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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 862x991, FinalformofaNEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23164740 No.23164740 [Reply] [Original]

What a brutal book.

>> No.23164752

tell us more anon, give us some quote that resonates with you, do some flapjacks, idk

>> No.23164753

The concept of talent is a meme gradually invented over the past 150 years. Wow, now just what do you think that coincides with?

>> No.23164758

"Any deficiencies in my sex life are a small price to pay for the pleasure of living apart from my fellow man”

>> No.23164967

>A man with no talent wins awards for his literary talent...
>exasperated pepe

>> No.23164974

If a man with no talent can win a prize, you can too, anon.

>> No.23165224

Based and literally me. Picked up.

>> No.23165231

I've never even kissed a girl
Other people...
They're kind of nasty
Hell is other people...
I'm sad I am unloved.
But I don't feel I have any choice.

>> No.23165239

It's a NEET book, not a incel book

>> No.23165249

I wouldn't say I'm incel

>> No.23165378

my brother in wotan, he literally worked for a living

>> No.23165393

Seems very interesting. I'm gonna start reading it tommorow

>> No.23165421

kek and /thread

>> No.23166560

I am baited yet again

>> No.23166859

By the end of the book he becomes a street NEET.

>> No.23166861

I made a youtube video about this last year but didn't post it. It's a really interesting book, very unique.

>> No.23166882

I don't get it.

>> No.23166963

WTF hes me

>> No.23166988

Me neither

>> No.23167338

I'll probably die of cancer before ever becoming a wagie. There probably more dignity in the former.

>> No.23167505

>being entirely dependent on others
I'm not gonna simp for wageslaving, but dignity has completely deserted you. the prosperity and charity of those around you is all that stands between you and beggarhood.

>> No.23167640

he is literally me.
except i became a sailor.
which is like a street labourer, except i have the possibility of drowning.
furthermore life as a sailor facilitates solitude.

>> No.23167645

>br00tal fr fr
off yourself zoomer

>> No.23167649

Sounds like a sort of romantic life. I’m envious. I’m 30 and never left my college town.

>> No.23167659

Everyone else does.

>> No.23167661

you could join the merchant marine and go to sea.
30 isn't old.

>> No.23167673

It is romantic right up until the point that you are taking a heaping shit and a errant sway sends your own dookie leaping up to give your asshole a goodbye kiss.

>> No.23167682 [DELETED] 

I did look into that a few years back. My understanding was that you need to go through an academy. Not sure this would be a good idea for me at this point since I have a very comfortable six figure remote job. At the time, I thought I was being kind of a leader by going against the grain. Everyone else was moving to the city and chasing bullshit hustler jobs. I chose to stay in a countryside college town and my plan was to buy a lot of land and start a farm, but it turned out I wasn’t being a leader. I was just self-selecting out of doing anything relevant anywhere that matters. Real estate is so expensive now I can’t even afford the farm anyway. So I guess it is what is is. All in all I can’t complain but I do wish I lived a sort of romantic life on the sea or in the army or something while I was young.

>> No.23167716

How do you do it

>> No.23167816

depends which country.
if you have the qualifications then go in as an officer cadet. Here in the UK a shipping company will "sponsor" you and pay for your training (usually 3 years of training for an officer). I think there is a similar set-up in the US.
Alternatively you can join up as a deck or engine rating. If you're in the UK the largest employer or merchant seaman is the royal fleet auxiliary. In the US it's military sealift command.
Even as a rating it will usually be 1 or 2 years of training.
I had to do 2 years of training/sea time to become a fully qualified able seaman.
I work for the RFA. 4 months on 3 months off. Pay isn't amazing but it's enough for me to travel globally in my time off. I'm living in an airbnb in hanoi atm. I enjoy the job. Get to go interesting places sometimes. Towards the end of the 4 month voyage i am desperate to get off but, towards the end of my 3 months leave i am desperate to get back to sea.
Pay is better in MSC but you get less leave/time off.
ultimately there is a lot of different potential employers and types of vessel you could be working on.

check the maritime general on /n/

>> No.23167939

well technically he now lives as a NEET off book royalties

>> No.23168025

>Newfag Nigger thinks brutal is a zoomer slang.

Tell me you're a newfag without saying.

>> No.23168541
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Post epub or you gay.

>> No.23168874
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These kind of books are kino.

>> No.23168881

>When I told him I was doing fieldwork for a doctorate in social anthropology, he immediately asked me if I was a Malinowskian functionalist or a Levi-Straussian structuralist. He had a copy of Levi-Strauss’s Le Regard Eloigné in his pocket. He lived in a run-down doss-house, in the filthiest room I have ever seen, with cobwebs, cockroaches, empty sake bottles, overflowing ashtrays and cigarette burns on the lank and greasy tatami.The room was stuffed with teetering piles of heavyweight scholarly monographs and intellectual magazines, and the walls were graffiti’d with his obsessive pictures of Nazi concentration camp guards.

>> No.23168904


>> No.23168908

Damn. Sounds like the average 4chan enjoyer.

>> No.23168920


>> No.23168939

even with a job you're still dependent on many others. this meme is stupid. money isn't the only form of dependency.

>> No.23169463
File: 137 KB, 640x422, 1680070410157963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ereader wiped all the notes and passages I saved from when I read this, I wish I could contribute to the thread more but its been so long since I read it. I do think its mandatory NEET literature and should be part of the /lit/ canon for that reason, along with Oblamov

>> No.23169547

Any other novels in the Superfluous Man cannon?

