dogshit, even the worldbuilding is dogshit because Rothfuss writes as if every reader has a fucking encyclopaedia right next to them. Kingkiller fans have the fucking audacity to compare Rothfuss to Tolkien, when Tolkien could actually fucking finish a trilogy.

>> No.23180936

Very early in the story Kvothe nearly chokes himself to death trying to pull off some clever magic, and gets a stern talking to and cut off from learning anything else because of his stupidity. He fails to learn the lesson and makes mistake after mistake, he's only good at a handful of things (music, memorizing shit, public speaking because he grew up in an acting troupe) and multiple characters put him in his place by letting him know he doesn't know shit, and that he's fucking up. This kid threw himself off a roof top trying to impress one of his teachers. You did not pay attention to what you were reading, anon.

>> No.23180945

I don't pay much attention to reading dogshit, no. I have better things to do with my time.

>> No.23180983

>He's got twitter brain rot. Took him over a decade to write this gay shit.
The list of sff authors who havent been broke by social media is going to be significantly smaller than the one that is.