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/lit/ - Literature

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23169923 No.23169923[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so childish? It's embarrassing.

>> No.23169926

why is a multimillionaire taking the time to reply to literally who's on twitter? it's indeed embarrassing

>> No.23169935

Who gives a shit about this? Post about an actual book for adults, please. This is the fucking literature board. I am sick of all of you on both sides.

I’m sick of that retard who looks like a fucking moron and I am sick of you losers, all of you. All of you, kill yourselves or go back to the John Waters movie you stepped out of.

>> No.23169937

She’s chosen an odd choice of hill to die on, but by golly, she intends to die on it, Dave Chapelle too

>> No.23169952

all that fame from being a celebrated children's book author has gone to her head

>> No.23169954
File: 841 KB, 890x610, I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not exactly literature, but I'm reading picrel at the moment. Do you have anything to say about it?
BTW, you should calm your anger and look again, Rowling is pretty hot and does not look like a RETARD. Also, there were like 15 DBZ threads in the past 2 days.

>> No.23169955

I don't comprehend her retort.

>> No.23169958

She is just human. There is nothing weird about the tweets she made.

>> No.23169961

>I don't comprehend her retort.
She is suggesting her cunt is better than women's bussys.

>> No.23169964


because everybody's a human deserving of attention and inspection. without understanding this, i don't understand how you could ever wish to become a writer.

>> No.23169987

yea the danger-haired person who called you a cunt deserves your full attention and time.

>> No.23169990

>/lit/ - twitter gossip

>> No.23170017

Why take ahit from anybody

>> No.23170026


>> No.23170035

Imagine spending every single waking hour seething about troons on the internet. She's literally posting about troons 24/7. Embarrassing.

>> No.23170036

She's on the front lines fighting for the good side.

>> No.23170049

There is no good side in a war between retards.

>> No.23170059

If I was in her shoes after making something so popular and so vapid I would 100% sit on twitter all day and annoy people

>> No.23170062

Unlike Glinner she can afford to do it

>> No.23170090

I'd hire dril to ghostwrite my tweets

>> No.23170122

When she became "anti-trans", she also produced an anti-nazi book and started posting pro-Israel things. I think she just got captured by neocon jews or something

>> No.23170128

You're actually the most insufferable cunts here by far.

>> No.23170133

I would write books about trannies. That would make them far angrier than any tweet.

>> No.23170141

Worse. She's a billionaire.

>> No.23170173

This is not a war and she is not fighting. Stolen valor retard kys.

>> No.23170196

I think she's hilarious. This is one of the sides of her I like. Now, that said, stop posting X crap on this board.

>> No.23170462

technically she already did, didn't she?

>> No.23170485

>sex assigned by doctors using mostly lucky guesses
Are troon lovers really this retarded?

>> No.23170514

Messing with retards is fun, seething online troons are basically one big collective lolcow. She's also pretty much untouchable by any relevant standard and can do so with impunity

>> No.23170526

Sad to see her mindbroken by this. Society will only move towards being more trans accepting and people like her are just screaming into the void

>> No.23170594

>be a multimillionaire
>check the calendar
>oh no
>immediately go on twitter and start seething
>reply to everyone
why would you spend your time like that

>> No.23170600

She knows this is her last chance at relevancy. All her books post-Harry Potter failed to catch on, trolling trannies and the outrage mob is a surefire way to keep public attention on her.

>> No.23170609

she's always been a bitter and spiteful person

>> No.23170627

shitting on trannies will never not be funny

>> No.23170639

imagine not realizing this troon hysteria is going to end up looking extremely bad for your side, probably very soon. she's not dying here

>> No.23170654

Subject matter aside, this thread is full of quintessential left wing silencing tactics. “I can’t believe you care this much/are wasting your time like this”

It’s an extremely common refrain that’s mostly employed during “pop culture critique” discussions.

