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/lit/ - Literature

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23156511 No.23156511 [Reply] [Original]

Køt edition
Old >>23153688

>> No.23156517


>> No.23156533

Je ne suis ici que pour dire à quel point he déteste la vie

>> No.23156534
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>> No.23156538

I hate my small life but as I look back on it, I only got the inevitable result of the choices I made. I chose a small life. I just didn’t realize I’d hate it.

>> No.23156545


>> No.23156549
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Hitler didn't fail us, we failed him...

>> No.23156557
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Afraid so. America fought on the wrong side in WW2, and this nightmare hellscape we currently inhabit is our reward for that.

>> No.23156559

Just had some earlier.

I need to get caught up on reading but my tablet is charging and once I get it charged I'm gonna dive back in

>> No.23156560

Do you think in the age of internet it is possible for a great orator to unite and inspire millions of citizens for a single cause?

>> No.23156566

Of course you couldn't tell them back then not to, FDR was too far up his own ass for that.

>> No.23156569

Most orating is done digitally so that would be a feat. Though I think a lot of people are too cynical for one to have mass appeal.

>> No.23156579

I need more

>> No.23156583

>he has to charge his book

>> No.23156584

Houellebecq was ruined by fame. I read Platform, Map and the Territory, and Submission and they don't hold a candle to his first two novels. In retrospect, the depression and frustration of his early work is mainly what made it good.

>> No.23156593
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>I need to get caught up on reading but my tablet is charging

>> No.23156608

That's Hitler's fault for declaring war on the US.

>> No.23156615

It's the U.S.'s fault for blockading Japan when they were supposedly "neutral" in the war.

>> No.23156631

A rugged mountain range rears its red-tipped head. The brimstone craters' glow pulsates; skin-deep, all the way down to my nerves. Each separate volcano makes me regret taking the act of sitting for granted. I hope the salve takes care of these hemorrhoids soon

>> No.23156632

Drowning Drowning up I see

Faces lacking empathy

Drowning Drowning all I catch

Are Scornful looks that then detatch

>> No.23156635
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I wish DFW was still alive

>> No.23156636

I'm sorry.

>> No.23156640


>> No.23156643

I wish Wolfe was still alive. I only found out about him after his death and now I want to write him.

>> No.23156658

How do you get digital oral?

>> No.23156668

i'm glad they're both dead

>> No.23156672 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23156679

nice car

>> No.23156694

No because access to any large audience online is restricted by the organization behind the platform. It's like you need to pay Plato five chickens every day AND he has to agree with your message before you are even allowed to speak in the auditorium

>> No.23156738

For what?

>> No.23156760

i just heard a prolonged, blood curdling scream

>> No.23156769
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I can’t take it anymore. I just came to a clip of her applying her estrogen cream. The thought of this cute, faggy boy giving into the whims of the internet by slowly feminizing himself to the point where he becomes a tranny porn star is making me impossibly horny.

>> No.23156772

Rope yourself, no one cares what you stroked your dick to, faggot

>> No.23156773

>when the GERD/heartburn/minor heart attack/angina/bile duct disease/gallstones/liver failure/kidney failure pain disperses into that warm "ok I am done making you want to kill yourself now, enjoy not being in pain for a few hours" glow
bros you simply must try it

>> No.23156778

I don't understand what guys into traps see in their minds when they see a picture like this. As soon as my mind tries to do any of the stuff it does when I see a real woman, I realize, but that's a man, and thus he would smell like shit and have a dick and so forth.

It's like biting into a nicely iced cake and the inside is shit. What's the appeal?

>> No.23156780 [DELETED] 

i care

>> No.23156781

sometimes I think hiring and banging hookers is the only logical and normal way for a man to exist nowadays. the only downsides I see is that it's still slightly expensive and sometimes you have to deal with random niggers and strange situations

>> No.23156785

Nietzsche and Lovecraft both lived lives filled with constant pain, both mental and physical, and they were two of the best writers in history. Honestly if you're not suffering at least 90% of the time you're probably a shit writer.

>> No.23156788

Luther is another classic example, some kind of IBS/Jewish immuno-colon-problems Crohn's type thing.

>> No.23156792

They are homosexuals in denial. You are normal, please try not to make sense with them.

>> No.23156811

Read these two in tandem


>> No.23156837

i can't even tell if i'm making this up

>> No.23156843

This sentence is not true.

>> No.23156844

I'm gonna be honest -- most literary fiction is boring. Most people who read literary fiction are boring.

Pynchon and McCarthy prove that artistic books can have mass appeal. The problem is that anyone who's a good prose writer normally makes the most boring shit imaginable.

>> No.23156849

impossible to assume

>> No.23156850

Are you calling Pynchon and/or McCarthy boring?

>> No.23156851

No, the opposite. They're proof litfic can be interesting.

>> No.23156856

I wanna go back to 2003, please just let me go back to 2093

>> No.23156863

if he's not i will

>> No.23156864

Literary fiction is for people in whom the Imagination (Phantasia) is predominant, who see movies in their head when they read. Women and sub-conceptual men are heavily overrepresented in this demographic. For conceptualizers (mostly white European men), reading literary fiction is a significant investment because all the effort to sustain the pretty picture show had better be worth the payoff in conceptual and symbolic content.

>> No.23156870

Is there any theoretical writing that touches on effects of pain changing leading to changes in cultural attitudes or creating great art?

>> No.23156874

Toynbee sort of but it's at the civilizational level, also similar to the opening parts of Machiavelli's Discorsi

>> No.23156875

>hey Japan stop being a bitch or we'll stop selling you oil
>oh no I'm being blockaded, I have no choice but to attack you!
>Hitler decides to declare war on the US when he could have just done nothing and the US would have probably sat out of the western front of WWII

>> No.23156883

I can see the appeal despite finding trannies disgusting and gross. Female pattern brain thinking is possibly incomprehensible to those with the tranny fetish, so they gravitate towards those that might be able to relate to them on a mental level.

>> No.23156888

Anything that touches more on an individual level?

>> No.23156896

I've been thinking about this topic for a while. The world today is run by an extremely complex global network of engineers, scientists, bureaucrats, NGOs, etc. And no on in my generation seems like they're capable of replacing those people once they all die. Like I just cannot imagine zoomers fighting in a war or becoming a strong leader when their virtues and values are so weak.

