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23173746 No.23173746 [Reply] [Original]

Jordan Peterson's books are as ridiculous as he is. Joe Rogan is knob polisher and gatekeeper. Tate is an actor. DFW killed himself.

University professors are NPCs on a tight leash.

Where are the teachers?

>> No.23173750


>> No.23173753

Maybe read some fucking books instead of trying to find salvation and wisdom from fuckin' e-celebs.

>What books?

Start with 'After Virtue' by Alasdair McIntyre.

>> No.23173754


>> No.23173755

Jesus killed himself.

>> No.23173756

You should follow his example.

>> No.23173759

>'After Virtue' by Alasdair McIntyre
Yes that is good. But I already follow teleology and love Aristotle.

The problem is people don't listen. Where do you find a wife that accepts that her sole purpose is to have children and be a mother? Where do you find a community where every woman is like this and there are no bad apples ready to poison the whole thing?

Capitalism swallows everything up and makes everything about consuming material goods and competing with the neighbour for who can consume more.

>> No.23173761



>> No.23173764

Why do you need a role model? Can't think for yourself?

>> No.23173765

A living role model helps because you can see him fail and if he does you know it's not the way to go.

Society determines the trajectory of your life.

>> No.23173799

Move to Afghanistan or some isolated village with a medium IQ of 80 and where everyone has 5 classes combined.

>> No.23173829

The men can be intellectuals but the women must follow their husbands. What happened to cultured people that don't care about consuming?

>> No.23173832

What about your actual father

>> No.23173834

He's dead.

>> No.23173850

Adolf Hitler. As close to a modern heroic figure as you can get.

>> No.23173874

Actually the women can be intellectuals too. If they enjoyed the finer things in life they wouldn't be obsessed with money.

If they loved art and music they wouldn't give a fuck about status symbols and even less about mindless consumption.

>> No.23173889

The face that you're asking this kind of question on 4chan already disqualifies you from le trad lifestyle.
Stop larping and be serious about it if you really care.

>> No.23173898

>le trad
I'm an elitist. I just don't think that being good at making money makes you superior.

da Vinci sucked at making money.

Art and literature should reign above all else.

>> No.23173905

Italians actually understand this.

>> No.23174092

Another Renaissance is needed.

>> No.23174097
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>> No.23174103

The Renaissance was just the redditing of the medival golden era

>> No.23174104

That's so pedophilic. What a faggot you are.

>> No.23174107

For the past 10 years it's been Paul Town, Kantbot and Logo_Daedalus
Keep up bucko we have a western civilization to save

>> No.23174108

It showed what humans are capable of when the goal is to live a good life.

>> No.23174111

Autism is not the answer.

>> No.23174116

god what a gross opener.
>find me a new snake oil salesman so i can keep my artificial and fake biases in place

delete this and try again

>> No.23174121

you cant afford a wife

>> No.23174133

Uhh no it had the medicis and idolatrous engineering monstrosities

>> No.23174135

Go stare at a tree

>> No.23174154


>> No.23174156

The world killed Jesus
He did not kill himself
He just didn't resist what was needed, as his Love outweighed his ego

>> No.23174159

jesus dying is like the internet
>oh noes i literaly have all the power of god but damn these nails!!!!! im stuck!!!!!
please bitch

>> No.23174163

That's a very enlightened understanding of one of the world's great spiritual narratives

>> No.23174171


>> No.23174176

The power of god went straight to the Jews.

>> No.23174177

No man possesses the power of God

>> No.23174180

A people do because they're the ones that created him.

>> No.23174182

The Jews did not create God. What a silly thing to say.

>> No.23174187

Nta, but you believe in the Jewish god.

>> No.23174195

The "Jewish God" is just God.

>> No.23174198

I know the Bible says it but God isn't Jesus that just makes no sense

>> No.23174199

fuk off pol jew meme cunts

>> No.23174200

There's the Muslim god. The Christian one is just the bitch of the Jewish one.

>> No.23174205

>cant into the trinity LOL mfw

>> No.23174209

The Muslim, Jewish and Christian God are the same God, Source in Hinduism is also this same God, the Adonai described by Satanists is this same God, the Divine described by Buddhists is this same God, the Dreamer described by aboriginals is this same God, Confucuius' "Heaven" is reference to this same God.
There is one God.

>> No.23174215

See you in hell :)

>> No.23174216

Fighting about the nature of the trinity is the surest sign that a person didn't understand a word of what God, Jesus or any of the prophets said.
Zealots wage battle for aeons over the letter of the word
Meanwhile a Chinese man who doesn't believe in Abrahamism lived meagerly his entire life and donated most of his earnings to the public school system so the little ones could receive education, he is a true Christian despite not believing the Bible, Jesus would say so himself.

