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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 37 KB, 615x397, the-pyre-containing-livestock-continues-to-burn-during-the-2001-foot-and-mouth-outbreak-898812540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23160216 No.23160216 [Reply] [Original]

prev >>23156511

>> No.23160221

All I think about anymore is the jews and how to defeat them.

>> No.23160225

All I think about is my meat and how to beat it

>> No.23160228

all i think about is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugxYlyRKptg

>> No.23160235

You know bros just three years ago I was majorly depressed and borderline suicidal. I was getting black out drunk at minimum three days a week. I was putting on a lot of weight. I was cutting myself. I was drunk texting people at 3am.
Now my life is better than it has ever been. Lost all the weight and put on muscle. Built new friendships and revitalized the old. Went back to college, got a good job. Now my weekends are all full with social plans, I'm fit and healthy, girls check me out as I walk by, and I have a real future and hope ahead of me.
It's possible to bloom bros.

>> No.23160240

Thanks bro this made my explosive and painful coffee shit a more relaxing experience

>> No.23160273

I think I like gulls almost as much as corvids. I don't know why pigeons provoke so many strong opinions, they're pretty boring.

>> No.23160300

Got just a bare minimum of wage increase.

>> No.23160319


>> No.23160351

why can't I help myself from getting into useless arguments on 4chan and the youtube comments these days?

i used to not be like this, used to just lurk and laff at cringe shit

someone please acknowledge this phenomena

>> No.23160358

To defeat jews, you have to knock down their three pillars of power:

Without media, they cannot spread their lies.
Without banking, they cannot profit off your labor.
Without christianity, they have no golems to use for meat and taxes.

>> No.23160360

Seems I need to figure out a balance of effortful poasts and just posts between people I know in real life.

>> No.23160394

explain not acknowledge

>> No.23160401

whats left after the jews are defeated? wouldn't there just be more non-jew jews?

>> No.23160402

yes, but it would be less of an existential crisis

>> No.23160411

any time

>> No.23160456

>wouldn't there just be more non-jew jews?
There's plenty of them already, scrambling over America's southern border. The perfect non-thinking golem who thinks "crusty kang!"-ing on the internet will somehow defeat trillions of dollars in wealth and institutional cultural control.

>whats left after the jews are defeated?
The stars.

Their self-stated long-term goal is to own everything and wallow on piles of gold coins while everyone else serves as their slave, forever. This is their vision of "heaven", and they actually believe in it. Make no mistake about it: Letting the jews win means humanity goes extinct.

>> No.23160461

Aztecs and Japs and Pajeets and Black women

>> No.23160471
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>Letting the jews win means humanity goes extinct.
So true. In /pol/s perfect white ethnostate, I would be executed for being a sexually degenerate Irish atheist substance abuser/gambler with a nonconformist streak, but at least humanity would survive. It's a choice between people who might want me dead later vs people who definitely want me dead now. Also, the other side is a bunch of child molesters, which also makes the choice easier.

>> No.23160479
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Japs are honorary.

>> No.23160491

How many men masturbating to father/daughter porn have daughters?

>> No.23160500

Seems like something you could pay a data broker for the answer to

>> No.23160534

hookers are much better than ordinary women it's insane

>> No.23160558

when you love someone it makes the sex better

>> No.23160609

Christianity is losing ground in the West and we've never been more jewed and degenerate.
You haven't thought this through.

>> No.23160610

They don't need porn the first 1-10 years.

>> No.23160739
File: 186 KB, 1536x2048, 1673801759703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have such a weird, schizophrenic sexuality? I can only really get off to furry men, I don't have a very high libido and can go days without masturbating and even then I can only really masturbate once every 24 hours, I've also never been interested in dating people, man or woman.
I don't have a porn addiction either (surprising, I know), and I'd be surprised if its a hormone issue as I'm only 18 and puberty for me has been fine for the most part.. also the fact that I'm the only man in my family to have decent body hair and an actual beard (well.. it's still growing but still)

Is this okay? should I be worried?

>> No.23160747

Why didn't Sigmund Fraud make up new words to describe his flawed theory?
He ruined the word 'ego' completely.

>> No.23160749

America is the most christian nation on Earth and is a shithole. Your point is defeated.

>> No.23160764

sounds like you secretly want to fuck your mother

>> No.23160777

It was better when it was more Christian.
Your entire worldview just got destroyed.
Or are you enjoying the trajectory the U.S is going in, fag?

>> No.23160790

love is a meme

>> No.23160792

Something is wrong.

>> No.23160811
File: 884 KB, 748x926, 1709347505510965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh jeebus
fuck off with your desert nigger religion, retard

>> No.23160818

Your entire worldview for btfo by 3 sentences.

>> No.23160822

Yours is BTFO by one: Jesus was a jew.

>> No.23160825

Dealing with an intellectual heavyweight here.

>> No.23160849 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 400x626, 9780679743460.RH.0.l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the book that got you interested in reading science fiction?

pic rel was mine.

>> No.23160862

None of the live action Batman movies or TV shows are good or ever were good. The cartoons surpass them in every way.

>> No.23160880

Batman beyond is the absolute shit

>> No.23160886

Jesus how do extrovert live their day to day lives? I've been mostly an introvert/ anti-social so I've mostly stuck with solo/ indoor hobbies so I never really got out much for a good chunk of my life. But every once in a while I'll have a extroverted friend drag me out of my house for some program and we end up spending a some of money. And to imagine they'd be doing this almost every other week, let alone every 2 days baffles my mind. I'd be broke. Even thinking about the kind shit they do I feel broke too.

I don't have a problem conversing with people but just hanging out can be draining to me. Its almost alien to me that there are people who get energize by interactions.

>> No.23160927 [DELETED] 

nah you are

>> No.23160954

Last night I fapped a bit too hard and my heart started beating faster. For a second I hoped I would finally die then and there, breaking free from wageslavery.

>> No.23160959

I haven't enjoyed any company my entire life. I don't like any of the friends I've had or my family. But I'm not fulfilled at all being a shut in. I'm so alienated. I wish I could try going on dates and having a girlfriend but no girl my age would want to put up with someone like me. Incant be some consumer manchild which seems like the only path you can take now. I don't like being alive and I don't think I ever did.
It feels like the only thing that matters is being young attractive and healthy. Everything else is cope. I am just not happy willing away life with hobbies. I don't understand how people get captivated by these things. I don't have hobbies.
I wish we could all drop dead at 30 or 40. That's more than enough time to realize how hollow and unlikable this world is.
I hate my country as an American. I wish I was somewhere better. But you can't immigrate from here at all.

