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23150051 No.23150051 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious about these, have you read and would you recommend?

>> No.23150060

I have and I do recommend. They're incredibly unique. They aren't the best fantasy novels ever written, but it is one of the most compelling and well-realized self-contained universes in fiction, without a doubt. Plus it deals with really sensational themes. Apocalypse, Messianism, genocide. The actual nature of physical evil. Memorable characters. Very cozy read, I think back fondly to when I first read The Darkness that Comes Before.

>> No.23150065

Only retarded bugmen with a 75 IQ read Bakker. Just check any thread in the archive praising him. It’s filled with ESL pajeets circlejerking

>> No.23150090


>> No.23150105

This is how it always goes with this series/author. Could you anons provide an example of works you hold in high regard and compare them to Prince of Nothing? I appreciate the posts so far

>> No.23150154

I read very widely, mostly history and classics. My favorite novel of all time is Wuthering Heights. Love Don Quixote. Love the Old Testament histories. Love grand tales with class and a bit of spectacle. My favorite history book is A Distant Mirror. I have read deeply about the Crusades and World War II. Those are my interest areas. I would say I'm probably the target audience for Bakker, so that colors my judgement a bit. That said, he will not blow your mind with his prose, and there are some cringey sections. But they are quite forgiveable when compared to the sheer scope of the work. It's hard to explain. It's almost, dare I say, based reddit? It's difficult to encapsulate what I liked so much about it. I don't personally agree with Bakker on much, like he's a NeverTrumper libtard for some reason and he shoehorns like Kant and shit into his fantasy for some reason. But as a whole, it is far greater than the sum of its parts. Take that for what you will.

>> No.23150210

Aight, I'm sold on it. Thanks for the really thoughtful posts, I like your tastes

>> No.23150249

Homosexual rape, alien rape, bisexual rape, heterosexual rape, mental rape, cuckold rape

Why Baker is so engrossed with rape?

>> No.23150299

Knaiur Urs Skiotha is my favorite barbarian in all of fiction. He walks the trackless steppe.

>> No.23150303

No problem. And to address these sorts of criticisms >>23150249 which are valid, you have to understand that what Bakker is doing is making a really solid point about total evil. In the world of the books, there is a prelude to apocalypse under way and an accompanying transvaluation of values. What separates the metaphysically evil faction from the rest is their natural inclination toward ultraviolence and rape. It is quite literally what they live for. They are so evil that they want to kill off all sentient life because they believe sentient life's belief in hell damns them for eternity. So unless they genocide the world, they are damned. It's crazy, and really interesting.

>> No.23150307

same, he was probably my favorite character in the whole series too

>> No.23150312

It is a fantasy novel.
I was about to read it but stopped because I disliked some of the stances of the author (that was way before the culture war era, by the way, I'm not sure what are his stances now)

>> No.23150315

we must close off the world. make it shut.

>> No.23150325

The Logos Is Without Beginning or End
The Logos Is Without Beginning or
The Logos Is Without Beginning
The Logos Is Without
The Logos Is
The Logos

>> No.23150335

hes the definition of based

>> No.23150387

The first book is seriously good, further on it depends entirely on whether it hooked you or not.