>> No.23174220

See me? You're already there, can't you tell?

>> No.23174222

Then why does each have a different mandate? The teleology of each is different. Some are ethnic supremacists and others aren't.

The Jewish one says the Jews are the chosen people. The Muslim one says the Arabs have priority because the Quran was dictated in Arabic. Confucius was a ethnic Han supremacist. The Hindu one has castes and says some humans are chandala.

>> No.23174228

Because contained within each pure doctrine is the impurity of dogma -- man's confusion.
Confucius wasn't a Han supremacist.
The Islamic religion preaches the universal brotherhood of all men.
The Jewish religion says Jews are "chosen" because the Word was given to them and spreading it was entrusted to them, not because they're superior.
The Hindu religion speaks of spiritual castes and men interpreted this as material castes.
Men are dim witted. This does not negate the purity of Truth.

>> No.23174229
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>> No.23174230
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I can stop posting any time

>> No.23174235

That's a very Christian interpretation. A Unitarian Universalist one.

That's not how these people think. They're all narcissists that believe their people are superior.

>> No.23174239

Again, the confusion of men does not negate Truth. If someone reads Harry Potter and says it's actually about Winnie the Pooh, do you take that in as canon because they said so?

>> No.23174240

>If someone
If millions maybe billions.

>> No.23174243

Uh yeah actually

>> No.23174245

Then enjoy living a life, externally defined.

>> No.23174247

It's not really confusion. Muslims as an example think Islam is the only true religion.

>externally defined
You mean reality?

>> No.23174249

Some Muslims think that, certainly.
>you mean reality?
Half of something is not the whole of anything.

>> No.23174251

You are a grade A moron. There is no salvation outside of Christ.

>> No.23174259

I am a Christian, but the Way of Christ lies in the embodiment of principles and in God's mercy, a concept which is universal.

>> No.23174264

I don't think you trust in my
Self righteous suicide

>> No.23174265

When anons deserve to

>> No.23174277

It's written in the Quran.

>> No.23174293

The OT has all kinds of horrible things written down in it too

>> No.23174309

That because it's all bullshit. All religions are made up.

Why are there similarities? Because they are systems of control and all humans are controlled in the same way. Vulnerable to crafty lies in the same way.

>> No.23174316

They can be manifested that way and often have been.
But none of that negates Truth.

>> No.23174318

What truth?

>> No.23174321

There is absolutely no way that Jahova the LORD of hosts is the creator of everything. It just doesn't make even the slightest bit of sense. I will burn in hell for 402389408239749328 years and walk 900 quadrillions before I accept this. The hebrews are not monotheistic they are henotheistic. They are selecting one of the available 'gods'. I believe in a creator and a supreme God, but it definitely isn't Jahova the LORD of hosts.

>> No.23174325

That's the question, isn't it?
>I will burn in hell for 402389408239749328 years and walk 900 quadrillions before I accept this.

>> No.23174328

There is no truth. Only cause and effect.

>> No.23174329

Yeah and it's been disavowed by the NT

>> No.23174331

We have to move beyond cause and effect

>> No.23174336

Teleology explains this. Except there is no ultimate goal; life is just to be enjoyed.

>> No.23174339

>there is no Truth, only Truth
Lol ok

>> No.23174343

The Jewish god has an effect but no cause other than Jewish supremacy. Think about that for a second.

>> No.23174348

It's actually the same for the Muslim one.

>> No.23174357

The God you call Jewish is just God and has always been and never was. Causation does not apply to God.

>> No.23174358

And some racist Christian denominations. Those that claim to be chosen by god.

>> No.23174365

All religions have a supremacy element to them. Some more than others.

The worst are the racial ones. The ones that do ancestor worship. Those are the ones that justify genocide.

It's pretty much all of them.

>> No.23174373

The confusion of men does not negate Truth

>> No.23174377

What the fuck are you talking about? The only religion that isn't narcissistic is Buddhism.

All others believe that you have to honor your parents (basically racism) and make war on others.

>> No.23174378

your post is really just a sidetrack bit of bullshit that articulates nothing and therefore supports those who are WRONG

is Jesus God?

>> No.23174384

I got shit to do
Pleasure chatting

>> No.23174385

jesus would not

its nowhere in the faith that a good person who doesnt know jesus can be saved - that like literally why colonialism happened

>> No.23174386

world salad, but feel free to be more articulate

>> No.23174388

the doodoo in your pants does not negate the doodoo in your heart

>> No.23174389

He was superior to the Jewish god but was just a man who died miserably. The real message is that the Jewish god is worthless.