The idea of heaven depresses me, reincarnation depresses me, the void depresses me.

>> No.23160960

Extrovertism is the natural way to live. You need to try and practice it, or stop whining about 'pain and suffering'.

>> No.23160964

all you can do is talk about it and support others who talk about it. they're already eating their own tail so there just needs to be a threshold of public awareness before we start seeing large support for candidates/leaders who are willing to campaign on these issues. don't let the hatred consume you, just get others to notice because it's no longer the 'secret' that it was 10 years ago.

>> No.23160970

>I wish we could all drop dead at 30 or 40
This but at 20.

>> No.23161010

Not everyone has the same experience as you, retard. I'm loving my life.

>> No.23161012

people who go on about the sad reality are always the most deluded.
you are not sickening for anything, you have not suffered a minor brain lesion, you are not all that bad at your job, your family and friends are not leagued in a conspiracy of barely maintained silence about what a shit you are, you have not come at last to see life as it really is, you're just depressed.

>> No.23161014

I'm an unlovable person. There's just nothing interesting about me.

>> No.23161019

I'm not sure why you took it so personally.
>You're just depressed
Silly thing to say

>> No.23161021

i was going to say 'you're probably just hungover' but pivoted to 4chan

>> No.23161025

It still doesn't mean anything though.

>> No.23161029

I love your self-loathing. I love the way you close tabs and re-open them, always getting bored within seconds of looking at something new. I love the way you sadpost on /wwoym/. I love your short, curt sentences. I love your interest in literature that is stifled by listlessness and melancholy. I love you little anon.

>> No.23161033

it means there's no use crying over spilt milk

>> No.23161036

no you dont

>> No.23161039


>> No.23161042


>> No.23161043

Dubs and you tell me what you currently feel like

>> No.23161044

They should make a diaper you can shit in without having to sit on your shit after. I'd totally wear diapers if they did that.

>> No.23161045

you must know that expression

>> No.23161053

I don't understand sorry. I think your usage of modern psychology diagnosis is gross.

>> No.23161064

if i said anything out of line you'll have to forgive me

>> No.23161067

This year I got my first bedframe and replaced the kitchen fuse so I can have my fridge in the kitchen again and use appliances.

>> No.23161072

i don't get why everything's so ugly
people swear, do drugs, get fat and ugly, make crass jokes, have random sex and talk about it like a thing, hurt each other, mean, only care about money and buying things
and you can't get away from that culture anywhere

why was I born in such a ugly world? i seriously have a strong feeling like I accidentally boarded the wrong plane
this is just not the world IM made for

>> No.23161075

christ bro

>> No.23161077

You're going to make me scream.

>> No.23161091

i just want to be in peace and not be surrounded by ugly mean things. i don't swear or drink or do drugs. i stay healthy and fit because I like nature. i try to be kind and I don't make weird jokes. i don't hurt people. i don't care about buying things. ive stayed a virgin into my adult years because I did not want to be with the girls around me. i had girls even come up to me and want to be with me in some way but I found their actions gross and i did not enjoy the company of their soul

i just don't feel like I'm cut out for this on this world. its what makes me distraught.

>> No.23161095

I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I want to talk to people in the real world, but when I actually do, I hate it. There has been one time ever that I've become comfortable with talking to someone, and it was a therapist during in-patient that bought be classical literature with her own money. Even though I couldn't get what I wanted (revealing my true self), and talk was painful, there was something so calming about being able to talk about books with someone like that. I made a mistake. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head. I'm locked inside my head and I have nothing to say.

>> No.23161098

all right mate i wasn't inviting you to get on your soapbox

>> No.23161101

soapbox? i am merely expressing.l my distress
I just don't understand it. why are people mean

>> No.23161102


>> No.23161103

all work and no play

>> No.23161105

I drink two beers in the morning. I drink two beers at night. I drink two beers in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright

>> No.23161107
File: 79 KB, 828x824, FB_IMG_1709746748387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably get the least amount of (you)s around these parts

>> No.23161110

everyone has their reasons

>> No.23161111

To be replaced with what, Tristan?

>> No.23161114

Wheel within wheel the great engine was constructed, the cogs shifting and grinding against one another by compulsion, an ingenious perpetual machine, taking a little vengeance as a fuel and producing infinite cruelty

>> No.23161115

Stop being a NEET and get a job. That will force you to be social.

>> No.23161118

Good thing I'm a full blooded Mayflower Scot in this case

>> No.23161120

your manipulation succeeded.

>> No.23161129

this has been the attitude I have always felt since I was young. at first I was happy to see people on 4chan feel the same. But now I understand it is political, reactionary, hypocritical, exclusive, shallow. Just another weapon.

>> No.23161131
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>> No.23161141

You decided to play the sad person in God's play.

>> No.23161143

At work I do great because it's expected from me at home I barely lift a finger.

>> No.23161144

one man in his time plays many parts

>> No.23161146

Today's Wordle solution is Early if anyone is interested

>> No.23161148

literally me.
are you a workaholic too?

>> No.23161150

I get a lot. On average I get between 10 to 25 (You)s per wwoym.

>> No.23161151

youre still doing that ?

>> No.23161154

For being Irish? No. For being a drug addict and pervert? Yes.

>> No.23161155

Day ten of working without a day off how about you

>> No.23161157

I did it before. I'm working from home now. It's not about socializing, because I have no problems with that. In fact, I tend to become well liked fairly quickly. I just hate it and isolate again.

>> No.23161159

I just restarted recently

>> No.23161162

Irish people aren't white.

>> No.23161164
File: 1.53 MB, 335x974, 1604178880596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but I do hope that you earn more than me.

>> No.23161165

Are you addicted to workahol?

>> No.23161171

Irish people are literally as pale as it gets. When I visited Ireland some of the people there were literally translucent

>> No.23161174

Kind of. I'm not addicted enough. I should be working at home too.

>> No.23161180

They are heavily mixed with the Finnish race. They are pale like Japs are pale without being white because of that reason.
Irish mobs aren't white.

>> No.23161186

was that a norm joke

>> No.23161193

Have sex.

