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/lit/ - Literature

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23163361 No.23163361 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books set in Canadian cities?

Canada has changed drastically in the last 20 or so years. What are some novels that capture the time before the mass migration, or books that capture the current time we're living in of drug use, foreign influence, and atomization?

Let's see if the mods ban this thread while allowing the "kill yourself guy" to spam up threads telling people to kill themselves while they're never banned.

>> No.23163417

I don't know dick about Canadian novelists, unless I've read one by accident. I can only imagine that books critical of the government and policies wouldn't be funded and subsidized by the government, as 80% of the media is.

>> No.23163435
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Who wins book awards in Canada?

The crazy amount of astroturfing of Canadian culture is exactly why I have to never stop writing and always push to get my voice out. Would be nice to find a handful of other Canadian authors like me in the world. It is hard to organize online because without meeting face-to-face, it is impossible to trust anyone else.

>> No.23163459
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Norm Macdonald's Based In a True Story: A Memoir

>> No.23163469

Not sure if this is centered around a Canadian city and the urban culture contained within, but Norm is definitely a gem in a sea of shit.

>> No.23163483

Samefag. Stop shilling your shit, Jason.

>> No.23163529

Not shilling, friendo, we're discussing literature based in Canadian cities. Got anything to add?

>> No.23163638

your wife and daughter hate you and left you for a reason

>> No.23163653

I can still build another family once I have 10+ books done, so why would that be a concern?

You don't seem to have much ammunition against me. Why not attack the first line of my 3rd book? Oh wait, it's too good! :)

>> No.23163658

help jason bryan build a new family! buy his books today!

>> No.23163667

Whose books should we buy if we want to drain the Bryan genetic pool for good?

>> No.23163678

It is funny that nobody is attacking the work anymore, it is too good.

>> No.23163751

That's because nobody is bothering to read the Amazon preview anymore.

>> No.23163787

Does /lit/ read, or does /lit/ just crab?

>> No.23163800


>> No.23163815
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>you dropped this

>> No.23163860
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Pure AI slop that occasionally lapses into the usual JB howlers, which makes for unintentionally hilarious reading.

>> No.23163880

At least it won't put anyone to sleep like Zulu's snorefest trash.

>> No.23163893

Who is Jason Bryan?

>> No.23163896

I'd put chapter 3 or chapter 9 up against anything /lit/ has written. It flows so beautifully and is a fun read.

>> No.23163898

Jason pls. This is embarrassing.

>> No.23163904

The Jungle Book.
Curry and Rice.
The Siege of Krishnapur.
Journey to the West.
Dream of the Red Chamber.

>> No.23163906

Not at all, the book is a work of art.

>> No.23163909

>Curry and Rice.
Is this about Brampton?

What cities are these books about?

>> No.23163921


>> No.23163961

Where do you people find this shit?

>> No.23164044

>they can't find any paragraphs to ridicule and they don't post anymore because the book is too good

>> No.23164189
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Need more urban tales of insane crackheads and true misfits of the streets... where are these types of books?

I'd assume they'd all have to be relatively new, because the crackheads were never as crazy as they are in 2024 in 2004, for example. Shit, in 2004, the streets were practically pristine in comparison to the insane shit you can witness on nearly any decently large town in Canada.

>> No.23164269
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It might not be what you want, but you might enjoy:
Fifth Business, by Robertson Davies
The Underpainter, by Jane Urquhart
Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town, by Stephen Leacock
Fifteen Dogs, by Alex Alexis
In The Skin of a Lion, by Michael Ondaatje
Obasan, by Joy Kogawa
Those are the ones that I've read.

Otherwise, there's probably a bunch authors which probably satisfy your question, but I can't speak to their quality or enjoyment:
Mordecai Richler
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Miriam Toews
Margaret Laurence
Alice Munro
Douglas Coupland

Regardless, as a country, we lack a real literary tradition outside of some poets that no one reads.

>> No.23164282

>Douglas Coupland
This dude is gay, a complete fucking hack, and 100% astroturfed by our shitty state broadcaster here in Canada. This dude is a living embodiment of globohomo and 100% supports everything you'd imagine a modern Canadian supports.

>> No.23164288

>or books that capture the current time we're living in of drug use, foreign influence, and atomization
The little I've read of him, I've disliked.

>> No.23164303

I've met him before and he's 100% exactly like you'd expect. The "arts scene" in Vancouver was basically gay communists who get government grants and interviews from the CBC. The 4-5 years I spent navigating those social circles really opened my eyes to how much certain groups take over crowds and institutions. To find masculine straight men who write, or even make art at all, is so fucking rare. It is 90%+ queer mystery meats or women, the rest gay guys. A couple regular women, the rest are all the septum-piercing types who hate capitalism but exist because of capitalism.