If you honor your parents and your tribe you by definition dishonor the other.

>> No.23174392

lol no you cant invent your own fucking religion Mr. Smith

>> No.23174399

Actually I take that back. Buddhism is also narcissistic.

Did Jesus not die like an animal?

>> No.23174407

>Did Jesus not die like an animal?
He died like an animal but it was the save the children! Totally not to destroy the Roman Empire.

>> No.23174411

Actually if it wasn't for Jesus we'd probably all be Muslims right now. Do you guys think the Roman Empire could've defeated the rising Caliphates?

>> No.23174413

I think the threat of the barbarians in the north and the Muslims in the south would've been too much.

>> No.23174420

Islam would not exist. It would've been the Zoroastrian threat and the Arabic threat from the tribes.

Maybe Rome would still be alive.

>> No.23174443
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and here, the /pol/cel reveals his true form.

>> No.23174446

>newfags can't triforce
Time is a flat circle

>> No.23174454

How is not being a slave to buying useless shit that a woman likes a bad thing?

Consumerism is bullshit and you know it. Everyone does but they're addicted and kept in debt slavery.

>> No.23174455

you have to remember how popular Mithraism was at the time.
If Christianity didn’t take hold Rome would probably have turned into a caliphate owning to Mithraism
I think Commodus actually tried to do this aswell

>> No.23174468

Nobody. I think about this all the time. I’ve actually started to analyze the public sphere and my own life to distinguish people who I think are remotely admirable. So far I’ve counted about less than a handful of people I find remotely admirable.

I think there is a degree there to which democracy and capitalism select for ignoble people.

>> No.23174484

I think most importantly, the now multiple century loss of aristocracy and everything that entails has been nothing short of devastating for contemporary generations. I mean, look at your parents, and your parents parents. Some of you may disagree but many of you won’t. These people, while capable of being virtuous people, often are not. When they are, they typically lack any noble bearing at all. Great figures have always been rare, but good figures are not supposed to be so rare as they are. When I think about my own private life and I ask myself what man is worth looking up to and emulating of seeking mentorship from, there’s just nobody. They’re all losers in one way or another.

>> No.23174485

I don't think so. The barbarians would've never converted to that.

I think the Sassanids would've beaten and absorbed the Arabs. Then the Germanic tribes would've eventually united.

We'd have a crazy world with completely different beliefs.

>> No.23174498

So delusional. By the time Christianity seeped into the Roman Empire, Roman civilization was old and decrepit. The idea that they would’ve just turned it around by worshipping Mithras is totally ridiculous. In fact, so many people in the military seem to have turned to Mithras cult, and Christianity for that matter, precisely as a sort of reaction to how bad things were.

>> No.23174510

Without Christianity we'd have no immigration and every people would be hyper-racist and proud of their ethnic cults. We'd have constant war.

>> No.23174526

> two gods
> mutually exclusive attributes
> pseud insists they’re the same god

>> No.23174528

I mean, doesn't anyone of you know people at work for example that you straight up admire? They might not be largely successful and yet some men simply don't stop impressing me in the mighty attitude that they deliver, the views that they hold and courageously stand on sometimes to their own disadvantage.

>> No.23174534

I don’t. I don’t think I’ve ever met a man I admire in my life. I don’t feel good about that by the way. I’m not saying it to sound really cool or alpha or something. I’m being honest.

>> No.23174586

>Without Christianity we'd have no immigration and every people would be hyper-racist and proud of their ethnic cults. We'd have constant war.
But at least there would be pride. And we could all die with dignity, like men, for the people we love.

>> No.23174588

I wouldn’t consider them role models exactly but I have known a few people who I would say are a lot closer than the competition. They’re all artists and a couple are academics. I think modern civilization is basically so rotten, that you’re more likely to find a diamond in the rough around the fringes or on the ivory tower, separate from the real meat of the civilization. The businessmen, the lawyers, the media personnel, the politicians, these people are ignominious frauds. Their arenas select for that which is not to be admired. Another guy who think is a pretty good guy, maybe not admirable but a lot better than his contemporaries at least from what I can tell, Jonathan Pageau (friends with JBP) talked about this in a lecture. He talked about how in the city of God, you find the freaks on the edges. That’s why medieval manuscripts have the weird stuff around the margins. But in the modern world, he says, the core is the freak show, the normal and the heroic is pushed to the margins. He’s speaking as an artist obviously, but it illustrates the point that’s resonated with me anyway. That’s that the teachers, if they’re to be found at all, are found mainly on the margins. The ones not on the margins are really few and far between to the point they practically don’t exist.