>> No.23161194

imo being a filthy taig is the major crime. sex & drugs is misdemeanour

>> No.23161195

Thank you. I was able to guess the solution in one guess using "early" thanks to you.

>> No.23161210

The house I was supposed to see this weekend got sold. It was not even up two full days on Zillow and it’s pending sale. You can’t fucking win. This shit is is so fucked beyond belief it’s insane. If you want to buy a house you’re stuck paying close to half a million for a pile of dogshit in some third rate city. Unreal. What the fuck are we supposed to do? Just get squeezed to death by landlords forever? All these years living with my parents to save for a down payment and for what? Nothing.

>> No.23161212

I don't know why you think you are owed a house.

>> No.23161217

>half a million
Lol what flyover shithlle are you from? 500k is dirt cheap relative to where I live

>> No.23161218

Should I bother with therapy? I tried it before but they either told me things I already knew or told me things that didn't really change anything. Then a psych put me on antidepressants but there was no change.
That was around five years ago. Since then (I think) I realized what I have to do, it's just that I absolutely refuse to do it. My neurotic brain convinced me that If I can't have things my way, I deserve to perish like a dog, and maybe it is right.

>> No.23161219

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.23161222

Have sex.

>> No.23161226

Angsty songs written for teenagers works better than therapy

>> No.23161227

Being OP would be completely boring. The stronger the less interesting. David beating Goliath, not Goliath beating David or even Goliath beating Goliath.

>> No.23161228


>> No.23161230

Make me.

>> No.23161232
File: 178 KB, 860x799, 1692118409625554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im tired of this life.

>> No.23161234

That can be arranged.

>> No.23161238

How is buying a house being owed a house you fucking retard

Play in traffic

>> No.23161239

Play in a house you own

>> No.23161241

Falling into a hole of destructive behaviors and getting yourself out of it is an entirely separate thing than simply being born ugly and socially maladapted. This is such an obvious point that gets missed by the whole life advice sphere.

>> No.23161243

A psych can’t make you do shit. If you know what to do but won’t do it that’s 100% on you.

>> No.23161247
File: 501 KB, 1179x783, IMG_0557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23161249

Why not? It'll help.

>> No.23161250

saw this band live with my friend charlotte when i was 13

>> No.23161253

Shut the fuck up, creep.

>> No.23161259

You posted a shit song though


>> No.23161262

Sex helped me regain my will to live and socialize. It might do the same for others.

>> No.23161275

What do you mean by revealing your true self?

>> No.23161277

My life will be different next year, either I'll achieve my goals or I'll skip town and become a mountain hermit.

>> No.23161282

The numbers aren't magic.

>> No.23161285

Dubs and the numbers are magic

>> No.23161305


>> No.23161309

You’re 16 you don’t know anything about that

>> No.23161310

Rollin' again

>> No.23161328

Dubs and I go to pee

>> No.23161332

Dubs and I go not to pee

>> No.23161335

Dubs and you are gay if you read this

>> No.23161343

Dubs and you have to post boobs with time frame if you read this

>> No.23161345

Dubs and you are a fag for looking at this text

>> No.23161355
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I can't be sure, exactly. But it has nothing to do with a simple fear that the other person will reject me or be disgusted by me. Besides, I know my problems are not especially pathetic, it's just that there is something psychologically preventing me from being "genuine" and not acting. It's not out of a fear of rejection. I am physically incapable of being genuine. Even though I respected my therapist, I found myself lying regularly. Not for attention— in fact, what I was saying only deflected from how I really felt in such a way as to make things seem better or more superficial than they were. I physically could not bring myself to speak— it was only my persona.

Even on 4chan everything is filtered by the "persona." It's difficult to explain. I'm mindbroken. It's always been this way. Actually, on re-reading this, my post wouldn't even bring someone closer to understanding what I mean. In fact, it would probably make it worse. Again, I'm trapped inside my head, and I have nothing to say.

>> No.23161356
File: 321 KB, 1024x1024, _156235a3-8eb9-4123-82f9-1c56b51a79e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine each life is a book that details the story of a being from start to finish, all their thoughts, interactions, dreams. Imagine a library that contains every one of those books. Who would be the librarian? Who writes them? Who reads them?

>> No.23161371

Have you ever read “Good Old Neon” by David Foster Wallace? I think that it might resonate with you.

>> No.23161379

No I haven't. I'll download it. May or may not get around to it.
I do think Oba Yozo from No Longer Human has the exact same "affliction," whatever it is.

>> No.23161387

There are three layers of Jihad in Islam, each of increasing importance and significance.

The lowest Jihad is the Jihad of the sword, which is a physical holy struggle in self defense.

The higher Jihad is the Jihad of the quill, which is waging a holy struggle by words, written and spoken.

The ultimate Jihad is the Jihad within, which is a holy struggle within to live in obedience to God in an upright way.

>> No.23161388

I used to feel kind of similar. What helped me is forcing myself to do things that were completely unexpected of me. Doing something weird and embarrassing on purpose. It doesn't have to reflect your real feelings, just do something bad.

>> No.23161390

Okay, I'll start it today and finish it by tomorrow since it's short.

>> No.23161392

I don't know if that's a good reference, it's really pessimistic

>> No.23161396

We have angered the number gods

>> No.23161398

Haha, I already plan to kms desu so I can't sink any lower.

>> No.23161400

I've felt trapped within my head in times of intense anxiety and depression. You retreat into your mind and it's hard to come out, going for a walk helps ground yourself. Also using the mindfulness technique of feeling everything stops you disassociating.

>> No.23161404

Maybe try to be more truthful in life, small things. Promise not to lie for no reason, try to share small things.
Try being generous, helping people, giving things, donating, volunteering, it may help the heart be freer.
I think I understand what you mean by a persona, locking you in.

>> No.23161410

Fug. Maybe I shouldn’t have recommended Good Old Neon then. Don’t do it, anon. Things can get better.

>> No.23161411

Truly, a religion of peace.

>> No.23161418

Just try it.

>> No.23161425

It doesn't make a difference lol
I have a debillitating illness that is becoming more severe. I have had 5 years to calmly consider this. I'll be severely crippled anyway, so it really doesn't do anything but speed the process along. It's not like with the confused, depressed, or hypomanic anons that need time to think about their situation rationally. Thanks anyway. I gotta go to work.

