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23156343 No.23156343 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any good fantasy series like ASoIaF?
Tried Archlight Archieves (cringe).

>> No.23156347

>like asoiaf

>> No.23156349

>its bad.....
>its bad because um... I just dont like it, ok?


>> No.23156354

>is there any series
Depends on your language
>good like asoiaf
ESL and retarded is not a good combination bro.

>> No.23156362

How about it's bad because the writing is so basic and simple that even a retard like OP who can't understand English was able to read and follow along the dumbed down writing?

>> No.23157132

R. Scott Bakker. That's if you like a darker side of ASOIAF.

>> No.23157235
File: 210 KB, 838x983, scott_bakker_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only know this meme
is he the one who writes the berserk wannabe

>> No.23157371

I read the first one and it was meh. Sure, the writing style is gripping, but the story is ass. The characters are either hysterically evil, or fucking retarded. By the end, you don't give a shit what happens to any of them. How did this ever get so huge?

>> No.23157664

I recommend the Realm of the Elderlings series. 16 books. In publication order, so the Farseer trilogy first. It's not exactly like GoT, but it's close enough.

Trust me on this. You won't regret starting this long series. Even the books that aren't part of the main story are fantastic.

>> No.23157832

but it s written by a wymyn

>> No.23157837
File: 490 KB, 449x401, girls_laughing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good fantasy series
>like ASoIaF

>> No.23157845

>the writing style is gripping
There isn't a writing style. It's just typing. Gurm is an author who hacks out words. The concept of prose is alien to him.
In fact there are sentences in A Game of Thrones that literally make no sense in English. It's just embarrassing to read.

>> No.23157888

well, what do you find as good?

>> No.23157991
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How about the guy GRRM continually tries to compare himself to but no-one else does?
Of course he's not the only one. ER Eddison, TH White, Edmund Spenser and Sir Thomas Malory are some other examples.

>> No.23158101

I went on a big hunt last year to answer this question. Turns out the things you probably like about ASOIAF are not found in other series. Most other series are either too “magical” or are just cringe.

Instead of chasing GoT’s qualities, I got tons of recs for Book of the New Sun and loved it.

I tried to read stormlight archive and hated it, the first law was ok but didn’t care, and now I’m 2 books into Malazan and really liking it. It’s more “magical” but has a lot of qualities that are similar to GoT.

>> No.23158137
File: 272 KB, 1600x618, spider world 4 vols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spider world

>> No.23158156

>the snore of the dreams
>the interminable conversations of zimmyzambambla
>thirdhand myth for babies
>not a series
>not a series
wew lad

>> No.23158234

>doesn't even consider the quality of the writing
GRRMfag confirmed.

>> No.23158307
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>> No.23158333
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>> No.23158334
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I think you’ll really like the Fortress series by CJ Cherryh:
Fortress in the Eye of Time
Fortress of Dragons
Fortress of Owls
Fortress of Ice
It’s a low fantasy story very similar to SoIaF but narrower in setting and stronger / tighter in world building and plot. Top recommendation series of all time regardless of genre.

>> No.23158337

It's for children, but it's good.

>> No.23158379

just like asoiaf

>> No.23158974

Getting good pussy at Lys.

>> No.23159333

It's for children and it's bad