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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 500x500, lolita2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23154166 No.23154166[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I paid $2.50 for it at a used book store
The man behind the counter didn't know what it was, I just asked if he had anything by Nabokov and he directed me into the fettered little corner.
Tonight i'll burn in my backyard and as the smoke curls up to the sky, in that brief moment, God will smile at me.
The world will be a little purer, a little finer, a little more in tune with his intention.
One day the last copy will be burned.
And the world will heal.

>> No.23154171

The schizo is back

>> No.23154177

You're the real shizo faggot
the world is shizophrenic for allowing this cancer to live long as it has
I am bringing santiy back by purging it.

>> No.23154198
File: 491 KB, 1600x1600, My_Dune_Book_Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep up the good work anon. I also burn books I don't like. I burnt these old copies of Dune I inherited. Frank Herbert is a libtard.

>> No.23154200

doing God's work son

>> No.23154203

Post photos of the burned book. You’re all talk.

>> No.23154223

e-books and PDFs exist, OP. Good on your crusade, I guess.

>> No.23154231

You should form a book burning club like flight club

>> No.23154248
File: 543 KB, 1000x707, 1689568995270515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your plan for the internet?

>> No.23154259
File: 268 KB, 675x430, Screenshot 2024-03-06 174000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's your plan for the internet?
God will take care of that part.
Anothering Carington even is on the way and when it comes none of the smutt that's out there is going to survive.

>> No.23154283

Bla bla bla.
Post the photos or gtfo.

>> No.23154285
File: 492 KB, 1280x1280, 1693442058774123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put a drive with it in a Faraday cage. If God does nothing about it then let it be His new bible, child brides for all.

>> No.23154316

God will burn you in time.
you laugh because you get away with it but a human life time is a blink of his eye
You will suffer
you will die
your filth will wash away bird shit on the beach.

>> No.23154327
File: 20 KB, 474x474, 1641018382552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just report him for spam because that's exactly what this is

>> No.23154332

how is it spam bitch?
The thread are unique and i dont bait with them.
I respond to posts in the thread.

>> No.23154339

we had this same thread for a million times, don't act dumb

>> No.23154341

oh yeah by the GRRM threads aren't spam??

>> No.23154343

you know the difference very well

>> No.23154348

If it exists you ought be able to demonstrate it objectively and rationally.

>> No.23154352

this thread has nothing to do with literature, you don't want any genuine discussion, you just post your book burning larp and then hope to call as many people pedophiles as possible
>but a book was mentioned
still not /lit/ thread, go back to /b/ with this

>> No.23154354

I will print and give away Lolita every time I see these kinds of posts

>> No.23154360

Please do me tell me mother fucker how you think a thread about burning a book has quote:
>"this thread has"
what exactly do you think literature is??
not an argument my dude.
you wont do shit pedophile
and men like me will burn any make.

>> No.23154413

what will the feds think when they see you've purchased 3500 copies of 'lita

>> No.23154418
File: 538 KB, 1184x1528, 1706847869449967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you laugh
I don't. I sob.

>> No.23154429

i pay with cash at used book stores
i'm not supporting new ones getting printed i'm taking them out of circulation from second hand sources that wont replace them.

>> No.23154455

Slighly too old

What about the new books?

>> No.23154464
File: 166 KB, 281x329, Screenshot 2024-02-18 114941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about the new books?
In time the religious authority will take over society and the pedos and faggots will hang.
Thats what they're all seething about in endless salon article after salon article
"""Fascism"""" will come to this country; and it is sourly fucking needed.
You will choke on the weight of a rope one day homo

>> No.23154491

While some religious authorities really dislike gays, most are ok (and are even secretly endorsing) with pedos.

>> No.23154531

Yeah yeah yeah pedophile
keep believing that.
Sure that will be your red.dit atheist arguments will be a comfort to you when representatives of the state drag you from your house and hang you like the dog you are degenerate.

>> No.23154693

No u r reddit

>> No.23154945

Question: how old was Mary when she had Jesus?
How old was Rebecca when she married Isaac?

>> No.23155003

>Question: how old was Mary when she had Jesus?

how do you know pedo??

>> No.23155024

I just bought 10 copies to spite you. Nice to see you again.

>> No.23155120

all will burn in time
as will you pedophile

>> No.23155123

god damn anon its not even that saucy

>> No.23155140

>anon literally giving burnt offerings to his deity
Real pagan hours.

>> No.23155216

Thank you anon. God saves.

>> No.23155219

Fuck you pedo.

>> No.23155222

Lol you will burn hard. You think posting your anime teenagers will make your life any better? You are rotting away.

>> No.23155242

fuck off pedo apologist.

>> No.23155252

>fuck off pedo apologist.
what are you even doing in this thread

>> No.23155257

i'm gonna put the pdf on 10 usb drives and leave it in random public places for every copy you burn

>> No.23155329

telling you to fuck off pedo
you wont do shit bitch
and you know it

>> No.23155377
File: 55 KB, 850x523, __oshino_shinobu_and_hachikuji_mayoi_monogatari_drawn_by_meemz_a__sample-d203ca835e8c8269dc79bf762b402d1e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loli time

>> No.23155609

Schizo AF but also based. More people should burn/destry books they don't like regardless of how idiotic their resoning is.

>> No.23155612

Thank you for your service

>> No.23155621


>> No.23155792

ITT: loonies wastes his money on books that he immediately burns. Anons seethe, because apparently rich loonie is better than a poor loonie?

>> No.23155812

>the fettered little corner
What the FUCK did he mean by this?