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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 62 KB, 375x500, gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2315030 No.2315030 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ I have been wondering how so many well read gentlemen such as yourself ended up in such a shit encrusted website such as 4chan? What is your back story I really want to know.

>pic related, how I imagine every fine young man from /lit/ looks.

>> No.2315034

Procrastination and escape from the so called "intellectuals" in my line of work who bring me to cringe whenever they feel that I should appeal to their mental authority.

>> No.2315037

>drop out of uni
>NEET with 0 social life

sage for not /lit/

>> No.2315039

laziness and neurosis

>> No.2315059

Came for the porn, stayed for the literature discussions.

>> No.2315068

Ended up here after searching for a view on philosophy, based more on literature, than a priori discussions.

I was on /phi/ at 7chan and /eh/. But i after having lurked /r9k/ here and saw /lit/, it just had the right amount of humor with intellectualism added.

Obviously started on /b/ after hearing it referred to some years ago. But the i enjoyed the superior intellect found there, far more than the "forever alone-r9k style", and ditched that board. (Yes, /b/ can have profound threads)

I dress with shirt, tie, vest and jacket everyday. Would love that pocket watch, i enjoy being pseudo-intellectual.

>> No.2315080

>No education
>Get laid off
>Get government monies to sit on my ass
>Every book, film and song ever recorded at my fingertips, for free
>Forum about books with low censorship

>> No.2315083


>Came for the porn, stayed for the literature discussions.

Life of a modern man.

>> No.2315095

Studying the science of religions and philosophy, this plcace can hold some interesting discussions of this. Even though the religious discussions are gone with "Married old fag" and "Deist"

>> No.2315112

Started out on /a/ and /b/. One day i checked out all the other and ended up staying in /lit/.

Still check /b/ and /a/ and sometimes /tv/ and /ck/. But 90% im on /lit/.

>> No.2315122

It gives me an outlet without having to conform to a strict social norm.

>> No.2315147

4chan's founder is intellectual. I get the impression he's done quite a bit of study of community relations. It comes across in his discussions. 4chan is special for more than just the taboo. The ephemeral nature of the content means that anything of substance has to be continually reinforced and in doing so it is refined a little each time. The anonymity allows for real no holds barred criticism. You aren't aided by the structure of formal debate. There is no escape. You defend your position and if you can't you'll be called out on it and be forced to reevaluate your position. Of course stubbornness is never completely erased.

I also enjoy participating in the community theatre otherwise known as the rehearsed troll threads (hey faggots....)

>> No.2315153

>Even though the religious discussions are gone with "Married old fag" and "Deist"

Don't dismiss 'Anonymous'. That guy can be surprisingly insightful and perspicuous.

>> No.2315191

I ended up here because (no matter how many friends I have) people don't know about literature on the street; makes me sick any normal forum for literature, because it is full of pedants who don't insult, and they use "Balzac" and "Kant" for user name, while sipping tea.
/lit/ gives the possibility of being pedantic and vulgar, discussing literature and pedophilia at the same time.
we ended up in / lit / looking for a spark of originality and brilliance, even amid the trash.

>> No.2315212


I got really bored when I was in seminary.

True story.

>> No.2315248

I'm a postgrad researching online communities.

>> No.2315255

>Go on 4chan during middle school and freshman year of high school
>Stop because you realize it's stupid
>Start reading books after a while
>Don't have many people to discuss books with
>Oh like, 4chan as a literature-board and I'm not underage anymore.

>> No.2315267

4chan is interesting, i'm a loser fatty nerd who likes to talk about books, what more reason do i need

>> No.2315271

give the "fine young man" thing a rest, you dont have to talk like somebody's grandma to talk about shit cogently

>> No.2315293

while /lit/ is shit the rest of internet literature forums are worse, filled with fanfic level writers or worse.

>> No.2315300

4chan is probably the best place on the internet to talk about whatever interest or hobby it is you want to talk about.

It's a sad world.

>> No.2315302
File: 449 KB, 800x537, 1312841562576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have only one friend who reads seriously. I come here to discuss my favourite hobby anonymously. You guys are wonderful. The quality of posts on this board tends to fluctuate like the rising and falling of the tide. When it gets a bit too dumb for me, I go and crack open another book.

