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23175236 No.23175236 [Reply] [Original]

Winds of Winter are coming.... finally bros, we fucking won!

>> No.23175245

What did he mean by that?

>> No.23175289

>word of wisdom
>w o w
>Winds of winter

Could it be?

>> No.23175344
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>blue rose


>> No.23175368

If he's not trolling I'm going to celebrate by going to a buffet and fapping to Sansa fanfic

>> No.23175617

If faegon dies I'm going to fucking cry

>> No.23175624

hes only gonna release it if drump loses again

>> No.23175645

i don't see him getting to a dream of spring tbqh
if he does he'll probably die in the first third

>> No.23175650

This is clearly about A Dream of Spring.

>> No.23175671

Probably a nothing burger, George is a trollhttps://georgerrmartin.com/notablog/2022/04/20/the-winds-of-june/

>> No.23175703

George was always more of an ogre

>> No.23175726


I'd say it si about Winds but I think ADOS's final cover will be the blue rose as there's too much symbolism there involved for it not to be.

>> No.23175733

Words of Wisdom (WoW)
Winds of Winter
It's clearly about winds

>> No.23175869

>4chan makes a bunch of asoiaf threads in the past weeks
>martin starts writing dream

is our collective unconscious influencing George s will?

>> No.23175937

We just have to keep on talking about it! Make sure to watch the new HBO show btw.

>> No.23175943

He posts here and we have inspired him with our countless dogshit ideas
Myrcella will stab the night king and mace tyrell will be made king.

>> No.23175944
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>Quotes Faulkner
>After helping turn his magnum opus in to a laughing stock

>> No.23175955

Here we fucking go bros, finally new Wild Cards.

>> No.23175963

Television in Faulkner's time was completely different, much less developed and interesting
If he lived today he might have held a different opinion

Besides, he doesn't have to agree with everything faulkner ever said to like some of his quotes

>> No.23175975

who cares about this trash

>> No.23175977

That quote is really fucking stupid.

>> No.23176014

It really is. How does Faulkner get away with it?

>> No.23176099 [DELETED] 
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It is neither developed nor interesting now, it is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. That is the nigger. Niggers need simple, unsophisticated and crude amusements to be able to understand them.

>> No.23176109

The closer we get to US elections the stronger the power of KEK grows

>> No.23176142

I doubt he would have thought the clockwork orange was for niggers.

>> No.23176153 [DELETED] 
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>The man who thought his own work adapted for TV was made for niggers certainly won't think that this shitbox crude and obvious TV adaption of a crude and shitbox book isn't made for nigger.

>> No.23176164

do people still remember ASOIAF? I'd need to reread it. I reread Game of Thrones but Clash of Kings wasn't that good and gave up.

>> No.23176177

it's been 10 years since I last read any of the books. if he announces a release date and actually sticks with it, I will read them again.

>> No.23176246

But tv wasn't the same at his time, do you really think if he grew up today he would not use the internet or watch tv? You can't be this fucking delusional

>> No.23176260
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Correct. Television is for niggers.

>> No.23176282

Jaime and Brienne will get married calling it, nobody can prove me wrong

>> No.23176338

Kek I haven't read any of them or watched the show at all, I've been waiting for everything to get wrapped up before I get invested in it all.

>> No.23176347
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How are we feeling Blackfyrebros?

>> No.23176384


>> No.23176493


I think we're never getting a clear answer on Aegon's true parentage and that will make him a much more compelling and fascinating character. I think he'll wind up with Sansa who will be the younger, and more beautiful queen from Cersei's prophechy .Both Aegon and Sansa will probably be ruling at the end with Bran acting as Hand of the King from his Weirwood throne in the north; the Three Heads of the Dragon, united together to usher in an eternal dream of spring after The Others are defeated and there is no chance of anymore Long Nights from happening. Afterall it was a Stark, and Targaryen that caused this whole mess(Rhaegar and Lyanna), I think it'll be a Stark and Targaryen who fix everything just to give the ending a nice bookend.

>> No.23176548
File: 59 KB, 636x700, pepe_janny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are those posts deleted?
did they say the n-word or something
nigger nigger nigger nigger

>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam.
wanted to make a cool nigger N

>> No.23176564

Isn't faegon going to pork the martell slut?

>> No.23176583

Why would Varys lie to a dying man about Aegon's origins? Definitely not to fuck with him considering Varys had some respect for the guy. Aegon is legitimate.

Varys is a Larys parallel obviously. In the same way Larys helped Aegon II escape KL to recapture it on a better day, Varys did the same for Aegon VI.

Aegon VI and JonCon will burn KL, and Varys will likely poison him.

