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/lit/ - Literature

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23173202 No.23173202 [Reply] [Original]

Old >>23169858

>> No.23173218

In b4 anons doom and gloom

>> No.23173220


>> No.23173221

Going to bed thinking about a Her who doesn't exist. I just don't want to be alone anymore.

>> No.23173247

how embarrassing, there are two wwoym threads at the same time. And yesterday there was one with 500 replies. get it together anons

>> No.23173256

What am I supposed to name my kid if I don't identify with any culture or country or family

>> No.23173259

Crescent face
Cinnamon skin
Milk me longstyle
Delicious chocolate mommy

>> No.23173263


>> No.23173277

Here me out fellas, I think it's time we start using trips here.
There are less than 100 of us. The IP counter is gone. The age of the trip has begun.

>> No.23173287

>The IP counter is gone
Oh shit. When did that happen? As is it gone on every board?

>> No.23173300

how is ur Ramadan lit?

>> No.23173301

Unironically this might make the board better

>> No.23173307


>> No.23173322
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pretty recently i think. All boards. It's going to facilitate a bot army.
I might try a trip for awhile, but I don't know if it will be the same. I cant even post on my phone at work anymore because the app is all fucked up now.
Maybe it's time to walk away. I'll miss you guys. This is the book club I always wanted. I don't know anybody irl who reads the books i like and also says nigger and stuff.

>> No.23173332

I'm at the same position I was last year. I desperately want to beg for help, but there's no one to ask and I'm an adult man. It's not just pathetic for someone my age to be mentally ill and completely dependent on external help, it's disgusting. I hate myself so much. I wouldn't even be able to look a psychiatrist in the eyes. I know my problems are all me. What's the point of talking to someone else?

>> No.23173434

Is there a book that warms your heart?

>> No.23173465

Having one of those lingering hangovers. Hopefully I'm better by morning

>> No.23173481

not really. They are mostly distressing and depressing. Almost all of them, I just looked at my bookshelf. I guess Walt Whitman's poetry is

>> No.23173488

The Hobbit :3

>> No.23173515

Gospel of John when Christ is discoursing with His Disciples after Judas has left to betray Him
>In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

>> No.23173540

I have associated drinking with passing time.

>> No.23173542

I have been tempted to start drawing grotesque caricatures of the deformed people I meet in the bus. Maybe I'll make it something more the doodles some day. I'd call it Cloaca gentium.
I've eaten a lot.
Ahem, I back to spenglerfagging after a horrible day in collitch. I felt bad for not responding so I'll try my best now.

>> No.23173593

Kept out of pornography for a good while now, and today I've made slight but decent effort to better myself. Just need to keep this up for another 5000 days or so and then I'll become slightly competent in the things I am aiming for.

>> No.23173642

I came to the logical conclussion that I need to create tulpa gf. Nows the question how.

>> No.23173654

Is stating something is 'overly' indulgent or sentimental redundant?

>> No.23173658

>There are less than 100 of us
no way there's only that many people who use this board?

>> No.23173679

I meant in the thread retard

>> No.23173723


>> No.23173743

I'm back.
I disagree not only with your chronology, but also with your dating of Caesarism as only starting with the founding of the Roman empire.
Caesarism begins with the contest between force-politics (popular, military or otherwise) and the old democratic/moneyed order. As is generally understood, by Spengler himself among others, to include Marius, Sulla, Cicero, Drusus, etc. A very important part of early Caesarism is the destruction and tearing away of democratic mores and instiutions in favor of violence. This is an internal process. Which
>A: Disqualifies hitler for being a Sulla-like figure of any sort because his country had the democratic institutions of a rock and his killing did not direct itself inwardly.
>B: Means Caesarism does not start with imperium
>C: If you did read Spengler, you definitely did not understand much.
Now your gneration assertion: It's completely baseless, you made this up. Life expectancy has nothing to do with the political development of a culture.
We already are in the very early stage sof Faustian Caesarism, me thinks. However, the future is very simple, complete halt in meaningful technological development and scientific discoveries, Decreasing quality of art overcompensated with scale and gaudyness.

>> No.23173803

I'm going to Finland for 2 weeks. What should I expect? I'd like to see a cute girl if I could.

>> No.23173826

Canadian English is the perfect form of English. A perfect cross between British English and American English, the tradition and formality of the French history of the language, the catchiness of American English. It's truly the perfect cross.

>> No.23173828


>> No.23173894

Has anyone noticed that the poster count is gone?

>> No.23173906

What depressing and distressing books do you have? I'm looking to stock up.

>> No.23173910

I spoke with a suicide chat line. The person seemed very young or like an ESL. I respect their attempt to talk. I said I wasn't going to hurt myself when they asked, but very quickly they must have realized that it was probably a lie because they asked a couple more times. I just said "I'm not going to harm myself. Thank you for listening." and disconnected after they responded. Now I'm paranoid that police will show up.
Where can I find a psychopath therapist that will delight in my sufferings or at least be indifferent whether I kill myself or not? I want to speak honestly and truthfully to a real person and not have to carefully check everything I say.

>> No.23173912

Every post in this thread but yours is all me btw

>> No.23173929

Weed has its uses.
The problem is that most people who use it can't get through the day without it.
More insidious, but less damaging, than alcohol, at least.

>> No.23173957
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#gang #gang

>> No.23173978

I could apply for a train driver job, they've got some going at the moment, they offer a 4 week course (I think it's 4 weeks) and the job pays up to 90k a year, should I become a based train driver? I should mention that I don't even drive a car because I think I'm too retarded and it would be safer for everyone if I wasn't on the road, I don't know how this would affect my train driving skills.

>> No.23174046

So many books I wanna read, so much time, can't decide which one I wanna read next.

>> No.23174057

I had a tulpa gf.
We broke up.

>> No.23174071

Weed makes you dumb unironically.
Haven't smoked in about 6 months and only now I started noticing how fucked up my short term memory was fucked up by weed. My whole thinking system is returning to pre-weed levels and the difference is huge. I work faster and smarter.

>> No.23174086

tfw no gf

>> No.23174095

I don't disagree.
I was blessed: first time I tried weed I was drinking at the same time. I threw up so bad that I smell it and I feel revulsion more than ten years later.

>> No.23174102

SOOOOO much this!!!

>> No.23174105

you couldn't handle my depressing books, traveller.

>> No.23174118

Bet your bookshelf is super gay and that's why you won't share.

>> No.23174129
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>be me reading
>empathizing with the characters
>really like it
>bad ending
>feel like shit for days
>be me reading
>don't like any character
>what a shit book
>don't even finish it
>feels good
which way Anons? I'm so fucking tired of feeling bad because of books but most of the ones I like make me feel really depressed

>> No.23174140

Idk maybe see if a publisher will let you go through their slush pile and become euphoric for days at a time by noping out of everything?

>> No.23174234 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23174300

What happened? How did you create her in the first place?

>> No.23174326

Barely slept, sick to my stomach.
This house buying ordeal is fucking me over. I just want it to END.
This is the problem when someone else decides to help you buy a house. You can't earnestly do the negotiations. Its taking so fucking long and I just had to do a retarded offer because he told me to and surprise surprise, they swept it off the table and didn't even counter.
Boomer thinks we're living in the 2000s. House prices are stupid. Either tell me what the budget is or just let me down now. This LIMBO is killing me. If I lose this house I'm going to be very depressed.

>> No.23174356

Time to suck today's dick.

>> No.23174360


>> No.23174375

It's a sign of board death

>> No.23174376

I'm down for using a trip

>> No.23174380

>>23174376 meant for >>23173277

>> No.23174391

I have been a fan of motorcycles for a long time, I even bought one when I was about 22 years old. It was a Suzuki GN250 - a small, lightweight, beginner's bike. Its top speed was probably around 100kph (64 freedom units per hour for my American friends). But I sold it after about 5 years because I decided that I don't really need it. I mostly just rode it on the weekends, for fun. None of my friends were into bikes so I was always riding alone.
Now it's been about 4 years since I sold it and I recently started wanting some kind of a bike again. This time I am looking into one of those "cafe racer" style e-bikes that are kind of like bicycles but also kind of like motorcycles. They look pretty cool, they can reach speeds of about 45kph (28mph) and a fully charged battery is good for about 70km (about 44 miles). But these things cost over a thousand euros and I am a little afraid that it will be the same as with the motorcycle - I'll buy it, play around with it for a couple of seasons and then get bored. Not sure if I should pull the trigger on it

>> No.23174408

My relationship with my boyfriend is that we are like brothers. I haven't had penetrative sex with him in, like, a year. Sure, he gives me blowjobs, but even that's once every month or so.

