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/lit/ - Literature

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23172523 No.23172523 [Reply] [Original]

Death Dealer edition.

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23159414

>> No.23172705
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You guys read any interesting sci-fi lately?

>> No.23172757


>> No.23172799

I re-read 1984. Still good.

>> No.23172800

By the way, she has a nice ass.

>> No.23172831
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Finally finished pic related. I enjoyed it. Only skipped one story and skimmed another, but all the other ones were good to varying degrees. It's actually a great collection for anons new to Sword & Sorcery who don't want to read the classics yet and want to start with something more modern.

>> No.23172833

It's obvious Varys and Littlefinger work for the Blackfyres, right?

>> No.23172851
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was looking for a story whose one of the main character is a completely armored rip and tear kind of templar
but the guy from this story is too ambitious, jealeous, autistic and most certainly a schizo

>> No.23172857
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Read Beyond Apollo

>> No.23172886

Kormak series by William King

>> No.23172902

>find out recently ive been in this shithole general for 9+ verifiable
i have about had mcfucking enough and i hate myself

>> No.23172938
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Finished reading (listening) to dune up through god emperor and was a little disappointed with god emperor so not planning on continuing as i hear it really drops off. Thinking of doing Three Body Problem, Dark Matter, or Hitchhikers guide next. Which should i pick? Or just give me a better option.

>> No.23173096

Read Hitchhiker's guide, it'll be a good fun break after that dune disappointment.

>> No.23173106

Agree with the other guy, hitchhikers would probably be a decent palate cleanser

>> No.23173125

Looking for scifi / fantasy novels to keep me bussy for the rest of the month as a warm up for an April readalong.
Roughly 800-1200 pages in total is desirable (one or multiple books) but it has to be self contained (no LotR lore, etc)
Any suggestions?

>> No.23173143

how should i read elric of melnibone and conan the barbarian?

>> No.23173155

start at page 1 then read page 2 then read page 3...

>> No.23173163

dead genre

>> No.23173170
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what does he mean with this

>> No.23173230

Your April read along is going to be 800 -1,200 pages as well?

>> No.23173445

I don't know, why don't you ask him?

>> No.23173514
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23173523
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23173603

A Matter for Men was quite good, very tempted to keep going with the series but it's apparently unfinished. Anyone know if it's worth it anyway?
It seems to me the Chtorr must be from the future.

>> No.23173605

For Conan get the Del Ray Coming of Conan.
For Elric get the Elric Vol 1 that was recently reprinted.

>> No.23173606
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Good Lit-RPG

>The Nailmaker
>Cinnamon Bun
>Book of The Dead
>The Tutorial Is Too Hard
>The Reincarnation of Alysara
>Dawn of The Void
>Hell Difficulty Tutorial
>Age of Stone
>The Warlord
>The Mana Influx
>Red Mage

Good Fantasy and sci-fi

>The Murderbot Diaries
>Melody of Mana
>The Dragon Riders of Pern
>Warlock of The Magus World
>12 Miles Below
>There Are Superheroes In This Story
>The Reality Dysfunction
>What We Do To Survive
>A Practical Guide To Sorcery
>Healer of Monsters
>I Am Not Chaotic Evil
>Violent Solutions

>> No.23173685

Is there any reason why people with grayscale won't attack each other? If they have gone mad, I would assume they would just attack everythibg

>> No.23173741
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Not armored, but certainly a righteous religious figure. Robert E. Howard's swashbuckling puritan avenger, Solomon Kane. He's the type of hero who will hound a murderer across Europe into the jungles of darkest Africa to avenge a dying innocent he'd only just met.

>> No.23174087
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Yeah, the idea is to grab attention, maybe get a good recommendation along the way.
Alas /sffgay does not read.

Damn, there are some horrible recommendations in there.

Those are all horrible.

Has anyone read any good, recent(ish) science fiction?

>> No.23174352

Plenty. Can't discuss them here because none of the titles are part of the top three global bestselling series.

>> No.23174545

Or recent(ish) fantasy?
Honestly, same bloody books in every SFFG thread.

>> No.23174557

The Del Ray collections for Conan.
Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone collections for Elric.
Retards and Moorcock himself will tell you to read the Elric collections that have the stories in chronological order; they are wrong. The quality of Elric stories drop off significantly after the 60s. The collections I suggest are in published order.

>> No.23174559

I recently picked up Between Two Fires because I've heard it's pretty good. Hoping it's good, medieval horror sounds like a good genre.

>> No.23174587


The Black Company
We Few
I'm thinking either Armor or Between Two Fires. What do you lads think?

>> No.23174623

Between Two Farts lol

>> No.23174631

I'd say there's merit to enjoying Elric in both chronological and publication order. I started with publication order myself and really enjoyed it, then went back to read an earlier chronological collection and still found Elric of Melnibone to Weird of the White Wolf to be good. OTOH I can see the merit in starting chronologically, especially for those weaned on LOTR and ASOIAF and other sequential fantasy "epics". Stormbringer certainly packs a bigger gutpunch that way...to an extent. If a chronological collection has Revenge of the Rose, skip it, as it makes a lot of plot developments afterwards feel redundant.

>> No.23174652
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Finished 'The Darkness that Comes Before'. While it had some interesting conflicts and one or two tense moments, i couldn't care less about the background plot and characters. i liked Kellhus education, the mantra meditation in particular. does it pay off to continue reading or is it more of the same?

>> No.23174661

Anyone read any of the following and can give recommendations?

-The Spear Cuts Through Water
-The Book That Wouldn't Burn
-The Stone Door
-The Hurricane Wars
-The Awakening
-The Dissonance
-The Spice Gate
-Spirit of the Wood
-The Land of the Living and the Dead

>> No.23174663

It turns into Kellhus worship. There are some kino moments to be sure but I gave up after book 3 because it was just too much. Achamian was my favorite character, but even he cucks out to Kellhus

>> No.23174665

Would I be able to get an invite to the sffg Goodreads group?

>> No.23174668

-Godkiller (Haven't read it)
-The Spear Cuts Through Water (Haven't read it)
-The Book That Wouldn't Burn (Haven't read it)
-The Stone Door (Haven't read it)
-The Hurricane Wars (Haven't read it)
-The Awakening (Haven't read it)
-The Dissonance (Haven't read it)
-The Spice Gate (Haven't read it)
-Spirit of the Wood (Haven't read it)
-Emberclaw (Haven't read it)
-The Land of the Living and the Dead (Haven't read it)
Hope this helps!

>> No.23174670

Thanks, King, enjoy your Bakker!

>> No.23174735

It's not based on invites. You answer the join question and you're in.

>> No.23174746

Got it, thank you

>> No.23174750

Several of these books aren't even released yet and exceedingly few here read current year releases.

>> No.23174764

>and exceedingly few here read current year releases.
For good reason.