>> No.23156904

Nothing is possible anymore. You’ll just see the same old wojak memes, recycled garbage movie IPs, internet talking points, decline in standards of living, et cetera. In twenty years, everything will basically be the same as it is now, but worse.

>> No.23156914

Build your own farm and move there.

>> No.23156920
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>all the effort to sustain the pretty picture show had better be worth the payoff in conceptual and symbolic content.
Yeah, I realized that a book needs to have a strong plot or theme or purpose to capture me. Most literary fiction is just a bunch of words to dazzle you, but it's empty underneath.

This is why most great novels are partially philosophical. Every year new kids discover Karamazov

>> No.23156955

Also it's worth looking at guys like Hemingway or Goethe whose every work had some kind of point. There is a restless energy and motion to their writings, and it's no surprise Faust pt. 2 was published posthumously -- for him, it was a never-ending cycle until death. When you look at most Litfic writers though, they're extremely satisfied. Their novels contain no real themes or messages or plots, it's just a quiet stroll through the park.

Novels are dead. What they need is life. We need restless, unhappy writers who inject their hopes and dreams into them. Until then, Litfic remains a hobby for boring people.

>> No.23156964

The New York subways being patrolled by the military’s show a great vase of the regime showing its hand. It cuts through all the bullshit. “Random" searches by men with rifles in public.

This proceeds accordingly from the Left presupposition that people lack agency, and society itself is responsible for crime due to social reproduction theory.

They can't blame criminals for their own crime, so they treat everyone else as guilty by presumption. This is the philosophy of a police state, everything the leftoids were saying Trump would do, they did.

>> No.23156974

I cannot stop myself from thinking about her. She is unavailable, unimpressed, and wholly uninterested. But even as I write the words I cannot bring myself to believe them. I want her body, her resilient small body which has twice endured the traumas of pregnancy. I want to love her, to show her my admiration for her body’s strength, to help her sigh away her worries, to help her slide smoothly from this world into the infinite soft darkness of incubatory sleep.

>> No.23156984

Damn I'm having a similar problem except that she is boring and uninteresting and bossy but my family is compelling me to spend time with her because my dad wants to fuck her and thinks he's doing me a favor

>> No.23157002

The best gift of nature is the ability to observe tens, thousands, millions of people doing something in the same way, and yet still to see how it can be done differently, and often should be done differently as well.

>> No.23157003

I'm too old to be sport
So what am I?
I am sentient in that I have all my senses. Thats all sentient is.

>> No.23157042

Old sport

>> No.23157043

You love a fictional version of this girl that doesn't actually exist

>> No.23157045

Somebody yesterday posted a picture of a bombshell of a girl who was in a four year relationship with this really ugly Asian guy, as a sort of inspiration porn.
I wanted to revisit that picture but her Instagram is completely wiped clean of pictures of them together today.
Wonder what happened.

>> No.23157058

Not our problem

>> No.23157060

Sad to see a traditional couple go apart.

>> No.23157062

The older I get the more I see Ted as a hopeless idealist

>> No.23157068

I got a job at a university back in 2017 and they were offering to pay in full for my PhD. So my plan at the time was to work there, get my PhD on the side, and make the jump over to faculty once I got the degree. But then then the COVID shit happened, every university whatever shred of reasonable sanity it had left, all the progressives I worked with went mask off, and work became suffering. So I lost interest in academia and asked to convert to a remote position. I’ve been working remotely ever since and I still basically don’t know what to do now. Do I leave and find a new career? Do I start the PhD anyway? Do I just enjoy my remote job and use my freedom to write? I have no idea.

>> No.23157069
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This book might interest you

>> No.23157080

You thought this was hell? Hah, no. This is purgatory.

>> No.23157099

The military is patrolling the New York subways? Since when
>This proceeds accordingly from the Left presupposition that people lack agency
Blacks definitely have limited agency

>> No.23157115


If you cannot share a work place with people of a different opinion in academia, than you're not cut for this world.

>> No.23157147

First of all, you’re not going to guilt me into contributing to a partisan organization just to get along. Second, if you think it’s merely a matter of diverging but respectful opinion, you have absolutely no exposure at all to the thing we’re talking about. So if you don’t have a clue, don’t reply.

>> No.23157152

Funny you should say that given Academia actively rejects and represses everyone who disagrees with it

>> No.23157155
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I will contribute one (1) cat.

>> No.23157168

i thought that was the picture of bigfoot

>> No.23157170

I'm an academic, albeit in Yurope.

I don't really experience that despite having pretty chuddish opinions.

>> No.23157195

It's pathetic how unable women are of doing anything about it when you say you won't do the women work they ask you for

>> No.23157215

I'd let 50000 Seneghalese orphans die in a flood if I could get a single good night of sleep.

>> No.23157217

1) No, you’re not
2) Europe isn’t America
3) Don’t care, didn’t ask

>> No.23157223

blud thought this was twitter :skull:

>> No.23157225

Do you have to do yearly DEI training and declare your support in your yearly review in Europe? No? Every Academic in America has to do that. You can’t even apply to grad school without a diversity statement now. Either you are diverse or you are radically committed to diversity. No exceptions.

>> No.23157241

>diversity statement
What's wrong with that?
Are you a racist?
Other kind of bigot?

>> No.23157253

It's my constitutional right to think like one.

>> No.23157261

yes, but you don't have a constitutional right to be a bigot in academia

>> No.23157265

>What's wrong with that?
You being alive for starters.

>> No.23157268

Incapable of [____]ing

Unable to [____]

How dare you not learn this completely arbitrary distinction in my fine language, ESL

>> No.23157270

Oh you poor little thing. Did I hurt your feelings?

>> No.23157274

>hates English
>is forced to write in it

>> No.23157377
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I'm eating her yoghurt. Should I join her book club?

>> No.23157437

I'd say it's the capacity for joy in tranquil conditions, a certain kind of subtlety at apprehending one's surroundings. I haven't always been successful in pursuit of the quiet life, but have the least regrets about going in that general direction: It's the primordial form of foresight, or the artist's sense of life.

>> No.23157460

I want to watch the name of the rose but now I wonder if its better to read it instead...

>> No.23157463

okay Mark Fisher you can kill yourself any time now.