There’s nothing at all strange about a wealthy and influential person using their wealth and influence to raise awareness/forward her belief about a hot butto issue. It’s actually the furthest thing from strange, and the people on the other side do in fact contort their entire lives around pushing their perspective on the thing. In fact, these same actors will never ask that question of some blue checkmark who was pushing their ideas. Notice they don’t address the contents of her tweets, which they obviously disagree with, so that they may appear as neutral observers who are simply perplexed by the delivery/deliverer of the idea. It’s all so dishonest. And blatant

Left wing shame tactics are so evil because they play the psychological game of making you question your perception of yourself and objective reality as filtered through your subjective viewpoint, this is something that underpins so much of their sociopolitical maneuvers too. Notice how much time they spend on things like “media literacy” “dunning Krueger “, the classic refrain of “homophobes=closet homosexuals”, the separating of the idea of inceldom from the fact of sexlessness to the action of not doing whatever the fuck some WGS student tells you to do. I’m tired of them turning all ground into shifting sand. I’m losing my mind. A world with no center with nothing tangible to grab onto. Ist over für mich.

>> No.23170686

Whatever you end up doing for solace, make sure it's not obsessing on fantasies of shooting innocents, and more importantly turning them into reality.

>> No.23170693


Boredom, probably. It’s lonely up there, and you have already conquered literature and economics. You own manor houses in 4 countries. You meet with royals and world leaders. You know religious leaders. What’s left other than to troll people online?

>> No.23170702

I, Anon, am also a multimillionaire, Anon :)

>> No.23170712

Is this from AA? very solid observation.

>> No.23170721

I think a feature of modern “conservatism” given that conservatism is really just liberalism is that they actually just want to get along and ignore this stuff. That is indeed the nature of liberalism and at least in America the nature of so-called conservatism. They deny religion and politics entirely.

>> No.23170723

Easy, I'll just write about how everyone is not a human deserving of attention and inspection.

>> No.23170740

>everyone not fully simping for rowling is some evil tranny leftist with secret tranny agenda
this is not a great stance either

>> No.23170774

She's easily the best type of woman. Intelligent, graceful and wise, and you know she had that type of mother with really high standards that imposed femininity on her and made her into an actual lady even with her intelligence. It's every trannys dream to get dressed down by an ultra feminine ice queen like that, thats why they're so desperate for her approval, even tho deep down they realize it's better if it was always unattainable.

>> No.23170779

It's funny how she lives rent free in the minds of trannies

>> No.23170798
File: 500 KB, 549x569, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trannies have reduced an evil billionaire into a terminally online internet troll. I'd say it's a net gain.

>> No.23170835

with that said I don't think it's entirely trannies. she got the first strain of covid and had alternative treatment which likely turned her brain to mush. many such cases.

>> No.23170857

>spent her mothers day on twitter seething about people having the freedom of choosing their gender, responding to every literal who
m8 I think its the other way around, she is completely broken by the existence of trans women

>> No.23170885

Having spent some time around rich people you soon learn they don’t get there by talent or some exceptional intelligence. Many of them are dumb as rocks and will spend fortunes and their free time on the most idiotic shit. And I mean gatcha games not car collections. Read the Sony email leaks sometime to find out what level these media deciders operate on. They’re as dumb and clueless as your aunt who spams Facebook with boomer”memes”. The only difference is people assign rich people dignity and agency because ultimately humans are that status driven. Big chimp must be smart otherwise why would he be big chimp!

>> No.23170930

based joanne

>> No.23170966

Based writer lady. Put them down in the streets like dogs. Crybully time is over.
Huh? (You) aren't involved in that conversation.

>> No.23170973

second-hand embarrassment, he means.

>> No.23170974

Or maybe... Hear me out... An annoying feminist roastoid spending mother's day on Twitter seething about trannies is cringe? This bitch is not your friend. This bitch is not "based". She hates men, and that makes her hate trannies.

Has she ever complained about female-to-male troons? No. Her only complaint is being forced to interact with a man wearing a wig. Cry me a river, feminist nigger.

Look at this fucking simp. Pathetic. All it takes is someone shouting "trannies trannies trannies" and you'll dance like monkeys. Truly "based and redpilled". lmao

>> No.23170977

t. seething tranny

>> No.23170980 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23170985

It's the other way around lol. She's been so absolutely mind broken by trannies she made tranniehate her entire personality and life goal.

>> No.23170986

Oh, projected insecurity. Word up, chief. Nothing embarrassing about returning fire.