>> No.23174770

Based on what you've posted you may be interested in this:

>> No.23174776

the "good reason" is that half the thread barely reads and instead just pretends to
Like this "my girlfriend lives in canada" but for books dickhead >>23174352

>> No.23174791


The Sailors on the Seas of Fate-Moorcock
Heretics of Dune-Herbert
Swan Song-McCammon
Weird of the White Wolf-Moorcock

or maybe Chapterhouse if I find it this week

>> No.23174794

So I hear Bakker's stories have rape, but how much rape? Are there many hot women? any examples?

>> No.23174808

Yes. A good deal of rape, including gay rape. Only 1 or 2 hot chicks. An entire family literally gets raped to death by dog monsters....

>> No.23174811

I may or may not have just gone to Amazon and sorted by publishing date. My bad, but thanks for the response.

Hey, thank you, good sir! I'll check this out.

>> No.23174873
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Actually good sff:
>The Time Machine
>The Hobbit
>The Stars My Destination
>The Broken Sword
>Swords and Deviltry
>Wizard of Earthsea
>Shadow of the Torturer
>Titus Groan
>Blind Voices
>Fevre Dream
>The Forever War
>Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
>The End of Eternity
>Bridge of Birds
>Soon I Will Be Invincible
>Spaceman Blues
>The Pastel City
>Cloud Atlas
>Black Leopard Red Wolf
>The Swords Trilogy
>Assassins Apprentice
>A Song of Ice and Fire
>The Darkness That Comes Before
>Jack Vance
>John Crowley

>> No.23174876

What's Robert Silver burg 's best books?

>> No.23174936

There’s tons of rape, but not the fun kind. Everyone and everything in the World is vulnerable to rape, including eternal spiritual rape in hell by the lovecraftian demongods. It’s not supposed to be alluring or erotic, it’s just horrible, given that this is about the most horrible grimdark fantasy world imaginable.

There are a bunch of hot women, and they’re some of the best written women characters in fantasy, since they think and act like real women and not like idealized feminist warrior-wahman stereotypes.

>> No.23174945

Ok. As long as it's the fun kind.

>> No.23174957

Wait you said it's not the fun kind, then described the fun kind. That's a bit confusing.

>> No.23174968

Dying Inside
Downward to Earth
The Stochastic Man

Time of Changes and Book of Skulls also get a lot of attention, but I didn't think they were anything special.

>> No.23175103

Out of curiosity, what are some trends you've noticed in modern fantasy? We seem to have moved past everyone aping tolkien but now the trend seems to be copying Sandersons "hard' magic systems.

What other things have you noticed have recently seemed to become fantasy staples?

>> No.23175110

There's a whole trend of writing about revoltuons/governmental overthrow, I got really bored by it when I was reading new releases.

>> No.23175151

been years since i been to this board but i just woke up from a dream where i saw r scott bakker at a gas station while i was at work (i drive trucks)
and i was stumbling around with my words being super awkward and trying to tell him my romance woes and telling him i felt like cnaiur
and he left

>> No.23175167
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Thanks. Reading something else then. i didn't like Achamian's schizo conspiracy map. such an bad element.

>> No.23175176

Too many male protags. If it's a female protag it's usually a shitty romantasy.

>> No.23175394

The Watch, Discworld series (All were comfy kino)
Death, Discworld series, currently on Soul Music (Don't like it as much as much as Vimes/Rincewind)
Treasure Island knock out my classic book for the year, then back to Discworld.

>> No.23175432
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>reading SoL fantasy stuff
>about some demons adopting a would be child sacrifice and making a mock family
>comfy for about 30 chapters
>suddenly succubus character shows up
>except this succubus is asexual
>and also has mommy issues
>starts ranting about how the patriarchy is why hell is shit
>when hell is ran by a female version of lucifer

>> No.23175471

I'm glad there seem to be less and less "An X of Y and Z" titles. Those were a gigantic fad for a while.

What are we calling recent, though? It feels like half the people in here would rather die than read a book that came out after 2000.

>> No.23175527

You not reading doesn't mean nobody else reads at all. Fucking bizarre quirk to get hung up over in a book reading thread, dumb faggot.

>> No.23175567

The Second Variety by PKD.

>> No.23175629
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>> No.23175741

Requesting recommendation for the quintessential sci-fi horror.
Don't mention Dead Space the book, already read that one.
Please and thank you!

>> No.23175785

A Momentary Taste of Being by James Tiptree Jr

>> No.23175814

Yeah real bizarre to point out the posters who come in here and make a bunch of empty posts about reading unspecified (non-existent) books that waste everyone's time.

>> No.23175946
File: 65 KB, 297x475, The Revelations of Zang - Fultz, John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it's good
thanks to the anon who posted it last month or so

probably going to check out Fultz's other fantasy collection which apparently has 2 stories set in the Zang world, and also his more horror-bent collection

>> No.23175986

That was me and you're welcome. Currently reading his new novel and it's also good so far.

>> No.23176063

Immaculate Scoundrels?
actually wasn't aware of this because it's not on his isfdb lol.
blurb sounds more interesting than his previous novels. decided to pass on those once I looked into them after finishing Zang

>> No.23176076

>that blurb
>that preface
this is the reason why S&S is flanderised and why every S&S is just a conan clone

>> No.23176125

His Tall Eagle novels are decent. Nothing amazing, but solid enough. I'd recommend them if you're wanting to read Native American S&S or you become a big enough fan of his. Never bothered with his Seven Princes series or whatever since even fans of his say they're not particularly good. Scoundrels so far has been excellent though, but I guess it's going to be the first book in a series so it's not as wild as Zang. Worlds Beyond Worlds is pure kino though. One of the best modern single author short story fantasy collections you'll read.

>> No.23176207
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Between two fires was amazing. I loved it.

>> No.23176223

I read Way of Shadows and found it fairly enjoyable. Things escalated much more quickly than I expected, yet Weeks left a lot of dangling hints and mysteries to keep me interested. I think the book jumped around way too much and it could've done with fewer perspectives, but the story moved along at such a fast clip that it didn't feel too much like bloat.

>> No.23176273


>> No.23176285

What books are most like GITS, Blade Runner and Cyberpunk 2077?

I've already read Neuromancer

>> No.23176335

The Mirrorshades anthology is the kinda foundational cyberpunk source.
Snow crash is where lots of more recent cyberpunk stuff gets lifted from, Hardwired is where the cyberpunk ttrpg in particular lifted from.
Cyberpunk's a multimedia genre though if you really want to trace all of the inspirations you need to read comics like Akira and watch OVAs.

>> No.23176401

It's woke though.

>> No.23176412

It isn't.

>> No.23176415


>> No.23176426
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Read 'Thin Air' by Richard K Morgan.