I get my outlet with porn but I wish it wasn't that way. Either I fuck other dudes on the down low or leave him. But he is intelligent and we love ridiculing the same things and have fun together in other ways.

I suppose I love him, in some roundabout way, but I'd still see having sex with another guy as cheating. And if I left him, I'm worried I'll regret it, cause it's IMPOSSIBLE to find intelligent, interesting gay guys on a dating level and not just to fuck, I think I'd miss that

>> No.23174447

Please, some anons might be eating.
No talk of gay anal sex poopy cock.

>> No.23174476

when and why did warosu start line breaking in the middle of words

>> No.23174477

I despise you Keith.

>> No.23174504

Bought new books, and once I finish the laundry, I can stay in and read all day

>> No.23174700

I noticed that too, and I hate it.

>> No.23174748

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.23174898
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I've been laying in bed for 1 hour.

>> No.23174982

Again drinking out of complete boredom. I dont even enjoy drinking.

>> No.23175024

I love drinking. Every day I drink multiple cups of coffee and tea.

>> No.23175078

>coffee and tea
I wish I could enjoy it but energy drinks, soda and alcohol for me.

>> No.23175090

living with your parents is a living hell

>> No.23175099

For me it's heaven.

>> No.23175126

I have a remote job but I’m currently living with my parents. I want to move out within the next week or so but I have no idea where to go. My family lives in an ultra-rich rural area that I simply can’t afford so living nearby is out of the question. I could go to the town where my job is headquartered, but I think that place is not great for me. And it’s not like I have any particular reason to go anywhere else. Big city, small city, it’s all the same to me.

>> No.23175134

Yeah it’s been pretty terrible for me. I love my family but living in their house has been awful. I only did it to save for a downpayment on a house, but houses are so expensive now the cash I saved up is practically worthless.

>> No.23175144

They don't even have to be doing anything annoying.
I'm: >>23174326
And cannot fucking wait to leave. I've lived on my own for about 4 years and going back fucking sucked. Did it to save money for a house but now I'm being fucked

>> No.23175157

I feel you bro, I am flying to a different town tomorrow just to stay in some place of my own even for a short time, staying in the same apartment with my mother is ok for like 2-3 days, after that it's fucking terrible and I hate all the noises and distraction, let alone not being able to walk around naked or jerk off whenever I feel like

>> No.23175195

I’m really worried that I might have multiple sclerosis. I experience nerve pain all over my torso whenever I get overheated. I don’t have any other symptoms, but some people with early multiple sclerosis will only manifest one or two random symptoms and I can’t find any other potential cause. I have an appointment with a neurologist, but it’s not until the end of April and I’m freaking out.

>> No.23175246

>can't find any other potential cause
That can be a lot of things that aren't MS, anon. You should still get checked out but there's a really wide range of things where that's a symptom.

>> No.23175303

Really? I haven’t been able to find anything else that’s related to nerve pain specifically caused by a rise in body temperature. The only thing I’ve been able to find is Uhthoff's phenomenon, which is worsening of the neurological signs of MS in heat. I hope you’re right though.

>> No.23175315

I'm going to pray to God that when I kill myself I wake up and realize that this was all a dream. Maybe I will get a second chance. Maybe with that second chance, I would choose to die while still young and pitiable, instead of old and disgusting.

>> No.23175350

I'm jealous of a kid in my homeroom who killed himself shortly after graduation. A girl I liked used to think he was mysterious.

>> No.23175358

>old and disgusting
How old are you, like 30? Remember, youth worship is for normies

>> No.23175359

why did he do it?

>> No.23175373

I used to read Let's Plays of people playing video games. They described what they did in the game. Now people watch videos of them playing the game. This is a degeneration.

>> No.23175382

I'm 24 but I'm incredibly unwell due to damage from a suicide attempt. I look like a skeletal 50 year old

>> No.23175389

Get well soon Mr. Skeltal

>> No.23175410


>> No.23175426

Must have really hated himself. RIP Justin. Shoulda been me

>> No.23175435

Why do you trash come here to this website.

>> No.23175438

What method of suicide did you try, anon? What would have hurt you so badly?

>> No.23175446

You're gonna wake up from the dream, try to kill yourself, and botch it again in an endless loop

>> No.23175457

There is nothing good about being old when you were never young. I'm a fucking virgin. With no hobbies. No friends. Nobody. IM A DEAD END.I'm a leach and a waste of space. My life is forfeit. Why bother? I don't wanna try. Just let me lay down give up and die.

>> No.23175459

Broken people like to sit in front of computers.
This website used to be about playful exploration but it turns out that engaging in humour and play means you're a nazi. All that's left to do here, the only government approved activity is complaining about not having a gf.

>> No.23175462

There's a lot of things which feel like MS pain which are vascular, there's a lot of neurological conditions which affect the nerves in your torso first which isn't that common a starting point in MS, there's a couple blood disorders that could cause either vascular or nerve pain from heat, there's inflammatory conditions, and you could always have cancer, a whole wide range of cancers. It's really not specific to MS. But you should also find out what it is so you know how to deal with it, whether it's MS or something completely different. It's way too nonspecific for MS to be top of your list though, and MS is getting increasingly treatable.

>> No.23175469

Overdose. I posted about this before so I don't want to do it again. I suffered from cardiovacular damage, but it wasn't diagnosed. When I was released from the cardiac ICU I was told to go for a check up once I managed to get insurance because of possible kidney/heart damage. I never bothered, never got insurance either. I have, however, had a family friend check my vitals (he works in medicine) a few times. My blood pressure average 140/100 and resting heart rate is 90BPM. Not too bad, but it's combined with a lot worse.

The symptoms are getting a lot worse, though. I haven't told my family, but they've been noticing that I look extremely unwell, despite the fact that I put an extensive amount of effort into maintaining an appearance of health.
Three months ago, my mother visited for holiday stuff. A few weeks ago she did again, and when she saw me she gave me a strange stare for ten or so seconds before asking
>What did you do to your hair?!
I didn't know what she was talking about, so I gave an excuse about not taking a shower recently (A lie, I take one per day without fail). I looked in the mirror and sure enough, I have a greatly receding hairline that started ONLY two months ago. I know it wasn't this way before then. It makes sense because I've been waking up with clumps of hair on my bed, and when I take showers, there is an unusual amount of hair everywhere. I had gotten so used to my horrific, decrepit appearance that I didn't notice the random bald spots and wispy hair on my head...
Well, this is just one issue. Now they're noticing more. It's so tiresome.

I'm reading Kafka's Metamorphosis and it really feels like I'm turning into a vermin. No, I always felt that way inside. but now it feels like I'm becoming it physically in a way that is absolutely true to the meaning of "vermin" or "monster."

>> No.23175479

Where did we go so wrong?

t. friendless loveless loser with a bad heart

>> No.23175486

other people may be ugly on the outside. but im ugly on the inside
i deserve my lonely life
im just a dumb incel
hang me from the rafters already

>> No.23175489

Does anyone feel that the vital force in life has just left them? Everything feels so fucking insipid and uninspiring now. Nearly convinced that depression has totally won out over me.

>> No.23175497

If I started doing that I'd wear my welcome out pretty fast like anywhere else the last twenty years or so

>> No.23175499

Kind of tired and everything feels useless. The only things I would appreciate right now are a bed, a water bottle and a silent hug from a woman.

>> No.23175500

I’m trying to move out within the next couple of weeks. >>23175126 is me actually. I lived alone for 10 years and I miss it.

