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/lit/ - Literature

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23161617 No.23161617 [Reply] [Original]

I fell for the Kindle meme and honestly? It's pretty great. Much easier to carry something around that has hundreds, if not thousands of books that you want to read. Some books aren't available but the ones that are good to read on something that is very close to reading a physical book

>> No.23161710

ereader for genre, physical books for literature.

>> No.23161759


>> No.23161825

great books that move you and teach you and are beautiful to look at are rare, so keeping a small collection of those is good, but no need for mere entertainment to take up space.

>> No.23161836

Not him but easier to write notes in the margins and refer back to previous chapters in a physical book.

>> No.23161846
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I like my fantasy book with maps, and e-readers make it hard to flip back to that kind of stuff. picrel, my fav series and it has some maps but I can't be bothered to jump back in an e-reader to look at them

>> No.23161870

Why are other shill threads banned but Kindle threads are not banned? This isn't even about literature but technology (/g/).

>> No.23161903
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Yep. it's just all around better.
The benefits are plenary. You save money, you save space, you save time. I am positive that I never would've read as many books as I have, if not for my trusty Kobo Clara 2E.
Anyone here arguing against having a library in your pocket, is a downright fool.

>> No.23161909

In other words, you need your funko-pops.

You can write notes more efficiently in an e-reader, one tap import them to your PC/phone.

In other words, you are a child who reads picture books.

>> No.23161911

I read 0 books last year. got a kobo in January, and I'm on my 7th book now. it has made reading so accessible for me and has been probably the best purchase I've made in years

>> No.23161915

It's not reading. You're skimming.
Information is processed differently on a screen.

>> No.23161922

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

If you want to discuss gadgets or technology go to >>>/g/.

>> No.23161943

I've been using a Kobo for over a decade. My first girlfriend even gave me a case for it in 2010. I prefer reading paper books, but if I'm traveling or reading a really fat book it's more convenient. Plus I can download all the shit I want. I think if you don't have an ereader you're either a luddite or not serious about books.

>> No.23161947

>source: brainfacts.org

>> No.23161949

I remember the exact same amount of information from the books I've read on my kobo as I've read on real books years ago. maybe you have an attention issue when you're in front of a screen but that doesn't apply to everyone, get medicated

>> No.23161950

>I think if you don't have an ereader you're... not serious about books.

>> No.23161952

>I think if you don't have an ereader you're either a luddite or not serious about books.
I'm neither of those.

>> No.23161961

>I think if you don't have an ereader you're either a luddite or not serious about books.

Yep. Rather than ACTUALLY read, they would rather have the APPEARANCE of being a reader.

>> No.23161966

exact opposite of funko collecting.
funkos are genre consumption, literally do not collect them.
nice knee-jerk reaction though.

>> No.23161974

Sure, as long as you don't become a fag and treat it like millennials do their bing bing wahoo machines. It's a tool, nothing more.

>> No.23161977

Too late. Faggots already made the heckin ereader a part of their personality.

>> No.23162004

Genuinely, why don't you have an ereader? I freely admit real books are superior but you can go around your house/town with something the size of a notepad with a million books loaded in it. I keep buying $100 collector books but I usually end up reading the plastic machine more.

>> No.23162016

>In other words, you are a child who reads picture books.
Not that anon, but he's right. Reading anything with illustrated content is a fucking pain in the ass on an e-reader, at least the ones I've owned. My 60-year-old LOTR trade paperback is a lot better to read for the maps in the endpaper than the Kobo version.

>> No.23162024

Well I rarely go out or travel. I have an iPad where sometimes I check out some books. I don't see the point of ereaders.

>> No.23162031

>I don't see the point of ereaders.
For me around the house it sometimes is so I can read without a giant hardcover book while I'm trying to relax in bed or whatever. Backlit tablets like iPads aren't the same. An e-ink reader reads like a book instead of a computer screen.