>> No.23170996

I've seen the day when 4chan is now simping for a rabid feminist just because she also hate trannies (because they are men, mind you).
Pathetic, really.

>> No.23171000
File: 242 KB, 800x800, 1700608245495105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because everybody's a human deserving of attention and inspection
yeah yeah, we know

>> No.23171002

Listen here tranny, you're just into a fetish. You're not even a genuine old fashioned tranny who actually wants to be a woman you're literally just a coomer who's be psyops into the contemporary equivalent of a lobotomy for two reasons

1) They want to create a consumer/voting block out of so called disenfranchised freaks in society to stabilise the system (as in defanging a dangerous revolutionary left)

2) They want to destroy all forms of identity specifically traditional identities to create a giant consumer mass that only identifys with what they consume. You are not born a woman, you become a woman if you buy dresses and make-up.

You are canon folder in a cultural war our own elites are waging against us.

>> No.23171007

>troon calls someone else "terminally online"
oh, the ironing

>> No.23171010

Now type that without crying.

>> No.23171017

Facts. I would also add that big pharma makes a bundle off of what amounts to selling cosmetic surgery and drugs to retarded faggots.

>> No.23171021

digging in because opposition is relentless? Are you not familiar with physics? Why would she let these morons run through her? If she stopped caring it's not like the unhinged, overly medicated horde of attack helicopters is going to do the same. Use your brain.

>> No.23171041

Imagine giving so much importance to twitter identitarian politics. It's just unemployed retards in their early 20s with nothing to do with their lives, complaining about meaningless stuff about mentally ill people.
That's why it's so pathetic she just made fighting with twitter losers her whole life goal.
And if you think what she's doing is fighting some worthy, heroic battle, you are just as pathetic as her. Find a real job or a real pussy.

>> No.23171063
File: 595 KB, 1208x1218, 1709139952534711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop noticing how your society is being subverted and destroyed
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.23171065

>muh town center
It's literally a way to reach and influence an obscene number of people. Why would she cede that ground to a horde of "unemployed retards in their early 20s with nothing to do with their lives," to allow them to spread like cancer and allow the further indoctrination?
>And if you think what she's doing is fighting some worthy, heroic battle, you are just as pathetic as her
Bold of you to assume I give a fuck what you think about me.
>or a real pussy.
Okay, bend over.

>> No.23171072

>4chan removes unique IP counter in bottom right
>obvious AI posts with obvious AI replies like this pop up

>> No.23171086

>I haven't used my brain in yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars

>> No.23171088

I just noticed? Why did they remove it?

>> No.23171097


>> No.23171104

When are you heading for Palestine? The people need their hero.

>> No.23171106


>> No.23171113

I hate muslims, too. I hope both sides wipe each other out.

>> No.23171122

doesn't matter what you schizos think, society is progressive and will leave you behind. keep crying all your life, it will change nothing and you know it

>> No.23171124

I hate Christians and Europeans, too. I hope they too are wiped out.

>> No.23171126

Election year, fewer users, ai shit. Probs a mix of these

>> No.23171127

Trannies are so delusional they don't realize that even their beloved left is starting to turn on them.

>> No.23171131

May your heart be cleansed of the nauseous hate it harbours.

>> No.23171136
File: 522 KB, 1201x1123, 1704568879201404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares what you want, mohel.

>> No.23171142 [DELETED] 
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fuck kikes and fuck niggers lmao

>> No.23171145
File: 1.13 MB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right. nu-/lit/ will lie to themselves and claim harry potter was actually good but she has always been an idiot

>> No.23171147

Harry Potter sucked. J.K. Rowling causing mass tranny suicide is hilarious. These two facts are not mutually exclusive, retard.

>> No.23171148

>i-its going to happen any week now... t-trust me!

>> No.23171150

>le children's book bad
The true intellectuals of /lit/ have such powerful thoughts.

>> No.23171152

really shows you where all the transphobes are mentally.

>> No.23171155

You worship a Jew, lol. You, heebs, and Mudslimes have miniscule differences.

>> No.23171158
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AKA "normal people who don't like child molesters"

>> No.23171163

I'm not a Christian, you fat retard.