>> No.23157467


>> No.23157472

you should, THOUGH. private property conflicts with freedom of speech, either get rid of all property so I can say 'nigger' wherever I go, or keep private property so I'm constantly oppressed. your choice.

>> No.23157521

I have a very public facing job and I’m always worried that some embarrassing social media posts and group chats from when I was a college student are going to be made public ruin me. One of them wasn’t even me. It was a friend pulling a prank by pretending to be me.

>> No.23157545

Didn't your parents teach you not to use your real name online? Fuckin people are clueless now

>> No.23157546


>> No.23157549

---- Solaria ----
Dance Music

I prefer to sit around to it
And let sightly scenery reel as it will

On lawns or in parks
Where what there is to see is a little dizzying

To the comprehending eye.

>> No.23157569

Facebook forced me to use mine after going under pseudonyms for over twelve years

>> No.23157574

No because this was in 2012 and my parents didn’t even know how to use the internet

>> No.23157584

Staring at qts is good for your health

>> No.23157595

Agreed, same for anything of remarkable natural beauty.

>> No.23157602

Pleasant architecture isn't bad either

>> No.23157604

It makes my underwear smell bad.

>> No.23157615

Eat more pineapple?

>> No.23157627

anyone of you listen to imbred?

>> No.23157684

tell me about yourself anon, who exactly are you? what do you do? where do you see yourself in this world and how do you fit in it? are you particularly proud of anything you've done so far, or do you look forward to doing great things in your lifetime? what is the your story?

just want a conversation with more meaning than the bloody weather

>> No.23157698

>more meaning than the bloody weather
It's all smoke and mist, anon, weather's all we got

>> No.23157723

Absolutely agreed.
Sometimes i can't believe how much is in my social memory. Shit as I am at names, there must be about 1000 I could cite with decently accurate character and temperament and appearance and background portraits. Somehow none of my friends had any such aptitude, but that's one of the things I enjoyed about their company: Gossip is a lot of fun, but there are other things to do.

>> No.23157777

If you’re someone who knows what they want to do with their life, I want to hear from you. How did you decide?

>> No.23157830

>US would have probably sat out of the western front of WWII
No they wouldn't.
They were already supplying Britain with arms and planes, breaking the neutrality act years before.

>> No.23157860

I read a book

>> No.23157914

I should jump off a bridge.

>> No.23157924

I don't know. Nothing. Nowere. No. I can't find anything.

>> No.23157929


>> No.23157949

To live comfortably with enough time to listen to music of my choosing, and rarely have what others like imposed on me. Decision was never a factor. Finding ways and means were my main concern.

>> No.23157953

Hurdy Gurdy Man

The opening scene of Zodiac is great

>> No.23157966
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There's this one girl I'm interested in, but I know her one friend a bit better. Would it be retarded for me to message her one friend, asking what I should do if I'm interested in the girl she's friends with?
What are the chances this would be make a pariah or seem like a desperate creep? I really don't have the reputation for being an incel creep, which is a plus.

>> No.23157972

Please don’t be angry

>> No.23157973

Women’s opinions don’t matter

>> No.23157997

Just masturbate before you do anything.

>> No.23158002

The point would be that she would probably tell her friend and then if she's not interested, she can tell me to fuck off and I can move on with my life.
Already did that today, saar

>> No.23158009

>aleady did that today, saar
Good, now do it again!
(and post results)

>> No.23158072

I woke up at 0530 to the sound of my alarm after a deep sleep with vivid dreams. I’ve had two dreams now of J--. Abstaining from weed for the past two weeks has made my sleep much more restful. I was drooling, and when I went to the bathroom to clean my mouth-guard I noticed that a deep line from my pillow was engraved down the left side of my face, running across my eye like a dueling scar. I filled my mouth-guard container with hot water and dropped in a dissolvable denture cleaning tablet with the guard. I doubt it does a great job of cleaning it, but I don’t really give a fuck. Brushed teeth, put lotion on dry face and arms. My eyes remain chronically bloodshot. I think I ruined them with over-the-counter red-eye-relief drops. They’ve been red for over a year now. The doctor diagnosed me with ocular rosacea; it’s uncurable. The best I can do is heat up a bean-bag for thirty seconds in the microwave and plop it on my eyes for a few minutes to get some juices flowing; it doesn’t help much. It’s hard to make eye-contact when you can see people looking at your eyes.
I didn’t feel like making coffee so I drank pre-workout. at 0630 there is still a line running down my face from my pillow. Why is this taking so long to go away? Maybe I should start eating food with more collagen.
Black boot, black jeans, grey shirt, black hoodie. Work-phone, ID-card, transparent backpack containing: laptop, laptop power-cord, cellphone power-cord, ethernet-cord, wireless mouse, allen wrenches, fab-approved notebook, black pen, wireless earbuds.
I took the stairwell down the four floors to the parking garage. The Mexican janitor was, as usual, breaking down cardboard boxes at the dumpster. We exchanged greetings. These fucking assholes refuse to breakdown the boxes from their endless deliveries. There are signs on every floor, at every trash-shoot, that ask people to flatten out the cardboard and carry it down to the recycling dumpster, but every morning I see him with bins full of unflatten'd boxes diligently preforming his menial and thankless work.
I live five minutes from the factory. My car doesn’t even have time to warm up by the time I pull into the parking garage. I crossed the bridge, grabbed a coffee, and went to the pass-down room for the morning meeting. A--, who just returned from an assignment in Germany where he was working on some old tool that nobody else on the planet has his expertise on, brought donuts. He brings donuts every ‘Friday,’ I haven’t figured out why exactly yet, psychologically speaking. I didn’t eat any; I had been fasting for the past two days and somehow wasn’t hungry. Maybe abstaining from weed was suppressing my appetite. I had also been trying to see what it felt like to starve. I had been meaning to start writing a story about a factory-worker who starves himself to death, and wanted the raw experience.

>> No.23158084

Went to a seedy massage parlor. Shit was gross. I don't know how anyone can get off to it
The woman was like 50. The actual massage was ok but when she tried to give me a handy I instantly went flaccid. The entire thing just felt really gross and wrong
Never again

>> No.23158094

I ended up stopping her after like 5 minutes of her trying. I don't think i have ever been as little aroused in my life

>> No.23158100

I'm having a midlife crisis (I'm not old just average)

>> No.23158109

Well I'm a Californian so weather is pretty exciting. We just got this crazy thunderstorm that blew in. Sky was blue, sun was out, and suddenly the sky went black, lighting flashed everywhere and a massive downpour began while I was on the freeway. The freeway even flooded and I got a text alert warning me to shelter in place due to flash floods.