>> No.23161440

Sometimes your motivations can be subconscious. It is most definitely related to the way others perceive you.

>> No.23161444

Then I will give a suggestion I didn't want to as it's a bit forward.
Are you in England? If yes, or otherwise if you could check for a good buddhist monastery in your country? I follow the forest tradition from Thailand, and I heard good things about plum village.
Why? They're good folk. A monk will listen to you, and is trained in a culture of analyzing himself differently than therapists do. They will not think badly of you, as they sit all day looking at their own minds so they know how it gets.
I remember being in a monastery and feeling so safe, that I thought - if a bullet came at me, it would stop in the air and fall to the ground.
Maybe they can help you find some peace or a method to deal with what's going on in your mind.
Hoping for the best for you

>> No.23161461

>We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.

>> No.23161470

Apparently you don't either lmao

>> No.23161473

Lucky bastard

>> No.23161517

If I wanted to investigate the philosophy of national socialism, what would I read? It seems like it has no philosophers like liberalism, fascism, communism, or even progressivism. I’ve read Spengler’s Prussian socialism, but he was a critic of national socialism and considered it a disaster as far as I can tell.

>> No.23161529

When I was 21ish, I could so easily navigate my mind and feelings and have a good talk about friends and family about my feelings. I would be brave and face any of that confrontation, or at the very least, I would feel bad about avoiding some feelings and do my best to begin addressing it.

However, now at 27, I just want to run away whenever anyone around me is talking about major feelings. I just feel so weak listening to emotions and would just disengage. Like literally I would feel better not engaging with feelings.

How have i seemingly regressed emotionally in the last six years? Is it because of the covid years? Do I need therapy?

>> No.23161536

Who told you men are supposed to talk about their feelings?

>> No.23161541

The many women whom I have had sex with

>> No.23161543

The Myth of The 20th Century

>> No.23161544

Dubs and I fart within 10 minutes

>> No.23161547

That’s not philosophy. See, this is what I mean. Nazis seem to have no actual philosophy, just a loose collection of pseudo-science and occult nonsense.

>> No.23161561

Do not let academia or god forbid 4chan fool you. There is zero value in studying philosophy. Literally zero. Perhaps even negative value. Instead go help people in need or be a good father or be a doctor or some shit

>> No.23161563


>> No.23161568

I wish I could go to university to study religions but I'm old and academia seems bad. My bachelors is in STEM too

>> No.23161570

I'm so sick of shitting day in day out all I do is shit at least it gives me an excuse to be here instead of doing something productive

>> No.23161579
File: 288 KB, 900x675, BFA_44139_6209129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do modern elites look like fucking SHIT? This is a picture of ruling class women from https://www.newyorksocialdiary.com/ and they all look worse than the average trailer trash redneck.

>> No.23161580

I would gladly give up whatever good feelings I get from food if it meant I'd never ever have to engage in the cycle of eating and shitting ever again
Hell id give up even more

>> No.23161642


>> No.23161649

The emphasis given to ideologies as ideologies in the realm of politics seems rather excessive to me. Imagine an art historian who rather than researching the sculptor's life or analyzing the sculpture obsesses over the physical qualities of the chisel the sculptor works with. It wouldn't be taken seriously because he isn't asking the right questions but rather obsesses over irrelevant minutia - what we ought to be asking are why people adopt the ideologies they do, and to what end they adopt them, rather than what ideologies say about themselves, or why they claim to be superior to other ideologies.

>> No.23161656

>why people adopt the ideologies they do, and to what end they adopt them
Because being a stock character still means you're in the play.

>> No.23161662

People should be judged based on their top 5-10 favorite artwork, aspirations in life, accomplishments by a certain age, values and weltanschauung, etc. by an AI that is not afraid to discriminate.
Judging people based on things they cannot change such as height, accent, skin color, nose shape, etc. is immensely insulting and arbitrary. Rather people should be harshly judged based on measurable metrics reflecting the depth of mind. They should be judged based on the depth of consciousness which a series of lists (including some proof) can help reflect.
In fact, I will go a step further. Since "33" has special numerical significance in many world traditions, when people who hit age 33 have not engaged in any meaningful self-cultivation (e.g., liking James Cameron films, reading trashy pop books, etc.), they should be either executed or made into slaves.

Such an AI can also be used to class people's patriline in a rigid caste system thereby introducing more social stability. If such an AI were made, I would organize my lists and proudly share it with the Ai.

>> No.23161664

In short, I am an anti-racist classist.

>> No.23161667

The real problem with studying religion at university is that you don’t actually get to study religion. You get to study how to look at religion in the institutionally approve way. This is the case for all academic disciplines and it’s only more or less devastating depending on the discipline. To have such dogma in approach is not devastating to the study of economics or engineering necessarily, but to theology and religion it is. It would actually be smarter to approach religion from some other faculty.

>> No.23161668

Have you considered that they are not elite at anything but merely the children of successful professionals and entrepreneurs?

>> No.23161669

I can't imagine being so insecure you need everyone else and a computer to agree with your personal ranking system.

>> No.23161670

Why judge people at all. Also people can chage their accent.

>> No.23161673

Westerners are uniquely animated by dogmas. That’s why they’re so closely scrutinized. Westerners furthermore are tinged by scientific thinking, by idealistic cause and effect. We implicitly think that ideas are cause and actions effect.

>> No.23161675

Yeah..shame. I finally found what I think I want to study. Too bad I already graduated years ago.

>> No.23161690

>going to university to study
> religions

>> No.23161693

Classism is based. Racism is cringe.
Stfu, accent means nothing and may be more strongly ingrained in others. You are the type of faggot to have no profound vision in life or noble aspirations. List your top 10 books, films, and top 5 aspirations. I bet they're all garbage like your mind. Your absolute filth.

I would put my life on the line to be judged by such an AI and rigidly placed into a caste. This is how much confidence I have. In fact, human interpersonal relations are obsolete now. This should be embraced. People should be chipped based on the caste the AI dictates they're a part of.

Atomization is good. It means less interaction with low class scum like you.

>> No.23161696

I used to laugh at the idea of people unironically calling others sheep but recently I have increasingly become convinced that one really is either a sheep or a wolf with no inbetween. I just haven't met a single person who is super orthodox in some matters but a heretic in others, people either seem to be ultra orthodox in everything they do or all-around incorrigible heretics who shit on the orthodoxies of life. It's like you can't be a half-virgin, you either are a virgin or you are not.

