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/lit/ - Literature

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23166273 No.23166273 [Reply] [Original]

why does he like torture (and rape) so much ?

>> No.23166467

I like submitting my sexual partner. But that's private. For anyone going public with their feelings about sexual preferences is unhinged. They think it is morally good to spread you fetish.

>> No.23166480

Growing up with a TV, comic books, and degenerate modern media in general.

>> No.23166551

he knows what sells, he knows most readers are women and women love rape and torture

>> No.23166555

He's a jew

>> No.23166569

His series is based on history, which had plenty of torture and rape.

>> No.23166598 [DELETED] 
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>why does he like torture (and rape) so much?
why do you think women are really into big, scary, emotionally broken men that can kill in a heart beat? because its PRIMORDIAL, that which brought all of us into existence.

dude is listening to his intuition and it's not wrong.

>> No.23166603

>Only women read books

The absolute state of /tv/ in 2024, everyone

>> No.23166668

whats with the asoiaf spam recently?
is winds coming out and the publishers activated the shills to generate hype?

>> No.23166749

I just woke up and that’s already enough 4chan for today

>> No.23166757

He hates women, and chads, and blacks, and meds, and gays, and the Irish, and pretty much everyone. He's a full-blown misanthrope with nothing much to say.

>> No.23166768

Isn't the new season of House of the Dragon soon to arrive? These threads are probably made by employees of HBO, lol.

>> No.23166783

Don't knock it till you've tried it.

>> No.23166786
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>is winds coming out
most likely just this >>23166768

>> No.23166982

Kek, this. He can't go against his nature.

>> No.23166985

Need I say more?

>> No.23166994

Funnily enough, I broke up with a girl over this. Before we met she got raped apparently which is fine whatever right? Not her fault but the way she recounted it one time to me was just vile. She so blatantly (to me at least) enjoyed the memory of it that I had to leave her, like bros, I'm pretty well adjusted, I don't hate women or anything so when I tell you the zeal she spoke about it with made me ill it's not just a blackpill doomer thing. Although I'll freely admit I was quite demoralised after the fact

>> No.23167007

Bro, you are so shit in bed she was recounting her rape favorably compared to you. There is no up from here, dude. You shouldn't just leave her, you should kill yourself.

>> No.23167056
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I'm not too fussed, it was just one girl like 8 years ago anon. I've had plenty more since then.
>Caring about how good you are in bed
You're definitely like 18 or so

>> No.23167356

Bro, it just sounds like you have weak dick and have come to terms with never giving a woman an O.

>> No.23167359

Most readers of fiction are women. Publishers say this. Not me.

>> No.23167364

You never found a stable relationship because you are terrible at sex and your dick I tiny

>> No.23167373

Guys we have no way of knowing how small his dick is he is just a guy with his heart on his sleeve posting on lit, just like us. Let's have some brotherhood and magnamity

>> No.23167379

Nah, you got horny from her narrating her experience like a dumb cuck and that's why you think she enjoyed it.

>> No.23167387
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Martin is a fan not just of fantasy but horrifically Europe. He is just putting some of that reality into his fantasy. This is in contrast to Tolkien who did not write about medieval Europe. Tolkien wrote about pre historical mythical Europe. So that is why Tolkien’s world is not at all like the Middle Ages. Martin is though.

>> No.23167388

There isn't even that much torture and rape in his writing. That shits pretty much absent from Dunk and Egg and even in the main series you'd think it'd be in every other chapter from the way people act.
I feel like we're getting to that point in literature discussion where people that only heard descriptions of his stories from articles or haven't read his work in a decade are boiling it down to a bunch of stereotypes kind of like how the only thing normies recall about It is "le heckin child orgy" as if King had several chapters dedicated to it.

>> No.23167401

The most Chad character in the books is rhaegar and he is still beloved by the people of Westeros. Also barriston Selma is a boomer Chad.

>> No.23167413
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>All these chads on lit telling me how bad my love life is
Damn you guys really got me good, silly me and my average peepee. What am I like ay? Me and my tiny iddy biddy ween have probably had more sexo than the three of you put together, how mad?

>> No.23167416

Yet gays do it all the time so it's definitely socially acceptable

>> No.23167439

nono you see those 3 anons on this indonisian basket weaving forum surely know you and your sex life very well and in detail
thats why they are so confident in passing judgement on you
it surely has nothing to do with the fact that the more stupid you are the more likely you are to confidently judge other people while having little to no information about them

>> No.23167470

Nice cope. Come back when you're actually good at literary and artistic analysis.

>> No.23167472

Ben Shapiro ass nigga, you over here posting a celebration of being bad in bed and then trying to turn it around like you get a lot of women. Bruh, disappointing 10 women isn't a flex, it is a failing.

>> No.23167507

I bet he thinks he looks like Santa Claus with that board instead of looking like an old sex ofender.

>> No.23167542

One of the weirdest things about 4chan, and /lit/ especially is how quickly people will start "talking black" at the slightest argument. It's funny on the whole site but it's twice as funny on /lit/

I guess you're right, I should have known better than to argue with the alpha male lit hierarchy where everyone is a 6ft4 slayer

If you can't appreciate self-deprecating humour really the only way for you is up anon.

>> No.23167568

>Oops. I outed myself.
>I-i-it was self-deprecation guys. That's why I've spent the last hour defending myself from everyone laughing at me.
Cool story, bro.

>> No.23167579
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I'm not defending myself anon, I'm laughing at you. You're just to thick to realise it

>> No.23167604

>how quickly people will start "talking black"
consequences of twitter colloquialism. it was ironic until it wasn't and all conversation is poisoned with it

>> No.23167653

Cool story, bro.

>> No.23168562

Genre fiction (specially fantasy) is filled with old creepy autors who just want to let go of their unhingued depraved fantasies. You can tell by how detailed the sex scenes are. They love to give too much detail to the point it becomes ankward.

>> No.23170411

>my partner
Posting from the Castro, faggot?