>> No.23174622
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The one and only

>> No.23174626

Economics: Richard Werner, Friedrich List, Sun Yat-Sen, Stephen Zarlenga, Alexander Del Mar, Alexander Hamilton, Joseph Schumpeter

>> No.23174646

That sounds more like mass cuckoldry to me

>> No.23174773

You're just making stuff up.
Pre-Christian Rome was more multicultural than Christian Frankia.

>> No.23174782

Yet another thread derailed by christcucks

>> No.23174789

I grew up without a father and I'm fairly confident it ruined my life. Also my single mother.

I'm too old to have a father figure surrogate now, and could only enjoy such a paternal presence vicariously through a boy of my own.
I'm Sad!

>> No.23174797

op can't delete, newfag

>> No.23174806

Adolph Hitler

>> No.23174814


>Tate is an actor.
Tate is all what you described Peterson and Rogan to be and worse. Acting is the least concern here.
>DFW killed himself.
Plenty of insight!

>> No.23174833

You people have such stunning lack of self awareness and so much like the charicatures of the Jews you hate so much.

One person replied that a role model was the historical figure of Jesus Christ, a totally reasonable reply and immediately, you freaks started reeing and screeing like mad leftists. Your kind even went so far as to assert blatantly counter factual history about Ancient Rome.

You’re the most pathetic and obnoxious group of people on the internet, sincerely.

>> No.23174838

>You people
What do you mean, "you people"?

>> No.23174855

Cringey reply

>> No.23174868

nah yours is

>> No.23174871

Do you mean to tell me you guys don’t look up to Bronze Age Pervert, Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet David, Sean Strickland, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, or Donald Trump? Uh, okay beta males. Don’t you want to be masculine winners?

>> No.23174890
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>Do you mean to tell me you guys don’t look up to Bronze Age Pervert, Andrew Tate, Patrick Bet David, Sean Strickland, Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh
>or Donald Trump
Yes, because he's a billionaire and former (and future) U.S. President who has made more leftist faggots seethe than anyone in history.

>> No.23174897
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Dumps a retard

>> No.23174910


Good book. I would add Wallace's "Philosophical Mysticism in Plato and Hegel," which is more about reflexive freedom than mysticism proper.

Also Boethius' "Consolation of Philosophy," for a great counterpoint to the modern consoomer perspective we are forcefed.

First, you have an under developed conception of the telos of woman. "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

There is no priority here. All human beings have access to the Logos. All benefit from focusing on the immutable things of God, not the mutable things of creation sans God. Being a mother is a greater goal than being a consumer, but it is not the end goal for woman. Aristotle's argument that the contemplative life is highest and most divine on Book X of the Ethics applies just as much for women. St. Augustine has the right of it, the true purpose for all mankind is the contemplation of, and union with the divine nature — theosis.

>Capitalism swallows everything up and makes everything about consuming material goods and competing with the neighbour for who can consume more.

Yes, well it's funny how many "Western chauvinists," can't shake this mindset. For over a millennia virgins who had taken an oath of poverty were the most respected class of people and trades were judged in the production of beauty, not in terms of volume and growth. Grasping is one of Aristotle's vices — today it is particularly seen as a virtue in conservative circles.

In San Francisco, a city named after a homeless saint, people cry out for their absolute disgust with poverty. Not just with the vice that pervades, which is a true illness, but at the poverty itself, at the "lack of production." They'd spit on St. Francis today, laugh at the sack cloth, and tell him to get a job.

The values of the old world are sadly lost to time, like MacIntyre says.

>> No.23174911
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nah you are

>> No.23174917

I would start reading Ephesians at 5:22 bud.

>> No.23174918
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Comer, you're drunk.

>> No.23174922

This video when it came up was actually a revelation to me. It made me remember just how much of my K-12 education was basically civic indoctrination and how much it exalted civil rights and the civil rights activist as hero while condemning racialists, fundamentalists, traditionalists and just anyone who posed any particular banner of civil rights, people like that as villains. I realized by leftists are the way they are and why conservatives are so weak in that moment.

>> No.23174929

You are setting up a false dichotomy between being driven by consumerism — the appetites and the passions — and having your entire purpose in life be your individual family and service to them. A mother whose developed her idea of the good and who serves justice and the good — God — will be a better mother than one who simply goes by the motto "family first."

And it seems a little self serving to assume this is the true purpose of woman when apparently you are the person they should be serving lol.