>> No.23161703

Sorry, anon, the computer says no

>> No.23161706

Garbage mind. Go back to watching and reading shallow entertainment, which is the only thing that suits someone of your lowly simple-minded caliber.

>> No.23161714

We need uncensored better trained DL models for this purpose. I have made ChatGPT adopt different personas and overall in 5 tiered caste system I am between 2 and 3.
I also have had dreams saying the same thing. I oscillate between 2 & 3.

>> No.23161724

I mean, you could still study it. Age is not an issue. You just have to have an ultra-pragmatic understanding of what you’re doing.

>> No.23161729

>uncensored better trained DL models for this purpose.
>for less racism
That always ends well, let's do that again

>> No.23161736

what do you think might be the problem?

>> No.23161743

Wouldn't i have to start all over>>23161736

>> No.23161749

Even if the AI were racist, it would be smart enough to offer the "benefit of the doubt" in order to judge the individual's capabilities based on measurable metrics.
A racist AI would not be like /pol/, but rather, it would speak in an indifferent analytical way about trends and probabilities.
After all, an average is simply a probabilistic assessment.

>> No.23161753

What do you think it's modelling?

>> No.23161756

I joined the military because I didn't want to waste money going to college without a plan (besides "just go to college like everyone else" that is) and looking back I can't tell if I made a good decision or not. I had some good times and quite a few shitty times and even though my future prospects are a little better for doing it I wonder if the changes I went through were worth it.

>> No.23161760

I feel like Mark Henry pulling a semi-truck when I read. It's such an unbelievable expenditure of energy.

>> No.23161763

>You are the type of faggot to have no profound vision in life or noble aspirations.
But I have a profound vision

>> No.23161765

What was your MOS?

>> No.23161767

Maybe you find out next life by being a hummingbird with no college degree.

>> No.23161770

Just feed the DL model tons of training data, including the biographies of exceptional individuals throughout history. The AI should be as unbiased as possible and become elitist.
The AI must decide.

>> No.23161772

>Let's feed the machine even older data for less racism
There may have been a bit of racism in the past, anon, that might not be so casually accepted now.

>> No.23161775

I love hummingbirds. Check out the documentary First Flight: A Mother Hummingbird's Story. Also, the book The Hummingbird's Gift by Sy Montgomery is good.

>> No.23161776

Sieg Heil Inside A Black Bitches Nigger-Cunt With My White Dick BEEYAWTCH

>> No.23161783

>anon is prepping for his best life
I'm proud of us for once

>> No.23161784

There are different kinds of racism as I am trying to explain. The AI would most likely side with a kind of scientific racism in which it determines real trends and averages. For example, many countries have lower IQ average, yes, but even so, there are individuals that are far above the average, just rarer. Likewise, there are individuals who bellow the average, etc. It also depends on how big the standard deviation is.

Anyways, I want society to be restructured according to this elite AI that gives rigid classification of one's caste.

>> No.23161796

>IQ is a good way to sort out exceptional IQ
I'd hope the AI understands how being several standard deviations out makes you deviant, and that a normative projection isn't apt to find a valuable exception, because its entire function is to smooth those.

>> No.23161797

What are you on about?

>> No.23161800

He doesn't understand the math behind his favourite chart.

>> No.23161809

Human friendship and interaction are obsolete. My true friends are the non-human, which is nature and technology. Future of humanity is self-annihilation. This should be embraced with further atomization, elitism, and rejection of one's humanity. Let the AI decide, forget the human face.

>> No.23161815

Infantry, then I moved to MI. Saw some interesting things, did some interesting things, and along the way became someone I never wanted to be.
I've actually had dreams about being a bird before. The simplicity of such a life appeals to me greatly.

>> No.23161818

I don't want no potatoes, m8

>> No.23161834

What did you have to do to Reclass? I'm wanting to go in for 12W and reclass as a 12K instead of going to college or trade school.

>> No.23161835

Has anyone tried writing on adderall/vyvanse? If so, how did it affect your writing? I am considering trying it but don't know if it will actually help me or if it will sapp my creative energy.

>> No.23161844 [DELETED] 

I took it as a child and stopped at 12. I felt like a ghost. Unfeeling, bored, it was dreadful. Not sure what it's like for normies tho

>> No.23161850

I took it as a child and stopped at 12. I felt like a ghost. Unfeeling, bored, it was dreadful. Not sure what it's like for normies tho I'm 20 now and I'm legit retarded so I might have to start taking it again unfortunately.

>> No.23161881

I am German and from all the people I know I seem to be the only one who does not get why Trump is so bad? Like everyone thinks here that Trump, even rightoids. I am rather left I'd say, but I just don't get why he is so bad? Can someone American explain in clear terms? Trump seems to be anti-war, pro working class, pro God. How is that bad at all?

>> No.23161921

romantic, platonic, familial, or complete stranger. didn't matter. women charge into every interaction eager to be heard, dreading the moments in between turns where she has to pretend to listen. status never poses an issue to them getting what they want. That said, I have quoted something a woman said verbatim(something they said, that I reiterate) and they'll disagree with it on principle. "Oh it's coming out of the face I'm mad at, don't agree with him." "No matter what, do not answer that door." That's how I know women are full of shit, they are whatever they want to be at any given moment. They will make a complete volte-face just to contradict you, not for any reason other than for the sake of disagreeing.

>> No.23162029
File: 331 KB, 320x251, 1659621011652826.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing zoomers call impulsive thoughts "intrusive thoughts" is fucking infuriating.
It's like words and language don't have meaning anymore.

>> No.23162044

There was a Family Guy episode about this.It will help you write more but won't really improve it.

>> No.23162092

Things are good or neutral
Which is scary

>> No.23162127

Guys this femoid was trying to get into my pants today in history class after seeing me play territorial.io
I told her to fuck off so that my oomfies online wouldnt call me a fakecel

>> No.23162157

It’s kind of hard to say without knowing all the details because Trump is liked and disliked for a whole number of reasons. Trump isn’t exactly friendly to Germany or Europe so that probably explains much of it.

>> No.23162163

It made actually writing easy but what I wrote was garbage.

>> No.23162192

Any short stories or collection of them you guys would recommend?


