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/lit/ - Literature

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23163038 No.23163038 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on this board forcing themselves to read just to appear sophisticated even though they don't enjoy it

>> No.23163040

he's taking about me

>> No.23163041

I like to think that no matter who you are, there are many books for you which you'd enjoy reading

>> No.23163066

Phew, good thing I'm forcing myself to read just to appear sophisticated and I DO enjoy it then!

>> No.23163071

Nobody can voluntarily do something consistently for long periods if they don't enjoy it at some level.

>> No.23163109


deluded, go touch grass

>> No.23163111

It distracts me from the oppressive loneliness and lack of mental stimulation. My life is basically a 24/7 stay in solitary confinement.

>> No.23163112

no one forces themself to read to appear sophisticated. you just pretend to have read books.

>> No.23163129

I used to read classics without enjoying them much, then a switch flipped and suddenly they're almost all great and I regard most modern novels as slop.

Keep going! Our bent of taste can be improved by force!

>> No.23163138

I feel like you have to acquire a taste for art the same way you do for certain food. I think that’s why so many WASP’s are obsessed with the classics, because it shows they have a bunch of time and money to sit around all day reading.

>> No.23163141

I look forward to reading my wh40k slop every evening and I wouldn't want it any other way

>> No.23163153

i think the more you get educated and involved with an art form the more you become open, its actually really beautiful because the love and will to explore makes you appreciate even the 'ugly' stuff, for example in music, the fields of noise, metal, etc. i believe it actually makes people more understanding

>> No.23163154

Based honest anon.
But seriously, why not just play vidya and watch anime?

So you're saying that reading is a Stockholm syndrome activity you delude yourself into enjoying like some kind of cattle?

>> No.23163158

>why not just play vidya and watch anime?
Maybe because they're not underage or a pathetic manchild? Anon clearly said it distracts him from lack of mental stimulation. Video games and Japanese cartoons are just brainrot.

>> No.23163167

>Fun is for children, adults are supposed to suffer
You're a textbook example of the clown depicted in the OP.

>> No.23163179

If this is your honest opinion I’m genuinely baffled at how you’re using a computer because your iq must be sub 40. Have you ever learnt anything? A new topic, a piece of music? It sucks and is hard at first until it starts to click and becomes easier. The experience of reading great literature can be profound, but you’ll probably need to struggle through it at times. Everyone bangs on about Ulysses but most people need whole other explainer books to even get what the fuck is going on.

>> No.23163180

Couldn't be me. I have my own reasons for reading what I do, but looking cultured in front of others certainly isn't one of them.

>> No.23163237

The average person works a soul-sucking 9-5 job for 50 years straight

>> No.23163238

>le suffering is good in itself

>> No.23163245

Reading is like taking a bath or meditating or exercising for me. I feel great when I do it but still I have to force myself to start it.

>> No.23163286

if you aren’t used to read, it can be a bit painful at first.
Some people force themselves to read despite not enjoying it because they hope they’ll enjoy it eventually and be able to take pleasure in discovering the world of literature.

>> No.23163289

OP can not conceive that some activities require discipline and are enjoyable at the same time. I wonder what he thinks of sports.

>> No.23163313

I think most people are here out of genuine curiosity. Reading is the best attempt to understand how the world work.

Let’s be honest the chance that you run into someone ‘in the wild’ who likes reading or learning is very rare. Perhaps if you’re in a graduate program or university you might meet real people like this. For the rest of us - we are completely derived of intellectual stimulation in this shithole pseudo capitalistic world. That’s a bigger motivation than impressing people.

>> No.23163330

The average person is passively suicidal and/or retarded, ergo they want to engage in soul sucking meaningless labor.

>> No.23163352
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>read a book
>get emotionally invested
>book ends
>spend the next week wanting to kill myself

>> No.23163358

Adults have fun, it's called having hobbies, sex, alcohol, etc. You're an illiterate manchild playing video games and watching Japanese cartoons.

>> No.23163379

>meaningless hookups and getting shitfaced
ok manchild

>> No.23163380

>alcohol good, vidya bad
Degenerate detected, opinion discarded.

>> No.23163383

I actually read and lift and like mathematics.
But I like baiting /lit/ and getting that dopamine from (You)s. I run like 5 threads at all times.

>> No.23163385

Buy the books, don't read the books, donate the books to the thrift. Keeping the shelves of the thrift stocked with unread books. Thanks.

Simply This

>> No.23163392

You have a real problem with reading comprehension. Nowhere in my original post did I say "fun bad", and nowhere in my second post did I say "sex and alcohol = random hookups and getting shitfaced".
See above. Replace alcohol with smoking, cooking, whatever, I was just counting things that adults do for fun, as opposed to playing video games and watching Japanese cartoons, which is for children.

>> No.23163393

>adults do things I approve of
>if you do anything else ur not a real adult
nobody cares about your approval

>> No.23163399

You seem to care a lot, you're extremely flustered by some facts of life. You're wasting time here. Why don't you go ahead and play your silly little video games and masturbate to your chink cartoons?

>> No.23163401

You're just digging your hole deeper, kiddo.

>> No.23163403
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>You seem to care a lot, you're extremely flustered by some facts of life. You're wasting time here. Why don't you go ahead and play your silly little video games and masturbate to your chink cartoons?

>> No.23163409
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>newsflash: people in the world are driven by motives that OP finds impure

>> No.23163410

These are simple facts of life, not even activities I necessarily engage in, but you're clearly flustered because I'm dismissing your childish hobbies, and obviously have trouble reading and understanding, which is ironic because this is a literature board. Maybe you should read some books instead of playing video games and watching pornographic cartoons 24/7.

>> No.23163418

It's more like you have a teenager's understanding of what adults do, but hopefully you'll grow out of it eventually.

>> No.23163426

Adults have hobbies, they go outside, engage in sports, they cook, they take care of the house and garden, etc. They also have sex and they drink or smoke for fun. On the other hand, manchildren play video games and masturbate to Japanese cartoons all their lives. They also get extremely pissy when somebody tells them that's not a substitute for a personality. It's an addiction, stoners are similar. Guess that's what you'll do.

>> No.23163436

everything that requires discipline is unnatural. reading is like eating.

Fall to them as you find your stomach serves you.
No profit grows where is no pleasure ta'en.

>> No.23163440

do adults flame people on 4chan

>> No.23163441

>He said, having spent the past 30 throwing a tantrum on /lit/ and furiously monitoring for replies

>> No.23163452
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I'm illiterate though

>> No.23163463

A hobby can be video games, though I think a better hobby mightbe something that could prove to be more useful later in your life, like carpentry, drawing, playingguitar, etc. You have to have the desire to learn those things though, to will yourself to do them.

>> No.23163464

video games and tv shows are hobbies

>> No.23163470

>an average person is an NPC

>> No.23163475
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I want a pizza. :/

>> No.23163476

>implying the average person isn't passively suicidal BECAUSE they have to work 9-5 for 50 years

>> No.23163477

Hope about you stop worrying about everyone else and go read a book?

>> No.23163487

I had pizza two hours ago. :D

>> No.23163503

How about you stop worring about everyone else worrying about everyone else and go read a book?

>> No.23163574

how about you etc

>> No.23163584
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Pizza has saved the day!

>> No.23164078

how bout u