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/lit/ - Literature

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23157316 No.23157316 [Reply] [Original]

>ask guy his favorite book
>Fight Club
>American Psycho
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Journey to the End of the Night
>War & Peace
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
>Infinite Jest
>Storm of Steel
>The Tunnel
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Starship Troopers
>The Iliad
>The Recognitions
>No Longer Human
>The Book of Disquiet

>> No.23157329
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>mfw mine is Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.23157337

And what is your favorite book, sir?

>> No.23157343
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>Gravity's Rainbow
>No Longer Human
Women adore these books. Besides Gravitys Rainbow, women arguably love those books more than men. Try harder next time, making shit rage bait

>> No.23157348

my red flag is "The Brothers Karamazov"

>> No.23157349

No man has the balls to say this is his favorite book IRL

>> No.23157353

Women don't even read GR lol

>> No.23157360

>no Au Rebours
What a pseud

>> No.23157393

a man of decadent taste

>> No.23157402
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I don't talk to women but I fear them finding out my love of ya, romance and Star Wars would be slightly revolting

>> No.23157405

I really like Carmilla

>> No.23157407


>> No.23157409

It's revolting to me as well

>> No.23157410

A monolingual man of entry-level taste

>> No.23157414

doesnt matter, there's plenty of books people like but never read lol

>> No.23157416
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>> No.23157419


>> No.23157431

If you judge people on their likes without first understanding what those things mean to them you are still a child. Women generally grow out of this at an earlier age than men do but that is ironically part of the reason men hang onto it longer; it takes women a few more years to figure out how to use this without blindly feeding the male ego. Functionally it all evens out.

>> No.23157435
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>my favorite book is The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

>> No.23157449

Knew two girls who've read it before me and theirs resources on YouTube of women reviewing it

>> No.23157450

Lying is a sin, faggot

>> No.23157464

>>Journey to the End of the Night
That is literally me.

>> No.23157489

>ask guy his favorite book
>it's a novel or self-help slop

>> No.23157505

When I was in high school GR was one of the books that all of the lit sorts read. My first read was a borrowed copy from a girl I had a serious thing for, she completely humiliated me on comprehension but I had caught up to her by the end of the school year and we ended up dating for awhile the following year. Had a lot of great lit discussions with her over the years.

>> No.23157514

>>ask guy his favorite book
>>it's a novel
What a fucking pseud

>> No.23157524

Esl thread

>> No.23157526

Couldn't be me. I only read non-fiction, like real men do.

>> No.23157527

Post favorite book

>> No.23157536

Tranny thread.

>> No.23157542

same difference

>> No.23157544

stuped bitch fuck benchod

>> No.23157543

Where did you go to high school? Was it a rich kids HS?

>> No.23157553
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This bad boy

>> No.23157554


>> No.23157556


>> No.23157562

So, are false accusations on your fellow neighbor

>> No.23157573


>> No.23157587

Standard US Public high school, small city so we had everything from rednecks and gangsters who could barely read up to the fairly well off but the vast bulk were from blue collar working families. Most of us who were lit fags were on the lower end of the financial spectrum and could not afford the hobbies and activities of most, books were cheap or free if you went to the library/borrowed and shopped used book stores.

>> No.23157596
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>ask girl her favorite book
>pic related

>> No.23157601

The only reader I've met in real life was a girl and she had all the old /lit/core despite not being online at all
I've still never read even a fraction of that stuff like gr,ij,Ulysses

>> No.23157652

Why should they find it revolting? Lot of women are into these as well.

>> No.23157659

Interesting. May I ask when did this happen? 90s? I can't imagine zoomer chicks reading this book.

>> No.23157754

No don quixote?

>> No.23157758

Lolita's a girl answer

>> No.23157762

>dating a girl with a nose piercing
All fields

>> No.23157769

Good post in a shit thread.

>> No.23157808

It was the 90s but people were not better read back then, as many like to think. Us lit fags were about a dozen people out of a student body of 1500 and were probably the only ones out of those 1500 who read GR. A big part of the reason for reading GR was standard high school social bs, the people who read as an affect (dark academia sorts) would read lot 49 and we had to differentiate ourselves from those sorts, not that anyone would notice. I doubt things have changed much, people who read for the love of literature tend not to be noticed by anyone but others like them, they are not blogging about it or making fun of the reading habits of others on 4chan, they are reading or writing.

>> No.23157874

Well said anon

>> No.23157879

it's the new "what bands do you listen to" because music is shit now

>> No.23157912
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You'd get so much pussy at comic con, not even joking. Some of those chicks love loremasters

>> No.23157916

Please expound further on what you mean by men hanging on to this trait longer because women grow out of it before them. Makes no sense. Also, what do you mean by saying women "use this"?

>> No.23157964

>>Fight Club
>>American Psycho
Rare cases where the film adaptation is better than the source material.
>Crime and Punishment
>Notes from Underground
>Moby Dick
>Blood Meridian
I like these, the rest are either shit or I haven't read them.
The ones that are shit
>The Iliad
Mercifully, no Shakespeare.