Cybernetic dude on Mars, corpo, sabotage, hackers, military espionage.

Super based.

>> No.23176458

It is.
See?: >>23176415

>> No.23176603

>modern fantasy novels that have plenty of magic, but no magic systems
So refreshing. So heterosexual.

>> No.23176625

I'm getting fucking lost in The Book of The New Sun, I feel like every page is a metaphor that's going over my head. Currently slogging through some play which I have no idea what the writer is trying to say. The urge to skip ahead is strong.

>> No.23176672

The play describes the ending of the series and expose you to more layers of the story, which are difficult but not impossible to grasp at the first reading.
And if you can’t comprehend it at once, that’s okay, as the story goes on you’ll connect the dots and understanding will be delivered.

>> No.23176700
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>Requesting recommendation for the quintessential sci-fi horror.


>> No.23176857


>> No.23176866


Fuck if I remember. Antarctic geodesic dome cluster, hexagonal layout?

>> No.23176870

If "book of the new sun" is dark souls, then which sffg book is Skyrim or fallout?

>> No.23177085
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does this get any good? someone recommended after reading bakker but im struggling with it

>> No.23177119

sanderson slope

>> No.23177246

The first two books in that series are fantastic. They aren't at all Bakker-esque apart from the rape, though.

>> No.23177465

You fags are no better than raving Star Wars or capeshit fans.

>> No.23177467


>> No.23177472


Here, i apologize. I had a hard life and cope by pretending to be mature on 4chan.

>> No.23177478

How are the audiobooks after Dune #1? George Guidall is such a good narrator but apparently he's only done the first one and the rest are an ensemble, which I may personally find distracting.

>> No.23177481
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That's okay. Just find a nice book to read and you're gmi.

>> No.23177493

Bing bing wahoo poster here. I do it to show ironic contempt for the adults that were in my life as a child.

>> No.23177532

Not really fantasy just shitty drama with occasional unexplained supernatural phenomenon. Why even include it at all?

>> No.23177553
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Just finished the entire Horus Heresy and Siege of Terra series. Want to fucking kill myself

>> No.23177559

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter

>> No.23177673

the time warp bullshit at the end of siege of terra melted my brain with how retarded and boring it was, so repetitive

>> No.23177974

first book is mostly setup, 2 and 3 are better but not hugely so. If you dont like 2 you definitely won't like 3 though

>> No.23177979

She had internalized misogyny chud

>> No.23178019
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Any news about the status of this man?

>> No.23178114
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Just finished pic related. What did I think of it? Well aside from some virtue signaling issues (a male character is gay for no reason, an especially retarded and unnecessary GRRL POWER scene) I thought it was great. Futlz isn't the type of writer that feels like he has to include that nonsense in his stories so I don't why he does it here, but it wasn't enough to ruin the book like it would be with most authors.

>> No.23178115

is Elric of Melniboné worth reading?

>> No.23178126

FUCK I'm reading the dark forest and I think I just got spoiled on Foundation. Was watching the tv show for that shit.

>> No.23178155

Yes. If you can't get the Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone, then the recent chronological collections will suffice. Just skip Revenge of the Rose on volume 2.

>> No.23178229

Yes but Corum is better

>> No.23178263

holy based

>> No.23178266

Don't worry. Foundation is not worth reading.

>> No.23178273

He's reached Godhood, there is no higher status than that.

>> No.23178307

Since he's Canadian he was either suicided by their communist "healthcare" system or imprisoned by their communist "justice" system.

>> No.23178342

The first book is basically an introduction to Caine and the setting. Good enough but nothing special. The rest get more into the philosophy/metaphysics/brutality combo one might associate with Bakker.
Like the other anon said, they aren't really like Second Apocalypse but they're in the same neighborhood.

>> No.23178347
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Very likely one of these

>> No.23178542

i would read this book on the strength of the cover art, i'm a sucker for this shit

>> No.23178555

You are a sucker for homosexual male main characters?

>> No.23178578

i don't really care desu, unless the sex scenes are addressing my specific fetishes i skim right past them

>> No.23178607
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Fantasy books with foggy atmosphere of Silent Hill?

>> No.23178639

>got depressed
>can't write
>can't enjoy anything
>guess I'll audiobook some fantasy to get back in the swing of things
>Get through Thousandfold Thought without shooting myself, barely

Okay is there like, any really good fantasy that isn't fucking depressing? Black Company made me want to shoot myself, Abercrombe made me want to shoot someone else and then myself, Bakker made me want to to pay someone else to shoot my wife and then me, I've already read Martin and Wolfe, Book of the New Sun was cool (but depressing glad I read it earlier) and I'm running out of quality material.

What's the most generic fantasy with Elves and Dwarves that isn't Lord of the Rings but is actually decent, there has to be at least one. It occurred to me that the only thing I've never actually read was generic fantasy, the thing that everything else is desperately trying not to be.

>> No.23178640

Based. And the only 'gay' part of the character is in his backstory which only lasts a few pages and can be skipped over (which is what I did). Aside from that he might as well not even be gay since he literally doesn't do anything faggoty in the main story.

>> No.23178644

>Okay is there like, any really good fantasy that isn't fucking depressing?
See: >>23175946

>> No.23178663

Thanks Anon I've got nothing else going on.

>> No.23178664

some of that light generic 80s fantasy was pretty cheerful, like Eddings and Terry Brooks

>> No.23178670


>> No.23178709

Yeah I know. that is sort of the point.

>> No.23178741

>Book of the New Sun was cool (but depressing
nigga, how the fuck was it depressing? This whole post seems like it's more of a you being depressed in general problem.

>> No.23178791

just pick anything set in britain

>> No.23178796

The Black Farm

>> No.23178903
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Dear /sffg/tards.

I was wondering if any of you could give me guidance on the following:
Has any of you experimented with AI? Reason being that I am interested in generating stylized pictures based on book prompts I feed into the thing.

Any feedback would be very much appreciated.

>> No.23178910

Daggerspell and Darkspell are decent, but don't continue on to book 3 or beyond, the quality drops off a cliff.

>> No.23178920
File: 187 KB, 1200x800, Not Geralt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read the Elric Saga?

Been tempted to read since I love the aesthetic of Albino characters (Geralt, Arthas etc...)

>> No.23178937

The Dwarves - Markus Heitz
The Elven - Bernhard Hennen

>> No.23178955

Read some Pratchett, I guess, if you want to read something that isn't depressing.

If you want really generic fantasy there's always the Riyria Chronicles.

>> No.23178959

Can I get a rec for something grimderp like Night Land?