I'm a young professional, and I dress like a modern variant of OP's image (nix cane and hat). Feels good

>> No.2315303

Ugh I see a guy like that at uni everyday in his suit. This wouldn't be a problem if he knew how to dress in a suit
>jacket is often too big
>too many buttons
>shoes are like two briefcases
>puts striped shirt with dotted tie
>gentlemen with bellies shouldn't wear vests as they accentuate the belly
>green suits haven't been in style since 1962

>> No.2315315
File: 114 KB, 555x343, watch-tinker-tailor-soldier-spy-online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vests do not accentuate the belly. As long as a man just has a little middle-aged paunch, the vest actually smooths out one's profile quite nicely.

and striped shirt with dotted tie sounds deliciously fun. :)

I don't pick on men who wear suits, even poorly. I like that they're something radically different from tshirts and jeans, which, let's face it, we are sorely in need of a change from.

>> No.2315322

unless it's an ill-fitting suit bought second hand and isn't tailored, as I suspect most uni students who wear suits to school are doing. Also, puke yellow suits aren't doing anybody any favours.

There's a middle ground between suits and t-shirt/jeans, though. A TON of middle ground. One can wear "dress jeans" or less formal pants and a collared shirt and a v-neck and still look more formal than a t-shirt jeans combo. Or even using a cardigan to splash up an outfit

>> No.2315334

I think a lot of people here are mentally ill. At least I formed that impression in the early days of /lit/. I would also say that since last year the board has gained a more casual following and now receives far more posts each minute.

>> No.2315342

if you need further evidence of how vests accentuate the paunch, look at rick santorum's choice of sweater vests and tight pants, creating a muffin top

>> No.2315343

I think that has to do with being allowed to let your flag fly under the anonymous tag.

>> No.2315344

I'm just a man who likes to mix high and low brow tastes.

So I'm on /a/ and /v/ as much as I am /lit/.

>> No.2315352
File: 28 KB, 450x450, 1324555763776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Similar story for me. I used to only come here looking for porn. Eventually I started posting on /fa/ due to my interest in style. That led to a desire to gain some weight, so I started reading and posting on /fit/. Then one night I wanted some feedback on a limerick I wrote, came here, and stayed.

>> No.2315362

Are you trying to say it's people from other forums that have migrated recently, because of the anonimity here?

>> No.2315399

I think that what I'm saying is that those who have read and thought a bit more deeply about how posting on the internet under a fixed ID or real name will impact our lives 10 or 20 or 30 years from now are starting/have long ago rejected fixed IDs online in favour of anonymity.

Higher intelligence seems to go along with an increased desire for privacy.

>> No.2315404

So does doing nefarious things. I'm, personally, very intelligent and because I am not ashamed of anything I do I really find myself with very little concern for privacy. If people want to watch, I say let them.

>> No.2315415

What career path are you going down?

I'm heading down law and politics. I can't really afford to have opinions about silly books and jacking off to awesome porn come back and be linked to my name 30 years from now.

I guess there's nothing to be afraid of if you don't plan to ever be in the public spotlight/a respected professional.

>> No.2315420

I thank the lord every day for sparing me from those particular temptations. A quiet life's all I plan to lead.

Don't you feel it's a bit dishonest and a misrepresentation of yourself to keep those facets of your character out of the public eye, though? Especially considering your desire to govern. I feel it is very important to be very well informed about who you are electing.

>> No.2315423

>I'm personally very intelligent
You're tripfagging on an anonymous imageboard filled with teenagers who believe themselves to be the pseudo-intellectual elite.

>> No.2315425
File: 90 KB, 290x260, 1317952395705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that funny feeling when I might be posting alongside my country's future generation of politicians

Google archive will destroy many an adult's reputation in the future. I feel sorry for teenagers who keep blogs detailing their drug and sexual escapades.

>> No.2315426

I know. Feels good being smarter than strangers on the internet.

>> No.2315439

Oh well, the discussion was good while it lasted.

>> No.2315445


Tripping doesn't give up any of your privacy unless you openly admit your real identity while using said trip. How is anybody supposed to prove that IHateBlacks010101 is John Smith of Springfield without him actually admitting it? The real reason so many anons refuse to trip is because it allows them to reveal shameful things about themselves without having it permanently tied to them on w/e board they frequent most. If I suddenly started posting racist shit everybody that read it would then forever associate that with me in every thread I post in whereas an anon can flame, troll, and be as shitty a person as they want without ever having anybody hold them to it.