>> No.23162042

>An e-ink reader reads like a book
False. That's just marketing. Nothing really reads like a book.

>> No.23162054

>Nothing really reads like a book.
I mean as far as your eyeballs processing it. A reflective screen reads differently from a backlit screen.

>> No.23162161

>I don't see the point of ereaders
I've read hundreds of books on my kindle and bought fewer than a dozen, that's the point

>> No.23162167

Nothing is the same as paper.
Could be done in my iPad.

>> No.23162170

I knew a guy in his 50s who suddenly decided to minmax his entire life. He sold all his books and got a Kindle, ripped all his CDs and sold them, ripped all his DVDs and sold them, and got rid of his bookshelves and stereo/TV. You could say something about disgusting Amercians but he was Irish.

>> No.23162184

other screens aren't the same as ereader screens and you have absolutely no good argument against this

>> No.23162189
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OK. Books are still superior.

>> No.23162195

I've never argued against that, here or otherwise, books are obviously superior. ereaders have their benefits though, mainly in their portability and ease of access to millions of books for free, and you retards will keep saying they're useless and stupid when you just don't have anywhere to go in your lives so you personally don't see the need for them.

>> No.23162202

I never said they were useless. I said they did nothing for me. This thread shouldn't even exist btw.

>> No.23162208

No science to back this up btw

>> No.23162269

I have a 1000+ physical books and multiple hundred on my Kobo.

Paper is vastly superior in terms of the experience. Also ebooks can have weird transfer issues and illustrations are garbage.

I pirate all e-books…so it’s nice to not have to buy them. I usually preview an ebook and If I like it I’ll try to buy a physical copy. But I look at the cost/reward ratio. Specific literary criticism or niche academic books can be pricy. So it just depends.

I hate minalism, so of course I have books everywhere. My bookshelves are full, nightstand full, books on floor….even document boxes full of them. I figure I need to find space for another 1000 or so. Just gonna have to find a way to make it work. I try to get rid of them but I find eventually I’ll want something out of a book I gave away. So I’ve decided to cut back on my giving away.

For this hobby we live in the damn golden age. Think of all the inflation….books are one of the few things that are cheaper relative to income than they were 50 years ago.

>> No.23162358

Without piracy sites it would be a lot less superior as an alternative.
Imagine having to leave your house to get something you want to read, or placing an order and having to wait.

>> No.23162367

This is why humanity is dying btw. Instant gratification. No, I will not elaborate.

>> No.23162368

Pretty good bait

>> No.23162376


>> No.23162378

Humanity is dying because Judeo-Christianity triumphed in the mind of the White Race over National Socialism, period.

>> No.23162383

No. Technology had a far worse effect on humanity than Christianity.

>> No.23162398

For you to make it an either/or thing shows you don't like reading, so it makes sense why you wouldn't like e-readers. Only book lovers are able to appreciate them.

>> No.23162409

Already said that I own an iPad. ereaders are literally useless for me. I can download books and have many of the features of an ereader and way more. What's your problem?

>> No.23162412

>Could be done in my iPad
So you use an ipad and 4chan and a smartphone and all this other technology, but when it comes to e-readers that's a bridge too far. I don't understand this attitude whatsoever, it's bizarre and alien to me.
Like on one hand you say you read stuff on a tablet, then turn around and argue you can't retain information unless you can smell the paper (which isn't true anyways). It's irrational.

>> No.23162421

I dunno. That you're an idiot? If the best reason you have for not using e-readers is that they're redundant, so is your opinion but you're still giving me that.

>> No.23162424

>Like on one hand you say you read stuff on a tablet,
Sometimes I use it as a secondary thing to my reading. It's not my primary method. Sometimes I just use it to compare texts.
>you can't retain information unless you can smell the paper (which isn't true anyways)
It's not about smelling and yes, it's true you have a lower retention when you read from a screen.
>It's irrational.
I don't see how.

>> No.23162427

This /g/ slop thread is disgustingly redundant if you check the archive yet it's here. Curious.