>> No.23171165

At Hogwarts, where being the best at tr00nsforming gives good grades, by comfy fireplace roaring with fire with hot chocolate and a magic frog, snuggled in a blanket
Ah, this is bliss. Why, where are you, formally known as twitter in the trenches? How unfortunate. Have you tried not being mentally ill?

>> No.23171172
File: 260 KB, 340x340, 1695765978902 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's a woman and MTFs claiming to be women put real women in danger. She's using her influence to protect others.

>> No.23171174

Weird to think Steamboat Willie was made before Nazis rose to power.

>> No.23171179

Then why did you take offense at me saying Christians should be annihilated with the Muslims and Jews too?

>> No.23171181

>Or maybe... Hear me out...
Stop writing like a woman, fag.

>> No.23171185
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>> No.23171186

That didn't happen tho. You're mixing up anons lmao fucking ooh ooh aah aah brain

>> No.23171189

You're whole movement was artificial from it's inception. The only people who support trannies are brainwashed shitlibs and normalfags who "support" trannies because they are woefully misinformed about their true nature and have a "do the right thing" mindset. The latter group instantly peaks the moment they come into contact with actual trannies. Your movement is astro-turfed by pharma looking to extract millions out of your mental illness and nothing else. Cope, troon.

>> No.23171192

She can go outside. Go anywhere in the world. Stay anywhere. Do any kind of activity.

>> No.23171203
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>> No.23171214
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>> No.23171219

Look through her Twitter and find the last post she made that is not at least tangentially related to trannies. It is the trannies that have taken over her mind.

>> No.23171223

put down the foreskins and actually read the thread

>> No.23171227
File: 908 KB, 918x724, my eyes are thirsty as hell here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're perfectly normal people, just like you and me

>> No.23171229

The difference is that she's not terminally online like you. Also, she is a woman, something that you will never be.

>> No.23171230
File: 261 KB, 2048x1365, 20220916-oakville-teacher_photos_v2_custom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's almost like she's a mother and she doesn't want her kids/grandkids to be taught by people like pic related. Google Kayla Lemieux

>> No.23171241
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>> No.23171246
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>> No.23171248

Not everyone is terminally online and uses twitter as a diary to broadcast every single thought. Someone like J.K. uses it solely to post political beliefs. Big whoop

>> No.23171253
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>> No.23171262

Do you niggas seriously think after reading history that troon shit will survive as a norm? The eternal battle of the sexes is what survived. Cultural trends be damned.

>> No.23171265
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>> No.23171268

Well, that's disgusting. Good thing fate wasn't so unkind to me to make me himher's 'child'

>> No.23171269

All you Zoomer cretins sound the same.

>> No.23171271

When 4Chan starts praising Harry fucking Potter, it will truly be over.

>> No.23171277

oh so if you write like a woman you are a woman? and you claim to hate tranniea? ironic.

>> No.23171279

What? You think you'll be rounded up and killed if you don't stop your boogieman?

>> No.23171286

I dont use twitter.

>> No.23171296

You know this will eventually devolve into retards defending her books. Like this one here >>23171150

>> No.23171300

Hey, fuck you. I am big smart and the book was delicious.

>> No.23171305

Thank god, because I like not being hysterical.

>> No.23171315

Now read a book that isn't aimed at children

>> No.23171322

I'm 36, retard.

>> No.23171326

>just let us molest children in peace
I'm not the one who's going to be rounded up here. I'll be doing the rounding up.

>> No.23171327

What would you do with your life if you were in her shoes having penned this enormously popular book series and become a billionaire?

>> No.23171328

Don't tell me what to do, cunt. I am reading green eggs and ham next out of spite. Big twists incoming when the cat in the hat turns out to be trans activitist. Spoilers, btw.

>> No.23171333

Hire thirdies to shitpost 4chan/xitter for me

>> No.23171339

why do chuds always resort to spamming irrelevant screencaptures when they lose the argument. sad to see it

>> No.23171341

shitpost in my luxury chair on my luxury computer in my luxury mansion

>> No.23171344

What are you waiting for then? Go out there and fight your war.
Make sure to post your high score when you're done.