>> No.23178993

The Black Farm

>> No.23179007

Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.23179228
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Judas Unchained - The Commonwealth Saga #2 - Peter F. Hamilton (2005)

Judas Unchained is the second book of a single story, though considering their combined length, which approaches 750k words, this duology could've been several more books. That would read worse because few of the plotlines are able to stand alone. Each viewpoint character narrative relies on the others for support to become greater than they would be on their own, forming a gestalt narrative. If you didn't like that in the first book, then reading this would be an even more of a slog.

When I was more than halfway through, the plot reached a turning point and I wondered how there was so much more left. The answer was that there were many other perspectives to fill out before continuing. The bulk of its duration comes from the many viewpoint characters doing their own thing. One character hides inside a refrigerator for a few hundred pages before it returns to him. That isn't say I didn't enjoy it, I did, sometimes greatly, but surely there were better ways to present the story.

The greatest problem by far is how unoptimized it is. There's so much that could be removed, notably almost anything to do with Ozzy, or greatly reduced, especially its final few chapters. If it were entirely optimized, then I'd say without qualification that this was among the best space opera that I've ever read and that it ranks highly among all space opera.

Aside from its setting which I enjoyed to an absurd degree, the book's greatest strength is the relationships between its characters. Each of the ensemble cast has their own motivations, beliefs, and goals which conflict with that of other characters. Often I see this as written as problems caused by misunderstandings, so it's nice to see that it's because of conflicting values or a lack of trust.

If the web of their relations were visualized, it would be very tangled and regularly shifting. Characters that entirely oppose each other are often linked through intermediary characters who may be on good terms with both. The character behave in consistent and believable ways based on relevant circumstances, so it rarely felt contrived, except when a specific twist was overly used.

A personal complaint is that too many similar names are used and not only for the characters. This is annoying when they're only referred by their first name, even if it's only for minor characters hundreds of pages apart. One example is Francis Rawlins and Rowden.

There continued to be lots of sex, which was longer in duration with increased description, though the vast majority was from a single viewpoint character. She had sex with several men throughout the book multiple times and really enjoyed it.

Despite their inordinate length I'll be reading more from Hamilton, including the rest of those set in this universe. May I continue to not let my enjoyment be ruined by its flaws.

Rating: 4/5

Pandora's Star

>> No.23179271

>There continued to be lots of sex, which was longer in duration with increased description, though the vast majority was from a single viewpoint character. She had sex with several men throughout the book multiple times and really enjoyed it.

>> No.23179276

>There continued to be lots of sex, which was longer in duration with increased description, though the vast majority was from a single viewpoint character. She had sex with several men throughout the book multiple times and really enjoyed it.
Thanks for filtering this for me.

>> No.23179347


Helping decide whether to read or not ought to be the purpose.

>> No.23179464

Read The Alchemist by Lovecraft earlier. You can really tell it was written by an 18 year old.

>> No.23179543

What's a good epub reader app with nice oled black for dark mode?

>> No.23179616

The more I struggle Sturgeon's Law by reading the 90%, the more it seems that I should stick to the 10% consensus

>> No.23179635
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I finally finished the outer/lit/ meme book

It was pretty good

>> No.23179653
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I just spent an hour on Amazon lookin for some sf to read and couldn't find anything worthwhile.
The situation is grim.

>> No.23179730

>searches in one of the worst possible ways
>decides the situation is grim
Why would you do this to yourself?

>> No.23179763

Nta I think Hamiltons Pandoras star and judas unchained worldbuilding is superb, scifi, tech, human worlds, alien worlds etc is top notch (action is good too) but when it comes to characters his inner far left liberal alter ego comes out (actually it has completely taken over his good personality since his Salvation series)

>> No.23179808


>> No.23179821

Moon reader

>> No.23179974

Also do the books play into the ""anti-conan" premise?. I've only read some of the comics and i was disappointed that they don't put too much emphasis on elric's physical frailty

>> No.23180011

Yes, it's great
A little, the real reason of why moorcock called him the anti-conan it's because their stories are opposites SPOILER elric starts as a king and ends up as a mercenary that kills the entire world becasue he is a retard addicted to his tsundere sword while conan starts as a filthy barbarian but becomes the king that (may) unite the whole world under one flag

>> No.23180090
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Did he ever comment on the current political scene before his death?

>> No.23180096 [DELETED] 

Have you read Fifth Head of Cerberus?

>> No.23180195

He said eat at joes

>> No.23180227

He died in 2019, so "current" may be stretching it. Why does it matter? Would knowing one way or the other entirely change your mind about him? Do you need to know because you can only like those who agree with your personal beliefs?

>> No.23180259

The Icewindale Trilogy is a ton of fun, highly recommend for anti-depression reading.
Wizard of Earthsea is pretty uplifting.
Read Fafhrd and Grey Mouser and Conan if you haven't. Those are rollicking good times.
I recommend Bridge of Birds.

>> No.23180267
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Not at all. I was just curious because Wolfe always impressed me with his unorthodox views that transcended the left right dichotomy. I thought he may have disliked the continual decline of discourse in America.

>> No.23180273

Have you read The Time Ships?
His essay on Tolkein is the only place I know he directly commented on politics:

>> No.23180283


>> No.23180286

Chronicles of Thomas Covenant: The Unbeliever is the real "we are all gonna make it" of fantasy, he goes from unbeliever to believer and protector of all life.

>> No.23180350

Any good, like "fantasy horror" books? Not modern urban supernatural, fantasy stuff. Like Between Two Fires (which is more historical i guess but it has the right energy), and Throne of Bones (Anthology about ghouls, especially the first short story). There's also Manifest Delusions I guess but it's more a broader sense of existential despair. Knights and peasants and lord and grungy mercenaries doing their shit through a horror lens.

>> No.23180374

Lord of the Mysteries

>> No.23180379

I looked it up, saw it was xianxia-adjacent, thought you were bullshitting me, then read deeper to find it apparently really is horror? Consider my interest piqued.

>> No.23180387
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It's a mashup of SCP, STALKER, Elden Ring, Bloodborne and whatever shit your mom likes to watch on BBC. If only the prose were actually good and it'd be great.

>> No.23180405

>machine translated chinkoid web "novel"

>> No.23180415

>Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone collections for Elric.
I picked up the first volume of this on your say so. I've been eyeing the fancy hardovers but eh, this is way cheaper for something I've never read.

>> No.23180533

Iconoclast trilogy by Mike Shel is tagged as horror, but I have not read it yet.

>> No.23180540


>> No.23180544

Peter Fugazzotto - Skin

>> No.23180545

Can I read "the Judging Eye" as my first Bakker book? It's the only one my library has

>> No.23180546

Mask of the Sorcerer

>> No.23180548

Tales from the Dark Tower

>> No.23180553

Night Winds by Karl Edward Wagner

>> No.23180554

Worms of the Earth by Robert E. Howard

>> No.23180555

Lords of Dyscrasia

>> No.23180556

thanks i will be checking out all of these

>> No.23180557

Empire of the Vampire

>> No.23180720

Vampire Hunter D

>> No.23180733
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I've started my DUDE DUNE LMAO era.