>> No.23158110

I wish I had better relationships with my sisters. Some people are really close with their siblings and hang out with them regularly and some people have siblings who rely on them a lot and I'm jealous of both types. I see my sisters once or maybe twice a year when I visit my parents and outside of that I might as well not exist to them. Not even on some weird shit, I just don't have any close relationships whatsoever and I wish that the relationships I was born with didn't wither away as I got older.

>> No.23158114

Bullshit. As far back as 2007 my fucking elementary school was giving lessons about how dangerous it is to post personal info online.

>> No.23158120

I am bigoted about things you've never even heard of

>> No.23158122

>2007 my fucking elementary school
brb kms

>> No.23158126

>The woman was like 50
This. There are few places nearby and they all employ old women. It's fine for an actual massage but all these places also do happy endings and body on body.

>> No.23158135

Are you stupid? That all changed suddenly with the emergence of facebook and others.
Somebody post that screencap of youtubes guidelines regarding use of real names from before 2010 and after 2010

>> No.23158138

She looked alright i guess for a 50 year old and i was actually aroused during the massage part i think in part cause you don't see the person during that part.
Happy ending just felt disgusting and i also felt bad for making this old women do that when she's obviously desparate
Total waste of money

>> No.23158139

Yeah bro you're fucking old. I'm 25.

>> No.23158143

My middle school from 2011 to 2013 taught us not to use our real info online and warned us to be careful about what we say on Facebook. You just lived in retardville where they didn't teach you basic shit

>> No.23158155

---- Solaria ----

Victor giggled when I showed him Saturn in a telescope for the first time.
Rochelle was rather familiar with Catalina Island.
Sultan was a perfect angel.

Marcus, I know you're still out there.
RIP Russell, you magnificently hilarious fat Viking-looking bastard.
Two Craigs come to mind--

The beautiful looking one
And the other, adorably awkward fuck
who dropped me off in some

Elysium I wish he knew.

>> No.23158161

It was a thing way before that. Back in the long ago, in the time of the external modem, the one with the oldfag screechy noises, when nobody bought shit online because who the fuck gives their credit card info to the internet, they were telling kids not to give out their real name or address and that everyone you're talking to on the web is secretly a 45 year filipino male with an interest in abduction and white slavery.

>> No.23158187

I definitely talked to those guys as a kid

>> No.23158225

Social media has opened up new avenues for writers and yet nobody seems to know or care because the only people writing are boomers and MFA grads

>> No.23158269

My mind is a panopticon.

>> No.23158271

A few days ago I spent a night at my cousins' house. One of them is a little girl. 6 years old. I told her to wake me up in the morning so I could eat breakfast with her. I woke up before she did and laid in bed thinking. Eventually I hear a light knock on the door. I pretended to be asleep. In she comes on her tippy toes, trying to be as quiet as possible. Before she could yell in my face to "WAKE UPPPPP" I yelled "BOO" making her jump off the ground a little. She gave me a hug and then sat on a chair facing me. We talked about the pet chickens in her school classroom. I think that was probably one of the greatest moments of my life. Stuff like that is the reason for living. Imagine coming home from 9-5 and your cute daughter runs to the door to give you a hug and say hello. "Daddy, you're home!" Must be the greatest thing in the world. It sucks to be a weird, awkward 20 something year old man. I don't have a single female acquaintance. I will probably never experience that. At least my cousin is too young to realise or care about what a subhuman I am.

>> No.23158283

I am no one. I don't do anything. I see myself as a lesser being. I am immensely ashamed of my life and have nothing to be proud of. I dread the future. That's my story. It's a warm day and the sky is blue.

>> No.23158290

Just ordered Big Sur and Visions of Gerard on a whim. I want to read more Kerouac. Sucks he’s famous for On the Road as that’s probably the worst book of his I’ve read

>> No.23158291

I believe I will be a world famous figure despite being a complete loser at 27. I will not have to work a wagie corpo job either. I will attract women and be the greatest human ever, and I won't even have to try.

>> No.23158298 [DELETED] 

I always cuddle with my niece (she is 11, just the right age), because I have done it so many times she is quite used to it and doesn't mind when my hand wanders to certain parts of her body...

>> No.23158304

That is disgusting and you should get help or kill yourself.

>> No.23158310

There are two school chums I used to trade rather a lot of posts between, but don't any longer, not because I don't like or trust them, but only because they're too involved with social media as such. I'm not even particularly involved in the local community, can take or leave socializing for socializing's sake, but know my neighbors far better than either of them do. Never underestimate the value of face-to-face meetings, particularly outdoors or where where no arrangements have been made, and no serious obligations pertain.

>> No.23158318 [DELETED] 

I find it very pleasant and she also doesn't seem to mind it and even enjoys it, I am not seeing anything disgusting here except maybe some creep on the internet telling others to kill themselves.

>> No.23158323

God is gonna get you buddy.

>> No.23158329 [DELETED] 

Is it even a sin according to the bible? The main issue I see here is that we are not wed, but that's a very minor sin.

>> No.23158354

A loser i am like the underground man, except not even that interesting. I know I am boring unremarkable and seethe inwardly at how little I have achieved and my inability to be accepted anywhere
I spend my free days listlessly browsing 4chan reloading threads
I work in security in a patrol vehicle overnight

>> No.23158357

Matthew 18:6
“Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

>> No.23158398 [DELETED] 

Next time I see her I'll ask her if she believes in god, if not then it's all good but if she does then I might have to conveet to islam or something.

>> No.23158434

I can still feel occasional heartaches. That's gotta be pretty good. Maybe things aren't all that rotten.

>> No.23158447

---- Solaria ----

Nothing so formal as
As an agora, nothing to trade,

Where one is completely out of suits
Yet so potent in the weave of place it feels as if

Nothing bad can happen, ever.

>> No.23158464

The chief characteristic of the neurotic person is lack of a normal sex life. Sexual satisfaction is the key to happiness.

>> No.23158469

That is very good indeed.