>> No.23171346

Yes I do. You are the same people who complaining about gay marriage and interrace marriage in the past who we laugh at now

>> No.23171348

It's completely relevant when these are the "people" you're defending

>> No.23171349

Run for office on a platform of genociding troons.

>> No.23171352

hit a little too close to home, eh?

>> No.23171363

>gay marriage and interrace marriage
People are now starting to realize that those were mistakes, too.

>> No.23171364

uhhh how long do you think humans have existed compared to "that"? I know you're baiting but seriously cmon

>> No.23171422

Why does this thread read like it's 90% bots arguing with themselves?

>> No.23171436

Because you fist yourself at night. We know.

>> No.23171473

because der ewige janny removed the poster count as that's far easier than removing the bots. put it back tranny janny or i will shit in your hotpockets.

>> No.23171476

The joke is for adults.
>You are neither deep nor warm enough
is what a man rejects a woman upon.

>> No.23171901

I asserted that writing like a woman only makes you a fag. You loonie troons are so blatantly dishonest.

>> No.23171971

>No one is doing this
>Ok they are, but its irrelevant
>Why do you care so much? Obsessed!!!

>> No.23172031
File: 15 KB, 645x770, 1661649128200411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word chud sincerely

>> No.23172039

I truly wish I was rich enough to say what I want online and be too much of a billionaire to be cancelled

>> No.23172048

j.k. rowling is a bad writer but she's in the right about this

>> No.23172070

Chud detected

>> No.23172078
File: 45 KB, 500x500, this thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if houellebecq shits his pants will that be considered a lit thread too?

>> No.23172121
File: 90 KB, 1000x872, 89a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chud detected

>> No.23172154

Wojack posters should be banned on site

>> No.23172192

>her penis

>> No.23172225

Mods have better things to do like removing IP counts and adding /vst/ - Video Games/Strategy to contain the notorious strategy game posters that invade every single board

>> No.23172226

I think you just have an unrealistically high expectation of people who earn more than you, as if they should be inherently better than you in every way

>> No.23172243

>89 ... a
Get a grip, chuddie.

>> No.23172275

Rowling's career has long since peaked. Her only tether to relevance is social media posts like this.

>> No.23172280

Transphobes seem mentally unwell. Someone who was happy with their life wouldn't spend so much time obsessing what others are doing with their lives. Just my two cents

>> No.23172284

>IP count didn't go up

>> No.23172313

They disabled the IP counter idiot

>> No.23172320
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>> No.23172356

She's so unbelievably based.

>> No.23172365
File: 31 KB, 189x352, 1684566677771637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought they/them were pushing "chestfeeding"

>> No.23172553

Invest my money into scientific research or artistic projects that nobody else is investing because they are deemed too risky, unprofitable or outright useless.
Like resurrecting extinct megafauna species, digging ancient cities in third world countries or paying for a larger-than-life building with ambitious architectural style.

You know, not fighting retards on twitter.

>> No.23173207

>Transphobes seem mentally unwell
>t. some guy who cut his dick off
Very interesting, thank you for sharing.

>> No.23173225
File: 44 KB, 462x484, 1709127114483004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chosen an odd choice of hill to die on
I think this old thread is evidence enough of ho fucked up it is.

>> No.23173235

The only thing more mentally ill than cutting your dick off, is obsessing about other guys cutting their dicks off

>> No.23173244

The surgeons need to be lined up and shot for these manmade horrors, fucking hell.

>> No.23173262


>> No.23173269

Just stay away from the kids, fag. Ffs.

>> No.23173275
File: 288 KB, 1080x1285, troon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who cares if some people are into stealing underwear and flashing kids? You need to accept them as they are or you're a bigot, chuddie. This is normal woman behavior.

>> No.23173286

The only one who has kids on the mind is you, you tranny obsessed retard.
Also if you actually gave a shit about kids, you wouldn't be posting on fucking 4chan of all places.

>> No.23173294

This is the most nonsensical statement ITT

>> No.23173295

IDGAF about them cutting their dicks off; I don't like that the government now encourages grade school kids to cut their dick off in school. There's a difference.

>> No.23173305
File: 1.13 MB, 1078x1073, 1609123026062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit on trannys on twitter all day. But actually not that - because I would go much deeper. She is just stepping her toes in the water. She should be going harder on them. It's absolutely retarded society tolerates them, and to all those in this thread who don't care, you are never going to make it. If you haven't seen past the veil by now you never will.

