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23167423 No.23167423 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit am I a massive illiterate retard or is this the average for most people?
I've been playing this game and while I like it and understand what's going on, whenever political or philosophical references are made they fly over my head, they might as well not be speaking in english anymore at that point

how do i stop being retarded what do i even read to fix myself this feels very embarrassing, and just to reiterate this isn't about agreeing or disagreeing with the game's views or message but more about not understanding shit lmao

>> No.23167426

You're politically illiterate

>> No.23167430

>whenever political or philosophical references are made they fly over my head, they might as well not be speaking in english anymore at that point
I'm confused how this happens when the game literally spoon feeds you its political philosophies, like you don't even need to know about major real world ideologies because they're explaining them to you with a different name.

>> No.23167438

Post an actual example of what you're talking about.

>> No.23167440
File: 3.67 MB, 1600x9444, Disco Elysium thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23167463


>> No.23167469
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Keep your faggy garbage on /v/ troon.

>> No.23167484

The game exposites its entire worldbuilding to you with the right skill combination. It's not very hard.
>whenever political or philosophical references are made they fly over my head, they might as well not be speaking in english anymore at that point
The fuck do you mean by this, nearly everything is made up.
They spoonfeed you.

P.S: Disco Elysium's creators did not understand Fascism one fucking beat nor did they try to understand it. Also, it's overemphasis on incels dates it to 2018 HARD.

>> No.23167522

thats not even on the neck baka

>> No.23168556

>you can sherlock holmes the angle the bullet came from through the glass window therefore... it's le well-written?

>> No.23168988

>it's overemphasis on incels

>> No.23170237

I'm playing it for the first time right now and the only thing I was overwhelmed by was all the fictional geography and history being thrown at you, but you get used to it.
As for politics it's incredibly blunt about how your character interprets the different ideologies to the point where I'm convinced it's on purpose
>it's overemphasis on incels
What? Where? When?

>> No.23170249

LITerature you fucking ape go to >>>/v/

>> No.23170450

Go read /pol/ for 3 years and you'll at least know some of the race and politics stuff by the end but you will become socially retarded and will need to sift through piles of garbage.

>> No.23170456

>tranny elysium

>> No.23170459

Can you post some text that confused you?

>> No.23170469

Specifically on its treatment of Fascism as an ideology. It has one trillion other things going on, of course. I was more talking about the Political vision quest chain for Fascism, specifically.

>As for politics it's incredibly blunt about how your character interprets the different ideologies to the point where I'm convinced it's on purpose
Everything in a videogame is on purpose unless very clerly not.

>> No.23170479

>Specifically on its treatment of Fascism as an ideology
What does fascism have to do with incels?
Granted I haven't played a fascist, so no clue if that's where all the incel overemphasis is hidden
>Everything in a videogame is on purpose
Obviously, I meant the portrayal of political ideologies so blunt as an artistic statement, not because the authors didn't know any better

>> No.23170507

You'll find out when you play the fascist path. Just keep being mean to brown people and they racist voice in your head will contact you, bröther.
If not just search "Disco elysium Fascist path" on youtube.

>> No.23170805


>> No.23171231

Not him but everytime you do fascist shit the game goes "uhh wow" and then just moves on as if nothing happened. If it's commie or liberal they'll give you an entire exposition for an hour on their philosophy.

>> No.23171247

you should at least play better games if you're going to post about games here.

>> No.23171258
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>> No.23171292

Its commie slop

>> No.23171301

Just started this game. The dialog is really well-written for a video game. Possibly the best I've seen.

>> No.23171351

>gamer gets a game with a story that's a teeny tiny bit more complicated that fucking capeshit drama and maybe tries to convey some not too complicated ideas to the player
>noo i can't understand it, i am le dumb
It's funny that guys like that probably visit /v/ and think they have elite level intellectual taste when they mention certain games and don't play League of Legends like the plebs, lmao.

OP, I'd suggest you start reading. Start with some classic novellas or short novels that aren't genre-shit. Analyze the text, think about it deeply, maybe take notes, read some explanations or watch some YouTube videos on the books that you've read, do it for a little while.

You are going to see your comprehension skill go up quickly and you'll probably gain a lot of general knowledge about the world along the way. Disco Elysium might need some basic level knowledge about politics, history, the world and humanity overall to understand it. Also you don't really need to understand it, if it's fun then play it.

A lot of people are going to call you a retard over not understanding it, but it's fixable.

>> No.23171524

Yes you are a retard, the script for this game is not difficult in content or style. It's schlock.

>> No.23171726

If DE is too much for you I think you need to just start reading anything at all and try and start a reading habit. You can worry about reading 'improving' books one your already reading regularly.

>> No.23171777

Just keep doing it and wait until night. Eventually a red thought will appear, and it'll be endurance talking weird. Accept the vöws against Wömen and then think about Revachol.
You have to talk with the Fascist chacters, there's 4. The black guy in a caribineers uniform, racist lorryguy, measurehead, and Gary.

>> No.23171875

Basically the political aspects of the game are written with a lot of Marxist jargon mixed in with specialized jargon from that world. So if you don’t have a background in that kind of thing it’s understandable to be confused. As for the language unique to that world, it’ll just become more clear as you go, the same way all the sci fi stuff in Neuromancer makes more sense by the time you get to the end. The phrases will be repeated enough in new contexts that you’ll get it.
Or you could just ask Joyce to explain things to you in dumb dumb terms if you really want it spoon fed to you. So don’t give up OP, even a faggot like you can be Disco if you try.

>> No.23171919

Suzerain is much better writing.

>> No.23171951 [DELETED] 

>Suzerain is much better writing.
How does it relate actual gameplay? I've heard that the devs made some pretty bullshit consequences for a few of the choices you make.