>> No.23175502

>Working a lot and feel like I don't have time for anything
>Spring break arrives, have more than a week off
>Feel horribly lethargic and unmotivated to do anything beyond basic duties of my day to day
I feel like a prisoner in my own bedroom.

>> No.23175501

I feel the same but try to compensate with workaholism. Dont know how long it's going to last.

>> No.23175505

I think it’s rather the civilization and not us if I’m being honest.

>> No.23175516

fucking a fat bitch that makes me based

>> No.23175531

I made the same awful decisions Oba Yozo did. I had so many opportunities and gifts that I never deserved, I had a few women (despite my lifelong ugliness) show actual romantic interest in me, I was forgiven and not prosecuted for a reckless crime, I by some chance got the greatest therapist I could ever imagine (who, when I began lying to get out of the hospital to commit the suicide attempt that would destroy my heart, told me she didn't believe I was getting better and to remain in hospital), and every time I ran away out of some unnamable fear:
>The weak fear happiness itself. They can harm themselves on cotton wool. Sometimes they are wounded even by happiness. I was impatient to leave her while things still stood the same, before I got wounded, and I spread my usual smokescreen of farce.
People tend not to understand Yozo's constant running from responsibility, but I truly, honestly do. I know if I could do it over again, healthy, at the age of eighteenー I would kill myself while I could still be pitied. :l I can't be reformed and I never could. I deserved and deserve my entire life of failure and misery. All of it is my own fault. I already understand that.

>> No.23175536

I can't even listen to music anymore. Or play games. Or anything. Why? Why doesn't the music sound good anymore? Not even sad moody songs I use to like. Everything sounds far away. Its just not as good as I thought

>> No.23175553

nothing wrong with that, you can still get off even with a fat chick

>> No.23175570

It probably sounds weird, but a big regret of mine is not studying philosophy and law at university. I could always go back and take another degree but I just entered my 30s so it’s not the same anymore.

>> No.23175575

Have you tried a dopamine detox? About a year ago, I went to spend a year in the countryside with a family member. I actually ditched my phone and my laptop before I went. After a few months I felt this incredible energy and clarity that I hadn’t in years. Since then, I’ve sort of slid back into normalcy in civilization and I feel how you do. It’s made me want to buy a farm and basically drop out.

>> No.23175580

Why not attempt a second time

>> No.23175583

I studied computer science but I wish I dropped out instead. I can't believe I wasted so much time for something I hated. I was out of ideas and everyone told me to study it because hurr I use PC alot. I didn't do that because I was good or interested in tech. It was escapism because I've been depressed and bored since I was born. I wish I dropped out of high-school. Trying hard in school was a waste of time. I had to do it all without ever thinking about myself. Just follow orders. Now I'm the ultimate boomerang kid. I'm going to steal a gun someday and just do it.i know I have to. It can't hurt that bad.

>> No.23175587

I feel like the cultural transition in the west from an aristocratic, idealist, religious and feudal culture to a bourgeois, secular, materialist and capitalist culture around the renaissance is nowhere near emphasized enough as it should be. It was no lesser a revolution in culture than the french revolution was in politics.

>> No.23175588

This is extremely novelistic, I recommend: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/02/12/a-teens-fatal-plunge-into-the-london-underworld

>> No.23175593

Dopamine detox doesn't work. I'm not that kind of 4channer. I'm just miserable everywhere I go. I went without internet for a long time. I've lived rural. I lost my ability to feel sexual arousal when I was 22. I'm a literal corpse. And a virgin loser.
The only girls I could get with are off-putting. Its over. And not even they would want the current me. I'd have to bust my ass improving myself for compromised life I don't even want.

>> No.23175610

I guess the fact that it was the gradual, logical progression of elements of feudalism makes it harder to see as a revolution. No one would doubt that The Canterbury Tales is archetypically medieval, but is it aristocratic, idealist, and religious or is it the demotic tale-trading of a bustling mercantile world?

>> No.23175611

Well what do you think it is then? It’s not natural. Something must be causing it.

>> No.23175613

Already going to. On the 16th I'm going to a bridge with some alcohol and hoping that I can psyche myself enough to jump. I've been there many times, but I've always returned dejected and full of more self-hatred than I could imagine. It's not that low of a fall, but there is a possibility to survive and, because of my previous extremely unlikely survival, I have an extreme fear and even terror of improbably surviving a suicide attempt and being locked into an unimaginable level of suffering.

I am currently in an email discussion with an Assisted death program. Once they get my medical records etc., and clear me for the payment then I'll fly to Switzerland. If they turn me down, I am going to run away to I-Don't-Know-Where and die.

>> No.23175614

You sound depressed, man. If you’re not happy with your life what would it take to feel like it’s worth it?

>> No.23175625

I think that’s because if you really study the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, you find there’s actually a good amount of overlap. What would become modernity definitely started to get off the ground in the Renaissance but it actually wasn’t that mainstream and it wasn’t that severe. You should read Alexis de Tocqueville. The political revolutions and subsequent Industrial Revolution really are the most significant events. They drastically changed everything. They’re the reason you have lawyer and industrialist presidents now and not sort of quasi-aristocratic landed gentry writers and soldiers.

>> No.23175635

No thought of your parents? It's the only thing that held me back. If my parents weren't in the picture I'd probably take a few months to just sort of totalize my life and watch old films that I used to with people who don't give a fuck about me anymore and then check out.

>> No.23175637

My life is bad. I have no past and no future. Can't be anyone I want to be. Can't be myself because nobodys there. Can't think. Too many voices. Too many roles. I'm jealous of nearly every protagonist and fictional character. I identify with 16 year old Manga characters strongly despite being so much older.. and not in a nostalgic way.. i need to be culled.
A single use time machine

>> No.23175638

I think that’s a bit of an overreaction my man. You don’t have to kill your self just because you studied computer science. So you wasted some time. Everyone does now. That’s life in the 21st century. There’s no reason you have to let it drag you down so low.

>> No.23175642

Tell me what the problem actually is and don’t use hyperbolic language like “I have no past”. I’m interested in you and your life and what’s going on with you, but I want you to be practical with me and use practical language.

>> No.23175653

The sun has set on barren wombs and god is in his cave. I am barren without seed. I bring nothing to the world. I should fall down a dark unending well of bliss.

>> No.23175655

I lived for the whole 5 years since that attempt to avoid harming my family. Can't do it any more. Anyway, that's enough about this.

>> No.23175658

I guess revolution was a poor choice of words, literary culture retained some aristocratic trappings as long as until WW2, but the fact remains that practically every step from the renaissance on is a step away from the medieval and a step towards the modern, while medieval culture did not transform as much as it withered away in favor of the modern.

>The political revolutions and subsequent Industrial Revolution really are the most significant events

Political revolutions and other shifts in political power are without exceptions distillations of economic shifts in power, just as culture is downstream from politics and by proxy economics - whoever rules politics and economics also dictates culture and its norms.

The event which happens when an emergent elite clamoring for more power, wealth and influence challenges an established elite is what we call a revolution.

>> No.23175661

There is no reconciliation i am old ugly unfeeling mentally ill virgin kissless handholdless unlovable loser covered in self harm scars. Embarrassing. Imagine having to be my child. No.. I should cleanse this world of me

>> No.23175668

I don't judge you. I'm older than you and I see the futility of having stuck around so long. We are barren like that other anon says. The slightest indication that other people around me are living vibrant lives with vibrant thoughts and vibrant partners and that I'm basically a human deep sea fish sends me spiraling now.

>> No.23175674

Thanks for talking anon. I hope you get better. Good luck.

>> No.23175680

I won't, but maybe you will.

>> No.23175696

rock rock rockaway beach

>> No.23175697

I strongly identify with being an NPC.
Actually you know who I like? Arthur Rimbaud. I've never read a single thing from him. I'm not French. But his artistic and creative side basically shut off like a switch when he hit adulthood. The 2nd half of his life gets shit on by literary types.
I feel like that happened to me. But I was never an artist worth a shit, I never had an eventful life, I never had a relationship, and my adult life is empty at least Rimbaud had a cool non artistic life.