>> No.23164312

Douglas Coupland, to sum him up in 1 sentence, is a big blubbering gay man who is gay gay gay and open about it, and flirty with every cock within 30 feet.

The embodiment of fat gay man who hits on every man stereotype. He had a bunch of groupies around him and was just doing the "I'm a bald fat gay man" routine. This is what gets you popular in Canadian art circles.

>> No.23164885
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Vancouver "art", almost as bad as the anti-white exhibit that ran recently indoors at the art gallery. Douglas Cope-land is a complete hack, which is exactly why the guy gets press in this shithole of a country.

>> No.23164994

This is a question that can be answered by Google. There are Canadian literary foundations and literary magazines, University programs, professors, all kinds of references available to you.

>> No.23165005

>here are Canadian literary foundations and literary magazines, University programs, professors,
As the second anon quoted, that was the problem I highlighted. I'm aware of the Canadian publishing industry and how it works, which turned me off from reading anything written since I've been alive.

>> No.23165020

>There are Canadian literary foundations and literary magazines, University programs, professors, all kinds of references available to you.
Those are all staffed by fags and normies, unfortunately.

>> No.23165027
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>septum piercing personified

>> No.23165443

Admittedly, I haven't read her stuff, but she's a nice person to talk to.

>> No.23165507
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All of these writers are indoctrinated at the Universities and share all of the same opinions. It is partially why the Canadian cultural landscape is so completely and utterly devoid of organic life.

They are all sheltered as fuck, and the winners are all chosen based on their "minority" identities. We are living in Trudeau's complete dystopia.

>> No.23165946

When did you talk to her, and why?

>> No.23167145
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Set in Montreal

>> No.23167192

Can't find anywhere to read it online

>> No.23167252

That was not a requirement on the OP.

>> No.23167265

I read this book when I was like 10 or 11–my aunt had it on her bookshelf, and from the cover I assumed it was a kid’s book. It left me moderately traumatised.

It’s on libgen, retard.

>> No.23167266

Link, dork?

>> No.23167272

Go on libgen and look it up yourself, retard.

>> No.23167285

Who's Jason?

>> No.23167317

Most based man in Canada

>> No.23167391

Look up Quebecois romans du terroir if you want stuff from old OLD Canada with heavy tradcath nationalist vibes.

also you should kill yourself

>> No.23167432

>OLD Canada with heavy tradcath nationalist vibes.
You mean the fags that let the country turn into what it is today?

>also you should kill yourself
Going to keep writing while you seethe on the sidelines

>> No.23167667

>504 Gateway Time-out
Site's fucked yo

>> No.23167786

The libgen link worked for me, so I uploaded the epub to a file sharing service for you. Here you go, retard.

>> No.23167867

Sweet, thanks dipshit

>> No.23167877
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She's the currently the Mabel Pugh Taylor Writer in Residence for McMaster University. She works with writers and collaborates with the Hamilton Public Library at different events.
Her time is almost up in the position, but there are a few events that she's still slated for in the local scene.
Unfortunately, I didn't manage to book 1-on-1 time with her regarding my writing, since her office hours were filled with subpar academics and hack geriatrics. No real loss, since I'm willing to guess that she wouldn't like my stuff (nor I hers).

>> No.23167919

Diversity hire 100%

>> No.23168532

Haha that book is decent, the part where the 12 year old is slamming the broomhandle on the floor because the nammers downstairs are cooking stinky food is 100% accurate. I lived in a building when I was like 20 years old and a neighbour ate durian and half the building wanted to fucking lynch them. Someone threw a brick through their patio window and they finally stopped bringing that fucking fruit into the building.

>> No.23168981

>trying to think of anything set in St. John's specifically, or Newfoundland generally
>most of the shit is "white trash townies acting like white trash" - drug users, petty crime enthusiasts, etc.
>what isn't, is stuff like "a complete history of one shipwreck off of Podunk Cove"

>> No.23168990

no prob, virgin

>> No.23168993

Sunshine sketches of a little town is good for this purpose, but it's old.

Watch early seasons of trailer park boys if you want to see what Canada was like 20 years ago. Unironicqlly accurate, especially for maritimers

>> No.23168994
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Pictel if you like historical fiction (sort of), or a handful of books by the same authot

>> No.23169118

There's always Life of Pi by Yann Martel.

>> No.23169326

i've read The Innocents. It was pretty good desu I need to check The Adversary out, thanks anon!

>> No.23169564

The last 2 books I tried reading that were set in Canada turned out to both be about trannies.

>> No.23169968

Hahahaha, yep, Canada for you!

>> No.23170050

Do you remember what they were called? I want to look up whether or not the government paid for them... Canada is so fucked.