>> No.23158471

I satisfy myself.

>> No.23158483

true i am basically a turbo virgin incapable of being loved or loving anyone. I may try a whore soon just to see what I am missing

>> No.23158488

Same here, for the most part. More would be nice, and sometimes has been. For the most part I let chemistry take its course.

>> No.23158492

That's beautiful, anon. There's nothing absolutely denying the possibility of you ever reaching that ideal. You're in your twenties. Just try to be a good man through it all.

>> No.23158510

Anyone else suspect their very comfortable and easy remote job is bad for them? I suspect mine is bad for me. I also find it a bit regrettable because it’s like somehow just letting life pass by.

>> No.23158511

Masturbation allows you to indulge in sexual fantasy, which will relieve some of the emotional tension that the sex drive inflicts, but over time one's satisfaction with the simulation of sex dwindles and is replaced by a deep shame over awareness of the self-deception. Without real sex, you will never experience emotional tranquility

>> No.23158547

When I comes to prose writing, I believe that I have a hidden schizo mode which 99.9% of people can't access. This allows me to write phenomenal prose, but the catch is that it's a very unpleasant feeling. My brain enters a state of very loose association, and it feels like it's sliding backwards into madness. I've only recently discovered I can do this, so I won't post examples. But I believe I can take this somewhere great.

>> No.23158571

Don't let your job be your whole life

>> No.23158572

It's my 21st birthday. Drinking alone in my room. The same as the previous years, only difference is I didn't care then. What the fuck went wrong?

>> No.23158632

Today's Wordle is clone if anyone is interested

>> No.23158643

The new Fallout cash grab looks weak. Maybe I’ll torrent it instead.

>> No.23158655

In 2007 I had been out of high school for six years

>> No.23158656

My brother is like this

>> No.23158672

Why aren't you drinking with him?

>> No.23158689


>> No.23158715
File: 57 KB, 336x216, Moon Usagi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I coughed and it made me fard and I worry I shid myself a little

>> No.23158726
File: 87 KB, 900x1017, charmander.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23158727

---- Solaria ----
North Loop

I rode around here, usually,
Like a prince who, speaking in a legacy language

Belongs and will arrive
Where life is sweet as what you will.


>> No.23158750

All I ever need to realize my weakness is to remember how I felt during a couple of tiny moments with my ex-gf: Her telling me that i'm a liar after I told her I was doing well, ''I know you'', she said ; And her telling me how much she missed me once. Mundane yet makes my soul ache deeper than ever. I will remain a pathetic fool for as long as I keep myself shackled by this need for -I don't know what to call it- feminine reassurance or validation or care. It's too close to being a little boy. I must move past it. I must stop thinking of a woman's caresses every time I go to sleep. Weakling bullshit. I wish I felt as strongly and was as obsessive with other aspects of life.

>> No.23158753
File: 1.81 MB, 1448x1054, chalcedony.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been beachcombing for the most unusual and interesting rocks I could find at the beach where I am visiting for a few months.
I found a beautiful piece of carnelian/agate/chalcedony that is a perfect representation of the golden sunsets here, complete with clouds.
Here is a video I took of a sunset here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8SXQx7Wv2c [Embed]
So all the beauty and meaning in such sunsets is impressed deeply into the meaning of this stone - it is enchanted.
It is the most priceless treasure to me, an extraordinary piece of geological art sculpted by the hands of the ocean and shore.

>> No.23158755

Nothing like a cream puff after pumping iron.

>> No.23158757


>> No.23158789

Unbelievably based anon. You're the man. I should pay more attention to the rocks next time i visit the local mediterranean beach.

>> No.23158794

My peanus is small.

>> No.23158806
File: 89 KB, 1705x959, OkayGuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't get a single (you) today

>> No.23158821

I think a woman "crying" and acting all histrionic is one of the most disgusting and irritating things to see. I put scare quotes around cry because I don't think they actually cry, although with their evil animal brains convincing them of their own lies I am sure they think that they are really crying. But just in general, the gasping wheezing spastic blubbery runny nose act is awful to behold. There's something so entitled and narcissistic about how they know instinctively that it will work, they really think someone will just let them off the hook for burning down an apartment complex if they start sputtering and wheezing and boogering. Women should not be allowed to talk without a license they have to renew every 4 hours.

>> No.23158825

you don't look anything like an airport but the thought of a 747 landing on you is not at all disagreeable

>> No.23158826

Erm... erp.. uh

>> No.23158829
File: 16 KB, 920x800, hapy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23158835

Toriyama gone. I can think of like 20 countries that could realistically have a day of mourning tomorrow for that guy.

>> No.23158857

I wish i could get over my burning hatred of the male sex some of you guys are pretty cool

>> No.23158880
File: 78 KB, 850x400, nietzsche women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but women

>> No.23158885

>nietsczhe thinks women are a monolith


>> No.23158888
File: 497 KB, 724x619, 1700440856289609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met them, they largely are.

>> No.23158902
File: 173 KB, 1195x1367, 0d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided that if the world does not respond to my calls of will, the problem is with the world, not with myself. Insist on this method and you will succeed, or you will at minimum become a pest to forces which do not deserve to exist. Harry and oppose the barriers of the false order.

>> No.23158908

I feel thats the way with most ppl tho or maybe im just talking to the wrong ones idk

>> No.23158912
File: 94 KB, 1004x1059, 1705953728301065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is it with women and "generalizations"

>> No.23158917

They have to make sure someone knows that they are one of the "good ones" or sm shitt

>> No.23158923

This is a good Stirnerian anthem, whether deliberately or not (though probably deliberate)
Declare war on the world. If your life matters to yourself, it means it matters. It's metaphysically and perhaps metaphysically indisputable. Nothing can touch you but your own vision. If your vision happens to conflict with mine, we'll have to sort that out. But there is no other law, no other true, natural condition.

>> No.23158924

Just my heavy heartbeat and loud tinnitus keeping me up. I want to kill myself so bad and joking around on 4chan doesn't help. All while making my shitty edits, there's just a voice in the back of my mind (kill yourself right now. shoot yourself. go ahead. do it, before you end up worse.)