I think its funny and stupid that so many people obsess over his first 20 years of life and one relationship he had and then scorn the rest of him.
I've never heard of another author basically just switching off.

>> No.23175752

Thanks for this. If you haven't read it, I recommend their long-form article about A.J. Finn from a few years back. What a fucking psycho. Has a new book out, apparently.

>> No.23175763

I wonder why in all my years on this board I have never heard anyone discuss David Jones. He seems like he would be up this board's alley. Then again neither did I hear anyone discuss Wyndham Lewis in years, either.

>> No.23175767

You guys are too hard on yourselves.

>> No.23175772

I'm an incel. I deserve it.

>> No.23175774
File: 663 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20240312-000453_Facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got news today an old internet tormentor of mine took his own life. Normally I'd gloat but I'm kind of having a bit of mixed feelings about it.

>> No.23175782

I've been told I'm much harder on others

>> No.23175783

There’s something I wish I had done between 18-26 but I didn’t even know what it is. Looking back, there was basically nothing to do. I sometimes regret not joining the military, but I would have had to have got a college degree first to be an officer and the war in Afghanistan was pretty much wound down by the point I graduated from college. I guess I wish I went to graduate school or something, probably somewhere far away from where I’m from. I also wish I did something sort of romantic, like been a starving artist in New York, or a lowly ranch hand in Texas, a commercial fisherman out of Boston or Anchorage, something like that.

>> No.23175795

I definitely have discussed Wyndham Lewis. Tarr has had a few upsurges on the board, but I used shill a lot of his criticism of rich medieval larpers. You're probably just seeing Hemingway quotes about him more often or something.

>> No.23175816

These guys never say what their actual problem is because it basically just amounts to feeling bad all the time for no real reason. Like >>23175531 is a perfect example. So he had opportunities and chances with women he "didn't deserve," he was forgiven by someone he wronged instead of having his life ruined, and even while in distress he had someone looking out for him. But for reasons that remain opaque, rather than just be thankful for his good luck this guy feels bad about all this, maybe even feels guilty, as if anybody truly "deserves" anything. But what's the origin of this feeling? Because it's not in anything described here.

>> No.23175850

I’ve been in their mindset, so I can sympathize with them somewhat. I overcame it by being practical and finding a vision for myself and my future. I don’t have ulterior motives. I don’t even particularly want to help them. I just want to talk to them. But you’re right. It’s a self inflicted wound to a huge degree and I never come right out and say it to them.

>> No.23175859

I could (I think) marry some girl but I don't think she's pretty even though she must be in her prime (24). I work in a very feminine line of work and see a lot of beautiful women every day. It kind of sucks that she's not as pretty as my exes and coworkers. I feel like a bastard for thinking like that but I really want someone who can make my heart flutter.

>> No.23175866 [DELETED] 

>self inflicted wound
Then you understand literally nothing.

>> No.23175891

I'm >>23175531
What is a suitable origin for the feelings?

>> No.23175914

I used to have a real obsession with the Western cowboy aesthetic and Western cihntry music, but lately it really puts me off. I’m not sure what happened.

>> No.23175920
File: 380 KB, 1530x1214, 1686675339748139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reading this rn, it's decent. Who knows what will happen?

>> No.23175929


>> No.23175969

What would be the consequences of a prominent white intellectual posing a question like this, rather than a Jew?

Imagine if Jordan Peterson began talking proudly about the unique achievements of whites, or asked for examples of historical Philippinos, since they are mass migrating to Canada

Gad Saad would probably be amongst the chorus denouncing it as dangerous white supremacy

Jewish supremacy and chauvinism is obviously tolerated in a way that is taboo for any other group. Why is this?

>> No.23175973

I guess it’s retarded to join the military at this time?

>> No.23175996

Because the post-war consensus means saying anything negative about the Jews is literally anti-semitism and leads to a second holocaust. The fact that most banks and major media companies are owned or run by Jews is totally irrelevant as well.

>> No.23176051

What a shitty gay nigger life

>> No.23176055

Many such cases

>> No.23176089

Joining the military was only ever worth it when it was still a personal, man-to-man melee affair and you could still get land, money, and women from it with some luck - basically everything a man could really need in life. You would have to be retarded to join any military nowadays though since you're definitely not getting any of those three, but instead you can now die a horrible, agonizing death for israel, feminism, unlimited immigration or gay rights in some retarded, pointless war.

>> No.23176096


>> No.23176104

They started putting straight white men in their ads. What do you think?

>> No.23176119

Umm... Our meatgr- military is finally based and for the white man now?

>> No.23176137

I wonder to what extent cuckservatives have actually thought this

>> No.23176147

My boomer relative always complained about how the military was full of jihadists, spics, and trannies. All he needed to see was the top gun reboot and those new propaganda ads and now he's saying
>Muh military restored to its former glory
>Ya'll needta sign up. them jihadists and communist russians are gonna be here any minute. You want us to all be speakin' russian? Did you know Russia's a MOSLEM country?
It's so tiresome how easily people are swayed by propaganda.

>> No.23176170

Sometimes you forget how stupid the average normie is. They've probably completely forgotten about covid now
>Did you know Russia's a MOSLEM country?
Topkek. To his credit maybe he's thinking of the Chechen wars. That's a longer memory than most

>> No.23176188

Why would the USA want to increase recruitment when almost everybody across the political spectrum there wants a more isolationist foreign policy? This isn't the 90s or the 00s anymore. Does this have something to do with this year being an election year?

>> No.23176251

Always wanted to make a video game. Some time ago I thought, I should start with a story first. Now I'm brainstorming of all kinds of settings and characters and stuff to create a horror story.

Yet, I never wrote a single sentence for my story. I don't know how to start, so to say. Also, I'm pretty afraid I might write paragraph after paragraph and at the end realising I'm writing shit.

>> No.23176271

free facial surgery for men now!

>> No.23176312

Everyday I read news articles about "the epidemic of male loneliness" in the the USA.

It's real. I didn't realize just how much I have let my social life atrophy, because of my girlfriend and professional life. My friends and I have moved to different cities, and the ones that I have made are just as wrapped up in their professional life.

But what drives me nuts, is that those social institutions, that are supposed to be there to create social connection, make is so hard.

Try joining a sports league, social group, volunteer organization. No one picks up the phone or answer emails.

I tried volunteering. Something I still want to do, and its damn near impossible, because no one knows where to go, who to call and when to show up to organize anything. I wanted to give time on sunday to help people, and I just end up following up by email. It feels like a sales job sometimes.

Anyways, tldr. I want to be more social, to volunteer and do something good. Get stuck in beauracratic disasters.
Anyone have any advicce on how to get around this. And yes, I know just showing up would be ideal. But even that fails some times.

>> No.23176322

First draft of anything is shit

>> No.23176345

Happiness? Other people? Connection? No. I want to lose myself on the slopes of some far distant mountain. I want my outline to become indistinct amid snow-hushed pines. I desire that the human shape from which I entered into the world fall asleep in the earth, spread its roots, reach tender branches to the heavens.

>> No.23176350

I want to be eaten by bugs, especially maggots. Idk if I could cope with being a tree.

>> No.23176352

Sick of these fucking NIGGER KIKES taxing alcohol to shit. One fucking liter of vodka costs 1/15 of the minimum wage. I hate the dread and feeling of impending doom that I feel whenever I look at the bottle and see that a quarter of it is already finished. All I want from life is to look at cute girls on my computer while getting piss drunk, but even that isn't allowed.

>> No.23176356

Name the movie

>Father!! There’s a nigger in the church!!

>> No.23176357

It is unironically a jobs program with some patriotic window dressing. The military can be a pathway to a set of fairly comfortable and stable careers, federal gibs and bennies, and faster than normal retirement, but you have to play your cards right, be extremely cold and pragmatic with your decisions, and avoid getting caught up in your feelings, whether of discomfort or of desire for adventure. On the flip side it can be a great way to waste years of your life doing literal drudgery and bitch work for no fucking reason, if you pick the wrong job or pathway and never try to apply yourself while in.

