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/lit/ - Literature

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23149552 No.23149552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>muh culture
>muh tradition
>muh values

>> No.23149604

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

>> No.23149687

douglas murray is a bad author and a zionist kosher "nationalist"

>> No.23149692

>muh culture
>muh tradition
>muh values
these things confuse and enrage the nigger

>> No.23149911

you're not even white THOUGH

>> No.23150615

>muh muh

>> No.23150630
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What’s wrong with caring about those things? Would japan be wrong in wanting to protect their culture? Western culture has brought about great things like Greek philosophy, and great art and literature like pic related. It seems worthy to protect.

>> No.23150738

Somehow even more understandable than obsessing over "human liberty"

>> No.23151120

Douglas Murray actually turned my gf into a racist. I don't know what it is about him but she used to love listening to him in debates and she asked me to get her a book of his as a gift once. Now she unironically hates Muslims, started noticing things being anti-white, and I think it all started with him. I can't be mad at him. If anything I owe him a thank you.

>> No.23151136

British or American?

>> No.23151147

that cover design looks suspiciously like the new edition of Tolstoy's Gospel in Brief, I think it's even the same font

>> No.23151148

The version of the book? No idea. I don't actually know what you're asking. If you're asking about nationality of the people involved, neither.

>> No.23151156

>What’s wrong with caring about those things?
they're all fake and gay.
european culture promotes bureaucratic debauchery (progressivism)
>muh tradition
it never existed. man is manmade.
>muh values
morality does not exist, there's only power structures.

>> No.23151167

How much of Murray's politics just come down to him being a homosexual?

>> No.23151206

> Free speech? Yes, but if jews sad then no.
His politics come down to jews never being offended ever.

>> No.23151250

I meant you and your gf. American or Brit?

>> No.23151282

This, but he is still a good commentator. His utterly seething and thorough destruction of that those British muslim faggots in the wake of Charlie Hebdo is still satisfying to watch.

>> No.23151324


>> No.23151329

>New Zealander
>hell, even white South African
The fact that you're forgetting all of these is proof you're an uneducated seppo.

>> No.23151348 [DELETED] 

Both you and your gf because Muslims are not a race. You can hate Muslims without being racist, which I'm pretty sure is what Douglas does.

>> No.23151352

Both you and your gf are retarded because Muslims are not a race. You can hate Muslims without being racist, which I'm pretty sure is what Douglas does.
Chechens are pretty fair and some of the most barbaric of all Muslims.

>> No.23151365

Your idiot argument can be applied to anything in existence. Did you think about that, you stupid faggot? You aren't saying anything clever or wise, you're actually a quintessential pseud.

Since your retard argument can basically be applied to anything, one has to question your motivations at attacking European Traditional values.

Hmmmm, why would you want to do that, subhuman? Are you a Jew? A tranny? A shitskin? Hahaha just kidding. Don't kill yourself.

>> No.23151376

If he actually had principles he'd stand up for British natives and their targeted persecution by the state the way he stands for Jews and Israel. Instead he is an open sodomist making a parody of actual Western Traditional values.

>> No.23151382

Imagine if he tried to advocate for White interests as much as he simps for Israel. But if he did that he'd be persecuted, and not given money and spots on tv shows.

>> No.23151389

Wasn't the author gay or something? Like, a genuine homosexual with same sex attraction.

>> No.23151409
File: 129 KB, 1024x683, b6ee9e35-9515-4a42-b700-63d97d857ec8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he's gay and works for Israel but I haven't read his books so maybe they're pretty good.

>> No.23151411

>Your idiot argument can be applied to anything in existence
Yeah, that shows how correct I am. Your european values suck dick

>> No.23151443

You don't need to read them. His stuff on YouTube has all the same info.

>> No.23151458

Literally his entire worldview revolves around his faggotry. The West permits him to be a childless homosexual parasite and that's why he defends the West at all costs. Those Palestinians don't treat gays well so it's his duty to fly over to Tel Aviv and sing kumbaya when bombs drop on Gaza.

>> No.23151485

Are you legitimately a sub-90 IQ retard? In actuality it shows how weak and banal your argument is. You can't even define European values or Traditions. And the fact that you think your swarthy-hued chimp opinion on such things is relevant is also amusing.

>> No.23151487

In some ways, yes. But he is also a very vocal defender of free speech.

>> No.23151572

>In actuality it shows how weak and banal your argument is
no, it shows how powerfu and amazingl it is.
>You can't even define European values or Traditions
exactly. Such concepts are meaningless. Throw them in the trash where they came from.
>And the fact that you think your swarthy-hued chimp opinion on such things is relevant is also amusing
and yet here you are, vapidly seething while my critique demolishes the meek foundations of your thought.