>> No.2315460

> The real reason so many anons refuse to trip is because it allows them to reveal shameful things about themselves

>anonymous because of shame


>> No.2315463

I'm not talking about tripping on 4chan when I talk about fixed IDs. I'm talking about forums and comment threads throughout the internet that are persistent, and not constantly wiped like 4chans are (although, yes, I am aware that moots team keeps an archive to help government intelligence track, but that's not publicly available to Google's archiving bot). If you post on the internet using a consistent ID, and somebody one day links your real name to that ID, some very unpleasant things might pop up about you.

>that feel when I can find posts I made on the internet when I was a small child (under my real name)

It's embarrassing. Imagine your feeling 20 years from now.

Think about how Facebook is archiving people's mundane and stupid opinions over years and years and years. Law firms now require a cursory glance through your online IDs before they OK your hiring. I have to be careful. 4chan is awesome for that.

>> No.2315470
File: 16 KB, 299x214, 1306741471046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No trip has ever had their real life compromised on 4chan. At least not on this board,

>> No.2315476
File: 38 KB, 250x250, Reaction Poe (1300594828012).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2315478


deist's real name and college got posted

>> No.2315482
File: 15 KB, 327x344, 1306407152287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ has become dumb as fuck.

>> No.2315491
File: 86 KB, 1280x477, 1326032382596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quentin is:

Calle Borjesson of Oxnard, California
Goes to High school and is as lonely and sad as we always knew.

Of facebook and google+



We also got all of Deists information.
Turns out he's an angsty teenager who hates literature, plays videogames and talks about memes in school.

>> No.2315497


What a faggot

>> No.2315500
File: 352 KB, 488x688, wtfswan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw Quentin actually does kind of look like Ozymandias

>> No.2315523


Implying 4chan isn't full of pedos, sadists, misogynists, and self hating neckbeards that should be (and secretly are) ashamed of themselves.


That's reasonable. That sort of thing is largely avoidable though. Many of my friends and I use fake last names on FB specifically for this reason. Between that and a little bit of self censorship, you should have nothing to worry about.

I'm really sure what you're referring to. But it's not that hard to keep trips or registered usernames separate from your real life identity. The people that end up getting harrassed in real life by people from the internet are generally either specifically targeted and outed by somebody or are drawing too much attention to themselves and basically asking for it.

>> No.2315526

forever alone neckbeard agoraphobic hikikomori here, I just happen to like literature.

>> No.2315532

i'm a sadistic misanthropic pedo. i see no reason to be ashamed of myself

>> No.2315539


*not really sure

>> No.2315540

Poor Jon Cashman.
He just wants to be thought of as intelligent so hard.

>> No.2315544
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1315582475132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Favourite Quotations
>"Winter is coming." - A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.2315546


That makes two of us.

The outside world is a cruel place.

>> No.2315555

>doomed and knew it
was kind of a nice touch, though.

>> No.2315559

chanology - ex-scientologist

>> No.2315582

>Being an asshole intellectual. Think this is place.
>c/lit/orises are bigger assholes than myself.
>Stay to make myself feel like less of a complete asshole.

>> No.2315587

>tfw you think you're becoming less of an asshole but in actuality are only adapting to meet and transcend your assholish environment

>> No.2315594

>I think a lot of people here are mentally ill.

It only seems like that because anonymity makes them truthful.

>> No.2315596
File: 81 KB, 400x476, 1316804648866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

survival of the fittest motherfucker

>> No.2315604


How'd you end up getting involved in that nonsense?

>> No.2315610

future politicians attend preparatory schools, ivy league colleges and generally spend their time at upper class social events, studying, reading obscure texts and ancient classics or working and interning for whatever corporation their father owns.

>> No.2315623

My mild internet vigilance has kept me insulated from such dangers. My lack of partying certainly hasn't hurt either.

This is also how Bret Easton Ellis protagonists spend their time.

>> No.2315626
File: 54 KB, 650x574, 1130OPEDholland-popup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prep schools

>ivy leagues

>upper class social events

>reading obscure texts and ancient classics

>internet for whatever corp their father owns
Nope. I found my own career. My father respects that.

>> No.2315640

Granted. I just found "Anonymous" unwilling to discuss it, because public threads too often get flooded with either atheists without a clue or theists without a clue.