>> No.23176359

Ive been making it a game i suppose for some people i know that are normalfags. I think honestly the experiment proves the cope for some of these people and the biased ideas caused by them also. Assuming the other person is correct (which theyre not) you should see red flags if given diffrent information from one source and carry out to figure out which is true but it seems this indivual is a puppet.

>> No.23176370

I hope I get a flesh eating bacteria and lose all my limbs.

>> No.23176376

I’m not voting in November. Republicans are passing hate speech laws for a foreign country, bragging about it, lying about it & then claim stopping hate speech will stop hate.

I despise these sell outs. They are the ultimate deceivers & controlled opposition.

>> No.23176378

Be happy you have a girlfriend. I'm a fucking virgin. I have no good memories

>> No.23176385

I'm not crazy for thinking that women only suggest using toys in the bedroom because their partners can't make them cum, right? Like, if you could make her cum then why would she need a vibrator?

>> No.23176390

Does it have Sidney Poitier in it?

>> No.23176408

Respect and love are the same emotion, but the former is felt toward one's equals or superiors while love is always felt towards one's inferiors.

>> No.23176429

senpai desu baka basedboy onions

>> No.23176432

I wish I had a daughter.

>> No.23176434

>publish chapter I think is mid
>publish chapter I think is good

use the comment function youuuuu stupid fucking readers

>> No.23176475

I want many sons and daughters. I even have a list of names for them. Probably my most feminine trait

>> No.23176518

I wish my head was hanging on by a thread.

>> No.23176572
File: 45 KB, 200x160, 1661127243405624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've started taking Vitamin D supplements, I've heard it boosts testosterone.

>> No.23176663 [DELETED] 

>What is a suitable origin for the feelings?
I'm still interested in knowing, just because I'm wondering what a normal person considers a "good" justification for living a life of shame.

>> No.23176667

Why don't you just take testosterone?

>> No.23176670

Wow, I am really lonely and depressed. I can't stand the 4 day weekends anymore. I wish I could spend all day working and sweating and end the day exhausted and start over. I want to work twelve hour shifts seven days a week. I am going to get very drunk tonight and every other night until I can go back to work.

>> No.23176694

Get another job.

>> No.23176695

Despite what RL Stein and Stephen King might say, writing fiction is difficult. I lack discipline. Also, seeing the cursor blink or writing on a blank page with nothing to say just eviscerates me. I know I have something to say and to write, but its like a giant tub filled with water with the worlds tiniest drain.

>> No.23176704

good fucking idea anon

>> No.23176713

unconvincing LARP/10, please do better

>> No.23176714

Hope it goes well for you.

>> No.23176716

I can write short stories but I'll never be able to write a full-length novel, I don't know how to drag out a story that long.

>> No.23176717

Hopefully a homeless person stabs my eyes with a pen as I cross the bridge.

>> No.23176720

>What is a suitable origin for the feelings?
I'm still interested in knowing, just because I'm wondering what a normal person considers a "good" justification for living a life of shame. (Reposting to make sure the anon is properly quoted)

>> No.23176723

I dunno man. You haven't described any origin at all. Why didn't you deserve those opportunities? Why do you choose to run away? Where does that "unnameable fear" come from?

>> No.23176733

Why would you want that? Do you hate yourself or something?

>> No.23176742

If we go by what psychiatrists would say, it would likely be "adverse childhood experiences." I think that's the only real explanation for how I turned out this way, but I think saying something like that is reductionist and too convenient as an excuse. I know I'm in control of my actions regardless, but I'm not in control of the feelings that I experience. For example, I can't do anything about the intense discomfort I have when someone is capable of contacting me. I know that's a strange thing to say, but the mere possibility that someone could call or visit me makes my blood feel cold and gives me constant anxiety.

The feeling I had when a woman gave me a Christmas gift was very similar to the feeling one gets when they look down from a high place— cold chills, literal dizziness, vertigo, fear, and the "call of the void." I almost puked, and I couldn't stand looking at the object. I decided to ghost her by attempting suicide desu, but that was because she was getting too close to me. There was no thought that provoked these feelings, by the way. It was as natural as the sensation of touch.

So a better answer besides blaming it all on a past (which is weak) is that my brain is simply broken and I am happy for no reason at all, like you said. :/

>> No.23176748

unhappy* for no reason at all

>> No.23176756

Life is pain.

>> No.23176765

Friend of mine who knows I use 4chan just sent me a bunch of /biz/ autism. He doesn't know I just make sad blog posts in containment threads

>> No.23176768

What X is now:
>jewish account says something boomer or posts a boomer meme from 2015
>some other jewish account retweets
>original jewish account retweets the retweet
>@elonmusk replies with "!!!!!!!" or some version of "das right!" boosting their account
>Back to step 1

>> No.23176772

I am a thirty-one-year-old virgin. I have had three women in my bed naked ready to fuck but I was always to drunk to get hard; porn addiction, constantly beating my dick, and being fucked in the head didn't help either. I had a seventeen-year-old beautiful Puerto Rican sucking on my flaccid cock in the barracks and eventually I just had to tell her to stop. She said that had never happened before. I was in a an actress's apartment and couldn't get hard enough to penetrate her. I blamed the cocaine and left and never talked to her again. She was furious that I ghosted her, because we had had a very personal tête-à-tête and seemed to make a real connection. She sent me a lot of text messages later, which I deleted immediately so I didn't have to read them.
I had a girlfriend in high-school, she pursued me initially, and I was so anxious about it once we started 'dating' I couldn't even eat. I don't even remember her name. I don't remember how we broke-up. I don't remember any of these girls names. What the fuck is wrong with me? Something is wrong with me. I think I'm going to kill myself.
Now me and this girl at work are flirting; I can't help myself.

>> No.23176774

novel material.
Become the next Dazai or Houellebecq.

>> No.23176796

I started writing a few months ago after being inspired by Houellebecq

>> No.23176799

but it is difficult.

>> No.23176802

That’s still impressive. I think short stories can be difficult because you have to be economical and length matters. Short stories are like rooms. Novels are like houses. I guess it depends on the novel. Infinite Jest is like a neighborhood. Regardless, I guess it depends upon whether you’re a shrinker or a grower, I.e. you have to take out when editing or put in more words when editing. Length matters, shrinker, grower enough penile diction.

>> No.23176805

Write a bunch of short stories as one novel. This is the Tolstoyan method. That's how you write a long novel. Instead of 3 main characters, have 10 of them. Instead of 10 chapters about one topic, have 100 about interconnected scenarios and ideas.

>> No.23176847

kek it do be like that

>> No.23176859

I think I've come down with a cold, this shit sucks.

>> No.23176874

I really miss you. I wish it was real

>> No.23176878

Are you the ????? girl?

>> No.23176879

I'm not american but if I had to name the american holy trinity it would be Emerson, Whitman and Melville to me.

>> No.23176884


>> No.23176892

posted something like this a couple threads ago but go sidetracked and didn't really get the answers i was looking for. what's stopping a new virus from emerging that's as deadly as HIV and as easily transmissible as covid? the only reason AIDS didn't kill billions of people is because transmission rates are so low. why is it that the more contagious viruses are never particularly dangerous? is there any reason to believe this trend will continue, or are we just one unfortunate viral mutation away from airborne AIDS?

>> No.23176904

I miss your question marks. Post em.

>> No.23176911

So what books do psychogrils read?

>> No.23176916

They’re not for you??? You’re not him so none of it is for you ever and I’m not going to do it because I can’t talk to you

>> No.23176919

I want a maternal goth girl to big-spoon me. I don't have mummy issues, maternal women are just naturally more caring and soft.

>> No.23176920


>> No.23176930

would a /r/legion general improve the board?

>> No.23176931

Religion has never improved anything so no.