>> No.23181075

>unorthodox views
you can look up his political donations and they were all for boilerplate republicans lol

>> No.23181095

I never read Dune and now every time I think of Dune I picture that jewish twink from the film advertisements and I'll never be able to read it without picturing that ugly freak so I can never read Dune now.

>> No.23181113

Skill issue

>> No.23181229
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Guys, I need to know. What notable fantasy stories came out before The Lord of the Rings beside Howard's stuff?

>> No.23181416

That depends on your definition of fantasy, because it could go back 1000s of years.

>> No.23181418

no read the first trilogy

>> No.23181436

thank you, the premise sounds very schlocky on the surface but it sounds like theres more to it from what people say

>> No.23181470

Isnt there Lord Dunsany? Havent read it, but Ive been meaning to.

>> No.23181481

read wikipedia yourself since you can argue it's anywhere from like 5 to an uncountable amount depending on where you set the fantasy boundary at

>> No.23181500

The Broken Sword came out the same year as Fellowship of the Ring

>> No.23181503
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Just finished punching up the upcoming story Path to Antares. Anyone else need a cheap editor? I'm free this week

>> No.23181709
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Where would you look?
Goodreads recommendations are horrible woke cultist crap, I don't have the time or will to check each and every publisher individually and I sure as shit ain't following the "10 new best afrocentric sf novels" that google spits out.

Not really my cup of tea.

>> No.23181735

I don't get why guys like this feel the need to come up with an excuse not to read and then tell the whole thread about it.

>> No.23181753

Thieves' World by Robert Asprin is pretty light-hearted, no elves and dwarves though (there are wizards)

>> No.23181760

Necromantra by Philip Emery

>> No.23181797

You should look at the profiles of /sffg/ members who share your preferences.

>> No.23181808

Did an anon read this based on my recommendation?

>> No.23181811

yeah, it was alright

>> No.23181855


>> No.23182487

>tfw we're all too busy reading to discuss what we're reading

>> No.23182493

He's just yapping. That's nonsense. Many many people dream of being happy, being sovereign, being healthy, having all they need, having all they want, etc. etc.

If a writer is going to do one thing, it's yap.

>> No.23182494

I've finished 37 books this year and none of them are really worth mentioning unless someone wants to discuss their subgenres in detail lol

>> No.23182562

The Worm Ouroboros, by E. R. Eddison
Dunsany, as mentioned, particularly The Gods of Pegana, and The Sword of Welleran and Other Stories
All of Robert E Howard's stories
Two Sought Adventure by Fritz Leiber predates LOTR, but most of his other fantasy came later
The Circular Ruins, by Borges

>> No.23182579

I read litrpg, I've been in this general since day one (10 plus fucking years) and I know not to waste my time effort posting. No one would respond, or the dinosaur posters would come out and start thumping their bibles.

>> No.23182613

so bases,anon.
i too believe Jews are misunderstood heroic martyrs and that those who don't forgive their backstabbing, cheating wives should burn in hell

>> No.23182623

What's the Nox of literature?

>> No.23182741

has AI gone too far?

>> No.23182743

Dungeon Cuck Carl probably

>> No.23182763

George MacDonald, as popularized by C.S. Lewis.

>> No.23182775

Should I start Malazan? What about Realm of the Elderlings? Or is there something better you recommend?

>> No.23182805

Go with Hobb first, it's split into trilogies so you get a lot of natural places to take a pause. So if you wanted you could read Farseer and then go read Malazan or something else. Hell even the books end well enough to not compel you to immediately keep reading.
With Malazan I think you'd want to read it all in one go to try and keep it coherent in your head.
And after the first trilogy (which is good) you get to read Liveship which is one of the absolute best fantasy trilogies.

>> No.23182814

I've actually been meaning to read these for a bit, guess I gotta knuckle down and find the translations

>> No.23182831
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That is a very hurtful comment anon, not to mention patently untrue. For you and for this anon >>23182487 I'll bore you to death with the books I picked up recently. To jump start the discussion.

The Gone-Away World by Nick Harkaway - nice post-apoc premise but get's bog down at the very beginning by, I kid you not, actual ninjas and kung-fu masters out of some Hong Kong flick from the 70s. The change of direction was so jarring (and boring) I dropped it. Gonna try my luck with another novel - Angelmaker, by the same author.

No Hero by Jonathan Wood - another Bri'ish urban fantasy novel, along the lines of Rivers of London and it's ilk. Very, very Bri'ish guvnor - especially the scene where our reluctant hero is waiting on a serial killer with a double digit body count with a baton and that stiff upper lip. You start asking yourself - why not just shoot the fucker, and not just for this particular novel. Also not written as well as Rivers of London (or the Twenty Palaces series, which is also along the lines of urban fantasy and all that jazz). Dropped.

Delta Green novels - not really written all that well. I find the early novels of the Laundry series a lot better, before Charles Stross turned into a fill blown Karen and his novels into bad propaganda. Declare by Tim Powers is also a far better researched and written novel.

Cold as Hell by Rhett Bruno - western fantasy and not well written at that. Full of clichés, dark brooding characters and mediocrity. Don't get me wrong, this could be a nice time waster, I just don't have the time.

What I did finish:

Watchers by AM Shine - kind of well written horror(ish) urban fantasy novel. I think they made it into a movie, unless it's some other novel of the same name.

Ymir by Rich Larson - a really nice sf novel (not space opera) with aliens, ruthless corporations and sibling rivalry. Interesting characters and interesting world building that never crosses into the 'tism territory.

>> No.23182869

Lol retard

>> No.23182872
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How dare you sir.
I don't post AI slop, just girls photoshopped to Hell and back.

Fevre Dream by GRRM. He actually finished that novel.

>> No.23182885

>Fevre Dream by GRRM.
S. Craig Zahler gave this 4 stars out of 5. Would you agree with that rating?

>> No.23182926
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No idea who that dude is but I liked the novel.
Interesting time period and characters.

>> No.23182937

Littlefinger does not, Varys might.

>> No.23182939

Ymir is the secret book of the series. Did you read the first one?

>> No.23182942

Second book that is

>> No.23182948

I don't know, avant garde thinkers tend to be misunderstood?

>> No.23182952

No I did not.
Didn't have the time to look for other works by that author.

>> No.23182970

Have you considered that instead of being deliberately fucking obtuse and stupid in a thread full of ostensibly literate people, you could try actually reading what the person said instead of just lying?

Because what he said makes perfect sense if you try to understand it instead of seething impotently and "huu huu huu yap yap" posting. It doesn't make you look smart or above it, it makes you look like a seething tranny.