>> No.23162505

I love my kindle, but for some reason when I added a book from my PC to it, the cover changed to something different. Anyone know why that happened?

>> No.23162508

The printing press was unironically the beginning of the end, if not the end itself.

>> No.23162512

So technology.

>> No.23162520

Yeah. I was agreeing with you, you massive donkey retard.

>> No.23162542


>> No.23162578


>> No.23162600

do you use calibre?

>> No.23162627

I want to buy one but it asks me if I want to pre connect it with my amazon account. Should I do it? I heard if I don't it limits some features but on the other hand most books I will put on it weren't bought.

>> No.23162630

buy a kobo

>> No.23162650

Why are e-Readers so expensive? They're less powerful than a dumb phone but somehow like 5x the price.

>> No.23162651

no and why

>> No.23162654


>> No.23162663

The company that makes the screen owns the patent and is the only company that makes said screen. That's why all e-readers (including kindles) have the same screen sizes and resolutions.

>> No.23162692 [DELETED] 

>Look at multiple of these studies
>Its all studying elementary schoolers and ESLs
Can we get a study teaching actual adults?

>> No.23162694


>> No.23163240
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>placing an order and having to wait.


>> No.23163322

Table of contents motherfucker, it's literally two taps to get whereever you want

>> No.23163326

>Imagine having to leave your house to get something you want to read, or placing an order and having to wait.
Absolute state of zoomers.

>> No.23163508

>Some books aren't available

>> No.23163517

Agree, it's been life changing.

>> No.23163561
File: 648 KB, 1080x2160, edit_20240309_as.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any kobo libra 2 owners here?

Can it be held with left hand with buttons on the left hand side(top pic)? Does the screen rotate?
On the website they always show it being held with buttons on right hand side (or at the bottom in landscale mode) like in bottom pic

>> No.23163569

They don't. There other screen types these days and several less known manufacturers (like boox) uses them, they are still expensive but only because the manufacturers themselves keep the prices inflated.

You can get a used ereader in excelent condition for about 1/3 of a price

>> No.23163578

I just print out the few pages that contain maps and keep them around when i'm reading.

>> No.23163586

I'd get one of these shits if they weren't expensive. All I can afford as a poorfag are devices that 10 years old at best, and I don't know if those are worth getting in this day and age. For now, I'm reading on my phone, and while it is painful, I don't have any other choice.

>> No.23163600

>All I can afford as a poorfag are books printed 10 years, and I don't know if those are worth getting in this day and age.

>> No.23163639

>who's gonna buy our $80 textbooks if they can download them for free??
>shut it down quick!

>> No.23163847

>Research suggests
What research? One done in one college town with few dozen college students high on weed?

>> No.23163855

I like the Kindle for basic stuff. Just make sure you buy hard copies of any sacred or vital books, in preparation for when AI starts retroactively editing the corpus of mankind to eliminate the memory of the Creator.

>> No.23163856

Not really. You can easily highlight and take notes and Kindle will not only help you go through your notes but it will also create a different "book" that contains all your notes and highlights from every book.

>> No.23163890

> to read on something that is very close to reading a physical book
Not really. I love e readers but I love physical books more. However I also love pirating books knowing it makes editorial boomers very very mad.

>> No.23164212

>not free
Pretty easy choice for me

>> No.23164230

What is a library?

>> No.23164234

I only have less than 10 books I really want to read on kindle and right now my kindle is old, gen 10. I'm 80% through one of of them now, reading it on that kindle and on my phone when i cant have the kindle on me.

My question is, in my situation should I buy the 11th gen kindle which is one generation newer?

>> No.23164283

>Research sponsored by schlomo print house inc.

>> No.23164293

Kindle, Kobo und Momo

>> No.23164295

maybe if you're an american anon but for a poor Greekfag like me buying french books can be costly. I owe my eventual mastery of french to my kindle

>> No.23164300

french is a really easy language if you know english...