>> No.23173323

Ok groomer.

>> No.23173330
File: 240 KB, 1080x1027, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23173331

Unless you have kids yourself, you shouldn't give a shit
Who fucking cares? You're on fucking 4Chan. Laugh at the retards who ruin their own lives over this shit instead ceying about it like an emo shitbag.
This place should never be a soapbox for moral posturing. Ever.

>> No.23173338

>tranny has a meltdown after being asked to stay away from kids
You have no idea how many rightwing voters shit like Dragtime Story Hour created.

>> No.23173342

Holy mask off child molester moment. Rope.

>> No.23173345
File: 2.86 MB, 562x1054, 1708102107057830.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unless you have kids yourself, you shouldn't give a shit
>you can't condemn a movement of child molestors unless you have kids
wow that's a very unique perspective, now please face the wall

>> No.23173357

You are a joke, and the punchline is when you kill yourself.

>> No.23173361

Not a tranny, nor do I care about children retards.
Get off 4Chan and actually do something about your boogiemanvif your so passionate about it instead of bitching about it like a fucking woman.

>> No.23173368

>Not a woman

>> No.23173371

4chan isn't your safe space troonlover

>> No.23173373
File: 162 KB, 1024x1002, 1708672738714190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spreadin troon awareness is a vital component in this 5th generation war

>> No.23173380

Thank god too. I would hate to be a screeching harpy like you guys.

>> No.23173383

Where did I say anything about liking troons?

>> No.23173385

Just stay away from kids and stop advocating to have sex performers read to toddlers. Simple as.

>> No.23173389
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Being youthful while old is awesome

>> No.23173390

>Just stay away from kids and stop advocating to have sex performers read to toddlers

>> No.23173397

No one else would get this mad simply seeing factual screenshots about troon crimes. And no one gets mad about child safeguarding except groomers

>> No.23173400
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>> No.23173414

Why on the literature board though? There's a fine line between making fun of people and sperging out against them, and you've crossed it long ago. That's what I've been saying.

>> No.23173424
File: 131 KB, 767x887, trg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is based Joanne dunking on trannies. Stay mad.

>> No.23173430

>Why on the literature board though?
Because this thread was on the catalog and I jumped in?
>There's a fine line between making fun of people and sperging out against them, and you've crossed it long ago.
Nobody gives a fuck about some imaginary line you made up in your head about what is acceptable and unacceptable conversation about troons

>> No.23173436

My entire face actually screwed up in a cringe reading this. Tough scene.

>> No.23173459

Well, keep on screeching about trannies while pretending to care about kids then.

>> No.23173463

So she secretly wants to get tranny dicked, right?

>> No.23173591

troons be seethin' kek

>> No.23173620
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>> No.23173665
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very based

>> No.23173717

Great post. In an ideal world, conservatives would fight back with the same tactics, but they don't have the will to win or the institutional power to do so at this point.

>> No.23173739

Trump's going to win tho'

>> No.23173941

Keep coping troon

>> No.23173999

At the end of the day, she's the one actively engaging them.

>> No.23174001
File: 1.07 MB, 760x839, Every day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ will be a very dark place when Stephanie Meyer and Sarah J Maas get outed as transphobes

>> No.23174009

Endless content
>bu-but it's off topic
I don't care

>> No.23174015

Making fun of trannies is well and good, but defending YA slop is unforgivable, especially slop aimed at women.

>> No.23174056 [DELETED] 

/lit/ is slowly turning into /k/. The amount of troons itt is insane. And they actually think they're going to shift the Overton on "trans acceptance", lol. Do you have any idea how socially conservative all these immigrant families are that you're binging in to own tha chuds? Do you know what happens next when you fail to convert them?

>> No.23174058 [DELETED] 

>Not a tranny
Kek. There's always little tells for leftoid tourists, and you never notice, like

>> No.23174184

It's so great to not live in your rotten society. There are no trannies here, thankfully, and if there are, they do well to not show themselves in public.

>> No.23174313

chuds think about trans dick 24/7
slave morality