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File: 77 KB, 1080x1080, 6547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23167913 No.23167913 [Reply] [Original]

I know there's a plethora of accounts of Europeans traveling the world and noting with fascination at what they discovered, but how did the rest of the world react to white European beauty?

I know off hand there's some Arab accounts of them finding delight in blonde slavs, and same with the Romans about the Germanic tribes, but only from 4chan posts on /his/ and I never really bothered to save the source.

White women are the most beautiful so it's only natural they'd be so overwhelmed at seeing literal angels on earth.

>> No.23167927
File: 909 KB, 1920x800, 1710098051333.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brave new world features an indian thirsting for a european slampig

>> No.23167934 [DELETED] 

Cringe af thread, bro. Reeks of either an ugly white incel or a brown thirdie.

>> No.23167988
File: 74 KB, 736x736, 41892332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interracial fetishization appears a few times in Brave New World and isn't really portrayed as a good thing. I remember in the book some of the characters go to the cinema (feelies?) to watch depraved interracial pornography. I think it's commentary on how important human distinctions have been reduced to just a coomer fascination, which is something you sort of see with 4chan and this thread kek.

>> No.23168054

Both women on picrel look trashy af.
Goblinwhites are not beautiful.

>> No.23168087

thread straight outta mumbai

>> No.23168126
File: 202 KB, 602x746, unnamed-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that'd make a funny short story. buncha jeets obsessing over a white girl that moves into their neighbourhood... stalking her, hacking her various accounts, eventually she has to leave... I feel like Mérimée could have written something like that

>> No.23168131
File: 22 KB, 594x396, ceee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lighting and makeup look how ugly that girl actually is

>> No.23168153
File: 714 KB, 647x647, 1702088395584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not silly anon, I know most of these pics of girls are heavily photoshopped and they look different IRL.

>> No.23168261

the japanese thought whites were ugly and smelly.

>> No.23168270

I wrote that, but with orangutans instead

>> No.23168446


>> No.23168548

They're unironically right.

>> No.23168598

Ibn Fadlan's account mentions the Rus vikings being the most perfect physical specimens he's ever seen.

>> No.23168632

They would just cannibalize her.

>> No.23169049

More than lighting and makeup it's the angle that made her look feminine, and not a horse faced mannish lankcel.

>> No.23169152

A Greek doctor describes the Scythians (catch all term for most of Central Europe, ranging from Ukraine to Poland and Germany) - he describes them as having a lot of fat in order to deal with the cold temperature and to preserve heat and energy.

In respect of the seasons and figure of body, the Scythian race, like the Egyptian, have a uniformity of resemblance, different from all other nations; they are by no means prolific, and the wild beasts which are indigenous there are small in size and few in number, for the country lies under the Northern Bears, and the Rhiphaean mountains, whence the north wind blows; the sun comes very near to them only when in the summer solstice, and warms them but for a short period, and not strongly; and the winds blowing from the hot regions of the earth do not reach them, or but seldom, and with little force; but the winds from the north always blow, congealed, as they are, by the snow, ice, and much water, for these never leave the mountains, which are thereby rendered uninhabitable. A thick fog covers the plains during the day, and amidst it they live, so that winter may be said to be always present with them; or, if they have summer, it is only for a few days, and the heat is not very strong. Their plains are high-lying and naked, not crowned with mountains, but extending upwards under the Northern Bears. The wild beasts there are not large, but such as can be sheltered underground; for the cold of winter and the barrenness of the country prevent their growth, and because they have no covert nor shelter. The changes of the seasons, too, are not great nor violent, for, in fact, they change gradually; and therefore their figures resemble one another, as they all equally use the same food, and the same clothing summer and winter, respiring a humid and dense atmosphere, and drinking water from snow and ice; neither do they make any laborious exertions, for neither body nor mind is capable of enduring fatigue when the changes of the seasons are not great. For these reasons their shapes are gross and fleshy, with ill-marked joints, of a humid temperament, and deficient in tone: the internal cavities, and especially those of the intestines, are full of humors; for the belly cannot possibly be dry in such a country, with such a constitution and in such a climate; but owing to their fat, and the absence of hairs from their bodies, their shapes resemble one another, the males being all alike, and so also with the women; for the seasons being of a uniform temperature, no corruption or deterioration takes place in the concretion of the semen, unless from some violent cause, or from disease.

>> No.23169175

Reformatting that post to be readable.