>> No.23158935

There is no other defensible law or government but mine, metaphysically speaking. This is borderline mathematically true. My despotic government (America ™) mightr beg to differ, but anyone who disagrees to me, irreducibly, mathematically, is ultimately just a slave to some ego that outranks them. I'm right despite your witch hunt

>> No.23158941
File: 64 KB, 512x383, a pimp named slickback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not wrong. All bitches are hoes. But there's a lotta bitch-ass niggas out there who are also hoes.

>> No.23158942

I must become a thing to be feared or else I am not allowed to be happy.

>> No.23158947

You ever try bupropion + dxm? new med combo that's saving a lot of people

>> No.23158952

It's a dog-eat-dog world. And I'm the chinaman.

>> No.23158953

don't care about getting better.

>> No.23158994

Are you actually Chinese or is it stolen valor?

>> No.23158997


>> No.23159014
File: 270 KB, 720x1280, WIN_20210927_18_24_58_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23159039

All chuds like me should form our own university where being bigoted is required

>> No.23159040
File: 9 KB, 150x226, IMG_4379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do we even help Britain in the first place?

>> No.23159043

Cause the elite are british, the british have been ruling this country the entire time it all goes back to the british connect the fucking dots

>> No.23159044

Long chortle.

>> No.23159045

Fuck yea Motörhead

>> No.23159057

Honestly I need to master the blade.
I have always been a natural. When I swing my katana I feel one with all being. I'm Miyamoto Musashi or some equivalent historical grand master could eviscerate me in a blink of an eye. I have no illusions about the historical masters, whose whole reputation rested on such ability. But in current age terms, I would make a terrifying and determined opponent swordsman in contest. That I know for a fact.

>> No.23159062

storen varol

>> No.23159063

That's the whole point I'm making. We should bring back the tradition of being able to resolve their disputes by hacking each other apart by the sword. We're missing out on a lot by the tradition of dueling. Most, if not all our our societal disputes should be decided by a contest of brain and brawns, preferably to the death, because that's how you know nobody's faking.

>> No.23159065
File: 915 KB, 240x135, main-qimg-c0e433adc50f5cbe2074ccd1a1cb35cd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha gattling gun go brrrrrrrrrr

>> No.23159095

Miyamoto Musashi's swordsmanship style is known as Niten Ichi-ryū, which translates to "Two Heavens as One" or "Two Swords as One." This style is characterized by the simultaneous use of two swords: the katana (long sword) and the wakizashi (short sword) or kodachi.
Duel wielding is considered to be a disadvantage to all but the most skillful swordsmen. In his manual Musashi describes his strategy for containing multiple enemies at once (for he was known for slaying multiple foes at once). Swipe both at both sides of the enemy formation, until they form a line. Then cut down each individual foe as you would. Force them to form a line, such that any deviation from the line would receive your strike.
I'm not crazy dude/ This is what we have to base our political society on or we're doomed to be ruled by cowards and weaklings somehow content to send the brave to their deaths.

>> No.23159108

there's too much going on in my life and i don't know what to do. things are falling apart. i've made too many commitments to too many people to build more positive relationships, and now there's schedule conflicts and impending relationship strains. i'm not cut out to be a socialite, i feel like my time is robbed away from me now when spending time with people i care about should be a joy. years ago i was essentially a hermit and enjoyed my own company, now i have all these problems

how do normies deal with this? is this what life is for the majority of people? i feel so stressed, it's one thing after another, there is no end to it. the solution seems simple but obviously painful: just stop caring and let some relationships fall to keep others. yes i know it's my fault for accepting invitations but at the time i really did have nothing else better going on. welp it is what it is

>> No.23159110

>get on scale
>44.3 kilos
>member how almost faint on a daily basis once the clock rolls 12
>member how limbs are perpetually cold now
>starting to show signs of iron deficiency
>decide to do the sound thing and cook a decent breakfast
>protein loaded oatmeal with a bunch of seed powders
>eat and be merry
>like clockwork, begin to feel acutely aware of my ass and my arms
>parade in front of the mirror back and forth examining how fat I look
>forearm in the window s reflection has a phantom like ability of appearing both grossly fleshy and unnaturally narrow
>sneak an extra couple of teaspoons of the oatmeal and feel even more of a fat disgusting piece of shit.
>haunted by the memory of yesterday s lunchinner (I dont eat dinner)

Good christ, no wonder troons are dysmorphic. Everyone tells me i look emaciated but when i stand in front of the mirror I see someone so impossibly wide and pudgy. I keep pinching where my love handles are supposed to be to assuage myself that they didnt grow in an instant of inattentiveness.

>> No.23159113

I want to get into poetry but have no idea where to start. Does anyone have any poetry books to recommend?

>> No.23159118

Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur

>> No.23159125

What's good about it.

>> No.23159133

No, I don't.

>> No.23159161

Look, I'm an agent of God. I'm not happy about it but I am. Turns out (spoiler alert) God wants you to push you beyond your current state. Boo hoo, it hurts so bad, I know. God knows. Everything Knows. Your suffering is part of the creation of being, God suffers alongside you. Purity of heart is inerasable,, total, pure, :your life matter and needs no sacrifice or donation. you are god's child.

>> No.23159170

I hate working from office. It mentally affects me.

>> No.23159179

Why do you work?

>> No.23159182

they're adorable when 2d, but often uggo as 3dpd. then again that can be said of women as well.

>> No.23159209

Are you a woman?

>> No.23159280

I want to die so badly.
I still wonder if I ever had a chance. Was I born to suffer?
If I could have felt love for even a moment ever in my life, I believe it would have all been worth it.
I am nothing.

>> No.23159282

I don't want to die. I'm not suffering.

>> No.23159306


>> No.23159311

seed powders aren't good for you bb

>> No.23159318

I just ground chia and flaxseed into a powder. Are these not healthy? I have a teaspoon besides.

At my wits end. The demented fucks online write that a plausible cure for iron deficiency is to cook with an iron skillet. As if the streets are lined up with utensils.

>> No.23159331

Thanks for the potential band name

>> No.23159342

shouldn't really be eating seeds in general it's cringe.
are you vegetarian or what? for iron have red meat

>> No.23159348

I think anon's probably long been vegetarian/vegan for anorexia purposes

>> No.23159351

Why would someone willingly make themselves anorexic?