A woman who is a good mother because she knows the Good is going to be far more stable as an actually good mother than one who good mother solely due to social pressures and expectations. But this then leads back to intellectual development, and not all women are meant to be mothers just as not all men are meant to be fathers, either due to deficits or other talents.

As Hildegard holds, the higher calling would seem to be marriage to Christ, and indeed it seems hard to argue that nuns cannot fulfill their telos.

>> No.23174943

just wait until you find out that the holocaust didn't actually happen

>> No.23174944

Yes, and Paul specifically says that it is better for people NOT to marry if they can avoid temptation. So how exactly does that support the contention that the purpose of woman is primarily marriage and child rearing?

Further, consider what it means for the husband to be head of the household as Christ was head of the Apostles. Was Christ served by the Apostles? Did he have them strive for his personal comfort and happiness? Or did he put them first? Did he declare that he who would lead must become a servant and wash their feet?

>> No.23174949

That's his scrotum.

>> No.23174979

I think it did happen. I don’t necessarily think it happened as commonly accepted, but it definitely happened.

>> No.23174983

It doesn’t but this gender universalism you said is not biblical. A man is a head of a marriage like Jesus is the head of a church. A woman achieves theosis precisely through her husband. It is not democratic.

>> No.23174988

The apostles did indeed serve Christ though they didn’t strive necessarily for his comfort. Nobody is calling for that.

>> No.23174989

I sense you're an expert on that topic

>> No.23175036

>A woman achieves union with God through her created husband the same way man achieves union with God through Christ.

This isn't even a bad misinterpretation of what Paul is saying, but downright blasphemous, raising up husbands to the role of God, which is not what Paul is intending. Paul is talking about the authority proper to families. Men do not "become Christ," for their wives, nor can any man grant theosis.

Further, this sets up the absurdity that women who get married to sinful or unbelieving husbands, perhaps without their own choice, perhaps through the husband falling away, are then blocked from Christ, as if a husband can block the divine.

No one said it was democratic, this is a strawman. Christ didn't rule the Apostles through democracy, but nor did he rule in the way of worldy kings.

No? A woman's purpose IS her kids and husband? No, a woman's purpose is like any humans' purpose, to do the will of God. If a husband or child becomes wicked then her role is not to support wickedness but to do what is holy. "For you shall be holy as I am holy."

Further, if this is THE telos of woman, it becomes impossible to explain Paul's reference to avoiding marriage, not to mention explaining why women are listed among the officers of the churches in the Epistles.

>> No.23175056

It actually didn't, though.

>> No.23175057

And the will of God is for a woman to serve her husband. This is biblical. What is not clear about this?

>> No.23175063

>[23] For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.

That’s Ephesians, dummy. Is Ephesians blasphemous?

>> No.23175100

No I'm not a doctor. Never finished college.

>> No.23175127

Good reccs

>> No.23175149

Sucking dicks to much

>> No.23175159

Zizek is too clownish to idolize

>> No.23175196

Kenneth Clark

>> No.23176005

You guys still arguing about how all of the spiritual systems across Earth aren't talking about the exact same thing

>> No.23176007


>> No.23176080

Meanwhile an Orthodox was on point on dogma and also did more than the Chinese peasant, the Orthodox man goes to Paradise in high glory, the Chinese peasant, being outside the sole way of salvation and being dumb will go to hell but will await the ressurectaion where there's a chance he might get some good eternal state due to his merits in isolation, his intentions.

>> No.23176086

small chance to find such a woman in Church, next to 0 level to find such a woman in the world, your life will be hell with a modern woman

>> No.23176097

And way worse things will occur to you.

>> No.23176126

Thank you, we out here

>> No.23176184

Stop shit talking the teachers because they had one bad day or one short wallet cat got their tongue

>> No.23176309

/// He gets astonishing levels of media attention and that is a cross the young player has to bear /// His avuncular image belies his steely determination /// After a sudden burst of activity, the team lapsed back into indolence /// Such controversies have waxed and waned but continue to this day /// International support has given rise to a new optimism in the company /// Further analysis showed the absence of pathogenic bacteria /// The septuagenarian brothers are still heavily involved in the running of the business and they have no desire to relinquish control /// Later on, she would prevail on somebody else to chauffeur her home /// Was the newspaper report bylined or was it anonymous? /// His tailored suit had subtle inset patterns on the lapels /// This specialized knowledge is beyond the ken of most patients so that they must rely on others to fill in the gap /// He writes as an elegist for a lost England /// The stocks run the gamut from defensive staples to bets on emerging markets /// Those examples test the application of the fair use doctrine in copyright law, which allows creators to play with existing copyrights /// The latest evidence puts an entirely different slant on the case /// He is acknowledged within the music world, and is highly esteemed by the genre's marquee names /// The home team saw off the challengers by 68 points to 47 /// They went for a quick snog behind the bike sheds /// Numerous fabulists invented stories about enemies of the state /// Shame on them and shame of the student who actually believe the tripe being peddled /// Next time you pull a stunt like that don’t expect me to get you out of trouble /// The old women crooned their mystic tuneless dirges /// He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation ///