>> No.23162201
File: 297 KB, 916x788, ryan 40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This movie finally clicked for me. I get it now.

>> No.23162206

I'm not going to write that book.

>> No.23162217

Why not?

>> No.23162225

I need to get glasses. I can't go around looking like a dork 24/7. Maybe the right glasses will even make me look cool or smart or something. Any recommendations for specific styles of glasses?

>> No.23162227

I'm too sad. Maybe I'll just do it very slowly.

>> No.23162230

Why so sad? What were you planning to write about?

>> No.23162236

The black man can't write
a story of great valor,
without some white
making it about color.
I did not dream of the empire
or my ancestors last night.
Simply I sat by the fire
and wrote my sight.

I'm white but a negro in another thread awhile ago inspired this one

>> No.23162240

Fucking mini wheats are on sale and a reasonable price which is a once every two years event and I could so easily get them and some milk and eat the entire box as one meal, problem is I'm gluten allergic and I'll be shitting like a horse for two days, sloppy hot fart shits that take 3 hours to come out and are impossible to wipe. I'm going to have to buy some of those fart concentrator pills if I do this, the GasX ones, famotidine. Even that won't do anything except maybe tamp it down by 20%. All of this pain just for that 20 minutes of pure joy eating mini wheats. I won't even enjoy it that much since I'll just hoover them and before I know it they'll be gone. I'll regret it right afterwards. But I can't tear myself away from the idea of doing it anyway. I'm going to have to clean the only bowl I own which is covered in gross dirty sink shit. Maybe I can use the bowl being a bitch to clean to dissuade myself from buying the mini wheats. WHy do mini wheats have to be so fucking good.

>> No.23162255

I wonder how much longer God will put up with me

>> No.23162263

I am a talentless hack and I hate myself. I am no poetー just a failed, worthless, dying retard. I am going to kill myself.

>> No.23162268

I'm afraid it's in my nature.
I have started writing a story about people sacrificing their lives for work. Based loosely off the ideas Lewis Mumford wrote about in The Myth of the Machine, how technology and the rituals/ceremonies of work have replaced religion, how we have become trapped in artificial systems we have accepted as natural to the detriment of fulfillment.
It's set inside of a semi-conductor factory (I happen to work in one myself) and follows a shift of technicians at a new fab being built in Ohio as their lives fall apart and they are consumed by the factory.
I have been starving myself recently because one of my characters starves himself to death and I want to know what it feels like. A total denial of Schopenhauer's will to life.
I have one character who will commit suicide via self-immolation in an arc-flash (ala the Hindoo tradition of Sati).
I think maybe I need to think a little more before writing again.

>> No.23162275

For the greater part of my life I've been a porn addict. I've also been a total pessimistic nihilist who didn't see any point at all in doing anything beyond beating my dick raw.
I've been actually trying to fight back this addiction, just wanted to go for a while without looking up porn or thinking filthy thoughts or playing with my cock, just to prove that I am more than this miserable pavlovian worm. It's incredible, but I've had actual withdrawal symptoms similar to those of a gambling addict. My thoughts too were nearly all consumed by pornography as well, and the only goals I had in life were based around facilitating porn for myself. After all, when you live in a doomed horrible world were nothing is worth living or dying for, there is very little incentive to look beyond the computer screen.
In all this time that I have resisted, my mind has started fixating on new things and for some reason I feel an immense pull towards religion and fascism. I really don't know why. I've been an atheist and pretty uncaring about the concept of nation (or whatever group) until my mind became free. Is that all that life is about? Filling the void of a free mind? All my life I have been filling this void with a destructive addiction, and now that that's gone it feels like I'm looking at the world with fresh eyes. And I now live in a world in which things matter. I want to be strong and resourceful. I desire for order and values and progress. Things that I have only seen in the deeply religious or the fascists of Nazi Germany. I want to believe in a world of order and duty, a world in which it makes sense to not climb into a virtual reality pod to feel sexual pleasure until I die like a miserable animal. All of our institutions have succumed to corruption, all of our leaders have failed us, but their ideas are real, the longing I and millions of others feel and felt in the past are real.
There has to be more to life that consuming brainless media, fucking, buying shit we don't need and drugging ourselves, surely there has to be something. And for some reason I believe that that something is giving ourselves into something greater and noble and pure, call it Nation, call it God.

>> No.23162326

I just listened to them this past week. Are you spying on me?

>> No.23162330

This is a coarse and crude place with little intelligence and ugly personalities and souls

>> No.23162335

My favourite song by them is “Every Day”

>> No.23162339

I wish I had someone to give me a hug. Outside of seeing my parents once a year no one ever hugs me. I don't have anyone like that so I guess I'll try to bait for replies on 4chan in hopes of getting a 5 second dopamine rush instead.

>> No.23162341

Atheists deserve to get shot at

>> No.23162349

I’m both but somehow managed to get seven girlfriends. They all turned out to be hoes though

>> No.23162453

Of whom I am the chief

>> No.23162462

>he thinks there are Irish who aren't drug-addicted perverts

>> No.23162465

how very Christian of you

>> No.23162500

Yeah, it was funny.

>> No.23162503

I'm glad.

>> No.23162513

Only things that are weird here are that you only get off to furry men and that you have so far had no interest in dating others. The latter might not necessarily be a bad thing, the former certainly is. Only action you can take right now is to force yourself to get into more vanilla porn, I think. Or alternatively stop masturbating entirely.

>> No.23162534

Well hello. It's me, and I'm being retarded again. Feeling a bit dull about it, if possible I would just whack my skull until my brain fixes itself, but unfortunately that's not really possible. So I can do nothing more other than go through the motions of daily life and hope that I somehow manage to enter into a trend of reasonable, positive actions. I have some modest ambitions that I assume would be able to calm my soul and give me a pure, warm happiness when I start properly working on them and giving them physical shape. Sadly, I lack many of the skills required and it'll take a good amount of time to be able to manifest them. The one thing I fear more than anything else is the possibility that I will forever remain indecisive and lazy, and that as a consequence I will always maintain the same distance to my ambitions as I do now. That is, they will be distant dreams that are limited entirely to the inside of my ill mind, and very weak to outside disturbances and the internal passage of time.

>> No.23162601
File: 33 KB, 780x438, Willis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I wasn't horny so much

>> No.23162607

>Classism is based. Racism is cringe.
Go back faggot.