>> No.23158194

Don't mean this in an asshole way, but you may want to work on those language skills if you have trouble with that post.

>> No.23158199

Ulysses wipes his ass with Blood Redditian.

>> No.23158202

>Women generally grow out of this at an earlier age than men
Holy cope from someone who rarely interacts with women

>> No.23158209

Style niggers get hanged.

>> No.23158239

> ask a girl her favorite book
> The Secret History
> Harry Potter
> Lolita
> The Handmaid’s Tale
> etc. etc.

>> No.23158659

There is one person in a ton of threads just shilling shitty corporate genre fiction. Please stop.

>> No.23158793
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>> No.23158803

Cormac McDonald is a style nigger (when he's not being genre nigger).

>> No.23158838

Kinda hard not to. His idea is that women judge people for their likes less beginning at a younger age causing men to mature at a later age. What do women have to do with the age that men start to mature? Is he saying that men would mature at a younger age if women matured at an older age? Do men actually grow out of this? Most of the old men I've had significant interactions with have been pretty judgemental about the weirdest shit, whether it be my fishing hobby, my occasional beer, or the car that I drive.

I do understand how being around a woman who doesn't judge a man for his tastes could feed into that man's ego when he is constantly judging everyone else for their tastes. It makes him feel that his tastes are superior because they receive less judgement comparatively.

>> No.23159187

These are actually good and you should definitely read

>> No.23159518

Of course they do, which is why women are always judging their partners on wio to hang out with and what to do with their free time. You must be a larping inexperienced zoomer or a seething femoid who thinks they are making original insights, women truly lack self awareness, every fucking time.

>> No.23159529

I met a girl whose basically this is what she would read and know especially Lolita. I introduced her to that books and found it disturbing.

>> No.23159551

Glad I cropped my bulge out of that picture since people saved it apparently.

>> No.23159552

how many of them did you manage to get through in the end

>> No.23159555

I got halfway through one, started a second hoping it would be better, speed read most of that one, and then seriously questioned what I was doing with my life.

>> No.23160041

>>Moby Dick
Barely scraped through. Shit is shit.

>>Starship Troopers
Film is better.

>>Crime and Punishment
>>Notes from Underground
>>War & Peace

>>The Iliad
Been checking it solely for abundance of different translations of the same text. And to learn Ancient Greek.
As a stand-alone piece of art, it's shit.

>>Blood Meridian
Okay-ish. But definitely not favourite.

>>ask guy his favorite book
Thus Spoke Zarathustra.

Everything else is overrated,

>> No.23160078

Lisa Simpson read it, that's how I first heard of it when I was 10

>> No.23160087

>I can't... read...

>> No.23160620

/// Boyd qualified his opinion, noting that the evidence could be interpreted in other ways /// There is usually a period of shakedown with new technology /// Sit down and have some lunch, then go round and do the glad-handing afterwards /// If you need help, just call on Mike. He can come at the drop of a hat /// That rinky-dink shelf is likely to collapse if you fill it with books /// James Addison Baker was the consummate master at actually getting things done in Washington /// I could hear the champagne fizz as he poured it into my glass /// In all human affairs, there is virtue in a successor's not being a precise simulacrum of the predecessor whom he or she follows /// The country's criminal and civil courts were creaking at the seams in spite of efforts to shore them up /// The boat was hit by a squall north of the island /// This is a draft manuscript waiting for an editor to impose coherence and to smooth over mangled grammar, malapropisms and political oversimplifications /// Children who expect a supportive response to their emotional displays are more likely to express emotion, whereas children who expect a negative interpersonal response report dissembling emotional expression /// People left so much food on their plates and crumpled a few dollar bills down, as though it were an offering, expiation for the wasted food /// The most erudite people in medical research attended the conference /// In issue two, Chang wanders around gibbering like a raw-meat lunatic /// Hope you got enough poontang to last you till next time /// Companies blame the economy for the lay offs, while workers chalk it up to bad management /// He was reeling a little. He must be very drunk /// Two new natural-gas plants should help slake the country's demand for power /// Roses climbed the trellises /// In 37 years with British Rail, I saw how station staff always bore the brunt of public anger over fare rises /// He's constantly switching up his cadence and his delivery /// I opened the gate, and was immediately set on by a large dog /// We were tucked away in a secluded corner of the room /// What you've got to do is to ///pal up with the fellows; then they'll stick to you /// You should do the math for your project rather than accept someone else's fuzzy accounting /// Next in line would be his surviving siblings, and the progeny of any deceased siblings /// Muttering under my breath, I chose a pair of russet trousers, a cream poloneck angora and lambswool jumper and a tweedy jacket /// The chits are drawn sequentially to determine the current order of play /// He was battered unconscious /// Docks are like open parking lots, whereas a slip is equal to a dedicated space /// It really bummed me out that she could have helped and didn't /// Local hospital closures are deeply emotive ///

>> No.23160660

Stop seething, paco.

>> No.23160669

>The Iliad
what is the problem with that?

>> No.23160677


>> No.23161446

Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil

>> No.23161456

Who has a favourite book anyway? Are you ten years old?

>> No.23162407

right? got some weird people posting on here