I perhaps exaggerated mildly, I've personally just been wearing tie and jacket since eighteen to get some respect in discussions, since I've debated a lot, and since I (and especially at 18) have been younger than the disputants (hope this can be said in English as well), so I've been patronized a lot.

Wearing a suit in anything else than that coal black from the 1900 would ruin the purpose of me wearing it.

The problem, i also have here, is I feel pseudo-intellectual. No matter what, even when it's certain that what I'm spewing out is correct, I get the feel that it got be pretentious, since a pretentious person would not know if he was it himself.

I therefore cannot discuss contemporary religious literature compared to Plato's relations to Homer, without coming off as some idealist youth, who haven't got a clue.

This. I come here for this. The intelligent people you so seldom stumble upon, can be found here, it's like evolving, the culture cannot be grasped by "newfags" because the sarcasm behind it can be difficult to see. Also, newfags are just people who can't have a profound thought about anything, it's unrelated to your time on the chans.

>> No.2315645

>I found my own career.
Google translate Twat to English
>I play work for my uncle

>> No.2315651
File: 338 KB, 480x600, CH5-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jelly merchant-class detected

you mad you're legally barred from writing the civil-service exams?

you mad that my knowledge of the analects and classical novels will secure myself a high-paying bureaucrat job?

>> No.2315653

1. Worthless nerd with intellectual interests and exhibitionism fetish
2. oneclickchicks
3. Notice some images have "anonib" on them
4. anonib
5. Read about some mysterious place called "4chan" and "/b/"
6. 4chan
7. zomg kindred spirits
8. /lit/ starts
9. /lit/

>> No.2315656

Not the guy you responded to, but very.
>dem benefits

>> No.2315672
File: 240 KB, 1216x2048, IMAG0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's a side discussion about clothing; this is me in my favorite suit. I don't wear a jacket or full suit unless the occasion calls for it though. Dressing well is important, but you never want to be the guy that's way overdressed for the occasion.

>> No.2315674

I feel bad about myself, i come from a relatively wealthy family, in Denmark everyone are rich, trolololo.
No seriously, i have no needs, and i therefore started to read existentialism, especially Kierkegaard and Nietzsche, but it just seems so pretentious. This spoiled brat, reading obscure things, trying hard to get someone to discuss with, but only a few adult friends are literate in terms of philosophy.

I therefore come here, the literature board/, to bask in the intellectualism of many scholars, and to learn how uneducated i still am.
I come here because it's good for me.

>> No.2315682

Not really. You see, I can make the finest garments out of this invisible material....

>> No.2315683

This is me just with fine boots. I got told the other day that i should get some new shoes. I probably will.

I also tend to wear a vest underneath to make sure the tie doesn't dangle around too much. Or cardigans when the jacket is too warm, just to stand out from the plebeians. Not that i feel more worthy than others, It's much more the other way.

>> No.2315692

jackets are so narrow nowadays. that's not a complaint, just an observation. that's the style and i like it. when people wear blocky square jackets, it immediately makes me think of the over-buttoned things of the 90s

brofist on those shoes, by the way

>> No.2315694

everything taht is wrong with that picture:

big feet. brown shows for a dark suit. brown belt, dark trousers. blue jacket, black tie. trousers too small. makeshift suit, none of the pieces match. buttons on the sleeve. what are you? 75? whats in your pocket? its not shaped well enough. plain, plain shirt. camera phone/mirror combo, paint bucket left out. shirts hanging up unironed

>> No.2315696

>I also tend to wear a vest underneath to make sure the tie doesn't dangle around too much.


>> No.2315700

>brown shows for a dark suit. brown belt, dark trousers.

not the guy that posted that picture, but that combo is actually pretty sweet.

>> No.2315705


Don't feed the troll.

>> No.2315709

>Member of a forum where people start using memes extensively. To every thread the first answer was "cool story bro". It got stale after two minutes.
>I go to 4chan, the place that is apparently the route of the problem, to witness the obnoxious cunts responsible for this myself.
>Enter /b/, the heart of the site. Within five minutes I've seen:
>someone hang themselves
>a dog killed with a spade
>images involving a man and a four year old girl that would quit rightly get you a prison sentence for downloading.
>Fuck that man.
>Go to /s/. "Oh, this is nice".
>Use /s/ for amateur porn requirements for the next few years.
>Finally get bored and explore other parts of the site. Discover /ck/ then /lit/.
>Actually find that I fit in quite well with these misfits. They're also really easy to troll.
>Now I'm a fuly-fledged 4chan cunt, no longer just lurking for porn.
>Still think that everyone on /b/ deserves to be put in a concentration camp and forced to drink salt water.

