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23163294 No.23163294 [Reply] [Original]

>does a bunch of spice melange in the desert
>gains the ability of prescience, the ability to see all possible paths the future can take
>sees that all possible paths end in the destruction of the human race, except one, calls this path the golden path
>turns self into a giant sandworm with a human face that can live for thousands of years, declares self God Emperor of the universe

>> No.23163388

who are you quoting

>> No.23163405

This shit is so stupid. How did anyone ever take Dune seriously?

>> No.23163442

The real question is, does he fuck sandworms?

>> No.23163444

Sorry it's not Dr.Seuss bro

>> No.23163453

No, he drives them to extinction

>> No.23163458
File: 31 KB, 480x480, big think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did Leto mean by this?

>> No.23163791

>refuses to elaborate

>> No.23163805
File: 549 KB, 480x800, TIMESAND___TheLivingGod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all possible paths end in the destruction of the human race, except one

>> No.23163900

who is this?

>> No.23163910

Really fucking lame.
If you're going to turn into a god emperor at least look cool.

>> No.23163918

Paul is nothing more than a regular 18-year old boy with some masculinity insecurities, when he 'accidentally' breaks his mother's old teapot while training with his friend Gurney Halleck. What he doesn't realize is that the teapot was actually a heirloom possessing the spirit of femininity, so now he and the fremen must atone for their crime by being force feminized by every single woman they meet until they become nothing more than brainless bimbo girls.

>> No.23163989

>gets assassinated

>> No.23164397
File: 134 KB, 306x512, God_Emperor_of_Dune_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's a giant dong with a Pharaoh's face, what's not cool about it?

>> No.23164467

It was so badass I love God Emperor Leto he’s so cool

>> No.23164507

Its like a giant cock with it's mushroom tip sliced off to reveal some homunculus parasite living underneath.

>> No.23164664

Don't the nobility all have concubines in the Dune series? What do they do with the emperor after he turns into a giant worm? Are they gold diggers who just do it for the luxury harem life or giga degenerates who actually want worm-on-woman action?

>> No.23165360

It emerges that Leto has had many wives, but was unable to consummate his marriages for obvious reasons.
This basically makes him the biggest cuck in the universe.

>> No.23165363
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>> No.23165751

he turned himself into a sandworm
funniest shit I ever seen

>> No.23165778

If the fremen are constantly inhaling spice why don’t they all just turn into navigators or something similar?

>> No.23165785

I believe navigator/prophecy genes are very rare and the space guild is specifically selected for and selectively bred. In most people it just does normal spice shit.

>> No.23165820
File: 314 KB, 306x512, 5u3ew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a semi sentient regenerative vessel that provides sustenance on the thousand+ year timescale, nigh invulnerability, and burrowing mobility through the upper mantle of the planet. Yes, the user can detach itself from the sheath, but its purpose is to provide meditative seclusion.
>unable to consummate
Just as you all enjoy bemoaning god for allowing evil to exist, so too would a truly prescient emperor be seen as a devil for neglecting its inherent responsibility of planning the future of local space, indulging in such primitive degeneracy as sex for pleasure, or for procreation, spreading chaos by sowing many bratty power hungry offspring that would interrupt full prescient capacity.

This thread exists because most of you are too low tier to be able to relate to such grandiose obligations, further cementing 4chan as tard territory no longer worth high tier time.

>> No.23165845

ok but this pic clearly shows that he's like 20 feet tall

>> No.23165865

Well I'd like to see how tall you are when you're God Emperor

>> No.23166019


>> No.23166051

God Emperor really jumped the shark.
It was cool in Children of Dune when being part worm just gave him hard skin no knife could puncture, super speed, and super strength.
The whole ''I TURNED MYSELF INTO A WORM MORTY'' was dumb.

>> No.23166498

Because navigators need special genes, and those are not present in the fremen genepool. Fremen literally do not have what it takes to be a navigator at a genetic level.

>> No.23166659

Navigators will immerse themselves in ludicrous amounts of spice. Way more than what Fremen ingest .This was part of why they were willing to make secret deals with the fremen for a secondary source of spice in exchange for the satellite "ban" on Arrakis

>> No.23166664

I'm pretty sure he still has all of those powers. He just finds it very funny to be a large worm-man. There's that part in the book where he mulls over growing a large pseudopenis just to mess with the Bene Gesserit

>> No.23166675

>He just finds it very funny to be a large worm-man.