>In respect of the seasons and figure of body, the Scythian race, like the Egyptian, have a uniformity of resemblance, different from all other nations; they are by no means prolific, and the wild beasts which are indigenous there are small in size and few in number, for the country lies under the Northern Bears, and the Rhiphaean mountains, whence the north wind blows; the sun comes very near to them only when in the summer solstice, and warms them but for a short period, and not strongly; and the winds blowing from the hot regions of the earth do not reach them, or but seldom, and with little force; but the winds from the north always blow, congealed, as they are, by the snow, ice, and much water, for these never leave the mountains, which are thereby rendered uninhabitable. A thick fog covers the plains during the day, and amidst it they live, so that winter may be said to be always present with them; or, if they have summer, it is only for a few days, and the heat is not very strong. Their plains are high-lying and naked, not crowned with mountains, but extending upwards under the Northern Bears. The wild beasts there are not large, but such as can be sheltered underground; for the cold of winter and the barrenness of the country prevent their growth, and because they have no covert nor shelter. The changes of the seasons, too, are not great nor violent, for, in fact, they change gradually; and therefore their figures resemble one another, as they all equally use the same food, and the same clothing summer and winter, respiring a humid and dense atmosphere, and drinking water from snow and ice; neither do they make any laborious exertions, for neither body nor mind is capable of enduring fatigue when the changes of the seasons are not great. For these reasons their shapes are gross and fleshy, with ill-marked joints, of a humid temperament, and deficient in tone: the internal cavities, and especially those of the intestines, are full of humors; for the belly cannot possibly be dry in such a country, with such a constitution and in such a climate; but owing to their fat, and the absence of hairs from their bodies, their shapes resemble one another, the males being all alike, and so also with the women; for the seasons being of a uniform temperature, no corruption or deterioration takes place in the concretion of the semen, unless from some violent cause, or from disease.

>> No.23170226

Interesting. Source?

>> No.23170229

Didn't you already make this obvious thirdie thread once? Coomers...

>> No.23170953
File: 146 KB, 667x1000, IMG_1054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. It is in Hippocrates volume 1 of Loebs classical library and in the Hippocrates volume of the Great Books series by Adler

The treatise goes over how airs, waters (oceans and rivers) and places (countries and various terrains) affect the human constitution, which diseases arise and how customs in those places came to be from a material standpoint.

>> No.23170992

> catch all term for most of Central Europe, ranging from Ukraine to Poland and Germany
Scythia is Ukraine and Russia just North of the Caucasus.

>> No.23170999

It was used as a more expansive term than that and also the character of European peoples given in this specific work is about the peoples in Central Europe.

>> No.23171015

I don't find NW European women attractive at all. Their manly jaw shapes tend to repulse me.

>> No.23171022

That's just bullshit. Wether Scythia refers to a geographical region around the mountains of the Caucasus, or wether the term refers an ethnicity that inhabitated the same region (a hypothesis belied by the fact that the historians of that era name countless of different peoples inhabitating Scythia) is up to debate, but it has never referred to anywhere near Europe but it's easternmost parts, and reaching into Asia.

>> No.23171032

Lips too big for a white woman.

>> No.23171040

It extended as far as the Danube River in the west which marked the western border of the territory

>Scythia proper
The territory of the Scythian kingdom of the Pontic steppe extended from the Don river in the east to the Danube river in the west, and covered the territory of the treeless steppe immediately north of the Black Sea's coastline, which was inhabited by nomadic pastoralists, as well as the fertile black-earth forest-steppe area to the north of the treeless steppe, which was inhabited by an agricultural population,[12][13][14] and the northern border of this Scythian kingdom were the deciduous woodlands, while several rivers, including Don and Dnipro, flowed southwards across this region and emptied themselves into the Black Sea.[15]

>> No.23171056

> It extended as far as the Danube River in the west which marked the western border of the territory
Idk how this changes anything I said, the Danube delta lies on the shores of the Black Sea.
> and the northern border of this Scythian kingdom were the deciduous woodlands, while several rivers, including Don and Dnipro, flowed southwards across this region and emptied themselves into the Black Sea.
Yeah, exactly, the Scythian Kingdom has never reached anywhere near Central Europe.

>> No.23171064

The Danube River runs through the Germanic countries. I think it is a misunderstanding of terms between us because to most Americans the term “Central Europe” applies to most of the countries within which the Danube River lies.

>> No.23171076

The Danube River begins in South Germany, crosses Austria, the remaining 3000 km flow entirely through Eastern Europe.

>> No.23171081

Balkans and Czechia and the like are considered Central Europe here.

>> No.23171110

Ok? It is still not Middle Europe proper. During the times of the Greeks the Balkans were inhabitated by Thracians, Celts, and Illyrians. Scythia is a region even further East of that region, that sometimes reached somewhat into the Balkans politically but it wasn't until the Great Migration that the Scythians moved into the regions of now Austria and Bayern.

>> No.23171448
File: 125 KB, 600x732, 1700018582956182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Der Ring des Nibelungen.


>He then plays Siegfried’s awakening of Brünnhilde, is pleased with the character of this work, its trueness to Nature: “Like two animals,” he says of Br. and Sieg. “Here there is no doubt, no sin,” he continues, and in his Wotan he recognizes the true god of the Aryans.

>But in the evening the 3rd act of Siegfried, very well played by Herr Rubinstein, pleases both him and us. “That is Gobineau-music,” R. says as he comes in, “that is race. Where else will you find two beings who burst into rejoicing when merely looking at each other? The whole world exists just to ensure that two such beings look at each other!” “Here is just forest and rocks and water and nothing rotten in it.” “Here is a couple who rejoice in their happiness, immerse themselves in the happiness of being together—how different from Tristan!”

>> No.23171502

Real beauty's on the inside, or, in literary terms,
>In the character

>> No.23171555

What are you even arguing for at this point? His excerpt still applies to the looks of white women. Half the time Slavic women look more like the ideal form of white women than anyone else in Europe easily.