>> No.23176933

no, they need their own containment board
it'd be like /x/ on steroids

>> No.23176939

looks persian

>> No.23176948

looks cute

>> No.23176960

pure autism, but based for shitting on camus at least

>> No.23176965

People usually say that for women sex is more mental than physical but I feel like that undersells how much of sex is also mental for men. I'd be willing to bet that in terms of overall experience the pleasure of being validated as a man and the mental thrill of dominating a woman sexually form a much bigger part of the overall enjoyment than the physical sensation of sex does.

>> No.23176969

Obviously everyone is different but yeah, for the most part I'd say you're probably close to spot on.

>> No.23176978

Yes. But I'm mentally ill so I want the physical sensation of intimacy and touch most of all. By the way, it's disgusting saying something like that when I imagine how monstrously ugly I am.

>> No.23176982

>desperately want to chat
>message suicide chat line
>immediately lose all interest

>> No.23176988

nothing mentally ill about wanting intimacy, it's a basic human need

>> No.23176998

You could go as far as to say that sex is more mental for men than it is for women because men possess only a tiny fraction of the capacity for pleasure compared to women. But women do not know the insatiable lust for power and domination that men feel because their sexuality is fundamentally reactive rather than proactive. They wouldn't know what such a craving feels like. So really men may have sex with their dicks but the sex they have is more for their ego than their balls, because the latter can be taken care of by hand, but the former cannot.

>> No.23177000

I can’t sleep again and I keep thinking about all of it and feeling so sad

>> No.23177009 [DELETED] 

Woofy woofy woof! Bárk bárk! Rúff rúff! Sníff sníff... Pánt pant, -waggy waggy-, (sníff sníff), [growly growly] woof oof woof woof! woof woof woof! Woof ..woof woof woof woof woof woof foow woof woof!!! w-o-o-f ahhh woof woof???? woof woof!! woof woof... wolf woof woof woof........ woof woof woof woof woof woof woof arf woof woof woof woof woof?!?!? woof, woof woof God woof mọọ, ^rịbịt rịbịt^, +mẹow mẹow+, !ọịnk ọịnk! yoink Grrrr! Grrrr! AHHH!!!!!!!

>> No.23177011

I cannot sleep. I gotta go to work. I cannot stop reading

>> No.23177013

What are you reading

>> No.23177032

Lord of the World by Robert Hugh Benson

>> No.23177049
File: 695 KB, 498x264, prune juice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking prune juice.

>> No.23177057

I crave intimacy so bad. I want someone to love and understand me. I never stopped being the scared confused sad kid curled up in a corner. I'm just getting old. Nobody has ever loved me or even wanted to touch me.

>> No.23177062

Your parents don't love you?

>> No.23177063

Me too. I also have memories of physically curling up in a corner crying as a child.

>> No.23177076

one died and the other is a big part of the reason im like this

>> No.23177077

are you the same sadsack with heart issues who posts here every day

>> No.23177084

No, I'm him. The other guy is a sadboy with more legitimate concerns. I posted here though >>23176742

>> No.23177086
File: 533 KB, 1125x2000, 4F981FB6-D690-4698-8197-80218E1B6992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m really not certain where it started. I can try and pinpoint. Childhood. Bits and pieces rearranged again and again to signify something probably meaningless after all anyways. The time your sibling taught you how to hump a pillow and how to touch that wet cavernous slit. The other time a parent caught on to something and you were told you can go to jail for making yourself feel good when you were ten or eleven. How wouldn’t that scare the shit out of a kid? Walking a girl home after school in the winter and roughly taking her virginity and being the first to enter her, blood and all. Year or two later inviting her over to a friends place and both fucking her like a stray bitch in heat. You feel the intentions rising. The will to push boundaries, see how far you can go and what you can get away with. Him behind her and you with your foot on her face, sticking your foot in her mouth and telling her to repeat that she’s a bad girl with your sweaty feet halfway down her throat. Repeated again and again. Grandmother outside the room it’s 4am and she’s screaming for us to keep it down. Work in an hour or something like that. Things come to an end and she leaves abruptly, is kicked out and she goes home to fall asleep and text her boyfriend good mornings in a couple of hours. You remember how good it felt to exact your dominance and teenage angst on her body. How much further could you go with the next girl? The uncomfortableness becomes what’s comfortable and familiar. End game not to cum but to know yourself and understand what makes you human and not so much human. Knowing a part of her will deeply regret this and feel shame and another smaller part of her will need it some more. Somehow rationalizing the abuse. Thinking of it when she’s with the one that can’t keep up. , but it will happen another time and another place with another partner. After all it’s always about wanting more and not getting enough. When is enough, enough?

>> No.23177087

*shits your pants*

>> No.23177088

I've lost my pistol in my one-bedroom apartment. Where could it be? I wanted to put in in my mouth tonight. Last I remember, it was on the countertop. Maybe my landlord entered my apartment while I was working and stole it.

>> No.23177089

She reminds me of my grandma.

>> No.23177092

It's just a matter of economics. Poignant takes on the world and life is actually a pretty oversaturated market. Looking like a supermodel is not.

Just look good. Like really, really, really good. Everything else is fluff

>> No.23177095 [DELETED] 

This isn't enough if your mind isn't good

>> No.23177099 [DELETED] 

fragment foot bullet fragment foot bitch

>> No.23177100 [DELETED] 

I'd know first hand

>> No.23177120

Am I actually getting delusional??? Please just tell me which ones are real

>> No.23177128

You're delusional if you're an atheist.

>> No.23177130

You aren’t real??? I don’t want to talk to you ever

>> No.23177134

If you don't want to talk to me, then why are you responding?

>> No.23177163

---- Solaria ----

So preposterous is the look of every daffodil
None can afford to make its monument

Resemble the species plausibly.

Sperm whales have almost no intellect
But massively definite personality.

Life in general is most fun from the most human perspective.


>> No.23177181

Maybe if I had just tried drugs like a normal kid I would have woken up in time to have done something before my life turned into this... nicotine amphetamine cocaine. Something. What was I preserving? I have already been living my life in a haze since I was born. Maybe I needed something to boost my shitty brain. And now at this point I've been depressed so long I definitely have brain damage. What was it all for. Being such a good boy. For nobody.

>> No.23177205

Are people like this posting here? Disgusting! Women are so gay.

>> No.23177211
File: 45 KB, 220x123, flushed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I'm farting!!

>> No.23177257

I realize the truth of how WW2 disrupted all historical movement and intellectual theory. The West did a complete 180. The white man decided to decolonize and surrender much of his power. The roadmaps of the future outlined by people like Marx and Nietzsche were actually ruined by the war. No one saw the war coming in the way that it did, in that it was a decisive triumph of liberalism and capitalism. All of the cultural/intellectual strands that were going on before the war were shafted. Tons of writers, thinkers and artists were thrown in the dustbin. Everything in society was carefully remade in the image of liberalism’s victory. And most of all the West restricted itself

>> No.23177264
File: 39 KB, 423x724, images (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to be the spontaneous lightweight unconcerned guy who can respectfully approach women who pique my interest and be ready to accept whatever might happen, and while I felt good about it the first couple of times, I think it's beginning to become seriously burdensome. I still feel lingering heartaches over getting rejected, and have a growing internal embarrassment over my fixation on these girls in my daily life coupled with the streak of rejections, as opposed to being ''confident''. I've conducted myself very well so far, and never got humiliated or insulted or laughed at or anything of that sort, but the fact that I can't even contain myself anymore and have to chase the next rush, continuing this search for a supposed ideal, is ultimately juvenile and low. I'm not even looking to get laid -I've walked away from those kinds of easy girls- I just want a trustful conversation with a gentle good-hearted woman and listen to her silly stories while she listens to mine, and a nice hug.
There's this one girl whom I really liked the most out of all the ones I've encountered. Her odd, doll-like looks grabbed me, but it's her genuine, oblivious sensitvity and her willingness to help others that took me down with a leg sweep. After a string of exchanges on social media, I got over-enthusiastic and asked her if we could have a penpalship sort of deal and send each other letters, and it's been radio-silence ever since. Well, she initially sent a confused yes, and when I offered to explain things further and ask about how her preferences regarding the arrangement, I've been ignored. It's been a while now, and I still feel awful about it, probably because I've made her out to be something more transcendent than she really is.
I wasn't always like this. My ex-gf gave me a taste of this bitter honey, and it kept lurking around in my soul ever since. Once I've (sort of) moved on from the breakup, I've been on this run.
Reading all of this neurotic bullshit out again makes me want to smash my head against the wall, because it sounds like a 17 year old's diary, but the truth is I've been feeling like a teenager once again because of this b.s, and my heart is more active than it's been in quite some time. Sending this out into the ether is probably healthier than keeping it festering inside for longer, with the added benefit of outsider perception of these really minor events. I have to grow out of this fixation before it's too late. Taking stiff lariats for a hotdog and a handshake might be the way to getting a clue.

