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23164518 No.23164518 [Reply] [Original]

>best philosopher and novelist of 20th century
How did he do it?

>> No.23164523

by constantly dumping fat loads into Simone De Beauvoir and innumerable teenaged French whores for his entire life, to keep the fog of a strong libido from interfering with his capacity for abstract thought.

>> No.23164549

how do I get a gf that will constantly find other women for me to bone?

>> No.23164554

you get a girl and manipulate her

>> No.23164558

he actually looks like a human in this picture

>> No.23164619

Be a prisoner and le French thinker.

>> No.23164673

anglefagging can make men look like women, and subhumans look like humans

>> No.23164861

what makes him the best philosopher of the 20th century?

>> No.23164892

I don't consider subhuman sexpests capable of philosophy, it's a shame he died late.

>> No.23164893
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And uh, I just said create your own meaning and if you can't do that go join a cause. It's philosophical antacid for nausea.

>> No.23164927
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>best composer, poet, dramatist and philosopher of the 19th century
How did he do it?

>> No.23166484


>> No.23166574

used his status to get with young women, he was also very persistent

>> No.23166575

Is he difficult to read?

>> No.23166585

His prose, no, his philosophy, yes

>> No.23166889
File: 66 KB, 776x1050, wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was an absolute sigma that never stopped until he made it. We're lucky he didn't actually get caught before he made it.
I think that is the only secret to all the big guys. Just working nonstop, and having the will and determination to go all-in and commit every day.

>> No.23166895
File: 198 KB, 772x900, wagner chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you're Wagneranon, I think I asked you this already a long time ago, but can you recommend a biography on him (outside of the autobiographies)?

>> No.23167058

As a young man, before he achieved his first success with Rienzi, or had written any music of eternal worth, he wrote this poem:

Here lies Wagner, who came to nothing:
Decorated not even by the crummiest order;
Couldn't lure a dog out from behind the stove;
Didn't get even [so much as] a university doctorate.

Hier liegt Wagner, der nichts geworden,
Nicht einmal Ritter vom lumpigsten Orden;
Nicht einen Hund hinterm Ofen entlockt 'er,
Universitäten nicht mal ’nen Doktor.

Cosima later records him reflecting on this state of mind:

>When he had written Rienzi and Der Fliegende Hollander he asked himself doubtfully whether he would ever belong among the chosen few great men. This feeling had diminished with time, but he said he could imagine that in some people it persisted and induced them to try every thing, even without the proper qualifications: on no account be a nobody!

And we find a philosophical confirmation of it in his A Communication to My Friends, which explicitly rejects the notion of the individual genius. Albeit under Schopenhauer he would recant this rejection, find himself to be a born genius, he found these virtues no less relevant to his own development:

>The fair sea-wife Wachilde had born a son to good King Viking: the three Norns came to greet the child, and dower it with gifts. The first Norn gave it strength of body, the second wisdom; and the grateful father bade them their seat beside his throne. But the third bestowed upon the child "the ne'er-contented mind that ever broods the New." Viking, aghast at such a gift, refused the youngest Norn his thanks; indignant, she recalled her gift, to punish his ingratitude.
>That one rejected gift: "the ne'er contented mind, that ever broods the New," the youngest Norn holds out to all of us when we are born, and through it alone might we each, one day, become a "Genius;" but now, in our craze for education, 'tis Chance alone that brings this gift within our grasp,—the accident of not becoming educated (erzogen). Secure against the refusal of a father who died beside my cradle, perchance the Norn, so often chased away, stole gently to it, and there bestowed on me her gift; which never left poor untrained me, and made Life and Art and mine own self my only, quite anarchic, educators.—

>> No.23167063

Ernest Newman's.

>> No.23167097
File: 883 KB, 2925x3945, wagner bauer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, king

>> No.23167198

>How did he do it ?


>> No.23167258
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as if any woman would look at that cross eyed monster more than twice or sideways (pun intended). you're right that he desired pedophiles and is worshipped by pedophiles such as you, though. Even de Beauvoir had to loosen her skirt for other men because of how hard he probably repulsed her, and he was fine with it; even he knew he was repulsive; hence his pedophilia. Children can't say no, can they?

>> No.23167282

He sucks at both
His novels are dogshit made to illustrate his philosophy
His philosophy is watered down Kierkeergard with added French posturing

>> No.23167357

Holy incel cope

>> No.23167363

Thanks for the rare Bauer.

>> No.23167627

You are confused my friend. Sartre was a deformed midget and actual cuckold. The reality of his bodily condition inevitably shaped his worldview predicated on resentment, much like most leftist ideology. He was an ungrateful wretch, criticizing the freedom and prosperity of the society he lived in, while cheerleading the abuses of Stalin's nightmare state. The irony is that these over-educated ideologues would be first against the wall in their revolution.

>> No.23167642

This post makes me feel like I gotta shower after reading it

>> No.23167650

>The irony is that these over-educated ideologues would be first against the wall in their revolution.
Not really. Almost all commies loved decadent intellectuals. Only Pol Pot actually went through with this so commies call him a fake communist to cope.

>> No.23167698

jeff goldblum is a philosopher?

>> No.23167702

Up until there was some transgression and he deviated from the party line like Trotsky.

>> No.23167710
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It's best not to stare at the sun during an eclipse.

>> No.23167719

>best philosopher and novelist of 20th century

>> No.23167984

I do not understand how any human being could admire Sartre.

>> No.23168020

came here to post this
you can't lose with fat french dumpers

>> No.23168061
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what is eyes.
sorry I mean what are eyes.

>> No.23168067
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he didn't even wear round glasses the best of 20th century philosopher-novelists

>> No.23168070

* I should have said he wasn't even the best round-glasses-wearing 20th century philosopher-novelist. I'm going to go read for a few more years before I make my next post.
sorry guys.

>> No.23168195

>seething on a level previously unheard of
>made sure to specifically say pedo three separate times
I can smell you from here you unkempt faggot, take a shower. Were you dumb enough to fall for the Q psyop too?