>> No.23171960

How does it relate to the actual gameplay? I've heard that the devs made some pretty bullshit consequences for a few of the choices you make.

>> No.23172030

>Suzerain is much better writing.
Your post is more correct than you think. You are obviously an ESL, and I've heard that the game indeed boasts some very writing in it's native Turkish. The English localization is dogwater tho.

>> No.23172059 [SPOILER] 

Every political path has to do with Harry's desperate feelings towards his ex wife. Ultra-liberal harry wants to hustle. Communist harry says something about women being part of the bourgeoisie. It's not fascist exclusive.

>> No.23172109

> I've heard that the devs made some pretty bullshit consequences for a few of the choices you make.
Lots of forks are contrived - the most infamous example being that your spending of the national budget in the first chapter can cause a global market crash or a trade war between NotUSSR and NotUSA in the next chapter, explicitly in the ways that seem utterly disconnected from your national budget, like your actions summoned divine fucking karma on your ass. They could've written those in such a way that it would work like Sordland's national budgeting was the domino trigger for those events, but then again that would imply that Sordland has much greater global political influence on the world than it should - it's very much supposed to be a definition of Third World. At the same time, those events are needed, because deliberately or accidentally coming up with a massively unbalanced budget in Ch1 would fucking break the game in Ch2 if not for the "karmic punishments" - overspending means that none of the ministries has any budgeting issues, so you flat out avoid all the content that deals with trying to squeeze water out of stone in those, and simultaneously you have no pocket allowance for any of the investment projects in the same chapter - so the chapter ends up having no content. The trade war triggered by overspending gives you a tremendous debt hole and it's associated events to keep you occupied for the chapter. Conversely, underspending on budget and saving up money in Ch1 makes Ch2's dealing with underfunding issues in EVERY department a massively overstretched slog, and then you'd have enough money to go all-in on every investment opportunity you have, so you'd approach the end of the game swimming in mountains of money while the government falls apart around you from underfunding, which would be even more retarded then the broken pacing you already ruined. So the market crash just helpfully takes all the extra cash you saved off your hands.

So I understand why the devs added those bullshit consequences. Sovereign is a very good CYOA overall, but it suffers from having even less replayability than a typical example. The immersion into political strategizing and balancing on the first 1-2 playthroughs is superb, my ass was collapsing into a black hole event horizon during the constitutional reform vote in the parliament before I learned that I won with a historic result, and then I sweated an army arsenal's worth of bullets through a salad diner with a mild-mannered woman as I worked the Supreme Court. War was a cakewalk after that. But once you know what causes what, doing Reynemaxxing playthroughs becomes boring as shit.

>> No.23172114

He meant the ideology exclusive quest.

>> No.23172132

The most fun way to play Suzerain was to promise everyone you would be a moderate and wouldn't nationalise anything. Then you imprison all the oligarchs, imprison Soll, and gain dictatorial powers. Your entire cabinet (except your brother in law I think?) leaves you at the end of the game in disgust.

>> No.23172256

What I absolutely loved about Sovereign is that how game mechanics illustrate the natural process of emergence of spineless hypocrisy in politics. I did two hardcore Malenyevist-reformer playthroughs, an ultraliberal one, and one as a Sordish nationalist with emergency dictatorial powers.

They all had their ups and downs and the first one, most rich in missteps and lack of foresight was by far the most fun one. I faced two assassination attempts, a coup attempt, mass protest going absolutely out of control, and then fucking won the second elections by a landslide by making an absolute mating press out of the Rumburg war.

But as I figured out the mechanics, it was evident that all of those were "suboptimal". Turns out that mathematically the best approach to the politicking is, well, blatant politicking. Lie to everyone, always, at all times. Two-time every wing of your party. Deepthroat every oligarch that undoes his belt buckle, then blackmail all of them with measures you don't even plan to enforce, then nationalize them anyway despite promising privatizations. Walk right through conspiracies in your government because you already betrayed all of them in advance since that's what you just do by default. Kiss Bludish babies and cry bloody tears for their plight, then sell them out. Get in bed with every world power at the same time - to fuck both of them over. Support nationalist and communist youth movements, make them think you're on their side while they are killing each other in the streets in your name. Appease the reformers, appease the conservatives - benefit by pitting them against each other. Lick Soll's boots clean so that he doesn't see it coming when you pull the carpet from under his feet. Do ALL the dirty backroom deals - you will need the cash to cover up the evidence of all your dirty backroom deals, but there will be some spare left. Befriend your chauffeur aka your loyal disposable bullet shield. Promise your feminazi of a wife a total turboegalitarian revolution - then don't do jack shit unironically the best way for dealing with her in any playthrough desu, otherwise she either hates you or sucks up more of your budget than your state of the art military. Salute tearfully to your generals - you will need them when you throw them into the meatgrinder of the war - the war that you anticipated, the war that you pushed for, the war that you need - YOUR war.

Nobody is pleased, nobody hates you enough to go against you either, you are that transcendentally hypocritical void of a politician that "somehow ends" up on top of everything. Nobody would support for you out of sincerity, but EVERYONE ends up supporting you out of hating you the least of all other options. Not the best playthrough for any ideal, definitely not the best playthrough for your people - but by far the best playthrough for you and your legacy. It truly made me feel like a bona fide American politician.

>> No.23172282

>sucks up more of your budget than your state of the art military
I'm not fucking kidding about that one - showering the army in funding at every single possible opportunity present in the game and achieving a borderline superpower-tier military is factually cheaper for the national budget than fully going through with Monica's gender equality reforms.

When I saw the bill on her, well, bill for the first time I was legitimately angry at the fact that game gives me an option to block it, but no option to block it and immediately commit a domestic abuse on account of the absolute state of that woman's profound financial retardation.