>> No.23159355

yeah. then they should cheat more often


>> No.23159358

Why does anyone do anything? It seems like a good idea at the time

>> No.23159361

I recently took an IQ test and scored higher than I expected at 143, but I don't feel smart. I've always assumed I was maybe 120 at best, so my ego is in crisis and oscillating between arrogance, shame, doubt; apparently I have genius-level intelligence, yet I made C's in high school, dropped out of college, can't hold a job, and live with my parents. I don't enjoy math, I don't speak eloquently, if I'm being honest, I can't write well and don't have anything new to say. So either IQ isn't a reliable metric for intelligence, or lady luck had a miscarriage.

>> No.23159369

I am Dildonicus, I put dildos in every hole on my body and throw dildos at a fuckin nigga

>> No.23159371

>IQ isn't a reliable metric for intelligence
It's not. It's also even less reliable for anything that isn't normative intelligence for reasons that would be obvious if anyone could do math

>> No.23159379

No im not vegan. Im just in a breakfast egg aversion phase now. Just thinking about it makes me want to hurl.
>for iron have red meat
Every day? Im not Midas.

>> No.23159442
File: 72 KB, 680x680, 38c10o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed my driver's exam. All went really well. Great visibility, examinator wasn't being a dick with too difficult and unpredictable moves, but I kept too far to the right on a oneway street. What a silly mistake

>> No.23159443

the best source of iron in the world is liver if you wanna be very brave and eat that it's cheap and you'll only need it once a week

>> No.23159447

all the best drivers fail the first time

>> No.23159454

They always invent a reason to fail you on the first try to make more $$$ out of you.

>> No.23159460

>examinator wasn't being a dick
> I kept too far to the right on a oneway street
who gives a shit if you are on left, or middle or to the right in a one way street lol

>> No.23159464

thanks anons. just felt shitty to fail pretty much at the finishing line.
Admittedly I was a bit close to a parked car's mirror...

>> No.23159468

Not me I made it the first time like a champ

>> No.23159478

Not enough style points. Go play Crazy Taxi and take notes for your next exam.

>> No.23159491

just blast this on top volume and drift every turn

>> No.23159492


>> No.23159496


>> No.23159503


>> No.23159597

Taking small things without permission is seen as dishonourable and associated with a lower moral standing. But orchestrating schemes to exploit an entire nation's wealth is perceived as clever and intelligent.

>> No.23159608

>Taking small things without permission
Easy, requires low impulse control, does not require high iq.

>orchestrating schemes to exploit an entire nation's wealth
Hard and requires high iq and high impulse control.

>> No.23159619

do you really respect a guy who 'outsmarts' the tax system (your money) over a homeless dude just trying to grab your Doordash?

>> No.23159622

yeah it's classism

>> No.23159635

That's right, kid. It's messed up and a sad realization

>> No.23159660

i always thought dogs were boys and cats were girls, but actually, girls are more like dogs. boys are more like cats.

>> No.23159664

>internet catgirlboys take another one

>> No.23159672

Dogs have a wide range of personalities.
All cats are the same.

>> No.23159676

This but the other way around

>> No.23159681

Being around cute girls gives me such a motivation.
It's like I'm immediately lifted into a good mood where I'm focused on being productive.

Too bad I'm a code monkey with no social life. Such situations happen so rarely.

>> No.23159688

speaking just in terms of generalisation. dogs more loving. cats more distant, will eat your face as soon as you die.

>> No.23159704

I feel like just moving to a deserted island right now

>> No.23159711

Homeless people do not become homeless overnight, it is a long process and can be stopped and reversed at any time. At least in West there are like a million social programs that aim to help homeless get back on track and few of them do but majority stay homeless until they die of an overdose. I have no respect for homeless.

People who genuinely outsmart the tax system (avoid) are highly intelligent, why should they pay more tax than is legally required? People who evade tax may or may not be of high intelligence. They should still be respected because they put themselves first rather than the shitty system.
System itself is garbage, anyone who pays tax (or at least does not evade/avoid some of it) is basically a retard.

>> No.23159713

Just masturbate man

>> No.23159714

To be fair, if your best take on the tax system is avoidance, you're not smart

>> No.23159716

Cooming throws me into a deep depression.
It has the opposite effect.

>> No.23159722

Good thing I don’t have respect for you either. You’re like 22 years old at most? Get some life experience first. You’re a child. You’ll grow up.

>> No.23159723

It depends. Avoidance is legal, if they find out a person is avoiding tax they can do nothing about it except ask the goverment to change the law. It's a safe option
Evasion is much better financially but it's also dangerous and can land people in jail.

>> No.23159728

Mid 30s

>> No.23159727

Aren’t most coders trannies?

>> No.23159732

Though your sins cried to—Father Vaughan,
These desperate you could not spare
Who steal, with nothing left to pawn;
You caged a man up like a bear

>> No.23159735

and still edgelord posting on 4chan

>> No.23159737

Charisma comes in two basic forms. There's the common or benign kind that, somehow, however it does, makes about 1% of men and women instantly enjoyable to be near. You see one of them from from across a room and, no matter what they look like, no matter the circumstance, it's love at first sight, Sublime silliness, and profound mutual trust, becomes possible. Then there's the rare evil form typical of cult leaders, oriental despots, demagogues, serial murderers, grand scale financial scammers, and such. In every case they're personally revolting, spooky to be near, no matter what else.

>> No.23159738

I never truly learned to drive and am in the worst country for it. Normally I don’t criticize America for much these days in part (it doesn’t help matters) to third world seethe on this corner of the internet but occasionally i will critique it if it directly impacts me.

>> No.23159740

Both are ultimately more costly because you're not just backfilling those services from your own pocket, you're also increasing wealth disparity which requires further spending. And most people who are doing it are not rich enough to afford the consequences of either. If you are rich enough to pay against the consequences, you don't even need avoidance, because you just pay to change the tax laws. The people who do what you're outlining are precisely the people who can't afford to not pay taxes.

>> No.23159741

Still older than you at 41

>> No.23159744

tranny faggot

>> No.23159747


>> No.23159748

Sci Fi/Fantasy fusion is pretty based.

>> No.23159749

Huh? No. I'd say 99% of coder "females" are trannies, but coder "females" only make up like 1% of all coders.
Most of us are techbros or chuds or incels. Like 10% are insufferable SJWs. That's the whites. Then there's loads of pajeets and asians as well.