>> No.23176456

>it’s written in the Quran
The Quran includes the teaching that ‘Islam’ (lit. Submission (to God)) is an eternal teaching that has existed timelessly and was also manifested throughout the Jewish and Christian messengers, prophets and teachers long before Muhammad, from Adam to Jesus and John the Baptist. It includes, as well, an injunction of respect for The People of the Book, explicitly taken to include at least Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and the Sabaeans, for being monotheists with a written set of scriptures they followed and regarded in the Quran as having received real divine guidance they followed. (Although Islam follows up by saying it is itself the most modern, complete, and perfect revelation, and the former traditions, although having grains of truth, became subject to distortion).

In the original view of Islam, “Allah” simply is the Arabic word for God and the same being as Jehovah of the Jews or God the Father and the Holy Spirit of Christianity (which the Quran simply calls at times the ruh, spirit, or other appellations adding an adjective to ruh, like the holy or trustworthy spirit, and they of course differ on the idea of Jesus as God the Son). So there’s a little map-and-territory confusion here, the original teaching when they say “Islam is the only true religion” is that it’s indeed the primordial spiritual revelation of God but that also came through Judaism and Christianity at one point, if not other teachings.

>> No.23176660

Only ethnic Romans were Roman citizens though. The others were slaves.

Everybody would get to die in war and the women would be in the kitchej. It's just.

>> No.23176668

Woman is a rib of man and it's man that's in God's image. Men that let women wear the pants have gay sons.

A woman should always be put in her place.

>> No.23176677

>Only ethnic Romans were Roman citizens though. The others were slaves.
Still just making stuff up. After losing their armies around 100BC they started elevating conquered people to become soldiers and later full citizens. Elevating the conquered became a formula for gaining political power. Caesar came to power using that formula. The empire was a complete melting pot and IQ dropped rapidly from its peak in around 300BC.

>> No.23176679

Woman is made to be in the kitchen and have kids. End of story.

Feminists want all men to be gay so they can rule the world. That's literally their goal.

>> No.23176693

Empire doesn't work. Ojce you try to make am emipre it starts to fall already.

The Germanic tribes had the right organization. Keep it in tribes; local; and have war occasionally to purge the weak. The Aztecs had a different but similar system.

It all comes from the Ancient North Eurasians that carried the warrior spirit.

>> No.23176712

Your dad your fatherless faggot. Why are you looking at random bitch ass men for advice?

>> No.23176787

What if your dad is weak? Most dads are weak.

They married women who control them like dogs.

>> No.23176835

Local is good but you're still just making up stories. Germanic tribes were nomadic and Aztecs married into other tribes. The Spanish used an Aztec princess that had been married off to their rivals for info.

>> No.23176861

I am not afraid.

>> No.23176865

No man is condemned to the fires of hell due to his knowledge; but solely due to his orientation toward others, God and life, as well as toward himself.
All these mean the same thing.

>> No.23176881

>as well as toward himself
That's the only thing that matters.

>> No.23176882

Not so.
To love others and to love one's self, and to love God and life, are the same thing.

>> No.23176887

Look local, or niche. People talking about something and not caring, even actively rejecting 'building an audience.' Hell, fuck the internet entirely and find people IRL who are engaged in some sort of creative effort. Note, creative means 'making something where before there wasn't.' Not just literary, or painting, but carpentry, hobby building, shit even train models. A good role model lives an honest life and is content with their self. Everything beyond that is window dressing.

>> No.23176899

Well Jesus and 2000 years of Christianity argues against your invention.
There's only only way to save your soul and that's Jesus, through Jesus, outside there's only damnation for you are a sinner and the punishment of sin is eternal death.

>> No.23176900

God cam love himself and so can others. Your responsibility is to love yourself and do what you like.

>> No.23176903

I think you happen to define God as Satan, this is why terms need to be clarified because we're clearly not having the same referent.

>> No.23176907

I agree, and have said nothing to the contrary.
True, but not in the way you think.

>> No.23176909

God is the Master of Reality, and Satan is the false God.