>> No.23164302

this is a new flavor of pseud I think, we haven't had this kind before

>> No.23164304

My iPad just broke recently so I have to get a new one

>> No.23164309


>> No.23164310

if you are satisfied with having a mediocre level sure its easy. If you want to read in near native level though ? I dont see how you can escape learning at least 30000 words and that takes time.

>> No.23164482

can anyone answer this?

>> No.23165873

>but he was Irish
What did he do with the money, take lessons on how to drink and fight more effectively?

>> No.23166231

/// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// She could always be relied on to hold court with hilarious tales /// Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses /// The middleweight fight was said to be a grudge match /// After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff /// One is the passive failure to disclose something a negotiation counterpart doesn't know, while paltering is the active use of truthful statements to mislead /// Today, women tennis players are not encumbered by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses /// Even iconic Italian runabout boatmaker Riva stopped using wood for its hulls in 1996 /// The reason is misinformation for sure, and more fundamentally a lacuna in thinking prompted by an emotional reaction /// She thought that the houses were a nice little nest egg for her sons when they came of age /// There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future /// Liquified gas is removed from the canister with a long offtake tube that runs up the length of the torch /// The unions have urged members to hold tight until a national deal is struck /// The sweet and tangy flavors of orange, honey and ginger coat the chicken for a quick, savory dinner /// Sally was tired of being called a stick in the mud by her friends just because she refused to drink alcohol /// The megasculpture reinscribes the values of colonialism on the landscape and regenerates the invisible power structures that made the creation possible /// Most orthodontic work is done on children between the ages of 10 and 14 ///

>> No.23166239

It's not technology itself but what you do with it. The endless Ted K fellatio on this board has wore me down.

>> No.23166253

this shit too small

>> No.23166617


>> No.23166633

6 inchers ye
8 inchers, 10 inchers? nah, just right
the foot longer?
too big

8 inch
that's the way to do it
same as the backs

>> No.23166643

>woke up one day with all my pirated books gone
Fuck kikes and fuck amazon. You should be happy I bought your kindle in the first place you fucking cunts.

>> No.23166649

kobo chads just keep on winning

>> No.23166781

>What is a library?
idk i have one in my pocket

>> No.23166790

>Comrade, will this session be plenary or what?
>It'll be plenary.
>You don't say (the first man was startled). I could see something was going on. It looked like it was going to be plenary.
>Don't you worry about it (the second man responded severely). It's going to be really plenary today.

from "Monkey Language" by Zoshchenko

>> No.23166813

Hello Amazon employee. Thanks, sarcastically, for your daily Kindle thread.

>> No.23166824

>Some books aren't available
Such as?

>> No.23166881

mein kampf

>> No.23166911

why is your kindle even connected to the internet man ?

>> No.23167003
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>Read most of my stuff on my kindle 2019
>Thrift a few gems here and there
>Buy nice editions of my favorite books
>Shit on e-readers on /lit/

>> No.23167020

Well there's a bunch of shit that was never properly digitalized, and as such you'll only find them in PDFs. The eyes by Ignacio Aldapuerta comes to mind. PDFs are a nightmare to read on a stock kindle.
There's also all of the stuff that hasn't been shared/cracked/digitalized. Some books on amazon like incest by marquis de sade fall on this category.
And then there's the books that are rare to find in general, and that you'll just never have in digital format, like Peter Sotos' work. There's proxy and selfish little on Anna's archive, but nothing else on the web. I really wanted to read show adult but the only existing copy I found is 800 dollars before international shipping.

>> No.23167024

Are you gonna read more on your kindle? Is your kindle about to kick the bucket or getting too old to be comfortable to use?
If you answered no to both of these, then don't.

>> No.23167033

Idk if this is true but I feel like it is personally. I’ve never been able to retain information the same way when I read on a screen compared to a physical book.

>> No.23167130

holy shit what will he do next?

