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23172901 No.23172901 [Reply] [Original]

Tolkien didn't care for Narnia much, and disliked Dune "with some intensity", but asked about the Conan stories he said he "rather liked them"


>> No.23172985

Based taste, there's clear hints of Conan influence on Tolkien's stuff. Even the bits Howard himself borrowed from Lovecraft; hence the idea of "nameless things" and terrors too awful to talk about.

>> No.23173010

Tolkien betrayed Lewis when he needed him the most despite Lewis helping him in the past. Some Christian.

>> No.23173018

It's because Howard, like Tolkien, was operating in the mythic tradition rather than the allegorical. I'm not even memeing when I say that, had he lived longer, Howard would be seen as the American counterpart to Tolkien. His later works show a surprising aesthetic mastery

>> No.23173028

>It's because Howard, like Tolkien, was operating in the mythic tradition rather than the allegorical.
Howard, yes, but Tolkien is allegorical despite denying it in a letter.

>> No.23173029


>> No.23173059

Are the good stuff from Robert E. Howard spread around his characters or Conan is far superior to Kull, Solomon Kane etc.?

>> No.23173075

Kull is good but Conan is his most developed thing.

>> No.23173112

Holy based Tolkien. I always thought he would have liked Howard, good to know he actually did.

That and their influences are probably quite similar, love of myths and myth-making, especially the old cultural epics, though Tolkien was more academic while Howard had more of a folk influence.

>> No.23173116

I thought Tolkien disliked america

>> No.23173120

It turns out you can like or dislike different aspects of a country.

>> No.23173352

i think tolkien just said that because he hated people speculating that the ring represented the atomic bomb and other constrained interpretations
nature good, progress bad, despite being a very based theme, is given no attempt at concealment by tolkien however

>> No.23173469

Tolkien hated Disney btw

>> No.23173475

Tolkien literally brought Lewis to Christianity. Which is the greatest gift you can give a friend

>> No.23174473

Narnia is 1000% better than Dune or Conan. It is an equal of LoTR.

>> No.23174542

Based. I bet GK Chesterton aka king christcuck has a problem with Conan.

>> No.23174721

>GK Chesterton aka king christcuck
Unlike the non-Christian Tolkien.

>> No.23175632

I feel like Conan was outside Chesterton's wheelhouse. Jolly fat man never cared for fantasy, did he?

>> No.23175730


What'd he think of based Elric. We know Moorcock dislikes Tolkien because he considers it too childish but did Tolkien ever read The Elric Saga or anything Moorcock wrote?

>> No.23175773
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In the same way /lit/ hates Mark Twain, Moorcock dislikes Tolkien. Ironically, it's because he's too childish.

>> No.23176364

Tolkien was very particular about how he felt this kind of story should be approached, so it isn't surprising he couldn't help having issues with Narnia

That said, I like the Narnia books too. I just think it's a very different mode/register


>> No.23176462

I always find it weird how /lit/ seethes about GRRM v Tolkein when Moorcock was much more antagonistic.

>> No.23176470

Because Moorcock is on point. Grrm complains about taxes or something

>> No.23176487


Moorcock hates everything for the sole purpose of being an edgy contrarian. The whole shit with Gamesworkshop is kind of understandable because they lifted a lot of concepts from his books, and even chaned I think it was a logo that he made but they slightly altered it so they could claim it was original or something to that extent.

>> No.23176914

>American author, poet, and widely-know pulp magazine "fictioneer" Robert E. Howard was much impressed by Chesterton's "The Ballad of the White Horse." In a letter to his friend Tevis Clyde Smith, dated 6 August 1926 [when Howard was 20], he writes:
>There is great poetry being written now. G.K. Chesterton, for instance."
>"Several books I purchased on my trip, among them G. K. Chesterton's The Ballad of the White Horse. Ever read it? It's great." Robert E. Howard, in a letter to his friend Tevis Clyde Smith (c. September 1927)

>> No.23176936

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA you BTFO that anti-Christian scum

>> No.23176949
File: 182 KB, 1500x1000, chesterton-portrait-cigar-1500x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep fucking meaning to read The Ballad Of The White Horse. I always hear it's the best thing Chesterton ever wrote. I guess I need to knuckle down and read it.

>> No.23177225
File: 286 KB, 1200x858, ENmRDKDUwAAMUuE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always felt like Tolkien was very directly influenced by the design of the Hyborian Age

Conan and Aragorn couldn't be more different though

>> No.23177233

Conan in the hollyjew movies is just a brainless brute. I was surprised to discover that in the stories he’s smart as well. Much more well rounded character

>> No.23177237

No he isn't. The Arnold movie has him being well read and his entire quest is about answering a philosophical question

>> No.23177245

Conan is sharp, but he still essentially only cares about fighting and fucking, and acquiring temporary riches he can squander on drinking and whores

>> No.23177248

That’s an exaggeration. Movie Conan is a retard compared to book Conan.