>> No.23167962

>He just finds it very funny to be a large worm-man
No, his sandworm part is going to grow because it is its own organism and Leto is just a symbiotic consciousness
It's like Paul with the fremen, when he realizes that they are going to jihad no matter what and he can just be at the forefront directing this inevitable force
iirc Leto talks about becoming more worm like in his thoughts as the millenia pass
>There's that part in the book where he mulls over growing a large pseudopenis just to mess with the Bene Gesserit
He didn't think of growing one he was thinking of having a prosthetic one designed and attached
It was to mess with Duncan since he was coping with being cucked by Leto marrying Hwi

>> No.23167990

>Be ''immortal'' human/worm hybrid
>Mortal weakness: Water.
Amazing story telling A+ what a genius.

>> No.23167994

>The human race is dying and stagnating because IT JUST IS OKAY?! And the only way for me to save them is to become a dictator because IT JUST IS OKAY?!
Shit writing. Being the gigabrain that he is leto could have easily come up with a better scheme than the golden path. And the emperors before him (paul and shaddam) were already tyrants so he wasn't doing anything new.

>> No.23168015

A prince of the universe becomes a giant bug with abelites to see every possible event in the future because he took a spice.

It's fucking ridiculous, shouldn't be polluting anyone's mind, and is FAR inferior to Dr. Seuss.

>> No.23168017

Why do people keep saying this like they never read the books.
Leto is making SURE the human race is stagnating because the other futures were complete destruction of humanity through wars/weapons/fighting.

>> No.23168113

The spice or melange was just the sci-fi version of psilocybin (which Frank Herbert indeed extensively experimented with and praised).

The whole Bene Gesserit and Mentat training thing took a lot of influence from Herbert’s study of Sufism and some historical Sufi military groups like the Janissaries. (Of course, the whole Dune story also initially works as an obvious allegory about the Arabian peninsula/Middle Eastern politics, oil, and Islam, before it gets progressively wackier and wackier and harder to tie in as a one-to-one allegory to these. “Arrakis” = “Iraqis” duh, etc.) The Zensunni way of the Fremen, while it sounds ridiculous and funny at first (that Sunni Islam would be syncretized with Zen), indeed has some precedents in some Sufis’ history of syncretization or influence from other geographically adjacent traditions like Yoga, Tantra, and Buddhism (Buddhism that flourished in Afghanistan once, for instance) and even some posited two-way influence between some Sufis and some Zen Buddhists through such Silk-Route-adjacent-routes, as well as even plausibly Inner Asian/Mongolian shamanism.

The whole thing about the Bene Gesserit and Mentats developing psychic abilities from psychic training is a very interesting and fanciful reshaping of the conception of both Buddhist and Hindu yogis or siddhas developing such “siddhis” through yoga (spiritual training), as well as the folkloric belief that Sufi sheikhs and dervishes also have such powers. Really fun stuff. For me, the mysticism (and deconstruction of mysticism) of Dune is one of my favorite parts.

>> No.23168120

> Why do people keep saying this like they never read the books. Leto is making SURE the human race is stagnating
He did that to create the no-gene and prevent humanity from being controlled by psychics like himself a second time so he’s using stagnation to prevent stagnation. The fact that his plan involved stagnating humanity is completely irrelevant to the fact that other timelines also featured stagnation and you’re really just being pedantic here.
>because the other futures were complete destruction of humanity through wars/weapons/fighting
Right and again that’s retarded writing because it’s never really explained why humans will go extinct if Leto doesn’t follow his dumb plan we’re just told humanity will.
>but what about the spice shortage
I’d can make No-ships

>> No.23168125


>> No.23168158

Lurk moar, child.

>> No.23168287

These books are le bing bing wahoo tier.

>> No.23169145

>it’s never really explained why humans will go extinct if Leto doesn’t follow his dumb plan we’re just told humanity will.
Because literally all of human civilization is dependent on one planet whose ecosystem can be destroyed with a supersoaker? Because all of human civilization is ruled by one guy, who can easily destroy everything? Because at literally any point some dipshit like paul can just take over the galaxy and do a supergenocide? Reread the book nigga

>> No.23170040

>Because literally all of human civilization is dependent on one planet whose ecosystem can be destroyed with a supersoaker?
I'm going to be honest, I never understood this, cause isn't this kind of dependency self imposed? I know spice is needed for interstellar travel in the absence of computers, but assuming the empire collapsed, what's to say no planet wouldn't eventually redevelop computing technology?

>> No.23170048


>> No.23170110


>> No.23170179

Because the last time they did ai took over the world and fucked everything up. Maybe some isolated planet develops advanced computers, they get lucky and their AI is "benevolent", and nobody else tries to murder them, but otherwise computers are mostly a dead end

Also a huge theme in the later books is freedom by not being dependent on stuff. If you need some godlike AI or spice from the other side of the universe or whatever to live, you're in no way actually free