>> No.2315711

You have no style.
Nor do you.

>> No.2315736

pic related. it's navy suit with brown shoes

>> No.2315738
File: 58 KB, 450x635, 0shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

>> No.2315758

>forgot the pic
Where you went wrong is remembering it.

>> No.2315761

I feel it would be remiss of me not to inform you that it would bring me great satisfaction to crack your skull open with a lead pipe.

>> No.2315762
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>> No.2315766

no, brown shoes and brown belt goes with grey suit, not black

>> No.2315770
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 1316303777195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when I discover that /lit/ conforms more to my taste in clothing than /fa/ does

... the fuck?

My philosophy on clothing has always been to be approached and treated with respect. I keep myself very clean and well-groomed, and I wear clothes that reflect my upper-class and educated lifestyle.

I'm not into fashion for the "DEVELOP YOUR OWN QUIRKY ORIGINAL STYLE THAT IS SO DEFINITIVELY YOU!" attitude that I always see espoused on /fa/. This is not about being unique.

I'm into clothing that reflects my lifestyle and occupation, and for the subtle detailing and the higher quality materials that I can find at a higher price point.

>> No.2315772

would it be utterly pretentious of me to start wearing suits daily? i dont have much money im sure i could find a cheap ensemble in charity and discount stores. i dont want to do it if people think i look like a self important twat

>> No.2315774

Yes, it would be pretentious and you would look like a self-important twat. That or a jehovah's witness.

>> No.2315775

We have a winner.

>My philosophy on clothing has always been to be approached and treated with respect. I keep myself very clean and well-groomed, and I wear clothes that reflect my upper-class and educated lifestyle.
>posts a guy wearing a blazer that doesn't fit

>> No.2315777
File: 23 KB, 288x499, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wearing suits when you're not at work.

>> No.2315783

I practice internet anthropology as a hobby. I like going to obscure boards so I can see people of a certain weird subculture interact with each other.

This includes anything from Stormfront to Revleft to Realdoll forums and Christian fundamentalism. If it's some sort of weird niche, I'm interested. 4chan, mainly /b/ and the weeaboo stuff, was one of those. /r9k/ is awesome for this too. Then I found out that there are some otherwise entertaining and usefull parts as well, such as /lit/.

>> No.2315785
File: 83 KB, 640x427, 5395716700_694b830bdc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.... although I confess that I still want to get hands on and wear all of Junya Watanabe's stuff. It's hard being a young professional with a little off-beat tastes in designers these days.

>all those fucking square toed monstrosities that I have to see on my coworkers everyday

>> No.2315789

i agree. it seems like it would be cool but suits just aren't casual or comfortable.

>> No.2315793
File: 428 KB, 800x533, 1318089730916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grandpa from the 90s detected

Go back and jerk off some more to Don Draper why don't you, and take your outdated ideas of fit with you

>> No.2315794

You're not an anthropologist, you're a virtual flaneur.

>> No.2315797

>STILL repeating the same old mantras he read in some outdated GQ style guide about matching leathers and metals to suit colors

Jesus. You are so boring. Go and read some more GQ.

>> No.2315799

You're not a wordsmith, you're a veritable flange.

>> No.2315800

>says the guy jacking off to navy, poly-looking suits
Come back when you get a clue.

>> No.2315805

It would have been good if it had made sense.

>> No.2315809
File: 129 KB, 500x262, 1313215364608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. This is how I imagine you. Your conception of style ended with the 50s.

>> No.2315811

I started posting on /b/ in 2006, then didn't come to 4chan for years, then when I started coming again in mid-2010 I found /lit/. Probably the best literature board I've seen on the internet, because the people here are really well-read across all genres.

>> No.2315815

i may be arguing for brown shoes/blue suit, but damn son, that blazer doesn't fit

>> No.2315816

Oh /lit.
Only you have the power ot make me laugh so.

>> No.2315819

Hello! I ended up here because I was worried about my son's use of 4chan so I started checking up on him. He uses what you guys refer to as a tripcode and I was quite quickly able to work out who he is. I was soon quite distraught to find out that he moans about his life on /r9k/, writes sad poetry here and considers himself a "foreveralone".