>> No.23176912

Well some people "knew" that Jesus was a mere intermediary, divine indeed, between God and creation and his relationship to every single other Bishop in the Church was that they are all wrong, such a guy and his follower do end up in hell due to their faulty knowledge, which further leads to a dissolution of the relationship they had in the body of Christ, that now they're separated from, on account of faulty knowledge.
Eg. Protestantism.

>> No.23176913

>True, but not in the way you think.
How do you know?

>> No.23176915

A Protestant is guaranteed to go to hell but God can have mercy with some people for unknown reasons.

>> No.23176925

Very good. I was mixing threads. I wasn't even aware I was on on /lit/ now.
God for sure validates solid metaphysical foundations and good intentions and acts towards people as you stated.

>> No.23176946

I dont know -- I have faith. Knowledge is worthless.

>> No.23176951

Who's preaching contraries now?

>> No.23176967

>OP posts "hey who are some good examples of standout people in modern society?"
>thread devolves into theological shitflinging

>> No.23176968

Nick Mullen, good takes, lives his life doing what he loves, refuses to sell out.

I mean from time to time he's depressed and and addict.. but eh at least there isn't a 10 hours compilation of him crying

>> No.23176981


Stop looking at other men to teach you things.

>> No.23177018

there are no contraries, you must be a protestant westerner with an either/or mindset and no nuance, no 2000 years of experience against demons either

>> No.23177023

Either/or mindset?
Didn't you just say anyone who doesn't believe in Jesus Christ will burn in hell no matter what?

>> No.23177036

>I have faith
Faith in Jews? In Zoroastrian?

You do know that dualism is the condition for borderline personality right? And that borderline personality is a precursor to narcissism?

>> No.23177040


>> No.23177093

At the end of the day is yourself or himself.
bonus if you have good family members or friends or good opposite sex partner.
There is no tutorial to life really.you were just born and that´s it
if you think you did not choose to be born anymore than asking to die in a car accident.

>> No.23177141

In God Almighty.

>> No.23177147

And who is he? The nigger from which whom you descend?

We were all coons once. That's the truth.

Tolkien got it wrong, it was not elves that turned to coons but coons that turned to elves.

>> No.23177191

>I'm a schizo. See how I write.
>Did you know muh high school science? I'm smart
>Here is a non sequitur LOTR reference because I don't believe in Santa

>> No.23177200

If you're looking for the source look within your own love. There is nothing in the past that will save you.

But you're quite stupid so good luck. Intelligence is not schizophrenia; it's exactly the opposite.

>> No.23177209

The Master of Reality.

>> No.23177219

>Platitude. Cliche.
>I am actually very smart. Please acknowledge my intelligence, my family said I was smart once and that's my entire personality.

>> No.23177235

It's day 1 everyday. The past doesn't matter.

>> No.23177242
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Go by a cursive stencil and write it on your wall.

>> No.23177562

First time eh?

>> No.23177709

I haven't been here since 2015

>> No.23177924

These are the important conversations of the times. The OP is the topic.

>> No.23177958

No, a reading where mortal men are the "savior" of other humans is what is blasphemous. It is clear in the original Greek that "his body, of which he is the Savior" refers to the church as the body of Christ and Christ as savior of ALL the members of his body, not just men and unmarried women. There is nothing here that suggests husbands as intermediaries and Hebrews lays clear the ridiculousness of positing sinful men as taking on the role of Christ as the perfect priest.

A more accurate rendering is "yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body."

This is why women still receive the Eucharist, or why women are baptized, rather than receiving the sacraments through their husband's body, which would be ridiculous.

>> No.23177977

The rib is obviously not still in your body. You lost the rib and now have to hear it yap.

It's still yours.

>> No.23179311

Why do you need a father figure or a mentor?

>> No.23179365

We all do.
There's only one Father though.

>> No.23179375

Why do you need a role model, is it like a Christian thing? You're waiting for a saviour, no one is going to save you.
You could simply be doing the things you want to do, think what you want, dress how you want, make your own goals.

>> No.23179381

No human being is an island and can do anything on their own. You've never done anything on your own in your entire life.

>> No.23179385

You get strangely decisive when it comes to defending the need for someone to think for you. How did you do that without me telling you who to model yourself on?

>> No.23179390

Don't make anyone your role model who you don't know in real life or who is not dead. Your grandpa? Sure. Teddy Roosevelt or Julius Caesar or something? Sure. Some social media influencer or celebrity? Absolutely not.

>> No.23179391

Do you breathe on your own?

>> No.23179397

Role model is another word for idol

>> No.23179426

Nothing wrong with having an idol in principle as long as you choose wisely.