>> No.23177254

I'd actually argue that Arnold Conan is most thoughtful and contemplative than book Conan. Arnold Conan was more an amalgamation of Kull and Conan. We see Arnold Conan actually reading and training and being introspective more than book Conan does. Arnold Conans life is a quest to learn an esoteric mystery where book Conan has deep disdain for priests and wizards who engage with sophistry and esotericism

>> No.23177255

Narnia AND LotR are both overrated trash.

>> No.23177256

>He had entered the part of the city reserved for the temples. On all sides of him they glittered white in the starlight—snowy marble pillars and golden domes and silver arches, shrines of Zamora's myriad strange gods. He did not trouble his head about them; he knew that Zamora's religion, like all things of a civilized, long-settled people, was intricate and complex, and had lost most of the pristine essence in a maze of formulas and rituals. He had squatted for hours in the courtyard of the philosophers, listening to the arguments of theologians and teachers, and come away in a haze of bewilderment, sure of only one thing, and that, that they were all touched in the head.

>His gods were simple and understandable; Crom was their chief, and he lived on a great mountain, whence he sent forth dooms and death. It was useless to call on Crom, because he was a gloomy, savage god, and he hated weaklings. But he gave a man courage at birth, and the will and might to kill his enemies, which, in the Cimmerian's mind, was all any god should be expected to do.

>> No.23177258

Who's a cool little contrarian?
You are!
Good boy!

>> No.23177282

lotr is overrated but narnia is underrated

>> No.23177535
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I remember reading and thinking that Tolkien and Howard had a rather similar mentality in that they wanted to present their characters and worlds as something was being lived through them rather than just words out of their mouth. Like they wanted to convey the history of these times.

>> No.23177545

People only bring up GRRM because he's constantly running his fat mouth instead of writing his books.

>> No.23177565

I don't think an author allowing their morals and attitudes to influence a story means the story is automatically an allegory

>> No.23177567

People can find allegory in anything without bullshit logic.

>> No.23177773

Moorcok wasn't on point and half of the stuff he said about Tolkien were pure psychological projection or blatant lies. He sees Tolkien as the representative of the mytical bourgeoisie his leftist ass hates, and charges against a version of the man that is nothing but a strawman.

Moorcok was and probably is still an idiot.

>> No.23177881

Tolkien never disliked America as a nation, but the corporate system which the American Ideal paved the way for. He correctly observed that culture, tradition, and aesthetics would be thoroughly gutted if is meant someone could market it and make a quick buck off of it. He hates Walt Disney, but if saw what Disney became after Walt’s passing, he would be even more disgusted.

Not a popular opinion, but I actual think Disney was one of the greatest men of the 20th century

>> No.23177899

Moorcock was the original redditor. Edgy dumb criticism based on nothing more than MUH SUBVERSION and “lel traditional morality boring”.

That being said I do like Elric, even if he’s an absolute edgelord faggot.

The most enduring legacy of Moorcock is the concept of Chaos as an unstoppable primordial force which 40K picked up and has been running with for 40+ years now.

>> No.23178352

Why do you think this about Disney anon?

I actually have similar views but probably less informed than you. He wanted to build these technological cities too but didn't complete it before he died.

>> No.23178570

It's quite simple.

Hitler admired Disney.
Hitler was the greatest man of the 20th century.
If you are admired by the greatest you ought to be great yourself.

>> No.23178575

actually all the quotes that make you seethe are from 10-20 years ago

>> No.23178612

Is this actual real literature or is it like the rest of genre fiction where theres a pervasive aura of "stinky fat unwelcoming nerd in a dnd store" about it? I remember I wandered down the wrong section of a book store and found walls and walls of star trek books i had to get the fuck out before i contracted something

how do these books compare to Hjelmdallermann?

>> No.23178626

Not trying to hijack the thread, but is Bran Mak Morn any good?

>> No.23178671

LoL, Narnia is allegorical and always linked to something else he's trying to say but not brave enough to just say what he means. Howard is raw manly fun, which seems would be easy to recreate if only anyone could.

>> No.23178676

A man who knows himself.

>> No.23178724

>CS lewis
>not brave enough to say what he means
are you retarded

>> No.23178971

You aren't going to like it

>> No.23179014
File: 149 KB, 1500x1209, 729F2624-9DE9-4C3C-9497-EF58B63395F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It hit me the other day that LotR is from the same era as Elvis
It probably makes sense but it still feels pretty weird to me