>> No.23167271

that can't be real? How would they even legaly know that they were pirated? All they could know is that you didn't bought them from amazon which isn allowed.

>> No.23167304

Do you guys think its ethical to pirate books you have already bought the physical copy of but want the digital version for your kindle so you can finally clear your physical library?

>> No.23167306

I sure as hell ain't buying the same thing twice.

>> No.23167536
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Of course

>> No.23167553

I'm willing to pay for a physical book. I will never pay for an ebook.

>> No.23167572

Absolutely. I think its ethical to pirate anything to determine its worth before deciding to buy a copy to support the author. There's too much crap

You should try KOReader anon

>> No.23167589

skill issue

>> No.23167602

>Decide to read words on something other than paper.
>Autists obsessed with how they look reading in public lose their minds on 4chan.
Stay hilarious, /lit/.

>> No.23167726

I've been using an original Kobo Aura for a long time. Any point in getting a new one? Are they faster or more sensitive?

>> No.23167758

>There other screen types
All of those are patented and manufactured by the E-Ink Company. If you are referring to Kaledio color screens it's still manufactured by the E-Ink Company.

>> No.23167783

LOOOL "no". Not really.
I'll put it this way for ya, Kindles have had 1GHz CPU's since around 2013/2014, they change the SOC here or there but it's usually the battery that changes, why do you think that is?
Ereaders are incredibly slow to evolve, you upgrade if something is in the size/formfactor you want with a feature that'd be a nice upgrade. Maybe if your battery is on the way out after years of abuse leaving it plugged in overnight or discharging to 0.

Let me put it this way, I have an Aura one from 2016/2017 and other than gaining .2 inches of screen all I'm getting is stylus capability , bluetooth .2 inches and the most important part: page turn keys. The other "big upgrade" you might get is colour temperature adjustment on the frontlights, the aura one has this but I thiiiink the Aura doesn't.
For someone like me to upgrade: I'd have to go to the 10.3" Elipsa and that would be a device I only really use at home; I don't own a 10" eink device anymore for this reason.

A new device isn't going to be super whizbang fast, newer SoCs may be slightly more efficient but you're still ultimately limited by the screen technology & OS. You would be better off using koreader & plato if you aren't already to get the most out of your device.

>> No.23167924

I took the picture off the internet, anon, it's not mine. Besides, why should I go with koreader? I've seen it shilled often here and on /g/ but whenever I've looked it up, I don't really see anything too interesting that's worth the hassle imo. The one thing that looks cool is that it allows you to use it directly as a ftp/calibre client, but I don't use calibre anyway, I just plug it and offload everything I've accumulated over time via usb for around 10ish minutes once every couple of weeks/months or so and am done with it. As far as customization(fonts,margins etc) goes, I haven't really had any problems with the built-in reader

>> No.23167928

Is amazon really deleting files from your kindle?

>> No.23167965

I unironically read with kindle and then buy the books physically once I'm done, just to have physical evidence that I've read this and look at it

>> No.23168137

Maybe it was this?
>The Amazon Kindle will remove books from your Kindle after you are done reading them to save on memory space. They will then load the books you have purchased but not yet read. Again, it is simply to save on memory space. As far as your account, any book you have paid for should still be in that account.

>> No.23168238

Literally me. If I like a book, I will buy a physical copy to support the author. I download illegal copies of the book I want to read the moment it gets added to my wishlist.

>> No.23169085

I gonna buy one tomorrow, anything else I need for it?

>> No.23169189

Calibre on your PC for transferring pirated books, it's free.

>> No.23169502

Are no adds worth the 20 extra?

>> No.23169552

If you right click on the book in Calibre and click Edit Metadata, what cover do you see? Does it match the cover you see on your device?

>> No.23169556

I never logged into my Kindle or even connected it to the internet, so they can't delete my books. No need to connect to wifi. Just fucking put books on it with a cable and you're done.