>> No.23169575

He doesn't mind he's not having sex because he enjoys not interacting with other people, specifically fellow men

>> No.23169602

cant even pirate this book the formatting is fucked

>> No.23169604

That's not a sufficient explanation for these retards, i'd bet.

>> No.23169672

>if I may disclose a secret hope, oyama writes, it would be that this record of my life be read with only the slightest and mildest of interest, and then be forgotten as quickly as possible
sorry buddy, i aint gonna forget you.

>> No.23169696

Genuinely how? Have you ever tried reading something harder than The Hungry Caterpillar? How have you ended up on the literature board?

>> No.23169702

lets just hope they are baiting, or at the worst some kind of Mexican or something

>> No.23169709
File: 41 KB, 456x509, 7e1wus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is hoped

>> No.23169720

funny pic

>> No.23169730

> life as a sailor facilitates solitude.
no. the other sailors on your ship give comradeship

>> No.23169753

Sounds gay and communist.

>> No.23170337

Buy the book, help Oyama Shiro.

>> No.23170343

Unironically relatable

>> No.23170352

don't pirate living authors, jew

>> No.23170353


>> No.23170405

a neet doesn't need money.

>> No.23170428

Dangerously based

>> No.23170438

just pretend im using a library

>> No.23170440

fine fine
i take it back; ill buy it ONLY because he seems cool

>> No.23170447
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that quote is stolen from my dairy desu

>> No.23170452

>>23168025 t.
I've been around for a while and this was used way before zoom zooms took over this shithole

>> No.23170461
File: 15 KB, 407x364, 1694728629408382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

regarding the ethics of pirating books
someone like houellebeck or pinchon is successful enough to not need my money
furthermore, if I'm piss broke I might as well pirate anything I'm interested in since I can't pay for it
who knows, maybe this or that thing I've read in an unrightfully pirated book might lead to me having material success (unlikely) and when that happens I will be able to pay back
but then again, piracy it's piracy and not theft

>> No.23170473

the thing is, I'm just not going to stop.

>> No.23170509

same, but not with books
I like having physical copies

>> No.23170521
File: 245 KB, 1280x1280, Major_levels_of_linguistic_structure.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, man, I'm Mexican #notallmexicans

>> No.23170565

Is it something related to the jews?

>> No.23170612


>> No.23170636

>It is easy enough to conjure up the sort of scene that would spark the outrage of someone like the activist Saitō: a wealthy executive riding in a chauffeured limousine driving by a homeless man foraging garbage from a trash can on the streets somewhere in the metropolis. Were he to witness such a scene, Saitō would be crying out for social justice until he was blue in the face. I, on the other hand, would be thinking about the heavy responsibilities shouldered by that same executive and feel very grateful not to be sitting in his seat. Since I can imagine just how carefree the life of a vagrant is, once he gets used to the idea of people watching him scavenge for his food, I don’t think of it as the ultimate tragedy that it is usually made out to be. Most important, a society that exhibits such an obvious gap between rich and poor is also one that tolerates diversity (insofar as it doesn’t round up the scavengers and cart them off to an institution). Just what a person considers to be the ultimate misfortune depends on that particular person’s values.

Wagiesbros... How could we ever recover?

>> No.23170968

Who knew that the spirit of Diogenes would be reincarnated as a 21st-century nippon man.

>> No.23170989
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>> No.23170993

I literally haven't had sex in 2 weeks because I've been holed up in my room depressed.

>> No.23171012

decent bait

>> No.23171019

i was talking about outside of work.
you do form great friendships at sea, not dissimilar to the strength of friendship that can form in the trenches or foxholes of a battlefield- but, they often begin and end on the gangway. once you pay-off you want to see anyone except your shipmates.

>> No.23171036
File: 459 KB, 821x736, dazai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that normalfags are incapable of suffering.

>> No.23171125

What book is this from? Is it from OP's book?

>> No.23171159

My research tells me that in the U.S. you basically have to go through a maritime academy. The benefit of jobs like this for people in their 30s with white collar jobs and careers like me is that you can resort to them, you can get into them quickly, work your butt off, and get paid. But if you have to go through an academy, it basically renders it unappealing.

>> No.23171168

No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>> No.23171171

Specifically it's from the Donald Keene translation.

>> No.23171263

thank you anon

>> No.23171287

It's gay and collectiveist, ie fascist too.

>> No.23171484


>> No.23171697


>> No.23171864

yes, it's not casual work.
it's a lifestyle as well as your job.
it's also not unskilled labour. even at the lowest levels it requires extensive knowledge and training hence the requirement for an academy and formalised training.

>> No.23171872

Sounds like its not a real option then

>> No.23171893

thats up to you

>> No.23171911
File: 121 KB, 643x1000, James Allen - 'As a Man Thinketh'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Here is a man who is wretchedly poor. He is extremely anxious that his surroundings and home comforts should be improved, yet all the time he shirks his work, and considers he is justified in trying to deceive his employer on the ground of the insufficiency of his wages. Such a man does not understand the simplest rudiments of those principles which are the basis of true prosperity, and is not only totally unfitted to rise out of his wretchedness, but is actually attracting to himself a still deeper wretchedness by dwelling in, and acting out, indolent, deceptive, and unmanly thoughts.