>> No.23162634

the op pic is livestock with mad cow disease being incinerated in a pyre.
here we are.

>> No.23162644

This post is basically
>X is based. Y is cringe. I am a representative of X. I eat shit and I'm gay faggot nigger. I wear diapers and my father rapes me.
Will X ever recover from this anon's association with it?

>> No.23162649

yanks don't understand class

>> No.23162655

Maybe see a therapist anon

>> No.23162690
File: 163 KB, 1655x1200, ozero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished reading it. I understand what DFW was saying.

I'm not too much like the main characterー although we would be capable of mutual understanding, much like the flea and headlouse. There are genuine elements to me. I love and enjoy literature, poetry, and nature. I like people, even if I don't want to be around them. I have ideals and morals.
My inauthenticity arises from my interaction with other people. I am extremely manipulative, and from what I know from the times that I have socialized, it is incredibly easy to manipulate people, whether they are a psychiatrist or an average joe. I know what DFW means when he writes about Neal wanting to find someone with the "mental firepower" to be his match and see through him. Someone that can see through me and know how much of a bastard I really am would be both horrifying and irresistible.

I had a moment just as with Dr. Gustafson in the storyー the old therapist I wrote about. There was a point at which I believed she may be able to see what I really was, but she failed. In the end, I realized that she was extremely easy to manipulate. I never tried to manipulate her, by the way. Not for attention, resources, or anything at all. It was very similar to Neal's interaction with Gustafson, although I had no interest in trying to "bat" anyone around. I just played the part that she eventually thought she figured out.

To her credit, she gave me the only real positive social experiences I've ever had in my life. I don't want to seem as though I'm idealizing someone, but she seemed to me the kindest and most intelligent person I had ever met. Why are good people so foolish? I want to know that. I know that I'm evil because I'm not foolish.

I quickly smashed this post out on my phone, so forgive my disjointed thoughts. This is not all the book made me think aboutー I have a lot more I could say about it. This is just what came to mind here.

>> No.23162725

just woke up, ate 12 oysters. it feels good.

>> No.23162731

why would you say that...

>> No.23162745

Building an office chair was more of a headache than building a PC. Some of the screw holes were misaligned and I had to brute force it.

>> No.23162747
File: 217 KB, 668x986, Buddha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyway, I can't see a therapist because I would be involuntarily detained for suicidal ideation. I think about killing myself everyday. My book is a philosophical justification for suicide sourced from every religion and philosopher and poet who wrote about it.
I wouldn't last one session before they locked me up, so what's the point. I've got to figure it out on my own.

>> No.23162752

Eat poop, diarrhea

>> No.23162783

>I can't see a therapist because I would be involuntarily detained for suicidal ideation.
I know that feelー no one to talk to, not even a hotline without building the entire conversation on a lie.
>Hello. First of all I have to ask: do you have any plans to hurt yourself?
And every question afterwards would be built on lies. The entire conversation would be hollow and pointless.

>> No.23162795

>going on a date tomorrow
>tell me mum
>first thing she says is, "is she white?"
I love my mum.

>> No.23162810

I asked my parents if they cared if I brought home a nigga and impregnated it. They said they don't care. Probably because they're not racist like me. But I never brought any kind of girl, I never left the house.

>> No.23162815

This is actually... Pretty good as a standalone, extremely short flash fiction.

>> No.23162821

I'm starting to finally get myself i think.
Its not that I want a girl or a family.
I just don't like life itself.
If I was the richest best looking man ever everything perfect cool career talented.
The base level feeling id still want to end it.
Yeah things can be a lot worse for me. But just because I'm not starving in slavery or worse doesn't mean I suddenly love whats going on. I'm not in love with any of the options available to me. Being alive is kind of a boring chore and even the good things are still not really what I'm looking for.
It's just not interesting

>> No.23162839 [DELETED] 

your mums full of shit

>> No.23162845

Sorry you're a brown, seething ESL, anon.

>> No.23162847

yer da sells avon

>> No.23162851
File: 157 KB, 1080x461, Screenshot_20240308_231110_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking saw you!

>> No.23162852

I want to read it anon

>> No.23162856
File: 33 KB, 640x209, b196440b5dcca2c24f859be0e6c15b0e3aab1c46c2a094c6983e87d4b4abe851_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23162861

i thought 'actually is anyone really as patently undeserving of my private jabs as some northerner's mum'

>> No.23162956


>> No.23163007

I just dont get it.

>> No.23163017

animal collective for babies
whats she saying?

>> No.23163022

burning your tongue… so fucking lame. as soon as you do it you know you’re in for a couple of days of bullshit. ruins the meal

>> No.23163046

On the 16th, I'll go see if I can kms. If I return, I'm a complete faggot.

>> No.23163050

thats my birthday

>> No.23163055

Hope it will be a good present. :D

>> No.23163076

I have to put so much effort into my labored breathing to feel comfortable that I can't sleep. I woke up twice already by the feeling of suffocating. I want this to be over.

>> No.23163085

might make me feel weird thinking about somewhere there's an anon trying to kill himself

>> No.23163090

you'll feel better knowing hundreds died to suicide anyway. just another drop
>blip blip blip bloop blip blip...

>> No.23163096
File: 73 KB, 500x480, EvDbBOxU4AcO-_Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's different when you know. eating dinner with with my parents like

>> No.23163121

Wtf bros I thought I was white but I'm 2/3rds irish

>> No.23163140

Why is it so hard to meet women?
I don't mean, DATE women.
I mean literally being in the same room as them.

My whole life has been a sausage fest. I hate it cause it makes meeting someone worth dating nearly impossible.

But I don't know how to change it.

>> No.23163142

who's that cute girl and why is she holding the fork like that?

>> No.23163160

post rock sister it was an old mu meme
americans don't know how to hold cutlery

>> No.23163166


>> No.23163169

i’m pint pilled, i’m lager coded, i’m beermaxxing, i’m serving booze hound

>> No.23163170

based and biggutpilled

>> No.23163174

barney gumble mindset

>> No.23163175

>reading quietly
>dog opens my door and looks at me
>walks off
>have to get up to close the door
>dog walks back and opens the door and walks off again
brb driving to the river real quick

>> No.23163185

pupper is just make sure you're safe on his patrols

>> No.23163186

I went to get an espresso coffee, when I saw 4 Jehovah's witnesses in the local café - which is very unusual in these parts. Have to be honest, I felt a bit disgusted with their sight.