>> No.23169561

If you wait until after the return period and then live chat with Amazon, and tell them how you meant to buy one without ads and it makes your little sister cry, the'll remove the ads for free. Not even joking, I've done it.

>> No.23169610

in my experience, the ads only show up when connected to the internet. if all you're going to be doing is pirating books and sending them to your kindle via calibre, then you shouldn't be getting ads anyway.

>> No.23169615

in other words, you should be in airplane mode all the time, or else you run the risk of amazon wiping your library

>> No.23169657

so you did not connect it to your account when you ordered it?

>> No.23169661

Message amazon custom support on the app and they'll remove the ads for free. Make sure to come up with a bullshit excuse first though, like inappropriate ads showing up when your child uses it or something. Worked for me. If it doesn't work, try again until you get someone who will remove them for you, I got it on the first try, but apparently, some people need to try a couple more times.

>> No.23169674

Also, message, not call. I haven't tried it, but calling apparently connects you to the USA, and they won't remove it for you. Message and you'll get an Indian, which in my case was true.

>> No.23170641

Really? That's what I've been doing for the last 15 years.

>> No.23170931

they wouldnt do that. but i did have an ebook i BOUGHT on the fucking amazon kindle store not showing up on my kindle because they removed it from being able to buy on the kindle store.

>> No.23171401

I just ordered the kindle paperwhite, without adds and did not pick the option for them to connect it with my account. Looking forward to read all the books that I can't buy here anymore.

>> No.23172358

I just read on an ipad my dad gave me
the screen is fine with the brightness turned down desu

>> No.23172691

It's not about gratification, it's about being able to scout books before committing my time and money to them. If I see a rec on here, I can be reading it in minutes, seconds even, whereas idiots like you would purchase it on a whim and leave it sitting on your shelf because it wasn't what you expected.

>> No.23174372

old kindles with physical buttons are so much better it's unbelievable.

>> No.23174422

Yea it's really great and saves a lot of money as well. Certain books are worth having a physical copy I don't think anyone disagrees with that but e-readers solve everything in between
If you want to be a faggot

>> No.23174854

Ads are comfy :)

>> No.23175173

>/lit/ is so brainrotted that they make threads about how they read instead of what they read.
All you Kindle/Ereader/Bookshelf/Pagehuffers posters can go eat shit.
The medium doesn't matter.

>> No.23175345

>Kindle at home
>Kindle app on my phone for on the go

>> No.23176480

So how long is the wait time when you turn to the next page on the kindle?

>> No.23176507

.5 second

>> No.23176573

That is based. Nomad life and if his house floods he’ll be fine

>> No.23176580

Screen protector and case

>> No.23176719

Is that very annoying?

>> No.23176745

NTA but no. I've never had an issue with it and I have a lower end kindle.

>> No.23176993

Anon turn speeds have been "glacial" on ereaders since they started picking up steam in the mid-00's.
It's fine and works for reading. For UI elements etc it can be annoying but things are fast enough even for typing & menuing. Touch screens really took the pain points away from that since you were no longer dpad scrolling for everything.

Keep in mind that you have indexes for easy chapter selection, bookmarking, custom layouts etc so the refresh speed being low isn't an issue and it's about the same or less than it'd take for you to page turn/search etc irl.

>> No.23177019

I had a kindle probably 10 years ago and the only really substantial thing my new kindle has over it is a backlight.

>> No.23177985

Sure bro nice source

>> No.23177987

I asked them to remove them and it worked. No reason at all provided.
goylem spotted

>> No.23178047

>you are a child who reads picture books.
Retard, you have to look at a map to know where a location is.

>> No.23178110

How is it different than any other board with meta topics?

>> No.23178613

couldn't you just run some paper to have the same effect while reading electronical?

>> No.23178943

This, or at the very least a case that has a cover.

I had a 6th gen for years but didn't use a case or anything, and eventually the screen got damaged with blotches all over it, ended up swapping it with a family member's one (same gen) since they never used it.
I tried to pick up a case for it (specifically one of the first-party ones since they don't add too much bulk), but couldn't find any except for one of those massive universal cases, so I ended up just picking up a new paperwhite instead with a proper case.