>Dreams have only one Owner, and these people are lonely
Wow I can't imagine what he means by this. He must just be YAPPING, he's not saying that avant garde thought is necessarily isolating. He can't mean that geniuses tend to be misunderstood no no, that would carry meaning, there's nothing I like more in the evening than failing to understand meaning and being proud of it, it's just YAPPING, fucking unbelievable. Stupidest fucking post I have ever read on /lit/.

>> No.23182985
File: 155 KB, 1920x1500, dafuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No idea who that dude is

>> No.23183059

I don't like discussing what I'm reading here until after I've read it but then it just seems like I'm posting a review and no one responds

>> No.23183077
File: 107 KB, 728x420, painting-classic-art-maxfield-parrish-daybreak-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any good large scale space operas that have that ethereal quality to them like stars my destination, book of the new sun, or solaris?

>> No.23183088

No one responds for many reasons. They haven't read the book, they read it too long ago discuss specific details, they aren't interested in discussion, the right people weren't around, and several other unfortunate reasons. The unfortunate fact is that unless it's one one of the most read books here there's probably no one else around who has also read it. There are so many books after all.

If you want responses you'll either have to have somewhere that's actively discussing the book, good luck with that, or at least somewhere much more trafficked. I don't see anything wrong with reviews, though I'm biased in that regard.

>> No.23183091

>being this personally offended because someone didn't care about a quote you completely identify with

>> No.23183142
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>> No.23183213

>big mad
You should definitely decouple your sense of self and what you believe to be true and/or untrue. Your reaction is ridiculous. It's way too much for the topic and the words said with reference to the topic.

>Because what he said makes perfect sense if you try to understand it
I didn't need to try and I still don't. I'm very very familiar with english words and how they add up to form complete thoughts/sentences.

>Wow I can't imagine what he means by this. He must just be YAPPING
Oh. I see now. You don't know what yapping means. It's basically when someone says something worthless, usually at length, with no regard for how interesting/important/canny what they are saying actually is.

I said he's yapping because what he said it stupid. But here it is, quoted as if it's profound. The key to a good yap is that it's put in a position of attention despite being unworthy of attention.

>> No.23183240
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what is the adjectival form of Galeoth?
Is it Galeothi? or Gallitic?
asking for a friend

>> No.23183243
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Brothers pls I just want recs >>23183077

>> No.23183253
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>> No.23183256

That "ethereal quality" is a subjective feeling of yours that others have no access to.

>> No.23183262
File: 3.80 MB, 1577x2400, nethereal2e-final-5.25x8-kindle-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this.

>> No.23183276

I’m not saying ethereal isn’t a subjective feeling but you have to admit there are books that make you feel awe and wonder more than others

>> No.23183277

Both do. Littlefinger and Varys work together.

>> No.23183281

Thanks anon these seem quite interesting based on the covers

>> No.23183291


>> No.23183321

I’m searching for this feeling too. Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.23183373


considering that the main highlight of his books is a gay cannibal holocaust, i think we're all better off with him vanishing into the canadian wilderness, never to be read of again.

in all seriousness, he got addicted to painkillers several years back and struggled to make ends meet because his publisher dropped him after the disaster that was the aspect-emperor series, combined with his increasingly obstinate demands for better book deals. he also astroturfed a TON of online hype for his last couple books in the hopes he could count a 50k word encyclopedia towards his contract's requirement for novels, which didn't resolve his dispute with his publisher and led to them doing almost no advertising for the last 2 of his books. reading between the lines, he probably also had to return a big chunk of the advance he got for the aspect-emperor series.

to top that all off, he let his mind rot and got sucked into major crazy political nonsense online. he'll rage against trump continuously, despite being a canuck, and then complain to his small fanbase in a reddit AMA that everyone else is too stupid to understand the cRaShSpAcE oF mEaNiNg!!1! and how he really doesn't hate women he just thinks that they're all just fucktoys.

good riddance, i say.

>> No.23183376

>his publisher dropped him after the disaster that was the aspect-emperor series
Was it really that bad? I liked it.

>> No.23183378

I seem to feel it when thinking about stories or lore from stuff I read when I was younger that seemed to have it. I wonder if it’s because I didn’t understand fully all the words or I had a better imagination. Stuff (not exclusively lit) that gave me this feeling
-some of the redwall books (mossflower, the legend of Luke)
-Sphere by Michael Crichton
-some Star Wars spin offs series for kids
-the end of link’s awakening the original one
-Spyro the dragon
-the original unreal game
-shaman king
-titan ae

More recently
-book of the new sun series
-stars my destination
Most of this is off the top of my head and I’m sure there are more impressive examples

>> No.23183384

beware reading the night's dawn trilogy if you're not really into a lot of cheap smut thrown all over your SFF.

hamilton takes the horny old pulp bros and cranks it up to 11

>> No.23183387

Of course
Stranger in a strangeland

>> No.23183388

interesting, given what he does in like the 3rd chapter of the first book...

>> No.23183394

>Étaín felt the full force of the Shepherd’s gaze, then. The spirits rustled beyond the boundary of the Cruithne stones, and she heard the mingled awe and scorn in their subdued voices. She heard Grimnir mutter under his breath. But she could not tear her eyes from the eerie form of the Shepherd of the Hills—more ancient than Golgotha, where her faith was born; the eyes that pierced her soul had seen countless ages of Man, ages undreamed of, from the fall of doom-haunted Atlantis to the rise of the sons of Aryas, and more. She felt the weight of millennia grinding her into the dust she came from, the dust she would return to.
And just like that the author decides to stick his novel in the same timeline as Conan for no reason other than he loves Conan. Talk about based.

>> No.23183416

Cheap smut is entirely fine by me.

>> No.23183420

everytime he'd introduce an interesting new thing, he'd get bored and go back to either killhouse and his neverending great ordeal, continuous gay rape (for reasons??), or back to his messed up kid as a viewpoint character.

things like sauglish, ishterebinth, and cil-aujas had great potential. some really fascinating characters like sorweel were dropped in favor of more gay rape and meaningless "philosophy" from koringhus and crabbicus.

dude needed a far better editor than his brother and the neckbeards stroking it over at the 3 seas forum

>> No.23183426

i didn't like that the last 2 books did new characters that i really enjoyed dirty, and ended up giving most of the time to the characters i've never liked --> esme, cnaiur, and proyas.

i also think he needed to be more explicit with what was really going on with damnation, the gods, etc. instead of dancing around it and dressing it all up in a bunch of metaphysics.

>> No.23183435

What about non-sf&f smut?

>> No.23183843
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I confess to have a certain fondness for Gor novels

>> No.23183910

>Spyro the dragon

>> No.23183914
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I have three requests/questions:

- What should I choose from the late 1970s classic? What is better from literary point of view?
1) The Sword of Shannara Trilogy
2) The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant

- What should I choose if I want something in the vein of late 1990s-early 2000s and of ASOIAF (in style and in nostalgic feeling)?
1) The One Kingdom by Sean Russell (and subsequent books)
2) A Cavern of Black Ice by J. V. Jones (and subsequent books)

- Brief me about The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding, please. Does it fit in the second request?