I took notice of what he was complaining about and started buying him books that he wanted, talking about literature to him, trying to boost his self-confidence. He now has a girlfriend and is going to move out soon. I'm pleased for him. I still use the site occasionally to make sure everything's okay.

>> No.2315832

>wordsmith |ˈwərdˌsmiθ|
a skilled user of words.
>veritable |ˈvəritəbəl|
adjective [ attrib. ]
used as an intensifier, often to qualify a metaphor.
slang term for vagina, often derogatory

>> No.2315879
File: 357 KB, 903x1218, baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> virtual flaneur

Even better. I now feel even more self-satisfied.

>> No.2315882

>This is how I imagine you.
I see even your imagination lacks style.

>> No.2315894
File: 56 KB, 640x480, 2011-12-13-102343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer a more rugged look.

>> No.2315904


They promised me a free t-shirt, which I never got.

>> No.2315911

I hear the Walker Texas Ranger theme song in my head right now.

>> No.2315921
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 2011-12-12-191113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to grow a more manly beard, but for some reason it's still pretty thin and patchy even though I'll be 25 in february.

>> No.2315944
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 2011-11-01-184531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hat and the gun are just props though. Nine days out of ten, I'll be wearing jeans and a t-shirt because they're cheap and comfortable. I don't mind dressing up, but being a neet and a fan of outdoor activities like hiking and disc golf, I rarely have a good reason to put on the ritz.

>> No.2315982

I'm on /lit/ because it is the best place to discuss books without having to wait hours or days or weeks in between replies. I'm on 4chan because I find it superior to real life social interaction. I'm more likely to find discussion that is interesting to me here, and if I come upon boring stuff I can just skip over it whereas in real life I'd have to suffer through boring conversation or come off as an asshole.

Also, I would wear a three piece suit everyday if I wasn't poor and if didn't get hot as hell during half the year.

>> No.2317323

I was kind of hoping that would detract you from wearing that again, but in the hours since that post I've settled into a very fuck-it attitude.

>> No.2317327

I like books and I like talking about books. I live in a kind of poor town where most people don't read often and I have no friends to talk to about books. Thus I come here.

>> No.2317349

I'm quite a loner and my hobbies are music and lit.
Used to go to /b/ for laughs until I very quickly got sick of it.
Realized there were boards other than /b/
Checked out /mu/ and /lit/
/lit/ had such little traffic that I stopped coming for a while
found a niche in /mu/ stuck around there for like two years while coming to /lit/ every so often
/mu/ has recently gotten a significantly shittier populous, even more so than before. Almost no (good) sharethreads anymore, same shit over and over again.
Come to /lit/, stick around while every so often checking to see if /mu/ has gotten to be less shitty.

>> No.2317350
File: 480 KB, 800x1200, walter1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow this guy. He will take you to /fa/ where this thread belongs

>> No.2317362

Are there other women on /lit/? All the threads here begin with "gentlemen" vs. other boards where it's gender-neutral, I've noticed.

Also, /lit/ is a great board. It doesn't matter if there are depraved boards on 4chan, because this one is awesome. I love reading reviews of books I was thinking of reading but then don't, discussing the finer points of class literature, etc.

I come to /lit/ and then decide what book I'll read that week. Also, hardly anyone seriously enjoys literature irl, it seems.

>> No.2317364

I'm >>2317349 this person and I'm a female.

In my experience most other boards get the severe patriarchy treatment as well. That's just 4chan for you

>> No.2317366

I've spoken to a few people on here claiming to be women but that age-old rule of there being no women on the internet does sometimes hold true, and I take people claiming to be femanons with a pinch of salt.

That said, this along with /ck/ is one of the few not particularly sexist boards. "Tits or gtfo" is not our catchphrase here. Perhaps there are women among us who want things to stay this way and retain gender-anonymity for this reason.

>> No.2317368
File: 15 KB, 259x332, surprise_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm completely revved up on Viagra and MDMA and I haven't the faintest idea what the fuck is going on hier.

>> No.2317372


>All the threads here begin with "gentlemen"

A hangover from the days when /lit/ was the hangout of the old /r9ghey/ crowd who got dispossessed when moot pwned the first robot.