>> No.23179061

>I tried to pick up a case for it (specifically one of the first-party ones since they don't add too much bulk), but couldn't find any except for one of those massive universal cases, so I ended up just picking up a new paperwhite instead with a proper case.
Amazon are quick to phase that stuff out so it gets hard to find first party/molded cases once they "upgrade" the device.
I had a voyage and originally had a first party case, lost that years ago and I couldn't find a proper molded 1st party style one anywhere until I hit up Aliexpress. Thank god the Chinese are willing to do what Burger Bezos can't.

>> No.23179440

okay I will buy a case next month.

>> No.23179597

E-book readers are absolutely essential for anyone who wants to have books easily accessible. Piracy is super easy and reading on e-readers surpasses any other type of screen, as long as it is "pure text", without images or complex formatting.
The idea of pressing a finger on a word and having its meaning in the dictionary is also revolutionary.
However, I wouldn't recommend the Kindle, but some other device, because the modern Kindle user interface is a total disaster, they replaced the simple list of books with a horrible, slow interface that only shows about 5 books at a time, total shit .

>> No.23180331

>I wouldn't recommend the Kindle, but some other device, because the modern Kindle user interface is a total disaster,
can't you just change how it's displayed? I heard that if you don't connect it with your amazon account it doesn't show book covers in your library.

>> No.23180384

Not that anon and I only have my old Voyage kicking around.
If you're going for a sloptastic 6" device a kindle isn't that much worse than the competition @ kobo etc. Check if it can be jailbroken and then put it in a box if it can't and wait, when it can put koreader on it, block updates and enjoy your cheap device.
idk about the other "premium" models they've tried compared to the competition which is pretty damn good but as long as you can slam koreader or plato on it: it can't be THAT bad.

Looking at their "midrange", it seems they've changed the paperwhite to be 6.8" which isn't totally awful but for £160 without ads, it's comparable to the price of a new Libra2, so it's just down to ergonomics at that point. However you can get decent refurbished ereaders in and above the same class that are very, very good for less than or equal to the price of a paperwhite.

>> No.23181030

If you contact Amazon, they'll just remove the ads if you ask them (they don't announce it publicly though).
But even if you do connect your Amazon account, it's best to keep the device in airplane mode all the time since wifi seems to drastically reduce battery life.
With airplane mode enabled, I can go for multiple months without needed to recharge whilst reading for a solid few hours each day.

>> No.23181050

This is absolutely true. You can tell this is true if there's a particular book you're having resistance to reading, such as a boring tome or non fiction of some sort that isn't particularly engaging.

Much easier to read those on a kindle, because, basically, you're skimming.

>> No.23182634

why are e-readers such a divisive topic?

>> No.23182779

>Kindle at home
>Kindle app on my phone for when I'm on the go
Hasn't happened to me, and my Kindle is always connected to the internet.

>> No.23182791

People feel strongly about the specific setup they've got. Plus you have the people who are dedicated physical book buyers, and then there are the people who do both physical and digital; everyone is really particular and because of the nature of 4chan anons chimp out over what they personally believe is best. It's retarded, borderline narcissistic behaviour.

>> No.23183290

What's the difference between kindle paperwhite and kindle paperwhite kids? I feel like there has to be a catch otherwise why would anyone buy the normal one?

>> No.23184729

i almost only listen to audiobooks now, unless the book is short or not available. i'm okay at multitasking so i dont miss anything and also work out or do other things. it's great

>> No.23184743
File: 62 KB, 1024x1024, kobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tech is a good call, but why did you fell for Bezos' tricks? You could've had a based nipmachine that doesn't limit you to a shitty surveillance capitalistic ecosystem

>> No.23184767

how are you limited with a kindle?
I only read side-loaded epubs from z-lib, no problems at all.