>> No.23183985

Not at all. They're bitter enemies.

>> No.23184012

You might not like Covenant but it actually has something to say, Shannara is probably the absolute apex of trend chasing epic fantasy. Fine if you're a reader desperate for more of the subgenre but it really doesn't stand out on its own.

>> No.23184035
File: 959 KB, 498x498, letsgooo-letsgo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do."

>> No.23184047
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bakker bros?!

>> No.23184050
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checked and based. are you on book 1 now? I only got up to finishing book 4

>> No.23184125

Thanks. What if I widen the list by adding R. Feist's "The Riftwar Saga" and D. Eddings' "The Belgariad"? What would you choose?

>> No.23184138

>porn but censor all the swear words

>> No.23184407

Riftwar is one of my favourite fantasy series, from Magician right through the Serpentwar tetralogy it's good stuff, an don't miss the Empire trilogy either.

>> No.23184481

Not really. The fact of the matter is all named things are given a universally recognized distinction. If you can put it into words, like that anon did, it can be reckoned by someone else.

I'm the first anon. I can't help you though. I've literally never read a space opera. In fact, I may have read less than 3 sci-fi books in my entire life. I'm a fantasy guy through and through.

But now that I'm thinking about it, have you read Dune? That seems to sorta fit the bill to me. It's only of the 2-3 sci-fi books I've ever read and it does seem to have an ethereal vibe and it is a space opera-y

>> No.23184508

>he believes qualia can be communicated

>> No.23184549


>SFWA Announces the Finalists for the 59th Nebula Awards
What a strange list. These choices aren't popular or well-rated. Who are they for? Example: Terraformers by Annalee Newitz. 3.39 rating on Goodreads with only a few thousand ratings and that's more than most. This isn't a even a fan vote, it's by members of the SFWA, which shows that they're even more disconnected from what's popular and good. There aren't some sort of hidden gems or anything like that, or even literary for that matter. Of the 24 nominations for a novel, novella, novelette, and short story, 20 are women, a majority of whom aren't white. The 4 who aren't are a Nigerian (twice), an Asian American, and a White American who writes sapphic romance. Then there's the fact that TOR has 9/12 of the nominations of Novel and Novella, which potentially could've been 11/12 if Martha Wells hadn't declined two nominations. What a farce.

>> No.23184571

>it's by members of the SFWA, which shows that they're even more disconnected from what's popular and good.
No fucking shit

>> No.23184646

Terraformers is mainly low rated because goodreads readers don't like having their lifestyles challenged

>> No.23184656


This is partyl why I think Sansa and Aegon will actually wind up and win the Iron Throne brining about A Dream of Spring with the help of Bran who will probably be their hand he could be the real matermind acting behind the scenes I guess but I think it'd be great poetic jutice if Sansa manages to become queen without Little Finger by her side even more ironic it's Vary's own pawn who she ends up with the two have a lot in common and their respective house colours on their sigil are refletive on their hair too the Targaryen red appears in Sansa's hair while the Stark white or silver like on the background of their banner behind the Direwolf appears on Aegon's.

>> No.23184660

I honestly don't read any current year shit 99% of the time. The last one I read was Piranesi and it was actually pretty good. The ending was a bit too "explained", if that makes any sense but I enjoyed it. No nonsense muh strang wahman bullshit, just a straight up interesting and pretty mysterious atmosphere. So I guess there's still hope for a mainstream release to be original amd interesting

>> No.23184672

As opposed to shitty drama with explained phenomena? You're unironically gay

>> No.23184680

Memor, Sorrow and Thorn can scratch that itch, imo. Has that realistic optimism that I really enjoyed from LOTR and is unique in its own right. Funny enough, read it when I was in a very dark spot in my life ans it helped shed some light into my life

>> No.23184702

What's funny is he obviously only reads gay fantasy with magic systems because he can't even fathom a fantasy story having lots of magic without wasting its time on magic systems (aka Sword & Sorcery.)

>> No.23185088
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Could Dragonmount be Olympus?

>> No.23185313

genuinely what the fuck are you on about

>> No.23185450

>he obviously only reads gay fantasy
Nice projection there m8

>> No.23185515

>ny really good fantasy that isn't fucking depressing?
There's plenty.
Fritz Leiber's Fafhrd & The Grey Mouser.
REH'S stories like Conan and the rest.
Jack Vance's Dying Earth, Planet of Adventure etc.
Roger Zelazny's Lords of Light.
Clark Ashton Smith's stories.
Lord Dunsany's.
Poul Anderson.
Leigh Brackett.
Most classic Pulp isn't all that depressing. (and when it is it's usually in dark humor short stories like CAS's the Sevean Geases where you don't feel too bad because it's meant to be amusing)
>generic fantasy
That tends to be D&D inspired so i'd look to Gord the Rogue, Dragonlance (the first three books a lot of the later ones are terrible), older japanese LNs and tie-in materials (like 80s/90s dungeon fantasy stuff like Guin Saga, Leda: The Fantastic Adventure of Yohko, Lodoss, Wizardry OVA, Dungeon Meshi etc) that are clearly D&D derived through Wizardry and maybe some of the chinese D&D ripoffs (Super Dimensional Wizard and the like), the mediocre D&D tie-in books from Salvatore et al and the inferior Tolkien apers like the Belgariad and similar if you're really not feeling the rest of the recs.
Terry Pratchett 's Discworld is also good for uplifting stuff if you can stomach light-parody. (with the caveat that the last few books came about during his alzheimers and feel ghost-written and weirdly preachy)

>> No.23185519

Covenant is unbelievably depressing what are you on about.
>starts by raping the first woman who is nice to him
>he harangues himself over this ad nauseam
>so does the other characters

>> No.23185526

Stop reading gay fantasy, anon.

>> No.23185537

No, thanks.

>> No.23185550 [DELETED] 

Interview here is from 1992:
>J: Let me turn to political philosophy if I might. Your first novel, Operation Ares, really has that as something of a theme, John Castle. I guess that
‘J. C.’ is deliberate somehow. Does that novel reflect your ideas?
>GW: I think it reflected them at the time that I wrote it. I don’t think it does now. I think I was much more like you said you were. I was much
more a doctrinaire conservative when I was a good deal younger. You said that was true of you and it was true of me. I reacted away from the general political current in this country post-Roosevelt and became pretty much a ‘William F. Buckley conservative’ for a while, and then kind of
split off from that. I am now in the unhappy position of finding no one that I agree with. I am big on freedom. Freedom is the bedrock political value that we need to hold on to. Patrick Buchanan said that in his speech at the [1992]
Republican convention, and he is about the only person that I have heard saying it. Today I think people are so used to being free – to having some
degree of freedom – that they don’t appreciate it; but people are noticeably less free now than they were, say, thirty years ago.