>> No.23177271

It has to stop. Thanks for putting things into perspective.

>> No.23177279

My deepest confession on this anonymous image board is that I occasionally have moments of intimacy with my sister. Not sexual, not romantic, but at least as an expression of love. We’re both quite lonely and hardly go out. She’s cute but shy. We understand each other very well. We were always close in our lives and never argued or bickered. She’s always been the dearest person to me. So in 2020, locked in our houses and struggling with bouts of despair, we started cuddling to comfort each other. And since then we occasionally have nights of this cuddling, hugging, hand-holding and kissing on the cheek. And no matter how much I’m disgusted with myself in this arrangement I always look forward to these nights where we both feel upset and decide to embrace each other.

>> No.23177281

Turd wrangler

>> No.23177283

That was normal in the past. Homosexuality was so rare and unthinkable that even dudes could hold hands and shit and it was just a buddies thing.

>> No.23177285

I definitely have a cold, I feel like I've had all the energy drained out of me, oh my god. I'm gonna eat some dinner and then watch Kung Fu Panda 3.

>> No.23177288

More than that.


>> No.23177290

I never figured out how to use tissues. My cum cuts through it and one tissue isn't enough for the amount of cum. Even paper towels don't work. I have to use a hand towel.

>> No.23177293

Uhhhhhh based and same. Except I just cum in my undies and then throw them in the wash for my mum to wash.

>> No.23177299

I don't give a shit what wikipedia says about ancient homosexuality because they still cite Kenneth Dover and other completely discredited academics on homosexuality.
Reading Plato, Xenophon, Diogenes Laërtius, and actually starting with the Greeks was a fucking eye opener on how bullshit wikipedia was, especially because I could look at the book itself and back at wikipedia and see the disconnect.
Worst is their treatment of Hadrian as de facto gay when that is only thought because of hearsay with no direct evidence. Wikipedia is very misleading, and the process to rewrite some of this shit takes months in the talk pages and all you get is
>Well... We figure that there is enough evidence to say it here... There is a page on their relationship where we explain that it wasn't confirmed or anyー
>The why isn't it clear right away?
>Umm... So like... This article was written by a well respected...
It will always be better to just read the sources yourself.

>> No.23177303

im watching this filipino girl livestream at vegas. she was playing blackjack and got an 11 and i said double and she did and won. 2024 guys.

>> No.23177305

Oh crab... You must be dude. That is a little weird. Well at least it isn't that bad.

>> No.23177307

What happened to 2025?

>> No.23177308


>> No.23177311

my thing for 2024 is telling every girl who flirts with me that I'm trans

>> No.23177312

i just feel like my life is too complicated now you know, there's too many moving parts. so many responsibilities and things i have to maintain, when did things become to complicated? i used to just wake up, go to work, go home, watch some shows or play video games, sleep, rinse repeat

now it's all this other stuff. don't get me wrong, in a way these are good problems, i may do a lot more sowing now, but certainly reap a lot more rewards as well. just sometimes when i look back or think back i think to myself boy did things escalate, just to keep gears turning the way i want them to i gotta do this i gotta do that, if not, things just fall apart

sigh i really am getting older

>> No.23177315
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x2640, Screenshot_20240313_011955_Smart AudioBook Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audiobooks reign supreme.

>> No.23177316

yeah you pretty much are forced to enjoy the pushing of the boulder to enjoy life and the more you do the more other adjacent things you have to do to maintain what you already have

>> No.23177318

As I got older my life became less complicated. Grew up on a farm, had to go to school, moved to the suburb, became a NEET.

>> No.23177333

Nothing has been said about our generation yet. No great artworks, no serious interrogation into what it means to be raised on the Internet after the Cold War, nothing. We just exist. When someone talks about “Gen Z” it’s only to incorporate young people into their political programs, I.E. propagandize ideas such as “the young people will save the world” or celebrate that “the young generations are the most liberal and diverse in history.” We are like a permanent lost generation, no footprint on history and no original ambitions to speak of. They can’t even create art set in modern times anymore because the current world is so fucking lame.

>> No.23177336

Life is supposed to be complicated from an early age, but because we're so coddled and allowed to subsist lazily for so many years (in some cases for your entire life), you end up being completely unprepared for this reality when it inevitably hits you. How much were we really taught during our teenage years? Raised to live like bohemians, when few of us can.
I've seen the way nomads raise their kids out in the desert. They got a grip on it, and they grow into freer men because they can handle their business. I envy them a lot, man.

>> No.23177337

this nigga listening to people tell him bed time stories

>> No.23177339

Literally yes, and it's fucking awesome. I'm gonna start getting Dune dreams soon I can feel it.

>> No.23177345

my stories and poetry kind of fucking suck and its discouraging
ive also learned about litrpgs and they are worst than what i write
time to watch some seinfield

>> No.23177352

Stop spending your money on goyslop and cheap shit manufactured in China and maybe you will see a difference if everyone does that.

>> No.23177354 [DELETED] 

I want to message the 988 suicide chat line but it's unsatisfactory because I have to heavily filter what I say or I get vanned immediately. And if I just say
>I am not going to kill myself or hurt myself in any way. My life is completely black and utterly devoid of hope. I have nothing left, and I don't even care about getting better. I want to chat with someone because I have no one on earth to talk to, and I won't ever because I made a conscious and permanent decision to isolate myself forever. I don't speak to family, and even being around them fills me with anxiety and discomfort. Typing this right now is making me nauseous. I don't know why I'm so messed up, but I know it can't be fixed. By the way I'm not going to hurt myself.
Would be satirical. Also I get the feeling that the average normie has so little contact with the levels of pathology that are attainable that it may appear to just be a melodramatic tirade of emotions. Or if they really believed that there could be someone so pathetic, imagine the awkwardness and discomfort they'd feel having a human-monster on the other end, and being compelled to "comfort" it.

>> No.23177356 [DELETED] 

Shit, sorry dude, I accidentally quoted your post. >>23177333
Can't delete it for minutes.

>> No.23177360

I want to message the 988 suicide chat line but it's unsatisfactory because I have to heavily filter what I say or I get vanned immediately. And if I just say
>I am not going to kill myself or hurt myself in any way. My life is completely black and utterly devoid of hope. I have nothing left, and I don't even care about getting better. I want to chat with someone because I have no one on earth to talk to, and I won't ever because I made a conscious and permanent decision to isolate myself forever. I don't speak to family, and even being around them fills me with anxiety and discomfort. Typing this right now is making me nauseous. I don't know why I'm so messed up, but I know it can't be fixed. By the way I'm not going to hurt myself.
Would be satirical. Also I get the feeling that the average normie has so little contact with the levels of pathology that are attainable that it may appear to just be a melodramatic tirade of emotions. Or if they really believed that there could be someone so pathetic, imagine the awkwardness and discomfort they'd feel having a human-monster on the other end, and being compelled to "comfort" it.

>> No.23177379

It is a melodramatic tirade of emotions.
If you aren't going to kill yourself, see a shrink or find something that motivates you.
If you are, call a suicide hotline.

>> No.23177381

---- Solaria ----
Athlete and Aesthete

He could never dance like that
But if he could, he'd be a very strange angel--

Superlatively suave.


>> No.23177385

>If you are, call a suicide hotline.
My problem with that was outlined in the post. Thanks for the advice anyway.