>> No.23184793

They unironically buy digital books, lmao.

>> No.23184958

but even if you buy them you can buy them from other sites and still read them on kindle, you just can't save them on amazons cloud.

>> No.23185052

What is the koreader pill, and why do I want it?

>> No.23185055


This works across all devices. It seems to be as "permanent" as the other books I get from the Kindle store. The only minor inconvenience is that they show up under "Documents" instead of "Books". But once you've got one selected and you're reading, who gives a hoot?

>> No.23185125

Or better than this, download Calibre and manage your own digital library--there's even an extension to strip out DRM and reencode books using Kindle's typesetting-rich KFX format--the downside is that you need to transfer via USB, but unless you're autistic as fuck you're probably only reading a couple books at a time and transferring books ever few days

I've saved literally thousands of dollars (probably tens-of-thousands) by pirating books, all safe and deprecation-proof in easily convertible digital format on my computer

>> No.23185149

I want to know too, because I'm perfectly comfortable with the stock kobo interface. what does koreader offer that makes it worth the effort, if I already feel content with my device?

>> No.23185259

All it does is give better options for reading/zooming in on PDF's and better ''comic book'' or ''manga'' sizing for smaller devices, and book organization options.
If you're just reading normally, stock is fine.

>> No.23185273
File: 40 KB, 255x393, A_Natural_History_of_Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People act like Calibre is good when it's the most clunky, ass, shitty tool I've ever used.
It will dup books, randomly not find metadata, or mixup metadata from two different books, crashes all the time, and syncing is a complete pain in the fucking ass. It's folder system is complete ass as well.

I gave up on that piece of shit and now just download from libgen and use this to send right to my Kobo reader.

>> No.23185292

Never had these issues--wonder why--I'm wondering what you're doing that you interact with any frequency with its folder system

Does djazz allow editing? I find I often tweak fonts, indents, superscript, etc. before I send a book

>> No.23185432

The other anon really didn't say too much to the point of underselling it.

It gives a lot of options for reading, better control over font weights, hinting, line spacing, stylisation, reading standards, margins, UI/UX controls etc, you can program shortcuts and popup menus out the wazoo to do anything.
Download a book but the style is shit? Don't worry, you can fix that. Really hate hyphenisation? You get the idea.
Basically anything to do with text flow can be changed.
Say you've got crippling autism, have one of the midrange 8" models and want to match it up to the size of a paperback/hardback, same page numbers almost mirrored. There's enough give and customisation that you can easily match these through chapter splits.

On the device & QoL/UX side you've got the gimmick shit with your wifi, syncing etc, better frontlight management, proper standby/shutdown timers, dimming timers and a fairly oookay but kinda weak library system. You'll have control over full refreshes to the point you can never refresh your screen if you wanted to do that too. Want dark mode but on an old device and hate editing the stylesheet? You can get that too.
Where Rakuten & Amazon spend big dev money & time making a very flashy UI for browsing books and want you to buy new devices, koreader is the opposite approach, breathing new life into an older device and enhancing the experience beyond what the stock OS offers. They really do put the bigger companies like Amazon to shame.

Also if you're at the stage you're reading manga or comics on an ereader/eink device instead of a tablet, you're already elbow deep into custom cropping via batch in PS/scripts etc then exporting properly in calibre/whatever. Koreader is gonna be a slight improvement but plato is far and away better for PDF.

>> No.23185478

Has anyone tried sideloaded firmware for Kindle?

I could just buy a Kobo but I'm a poorfag (I wouldn't be pirating books if I had money to buy them)

>> No.23185527

Bought once. It didn't last and was impossible to repair. 0/10

>> No.23185640
File: 83 KB, 800x986, gigachad_7145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's the Kobo mini. Cheap, just werkz and small enough to fit in my pockets.

>> No.23185813

You mean Kual etc so you can use koreader and other programs? Yeah, it's fine. Just have to not update the device and block updates.