>> No.23185557 [DELETED] 

Interview here is from 1992:
>J: Let me turn to political philosophy if I might. Your first novel, Operation Ares, really has that as something of a theme, John Castle. I guess that ‘J. C.’ is deliberate somehow. Does that novel reflect your ideas?
>GW: I think it reflected them at the time that I wrote it. I don’t think it does now. I think I was much more like you said you were. I was much more a doctrinaire conservative when I was a good deal younger. You said that was true of you and it was true of me. I reacted away from the general political current in this country post-Roosevelt and became pretty much a ‘William F. Buckley conservative’ for a while, and then kind of split off from that. I am now in the unhappy position of finding no one that I agree with. I am big on freedom. Freedom is the bedrock political value that we need to hold on to. Patrick Buchanan said that in his speech at the [1992]
Republican convention, and he is about the only person that I have heard saying it. Today I think people are so used to being free – to having some degree of freedom – that they don’t appreciate it; but people are noticeably less free now than they were, say, thirty years ago.

>> No.23185564

Interview here is from 1992:
>J: Let me turn to political philosophy if I might. Your first novel, Operation Ares, really has that as something of a theme, John Castle. I guess that ‘J. C.’ is deliberate somehow. Does that novel reflect your ideas?
>GW: I think it reflected them at the time that I wrote it. I don’t think it does now. I think I was much more like you said you were. I was much more a doctrinaire conservative when I was a good deal younger. You said that was true of you and it was true of me. I reacted away from the general political current in this country post-Roosevelt and became pretty much a ‘William F. Buckley conservative’ for a while, and then kind of split off from that. I am now in the unhappy position of finding no one that I agree with. I am big on freedom. Freedom is the bedrock political value that we need to hold on to. Patrick Buchanan said that in his speech at the [1992] Republican convention, and he is about the only person that I have heard saying it. Today I think people are so used to being free – to having some degree of freedom – that they don’t appreciate it; but people are noticeably less free now than they were, say, thirty years ago.

>> No.23185579
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>2) A Cavern of Black Ice by J. V. Jones (and subsequent books)
I read the first novel and was pleasantly surprised. You won't be disappointed.

>> No.23185585

Covenant gets off lightly compared to what happens to some other characters, like that blind government spook.

>> No.23185621

Clark Ashton Smith's entire bibliography.
The Dark Eidolon, The Empire of the Necromancers, The Holiness of Azédarac, The Death of Malygris, The Seven Geases, The Beast of Averoigne, The Charnel God, the Last Incantation, The Tale of Satampra Zeiros, The Weird of Avoosl Wuthoqquan, The Isle of the Torturers, The Last Hieroglyph, etc etc.

>> No.23185706
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>He hasn't broken through to actual communion and confirmed, with direct experience, it's existence
I would pity you but that's not a cash money reaction to someone in the existential trenches.

>> No.23185998

i havent but im considering it because the movies dont cut it for me. there has to be more to the novels in the same way lotr and the hobbit are

>> No.23186007
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whats the best l ron hubbard novel?

>> No.23186010

The one with John Travolta

>> No.23186014
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>> No.23186017

I love Rembrandt.

>> No.23186063

The book is written in first person. One of the draws is absolutely the intrigue of the character's inner dialogues and views (evolving or entrenched) about things (life, the universe, people, etc.). So, yeah, the book is much more entertaining than the movie which has only dialogue (does Dune/Dune 2 use lots of voice-over? I don't remember) and visual vocabulary at its disposal.

>> No.23186107

I dropped Consider Phlebas the other day because it was just a character going through series of loosely action vignettes and those bore me to tears.
I've heard that it isn't representative so I'll give The Player off Games and maybe Use of Weapons a try before giving up entirety. The blurb on UoW seems intriguing enough.

>> No.23186200

The movies (mostly part two) rewrote a lot of characters and flattened out most of the nuance and depth of the book.

>> No.23186246
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>I've been in this general since day one (10 plus fucking years) and I know not to waste my time effort posting

>> No.23186255

Any good Scifi or fantasy books that are stand alone and around 300-400 pages? if it's 450 pages that would be okay too but I don't want a series or 500+ pages for a while.

>> No.23186257

Phlebas is a weakest of them
Player of Games was good
Use of Weapons felt dense and confusing to me until the end, but its better than Phleb

>> No.23186261

is this actually bakker?

>> No.23186262

skip State of the Art

>> No.23186310

Funny I also felt blah about Consider Phlebas, the only Banks novel i've read.
I suspect I won't like the rest of the series much either since what people rave about it sound kind of offputting to me. (what I hear is basically star trek but with neoliberal interventionism-humping, troon sex change stuff and vacillating between self-righteousness and self-loathing)
I intend to read Player of Games sometime but the fans are really fucking offputting.

>> No.23186313

you won't like it if you can't go two posts without a pol rant but half of your impressions are very wide of the mark

>> No.23186321


>> No.23186333
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>never understood why science fiction is grouped with fantasy
>come to /lit/
>they are doing it to
Okay, not understanding it is an exaggeration. Book stores and libraries just don't want to have to spend a single moment of their lives trying to figure out if the one in a million book with wizards and guns is science fiction or fantasy, but /lit/ as well?

It makes me wonder about what other genres create grey areas. Military Science Fiction? Alternate History? Books about witches like Charmed or some shit?

Is there simply a lack of content on the periphery of the genres that might otherwise pry science fiction and fantasy apart or do they actually belong together?

>> No.23186334

Why is it always gay novels that get nominated

>> No.23186339
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No obviously. Pic related is Bakker.

>> No.23186371


>> No.23186375

Because of who is nominating them.

>> No.23186398

Which to say, if you aren't reading current year SF you can't really nominate books or vote for them, at least not in meaningful way.

>> No.23186453

how can one man be so punchable

>> No.23186458

they both belong to a larger category called "speculative fiction" along with horror.

>> No.23186549


>> No.23186566

Not at all. They appear to be but their actions end up helping each other. But there is ONE huge clue why they work together. In A Game of Thrones, Ned has a conversation with Petyr, and they're alone in the room. Later, when Ned is imprisoned, Varys tells Ned he knows exactly what he and Littlefinger talked about. How could that be when the two were alone? The answer is obvious of course: Littlefinger told him.

>> No.23186604

the belgariad is comfy but poorly written, easy read though

>> No.23186982

Varys has spies baka

I fucking hate this term

>> No.23187409

There was no one else in the room.

>> No.23187521

What if Wheel of Time was set on Mars, not Earth?