>> No.2317373

It's not really "severe patriarchy" here though. For the most part you don't see frightfully misogynistic threads here like in r9k ("Why are all women vacuous morons who want men who beat the shit out of them?") and you also don't see much in the way of viewing women solely as sex objects ("Tits or gtfo"). I think most people just go by the assumption that this board is filled with young men, because going by the writing style and the books most people here read, it quite frankly is.

>> No.2317376

I think a lot of the old /r9k/ crowd - the gentleman - had ceased posting by the time /r9k/ deleted it. I posted on /r9k/ a lot from fairly early on, but I started to taper off for a while and then after m00t made /lit/ I basically stopped posting on /r9k/ ever. It went downhill a lot before m00t deleted it.

I do think there was a significant /r9k/ -> /lit/ carryover tho.

>> No.2317378

Dude, there are better things you could be doing than browsing /lit/ if you're on MDMA. Go hug a police woman.

>> No.2317379


That's way too overdressed for any occasion other than maybe an outdoor spring/summer day party. Pants are nice and fit well though.

>> No.2317382

also we read books, thereby making us a bunch of liberal pinko hippies who "believe that misogyny is wrong"

>> No.2317385

I got arrived here mid-late '07. It was definitely before 4chan's 4th birthday. It was through the off topic forum of some site I've long since forgotten. I hung around /b/ for a while then headed to /tv/, /ck/, /lit/, /v/ in that order. I hung around those boards for a while almost exclusively. I stopped going to /tv/ and /ck/ due to deterioration in quality. I replaced them with /mu/ and later /fa/.
Without 4chan I would have terrible taste in film, music, and literature. /mu/'s had the greatest impact because not only did it change what I listen to, but also how I listen to it.

>> No.2317392

It's true. I wouldn't go as far as to describe myself as a feminist though I do believe in equal rights both socially and in terms of employment. I'm highly suspicious of my Marxist friend who writes a blog that often covers feminism and goes to feminist meetings and so on - I suspect it's just because he's an ugly bastard of a virgin and he thinks sucking up women's arses will somehow get him laid.

>> No.2317413


I wore that out on NYE. I would have liked to wear a tux, but I don't actually own one and even if I did I didn't have a fancy enough event to attend. I went with my navy chino suit because it was unusually warm that night and I just really like it. Good call though, that's exactly the type of thing I would normally wear that for. Most days I walk around in flannels or ocbds while avoiding ties like the plague.

>> No.2317421


Funny, am just getting into ties. Like Baron Wells.


/fa/ mumblings ruining rep. Am not illiterate -- just about to finish "The Road" and in a year's long struggle to finish "Infinite Jest" -- though not making a strong case right now.

>> No.2317430
File: 370 KB, 1600x1200, 1325322493416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a kissless virgin loser who watches anime.

I also enjoy literature.

>> No.2317441

Happened upon /sp/ during World Cup 2010. Now lurking /fit/, /lit/ and /sci/, mostly for the lulz but occasionally something useful ind interesting pops up.

>> No.2317443

/lit/ isn't very good for lulz that you don't start yourself.

>> No.2317448

Started at /b/, moved on to /mu/ and /v/ and now a few years later here I am. I detest the boards I have previously visited, maybe it will happen here too, it's pretty lovely so far though.

>> No.2317449


That's true, and neither is /sci/, while /fit/ is full of cocks, but those are the subjects that interest me (being fit, not cocks).

>> No.2317458

I learned how to start my literary career with /lit/. All of my professors think I am pretty bomb for my age and give me mad props in class. I don't actually talk like this in real life.

>> No.2317463

I don't have a story.

Ha! Isn't it ironic that a person who reads so much and enjoys a well-told story doesn't have a story of his own? I think that's ironic. . .

>> No.2317572

I contain multitudes.

>> No.2317574

i am the only cool person here

>> No.2317617

You're pretty /fa/, good job.

I came to 4chan for /lit/, /fa/, and /fit/. I stayed for /g/, /v/, /tv/, and /mu/. I recently began coming back to /lit/. I don't go to /fa/ as often, now that I am /fa/. Same for /fit/.

Why am I here? Honestly, aside from back when I played lots of online shooters, ever since I began browsing 4chan has been the least productive period of my life. I come here because I know for a fact that it has some of the most entertaining and honest discussion known to man, but I dislike the fact that I come here because discussion shouldn't dominate one's life. I spend more than ten hours per day on 4chan, and while I do have numerous things to thank it for, I am also very concerned by the amount of other things I could now be getting accomplished, but am postponing.