>> No.23179431

There's only one wise choice; and by definition, when you make it, you're not choosing an idol.
There's no problem with recognizing the accomplishments of a brother and being happy to see him flourishing.
But to idolize him is to idolize that which is fallible.

>> No.23179450

I think that modern life just selects and makes people be bad role models. Think about how hard it is to strive to be a classical sort of man and still be even moderately successful at anything. Very hard.

>> No.23179465

It's not a modern problem.
Nearly 2000 years ago, this world killed Jesus Christ. We are coming up on the anniversary.
Expect some wild stuff.

>> No.23179470

yeah I agree with that. Choosing a fallible role model might even be the best option, because you yourself are fallible as well, and you can learn from how your role model dealt with failure.

The problem with idolizing an infallible, perfect person like Jesus is because he never had to fail. As a human, you will inevitably deal with failure, so it's good to learn from the people who have failed before you so you can deal with it properly.

>> No.23179474

This. Wash your penis.

>> No.23179484
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Yourself. Sacrifice yourself to yourself. Discover your sufficient reason, the principle you were born to manifest, and become a law unto yourself, like Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad.

That is the true goal of life.

>> No.23179491


>> No.23179493


>> No.23179508

Jesus failed often, in terms of how we as people tend to judge failure and success. The only reason he was perfect was because he loved everyone unconditionally and didn't hold anything against anyone.
You can absolutely do that.

>> No.23179510

If Jesus failed, then he was not infallible. Are you saying that Jesus isn't infallible?

>> No.23179550

I'm saying that love is infallible

>> No.23179551

It is a modern problem. Just because a fallen world killed Christ doesn’t mean there was nobody in the world worth being a role model. In fact, the very existence of Christ demonstrates this. It’s only in the modern world, the world that cannot even muster a Christ or a Pilate is there nobody worth admiring. This is a world that elevates technocrats, technicians, lowest common denominator appeals, social climbers, corporate sharks, degenerate musicians, and others like that and pushes down the others. There are no great men. There are hardly any men. It’s the worst time to be alive in this regard probably ever.

>> No.23179589

>Just because a fallen world killed Christ doesn’t mean there was nobody in the world worth being a role model.
Insofar as that's true, the same thing is true still today. And it so far as it wasn't, it is not today.

>> No.23179624

No I disagree because fallenness described a natural state. It doesn’t describe a state of sin. To sin is a greater evil than to be fallen. So take Christ as your model of virtue. Whether you’re a Christian or not a Christian. It doesn’t matter. Just for the sake of argument take him as the moral compass. The world before Christ was fallen and in error. But the world after Christ, in so far as it turns away from Christ, is not just fallen or error. It’s actually wicked. It’s not good. Where before men strive for good and sometimes fell short, today they don’t fall short. They don’t even try. Indeed, they can’t try. There were seeds of the logos. There are no fallen leaves of the logos. So just because both would be fallen doesn’t mean one is better than the other. The pre-Christian Romans and Greeks lived in times of great heroes, politicians, scholars, poets, all sorts of admirable figures. It was a time where to be successful, you had to be well-spoken, courageous, and though some were successful from shrewdness others were successful from being able to inspire admiration in others. But we live in a time of basically nothing and nobody. The only way to be successful is to be shrewd and lacking a moral compass, lacking in virtue. We don’t have Pompeys or Scipios or Scipios or Herotoduses or Xenophons. We have Kardashians and Musks. The whole thing is a sick joke. A clown world. A literal world for clowns. Where the most successful is the biggest circus freak.

>> No.23179633

Men were sinning before Christ, after Christ, and still do today.
All you've described to me is your eyes.

>> No.23179701

Was your father a good father? Did he provide for you and your siblings? Feed you and clothe you? Did he love your mother and did he remain faithful to her? If so, then your role model should be your father. If he was a failure as a father than look to Christ, St. Joseph, and your well-adjusted friendly neighbor with a stable family environment.

There is nothing more heroic than a man providing for his family and protecting them from the globohomo.

>> No.23179930
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>> No.23180769

Very good.

>> No.23180781

The world should be rephrased to your parents. Specifically your mother.

>> No.23180830

Marvin Lee Heemeyer

>> No.23181044
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>Who's a good role model today?
Gabriele D'Annunzio

>> No.23181046

An army of lovers can't be broken

>> No.23181656


>> No.23181663

This guy was a loser. If he didn’t write shitty books that ended up nonetheless popular, nobody would think highly of him.

>> No.23182410
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Our Lord Jesus Christ