>> No.23176587

You never know who is listening in kings landing

>> No.23176593

its over

>> No.23176598

Then why say anything to Kevan at all? The truth is that Aegon's parentage is speculated throughout ADWD and through Varys, one of the only people in the world who could know for sure, George is telling us in the ending that he is real and that it is happening. There isn't going to be a double fakeout where Aegon turns out to be a Blackfyre the whole time. People are going to be disappointed that their headcannon isn't coming true. Honestly, I am more suspect of Dany's parentage than Aegon's at this point, but no one wants to consider that.

>> No.23176613

>Then why say anything to Kevan at all?
Epic scene
You have to remember at the end of the day martin is still a tvtard that reads comic books and wrote darkstar into the story.

But I haven't read it in a while so I will not bet money on it

>> No.23176618

the blackfyre rebellions were brought up way too much for them to not play a role

>> No.23176644

The word Blackfyre is used 12 times in around almost 5000 pages of the ASOIAF story. It is barely brought up at all. Non-die hards will think "Who?" if he turns out to be a Blackfyre.

>> No.23176646

Fair, but I would honest to god bet a decent amount of coin that he will not be a Blackfyre.

>> No.23177231

i read the first book 6 years ago and liked it enough, but only got halfway through the second book because i only enjoyed tyrion and jon's sections. is there enough of at least tyrion as the books go on to not be a slog?

>> No.23177236

I doubt this is going to be it but a part of me always hoped he was actually just writing both and he's gonna surprise us by publishing them together.
If it doesn't happen, I'm not going to buy the book

>> No.23177628

Then they will be left behind.

>> No.23177640


Don't forget Selmy. He's one of the few people alive who was close enough to Rhaegar who could probably help verify Aegon' legitimacy, people are expecting him to die in The Battle of Fire but I think he'll somehow live and return to Westeros to confirm his doubts and might help be the bridge that brokers a meeting between Daenerys and him with Tyrion helping out who probably stays behind in Mereen to rule the city in order to gain Daenerys trust.

I also think all three of Daenerys betrayals will be herself and not tangible things like other people such as Euron or Tyrion

>> No.23177670

I think Selmy will survive the Battle of Fire, but die from the Pale Mare. He's been a Kingsguard for most of his life, outlived three kings now (four if you count Joffrey as a king he served), and says in GOT "A hall to die in, and men to bury me... I am a knight. I shall die a knight." I think it would be just the type of narrative irony GRRM loves if Barristan dies from an illness, rather than in battle.

>> No.23177686

lel retard
if anything he would be more repulsed by the state of TV, which is still for niggers

>> No.23178662

These books really attract the stupidest fucking people.

>> No.23178704

The fat fuck is finally going to finish the books. Id say theres still some good in the world but im afraid of the shitstorm the release will cause. Cant wait to watch loretards seeth because their theory didnt make it in the books

>> No.23179135

>The Battle of Fire
>The Battle of Ice
>The Battle of Steel
>The Battle of Blood
which battle are you guys most excited for? Personally I think the Battle of Fire has the most action to offer. Lots of important people converging in one place and doubtless some POVs will die, probably Barristan at least.

>> No.23179146

For me it’s blood
See how delusional or not is Euron

>> No.23179253

Steel. I want to see the flower of the Reach's chivalry annihilated paving the way for Aegon's advance to King's Landing.

>> No.23179258

I just hope the fatso doesn't send Jon as a forever slave and also doesn't make everything about le democracy

>> No.23179295

Ice for sure.

>> No.23179304

for who has a better story than joee the brain broken

>> No.23180437

There was a white raven in the room with Kevan. Varys was putting on the speech for Bloodraven.

>> No.23180446

Steel will be fun, but I honestly am mostly excited for Ice. The magic in the north is really turning up (the end of Theon I is really something). Stannis defeating the Freys will be cathartic, and once Stannis takes Winterfell, we can finally move the northern plot to focus on the others.

>> No.23180450

I am surprised there is no one named Harold Flower in ASOIAF.

>> No.23180644

You're making me excited for the book anons. I'm worried it turns out to be a shitty book or, the most probable, that it never comes out

>> No.23180675
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>ASOIAF is for Summer Islanders

>> No.23181202

>Georgie Porgie: Abloohoo I am sad. All my friends are dead. I wish the world was free from war and that Blumf was in prison! I’m gonna make a sadpost about how life is hard for dreamers like me, let’s look up quotes about dreams on goodreads, ah perfect a Faulkner one that’ll show how highbrow I am!
Preston Gayboy: So uh… George posted this quote but I saw the blue flower above it and everyone totally missed this reference to the blue flower from the wall of ice reference, and the blue flower can also be a reference to the House Florent, if we look at their sigil we find a bed of blue flowers and uhhh the majority of their members are currently at the Wall, so George is definitely giving us a sign that they will be pivotal to the next book. The phrase “filling the air with sweetness” shows that they will be burned, maybe by Stannis or maybe in dragonfire? Anyway tune in next week for part 104 of my fanfic.