>> No.23159751

How the fuck does erectile dysfunction make someone starve themselves?

>> No.23159760

Fair enough. I tried learn python, albeit I’m pretty good with internet/computer skills in general (I’m an early millennial) but the only coding I’ve ever done in my life was making useless QBasic programs on my parents Windows 3.1 shitbox as a teenager. I just gave up.

>> No.23159766

lol that just made me think there's a girl ed epidemic and boy ed epidemic

>> No.23159771

True but the system mostly cares about the housing, healthcare, education and illegal immigrants and their safe passage into the country. I do not wish to pay for any of these "services" therefore I will keep evading.

>If you are rich enough to pay against the consequences, you don't even need avoidance, because you just pay to change the tax laws.
That too high iq for me

>> No.23159773

Nta but it is a quick and easy way to tell which side of the internet you're on

>> No.23159776

we're not in edtwt anymore

>> No.23159787

kek, the only countries where that's true are tax havens with seriously rich illegal immigrants. You're just making sure the nurse you get has lower standards and hates their life, and you're probably not even in a country where the difference you pocketed can bribe them to get a real doctor.

>> No.23159806

There's no way to talk about this in real life without sounding deranged but I really, really love flat-chested girls. I think a nice flat chest is on par with a great work of art.

>> No.23159815

in a brief lapse of judgement, i decided to watch some webms that i knew i shouldn't watch. in ruminating on the horrors i witnessed, i was reminded of this clip i saw a while back where slavoj zizek said something to the effect of "to truly love someone is to accept and embrace that person without idealizing them; it is refusing to prefer the perfect caricature because, for you the real person is perfect even in their faults."
then he said "those who claim to love life should take the same approach -- love the world's beautiful landscapes, but also love the landfills."
at the time it struck me as a very admirable approach to life. unfortunately, i have since become convinced that it is impossible. some parts of life are simply too much to accept. it seems the approach is an idealization of love itself, which is rather ironic.

>> No.23159825

relax anon, it was just porn

>> No.23159834

You will never be an oligarch.

>> No.23159843

why can't I help myself from getting into useless arguments on 4chan and the youtube comments these days?

i used to not be like this, used to just lurk and laff at cringe shit

>> No.23159848


>> No.23159856

it was a woman getting raped, so yeah you're right lol, and it wasn't violent or anything, but it was still enough to fuck me up good. idk if that makes me a pussy, honestly i expected it to be kind of hot in a fucked up sort of way that i wouldn't like thinking about, but it was just sad as fuck. she reverted to childlike mannerisms partway through, at some point she shouted "i'm done! i'm DONE!" in a last ditch effort to... idk wake up or something, but of course it didn't work. her cries of despair and complete inability to process what was happening was enough for me. i guess it's theoretically possible to be unphased by this sort of thing, maybe even to simply embrace it as part of life, it just comes with the package. but i don't think i can come to terms with that

>> No.23159862

you were trying to get aroused by a women actually legitimately getting raped? why?

>> No.23159864

This is why I do everything I can to stay healthy and never go to doctors.

>> No.23159866

i didn't watch it for that express purpose, i was just wary of the possibility that it might happen, some kind of lizard brain response that i would repress and forget about. i had never seen actual rape, i didn't know what it was going to be like

>> No.23159874

anon it is normal to be horrified by horrific things. being numb to those things like rape and murder is a bad, inhumane thing

keep your humanity intact while you're online anon. please touch grass and hug a loved one

>> No.23159877

You're still self aware enough to acknowledge it, so stop posting on this godforsaken site while you can

>> No.23159883

>it was a woman getting raped
Whoa alright.
You're human anon, it's normal to be horrified like >>23159874 says. You'll have to process it (might take some time), move on and try not to watch stuff like that again.

>> No.23159916

eventually my brain will get tired stop fixating on it, but now i will always have this memory. rape is no longer designated in my brain as "forced sex," now it's replaced by the actual meaning of those words, complete with memories to corroborate. it's happening even when i'm not thinking about it, i feel like i can't go back. it's crazy how much a short video can completely alter a person's entire outlook on life, even if it ends up being just a few days of coping. i'll get over it, thanks for hearing me out.

>> No.23159927

I liked the series adaptation but I will say that it lacks a bit of the romanticism that is in the book and the story does work better with the slower burn you get from casually reading.

>> No.23159944

>it lacks a bit of the romanticism
That's a good thing

>> No.23159964

>windy day
>toy shop does not have dragon kite in stock
all my plans ruined:(

>> No.23159968


>> No.23159969

---- Solaria ----
Creature Comforts

Right now I couldn't ask for more
But wish, sometimes, and do, weep a little

For company that enjoys relief from slights like ugly architecture
Or tornado nightmares.

Obvious feral cat footprints
Are on the black just outdoor carpet

And I know which one it is, the big gorgeous orange one
I saw first in late February.

>> No.23160000
File: 978 KB, 1107x1673, C4EB47EF-6074-4A8C-B570-4B49A58826E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skip the critical bits in pic related and just read the poems to find poets you like, then buy collections of those poets. If you are looking to get into poetry writing I suggest reading Fryes "the ode less traveled" and dantes "vita nueva," the first for an easy entry into terminology and simple analyses, and the second for expounding on poetic writing method by one of the greats first hand. Plus I think both books add up to be about 400 pages in total so it is a pretty succinct starting point.

>> No.23160019

I disagree but I bet we have a different concept of what is meant by romanticism.

>> No.23160114

How do I read for longer than 20 minutes?

>> No.23160122

Its either that or homelessness

>> No.23160136


>> No.23160182

I’m in my 30s and living with mom, not because I can’t afford to live on my own but because I work remotely and have no particular reason to live anywhere else. I think about traveling sometimes but then I realize with the cost of it how quickly that would drain my bank account.

>> No.23160208

Why do I have these hang ups about my college and immediately post-college years? I have this sense that I made all these mistakes in regard to education and career that I just can’t overcome, but I know that’s not entirely true.

>> No.23160220

>>23160216 n
>>23160216 e
>>23160216 w

>> No.23160224

In 2007 I had been out of my mom's womb for 8 years

>> No.23160348
File: 192 KB, 598x682, 20221128_114217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Insight of Insanity is the Insanity of insight.
The Insanity of Insight is the Insight of Insanity.