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/lit/ - Literature

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23148372 No.23148372 [Reply] [Original]

The Brothers Karamazov is the greatest book ever written (besides the Bible)

>> No.23148376

That's true, but what a low-effort pepe phonepost thread

>> No.23148416
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I just wanted to discuss my favorite book

>> No.23148421

>reuses the same pepe but with slightly different aspect ratio
Weird thread meant for (Yous)

>> No.23148425

never read it. i tried in high school but it was too hard for me i think.

>> No.23148451
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful things happen to other people
>religious guy walks away harm free

>> No.23148457

other than his dad being murdered and his brother getting tried for murder erroneously

>> No.23148486

No Russian literature is "great." Some of it good or note-worthy, but not great. You are not well-read.

The Bible is also not a "great" book. It has some great passages, and even whole great chapters, but the Old Testament in particular is a mess of semitic neuroticisms.

>> No.23148494

dense fucker. his father fell in lust and got killed, brother defamed, other one was atheist went insane. he left physically and mentally unshaken. it's the most biased and retarded books I've ever read. it's dostoevsky's my twisted world.

>> No.23148496
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Not OP, but totally agreed. I prefer Rachel Maddow, myself. Now that is some great prose.

>> No.23148497
File: 125 KB, 1000x750, autism alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I guess if all your family got hurt you would be unshaken.

>> No.23148505

this is same retardation when a woman says they are hurt because their husband got into car accident. alyosha was simply spared pain because he's religious. it's one of the most overtly sided novels. that novel's message could not be clearer it's be christian or get fucked. sure if you are retarded you might be into that shit but I am not.

>> No.23148507

>people don't feel pain when their friends and family get hurt!
You are autistic.

>> No.23148517

one is horrid, other is a unpleasant. you are the one who's autistic for not being able distinguish them.

>> No.23148518

His mentor dies and is humiliated by his fellow monks in death. His family tears itself apart and he, although blameless, can't do anything to stop it. He has wisdom enough to see the ways the people dear to him are dooming themselves but has no power. He only walks away harm free if you are only concerned with outward appearances.

In the end he finds a way to sow good in the world in spite of his humble and often ridiculed self.

Yes it is a Christian story, and yes it shows that a Christian life is the way to go. If you don't like that, it's your loss. It's disingenuous to say that the lesson unfolds in a straightforward way and that the "Victory on the Cross" is easily earned in the book.

>> No.23148524

>having your family members die is "unpleasant"

>> No.23148542

If he’s spared pain because he’s religious, then why did zossima die and not in a glorious way either but one where he was clearly in pain and was ridiculed after his death. I’m op and the fact that altos has survived and can continue life because he’s le Christian isn’t even why I like the fucking book. First off it’s a great murder mystery with fantastic characters. I mean fyodor pavlovitch is simply hilarious, that first meeting with zossima scene is one of the funniest scenes I’ve ever read. Also the point of altos has arc is to show how he changes and grows, especially with him learning what it actually means to have faith and learn to live for others. I think you’re simply butthurt that it shows Christianity in a good light. I’m a god fearing Christian but does that mean I put down McCarthy or Joyce? No that’s retarded. They still knew how to write amazing works.

>> No.23148550

>altos has
It’s alyosha, maybe phone posting is bad

>> No.23148554

istnt here a part where is whole world view is thrown into disarray?

>> No.23148555

ivan got a visit from the devil and went mad. what sort of torture alyosha went through that you can compare this to? he literally walked untouched. another example you could dig out of the story is again misfortune of another man, zosima. he is not even ridiculed. the most belittling little shit towards the end of the book even he respected alyosha for some unknown reason.

it's definitely an unearned victory if you look at it from the point of misery endured. in the christian view it's totally earned because he did not commit sins: his father's sin was lust. his brother's was also lust. the other one was an atheist, paid the toll of his infidelity.

dostoevsky printed an angel in this story and didn't touch him. it's unparalleled by his other stories as far as I am concerned. in this one he went full christcuck. this novel is to affirm a christians worldview, anyone who is critical of it cannot stomach such skewed narrative.

>> No.23148562

You write a better book then

>> No.23148566

>dostoyevsky novel affirms a christian worldview
you dont say???

>> No.23148584

would you read a thousand page novel with a satanist protagonist who fucked everyone over and tortured a cat, but in the end everyone else died and he walked unharmed? I definitely would not read such trash.

I don't even have the crumbs of genius dostoevsky had. this does not mean that I must like the harvests of his misguided forces. he was obsessed and his obsession resulted in a weird ass christian themed murder mystery. I just don't understand why this must be considered the greatest masterpiece of all time.

are you trying to piss me off with the callous comments like this or you don't understand the nuance I am pointing to which is a manifesto dedicated to christianity or a novel with religious tone. this falls into the first category and its method is very crude.

>> No.23148586

>would you read a strawman I just constructed?
ESL, log off.

>> No.23148589

you are defending a book that you've read the translation of.

>> No.23148594

Nonresponsive. You made a strawman and are grasping desperately to try and make a point. People have different tastes, no one is saying to you that you 'must think' it is the best book of all time.

>> No.23148601

I didn't even repeat my point how did you infer that I was "desperately" trying to cling to it? I think you are angry which is fine, this is what dumb people do when their favorite thing is poked at.

>> No.23148608

This is why it's painful to converse with an ESL. Desperately is a modifier of grasp, which is in the present tense, referring to your post trying to refer to translations, not to any supposed repetitions of previous points. You fundamentally don't understand the language.

>> No.23148614

I understood what it meant and gave you a proper answer. you are desperately grasping to esl strawman you made up because you got nothing else. you are a nasty little man with a shit taste and a tiny brain. I am NOW logging off.

>> No.23148617
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>I understood what it meant and gave you a proper answer
You didn't though, as I just explained. Saying "nuh uh" like a halfwit doesn't change anything. Sorry about that.

>> No.23148656

You are wrong and a retarded frogposter because The Idiot is better than the Bible. Evangelists had to make Jesus a volcel to cowardly avoid the problem of him getting inevitably cucked.

>> No.23148659

it was already covered that this is a bait thread. >>23148421

>> No.23148686

Kek do Dostofags really