>> No.23177390

Use an online phonecall service like TextNow to call the hotline. They can't trace it to you if you provide false details to the TextNow account.

>> No.23177396

Call the suicide hotline and tell them you shit your pants and you can't go on.

>> No.23177407

you will get vanned in 2 weeks by feds/state investigative agents
>t. used vpn and fake info and still got vanned

>> No.23177417 [DELETED] 

Ok buddy. You're starting to creep me out so I'm going to recommend you kys before you shoot up a school or smth.

>> No.23177424

I don't know why that amused me so much lol
It was just for suicidal thoughts. I told a forum I planned on killing myself with a gun after the month and had state agents take me after a little less than 2 weeks. Really woke me up on how easy they can track. Thanks for the advice though really.

>> No.23177426
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>> No.23177427


>> No.23177429

My shits are clearly not compatible with human life..i don't think i have much time left

>> No.23177434

breathing is degenerate

>> No.23177445

I just got a really strong urge to get a girlfriend, I just really wanted one all of a sudden. The feeling is mostly gone now but for a split second, I wanted a ball and chain. Weird.

>> No.23177459

My d*d told me at age ten, "when are you going to stop watching cartoons and finally grow up?"

>> No.23177487

Something something Oswald Spengler.
Same. I'll probably hang myself with a belt at some point this year. I don't feel like my life is going anywhere worthwhile.

>> No.23177514

My beloved father once had the brilliant idea of calling 7 year old me a dumb retard for believing in Santa Claus with my siblings, my siblings in their 20s mind you.
And I don't sya beloved ironically, I do love him. He just wasn't a very wise father.

>> No.23177520

I have sexual problems

>> No.23177522

Get some help, and stop jerking off to lolicon.

>> No.23177524

not that kind of sexual problems

>> No.23177534

>What the fuck is wrong with me?
Well lets start with your admitted porn addiction and drug abuse?

>> No.23177538


>> No.23177543

Not him but you just made me realize I jerked off to porn again after saying I'd quit, fuck,

>> No.23177544

What kind?

>> No.23177546
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x1280, lady-aphrodite-v0-yitepr2zo2lb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am literally obsessed with the goddess Aphrodite
I don't even like ancient greece

>> No.23177547

Of course you do. Coomers like aphrodite. Homosexuals like Apollo.

>> No.23177548

Addictions are (usually) symptoms of other, larger disorders. You don't start with a symptom, you start by trying to find the root cause. It sounds more like he's terrified of intimacy, and everything is downstream of that. He should, instead of trying to self-cure by refraining from cumming (or whatever nonsense is trendy on the internet at the modern), seek professional health from a therapist.

>> No.23177555

The root cause is something biological and endocrinological, not some psychotherapeutic "look inside yourself" babble. It is entirely rational for the body to seek relief from stress even if the substance is bad in the long term.

>> No.23177556

Most anons problems would be cured by simply leaving this site, and the internet in general foe that matter.

>> No.23177558

I spoke on the 988 suicide online text chat.
I selected
>No suicidal thoughts
>No depression
>Mood = I'm doing okay
It impacted how that saw the chat, but that was fine. I don't think I really got anything from it. I regret it as a waste of time, but I made sure to thank them repeatedly to hopefully make sure they are happy with their work. It's not their fault.

I ended after (I am sure) they tried to tacitly end the conversation by asking if I had a counselor, because 988 was for "in the moment" assistance (which is true of course) and to them I wasn't suicidal. I won't be using it anymore because there's too fine a line between telling the truth and getting involuntarily committed.

>> No.23177570

>No suicidal thoughts
>No depression
>Mood = I'm doing okay
>Text of the call inquestion: My life is completely black and utterly devoid of hope. I have nothing left, and I don't even care about getting better. Every day I spend on the face of this earth is a lonely agony devoid of solace or happiness. My life is bereft of any human company or meaning with the exception of the man who delivers my chinese take-out. I have no prospects, education or ambitions. Nothing in this plane brings me the slightest amount of pleasure. I don't feel like I can live on for much longer. By the way I'm not going to hurt myself.
You are a great absurdist comedian.

>> No.23177572

I could be cured by having a whole fuck ton of moolah, this site is the only thing keeping me sane, I go slightly nutty when it gets DDoS'd or when I get banned, I have no one else to talk to.

>> No.23177576

I should read the Sorrows of young Werther.
Do you think I'll miss out on much by reading a translation?

>> No.23177579

That's unironically what I did. They didn't seem to suspect anything, I'm assuming because the vast majority of people choose "very upset," "depression," and "Recent suicidal thoughts," and why the hell would anyone lie when it gets them more attention?

I went described how I was dying, my life was over, I was essentially terminally ill, my hair was falling out in patches and I couldn't get out, I quoted Kafka and called myself vermin and so on. They were likely rolling their eyes, kek. At least they were probably entertained to some degree. I'll kill myself soon anyway. (If I'm not a faggot)

>> No.23177581

>psychotherapeutic "look inside yourself" babble
>it is entirely rational for blah blah blah
Do you not realize that your reasoning here, based purely on logic and supposition (i.e. "yep, that seems logical"), is the foundation for why the kind of Freudian talk therapy you're disparaging is now widely seen as a discredited form of psychological treatment? If you're going to have strong opinions on something — ESPECIALLY if you're going to promote pseudoscience — it would really behoove you to know what you're talking about in even the slightest way.

>> No.23177583

coping pseud seething because he didn't like my insulting reductionism of the fad science he is repeating

>> No.23177588

I can't concentrate on reading right now, my balls hurt too much from jerking off, this isn't a joke.

>> No.23177589

Parasitic psy-op to drain your money mostly staffed with retarded women.

>> No.23177592

I made an actual point with logic you could respond to, if you chose to. That you immediately retreated to BUZZWORDING BUZZWORD BUZZWORDING is probably emblematic of something or another. Try detaching your ego from the discussion. You might learn something once in a while!

>> No.23177593

>because... because it just is... OK.....?!?!

>> No.23177598

I don't reccomend it, to put it less harshly. It's mostly staffed with women and they usually don't try to resolve your problem but rather keep you paying for as many sessions as possible.
Aside from that, introspection should be a deeply personal matter between you and your own soul, not some effette, grey, vaguely gay academician.

>> No.23177599

I didn't even disagree with the general gist of your post. You are correct about addiction generally, and the futility of nofap. My only problem was your suggestion of heckin' therapy as a cure. Addiction is a physical problem with a physical root cause and physical solution

>> No.23177600


>> No.23177601

Yes. I've been to therapy before and it wasn't anything grand.

>> No.23177603

>What is metaphor
You do know what psique means, right?

>> No.23177607
File: 37 KB, 474x500, 1710115951417813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy 4:20, faggots. 988anon should smoke one.

>> No.23177611

>it wasn't anything grand
Were you expecting something "grand"? Theatrical?

>> No.23177613

Yesterday I made eye contract with a cute girl on the train. It lasted about a second before I looked away. It gave me a boner. If I ever manage to get a gf it's gonna be rough dealing with this problem.

>> No.23177616

>Addiction is a physical problem with a physical root cause and physical solution
It's a mental problem with root causes that almost always trace back to unprocessed traumas with a solution that, yes, involves physically abstaining from drugs, but unless you are referring to the physical machinations of the brain, I struggle to see any way in which the solution is purely physical. The common thread (per addicts themselves) is that their addiction is something that sticks with them through their whole lives; that being free from the substance does not mean they will ever be fully safe from falling back into addiction.
>heckin' therapy as a cure
Who the fuck said "cure" in this conversation? Are you wholly incapable of discussing anything that's even slightly nuanced without reducing everything into a set of maxims?

>> No.23177630

NEW >>23177629

>> No.23178120

>you're delusional if you don't believe in my imaginary friend

>> No.23178125

They expect most people to just read the headline, and in most cases, they're right. It's like that snopes article
>Did Joe Biden use the N-word while in Congress?
And then, if you read past the headline, the very first sentence is
>While it's true that Biden did say the N-word while in Congress...
it's fucking bonkers.