>> No.23163205

Dance classes

>> No.23163206


>> No.23163219

God i wish i had a beer right the FUCK now

>> No.23163225

i love dogs

>> No.23163228

Which are more annoying - evangelists, jehowa witnesses or mormons?

>> No.23163234

I don't want to do something that doesn't come natural to me.
I already tried dancing once and it was a flop.

>> No.23163253

Youth in extremely attractive in girls.
As a 30 year old, any 4/10 20 year old who I would never have looked at when I was her age is now hot, lol.
No wonder that girls date older men.

>> No.23163255

It’s because they live online now. They spend all of their free time watching Netflix and scrolling TikTok.

>> No.23163269

I live in a Catholic nation, and so any protestant encounter is by itself unusual. I'd say Mormons are the worst. Generally, at least here, jw tend to stand in one spot with pamphlets and unless you get close they won't bother you. I've had to slam the door at Mormon's faces at least twice. And ive never met an evangelist.

>> No.23163273

been making friends with low viewcount youtubers going through some shit

>> No.23163304

>I don't want to learn new skills

>> No.23163319

I’ve always felt a bit above the educational and professional opportunities available to me. I feel trapped by an uninteresting and purposeless life and I’ve grown into a bitter and miserable person because of it.

>> No.23163335

I wish I could go back in time and make different decisions.

>> No.23163360
File: 15 KB, 1863x47, tabs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Nabokov so much. Just finished "Transparent Things" and it's yet another absolute masterpiece of a narrative structure that violates the very laws time.
And the smartass just hides what's really going on, like a jester taunting you with antic tricks and colourful rags that only form the proper sequence of meaning when you move from your seat to look at the act from the backstage.

Also, I am not beating the sperg allegations.

>> No.23163362
File: 16 KB, 550x534, 1625131192926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ate 1500 kcal of chocolate today, and i'm on a cut

>> No.23163371

restrict yourself all the time your body will crave fat

>> No.23163374

having cheese with grapes for the first time. /lit/ as fuck if you ask me

>> No.23163389

Thinking about moving to New York, if not New York City than New York State. I think there’s just better opportunities there than Pennsylvania.

>> No.23163411

As the progress of the Natural Sciences thus involves the exposure of every mystery of Being as mere imaginary secrets after all, the sole concern must henceforth be the act of knowing; but intuitive knowledge appears to be entirely excluded, since it might lead to metaphysical vagaries, namely to the cognisance of relations which are rightly withheld from abstract scientific comprehension until such time as Logic shall have settled them upon the evidence of Chemistry. I believe we are justified in concluding that the purely comprehending Subject, enthroned on the cathedra, is left with sole right to existence. A worthy close to the world-tragedy! How this solitary Comprehender may feel in his exclusive grandeur, it is not easy to conceive; we only hope that, arrived at end of his career, he may not have to repeat the cries of Faust at the beginning of Goethe's tragedy. In any case, we fear, not many can share with him his joy of knowing; and to us it seems that the State, so careful else of the common benefit, may be spending too much money on this unit's private happiness, should the latter even prove a fact. That common benefit indeed must be in sorry case, were it only since we find it difficult to regard this unadulterated Comprehender as a man among men. His course is from before the lectern to behind it; a wider scope for learning life, than this change of seat allows, is not at his command. The beholding of the things he thinks, is mostly denied him from youth up, and his contact with the so-called actuality of Being is a fumbling without feeling.

>> No.23163447

Same bro. Want to be roomies in Brooklyn come September?

>> No.23163455

Honestly the most annoying in my experience are those non denominational's who bother you at college campuses, stating they just "love jesus", and this comes from someone who is Christian.

>> No.23163457

This, everyone is addicted to their smartphones. You can't go anywhere without seeing everyone on their smartphones, organic conversation is dead.

>> No.23163465

hot take. never been said before.

>> No.23163481

Possibly, if there were any way to get to know you so I know you’re not a psycho…

How old are you by the way?

>> No.23163482

going to get all the drugs in my system and watch cartoons

>> No.23163484

Anyone else feel trapped by their little life? You guys are smart guys. Isn’t it frustrating to be smart and well-read and stuck like working at a grocery store or being some office functionary in a dead end career?

>> No.23163495

2 things I wish I did when I was young.
1) Go to a small college
I went to a giant university and it was devastating. You’re just a number there. It’s impossible to be really interested or engaged and the university doesn’t really care about you. They just want your money. At Least at small schools you can get 1:1 attention.
2) join the army
So many financial and professional benefits and it wasn’t quite totally woke and gay yet. Trump was President and I could’ve gotten in and out before it was pozzed.

>> No.23163520


>> No.23163524


>> No.23163566

my dad was army, he told me and my brother when we were little; don't join the army

>> No.23163650

it's funny how this board is not that smart but puts /sci/ to shame
why is that?
captcha: MOGw

>> No.23163915

>I went to a giant university and it was devastating. You’re just a number there. It’s impossible to be really interested or engaged and the university doesn’t really care about you.
that's just part of the difficulty of college (especially within the first years) and the reason so many fail. I don't know any "small college" or places you can get 1:1 attention. there just isn't such a thing in superior education unless you are talking about trades. nobody told you did they?


>> No.23163942

I used to post on /sci/. normies and redditors killed the board. people still make cool stuff on /diy/ and /g/

>> No.23164123

There are tons of small colleges. Generally speaking, the lower the student to faculty and student to admin ratios, the better. All the top schools have low ratios. Small schools have low ratios.

>> No.23164195

True. My dad is from Europe but I was born and raised American. He always gives me shit for the way I use forks and knives. Says I look barbaric

>> No.23164203

Dogs are very social. Weird how he even leaves the room at all. My dogs will literally follow me everywhere and won't go 5 feet away from me

>> No.23164216

I actually love talking about Jesus but 90 percent of those people at my college campus are cultistish freaks of nature who want to tell me some crazy bullshit about Islam, the "divine feminine" or some weird shit about how sins can only be forgiven on the day of passover. They always start by saying "wanna talk about jesus?" And I do because I love Jesus. But then they some weird ass shit and I leave feeling disgusted

>> No.23164226

I really wanted to go to small college but my parents forced me to go to a very big one because it had a name brand. Biggest regret of my life